IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20100513

03:43.03*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
03:43.04*** topic/#arm-netbook is ARM netbook GNU/Linux hacking - logs:
09:36.57mnemocuh, DX is selling smartq-s now
09:58.35mnemoc <--- cheaper... also shipping included
16:16.43zecrazytuxso, nothing new ?
16:18.31*** join/#arm-netbook SQlvpapir (~teis@
18:04.32mnemochi zecrazytux... i'm between deadlines and jobhunting, so no time for "fun" (like ct-pc89e related stuff), you?
18:10.24zecrazytuxhmm, between job, school, and travelling a bit
18:10.49zecrazytuxI haven't give a look at my ct89 for a few weeks
18:16.34mnemocdo you know if anyone has have time to try to get .33 working in the chitech?
18:48.29zecrazytuxno, I don't know
18:51.15*** join/#arm-netbook Oink42 (
21:51.45SQlvpapirmnemoc, highly doubt any futher effort has been put in to the project
21:52.13SQlvpapireven luke is very silent
21:55.44zecrazytuxI regret having bougth this useless notebook :(
23:04.27mnemoczecrazytux: me too :(
23:05.20mnemoci olny bought it because i believed the factory understood open source software and wanted help
23:05.51mnemocand was willing to help us to help
23:07.09mnemocgood night

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