IRC log for #arl on 20120924

00:04.06AckisRessy: is ruRU on the EU servers or are they separate?
00:23.48Ackisokay I've downloaded the ruRU starter client and I'm leveling up to level 5 =/
00:24.46RessyEU servers
00:24.59Ressysorry.. Was putting the monkey to sleep
00:32.43Ackiswell I'm playing wow in russian right now :D
00:33.32pompy1Ressy: when i logged onto the beta the other day, someone from Russia had "???????' over hi sn ame
00:33.39pompy1wheres it incorrect in that screenshot?
00:36.06Ackisis it wrong that I know how to change options in ruRU because I have them memorized in enUS?
00:41.18RessyThey couldn't even get ARL to scan anything in RU
00:41.22RessyHit scan, and nada
00:41.29Ressyat first, they couldn't even find the scan button
00:43.19Ackisyeah that's why I decided to try a toon out, gotta figure out wth is going on
00:56.08*** join/#arl Torhal (
00:56.15*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
01:05.44Ressyhello Torhal :)
01:06.00RessyTorhal, theres still an issue with scanning smelting.. ie, it doesn't work
01:06.09Ressybut other than that.. Ackis would like you to check his push.
01:06.19Ressyand if everything's ok after that...
01:07.02pompy1monday night probably?  blizz can do last minute thingz! ;)
01:08.07Ressynext patch planned is after mop launch
01:08.23Ackisthis russian shit is fucked up
01:08.35Ressyhow bad is it tho?
01:08.43pompy1in the tooltip
01:08.55Ackisno idea, not getting enough error messages to be helpful and my debug statements are just strange
01:08.57RessySomeone posted this earlier
01:08.58RessyFirst of all, many thanks for making the "I want all these recipies NAO!" showing tool =) Helped me a lot with getting all enchanting formulae.
01:08.58RessyThe thing is, after 5.0.4 all descriptions are shown as strings of question marks (yeah, yeah, cyrillic fonts, what else). I think it'll help people to repair such localization problems, if it'll be a font selection tool, as it is in, for example, Quartz, where have been similar problem with cyrillic characters.
01:08.58RessyI understand that this is quite tricky to add new functionality, and it'll also help  lot if Authors tell which fonts are used by ARL and especially where files of these fonts are stored.
01:08.58RessyThanks in advance ^^
01:09.21pompy1i need to find the screenshot
01:09.59RessyI had the Ru MVPs test Ackis Recipe LIst... and unwittingly got a Blizz rep to test it too
01:10.04Ressythis is what they sent
01:10.31Ackishonestly Ressy I don't think they knew what they were doing, the scan button appears just fine and for the slash commands to work he'd have to type them in russian
01:10.46pompy1prolly library issues
01:10.49pompy1and hes overlooking that
01:11.16Ressydid we update the libraries requirement?
01:11.20pompy1look how wide the arl window has to be for fucking russian lol
01:11.25AckisI found the problem
01:11.25RessyDidn't we stop using a  library or something?
01:11.45pompy1yeah LBZ
01:11.47pompy1and maybe LBB
01:12.00pompy1you mean like optDep?
01:12.01AckisBabble Faction doesn't have ruRU translations in it, and it causes the addon to stop running after 25 or so errors for some reason
01:12.16Ackiswhen I installed bugsack/buggrabber I got the scan window working without issue
01:12.44RessyNev just pushed a babble faction update
01:12.58Ressy20 mins ago
01:12.59Ackislet me check if the ruRU are in it
01:13.09pompy132 of the 127 arent translatd
01:13.13pompy1in russian
01:13.26Ackis(16 mins ago actually, not 20 ;))
01:14.07pompy1Torhal said its a font issue in tooltips
01:14.11pompy1involving  cyrillic
01:14.13Ackistooltips work
01:14.17Ackishe fixed that
01:14.21Ackisthis is a different issue
01:14.44AckisI'm on a ruRU server right now looking at the tooltips working sexily
01:16.31AckisI'm cheating and getting some ruRU for those missing things
01:17.11pompy1"Best Friend" .. "Acquaintance" ??
01:17.38Ackisnew faction levels
01:17.41Ressyreputation levels
01:17.46Ressyfor the tillers-related guys
01:18.54pompy1I'll drop StingerSoft a pm, and see if he's still around, asking if he has time to translate the brand new faction phrases if he wants. heh.
01:20.17*** join/#arl Torhal (
01:20.18*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
01:21.53pompy1Ackis: didnt realize you can get the ruRU client
01:23.25AckisI'm already translating them pompy1
01:23.54pompy1google translate? heh. or wowhead?
01:24.19pompy1ah nice
01:24.48Ressyoh that rocks
01:25.21RessyARL will still be broken for people tho, because babble's already pushed, right?
01:26.09pompy1i believe its suppsoed to fallback to the english translationb
01:27.51AckisI'm just going to test to make sure that was the root cause
01:27.55Ackisif it was I'll get nev to rerun
01:28.22RessyOH..  I see where the localizations are now. nm me & my stupidity. :)
01:28.35pompy1I wish blizz made it easy to dld like language packs no matter where you are. lol. blah.
01:33.44Ackisfucking nev
01:34.24AckisTorhal: why would the russian install break wtihout localizations but work with them?  code should still keep on running even if there are 100's of missing translations, but this shit just stopped in its tracks
01:37.33pompy1Ackis: maybe he has the error thing in the IO of WoW turned off?
01:38.17Ackisnah I tried it myself, it shit itself without buggrabber/bugsack installed but worked with them installed
01:39.01Ressycould it be because of blizzard's changes?
01:39.10RessyThat popup about too many UI errors?
01:39.22Ackisat least that's what I think it was
01:39.29Ackisit was in russian so I have no idea what it said :D
01:40.05Ackisbut yeah now it works after I added the translations in even without bugsack/buggrabber
01:40.24Ressyshit... That means all languages are gonna break unless they're all done translating.
01:42.06pompy1Ackis: theres 41 untranslated in ruRU within ARL, would that oddly still cause problems?
01:42.30pompy1but theres a shitton untranslated in ptBR and itIT, and havent heard anyone from there complaining
01:43.00Ressyit looks like the person I recruited decided not to start ptBR after all.
01:45.51pompy1someone's having connection troubles on a sunday night, bleh.
01:49.41*** join/#arl Torhal (
01:49.42*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
01:54.17Ackisunplugs Torhal's internet
01:56.02pompy1i really need to clean out my wow folder before tuesday!
01:56.36pompy1Ressy: what was this small blizzard launcher update i just got lol.
01:58.16RessyThats probably from my bitching at a dev.
01:58.23Ressyseriously. >.<
01:58.46pompy1what did youd doo
01:58.58pompy1the permission shit?
01:59.31Ressybitched how Repair on Demand doesn't work for everyone, so some people crash, we recommend deleting the file to be able to redownload the entire file, only for Launcher to act like the file still exists, and doesn't think to redownload the damned file..
01:59.49Ressyhense person attempts to log in, doesn't have the file, and crashes again
02:00.15RessyI bitched that there needs to be an out of game Repair again (they removed it with Mists)..
02:00.25pompy1Ressy: it was redlding it while the client was running
02:00.27Ressyand they emailed me back saying they found the bug, and it'd be fixed pdq
02:00.31pompy1that was so weird
02:00.34Ressynot good enough when its a 3gb file.
02:00.48pompy1i had to see its progress by bringing up the file properties
02:00.50pompy1was so dumb
02:00.54pompy1it better be better now
02:01.39Ressya few slight changes here & there (such as adding in MVPs who live in affected regions), but yeah.
02:01.46RessyEssentially, righ tnow.. no out of game repair
02:02.29pompy1i guess it still wont show progress on what it is redownloading
02:02.33pompy1'but i dont feel like testing lol
02:03.29pompy1I want to meet Cory Stockton. lol.
02:04.03RessyNext year Imma go meet everyone. :)
02:04.26RessyMVPs have been given an open invite to tours.
02:04.46pompy1i almost got to meet morhaime last year!
02:04.49pompy1at blizzcon
02:05.07pompy1yeah he was in the hilton the same place the curse party was at
02:05.31Ressysob. I keep missing my sis on
02:05.32pompy1GC and the drunk showed up at our party though
02:05.40Ressythe drunk?
02:05.44pompy1yeah whats his name
02:05.51pompy1on the tip of my tongue
02:06.06pompy1hes a lead something i think
02:06.50pompy1yeah him
02:07.41pompy1 ackis, me, ackis friend and GC lol.
02:08.59RessyMy buddy's in a guild with GC.
02:09.09RessyHim & his wife drove him to the airport after the last blizzcon
02:09.34Ackiseither of you two want some work to do? :D
02:09.40Ressysuch as?
02:11.12Ressyand, does it auto-scan?  If so, i'll do it cuz I have 147 pets
02:12.20Ackisnein :(
02:12.31Ackisand I need to fix some stuff first before db work can be done in ernest
02:22.46RessyChinese is done again.
02:26.40Ackissweat shops
02:27.46AckisI'm stupid
02:27.48AckisTorhal: ^
02:36.29pompy1crazy lol Ace3 doesnt even use the loc app.
03:04.59Ackisokay the last two issues I think are something Torhal will have to help me with because I'm beating my head against a wall (custom per collection filters, and why filtering doesn't seem to work)
03:09.38Ackisif either of you wants to do db work, don't touch pets, we'll be able to datamine a bunch of that from the pet journal, however mounts need a lot of love
03:15.28TorhalDrunken babboons bouncing around in Ackis's skull.
03:16.41Ackisoh hi Torhal
03:17.14pompy1sure thing Ackis
03:18.37pompy1Torhal: how's TL2?
03:19.22Ackisokay I'm going to bed, not feeling well still and early morning tomorrow
03:20.00TorhalAckis: Good.
03:20.03TorhalTL2 I mean
03:20.09TorhalSorry you're feeling unwell
03:20.15Ackisno you said good to that
03:34.08pompy1Torhal: indeedy, updating my Ace3 copy did end up showing the datamine options prefs in that tab of the ARL IO.
03:35.10Torhalpompy1: Hehe
03:35.12TorhalRessy: Hrm?
03:39.41TorhalI'm so confused.
03:42.30Ressysorry, just laughing at options appearing for pompy.
03:43.44pompy1yeah, i had a very old ace3 copy
03:45.27TorhalScumbag pompy - runs disembedded, won't use Curse Client.
03:45.39RessyI use it. ;)
03:45.48Ressyeven uninstalled minion finally
03:46.01TorhalI could never get it to work, even when it was new.
03:46.05pompy1i certainly use CC
03:46.13Ressyit hasn't worked for me for a while.
03:46.15pompy1i just havent gone thru them on CC
03:46.27pompy1doing that atm, though
03:46.31TorhalGone through? You have premium, it's called "Update all"
03:50.10RessyI still haven't' gotten used to that yet.
03:52.37Ressyokies. bedtime. night guys :)
05:14.45*** join/#arl sidji (
05:21.09sidjihm banana infused rum  is missing in arl
05:33.05pompy1sidji: yes it is, know where you obtain the recipe item to learn it?
05:37.03sidjiit's in "Barrel of Banana Infused Rum" near Spriggin rare mob
05:39.02sidjikrasarang wilds
05:41.57pompy1kk thanks, it will be added.
05:42.06sidjiit's one of the lost treasures
05:44.01sidjisame with   Four Senses Brew  (126654) from   Tablet of Ren Yun     kun-lai 44.7/52.4
05:50.39pompy1sounds good
13:28.46*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@unaffiliated/ressy)
13:28.47*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
14:43.43Ackisso Torhal|work did you do anything other than rename shit last night? :D
14:47.52RessyCol or ARL?
15:04.22pompy1nah, lol, looks he just simplified/renamed stuff last night
15:21.09Torhal|workI fixed silliness.
15:21.29Torhal|workThough I need to dig down deeper and revert where you removed all of the item filter shit
15:21.43Torhal|workThat's why the pet/mount individual filters don't work - you took out the plumbing.
15:21.54pompy1so looks like i was able to work from the 2.0 branch correctly on my end.
15:22.06pompy1switched to 2.0 and set origin/2.0 as the tracked branch
15:22.13pompy1and my commit seeemed to go thru this morning
15:22.16Torhal|workYou kept SOME of that code, and renamed item to misc, so I don't know why you removed the rest and/or didn't revert the removal and continue with the renames.
15:22.42Torhal|workAt any rate, I have to improve fishing node detection in WoWDB.
15:39.48*** join/#arl pompy (~Mike@
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17:01.57*** join/#arl pompy (~Mike@
17:04.20pompywtf this is the worst time for connection issues
17:35.07pompyapparently the korean font was changed too, but idk if arl deals with that
17:52.10*** join/#arl pompy (~Mike@
17:54.53Ressynot lookin like a good day for you there pompy
17:57.37pompyidk, it better stop
18:56.53*** join/#arl pompy (~Mike@
18:59.51*** join/#arl Torhal|work (~torhal_wo@
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19:14.42*** join/#arl Ressy (
19:14.45*** join/#arl Ressy (~resa1983@unaffiliated/ressy)
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19:42.00*** join/#arl pompy (~Mike@
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19:52.33Ackispompy, Ressy: new ARL tagged
19:53.42Ressylooked through it/tested it and it was okies/
19:54.26Ackisbig surprise Denny complained about whitespace... he's racist against whitestuff
19:54.51Ressytoo much making sure things are formatted so you could read it easily? ;)
19:55.06Ackisnah he just hates whitespace and comments
19:56.28Torhal|workI hate arbitrary whitespace.
19:56.35Torhal|workHey, let's put FORTY FUCKING NEWLINES HERE
19:57.05Ressywoo.. already in another alpha version. :P
19:57.09Torhal|workOr "Let's put newlines between these variables because…why not?"
19:59.54Ackisyou know I'm going to make it a point of doing extra whitespace/comments in every commit I do now right?
20:00.32Torhal|workI'll remove all comments.
20:00.43Ackisyou've done that beforey ou bastard
20:00.52Torhal|workNo, I mean ALL.
20:01.10Ackisoh no you won't girlfriend
20:01.23Torhal|workI only removed the ones that were completely unnecessary: You read the code beneath it and say "Uh, yeah….I didn't need to be told this..."
20:01.40Torhal|work-- Adds one to the result
20:01.44Torhal|workNO SHIT!
20:01.47Ackis-- Increases 1 to the index
20:01.55Ackis-- Makes the table null
20:01.57Ackis-- End do
20:02.11Torhal|workI do the -- do-block
20:02.27Torhal|workBut that's because when you're three fucking pages down you kinda need to know where this indentation is coming from.
20:02.41Ackisl2get a better editor! :D
20:03.06Ackisdidn't you say I was the new Fisker?
20:03.19Torhal|workI said "wannabe"
20:03.46Ressylol.. You guys are funny
20:04.10Ackisyou should see our MSN conversations
20:04.25Torhal|workRessy: I should file stalker charges.
20:07.34RessyDid someone work in a fix so that if there were more than 25 untranslated phrases, arl wouldn't just break?
20:08.37Ackisthat's only on ruRU for some stupid reason
20:37.42AckisRessy: what does it mean when everyone is unknown?
20:38.02Ackise.g. instead of Salty Testicis I'm Salty Unknown
20:38.32Ressytoo much data being thrown at your modem/router
20:38.39Ressyie, your cache isn't filled out hun
20:39.46Ackiswho do I blame on that?
21:15.34*** join/#arl AckisWork (~Ackis@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
21:15.34*** mode/#arl [+o AckisWork] by ChanServ

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