IRC log for #arl on 20150605

02:26.42*** join/#arl pompy (
02:26.42*** mode/#arl [+v pompy] by ChanServ
04:50.26Ressymy back hurts. :(
04:50.47TorhalGet a new one.
04:55.13Ressy1 more week til my next appointment.
04:58.31TorhalHow's datamining coming along?
05:16.33Ressyworking on i
05:18.06RessyAlchemy, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Enchanting, JC, Tailoring done.
05:18.14Ressyneed to finish scanner data for that
05:26.32TorhalYou're evil, Ressy:
05:28.05Ressytheres 2 mounts
05:28.09Ressyand a bunch of pets
05:28.27Ressyerrr toys
05:28.31Ressyand heirlooms
05:35.06TorhalRessy: Have any mission IDs handy?
05:36.28Ressyfor Mudback Riverbeast
05:36.49Ressy680 for a toy
05:38.51Ressyi need more painkiller.
05:38.52Ressyand bed.
05:39.04RessyKaelten messaged me to say he was falling asleep, and woke me. lol
05:40.56RessyI'm getting sleepy again...
05:41.02RessyIs it ok if I sleep now? :P
13:22.27*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
13:22.27*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
15:11.11TorhalRessy: I'm seriously considering Ackis Recipe List: Pets/Mounts/Heirlooms/Toys
15:11.36TorhalCollectinator never got any of ARL's improvements, and I had to go to six different places to add Garrison Missions.
15:51.46TorhalWith ARL it would take two places. The AcquireTypes.lua file and Core.lua to add the filter into the DB defaults.
15:52.18TorhalIt's my own fault for not updating Collectinator at the same time as ARL, but really - who the fuck wants to do the same work twice?
15:52.25TorhalThis is why I've always had my hate on for Collectinator.
15:53.13TorhalIt's basically an older version of ARL every time I turn around. Almost three years ago now we did the rewrite based on ARL 2.0 so they would have feature parity, and that took a couple of weeks.
15:53.24TorhalNow it's way behind again.
15:54.25TorhalIt's missing centralized Acquire Types, the filter flag improvements (which is fucking HUGE and removes even more steps to adding stuff) and probably a slew of other things I can't recall at the moment.
15:54.43Ressycut down on a lot of double coding..
15:55.12TorhalOnly thing that would be weird is pets/mounts/toys/heirlooms/whatever-else-we-add isn't a Recipe :D
15:55.35TorhalSo then we're back to "Collectinator as a name makes sense for all that shit."
16:01.43RessyOnly thing I'm worried about...
16:01.54RessyARL is a well-known name.
16:02.14RessyChanging it now to Collectinator (less well-known) might end up losing users.
16:03.00TorhalWon't matter with Curse users - the project will simply update in the client.
16:03.43TorhalWell, Curse Client users.
16:08.06RessyMost users who use Collectinator use ARL already...
16:08.17RessyNotice up on Collectinator & ARL in the next builds in preparation?
16:08.27Ressy6.2 we go live with the new builds?
18:00.39TorhalRessy: If I decide to go that route, yeah. Not like people fucking read, anyway, though.
19:14.48AckisTorhal: since ARL got modularized it almost makes sense to nuke Collectinator and make modules
19:15.19TorhalAckis: And rename ARL to Collectinator?
19:15.32Ackiscall the modules ARL - Collection: Foo
19:15.42Ackisit's not like people really know what ARL stands for
19:15.44TorhalAckis Recipe List: Toys - Seems weird.
19:27.53Ackisbetter than having a whole second code base
19:49.07TorhalHeh, true.
19:49.29Ackismy domain and web hosting expire in november =/
19:53.28*** join/#arl Ressy (Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
19:53.28*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
19:56.07RessyWhat would you think about a twitter account for the addon?
19:57.01Ackiswe have one - @jpasula nad @_torhal_ and @ressy and @pompy
20:10.48TorhalAckis: pompy hasn't done shit in two years or more. Thinking about hiring a hit man.
23:55.57*** join/#arl purl (
23:55.57*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 3.0.2 released. | Collectinator 2.0.10 released. | Ask your question in the channel and be patient.

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