IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120326

00:04.07*** join/#arm-netbook toxicpsion (
00:43.20*** join/#arm-netbook L84Supper (~ly@unaffiliated/l84supper)
02:00.24CIA-91rhombus-tech: Kawana master * r570775f93559 /allwinner_a10/orders/teno.mdwn:
02:38.24*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
02:38.39*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
04:28.17*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (
04:55.06*** join/#arm-netbook A0Sheds (
04:55.07*** join/#arm-netbook A0Sheds (~ly@unaffiliated/l84supper)
05:08.51*** join/#arm-netbook destinal (
07:13.03*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
07:28.16CIA-91rhombus-tech: scanli master * rcddc5a876df2 /allwinner_a10/orders/scanli.mdwn:
09:18.53*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (
10:24.43CIA-91rhombus-tech: AlexPT master * rc5ebeb865f80 /allwinner_a10/orders/AlexPT.mdwn:
11:40.58*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (
12:14.26A0Shedsin my country we have old expression: "don't feed the trolls!"
12:22.50mnemocA0Sheds: got decremented?
12:51.35*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
13:10.15mnemochipboi: hi, can you register MACH_SUN4I at to finally have a real number?
13:11.04hipboii have never done this before, but have a try
13:14.54hipboimachine name?
13:15.35hipboiThis is the long (English) name for this machine type
13:15.49mnemocafaik it's: sun4i
13:16.16mnemocI've never done that before either
13:16.26hipboiMachine type?
13:24.24hipboithe last one
13:24.58mnemochipboi: thanks!
13:25.01mnemochipboi: if a13 is coming it would be good to register sun4i' sucessor too
13:25.28mnemocif that's the name, sure :)
13:27.15mnemocthat way you can use real values on your bootloader and kernel trees
13:31.31hipboii will register the A13 when it's on the market
13:34.00CIA-91rhombus-tech: castrol master * r04d11000d8ae /allwinner_a10/orders/discussion.mdwn:
13:34.16CIA-91rhombus-tech: castrol master * rbc4cbcb2812a /allwinner_a10/orders/discussion.mdwn:
13:35.31mnemoclkcl: you probably want to censor trolling ---^
13:36.07mnemochipboi: you don't need to disclose any detail by registering sun5i...
13:37.19hipboiyes, i know
13:37.39hipboibut how do i describe it
13:38.23CIA-91rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r07b60728ebe5 /community_ideas/educational_and_games_mc.mdwn:
13:38.31mnemocyou can edit the description later
13:38.46CIA-91rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r33d545cb9a99 /community_ideas/educational_and_games_mc.mdwn:
13:53.48*** part/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
13:53.48CIA-91rhombus-tech: castrol master * r0cadc07e8f6a /allwinner_a10/orders/Castrol.mdwn:
14:12.37*** join/#arm-netbook steev (u1383@gateway/web/
14:13.00*** join/#arm-netbook steev (u1383@gentoo/developer/steev)
14:15.21*** join/#arm-netbook arokux (
14:37.27CIA-91rhombus-tech: monickam master * r7e26f513f4a9 /allwinner_a10/orders/monic.mdwn:
14:38.37CIA-91rhombus-tech: monickam master * rfe385cd8aa01 /allwinner_a10/orders/monic.mdwn:
14:40.05CIA-91rhombus-tech: monickam master * r1321371aa03f /allwinner_a10/orders/monic.mdwn:
14:45.33mnemochno: I had a branch upon Linus' 3.3 with sun4i's core: ... compiles, but still needs to find why the *censored* doesn't printk anything
14:50.37specingDoes hipboi work for Allwinner or?
14:50.48mnemocspecing: yes, he does
14:58.56specingI there a way I could find out who (designer, manufacturer, ..?) made/designed my tablet?
14:59.18mnemoclook inside the build.prop file
14:59.30specingwhich is where?
14:59.31mnemocthe google
15:00.13specingThe reason Im asking is that it doesen't want to boot anymore :(
15:00.44specingthere is just that android screen with the droid crossing its arms
15:01.08zenitraMtry using adb logcat
15:01.19mnemocthat would assume it booted
15:02.36zenitraMif it is stuck/looping at a part after adbd starts (which is pretty early) it should work
15:03.02mnemocStarting kernel ...
15:25.21*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
15:40.48zenitraMi'm going to flash my tablet as it doesn't want to use my google account anymore
15:40.54zenitraMstill interested on wireshark logs?
15:43.06mnemocnot me atm, but it will be good to have when reverse engineering the usb flashing
15:43.32zenitraMlet's see how can i get wireshark to work..
15:47.12*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
16:03.23zenitraMso here it is:
16:07.02mnemoconly 100M>
16:08.43zenitraMthe uncompressed one is 200mb
16:09.02mnemocbut the compressed images are over 200M...
16:09.19zenitraMthey aren't really compressed but encrypted...
16:14.03zenitraMsome stray info might be there from a usb mouse connected to the same hub.. d'oh
16:14.45destinalwireshark captures USB?
16:15.04zenitraMon linux it does
16:15.09mnemocyes, but also to filter by destination :p
16:15.10destinalnice, I had no idea
16:15.25zenitraMthe FEL uses two different descriptors indeed
16:15.30zenitraMvendor is always 0x1f3a
16:19.54CIA-91rhombus-tech: marco master * r03ca05fc1593 /index.html: Added link for irc channel logs
17:21.38*** join/#arm-netbook acidfu (
17:54.02hnothere is two stages of flashing over USB. First an early bootstrap using FEL in BROM, which initializes hardware and loads the flashing application. Only this part is interesting.
17:54.26hnoThen the flashing application takes over and firmware is transferred which is not very interesting for our little project.
18:36.16zenitraMthere you have both :)
18:59.21*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
18:59.47*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
19:00.02*** join/#arm-netbook mike__ (
19:54.01*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
19:54.01*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs -
20:33.19hnoand I have BROM, the FES files sent during initial USB bootstrap, and a bit more.
20:33.40hnoand still no output from my Mele.

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