IRC log for #arl on 20110824

00:40.34*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
00:40.34*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
01:39.17*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
01:39.17*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
02:21.38Stanzillaslaps Ackis
02:36.48TorhalI try to log into WoW, which I only use from home and work.
02:37.10TorhalI get the bullshit "We have detected changes in your usage pattern" message (even with an authenticator? REALLY?!?)
02:37.23TorhalSo I'm forced to change my password. The login servers are down.
02:37.53Torhalblames Stanzilla.
02:37.55*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
02:37.55*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
03:16.25*** join/#arl Torhal (
03:16.25*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
03:17.09StanzillaTorhal: ackis did it
03:17.53TorhalStanzilla: Ackis was too busy trying to get Felicia Day to sign his wang.
03:24.03StanzillaTorhal: I think he's hating me, no idea why tho :( going to bed now
03:24.05Stanzillain tears
04:09.03*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
04:09.03*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
05:00.13*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
05:00.13*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
06:13.32*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
06:13.32*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
07:10.11*** join/#arl BWMerlin (
07:10.11*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
08:51.16*** join/#arl BWMerlin (
08:51.16*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
08:53.00*** join/#arl BWMerlin (
08:53.00*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
08:55.11*** join/#arl BWMerlin (
08:55.11*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
10:13.24*** join/#arl Torhal_ (
10:13.24*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal_] by ChanServ
16:32.38*** join/#arl Torhal|work (
16:32.38*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal|work] by ChanServ
23:06.26StanzillaAckis: why do you hate me? :(
23:15.10AckisI don't
23:15.29Ackisdiscussion question for ARL: Book of Glyph Mastery: World Drop or Discovery?
23:16.52Stanzillaboth? :o
23:19.13Ackisthat could be another option yes
23:20.04Stanzillabook itself is a drop and what you learn from it is discovery
23:22.47Ackis4 PM's, 3 reports... sigh...
23:35.07TorhalAckis: Book of Glyph Mastery isn't a recipe, though.
23:35.20TorhalIt's already listed as a Discovery for various recipes.
23:35.39TorhalBack in a bit: Suppertimez (or breakfast, since I just woke up)
23:39.49AckisI just wanted a discussion because it's not like it's cast a spell get recipe... I wanted a way for inscriptionists to differentiate between minor/northrend/glyph mastery
23:52.04pompyAckis: ping
23:52.52Torhalpompy: He's probably going to try to get you to sign his wang.
23:55.02pompyhacks Ackis' server and autospawns the TLPD so he doesnt have to camp there anymore

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