IRC log for #arl on 20120923

00:36.05*** join/#arl pompy (~Mike@
00:51.56*** join/#arl pompy (~Mike@
04:16.46Ackis~api GetProfessions
04:16.47purl!api GetProfessions
04:16.47lua_botGetProfessions: Returns indices of all of the current character's professions (
05:13.54pompyah darn ressy logged.
12:28.35*** join/#arl Ressy (~Ressy@unaffiliated/ressy)
12:28.36*** mode/#arl [+v Ressy] by ChanServ
15:21.05pompymorning, 3 hours later
15:48.56pompybleh, and yay work time 1215-6.. weird ass hours.
15:49.16RessySo, I'm done adding all the new stuff. Added pretty much everything that wowhead had as new for the profession, then marked ones that didn't make it out of beta as "retired"
15:53.02pompyif they didnt make it out of beta, then they wont show in 5.0.4?
15:54.21RessyI think they patched live before removing stuff.
15:56.09pompywell, when the recipes get completely removed from peoples professions, they get removed from arl, and obv if just the attainability of the recipe was removed, then thats why they are retired
15:57.23RessyThey weren't removed from ppl's professions in beta tho
15:57.35Ressywhich is why I left it in temporarily, and just marked it as retired for now.
15:58.58pompyyeah that makes sense
15:59.54pompybut if they were introd in 5.0.4 and removed in 5.0.5.. yaeh retired... introd in beta and removed in 5.0.4, then live wont ever have seen them
16:01.07pompywork times, have a good day.
22:18.15*** join/#arl pompy1 (~Mike@
23:17.19Ressylol. I just convinced a Blizzard RU rep to test if the Russian ??? problem is fixed.
23:27.13RessyRussia not working properly:
23:27.47Ressy"Also nothing happens after pressing the Scan button. "

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