IRC log for #arl on 20121004

00:32.11TorhalAckis: Because breaky breaks.
02:41.31*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@
02:41.31*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@unaffiliated/ressy)
02:41.31*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
03:09.40Ackisif you stab/kill/whalenuke me once more imma piss on your hair
03:32.59AckisI always have load in issues with wow
03:35.20Ackisyou see me go offline there?
03:35.28AckisI loaded into an instance and everyone was unknown
03:36.28RessyI saw you come online
04:04.53TorhalAckis: You use ArkInventory?
06:23.29*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
13:01.24*** join/#arl purl (
13:01.24*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 2.4 released. Get it or | ARL Stats! Claim you commits: | WoWInsider review: | Try out Collectinator for your pet/mount needs:
13:13.37*** join/#arl Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
13:13.38*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
13:27.38*** join/#arl Ressy (
13:27.50*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@unaffiliated/ressy)
13:27.50*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
14:06.37Ressywow.. wtf
14:06.57RessyInstalling git... my computer is like dead slow now
14:24.51RessyKaspersky is going apeshit
14:25.39Torhal|workStab it!
14:25.55RessyCan't unless I wanna lose all internet
14:26.25Ressyits a pita
14:41.14RessyAs soon as I uninstall Git, my system's back to normal, and Kaspersky's stopped going nuts. lovely
14:45.07Torhal|workWhere did you download it from?
16:30.25*** join/#arl Elkano (~elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
16:56.01ElkanoWotLK engineering googles are set to be class restricted in ARL iirc to get the armor limitations working; could you do the same with the MoP ones?
16:57.11pompyElkano: * Retinal Armor?
16:57.47pompyand wotlk? werent there ones in cata too?
17:00.26Elkanoyeah, * Killshade
17:00.57RessyElkano, I could do that later tonight, yeah
17:04.39Elkanoalso, damn cogwheel limits :/ got 5 slots so my WL sockeled dodge...
17:04.42Torhal|workElkano: Why do you have to give the DB folks a hard time?
17:05.21RessyNo, its a good idea.
17:05.30Ressywhich we should have done in the first place :P
17:05.36Torhal|workRessy: I'm fucking with him.
17:06.11ElkanoTorhal, you know the reason... it starts with l and has 4 chars ;)
17:08.44Elkanoalso, the cooking DB is missing the skill 600 recipes of the ways
17:09.33Elkanoand torhal, it's lazy
17:10.38Torhal|workElkano: No, that would be Ackis.
17:15.50Torhal|workBTW, Ackis, pompy Ressy:
17:16.58Torhal|workI use a combination of commandline and SourceTree
17:17.04pompyTorhal|work: SmartGit, i told you i use that!
17:17.27Torhal|workI know, but I don't know how it stacks in comparison to GitExtensions
17:17.42Torhal|workSo I figured I'd throw it out there
17:18.00pompyi tried gitextensions a while back, maybe its been updated since! ill have to check it out see what was updated
17:33.25pompyhm i think i can have gitextensions and smartgit coexist, not bad.
18:02.29RessyI just watched a brand new plane fly into a retired 'international' airport.  It was retasked for military & Bombardier.
18:16.13Elkano9/11 into?
19:10.02pompynow we knoww where ressy lives
19:13.11RessyI live in Toronto, Canada
19:13.16RessyI'm very open about that. ;)
19:13.39Torhal|workdisenchants pompy.
19:21.25pompyyou are not high enough of a level to do that.
20:58.27pompyhey Ackis
21:20.33Ackissup bitches
21:20.54Ackispompy: already exalted with the lorewalkers
21:22.01Ackiswhat I need is something to help me with the reputation with the tillers people... who needs what to be cooked, where the hell they are, etc
21:40.37sidjiFarmer Fung likes Marsh Lilies and Wildfowl Roast
21:40.50sidjiChee Chee likes Blue Feathers and Valley Stir Fry
21:40.58sidjiElla likes Jade Cats and Shrimp Dumplings
21:41.23sidjiFish Fellreed likes Jade Cats and Twin Fish Platters
21:41.37sidjiGina likes Marsh Lilies and Swirling Mist Soup
21:41.45sidjiHaohan likes Ruby Shards and Charbroiled Tiger Steak
21:41.54sidjiJogu likes Lovely Apples and Sauteed Carrots
21:42.00sidjiOld Hillpaw likes Blue Feathers and Braised Turtle
21:42.08sidjiSho likes Lovely Apples and Eternal Blossom Fish
21:42.16sidjiTina likes Ruby Shards and Fire Spirit Salmon
21:56.02Ackissidji: but I need something to remember that every day :P
22:00.34sidjior get "exalted" (best friend) within one day
22:01.29sidjifood (daily) 1800 rep w/o bonus
22:02.06sidjieach item 900 rep
22:08.58TorhalAckis: It's called pen and paper. Or an editor and a keyboard.
22:13.08AckisTorhal: write a mod for it
22:14.42AckisYou can call it "Ackis is a lazy bastard who won't code or alt-tab to wowhead" mod
22:19.32TorhalBTW, folks, Ackis decided not to continue Collectinator 2.0
22:21.12Ackisfuck off :P
22:24.13sidjiOrder of the Cloud Serpent: +69. (Total: +519) (Exalted) (Left: 0)
22:25.59sidji60 exalted faction
22:26.28pompyget a life!
22:26.38pompyim at 36 ;x
22:27.21sidji17 mop factions are still in progress ;)
22:28.58sidjiAckis: for your "pen & paper addon":  Fung: 48.3/33.9 or  halfhill
22:29.37sidjiTina: 45.1/33.8
22:30.00*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@unaffiliated/ressy)
22:30.00*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
22:30.04sidjiHaohan 44.6/34.0
22:30.19Ressypompy... Can you do be a big favor pls?
22:30.41sidjiFish 41.7/30.0
22:30.59RessyI've got a huge migraine... Passed out in the car on the way home (coworker driving), and that didn't get rid of it.. I need to focus on something to not go crazy with the pain.. Can I work on the mountdb?
22:31.22sidjiSho 29.4/30.7
22:32.06sidjiChee Chee 34.4/46.7
22:32.40sidjiOld Hillpaw 31.0/53.1
22:33.07sidjiElla 31.5/58.0
22:39.54AckisTorhal: I said I was losing interest because you aren't doing anything either and I need your help obi-one-kenobi, you're my only hope
22:40.27TorhalI've done quite a bit, and I don't know exactly what you need me for at this precise moment.
22:40.53Ackismoral support
22:41.22AckisI thought you were redoing the lib pet journal stuff and everything was on hold for that?
22:42.43TorhalFuck if I know.
22:42.51TorhalI'm working on Pet Theory at the moment, though.
22:43.08TorhalOnce I get it a bit more polished, I'll do something on Collectinator.
22:44.41Ackisalso a suggestion for it
22:44.47Ackistrack the % of successfully landing a trap
22:46.38Ressyfilters for mounts.
22:48.08RessyI just had a pet info tooltip show up oon a merchant
22:48.16Ressyand it doesn't go away
22:49.59Ressydisabled pet theory, and no more issue
22:50.43pompyRessy: torhal knows about it..heh.. durcyn told him earlier today
22:52.21pompydurcyn was being meant o him ;( lol
22:52.27pompymean to*
22:55.55TorhalRessy: Showing/hiding the PetJournal makes it go away.
22:59.13AckisRessy: closing your eyes also makes it go away
23:00.48TorhalRessy: I say that to myself every time Ackis types.

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