IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120411

03:31.57*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
03:32.12*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
06:42.38*** join/#arm-netbook mpthompson (
08:04.02*** join/#arm-netbook hp_ (
09:33.03CIA-91rhombus-tech: toni master * r259c45ed7106 /allwinner_a10/orders/
09:36.48CIA-91rhombus-tech: toni master * r45f81d443f86 /allwinner_a10/orders/
09:38.12CIA-91rhombus-tech: toni master * r56a17095b8f0 /allwinner_a10/orders/
10:43.16CIA-91rhombus-tech: jan master * rf0ce5ded5e3a /allwinner_a10/orders/janp1964.mdwn:
10:49.27CIA-91rhombus-tech: jan master * r150fa0d2db5c /allwinner_a10/orders/janp1964.mdwn:
11:04.55specingTo present and future readers: does anyone know what "URDL" stands for on my tablets PCB:
11:06.56specingOr what the "home" header is in
13:29.13*** join/#arm-netbook arokux (
13:30.33*** join/#arm-netbook arokux (
14:13.05CIA-91rhombus-tech: Gael master * r17b0396217f5 /allwinner_a10/orders/janp1964.mdwn:
15:11.26*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei1 (~qingpei@
15:55.18*** join/#arm-netbook specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
16:00.55*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei1 (~qingpei@
16:06.41specingAny replies since I dropped?
16:07.09specingOh, there couldn't be any since the server dropped out with me... silly me
16:07.42*** join/#arm-netbook MaDMaLKaV (~IceChat9@
16:37.17MaDMaLKaVok, my ubuntu VM went totally wrong after a dist-upgrade. Any other recommended distribution for compiling arm stuff?
16:40.44*** join/#arm-netbook j1nx (
16:44.35MaDMaLKaVI'm amazed there is still no big distro offering at least an e17 based spin
16:53.34traeakwhy oh why doesn't e17 have wireframe move and resize?
16:53.36j1nxIs github down? Can't connect to github.
16:53.47traeakvery very basic features they don't implement
16:54.02traeakoneof the biggest reasons i stoped runing e17
16:54.08traeakthe other was stability at the time
16:58.41mnemocj1nx: works fine from here
16:58.59mnemocj1nx: resolving to
17:01.04mnemocuses EFL for the UI of devices, but doesn't digest it for desktop
17:02.18mnemocMaDMaLKaV: the main advantage of using ubuntu for that is that you can use linaro's PPA
17:02.46MaDMaLKaVfuck the VM, I need a beer. BBL guys!
17:02.54traeaki heard this morning
17:03.00traeakthe japanese came up with beer soft serve!
17:03.12traeaksoft serve beer ... yumm
17:05.48mnemocprefers a good espresso
17:06.29mnemocI think I have take a beer in over 10y...
17:06.32*** join/#arm-netbook specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
17:13.05j1nxbeer sounds good, unfortunately it is prohibited by Islam :(
17:13.47j1nxSo no beer in this god forgiven freaking UAE
17:14.10j1nx(github works again, was a hickup in the line of the hotel)
17:15.55specingMy internet is funky today
17:16.11traeaki was told if you are western you can find it in the UAE
17:16.39traeakand most high level "muslims" have access to alcohol as well
17:17.41j1nxOh yes, I can find it in some hotels. But to buy some bottles you need to go to a special shop where tou need to show your residence pass, which I don't have offcouse
17:18.50j1nxAnd they are hypocrit's anyway, because the bars in the hotels are full with locals. The expat's are with their ass on the beaches
17:18.54traeakwell that's a problem
17:18.55mnemocstamped foreign passport is not enough?
17:19.09traeakalthough i only drink socially...that means "on the road"
17:19.31traeakyou should go to ireland then :-p
17:19.32j1nxNope residence permit only, but I am in process of making some expat friends ;)
17:20.20j1nxDis anybody of you already looked at the released LIMA drivers?
17:21.00mnemocmy wife made me refuse a good job in dublin because of the drunken youth on the streets during daytime :(
17:21.41j1nxAlthough to be considerred experimental, it looks like they are already in a usable state
17:22.13specingmnemoc: Lol what?
17:22.18j1nxI lived in Aberdeen for a couple of months. Believe me. Your wife was right!
17:24.35traeakj1nx: don't have the hardware here...but there's checkins every day
17:26.40j1nxYes already looking at the gitorious code. Cool stuff! Am trying to find some people on the net who played with it and their oppinions
17:27.02traeakprobably need to get a hold of one of the contributors directly
17:27.04j1nxLooks like the "proper" way forward
17:27.22traeakflatmush was big in the dingoo scene
17:27.29traeakbut i see him contributing to the lima stuff
17:31.12CIA-91rhombus-tech: Maurice-Martin master * r337127a23e46 /allwinner_a10/orders/.mdwn:
17:39.47j1nxHmm, the spark tablet runs a demo of the lima driver. It has the same GPU
17:40.54j1nxDoes anybody know which kernel that devices runs with there linux-KDE plasma interface? We might be able to use their binaries at first, then switch to lima later.
18:21.12hnomnemoc, with devicetree you have the same machine type for a wide range of boards and CPU models, if any machine type at all.
18:21.38traeaki have one of those tablets sitting here
18:21.48traeakan older revision of the spark tablet
18:21.51traeakF1 i think
18:21.59traeakcurrently series 'm' is out
18:22.37traeakthe revisions i think deal with them using different screens
18:22.58hnois just back from his 6:th kids birth.
18:23.12traeakkid 6 ?
18:23.19traeaki guess you aren't in china
18:24.28hnoMaDMaLKaV, the second header on old CD-ROM cables is 2.0mm. I am using one of those cables as adapter for the UART 3.3V cable.
18:28.23traeakintreresting android is now almost 70% of phones in china
18:35.36specinghno: 6th kid? you nuts?
18:36.22A0Shedsis anyone besides  working on just using linux and adding some gestures on the GUI?
18:37.29A0Shedsthey just make well laid out enlightenment desktops, but this and gestures would much better that android IMHO
18:38.06traeaksamsung bada was supposed to go enlightenment
18:40.09A0ShedsI'd really like a smartphone that is 1) a good phone for making calls, 2) doesn't spy on me, 3) runs Linux, 4) has gestures
18:40.25A0Shedsam I going to have to build it?
18:40.48hnospecing, who knows? Would I know?
18:41.11A0Shedssimilar to Android only with security and missing the spyware
18:44.50traeakcyanogenmod takes care of the spyware
18:45.05traeakbut the jvm causes problems
18:45.19traeakstuff doesn't crash but it certainly freezes on android
18:47.43hnotraeak, nice to see that several people is getting involved in lima now.
18:49.15traeakamazing people have time
18:49.19traeakhopefully getting paid somehw
18:49.46hnoMaDMaLKaV & mnemoc, the cable link MaDMaLKaV posted is showing 2.0mm connectors. Those smaller white ones are exactly the right connector for the UART port. It even have pins populated on the right 3 pins we need.
18:51.14hnonever seen one with more than one extra connector however.
18:55.48mnemochno: the proportions on the picture don't seem to match what I see on the board... but if that cable worked for you, it works :)
18:59.26specingA0Sheds: openmoko freerunner
19:01.18mnemocthe inside is 8.8mm by 3mm
19:03.19hnomnemoc, looks right to me.
19:04.11mnemocthen it's right :)
19:04.30A0Shedsspecing: did they add some gesture support to the GUI?
19:05.16mnemochno: oh, missed it.... boy or girl?
19:06.16mnemocis seriously pondering about getting another 2... children grow too fast :(
19:06.37hnomnemoc, the lates one is a boy. 4 boys and 2 girls.
19:09.22traeakmy wife made me get fixed (ugh)
19:10.15traeakfigured 3 was enough
19:10.19traeakokay, back to work :-p
19:10.31traeakhno: dunno how you have time for all of this...unless this is part of your job
19:12.53hnomy current job is as a Linux sysadmin. Intend to go back to Squid development in some months.
19:13.12hnoSquid as in
19:13.52hnoARM stuff is just an hobby.
19:25.23hnomnemoc, is the cable I use.
19:26.05mnemocthe brown or the white on the mele?
19:27.11mnemoci keep seeing it narrower... but... if it works, who cares
19:27.16hnowhich is exactly right type for the connector in the mele.
19:30.41hnohave also found a 5 pin connector of the same kind in an DELL USB mouse, but actually use another USB cable for the USB port which have a slightly too thin connector. mostly because I found the other cable first.
19:38.28mnemocunfortunatelly, as I have relocated myself quite a few times I don't have with me any old hardware I could mutilate to get one of those usb cables :-/
19:39.24hnounfortunately most stuff have relpcated with me the times I have moved.
19:43.50hnowell, not when I moved out of my parents house. Then I just took a diving-bag of stuff with me, mostly clothes.
19:45.30specingWho needs clothes when one has processors?
19:46.15hnoand kept things at that level for 2 years, moving 3 times. But then rented an appartment with Anna, my girlfriend and now wife since many years back, and when we moved from there a company moved everything we had including trash.
19:47.22hnoall paid by the government because I had found a job in another city.
19:47.40mnemocamazing country you live in
19:48.25mnemoccurses his parents for deciding to return from .dk to .cl 2y before I was born :-/
19:49.01hnoHad some months of official unemployment after studies, and the employment office were very happy to help me.
19:52.00hnoguess it gave them some credibility for helping people finding jobs. Got tickets for a roadtrip around half of sweden meeting interested employers and then everything related to the move paid by them. All I had to do was to find a job..
19:54.38hnoah, and I got 10K SEK in cash as well.
19:56.05mnemocno wonder there are that many lazy chileans (my country of origin) leeching up there
19:56.07hnothe city where I studied had a bit of unemployment problems with a large military settlement closing down and industry shrinking at the time.
20:00.28hnoyes we have some leechers in the system, but not really a big problem.
20:09.11hnospecing, did not bring a single silicon CPU with me.
20:09.21hnoonly the wetware one.
20:26.08CIA-91rhombus-tech: Giuseppe master * rd1778c5acfd8 /allwinner_a10.mdwn:
20:53.41hnomnemoc, looking into changelogs a bit more of 3.x kernels, and looks like the A10 actually do have a VIC, just that the infrastructure for VICs have changed a lot and a bit of mach adjustments is needed there.
20:56.16mnemocyes! I knew it! :p
20:56.57mnemocthe worm on my belly was telling me that wasn't there by mistake
20:57.20hnoIRQ handling probably works as-is still, but not as clean.
21:36.54hnoHmm.. confusing. No does not seem it's been using the VIC before. But there is a sun4i header defining some VIC registers.
21:37.37*** join/#arm-netbook Charlie_ (~quassel@
21:42.59mnemocincomplete implementation?
21:44.11mnemocin Tom words, they are product-driven, they only implement what's really needed for starting selling a new product of a client
21:44.32hnonot sure, but the more I look the more I get convinced removing the VIC Kconfig select is right.
21:45.41hnoThere is a bunch of other changes/cleanups should get merged into sun4i however.
21:48.00mnemocwhat changes you mean?
22:00.11hno9f97da78bf018206fb623cd351d454af2f105fe0, 4d5fc58dbe34b78157c05b319669bb3e064ba8bd, 230f984662d7e0e4a9597c665fd4f53130666e7d etc.
22:08.15mnemocthose "remove this and that because they aren't needed anymore" panic me
22:11.03mnemocit's very hard (for me) to see if it's because there are default handlers good enough for us now or if it's becomes it's functionality was reimplement in a completelty different way which I don't know
22:18.06CIA-91rhombus-tech: Andrea master * r2e444533a222 /allwinner_a10/orders/Blr..mdwn:
22:28.08mnemocfor example the last of those, seems easy, I remove both placeholders in arch/arm/mach-sun4i/include/mach/entry-macro.S and.... *slap* *slap*
22:28.11mnemocarch/arm/kernel/entry-armv.S: Assembler messages:
22:28.14mnemocarch/arm/kernel/entry-armv.S:1104: Error: bad instruction `disable_fiq'
22:28.14mnemocarch/arm/kernel/entry-common.S: Assembler messages:
22:28.14mnemocarch/arm/kernel/entry-common.S:37: Error: bad instruction `arch_ret_to_user r1,lr'
22:28.17mnemocarch/arm/kernel/entry-common.S:76: Error: bad instruction `arch_ret_to_user r1,lr'
22:28.21mnemocmake[1]: *** [arch/arm/kernel/entry-common.o] Error 1
22:30.54*** join/#arm-netbook specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
22:32.32mnemocwill look deeper into those 3 tomorrow, good night
22:41.03hnoWhich version are you building?
23:03.41hnobuilds fine for me.
23:04.34hnobut that tree is based on Linus master.
23:24.29*** join/#arm-netbook A0Sheds (
23:24.29*** join/#arm-netbook A0Sheds (~ly@unaffiliated/l84supper)

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