IRC log for #arl on 20160424

00:05.47TorhalRessy: Because they are.
00:05.58TorhalWe had a reason for having them as both, just don't remember what it was.
00:07.06RessyI told that guy not to do tickets about sorting issues.
00:07.13Ressybut he started anyways.
00:07.26Ressyand started saying he'd done Blacksmithing and was moving on to the next ones.
00:08.28Ressywhich is why I set that ticket to declined or whatever, and messaged him to put in a ticket in main module about sort..
00:08.42Ressyand just do ticketsa bout errors in other modules
00:09.31TorhalRessy: Apparently I had that wrong
00:09.37TorhalRemoved VENDOR from 17 recipes so REPUTATION would work.
00:09.38Torhal5a924374bd06ec150f4ea1dcf2bdcfbda8049565 [5a92437]
00:09.41TorhalJames D. Callahan III <>
00:09.43TorhalOctober 17, 2012 at 20:31:59 CDT
00:10.17RessyI'm looking at live ARL.
00:10.27RessyOnly vendor checked, and reputation is up
00:21.02TorhalOh, I remember.
00:21.24TorhalPeople were complaining that reputation vendors weren't showing up with the vendor filter. They -are- vendors.
00:22.05TorhalThe whole filter system needs to be rethought.
00:22.13TorhalIt's non-intuitive.
00:22.57TorhalMaybe removing the VENDOR flag from rep vendors and changing the label to read "Reputation Vendor" instead of "Reputation" will help.
00:23.21TorhalRessy: Thoughts?
00:23.34TorhalI'm half asleep, should have been there a few hours ago.
00:25.25RessyReputation should be separate from vendor
00:25.44Ressyand that if we uncheck world events or something... It should remove it.
00:25.47TorhalI think the confusion comes from the label, myself. People were complainaing, as I said.
00:25.50Ressyeven if other things are still matching
00:26.11RessyLike... World Events + Mob Drop.
00:26.20Torhal"Reputation Vendor" and "Event Vendor" perhaps.
00:26.22RessyRemove World Events, remove everything World Events
00:26.32RessyYes. Add Event Vendor
00:26.36TorhalThe labeling is shite.
00:33.50TorhalOk, going to sleep so I can get some margin of rest before my shift.
00:34.40Ressymkay. night :)
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