IRC log for #arl on 20121108

00:02.19Ressyhe did
00:02.26Ressymy child is fucking evil
00:02.40Ressycrapped, took off his diaper, threw it, then sat down on the couch
00:09.13Ackisso Ressy I guess if you want to start adding locations/levels you could do it, but just have them commented out?
00:11.04AckisTorhal: would that be okay with you?
00:11.26TorhalDon't see why not.
00:11.35TorhalThey're commented out, so no biggie.
00:11.53TorhalOh, except that the packager is disabled.
00:12.26RessyNot gonna add in that yet.
00:12.33RessyI'll do another pass
00:13.53AckisTorhal: don't need the packager for the branch
00:14.02TorhalThis is true.
00:15.22Ressynew pet:
00:19.39Ackisblizzard needs to up the 500 pet limit
00:19.49TorhalJust ditch some multiples.
00:20.52Ackisthe multiples I have are rare pets right now, I'm at 451 unique (according to pet theory) and 465 total
00:21.49Ackiscollectinator says I have 450/494
06:38.48*** join/#arl purl (
06:38.48*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 2.4.2 released.| ARL Stats! Claim you commits: | WoWInsider review: | Try out Collectinator for your pet/mount needs:
07:22.21*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
11:28.47*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
14:15.46*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@unaffiliated/ressy)
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14:23.54*** join/#arl Ressy (
14:40.38*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@unaffiliated/ressy)
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16:28.47*** join/#arl pompy (
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17:51.26*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
23:39.28*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@unaffiliated/ressy)
23:39.28*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
23:40.17RessyYou guys read my blog post?
23:46.50TorhalNo, I hadn't
23:48.54Ackisjust did
23:50.41Ressywhat'd you think?
23:53.18Ackisneeds moar cowbell :D
23:53.26Ackisyou need to investigate more than bell/rogers IMO
23:53.37RessyBell and Rogers were the biggies...
23:53.44Ackisbut the premise that why are you doing the CRTC's work is sound
23:54.00RessyTelus doesn't throttle, Bell Aliant doesn't, and Shaw only did it for short periods of time til they could upgrade equip.
23:54.54RessyI still don't believe that my complaitn helped kill throttling in all of Canada.
23:55.31Ackisassuming those are true (and I have no reason to doubt you except for Shaw because they're bastards :P) if you did investigate them your article could basically say: Bell and Rogers throttle, Telus and Shaw and Bell Aliant do not throttle at all.  A bit of name and shame so to speak.  (just a suggestion/idea)
23:55.45RessyBell's killed throttling altogether...
23:55.52RessyRogers is killing by end of the year..
23:55.57RessyBell stopped back in March
23:56.23AckisI thought rogers said they killed it but didn't but did then didn't again
23:57.27RessyThey said they fixed wow.
23:57.34Ressybut didn't apply the patch to the systems
23:57.37Ressywell, all systems.
23:58.02RessyBut they're killing all throttling by end of year, because the CRTC started doing their job and went after Rogers and tested them on their own.
23:58.08Ressyfound additional non-compliance.

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