IRC log for #arl on 20160617

08:09.23*** join/#arl purl (
08:09.23*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 3.0.2 released. | Collectinator 2.0.10 released. | Ask your question in the channel and be patient.
13:17.47*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
13:17.47*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
13:48.07*** join/#arl Ressia (
13:48.07*** join/#arl Ressia (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
13:48.07*** mode/#arl [+v Ressia] by ChanServ
16:23.03RessyHais Torhal
17:01.51*** join/#arl pompy (
17:01.51*** mode/#arl [+v pompy] by ChanServ
20:02.34*** join/#arl Ressy (Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
20:02.34*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
20:04.34*** join/#arl sidji (
20:27.45TorhalRessy: Oh, you're back!
20:30.27RessyFinished work at 2pm, and then ran errands.
20:30.36Ressyand then got Nathan from school.. and more errands.
20:30.38Ressyand I'm home now.
20:33.22TorhalMy shift started an hour and a half ago and I'm still groggy.
20:33.41TorhalKeep forgetting what I was working on if something else comes up (which is constantly)
20:38.21RessyI think I'll go back to working on Collectinator?
20:58.41RessySo you get to monitor the queue huh
20:59.19TorhalYup. And either look through diffs for or look at whole files for Bukkit projects looking for malicious code.
20:59.41RessyLike testing limits do they
20:59.44TorhalI'm in the middle of that now. Suddenly, NEW FILE ON MINECRAFT!
21:00.04TorhalSelf-ops, file deletions, trying to update from a URL we have no control of, etc
21:00.16RessyBryan & I went to dinner with Zeldo while he was on call for that...
21:00.36Ressywasn't bad at all.
21:02.19TorhalRight now, Zeldo is on vacation and he and I are the only ones who can handle the Bukkit stuff.
21:02.33TorhalSo every shift I start out with at least two hours of that.
21:02.58TorhalAnd it's only two hours because I have to handle file and project submissions from normal Minecraft and WoW and such
21:03.08TorhalThose take precedence.
21:05.00TorhalAnd the spam.
21:25.58RessyIsn't that cool?
21:29.52TorhalAnd weird.
21:30.11TorhalI don't see that happening on the lawn of the White House. :D
21:31.46RessyIts a huge open space that's used daily in summer for the changing of the guard ceremony.
21:32.30RessyIts awesome.. I got to watch it a few summers ago
21:37.56TorhalWild :)
21:38.40RessyIts funny because theres 3 companies that do that.
21:39.03RessyThey do it 2 days on, 1 day off.
21:45.31RessyMy sister's husband's brother in law does that.
22:29.17RessyMakes good money..
22:29.35Ressyand he's technically in gov services so they can live on base.
22:29.54RessyThey live just off base, and he gets a stipend or something for living expenses for not being on base.
22:30.52RessyNice house too...
22:31.09Ressy4 bedrooms.. 2 bathrooms.
22:31.29RessyHave to go through the parents bedroom to get into the backyard where the pool is.
22:31.33Ressyand jacuzzi.
22:48.55TorhalI never understood layouts like that. At my Dad's house, people had to walk upstairs and through my bedroom to get to the bathroom.
22:49.05TorhalOld house, though.

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