IRC log for #arl on 20110922

00:25.18*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
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01:19.58Stanzillayo Torhal|work
01:35.14pompyhes sleeping Stanzilla
03:18.36*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
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04:15.57*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
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05:13.30*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
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06:11.16*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
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13:11.52*** join/#arl hickop (
13:15.08hickopis there a way to hide ennemy faction recipes without hiding neutral ones please ?
14:28.53Ackisuncheck the horde/alliance filter
14:33.53*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
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15:05.35hickopAckis: but this also remove common recipes
15:06.22Ackisif you uncheck horde, it should only remove horde only recipes
15:06.40Ackiserr faction
15:08.29Ackisalthough something fishy looks to be going on
15:08.42hickopdid not check if all common recipes are gone but i found at least one in cooking that is obtained with a common quest:
15:11.56hickoprecipe is in the list but the way to obtain it is gone
15:12.42Ackishmm ok... cooking is difficult for me because I know all the recipes lol
15:12.57hickopok :)
15:15.24hickopnpc name appears in red and makes it confusing, maybe there should be a different way to show non faction recipes (yellow for example)
15:17.38Ackisare you horde or alliance?
15:18.31Ackisany chance you could take a screenshot of what you're seeing and upload it please?
15:21.45hickopwith faction unchecked
15:25.47pompywtf is that in english
15:25.50pompythe recipe u have selected
15:27.58AckisClamlette Magnifique :P
15:30.01pompyu have 86/92 filters..
15:30.04pompyu have vendor unchecked??
15:30.12pompyor quest
15:31.01hickopno all is checked but cataclysm
15:31.22pompyAckis: hes using 2.2.8, maybe we fixed it after release bc, its working fine for me
15:31.28pompyand i see it fine
15:33.45Ackis2.2.8 is latest release, looking at change log to see
15:39.10pompyhickop: what 6 fiulters do u have unchecked
15:41.15hickopspecialty , faction , skills , known , removed , cataclysm
15:41.25hickop(not sure about translate)
15:41.56pompywell, its a quest  for the obtain of clamlette magnifique, is it your first time viewing that recipe in arl?
15:43.26hickopwhat do you mean ?
15:43.49pompyfirst time scanning cooking?/using arl, whatever.
15:44.20hickopno I'm using it for quite a long time now and I already scanned before
15:46.25Ackishickop: I just tagged a new release, try updating and see if that fixes the problem... both pompy and I aren't seeing anything wrong from our ends
15:47.11Torhal|workDamn it Ackis, why do you keep adding the "Added Acquisition type" to the ChangeLog? That was already done for 2.2.8 and I removed it from 2.2.9 ChangeLog once already :P
15:47.22Torhal|workgoes back to work.
15:47.34pompywhy did u do the changelog that way!? ;p
15:47.40pompyu can edit it in the file
15:48.27Torhal|workI think I'll start doing that as a general rule.
15:48.39Torhal|work"Added this feature which was already added in the previous release."
15:49.50AckisI have no idea what you're talking about
15:51.09Torhal|work* Added a Discovery type for acquisition.
15:51.24Torhal|workI'd already removed that from the 2.2.9 change log once because it's already in 2.2.8's changelog
15:51.24Ackisthat was in 2.2.8?
15:53.10Torhal|workCommit: 503a7c3c097cf21117b7870b2cfaffa405b97112 [503a7c3]
15:53.10Torhal|workAuthor: James D. Callahan III <>
15:53.10Torhal|workDate: September 4, 2011 4:28:53 PM CDT
15:53.10Torhal|workRemoved duplicate change log entry (was already added for 2.2.8 and then added again for the development version).
15:53.40Ackishaven't been paying attention tbh
15:53.46hickopAckis: how do I upgrade to 2.2.9 ?
15:53.56pompyuse the website or CC
15:54.02Torhal|workAckis: No shit :P
15:57.56hickoplooks like the same in 2.2.9
15:58.28hickoprecipe stays in list but wihtout the obtain way
15:59.31hickopcould that be due to localization ?
16:00.55AckisI don't see why
16:02.07pompywhy dont u have all the filters turned on and see what happens.
16:03.29hickopall filters turned on but faction one is the same
16:04.24pompy"faction one"?
16:04.41hickopfaction filter unchecked
16:05.24pompycheck it
16:05.45pompydid you restart wow after updating??
16:06.01pompybut yeah check it
16:06.16Torhal|workWOrks for me with or without that check.
16:06.30pompymust be a french localization issue
16:06.36Torhal|workNo way.
16:06.36pompyor whatevr that is
16:06.44Torhal|workIt works off of spell ID
16:06.58pompywell whtf would have it not show for him lol
16:07.00pompythats weird
16:07.13Torhal|workhickop: WHat's your cooking skill level?
16:07.59hickopfound another recipe not working as expected in leatherworking :
16:08.20hickoprecipe is showing but the way to obtain hides when faction is unchecked
16:09.26AckisI'm off to go see the doctor, I'll be back later maybe, unless he puts me down
16:10.13pompyit doesnt hide when faction is checked?
16:10.58pompywell that recipe has alliance and horde filters
16:11.01pompyso that doesnt make sense!
16:12.29hickopI think this happens when both factions can get the same recipe at the same place
16:13.35pompyhuh? it works fine here like we've been sayin ><
16:14.40hickopeven with faction unchecked ?
16:14.56pompyisnt it easy to switch game locales now? can u go to enUS??
16:15.20hickophow ?
16:16.21pompypress esc - options
16:16.25pompythn click languages
16:16.45pompyor whaetver it is in french
16:18.31hickopok , it downloads english (EU)
16:18.50pompywell worth a try
16:20.36hickopok , it works with english locales
16:20.44hickopeven with faction unchecked
16:20.54hickopfrench issue
16:23.38pompyTorhal|work: im not sure we can blame ARL for the French issue, probably just Blizzard
16:24.30Torhal|workSomeone file a detailed ticket explaining the issue, what is affected, etc
16:24.35Torhal|workI'll look at it after work.
16:25.10pompyhickop: does anything in french show in the obtain section of the tooltip?
16:25.15pompyfor ANY recipe
16:26.26hickopproblem occurs when recipe is obtainable for both factions (I guess)
16:26.39pompymmm idk
16:26.47pompyythats like 90% of the db!
16:27.17hickopat the same place
16:27.23hickopsame npc
16:27.36hickopor same quest
16:28.02pompyso "Neutral"
16:28.32pompyok ima file a ticket about this awkward issue for torhal
16:35.48pompyhickop: if u went back to frFR , in Cooking, search for "Mithril Head Trout"
16:35.59pompydoes the vendor show in the obtain section in the tt?
16:36.20Torhal|workIf shouldn't
16:36.28Torhal|workNothing should show
16:36.35Torhal|workMithril Head Trout is English :P
16:38.00pompyTruite tête-mithril
16:38.05pompysearch for that
16:39.49pompyCôtelettes mok'nathal
16:39.53pompysearch for that
16:41.22hickopyes they show the obtain tooltip
16:42.02hickopbut they show Alliance only npc
16:44.19pompyu dont see Xerintha?
16:44.26pompyshes the neutral npc
16:44.50pompymake sure ur filters are on
16:46.15hickopI only see Sassa if faction is unchecked
16:46.22hickopelse I can see both and a quest
16:49.48pompyok hickop i filed it, Torhal|work will get to it when he can
16:50.12pompyhe doesnt have frFR so you'll have to test this out when and if it's fixed
16:50.21Torhal|workI can change languages.
16:50.33pompyonly spanish shows up for me
16:50.40pompyu see french?
16:50.44Torhal|workLemme see.
16:50.44pompyu can dld it or something?
16:51.07Torhal|workI could on PTR.
16:51.12Torhal|workNow all I have is Spanish.
16:51.16pompyyeah same
16:51.22pompydepends on region me thinks
16:51.31pompyptr is testing so thats why u can do all
16:51.32pompyi think
16:51.51Torhal|workWell shit. I was actually looking forward to being able to detect locale-specific things when they announced that feature.
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18:37.34hickopfound another clue about my issue that may help maybe. Neutral npc names in obtention tooltip always are shown in red (with french) but correctly in yellow when i use english.
18:38.33Ackisthat makes sense then
18:38.40Ackistranslation issue for neutral somewhere
19:22.20Torhal|workAckis: Blame pompy?
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22:08.56Stanzillayo Torhal|work
22:09.07Stanzilladoes archy import notes from gathermate2
22:09.13Stanzillaand if not, why not?
22:09.29Stanzillaw/e :(
22:10.16Torhal|workStanzilla: No, and because.
22:15.43StanzillaTorhal|work: make it work :(
22:37.00Torhal|workI don't even know what the hell you're talking about.
23:00.22AckisStanzilla: this is #arl not #archy :P
23:01.24StanzillaTorhal|work: gathermate2_data has wowhead data for archaeology but it was a request from a friend so nvm :p
23:01.25StanzillaAckis: I KNOW

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