IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120313

02:37.19CaCtus491guess what just arrived!
02:37.43CaCtus491...I'll give you a clue - it begins with M and has 4 letters :)
02:38.14*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (
03:54.40CIA-46rhombus-tech: bari master * r6bc8413babac /gsoc2012/ideas/openec32.mdwn:
03:59.13CIA-46rhombus-tech: bari master * rf9777e9eb90d /index.html:
05:30.30*** join/#arm-netbook killertux (
06:36.53*** join/#arm-netbook ManoftheSea (~dlahouss@
06:39.01*** join/#arm-netbook specing (~specing@unaffiliated/specing)
06:42.34*** join/#arm-netbook CIA-91 (
07:43.55hnoCaCtus491 Nice!
07:44.23hnoCaCtus491, any customs processing fees?
07:44.46hnomine is still being sorted ;(
07:56.59CaCtus491nope, for < $1k we hardly ever get customs or GST (VAT) fees
07:58.31zenitraMhipboi: can you send me your address? i'll try to send you the mele back today or tomorrow
07:59.02CaCtus491sending one back, why?
08:02.09zenitraMCaCtus491: very, very strange hardware failure
08:02.28zenitraMreboots at boot1, axp is reporting that the device has a battery
08:02.41zenitraMusing u-boot from SD it loads linux but things crash around
08:03.45CaCtus491aww, I hope I have more success
08:04.20zenitraMi hope so, i was just too unlucky i guess
08:04.38CaCtus491heh, we got them cheap for a reason ;)
08:43.21mnemocCaCtus491: where are you located?
08:43.52mnemoczenitraM: do you have the some trouble with both meles?
08:44.04zenitraMmnemoc: only with mine
08:44.15zenitraMthe other one is working fine afaik
08:44.25zenitraMso it is probably an isolated defect
08:44.40mnemocyes, that's what I was thinking
08:45.23zenitraMso weird that we couldn't even pinpoint where it comes from
08:45.53zenitraMno, the kernel boots.. but...
08:46.05mnemoctried swapping power supplies?
08:46.08zenitraMhe sent me a 3.0.8 kernel.. and it failed to initialize the nand (clk error)
08:46.15zenitraMwhen booted from sd
08:46.48zenitraMtried loading the built-in kernel from u-boot..and android crashes everywhere, looks like it wants to go to sleep continouosly
08:47.06zenitraMalso measured the voltage of the supply with a multimeter
08:47.57mnemocnot nice :(
08:48.41zenitraMtom is going to send me a new one :)
08:49.01zenitraMbut it's gonna take a while...
08:49.46mnemocyou said dhl didn't screw you if the package says "RMA"...
08:50.30mnemocmy RRxxxxSE finally exists in :)
08:52.40zenitraMi'm not gonna ask him to send him using DHL… it's way more expensive...
08:52.59zenitraMnice :)
08:53.17zenitraMwhat does it say??
08:54.14mnemoczenitraM: left sweden today
08:54.38zenitraMit's less than a week away then probably
08:55.06mnemoczenitraM: will your roommate be kind enough to give you his a1000 (until the replacement arrives) for you to hack?
08:55.20mnemocI trust it will be here before the weekend
08:55.37zenitraMnot sure
08:55.44zenitraMbut I could try
08:56.54zenitraMi even bought a usb male-male cable to try to turn one of the externals usb to usb gadget touching the script.bin..
09:01.52mnemocdoes the bootloader support large sd cards? (16GB)
09:02.13zenitraMi tried with a 8gb one
09:02.18zenitraMwhich i think is already sdhc
09:02.20zenitraMso i think it should
09:03.31mnemocgreat... I know have one 2GB card but no clue where... the rest are all 8/16GB
09:05.50zenitraMat least the kernel supports up to sdxc
09:05.54zenitraMthat is, 128gb? or, a lot
09:07.14mnemocwikipedia says that's up to 2TB
09:07.57zenitraMalso found out that with phoenixcard
09:08.08zenitraMyou can create either a sd that flashes a firmware...
09:08.16zenitraM…or a sd that boots a firmware from the sd
09:09.09mnemocis that "sd installer" something static we can kidnap? or changes based on the image used?
09:11.18zenitraMi don't know
09:11.39zenitraMprobably can be stealable
09:12.02zenitraMalthough i'm not sure what it does / how it works because.. well, it rebooted on mine
09:12.42mnemocneed to go, bbl
09:21.43*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (
09:32.23CIA-91rhombus-tech: Hassaan master * rb1a1dbdf9e83 /allwinner_a10/orders/hassaananjum.mdwn:
10:01.50*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
11:02.19*** join/#arm-netbook gordan (~gordan@
11:23.35*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
11:44.18*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei1 (~qingpei@
12:03.27lkclzenitraM, hipboi: see if you can get a new unit out of the factory, first.
12:04.10lkcltell them what's happened, explain that it'll cost more money on shipping to get the unit back and forth than the actual unit's worth
12:04.13lkcland see what they say.
12:04.58lkclusually an importer negotiates about 5% overstocking *just* to deal with these situations, as part of the deal.
12:06.11lkcli.e. they negotiate that on the basis that there will be approximately 5% faulty units, they request - and are granted - 5% *FREE* extra units in advance (which of course are not actually sold - that would be fraud!)
12:09.50mnemoccurrently the defect rate is 50% :p .... with 2 devices tested :)
12:14.10CaCtus491mnemoc: I'm in Sydney, AU
12:14.51CaCtus491..hoping to use the A10 in a vending machine controller :)
12:17.10mnemocCaCtus491: nice :) I'm also on the dark side, putting linux and fat processors in places where people insists a micro controller is "enough" :p
12:18.48CaCtus491heh, our current system uses an LPC2148 with native code - looking to replace that.
12:19.41CaCtus491Jokes aside though, the A10 offers some potential benefits that the LPC can't - LCD interface to provide a touch based UI / product information, etc
12:20.41CaCtus491plus our current modules are too expensive to produce almost $200 AUD for the loaded PCBs alone
12:24.07mnemocI also like to add sexy web interfaces with statistics and stuff
12:27.40CaCtus491what sort of devices do you make?
12:28.32CaCtus491...will be interesting doing UI for the A10, never tried Linux based GUI stuff
12:30.58mnemocmainly car wash tunnel controllers, also gas pumping and parkings ... I go as fancy as I can without messing with business and management
12:32.14mnemocI use EFL
12:32.18mnemocfor GUI I mean
12:33.46mnemoctheir theming method (edje) is amazingly flexible... you can even program the interaction in lua inside the theme, very good for branding and differenciation between customers
12:34.07mnemocwithout involving the C code
12:35.48CaCtus491will have to check it out
12:46.28CIA-91rhombus-tech: Paolo master * re1155d8c7832 /allwinner_a10/orders/geolomia.html:
13:22.00CaCtus491in my rush to get home, I left the Mele at work :(
13:25.24*** join/#arm-netbook gordan (~gordan@
13:28.22mnemocCaCtus491: :-/
13:51.00CIA-91rhombus-tech: Renato master * re4d9f6e24427 /allwinner_a10/orders/zenatuz.mdwn: It's a amazing project!
14:10.10zenitraMlkcl: mmm, that could be an option. although it's hipboi who would have to handle that
14:24.39CIA-91rhombus-tech: Garry master * r9a385e5c56ed /allwinner_a10/orders/garrybodsworth.mdwn:
14:31.10*** join/#arm-netbook loyulinux (~loyulinux@
15:06.30*** join/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
15:14.02QingPei EOMA has a great pitch at BLUG
15:19.04*** join/#arm-netbook mikey_w (
15:19.26*** join/#arm-netbook mike_ (
15:26.44gordanis daydreaming about a 40-blade 2U EOMA server, but isn't going to hold his breath for it. ;)
15:34.02mnemocgordan: how would do deal with storage?
15:41.00mnemocit would be nice to be able to share virtual disks which each card using the sata channel.... but no idea if that is possible
15:44.16gordanNah, just have a single SATA hot-swap bay on the back for each EOMA.
15:44.25gordanEach EOMA slot, I mean.
15:44.45gordanYou load the disks from one side of the case, and the EOMA from the other.
15:45.03gordanIn 19" you should just about get 40 of each in.
15:46.04gordanPreferably with a switch fabric built into the chassis that can break out a 10Gb uplink fibre port (and/or maybe 4-8 1Gb copper ports)
15:47.08gordanAssuming here that each EOMA has a 1Gb port wired to the connector pins.
15:47.45mnemocah, yes. I follow you know
15:47.59gordanBasically you make the chassis contain a 40x1Gb ethernet switch fabric with suitable uplinks.
15:48.51gordan10Gb stuff is still prohibitively expensive, but it should be easy enough to provide split the fabric up into multiple 1Gb uplinks.
15:49.31gordanSo you can have 10 blades going to each 1Gb uplink port (if you have 4x 1Gb ports on the chassis).
15:50.00gordanThink of it as a "farm in a box". :)
15:50.17gordanThinking about it, you'd need it to be 3U if you use 2.5" disk slots.
15:51.30gordanOr you could do 2U with some EOMA slots not having SATA wired through, and only use, say, 20 disks.
16:01.01A2Shedswe should make some aluminum shells for the eoma68 cards as well for clusters, makes thermal management easier
16:04.46A2Sheds1U = 1.75 inch, you could have hundreds of the eoma-cf in a 1U
16:08.14gordanI'm thinking about having them front-loaded, vertically.
16:08.25gordan40 gives you about 1cm/EOMA.
16:08.52gordanWhich isn't unreasonable with a bit of clearance for thermal management, and ejection safety.
16:09.03mnemocit probably would need to be designed as a full rack in a box, with modules acting as disk servers, modules acting as application servers and also a module doing boring stuff like dns resolver, dhcp server, and ids
16:09.32gordanYou can get about 5x5 2.5" disks in 2U.
16:09.55gordanBut as you say, you don't actually need 1 disk/EOMA for most things.
16:10.18A2Shedsprobably fit ~80 eoam68 into a 2u front loaded
16:10.24gordanYou could do some magic with things like distributed FS-es.
16:10.38gordanYes, but you want some clearance for airflow between them.
16:10.52A2ShedsI don't
16:11.06gordanAnd you want to make sure you don't accidentally pull the wrong one if they are that tight.
16:11.14A2ShedsI want them right up against a thermal conductor
16:11.37gordanOK, so slot a heat pipe between each slot. Still requires space.
16:11.50gordanBut ultimately, you'll have to dump that heat into the air anyway.
16:12.03gordanSo might as well leave a few mm of air gap and put fans behind them.
16:12.28A2Shedsit a good thing we can each do it our own ways
16:53.14*** join/#arm-netbook arokux (
17:00.04*** part/#arm-netbook QingPei (~qingpei@
17:22.54*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun (~eflatun@
17:23.51specingI have gentoo working in a chroot on my tablet
17:27.32ka6soxwhich tablet?
17:29.42specingAllwinner A10 based
17:29.49specingSome chinese unbranded..
17:31.01A2Shedsspecing: is that with the the factory installed firmware?
17:32.55specingIt came rooted out of the shop
17:33.06specingor should I better say: into my hands
17:34.34specingThe kernel it came with supports ext2/3/4 + NFS(not sure if version4)
17:47.54CIA-91rhombus-tech: Remigiusz_ master * r945efe067351 /allwinner_a10/orders/
18:18.51CIA-91rhombus-tech: Chris master * r53c5c99eedd0 /allwinner_a10/orders/cgriffin.mdwn:
18:20.20specingSrsly, what is being ordered on GIT?!
18:25.19A2ShedsCIA sends messages on any wiki update, it's a bit noisy with pre-orders, at some point it might be too noisy
18:30.38CIA-91rhombus-tech: David master * r3bfe6db2cd0a /allwinner_a10/orders/linkdj.mdwn:
18:57.53CIA-91rhombus-tech: del master * re7c5ca9cb26b /allwinner_a10/orders/Hell_year.mdwn:
18:58.37CIA-91rhombus-tech: del master * rc9bb8646333c /allwinner_a10/orders/Hell_year.mdwn:
19:15.50*** join/#arm-netbook hno (~hno@squid/developer/hno)
19:19.05*** join/#arm-netbook MaDMaLKaV (~IceChat9@
19:45.40*** join/#arm-netbook eflatun_ (~eflatun@
20:34.30CIA-91rhombus-tech: master * r4d3e3ad69332 /allwinner_a10/orders/Authenticity.mdwn:
20:36.21CIA-91rhombus-tech: master * r506b81f861bd /allwinner_a10/orders/Authenticity.mdwn:
20:42.28CIA-91rhombus-tech: James master * r018178e63376 /allwinner_a10/orders/homeconnect.mdwn:
21:50.50*** join/#arm-netbook loyulinux (~loyulinux@
21:57.05*** join/#arm-netbook mnemoc (
22:36.28CIA-91rhombus-tech: lkcl master * r18a80591e9f3 /allwinner_a10/orders/ (5 files): order processing cleanup

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