IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20110701

11:06.04*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl_ (
11:45.25*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl__ (
14:19.01*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl_ (
15:35.11*** join/#arm-netbook atxrobbie (~atxrobbie@
15:44.02*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl_ (
18:39.00*** join/#arm-netbook Baybal (
18:40.23Baybalhi lkcl lkcl_
18:50.41Baybalhow severe is delay with nufront?
18:52.14Baybalwhat kind of prototype do they need?
20:03.50lkcl_sorry Baybal am here now :)
20:04.41lkcl_not sure how much is confidential / under NDA so can't exactly say but there is some progress recently
20:21.33Baybaldo you have any other suppliers in sight?
20:22.37Baybalwhat is not under NDA?
20:22.49Baybalsorry for falling out of mailing list recently, I moved to Canada 1.5 years ago
20:23.56Baybalthis is my linkedin profile
20:25.09Baybalcan you describe on what stage of progress we are?
20:30.28Bayballkcl lkcl_ ?
20:34.44lkcl_yes a few.
20:34.55lkcl_but basically, the summary i sent to the list is it.
20:35.26lkcl_we've been in touch with dozens of OEMs: once we get past the language barrier (which is hit and miss)
20:35.50lkcl_some of them "get it" and others don't.  it's a numbers game
20:36.15lkcl_if we had cash, we could have done this 10x over - one entirely new system every 6-8 weeks.
20:36.35BaybalI saw you CCed Ruslan Kogan on the maillist
20:36.46Baybalwhat is his interest in it?
20:39.29BaybalSince I moved to Canada, my business went pretty much belly up... I have only that much of cache to support myself. If I only decided to put away some money for this notebook enterprise earlier... pfff =(
20:40.44BaybalI wonder, if I can attract some funding from local industry circles and brains from academia
20:41.18Bayballocal student association are very vocal on any RnD development opportunity
20:50.27Bayballkcl lkcl_ ?
20:54.44lkcl_ruslan?  ohh, i think that was ages ago
20:55.11lkcl_interesting idea.
20:55.16BaybalI saw him in Shenzhen a few times
20:55.22lkcl_oh really?
20:56.06BaybalWhite people universally attract attention there =D
20:56.32Baybalit was a time when that direct ODM sourcing thing was a business of a very few people
20:56.34lkcl_nothing to do with me being on street skates, then :)
20:57.04Baybaldo you still have a connection to him?
20:57.49Baybalhave you contacted possible distributors?
20:58.48lkcl_that's being taken care of by my associates
20:59.05BaybalI'm looking forward to link up all parties involved to speed up development
21:00.20lkcl_achhh, me too.
21:00.23lkcl_yee gods
21:00.44Baybalis it possible for me to get in touch with people with whom you are working with now?
21:00.49lkcl_i think the fact that linus torvalds has declared that no ARM linux kernel patches will be accepted will help :)
21:01.14Baybaldo you have any Ubuntu contacts?
21:01.36lkcl_well... it wouldn't help.  each conversation is either at an advanced stage or they have lost interest
21:02.08lkcl_so adding someone to an *existing* conversation doesn't actually help.
21:02.37lkcl_however, if you wanted to start a *new* conversation with OEMs, ODMs, CPU manufacturers etc. that would be a real help
21:02.57Baybalso, how much companies are now close to roll out?
21:04.11lkclamazing.  after conversations of duration in some cases eight months, and with the actual work required to be done taking only about 6-8 weeks
21:04.26lkcland it's because we're working to get *them* to pay for it, *NOT* us.
21:04.37Baybalif anybody can source cheap chips, I may try to contact inventech
21:04.56lkclif *we* paid *THEM* to do the work, then they would be lazy
21:05.11lkclit is the wrong way round.
21:05.27lkcland they would still not have any software (linux kernel etc.)
21:05.46lkclinventech... ahh.. they're the people behind the E28 linux smartphone, aren't they?
21:06.30BaybalI will try to contact SIFE team at BCIT, they had an idea of some kind industry sponsored RND workshop
21:06.42lkcloh _good_.
21:07.00lkclwell, ok - are you familiar with the "sales pitch" of what we're trying to achieve?
21:07.08Baybalthey may make some case prototypes + uncomplicated pcb work
21:07.11lkclthe whole "modular design" thing?
21:07.25lkclthat'd be fantastic.
21:07.37lkclthat'd be perfect
21:07.59Baybalcan I refer their president to you for details?
21:08.04lkclyeah sure.
21:08.18BaybalI'm thinking for 8-9 inch form factor
21:08.22lkcli'll briefly give you a heads-up if that's ok.
21:08.24Baybalmiddle end tft
21:08.44Baybalbuilt-in planar lithium
21:09.00lkclyeah that'd work.  in fact, once the CPU module is done, it's so utterly simple (the main-board)
21:09.11lkclthe concept is this:
21:09.17Baybalkeyboard, intelligent psu with i2c
21:09.34lkclsplit the CPU+RAM+NAND onto a 50x70mm card, in a PCMCIA form-factor
21:09.54lkclre-using the PCMCIA socket (housing, assembly, everything)
21:10.22lkclput everything else (all the peripherals, LVDS etc.) onto the main motherboard.
21:11.06lkclthe 68 pins of the PCMCIA connector you *completely* re-use, to include: 24-pin RGB/TTL, Ethernet, USB2, SATA-II, I2C and about 8-10 GPIO pins.
21:11.18lkclthat's it.
21:11.24lkclthat's the "standard".
21:11.39lkclthe implications however are absolutely massive.
21:11.42Baybalwhat are the PSU requirements?
21:11.51lkclPSU?  power supply?
21:12.02Baybalany power gauge?
21:12.20lkclthat's a mainboard issue: it's entirely up to the ODM / designers
21:12.25lkclpower guage?  I2C device.
21:12.53lkclpower guage - i.e. battery monitoring: that's an I2C device.  the standard includes I2C :)
21:12.59Baybalto control battery charging, backlight etc
21:13.07lkclbacklight: I2C device :)
21:13.13lkclbattery charging: I2C device :)
21:13.25lkclhe he
21:13.53lkclthe standard also requires that there is an EEPROM on the mainboard (again, I2C), which contains "id info"
21:14.14lkclthis idenfier info says what type of screen, peripherals etc. the device has.
21:14.51lkclso the CPU card can be plugged in, query the EEPROM, and go "oh yes, i now know to look for a 10in screen, let's go, yaay!"
21:15.20lkclit solves _so_ many issues.
21:15.33lkclnot least, the linux kernel development is massively simplified.
21:15.56lkclinstead of a complete mess like it is now, you have a "Star Network" based around the standard.
21:16.16lkclon one side, the linux kernel device drivers support various different main-boards ("chassis")
21:16.36lkclon the other side, you have the CPU cards.
21:17.06lkclthe CPU cards can be aaabsolutely *anything* - intel, amd, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC, anything
21:17.22Baybalso, you are negotiating a pcmcia modules with all of ODMs?
21:17.26lkclit doesn't matter... as long as they are low-power and can fit into 3mm x 50mm x 70mm
21:17.33lkclbasically, yes.
21:17.47lkclmany of them simply do not understand so they give up.
21:18.22lkclit is "too complicated" because they are expecting either an order (money) or they are expecting to receive a completed design, complete linux source code, spoon-fed...
21:18.55lkclwe must have spoken to over 100 companies by now :)
21:19.14lkclah... correction: it is *NOT* a pcmcia module
21:19.38lkclit is a "module which happens to be exactly the same dimensions and use exactly the same connector of a PCMCIA module"
21:20.07lkclthere is a big, big difference.
21:20.18Baybalyes I know
21:20.27lkclwhew.  thank goodness for that :)
21:20.58Baybaland what input voltage are they looking for?
21:21.19lkclbut, think about it: you can remove the CPU card from your computer, and place it into a new chassis.  instant upgrade.
21:21.47lkcli've allocated two pins for 5v and four for 3.3v
21:22.21Baybalquite low power
21:22.42lkclit'll still be necessary to have PMICs on the CPU card, because these processors take quite a lot of different core voltages (1.1v, 1.2v etc.)
21:23.29Baybalso students will have freedom implementing battery/lcd backlight power schemes
21:23.32lkclthe maximum power budget is about 3 maybe 4 watts.  no fans: the metal case is the heatsink.
21:23.45Baybalcan you add me on linkedin?
21:24.01lkclthat 68 pins is the "standard", basically.  everything else is up for grabs.
21:25.28lkcldone, i think... :)
21:25.29Baybalwhat the situation is now with software platform?
21:26.28lkclwhich software?
21:26.34lkclgive me a clue :)
21:27.21Baybalwhich distro?
21:27.40lkclon what - these devices?
21:28.19lkcloh - absolutely anything.
21:28.21lkclalthough... :)
21:28.30lkclyou remember i mentioned about the EEPROM?
21:28.37Baybalso, kernel will work well by default?
21:29.04lkclwell, of course, you can do a multi-boot system, detecting the screen size (or other capabilities)
21:29.30lkcland thus can boot a *different* distro or operating system - entirely - based on what the CPU card finds itself in!
21:29.47lkclso, if it's a small 7in tablet, you boot Android
21:30.02lkclif it's in a 10in laptop, you boot up chrome os
21:30.03Baybaland if it's not NDA, can you say how many and what kinds of distributors have you contacted?
21:30.12lkclit's not NDA.
21:30.19lkclwe've been in touch with:
21:30.33lkcl6 CPU manufacturers (mostly ARM)
21:30.55lkcl50 to 100 OEMs (i am losing track)
21:31.25lkcl2 _very_ large OEMs (they're the ones with the most bureaucracy and internal politics...)
21:32.23lkclmy associates went to HK and to shenzen, about 6 weeks ago, to talk with several OEMs (and 2 of the CPU manufacturers)
21:32.53lkclnufront, amlogic, texas instruments, freescale, ingenic.
21:33.18lkcli'd really like to reach RDC but am having difficulties getting through their "contact us" barrier :)
21:33.53BaybalI'm asking it to think of a way to market the device
21:33.55Baybalfinding a good way to market it will be as essential as implementing the device itself
21:34.20lkclwell it's a _range_ of devices, not just "one device".  this is what many of the OEMs get massively confused about.
21:34.37lkclthey ask "how many and which product you want buy"
21:35.10lkcland we respond, effectively, "absolutely none, unless you've modified them to our Common Design specification"
21:35.18lkclthis gets them very confused
21:35.44lkcli say "if you modify, our clients by 50,000 per month"
21:36.01lkcldropping into pigdin english... :)
21:36.37lkclmany of the OEMs lose the plot, and just start repeating the question, "we have good product!  give you good price!"
21:36.40Baybalso, it's heavily ODM/OEM tied, rather than to consumer market?
21:36.52lkclit would be hilarious if it didn't take so damn long
21:37.31Baybalmaybe a graphic presentation would help them?
21:37.33lkclonly because of the approach we're taking
21:37.50BaybalI once spoke Chinese, but I can't write or read it
21:37.56lkclyeah we've done that - they still get confused
21:38.16lkclthat's why my associates went over to the PRC.  it helped enormously.
21:39.40lkclso - yeah: these CPU cards can literally go into *any* device.  4in MID, 5in Video Player (a la archos), 7in-10in tablet, 7in-20in laptop, TV, PVR, Multimedia Player, All-in-One PC, Keyboard PC
21:40.06lkclif it's a "consumer market device", it can be adapted to this concept.
21:40.12lkcloh btw, i forgot to say:
21:40.19lkclthe external edge of the PCMCIA card?
21:40.22lkclof course...
21:40.43lkclit can have any of the "fast" connectors and/or the user-sockets
21:41.01lkclsuch as HDMI, Micro-SD, USB-OTG, Headphone Jack etc. etc.
21:41.22lkclas long as it fits within 3.5mm x 50mm (that's the edge of the PCMCIA card)
21:41.47Baybaljust I think that looking further than B2B level would be a good thing.
21:41.56Baybalfinding final customers etc
21:41.56lkclit's *just* possible to get a Micro-HDMI, Micro-SD, USB-OTG
21:42.09lkclmy associates are on the case, there.
21:42.43lkclthey've approached several hypermarkets, and also are talking to some online retailers.
21:42.44lkcletc. etc.
21:42.55lkclwe have to be able to connect the dots :)
21:43.23lkclwe have all the pieces of the puzzle, but for some daft reason they're still all in the air!
21:43.58lkclit's ridiculous, and really quite frustrating and/or funny, i'm not sure which
21:44.19Baybalhow much of them are Chinese speaking companies?
21:44.35lkclthe OEMs?  all of them.
21:44.52Baybaland how much of retailers?
21:45.20lkclwe've found that any companies that are USA-based tend to freak out very very quickly.  we learned very early on to totally rule out US-based companies
21:45.40lkclretailers? one (veeery large) is chinese: the rest are E.U, mostly U.K.
21:46.01Baybali think the problem may be in fact that people on PRC side of the cable doesn't see a bigger entity behind your company?
21:46.21Baybalif they see all these retail chains, they may consider thinking otherwise
21:46.46lkclyes... and likewise, until the retailers see an actual product, they're not going to place an order.
21:47.20lkclthis is why it's taking so long: it is a "catch 22" situation, where _somebody_ has to trust what we're saying, enough to commit to it
21:47.29lkclorrr, we have to break the deadlock by some other way.
21:47.49Baybalwhat is the name of your company?
21:47.53lkclwhich is why i have been endeavouring to engage the FSF, and the arm-netbooks people, and this, and that etc. etc.
21:48.05lkclit's not "my" company
21:48.27lkcli'm just associated with it.  long story :)
21:48.55lkclour accountant founded one of the world's top Chartered Accountancy firms
21:48.55BaybalI still used to refer to companies as "yours", "ours" like in Asia
21:49.08Baybalinvariably of the post of a worker
21:49.23lkclahh - i am less inclined to use personal pronouns.
21:49.58lkclfrom programming teams / project management, it's always a bad idea to say "my project", "your code" or "my application"...
21:50.03Baybalhow much retailer and distributors have you contacted already, and how much of them are enthusiastic to buy products>
21:50.21Baybalin Asia it's quite different...
21:50.31lkclah, that's what my associates are dealing with
21:50.32Baybalshareholders approach etc =D
21:50.53lkclbecause they have the contacts (and i don't)
21:50.56Baybalcan you inquirer them on their progress?
21:51.41lkcli know a _little_ bit.  mostly it's pretty confidential stuff, so even i get only a few sketchy details (first name not surnames etc.)
21:52.10Baybaljust i want to know scales and types of companies
21:52.22Baybalsorry, I will be away cooking next 20 minutes
21:52.40lkclbut, for example: we have one guy who has sold a major online retail electronics company, he made £20m from the sale, and is looking to start again.
21:53.00lkclhe wrote the entire web site (the whole ordering system) himself
21:53.19lkclso, we are now looking for a suite of products for him, for his next venture.
21:53.58lkclhe will do the same thing again: set up the web site, then get cracking, selling purely online.
21:54.26lkclour task is to find him 20-30 great products.  similar to what ruslan kogan is doing, basically.
21:55.56lkcli'll fill in a few more bits, then, and be off to sleep, myself: i'm off at about 3pm tomorrow, back in the evening (will have a bit of time then)
21:56.10lkclwho else... _without_ giving too much away!
21:57.19lkclone of our associates has a 100% track record of supplying reliable products, for the past 15 years.  all the retail stores in the UK, if he phones them up and he says "i have a great product for you", then they will listen.  unlike many people - they just dismiss them.
21:57.38lkclso it's more about "contacts" than it is about anything else.
22:08.37lkclbut... yeah, think about it: the retailers won't buy until the product exists (they used to do design-work, paid for up-front, but got very badly burned)
22:09.22lkcland even then, they won't pay cash up-front (they used to only pay when the customer bought it!) but _will_ place an order, and a good company can then raise money against that order
22:09.30lkclespecially if it's a credible company
22:10.32lkclenough for now :)
22:15.57Baybaltill tomorrow then
22:47.57Bayballkcl, can you give me some presentation files?
22:48.14BaybalI have got in touch with with BCIT's SIFE
22:49.11BaybalI'm going to give an in depth explanation of what we were doing on Tuesday
23:02.47lkcli'm supposed to be gone, already :)
23:03.08lkcli can send you a techie diagram, also i'll speak to my associate, geoff, and track something down, ok?

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