IRC log for #arl on 20150504

13:35.00*** join/#arl pompy1 (
14:30.42*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
14:30.42*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
18:18.27*** join/#arl purl (
18:18.27*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 3.0.2 released. | Collectinator 2.0.10 released. | Ask your question in the channel and be patient.
20:13.55*** join/#arl Ackis (~Ackis@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
20:13.55*** mode/#arl [+o Ackis] by ChanServ
20:37.07*** join/#arl Kaelten (Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
21:10.25RessyQuestion for you..
21:10.35RessyFor one of the mounts, you have to enter a randomly placed portal.
21:10.44RessyThere are specific spawnpoints for the portals..
21:10.46Ressybut theres so many.
21:10.55Ressytoo many to put in the description for the mount...
21:11.29TorhalCustom: "Buncha fuckin' portals, y0!"
21:12.16RessyThinking of just putting: "Find an Edge of Reality portal (see WoWhead for all locations), and click the egg inside it."
21:13.01TorhalHow many locations are there?
21:13.08TorhalI mean, we have some battle pets with 30 or so.
21:13.15Ressythats pets..
21:13.25RessyDoes that same thing work for mounts??
21:13.33RessyI don't think it does..
21:14.01RessyAddZoneLocations(Z.SHADOWMOON_VALLEY_DRAENOR, "23-25", false, "53.8:66.8"
21:14.14Ressycuz that requires a pet level, and whether its a secondary only pet.
21:14.58TorhalI can add a counterpart, I suppose.
21:15.18TorhalOr you can totally defeat the purpose of the AddOn and tell them to use a web site.
21:15.28Ressyadd a counterpart. :P
21:17.55RessyMake it usable for toy?
21:18.04RessyMight as well really..
21:18.20RessyMore and more toys are "Go to these co-ords, pick up something."
21:28.57RessyMake sure to pull denny
21:31.28Ressypushed again
21:42.34RessyOr I can try to figure it out. lol.. >.>
21:42.37Ressygonna go look.
22:00.38Ressyyeah.. Torhal I can't get it working. lol
22:33.10TorhalRessy: Can't get what working?
22:35.43RessyThe update for the locations for mounts & toys.
22:43.52RessyThe equiv of AddZoneLocations for mount/toy
22:53.15TorhalOh, didn't realize you were going to try to tackle that.
22:55.24RessyI couldn't get it >.<
22:57.58TorhalRessy: What was the error?
23:04.47Ressy2x Collectinator\Collectable.lua:298: unexpected symbol near ','
23:04.48Ressy[C]: in function `LoadAddOn'
23:07.19TorhalOh, ok. I'm guessing you just deleted the code you had.
23:09.23TorhalMy latest feedback on the OSX version of CurseVoice: I can see ragequitting over getting unsolicited friend requests every time I start the app.
23:09.58TorhalMy first reaction every time is "No, goddamn it! I don't know who the hell you are, and I'm pretty sure you have no idea who I am either!"
23:14.01RessyI've added a bunch of the Curse people..
23:14.06RessyAnd some of the Minecrafters..
23:14.15Ressybut I have one sitting right now.. I have nfi who it is
23:14.23TorhalIt's annoying as fuck.
23:14.31RessyRythosIV... Is that Rythos from WoW?
23:14.33TorhalI don't know these people; I don't want to talk to them.
23:14.53Ressylike.. in my friends list..
23:15.01TorhalThe fact that I get suggested as a friend based on the fact that one of their friends has me as a friend is intrusive and annoying.
23:15.55Ressyzaqzaw09, Minecreatr, UDCraft, Codyrule040..
23:16.07Ressyand thats just the people online. o.O
23:17.42RessyI have one pending, cuz I have no idea who it is.
23:18.24RessyThats what I added.
23:18.53Ressyline 298 is the self:AddAcquireData line.
23:20.37TorhalRessy: You didn't push that code. :D
23:21.16RessyI didn't want it bugging out for everyone. :P
23:21.28TorhalThat's why you make a feature branch.
23:21.34TorhalPackager ignores branches
23:21.44RessyI can't remember.
23:21.48TorhalI'll check it out now.
23:25.51TorhalRessy: Your indentation is obscuring the fact that you have an extra "end" in there.
23:26.17TorhalThe lines under "local num_coords = " are unnecessarily indented.
23:26.34TorhalYou dedent, and it becomes clear :D
23:28.12Ressywhere... I don't see it. :P
23:28.26Ressyoh shit
23:28.28TorhalIn your paste, line 9 is where
23:28.39Ressydoes it work now? :P
23:28.57TorhalDunno. I don't like having identical pieces of code.
23:29.04TorhalSo I'm looking at refactoring for reuse.
23:29.14Ressymakes sense
23:30.43TorhalAnd no, wouldn't have worked; you hadn't declared zone_level_coords as a variable in the function.
23:31.22TorhalAnd there's no level range, so it probably requires another handler.
23:32.22TorhalAh, here's why it was complaining about a comma: self:AddAcquireData(A.WORLD_DROP,,, zoneName)
23:35.43RessyThis is why I deal with the db, and leave the heavy lifting to you.
23:39.53Torhalemulates Ackis.
23:40.19TorhalEh, never mind; I don't own a console and hate FB games. This is why I don't play WoW again - the FUCKING Garrison.
23:44.07Ressyits definitely harder to get alts going.

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