IRC log for #arl on 20110915

01:42.44*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
01:42.44*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
03:02.07*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
03:02.07*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
15:31.51*** join/#arl pompy (~Mike@
15:31.51*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ
17:17.57AckisTorhal|work: hi
17:23.41Torhal|workAckis: You live?
17:37.50AckisI'm a zombie
17:42.20Torhal|workAckis: So no change, then.
17:42.49Ackisyou need me for something? I saw you ping me sometime in the past 48 hours
17:43.22Torhal|workJust asked if you were alive because I hadn't seen you recently except when you said "fuck you!" to me.
17:44.14Ackisoh lol
17:44.16AckisI forgot all about that
17:44.31AckisI was being overly dramatic and forgot I left the channel
17:46.05AckisI wasn't actually mad, just trying to be funny :(
23:38.22*** join/#arl Zhinjio (
23:38.22*** mode/#arl [+o Zhinjio] by ChanServ

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