IRC log for #arl on 20110103

02:34.57*** join/#arl BWMerlin (
02:34.57*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
12:00.27*** join/#arl Repo (~supybot@
12:00.27*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
12:53.07*** join/#arl Ackis (~Ackis@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
12:53.07*** mode/#arl [+o Ackis] by
14:13.55*** join/#arl Torhal (
14:13.55*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
14:56.57BWMerlinAckis pompy or Torhal you in?
16:25.14BWMerlinjust quit wow for the night
16:25.44BWMerlini was getting a weird debug frame message about unknown id's when i was the rep vendor in thrallmar
16:25.53pompydisregard them
16:26.21BWMerlinnp, wasnt sure what to do with them so thought i would ask before i put a ticket in
16:26.25BWMerlinwhat is causing it?
16:37.31pompyits dataminer/scanner stuff.. no need to worry
16:37.36pompyi goitta head out
22:33.40*** join/#arl Torhal (
22:33.40*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
22:35.21*** join/#arl Zhinjio1 (

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