IRC log for #arl on 20170124

00:17.05TorhalRessy: They don't have names, do they>
00:21.10Ressypardon me?
00:21.15Ressyeach of the various transmogs?
00:21.37RessyThey have numbers, but otherwise.. no.
00:21.46RessyMany transmogs have multiple sources.
00:22.00Ressywhich is why I was thinking of just ditching itemid.
00:28.13RessyCrap.. We have to display some sort of itemid in the panel.
00:30.55RessyappearanceID is everything.
00:36.44TorhalYeah, we need to display something. That's why Blizz shows 3D model - they have no names.
00:37.06RessyI mean, if you want, I can do a database of all items.. But I don't think its useful.
00:37.18RessyI can always do a single item name..
00:37.43Ressytier will be off a specific boss and not have more than 1 item name..
00:38.41TorhalI'd need to know how this would work completely before I even sat down to code it. IDGAF about Collectinator, so I'm not going to be all excited about it. I also don't want to design a system of "Well, this has 35 items - we're going to show THIS SPECIFIC ITEM"
00:39.28RessySo.. For the most part, most appearanceIDs are a low number of items.
00:39.33TorhalBasically, I still have no idea how this feature should work. :D
00:39.34Ressysome have up to 12 different items.
00:40.46TorhalI'm also working right now which is why I "forgot" we were talking in here.
00:41.01RessySo... When aren't you working so I know when to bug you?
00:41.14TorhalThe past three days.
00:41.56TorhalWe're still understaffed, so it's 8 days on, three days off, one day on, one day off, six days on, two days off, etc
00:42.41RessySooo... Tomorrow? :)
00:43.52RessyI gotta figure out how to make it so that some items are class required..
00:44.01Ressyvs armor class required
00:44.09Ressyie priest only vs priest, mage, warlock
00:48.11Ressyand the same item, same specs, but horde only, vs alliance only.
01:33.46RessyIts feeling like I really need to have all the items.....
06:13.40*** join/#arl Phixion (
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