IRC log for #arl on 20160806

06:12.10sidjioh a new archy release
15:22.40*** join/#arl Ressy (
15:22.40*** join/#arl Ressy (Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
15:22.40*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
18:07.08*** join/#arl qwebirc74808 (6cfbc53d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:57.02*** join/#arl purl (
18:57.02*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 3.0.2 released. | Collectinator 2.0.10 released. | Ask your question in the channel and be patient.
21:10.57*** join/#arl purl (
21:10.57*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 3.0.2 released. | Collectinator 2.0.10 released. | Ask your question in the channel and be patient.
22:26.50TorhalRessy: Are you, by chance, using Rarity? :D
22:52.21Ressywhy Torhal?
23:04.57TorhalRessy: Was just wondering since you're having the toybox filter issue, and this commit came up:
23:04.59Torhal[15:14:52] Repo:[WoW] rarity: allara * r555 Core.lua:
23:04.59Torhal[15:14:52] Repo:- Rewrote toy scanning to no longer do anything at all with the Collections UI (this fixes your filters being cleared on the toys/appearances/pets/mounts tabs)
23:06.18Ressykaydeethree was experiencing it with no addons.
23:06.33RessyI was experiencing it with wowhead's addon

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