IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120316

00:18.46A2Shedslooking good, sample connectors are arriving
00:26.42ManoftheSeayay, finally
00:35.25A2Sheds\0/  \\0  0//  /0\  \0/......
00:37.38*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
02:41.45*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi (~hipboi@
06:02.59hipboizenitraM: i have a question
06:03.24hipboizenitraM: your mele box, before it doesn't work
06:04.08hipboizenitraM: how did you powered off the box
06:05.00hipboizenitraM: did you powered off by the android system or unplugged the power adapter directly
08:24.07mnemochi, dumb question, how can I increase the brightness of a a10-based tablet from adb shell? :( ... searching in /proc with android's `ls` is not fun :<
08:31.50*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
08:35.59zenitraMhipboi: from android
08:36.20zenitraMmnemoc: use busybox find
08:36.36zenitraMmost of the useful commands are in busybox but they aren't symlinked
08:36.52mnemocmade an script iterating over ls, no brightness file in proc or sys :<
08:37.09mnemoczenitraM: nice for the hint :)
08:37.23mnemoczenitraM: didn't know busybox was there by default
08:37.37zenitraMit is, luckily
08:38.09zenitraMit even has chroot
08:38.35hipboimnemoc: hi
08:38.43mnemochipboi: hi!
08:38.48hipboimnemoc: have received your mele box?
08:39.05mnemochipboi: not yet
08:39.07hipboisomeone in uk have got it without any customs
08:39.11mnemocleft .se 3 days ago
08:40.23zenitraMairmail does rarely stop in customs at least here in spain
08:40.47mnemocreceived an onda vi10 elite yesterday, so I have an a10 device to play again.... but installed with power control widget, hit brigthness to my world went black :<
08:41.07mnemocs/installed with/installed the/
08:41.26zenitraMmmm… if nothing else works, try reflashing from livesuit
08:41.57mnemocyes, i'll start downloading the firmware
08:42.37zenitraMoh, here you have
08:42.38hipboiyou can swipe the data partition to get the default setting
08:43.55hipboimnemoc: i mean the customs duty
08:44.11hipboithe guy in uk doesn't pay any customs duty to get the mele box
08:45.13mnemochipboi: yes, very nice indeed, only the DHL guy has been screwed until now
08:45.31mnemocDHL guy = zenitraM :p
08:45.44zenitraMyeah :( i'm the unlucky one i guess
08:45.52hnooh, my mele is finally on route to delivery. A good chance I get it today.
08:46.00zenitraMgreat news
08:47.09mnemochno: are you sure about ? hipboi reverted that change in the official tree back in december
08:47.12hnoswedish post sitting on the item for 4 days trying to figure out where to send it within same city :/
08:47.40hnomnemoc, it should be reverted.
08:47.46zenitraMi've had packages coming from HK to Spain in 3 days and then having to wait 10 days to be delivered to my city
08:50.55zenitraMhipboi: when/if you ship the mele back, could you put a lower value for customs, i.e $20?
08:51.14zenitraMpackages under 25€ (~$28) don't have to pay custom duty here
08:51.44hipboii will ship it by swenden post
08:51.59zenitraMokay, no problem :)
08:52.30mnemoczenitraM: thanks a lot about that link, using sqlite3 solved the problem smoothly
08:54.57zenitraMyou're welcome
08:56.29mnemocfor the records, it was "merely" set to 103... but understood by the driver as 0
09:08.15*** join/#arm-netbook gordan (
09:16.23CIA-91rhombus-tech: Peter master * r9494891da404 /allwinner_a10/orders/
09:52.28*** join/#arm-netbook baybal (~baybal@gateway/tor-sasl/baybal)
10:35.56CIA-91rhombus-tech: Santeri master * ra3b377789114 /allwinner_a10/orders/crysaz.mdwn:
11:26.59*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
13:42.41*** join/#arm-netbook Guest85176 (
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15:02.23*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs -
15:03.23CIA-91rhombus-tech:  master * rb8e68de01a48 /allwinner_a10/orders/evgeniypl.mdwn:
15:03.36CIA-91rhombus-tech:  master * r95404cad2e54 /allwinner_a10/orders/evgeniypl.mdwn:
15:05.57*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
15:11.51*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
15:39.42*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
15:59.42*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
16:16.41*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
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17:24.12*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
19:10.18hnomele arrived, no customs.
19:11.03hnowell, it was checked by customs but no fee or taxes.
19:32.09hnohm.. wonder how I file this in the books... ah, well, i'll sort it out.
19:34.07hnopulls out a screwdriver.
19:36.33hnodamn, those screws need a tiny screwdriver. Odd proportions.
19:40.29hnoand that's a too tiny screwdriver. None of the right size.
19:40.54mnemocspecing: an inexpensive allwinner-a10 devkit disguised as cheap tv set-top
19:45.03specing$100? no thanks
19:46.08specingit looks kinda stupid, too
20:03.24specingIs AW A10 armv7-a -r -m or what is it?
20:05.10destinalA10 is a Cortex-A8 (ARMv7) SoC  (little endian)
20:05.48mnemocit's a 1.0-1.5Hz Cortex A8 with mali400p
20:06.20specingI know that far
20:06.30destinalor hmm I guess a8 has either endian mode but armel seems to be the one commonly used for code on it
20:06.36specingBut there are 3 subarches of the ARMv7 acritecture
20:06.53mnemocspecing: cortex-a* are all armv7a
20:07.04specingAh ok
20:07.12mnemoccortex-m* are armv7m, and so on
20:07.56mnemocdestinal: yes
20:08.35mnemocspecing: for those interested in a devkit $100 (and more the $65 we paid in this special order) is a very good price
20:09.05specingIs neon better than vfp?
20:09.53specingchoosing between -mfpu=neon and -mfpu=vfp3-d16
20:11.13mnemocgentoo has lots of info in that topic
20:12.12specingThat is what Im configuring :D
20:12.38specingI just read neon is newer on wikipedia
20:13.18mnemocthat's what I thought. it's the kind of question gentoo people asks
20:14.05mnemocand yes, neon > vfp
20:14.15ka6soxneon is hardware support...nice stuff.
20:14.32specingmnemoc: Im a ricer :D
20:14.41*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
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20:15.01ka6soxspecing, I"m not...but use OpenEmbedded all the time so semi-ricer :D
20:18.45specingis scared to put -mthumb in CFLAGS
20:22.38mnemocwhat about just -mcpu=cortex-a8 ? :p
20:23.05specingI did that
20:23.50specingI've read thumb-2 is almost as fast as regular ARM I-set
20:25.15mnemocjust forget about it, trust the compilerand move forward :p
20:25.45specingI've heard there was some galactic breakdown resulting from the use of thumb
20:27.43*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
20:35.56GumbootDoes -mfpu=neon actually do anything without extra options like -fvectorise-stuff ?
20:47.47specingGumboot: Im going to turn it on and see if it burns
20:49.20specingAh, its already on
21:06.15*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
21:14.06GumbootAutovectorisation still has a long way to go before it becomes useful.
21:16.40GumbootThere are a few idioms you can use in loops to get better use out of it.
21:17.21GumbootAnd I've been pushing, for a couple of months, for a particular modification to be made so that gcc can autovectorise a whole other class of loops it currently misses.
21:34.15*** join/#arm-netbook Guest44957 (
22:03.22CIA-91rhombus-tech: David master * rf5b69b4f3c51 /allwinner_a10/hacking_the_mele_a1000.mdwn:
23:07.33hnospecing, On Cortex-A8 neon is generally a lot faster than vfp, but on A9 the field is different. Neon is not following IEEE math as closely however so it's not a simple question of selecting one or the other.
23:07.53hnovfp is alsi in hardware.
23:10.18hnospecing, not all applications is thumb-compatible. But we by accident did compile 80% of Fedora in thumbs mode without too much issues, and in most cases one can mix Thumb and ARM-32 code freely. A notable exception is anything related to Qt.
23:10.53hnoand Kernel can not be compiled in thumbs mode.
23:28.35specing<@ralos> specing: in my tests many things break when using -mthumb2
23:28.59specinghno: So these are compile time issues and not runtime ones?

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