IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120203

00:01.18A3Shedsthe 3.0.17 kernel source has been pushed to git
00:06.52A3Shedsit's a work in progress, but most is done
00:27.19edupreyA2Sheds: ah source for mali GPU is 3.0?  one more important reason to update to 3.0 for a10??
00:55.13A2Shedseduprey: the kernel source is 3.0.17 for the A10
00:56.36edupreyA2Sheds: ahhh
00:56.48edupreywas confused between the two topics, nevermind
00:56.58A2Shedslichee/for-next   @;a=summary
00:57.44A2Shedsno problem, I should have been more clear
00:58.09edupreyA2Sheds: and re marvell, closed source people really don't get it, do they?
00:58.13A2Shedseduprey: Luc's Mali source should be available after his talk at Fosdem on Saturday
00:58.27A2Shedseduprey: nope :)
00:59.41A2Shedswhat's somebody going to to do with the Vivante register guide? Invade Poland?
01:01.17edupreyA2Sheds: so we were talking webos at some point, right?  one of the things ka6sox and I are working on, once source code comes out for webos is to port it to new tablets, phones, possibly netbooks etc.  A10, Exynos based hardware etc just jumped way up on my list of target hardware to port to   (and well EOMA stuff is on there as well for obvious reasons anyway)
01:02.03edupreyI really want to support hardware with open GPU drivers (even if they're not production quality right away)
01:02.37A2Shedsah hah
01:02.42A2Shedsa plan
01:03.02A2Shedsgood, I'm trying to stick with hardware :)
01:03.58edupreyA2Sheds: and though webos was designed for phones and now tablets, I don't see any reason why we can't  make it work on netbook / laptop / desktop / set top box / car computer etc
01:04.11A2ShedsFreescale i.mx6 has moved to Vivante
01:04.30A2ShedsSamsung is Mali
01:05.02edupreyyeah looking at Exynos Samsung Galaxy 2S and Galaxy Tab 7.0 plus
01:05.10edupreyerr s/2S/II-S/
01:05.53A2ShedsI'm waiting to hear back from Samsung on the 4420 dual cortex a9 and the 5xxx cortex A15
01:06.17A2Shedsall Mali
01:06.30edupreynice.  and yeah seems like all exynos is
01:06.43A2Shedsfrom what Luc said
01:07.54edupreyA2Sheds: one thing I like with exynos on samsung devices is as of yet they have never used their secure boot / lock down stuff
01:09.03edupreylike I think the capability is there but all custom android distros for their platform have been trivial to get full access, no bootloader locks or anything
01:09.57edupreyobviously not as big a deal when you're making your own computer on card anyway
01:10.45A2Shedsif open moko hadn't been such a mess we'd have open phones by now
01:11.06A2Sheds"almost" open moko
01:12.00edupreyyeah..  who was that who was doing a replacement system board to fit freerunners?
01:12.09edupreylike a modernization / update
01:12.25A2Shedshaven't head, I could if the CAD files are there in the open
01:13.15A2Shedsbut last I checked the mechanicals were not open or schematics
01:13.37A2ShedsI could reverse it but I'd rather start from scratch
01:13.59A2Shedsor work with a taiwan phone maker
01:14.05edupreyyeah at any rate, you can't buy new freerunners so the upgrade wouldn't be that useful
01:14.10edupreyonly for people who already have it
01:14.46A2Shedswhere is the old tooling?
01:14.55A2Shedswhat a waste
01:15.12A2Shedsthat's why I'd rather just move on
01:15.23A2Shedslike a bad date
01:15.24*** join/#arm-netbook memleak (~ALEC@unaffiliated/memleak)
01:16.11A2Shedsget outtah here 3sheds!
01:17.15edupreyA2Sheds: anyway if people here want to work on an open phone, I think webos  would be a decent  OS to run on it
01:17.29edupreyonce open webos is out that is
01:17.56edupreyI heard about Tizen but not that excited about it at this point
01:18.46A2Shedsbeen watching those guys
01:18.47memleakwasn't webos developed by HP right before they dropped out of the tablet market?
01:19.15A2Shedsyes, they are opening the source later this year for webos
01:20.09A2Shedseduprey: if you want to dig up the CAD files for openmoko go ahead if you think it will go anywhere
01:20.51edupreylet me see if I can find the name of that openmoko revival :)
01:21.09A2Shedsthey won't even have to support anything, unless there is some lawsuit over ownership or rights
01:21.34edupreyA2Sheds: ah ok
01:21.39A2Shedsin fact, find out who owns the tooling
01:21.42edupreyGTA04 is the new system board
01:22.22A2Shedswe could just start making new ones and pay them a royalty for each set of plastics
01:23.22A2ShedsI'm pretty sure Luke knows the open moko people
01:23.24edupreyA2Sheds: EOMA-CF perhaps?
01:24.25A2Shedswell the original board isn't modular, but I could probably have a CF and USB 3G dongle fit inside
01:26.33edupreyA2Sheds: yeah I remember hearing that some Huwei (maybe others) USB 3G modules can be used as full mobile stack, voice, sms, data etc
01:27.56A2Shedsyeah, the drivers and stack are all there
01:36.18A2Shedsmaybe work out a deal with Clear in the US
01:37.25A2Shedsbut it's so nutty here now that they would want some backdoor in the stack or driver
01:37.32A2Shedsthink of the children
01:46.29edupreyA2Sheds: yeah it's getting quite crazy here in US
08:41.26*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
08:41.26*** topic/#arm-netbook is EOMA: Embedded Open Modular Architecture - Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - - ML - Logs -
08:58.19memleakever have those times where you fall asleep on your keyboard, you look up, and notice a bunch of jibberish?
08:59.02edupreymemleak: lol yeah
09:01.09memleaki should get some sleep. good night folks! just pushed another patch in before bed (win) take care!
09:06.25*** join/#arm-netbook gordan (~gordan@
12:07.23ManoftheSeagt04 - phoneix
13:45.29lkcleduprey: it's goldelico.  dr schaeller.  yes i've spoken to him already about doing an EOMA68 version of the GTA04 board.  he expressed... nervousness about "teaching chinese companies how to rip him off", which is a pity.
13:47.23lkclthe problem with 3G USB dongles is that when you look at them properly, they're actually huge in size.
13:48.00lkclthen you look at e.g. the Option GTM Mini-PCIe modules and those are a standard size - 30mm x 24 x 4.5 to 5mm
13:48.26A2Shedsoh give me a break, I'll make a board
13:48.29lkclas compared to say 80mm x 25 x 13mm (!!!!) for a USB modem
13:48.44lkclthat would be superb!
13:48.46A2Shedsthey already male 11dy million phones a month
13:49.33lkclusing the same module that goldelico used would be brilliant.  they picked it precisely because it's available even in qty 1
13:49.48lkclit's from Option, and it's damn small.
13:50.14lkclbtw, Dr Stallman asked me if i could put together a BOM for a FSF-Endorseable tablet.
13:50.50A2Shedswe can buy tooling or phone cases from a few co's in China or Taiwan
13:50.56lkcli figured the simplest way to do that would be with two mini pci-e modules (ath9k, option GTM6somethingsomething)
13:51.11lkclyes.  it's peanuts.  don't for goodness sake do redesigns
13:53.22A2Shedsyes, just just use USB
13:53.36A2Shedsand uart
14:03.28A2Shedsemoa in keyboard and/or lcd monitor for all in one PC first, then probably a tablet followed by netbook
14:04.36A2Shedsand probably several dev boards by numerous devs
14:22.02A2Sheds  SODIMM-sized Cortex-A8 module sports CAN bus, onboard flash
14:22.46A2Sheds"the SoM-250ES carrier board is said to cost $199 in its bare-bone incarnation"  seriously, who is going to buy this?
14:25.11A2ShedsOpenmoko GTA04 is available now for 666.66 Euros ($873) for the GTA04 upgrade board and 749 Euros ($981) as a complete phone with case and battery, says
14:29.23lkclit's ridiculous, isn't it.  i'm just very very confused by the pricing.  people keep telling me "oh yes, what you want is to abandon the EOMA initiative and use colibri's $200 tegra2 SO-DIMM, or this german company's iMX53 $150+ SO-DIMM, or the zms08 $150+ SO-DIMM"
14:31.17mnemocmy boss' answer was "who is sellings EOMA cards right now? ... fine, but I don't build products on vapour."
14:32.00mnemocdifferent will be when there are actual cards... hopefully
14:33.42mnemocin the mean time we'll use
14:38.27mnemocit's a very cute module... but I was hoping to be able to "sell" eoma to him on time :-/
14:39.13A2Shedsyes, he'd have to wait a few weeks, how many thousand does he need?
14:39.58mnemocmine is a one customer one device business
14:40.47mnemoccar wash tunnel controllers... in total we about around 300 customers
14:41.59mnemocgood money, but it will never on the "thousands" level
14:42.51A2ShedsI wonder what AMD has brewing for ARM
14:46.09mnemocthey may join to strike against intel on servers
14:47.34A2Shedsmnemoc: I understand the position of your boss. I have worked with co's that couldn't get their product to market even after having their product ready for market
14:48.39A2ShedsAMD is in a strong position to bring graphics to ARM and compete with tegra
14:49.45mnemocdid MS buy nvidia yet?
14:49.46A2Shedsthat's where AMD's last CEO missed it completely, I often wondered if he was paid off to ignore ARM or just unwise
14:50.01lkclmnemoc: 256mb RAM??
14:50.08A2Shedsnvidia is actually doing pretty well
14:50.12lkclA2Sheds: just unwise.
14:50.32mnemoclkcl: in my context it's plenty
14:50.37lkclohh ok.
14:50.55A2Shedsheh, how do you become CEO and yet be that clueless at the same time?
14:51.04lkclstill... pricing is what... $150?
14:51.16A2Sheds$99 just for the cpu card
14:51.24lkclthat's not bad.
14:51.26A2Shedsbaseboard extra
14:51.53mnemocbaseboard is custom.... I wanted it designed for eoma... but failed
14:52.14lkcldevkit8000.... hang on, that's quickembed!
14:52.23mnemocembest actually
14:52.29A2Shedsbut isn't the $99 the 1K price and then they factor it by 1.5 in the price sheet to add confusion or mislead skimmers
14:52.40lkclthat's franson!
14:52.47lkclhe's a good man, he is.
14:54.12mnemocso you know the owner? :)
14:54.24*** mode/#arm-netbook [-o mnemoc] by mnemoc
14:54.47lkcli've spoken with him before.
15:00.36A2Sheds  remember these?
15:01.14A2ShedsAMD got out of this business just before it took off
15:01.18lkclyeah.  i had to reverse-engineer the startup procedure for one of them, in 2005, for the HTC Blueangel
15:03.02A2Shedsthe AMD devs would laugh at ARM and say "it just around the corner"
15:03.28A2Shedsnow some of them work for Qualcomm, heh
15:03.38mnemoclkcl: OT: do you know if stock python webkit2 bindings will include dom support?
15:04.09lkclmnemoc: of course.  there isn't anything *other* than dom support
15:04.22lkclhang on... what's this about "webkit2"?
15:08.25mnemocin the stock python webkit1 bindings in ubuntu the only way to extract info is mangling the title... pretty useless.... and was wondering if the changes to hook python callbacks and stuff in the rendering was "mainlined" for webkit2
15:09.26mnemochaven't looked at it in over a year, but I have a project frozen until real local python apps can use webkit as gui over standard unmodified ubuntu
15:09.49mnemoc"webkit2" was kind of my hope
15:35.02mnemocit's pretty sad that everything seems to move around "embed your a browser here" instead of using webkit as widget engine
15:52.12A2Shedsibot eoma68 is Embedded Open Modular Architecture with a 68 pin connector
15:52.12ibotA2Sheds: okay
15:54.18A2Shedsibot eoma68 is Embedded Open Modular Architecture 55mm x 85mm card with a 68 pin connector
15:54.18ibot...but eoma68 is already something else...
15:59.20A2Shedsibot eoma-cf is Embedded Open Modular Architecture with a 50 pin connector in the compact flash form factor
15:59.20ibotA2Sheds: okay
16:40.04A2Sheds  "$30 BOM OMAP4" ??  are they actually selling them to anybody yet?
17:08.11edupreyA2Sheds: standard infobot is like
17:08.19ibotextra, extra, read all about it, eoma-cf is Embedded Open Modular Architecture with a 50 pin connector in the compact flash form factor
17:08.58ibotsomebody said eoma68 was Embedded Open Modular Architecture with a 68 pin connector
17:09.27edupreyibot: no, eoma68 is Embedded Open Modular Architecture 55mm x 85mm card with a 68 pin connector
17:09.27ibotokay, eduprey
17:11.52A2Shedslotsa bots
17:13.08edupreyA2Sheds: nicknames infobot and ibot have the same database backend, so infobot in #webos-internals can now talk about eoma68 too :)
17:13.43edupreyother channels too of course
17:17.36mnemocsounds risky
17:18.16lkclmnemoc: nnope on the webkit2 stuff.  the webkit developers were extremely resentful of the fact that i was an independent software developer, and deliberately fucked up the gobject bindings.
17:19.11lkclmnemoc: you _can_ use webkit as a widget engine - and MSHTML (Trident), and xulrunner.  you want the pyjamas-desktop project.
17:19.46mnemoclkcl: ppa for pyjamas-desktop yet? :)
17:19.49edupreylkcl: some of these stories about non-cooperation even in "open" projects are just crazy, I didn't realize the overall situation was this bad
17:21.31lkclthe bugreport for the original gobject bindings had 250+ comments.  80% of those were dealing with the progressively-extreme goalpost moving.  towards the end i was submitting files as patches with _one_ line of code in them, and mark rowe _still_ found something to complain about that one line.
17:21.53edupreylkcl: wow.  just wow.
17:22.08lkclif you want python bindings in webkit, you're going to have to get onto the webkit-dev mailing list and ask.
17:22.09A2Shedslots of control issues or people just wanting to be petty tyrants
17:22.25edupreylkcl: also re GTA04, I just don't see people buying a > $1000 phone when superior hardware can be found for hundreds of dollars less
17:22.32lkclbasically yes.
17:22.41A2Shedsthe socialization is cleverly taught in most public schools the past few decades
17:22.56lkcleduprey: yes, precisely.  although if you bought 1,000 you could take advantage of reduction in component costs.
17:23.23lkclbut you'd still be 8-12 weeks lead time (which is fairly normal).
17:24.06A2Shedshonestly, why will somebody pay >$900 for a phone?
17:24.14lkcli did try to explain to dr schaller that if you cut out at least one of those components (the main CPU) onto an EOMA card it would help there but he wasn't having it
17:24.20edupreylkcl: using EOMA would save them on components cost.  And TBH if China wants to rip him off they'll do it with or without EOMA, most shops find a way to run extra units of popular devices for them to sell out the back door
17:24.54A2Shedsit's silly, can't they buy his $1k phone and copy it, or did I just discover something new?
17:25.16lkclA2Sheds: someone who doesn't want to do reverse-engineering to run the OS of their choice.  FSF people would pay it... but the phones have a non-free firmware blob for WIFI
17:25.31lkclwhy would they want to copy something that has no OS software?? :)
17:25.44A2Shedsok so 3-4 people will buy it  :)
17:26.31lkclchinese factories do "solutions" - they want stuff that can just roll out, and the orders will magically turn up in the 10k to 100k region and they don't have to think, just copy.
17:26.34A2Shedssomebody just thinks a bit too highly of themselves
17:26.53lkclwell i wouldn't go that far - i'd say "someone has a bit of a learning curve ahead of them".
17:27.53lkcli offered him a chance - a way out of the upcoming hole.  there will be _some_ people willing to buy, at least, which would help keep the project going.
17:27.59A2Shedsthe software talent is there in China, only those devs tend to leave for jobs that actually pay outside China
17:28.38A2Shedsmaybe he's not interested since it's not his idea?
17:29.10*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi_ (~hipboi@
17:29.42A2Shedsafter we have the modules, then anyone can build things
17:37.01lkclhipboi_, are you around at all? need a bit of help - we're missing schematics for the SATA.  identified the pins that need a Crystal, etc. etc. but we're hosed without an example schematic, if there's any EM protection etc. etc.
17:37.11mnemoclkcl: I'm probably not alone on this but I really can't deploy a system which relies on customly compiled libraries.... only having an official ppa would make it possible for me
17:38.31lkclmnemoc: you mean debian packaging?  phil got 1/2 way through it.  it _does_ work (what i did).  it just needs double-checking and uploading.
17:40.11mnemoclkcl: a ppa is ubuntu's way to integrate third party deb packages into the normal package maintainance of the system, they get compiled on their servers for all architectures and versions
17:40.26A2ShedsAlec's 3.0.17 kernel work is up now
17:41.58A2Shedshe's been wearing out motherboards
17:42.35mnemocA2Sheds: what branch?
17:45.39A2ShedsTI was showing off the $40 BOM omap4460, but the 4460 is still only allocated for phone customers
18:09.17mnemocA2Sheds: right now in #edev you can find prpplague, David Anders from TI on omap4 and omap5 "special projects", maybe you can convinse him to direct you with someone who can actually sell you chips...
18:15.10A2Shedsmnemoc: I have, i just get sarcastic responses
18:15.35A2ShedsI even had the product manager call me and he "didn't get it"
18:16.06A2Shedsso it looks like they don't want any new customers, they are happy with what they do now
18:17.51A2Shedsso I see the CES $40 BOM omap44xx as just BS
18:18.42mnemocwhat about trying to "sell" eoma to always innovating people?
18:18.55mnemocthey are already customers...
18:19.26A2ShedsI'm sure they will hear of it
18:20.40mnemoci mean so they can join the effort now, not after the a10 are already made
18:21.44A2Shedsthe a10 is already done, or do you mean the IO boards or?
18:22.40A2Shedsthe standard is open
18:23.15edupreyA2Sheds: lkcl  can't wait for factory to make cards.  anticipation is killing me :)
18:23.45edupreylkcl: they're gearing back up now after new year break?
18:23.54A2Shedsi can already smell the solder paste
18:24.10lkcleduprey: yep.  geoff's going to prompt them about the BOM price estimation.
18:24.56mnemocA2Sheds: i mean the cards. The standard is open sure, but just with "having it" is not enough for anyone else to adopt it... and without adoption is not better than any other pin out
18:25.52A2Shedsmnemoc: I'm not too concerned with adoption, too many products to make
18:26.26edupreymnemoc: IMO it's a snowball thing, the more that use it the more that will
18:26.30ManoftheSeaSo... I can start throwing money at you again?
18:26.58edupreyand we apparently already have interest beyond the stuff we in the list / channel are planning
18:27.23A2Shedsmoney and performance is the bottom line, those that ignore it have other agendas
18:28.33edupreymnemoc: as for me, I just want an EOMA cluster for home and maybe work and EOMA tablets, phones, and laptops (even if I have to make them) :)
18:29.47A2Shedsthe cpu modules take all the hard/difficult parts of a product's design and puts them in an easy to use card
18:30.39mnemoceduprey: I do too... I personally don't have any interest in "profiting" on this.... but those products will not exist without broader adoption.... and that means getting OTHER companies interested
18:30.42A2Shedsat $100 -200 the eoma68 cards won't have any appeal, but at $25-35 it's hard to resist
18:30.42ManoftheSeasure, it seperates form and function.
18:31.24A2Shedsby money I mean low cost, that what the majority of consumers need
18:31.53A2Shedsand they also need acceptable performance for browsing, email, youtube etc
18:32.57edupreymnemoc: oh and the one thing I'd like to sell as a product is a 3d printer electronics board to use them.  3d printer hobbyists are using $40+ arduinos now which is just silly
18:33.48A2Shedsthe BOM for a netbook will be $60
18:34.48edupreyA2Sheds: nice
18:35.38mnemocI would gladly pay 500E for a well made (thinkpad style) 12" eoma laptop
18:36.00A2Shedsan all-in-one LCD or keyboard style desktop PC a few $$ more
18:36.04mnemocbut I wouldn't pay 200E for one that bends when you type.... like all netbooks around
18:36.43ManoftheSeaA well made laptop, where you can upgrade the internals?
18:36.47ManoftheSeahells yeah!
18:36.52A2Shedsthe BOM cost between a flexible netbook and rigid netbook is a few $$
18:37.54A2Shedsmost people don't recognize quality anymore
18:38.31A2Shedsthey have been well trained
18:38.43lkclwell... you _say_ it'll be more, but a multi-layer PCB that spans 10in in a laptop isn't cheap
18:39.02lkclwhereas here, with EOMA cards you could probably get away with a 2-layer PCB (with care)
18:41.49A2Shedsthermally conductive flexible silicon, it would be nice to have a tablet that bounces when you drop it without any damage
18:42.15edupreyproducts are obviously the key thing but still I plan on trying my hand at salvaging old / system board dead laptops, wiring in EOMA sockets to upgrade them :)
18:43.08A2Shedsthere are lots of materials out there that get ignored, and I'm pretty tired of hearing about "innovative" products that aren't very innovative
18:43.25edupreyA2Sheds: HP folks have been carrying around flexible screens to conferences and so on
18:43.45edupreyno idea when you can actually buy one
18:44.00A2Shedsmaybe we'll print them
18:44.03edupreybut a flexible screen + flexible PCB + EOMA-CF would be awesome
18:51.59edupreyA2Sheds: yeah wow, so much of that board goes away
18:52.09A2Sheds  that mainboard is pretty small already
18:54.23edupreyA2Sheds: yeah I think one cool thing would be to make a replacement system board for a common phone that just takes an EOMA-CF  -- I had been thinking palm pre simply because their comm board is already separate (too bad they don't make them anymore though)
18:55.05A2Shedshaving an inexpensive new phone will happen
18:55.55edupreyok. hoping so. -- I can potentially buy a lot of them for webos internals folks
19:00.24edupreythere are some existing phones with Mali they might want to port to, but not necessarily inexpensive
19:00.56edupreyand obviously not upgradable with new SoC in future
19:06.42A2Shedseduprey: there could be a range of products for demo by Computex in June
19:15.27lkcli've sent a message to wits-tech asking them for example schematics for the SATA.
19:17.08edupreylkcl: don't know if I've missed it on the ML, but is anyone here developing host boards for the EOMA cards yet?
19:17.50lkclit's not really been raised (significantly) but there's a couple of commercial projects considering it.
19:18.09lkclDr Stallman asked me to put together a BOM for an FSF-Hardware-Endorseable tablet
19:18.20lkclthere's a confidential project i can't tell you about
19:18.37lkcland there's an LCD monitor company who want "in" as well.
19:19.01A2Shedslkcl: SATA is just series caps to connector
19:19.02mnemocnice :)
19:20.33lkclA2Sheds: yes, but what's the frequency of the crystal to be connected to CLKM_SATA and CLKP_SATA (pins P19 and R19) ?
19:21.20lkclalso because SATA is just LVDS (differential lines), M16 and M15 are 1.25v reference voltage and N16 and N15 are 2.50v reference
19:21.28lkclM14 and N13 are SATA GND.
19:23.58edupreylkcl: I guess really for developers to get started we don't need anything, can just hook up the card to power and have mini-HDMI and USB OTG externally.  but some open source version of that engineering board might be nice
19:25.04A2Shedseduprey: I'm sure there will be more than one
19:25.30mnemocand some hints about how to boot from SD without using the chinese windows app :)
19:25.33lkclyes.  actually that's almost trivial to do.  take the leaflabs maple kicad schematics, and add um... an ethernet, usb and SATA socket.
19:25.59lkclhow hard can _that_ be?
19:26.11lkclmnemoc, i hear ya :)
19:26.18A2Shedssure just write some software :)
19:26.45edupreymnemoc: boot from USB also requires chinese windows app for now?
19:26.58edupreythose are things we need to do something about I guess :)
19:27.01A2Shedsmnemoc: nobody gotten around to reversing the chinese windows app?
19:27.06mnemoceduprey: afaik that even requires shorting something
19:27.32A2Shedsmnemoc: do you recall what pins?
19:27.49mnemocA2Sheds: it may be written on the page
19:27.53A2Shedswe should make that accessible on the cards
19:28.22lkclA2Sheds: it's one of the switches i left on the schematics i sent you
19:28.38lkcla switch connected to u-boot sel
19:29.54A2Shedswhere's that bootloader page?
19:30.13mnemocA2Sheds: I don't have access to any machine with MS software and failed misserably to boot in kvm the image of XP MS provides to test ie6
19:31.37A2ShedsAlec messes with all the M$ stuff, I'll ask him to take it apart
19:31.55mnemocA2Sheds: I'm still hoping hipboi_ can write down something... at least to get started
19:32.03mnemocA2Sheds: neat
19:32.21A2ShedsLiveSuitPack.exe  is that it?
19:34.29A2Shedsif you find a link let me know
19:35.01mnemocI downloaded a "tools.rar" from somewhere once and includes it.... i don't remember from where
19:35.29A2Shedswe need to organize this better
19:35.42A2Shedswiki with an index maybe
19:36.06mnemocuploading to google docs :p
19:37.11mnemocmisses his megaupload account
19:38.32mnemocA2Sheds: try
19:38.47mnemocA2Sheds: seems to be peer-to-peer over http
19:41.48mnemocslow but you'll have the file :)
19:44.24*** join/#arm-netbook memleak (~ALEC@unaffiliated/memleak)
19:52.58lkclyou've got a bloody wiki!  want an index, put the right voodoo magic onto a page!
19:56.03A2Shedsthat sounds like software to me
19:57.32A2Shedswhere do I solder the index? :p
20:25.49mnemocwhoever did the second download of tools.rar from my link to the password is ainol
20:27.37mnemoclast post in linuxdevices is weird... he seems unhappy to have been acquired...
20:28.08mnemocthen why did he sold it...?
20:30.39mnemocah.... got it... the parent company was bought
20:31.47mnemocI had the idea it was a one-man thing like armdevices
21:01.00lkclbtw there's been 240 people signed up for preorders.  it's about 3 a day.
21:03.12edupreylkcl: I guess I should sign up on that page too.  I expect to need several boards :)
21:03.38lkclyes it would help.  please don't put $15 - you won't get one :)
21:04.02edupreylkcl: what do we expect for first run, $35?
21:04.28lkclplus NREs for the tooling on the boards, which usually comes to about $2000.
21:04.47lkclplus profit, tax, shipping, tax on tax, tax on tax on customs tax, etc. etc.
21:05.31lkcli _do_ keep bloody telling people this - jimmy is being bombarded with "hi my name is little johnnie i wanna EOMA card for $15 pleaaase"
21:05.40edupreylkcl: thought the CIC was keeping profit margins small
21:06.17lkcleduprey: the profits are what make the project viable for the next version.
21:06.38lkcleverything will be entirely open - the admins are there to decide what happens to the profits.
21:06.52lkclok i gotta go, it's damn cold here :)
21:07.05edupreylkcl: ttfn
21:19.01*** join/#arm-netbook gordan (
22:41.11*** join/#arm-netbook hipboi_ (~hipboi@

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