IRC log for #arl on 20130708

01:35.53Ressy1x AckisRecipeList-@project-version@\Waypoint.lua:348: attempt to index local "vendor" (a nil value)
01:35.53RessyAckisRecipeList-@project-version@\Waypoint.lua:348: in function "waypoint_func"
01:35.53RessyAckisRecipeList-@project-version@\Waypoint.lua:394: in function <AckisRecipeList\Waypoint.lua:385>
01:35.53RessyAckisRecipeList-@project-version@\Waypoint.lua:501: in function "AddWaypoint"
01:35.53RessyAckisRecipeList-@project-version@\List.lua:273: in function <AckisRecipeList\List.lua:254>
01:35.53RessyAckisRecipeList-@project-version@\List.lua:384: in function <AckisRecipeList\List.lua:367>
02:01.10TorhalRessy: Do you know which recipe?
02:04.20Ressyone of the 3 enchanting ones for Sage Whiteheart in Vale
02:16.26TorhalRessy: How much of a pain in the ass was working with the split dump?
02:16.52RessyNot too bad.
02:17.06Ressyespecially considering the previous.....
02:17.26TorhalWas easier to copy/paste once though
02:17.31Ressyextra minute or two if wayyy better than not being able to get the dump at all.
02:58.37TorhalRessy: I don't even see those in ARL.
02:58.42TorhalNone of them
03:00.43Ressydon't see what?
03:00.49TorhalThe three recipes.
03:01.01TorhalI'm looking at them on WoWDB but my Enchanter doesn't see 'em at all.
03:01.13RessyI see'em
03:01.20RessyBracer - Exceptional Strenght
03:01.23RessyGreater Agility
03:01.27RessySuper Intellect
03:01.41RessyThey're reputation
03:02.04Torhal…which I didn't have turned on for some reason
03:02.26Ressycontrol shift click = crashy
06:53.31*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
13:13.47*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@unaffiliated/ressy)
13:13.47*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
14:51.23TorhalRessy: Fixed, BTW. Also did another minor thing to the scanner.
15:25.01Ressyoh? :)
15:27.11TorhalRessy: Added a header to the expansion dumps, and did freaky stuff to the progress bar because I could.
15:27.21*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
19:26.13*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
23:28.47*** join/#arl pompy (
23:28.47*** mode/#arl [+v pompy] by ChanServ

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