IRC log for #arl on 20160605

02:18.32RessySo we have til probably end of July for Collectinator to be done, and Legion release for ARL..
02:27.29TorhalI am allowed to hate life, right?
02:28.13Ressybelieve me, I hate it too.
02:28.19RessyI gotta start Wardrobe.
02:36.39Ressylocal baseSourceID, baseVisualID, appliedSourceID, appliedVisualID, pendingSourceID, pendingVisualID, hasPendingUndo = C_Transmog.GetSlotVisualInfo(GetInventorySlotInfo(slotButton.slot), slotButton.transmogType)
02:36.45RessyThats what I need to figure out.
02:37.05RessyI see LegionWardrobe has all the appearance ids, and item ids linked to it.
02:38.14Ressythe scan button actually pops up on the appearances tab. lol
02:38.53RessyI need the SetFlagFilter stuff fixed for Collectinator.
02:39.39Ressyflags for pets.
02:39.57Ressyand the button popping up on the profession window and scanning it..
02:40.01RessySo I can datamine. >.<
02:41.21RessyI do believe its the baseVisualID that everything's based off.
02:52.53RessySO.. Here's what Im gonna do.
06:10.15*** join/#arl pompy (
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12:57.17*** join/#arl Ressy (Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
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