IRC log for #arm-netbook on 20100307

09:50.58*** join/#arm-netbook mnemoc (
09:58.54*** join/#arm-netbook lkcl (
12:09.04*** join/#arm-netbook SQlvpapir (~teis@
13:08.46*** join/#arm-netbook juanjo_ (
14:49.00lkclzecrazytux: start from the tarball i created, and if nothing else, run it under qemu and do a dpkg analysis to find out what files i modded.
14:49.21lkclmust do that debian-squeeze upload to my site...
14:50.33zecrazytuxlkcl: yup... so you tweaked more files than you actually tell you did on the wiki
14:50.40zecrazytuxI guess
14:50.50lkclyes, because i just did it randomly until it worked.
14:51.26lkclsorry.  i can't do eeeverything :)
14:51.43lkclthat'd leave nothing for anyone else to do!
14:55.59zecrazytuxdid you try with emdebian grip ?
17:10.26*** join/#arm-netbook SQlvpapir (~teis@
18:07.26lkclzecrazytux: not yet
19:52.10*** join/#arm-netbook keesj (
22:35.02*** join/#arm-netbook bjdooks (

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