IRC log for #arl on 20121007

00:06.23RessyAfter adding in those missing ones..
00:06.26RessyI'm getting errors now.
00:06.33RessyOn stuff I didn't touch
00:06.55Ressyerr.. nm. Found a prob
00:09.17RessyFound more the scanner isn't scanning & autoadding
00:11.28RessyTheres more than just that missing
00:11.37pompyRessy I know...
00:11.56AckisI wanted him to push once he added those
00:12.32Ackisokay the issue is with the auto-scan/auto-add the info into the database
00:14.35Ressyand its not recognizing that I don't have this one recipe, despite it being in the database
00:15.53pompyAckis: torhal made a commit to this on 9/17
00:16.03pompyto handle the "Way of the ..." in the tradeskillline .. hmm.
00:16.49RessyNot one of the trainers will recognize the lvl 600 cooking recipes
00:17.07Ressyit shows in ARL
00:17.10Ressybut not on tooltip
00:17.29Ressybecause I'm not of the right level yet for that specific way
00:20.59Torhalbeats everyone senseless then tabs back into WoW.
00:22.39Ressygive me a second
00:22.43RessyI've got everything all fixed..
00:22.54Ressyliterally, everything's done
00:23.42pompyi got it.
00:24.07pompyAckis:  /script ARL:ScanProfession("PROFNAME")
00:24.22pompyAckis:  /script ARL:DumpProfession("PROFNAME")
00:28.47Ressysorry pompy.. I commited & pushed before seeing your msg
00:58.42Ackispings Torhal so he tabs out of WoW
01:00.03TorhalAckis: Die in a felfire.
01:06.46AckisTorhal: while I'm getting burnt check out the changes I made to Common.lua and Core.lua please and let me know what you think of them/yell at me
02:49.13sidjibtw cooking ... do you see the ways in posted tradeskills?
03:00.34pompypeoples links?
03:00.38pompydunno havent looked
03:06.52sidjii don't see the ways
08:32.42*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
16:24.14*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@unaffiliated/ressy)
16:24.15*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
17:10.35Ressycleaning computer while servers are down. back in a bit
17:14.51*** join/#arl Elkano_ (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
17:23.03*** join/#arl Torhal (
17:23.03*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
17:39.26*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@unaffiliated/ressy)
17:39.26*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
19:59.48AckisRessy: reason for the restarts today (if you didn't know already)
20:00.38RessyI know whats going on. ;)
20:00.55RessyI know what led up to it..
20:01.09RessyI know how long it took the dev called in this morning to fix it. lol
20:01.57Ackisbah you're important
20:02.08AckisI'll just go back to watching videos on ownedcore
20:02.37Ressy90 mins to fix it this morning
20:02.49RessyFisker gave the info as to 'why' it happend.
20:02.59RessyHackers were using it to exploit & 1 man Baradin Hold.
20:03.02RessyHacker got banned pre-fix.
20:03.08Ressywhich is just stupid....
20:03.19RessyHackers wiped out cities as payback.
20:03.58RessyI'm not convinced this 'login server' problem was real.
20:04.06Ackisyeah same
20:04.30RessyI think they slowed login to a trickle so they could ban chars, and do rollbacks for those who received gear from it.
20:04.42Ressyrather than do a full rollback
20:06.21AckisI don't think I'd have the balls to hack
20:06.23Ackiseven a fishing bot
20:07.54ElkanoAckis, is the packager fixed by now?
20:09.19AckisElkano: I dunno I can't fix it
20:11.56AckisElkano: I just texted someone to see if they can fix it
20:13.33Ressylovely. Goes down every weekend huh?
20:13.49Ackisit needs to be rewritten badly
20:13.50Ressylast commit was 2 hrs ago
20:14.00AckisI was able to log in fwiw
20:14.11RessyI think login servers are back
20:14.23RessyI'm in, and have been for a good 30 mins?  Found an Onyx Egg too. lol
20:14.47RessyI high-tailed it over there to Arborteum
20:14.58Ressyarg. can't type
20:17.27AckisI have never found a single egg, blizz nerfed the drop rates badly
20:20.28AckisRessy: ^
20:24.56Ressyis that beta?
20:25.01Ackishis scenario list was bugged
20:25.17RessyZan'vess is an actual place
20:34.01RessyPackager's fixed
20:37.22AckisRessy you have contacts, find out whose decision it was to make nat pagle rep so insane to get, and call them a poopoo head for me please
20:46.13Ressyinsane to get? Insanely easy?
20:46.29RessyDailies, and a group in Dread Wastes
20:48.21Ackisinsane to get and there are no dailies for him
20:49.05Ackisyou have to fish up one of three rare fish that have a 1% chance to drop to get any rep
20:50.33Ressyohh. Nat Pagle himself
20:50.37Ressyand not Anglers
20:51.13Ressylemme guess.. Want the hat?
20:53.18RessySome of the dailies give Nat Pagle rep
20:53.42Ressyah, nm.
20:53.45RessyThose are the rare fish
20:56.48Ackisthe time it takes me to catch those fish == time for me to do every other daily it seems
21:46.10Ackisugh I feel like shit, it's all torhal's fault too
21:46.44TorhalHmm. And here I thought my Jedi Mind tricks were my imagination.
21:49.35Ressywhy is it Torhal's fault?
21:50.12TorhalRessy: I blame Ackis for everything, so he figured he'd get his turn.
22:00.41AckisI just threatened Torhal
22:01.00TorhalAckis: Lame.
22:20.26AckisI want this
22:26.47sidjigot this on beta from Juicycrunch Carrot
22:28.32AckisI got the green proto drake on the ptr once made me sad
22:28.36Ackistook another 2 years to get it on live
22:31.54sidjimine took 9 month
22:33.04sidji.oO(a real pregnancy...)
22:33.31sidjinever seen the blue
22:35.11RessyI got the terrible turnip in live already
22:35.33sidji/ignore Ressy
22:35.43RessyNever seen either green or blue proto drakes tho
22:35.46RessyI gave up
22:36.04RessySame with the pet from Majesters Terrace Heroic.
22:37.47sidji4200 rep with nat
22:39.38sidjihm 374x [Lesser Charm of Good Fortune]
22:52.29AckisI got the blue while leveling up in wrath
22:52.32Ackisand nat rep sucks
22:53.39sidji3 days ago i got all 3 fish within 30 min
22:54.44sidjilate at night (2am)

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