IRC log for #arl on 20100728

00:20.21*** join/#arl Repo_ (
00:21.58*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
02:04.48*** join/#arl robokitty (
08:02.29*** join/#arl Repo (
08:02.29*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
08:10.38*** join/#arl Repo (
08:10.38*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
10:17.09*** join/#arl robokitty (
10:40.31*** join/#arl pompy (
10:40.31*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ
15:12.24*** join/#arl pompy (
15:12.24*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ
15:24.29*** join/#arl Thaoky (
15:57.02AckisThaoky: I have a meeting in 5 mins, but upload a file for connectmmo, redo the desc to say what it does as well please
16:01.19ThaokyAckis: yup, was busy with it, had to go eating :)
16:30.21Thaokyafk again, I updated the desc, uploading with svn does not seem to work, I'll try again in a few minutes
18:11.42*** join/#arl robokitty (
20:10.38*** join/#arl Repo (
20:10.38*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
20:53.44*** join/#arl robokitty (
21:45.55*** join/#arl robokitty (
23:22.31*** join/#arl Torhal (
23:22.31*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ

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