IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20120109

09:26.33*** join/#arm-netbook gordan (~gordan@
12:08.10ManoftheSeathe A1X has ahci... it's a standard, I'm led to believe.
12:24.48*** join/#arm-netbook gordan (~gordan@
15:30.02*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (
16:32.12mnemoclkcl: hi, nice to see you here on irc, are you sure this idea of "charging" allwinner is wise?
16:33.01lkclmnemoc: yyep :)
16:33.40lkclit allows them to justify to the department who dictated to them, against all common sense, a zero-value invoice
16:34.28mnemocI have no problem paying mine... my problem is with my bank and fancy couriers
16:34.37lkclok i just got to pop out, we keep catching field-mice in non-killer traps, and have to go out ...
16:34.52lkcl... yes that we can take care of: we have the resources.
16:35.06lkclsave the $250+ for some of the boards, ok? :)
16:35.11lkclgotta go...
16:35.45mnemochave fun
16:44.46gordanblinks again
16:45.34gordanAm I reading that email right? We're actually not having to pay for the dev kits in order to do free development work that raises their profile? Wow!
16:46.32A2Shedsseems fair, we are providing them with lost of software development and orders
16:47.14A2Shedsjust FYI  crap again
16:50.26gordanWell, R-Pi has one thing going for it - it's cheap.
16:51.08gordanAnd until there is something with a better price/performance, it deserves the publicity. That us until we have this thing up and running. :)
17:10.12lkclwe're _asking_ - it's not guaranteed
17:10.18lkclbut yes
17:11.47gordanCool. :)
18:18.54*** join/#arm-netbook gordan (

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