IRC log for #arl on 20131029

01:13.34*** join/#arl pompy1 (
06:27.15*** join/#arl pompy (
06:27.26*** mode/#arl [+v pompy] by ChanServ
13:26.20*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
13:26.20*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
13:29.26Ressyshit.. so 5.4.1 went live this morning?
13:41.34TorhalThat was fast...
13:41.58RessyIt had to go in..
13:42.04RessyFriday is Day of the Dead.
13:42.07RessyThere's a new companion for it
13:42.19RessyForgot about the patch.
13:42.32Ressyreally should've remembered. I told you guys today was the last day they could put in the patch. lol
13:43.28RessyI meant *I* really should've remembered
13:43.43RessyI put Nathan to bed last night, and passed out with him. so warm & comfy
13:44.32RessyWoke up when Eric was closing Nathan's bedroom door..
13:44.44Ressyhe'd ordered dinner, and needed my cellphone to let the driver in.
13:45.24Ressyhave the home voip line forwarded to my cel.
13:46.31Ressywoke up... Went to talk to hubby..
13:46.39Ressyfelt crappy from the pizza pockets I'd eaten earlier..
13:46.55Ressycrawled into my bed for a few mins, hubby shut down my computer, dinner showed up..
13:47.15RessyFell asleep in bed for a bit, woke around 11pm. ate 2 slcies of pizza (in bed), and fell back asleep
13:48.28TorhalI slept from 10pm until 8:30am
13:48.39Ressygood.. You haven't been sleepign enough lately.
13:48.39TorhalNow I need to get ready for work and I'd rather go sleep more.
13:48.51TorhalNo, I definitely haven't.
13:49.06RessyCollectinator's update will go out tonight.
13:49.35TorhalGood deal.
14:00.15*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
14:00.15*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
14:00.45Ressystupid computer
17:42.51sidjibtw the "new" companion is in since 4.0
17:43.52sidjibut now permanent
17:45.08sidji*patch 3.2.2
17:51.08Ressythe day of the dead one?
17:51.16RessyIt may have been in the files, but there was no item.
17:51.31Ressyno item to learn it.
17:51.44sidjiit was temp only for 1 day
17:51.47Ressyand it only went into the companion page with 5.4
23:29.29*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
23:29.29*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ

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