IRC log for #arl on 20130812

02:10.50*** join/#arl FeaglinSoE (ada4d0c9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:11.57FeaglinSoEHey, I'm a great fan of Ackis Recipe List, but I'm wondering if there's a way for items sold by vendors to also display the price they sell for - this especially important for stuff which isn't sold for gold but for tokens of various kinds...
02:42.10TorhalFeaglinSoE: Perhaps in a future release. Have you filed a ticket?
03:36.22FeaglinSoEno, I haven't, I kind of assumed that there was some way to combine addons to get that to happen (vide Auctioneer Informant)
03:36.55TorhalOh, you meant "sell for" as in the AH.
03:37.08FeaglinSoEno, I meant buy from recipe vendor
03:37.23FeaglinSoElike this recipe sells for 1 dreamcloth, that one for 5 tokens of X, etc
03:38.01FeaglinSoEauctioneer informant will give you vendor prices (ie. how much they will sell the item to you for) at least for the stuff where it can be bought with gold
03:38.19FeaglinSoE[not sure about stuff buyable with JP or tokens]
03:38.47TorhalThat's something I'd have to look into but I'd rather not do it on the basis of having to rely on another AddOn. The only support we have for that sort of thing is positioning the scan button and it's susceptible to unannounced changes in those AddOns.
03:39.19TorhalI'd also have to change the GUI to accomodate, which is non-trivial.
03:39.19FeaglinSoEyeah integrating with another addon (especially since I'm not even sure one exists) does sound hard
03:39.26TorhalUnless you're talking about something in a tooltip.
03:39.45FeaglinSoEdoes ARL ship the database of recipes and where to get them? or does it pull from somewhere?
03:40.21TorhalIt's in the AddOn itself, though not every bit of it is easily human-readable.
03:40.22FeaglinSoEie. is this just (;-)) a matter of pulling in a little bit more data and displaying it?
03:41.15TorhalI could throw it in a tooltip, but couldn't guarantee how fast it'd be updated because visiting every known vendor takes time (we don't scrape from WoWHead or WoWDB)
03:41.33TorhalWe have in-game tools to datamine that type of thing.
03:42.38TorhalAnywho - it's bedtime for me. Take care!
03:42.56FeaglinSoEthanks! Good Night!
03:46.13FeaglinSoEI guess already depends on this
12:36.30*** join/#arl Kaelten (~Kaelten@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/WoWIFA/CurseStaff/kaelten)
13:43.57*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
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14:06.22sidji"HATS" ;)
18:59.31*** join/#arl pompy1 (
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22:32.03*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Ressy)
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