IRC log for #arl on 20101118

00:42.02*** join/#arl Torhal_ (~Torhal@
00:42.02*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal_] by ChanServ
01:15.25*** join/#arl WowBot (
01:15.51Ackis.c ackis -c
01:15.58WowBotSalty Ackis <Corrupt>, 80 female Troll Priest (5/31/0, Holy) | Health: 26120, Mana: 30313 | BonusHealing: 2872, Crit: 22.14%, ManaRegen: 752.00, Haste: 502 | T9.0: 2, T9.5: 1 | Avg. iLevel: 238.87 | Achiev. Pts: 7700 | LHKs: 30517 |
02:23.35pompy.c pompalicious -c
02:24.33pompy.c pompalicious -n
02:25.39pompy.c ackis -c
02:26.40pompy.p pompalicious -n
02:31.34pompy.c miksta sleep
02:31.53pompy.c miksta nathrezim
02:32.10pompy.c pompalicious nathrezim
02:32.26pompy!c pompalicious nathrezim
02:33.42pompy!c pompalicious nathrezim -c
02:35.49pompy!g sleep, nathrezim -c
02:35.56pompy~lart WowBot
02:35.56purleats WowBot and falls over dead
03:48.42pompyyes i knio
03:48.44pompyi read that
03:49.15pompy!g <Guild Name>, <Realm Name> [-us][-kr][-cn][-tw] [-c] -[s]
03:49.36pompy!g Sleep, Nathrezim -c
03:49.53pompyits not responding Ackis
03:50.17pompywhy were using a . when that site shows !
03:50.28pompyeitehr way i typed the command u did earlier and it didnt respond
03:50.32pompy.c ackis -c
03:50.42pompyWowBot: (notice) Error: Please provide a Realmname
04:34.14Ackisnot sure pompy it worked for me... olison is the owner of it
04:34.19Ackis(going to bed soon)
05:26.16pompy.c ackis -c
05:26.38pompy.g sleep, nathrezim -c
05:26.38WowBotError: Guild not found
05:26.50pompy!g sleep, nathrezim -c
05:27.11pompy.c miksta, nathrezim -c
05:27.25pompy.c miksta nathrezim -c
05:27.25WowBotError: Character not found
05:27.29pompyyeah ok
05:27.53pompy.g sleep nathrezim -c
05:28.13pompy.g sleep, Nathrezim -c
05:28.14WowBotError: Guild not found
05:28.26pompy.g Sleep, Nathrezim
05:28.48pompy.g Eternal Legacy, Nathrezim -c
05:28.48WowBotError: Guild not found
09:12.53*** join/#arl purl (
09:12.53*** topic/#arl is Ackis Recipe List 2.0.5 released. Get it or | ARL Stats! Claim you commits: | WoWInsider review: | Try out Collectinator for your pet and mount needs:
15:31.47*** join/#arl pompy (
15:31.47*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ
17:50.19*** join/#arl Torhal (
17:50.19*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.