IRC log for #arl on 20130623

19:36.31*** join/#arl purl (~purl@
19:36.31*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 2.4.4 released.| Collectinator 2.0 Beta Released | Ask your question in the channel and be patient.
19:51.34*** join/#arl purl (~purl@
19:51.34*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 2.4.4 released.| Collectinator 2.0 Beta Released | Ask your question in the channel and be patient.
21:09.12RessyAckis, Torhal.
21:09.20RessyMajor changes with professions in 5.4
21:09.28RessyI need it to stop dcing me when I do a profession dump.

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