IRC log for #arl on 20140730

00:02.00Ressylots of stuff with unassigned filter flags
00:02.03TorhalWell, shit. I just ripped out a metric fuckton of code and I can't even test.
00:02.21TorhalRessy: Yeah, that's why I tweeted saying "Have fun dumping to fix the filter flags"
00:02.40TorhalI made the filter flags and reputation names identical.
00:03.11TorhalSince some of the old filter flags weren't even close to the reputation names (KEEPERS_OF_TIME versus KOT) I missed those in my changes last night.
00:03.28TorhalThat's OK, though, because the actual flags are now automatically assigned when a repu vendor is added to the recipe.
00:03.34TorhalThe old invalid ones are just ignored.
00:03.45TorhalAnd since they're now auto-assigned, a dump won't even write them to the file.
00:05.03TorhalSo now all you need to do is add reputations and everything just Magically Works (TM)
00:10.00TorhalIt automatically handles SavedVariable defaults, filter flags, even builds the reputation menus,,
00:10.15TorhalLook at Constants.lua now.
00:10.21TorhalAll the rep flags are gone.
00:15.55Ressystill no beta key?
00:16.06TorhalSo no more hopping around multiple files and hoping you caught everything
00:16.17TorhalI had alpha. Worlds were down a few minutes ago.
00:16.27Ressyback up now
00:17.21RessyDoesn't like the grouped
00:17.26Ressyrecipe:AddFilters(F.ALLIANCE, F.DPS, F.HEALER, F.CASTER, F.HELLFIRE)
00:17.26Ressyrecipe:AddRepVendor(FAC.HONOR_HOLD, REP.FRIENDLY, 17657)
00:17.26Ressyrecipe:AddRepVendor(FAC.THRALLMAR, REP.FRIENDLY, 17585)
00:18.21Ressyrecipe:AddFilters(F.HORDE, F.WRATHCOMMON1)
00:18.21Ressyrecipe:AddRepVendor(FAC.HORDE_EXPEDITION, REP.EXALTED, 32565, 32774)
00:19.05TorhalWell, WRATHCOMMON1 and HELLFIRE should go away with a dump
00:19.27TorhalThey're no longer valid, so won't be written.
00:19.55TorhalThey're just ignored with a warning on load.
00:20.23TorhalThe HELLFIRE, NAGRAND, and WRATHCOMMON1 went away - we're showing the actual reputations now.
00:20.52TorhalWith them grouped, the other faction simply didn't exist, which was weird because we allow toggling of the opposite faction in General.
01:53.14TorhalRessy: What were you geezing about?
02:09.38*** join/#arl pompy (
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02:17.06Ressyjust lots of work you're doing
02:27.19TorhalOh. Needed done...the rep stuff has bothered me for years but I always found an excuse not to tackle it.
02:27.55TorhalOnce that was taken care of, all the possibilities came to light :)
02:37.00Ressyso when I dump, all rep filters get stripped.
02:37.04Ressythats normal right?
02:37.56TorhalYeah - they're automatically added to the recipe when you add a rep vendor.
02:38.55Ressy1x ...aceAckisRecipeList\FilterMenus.lua:60: attempt to index local 'value' (a nil value)
02:38.55Ressy...aceAckisRecipeList\FilterMenus.lua:60: in function <...aceAckisRecipeList\FilterMenus.lua:58>
02:39.29TorhalWhen did you get that?
02:39.41Ressywhen I turned on Warlords of Draenor.
02:39.53Ressythe filter. :)
02:43.08TorhalOne sec.
02:53.29*** join/#arl qwebirc79064 (4071ac07@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:54.51qwebirc79064Chris:Welcome to Total Drama:Pahkitew Island
02:55.35qwebirc79064After are All-Star Special, Camp Wawanakwa was sunken by someone I like to remain nameless.
02:55.47qwebirc79064Now we found a new island
02:56.02qwebirc79064Camp Pahkitew which is cree for explosion.
02:56.17qwebirc79064So this means this will be the most explosive season ever!
02:56.35qwebirc79064This is Total Drama: Pahkitew Island!
02:56.43qwebirc79064<opening seqence>
02:57.48qwebirc79064Chris:Let's welcome the cast!
02:57.56RessyCare to knock it off?
03:02.27TorhalRessy: You forgot to add it to the FilterPanel.value_map
03:02.32TorhalSo I autogenerate it now.
03:07.44RessySo how do I create new filter types?
03:08.09TorhalWhat do you mean?
03:08.26Ressyfound it
03:09.00TorhalOh, you mean the missing expansion filter?
03:09.03Ressysorry.. they expanded the research stuff for inscription, and it was worth it now to create its own filter.
03:09.12Ressyinstead of 3 research, theres almost a dozen.
03:09.52Ressyyay. working
03:24.29RessyInscription still isn't working WoD-wise yet.. but the researches are odd.
03:24.36Ressythey're not on the trainers..
03:24.43Ressyit looks like it might be auto-learned. o.O
03:26.40Ressyanyways... I'm headed to bed.
03:31.02TorhalI'm headed to bed as well.
13:10.32*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
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