IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20100422

01:39.13sn9ok, i have wince5 working as well as it will. how do i back it up and how do i load a kernel? (samsung variant)
05:55.25*** join/#arm-netbook ibot (
05:55.25*** topic/#arm-netbook is ARM netbook GNU/Linux hacking - logs:
10:03.55mnemocsn9: you may have more luck at #s3cxxxx and #edev channels
11:15.47*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (
11:53.22*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (
13:29.38mnemoclkcl: have you asked at #chinalug about help dealing with seatron/chitech in _chinese_?
13:33.43lkclahh, good idea
13:35.57mnemoca chinese free-software advocate can probably know beter how to explain the issue to them than europeans
13:51.44mnemoclkcl: talking with panda|phenom was advised
14:12.34lkclok.  ta.
18:08.50*** join/#arm-netbook mnemoc (
19:07.37*** join/#arm-netbook SQlvpapir (~teis@

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