IRC log for #arl on 20100109

00:36.27Torhal!api title
00:36.27lua_botFound 20 possible matches for 'title'.  Please be more specific
01:03.23Zhinjiohey man
01:06.37pompy~lart Torhal
01:06.37purlruns at Torhal with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut
01:07.45TorhalZhinjio: How goes?
01:08.04Zhinjiobusy, but good.
01:08.14ZhinjioHoping to go live with the gamepants site in a couple days
01:09.18Zhinjioexisting users will get a big chunk of subscription gratis when I flip the switch, so if your gf is interested in using it, she should sign up nowish
01:13.29TorhalI showed it to her when you showed me, and asked her again a couple of weeks ago and she didn't have much to say. She's stubborn like that.
01:13.44ZhinjioI added Vampire Wars to it recently
01:13.49ZhinjioI believe you said she was playing that one
01:14.48Zhinjiowell, whatever... just figured I'd let you(her) know
01:18.18TorhalI'll tell her.
01:33.33Zhinjiowhat have you been up to?
02:00.45*** join/#arl lua_bot (
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02:44.14TorhalZhinjio: Lately, not much. Watching Dexter from the beginning - I'd never seen it before.
02:44.26ZhinjioI've heard its good
02:44.35ZhinjioI'm short on download space at the moment
02:45.09TorhalDoesn't help that I insist on 720p
02:45.21TorhalSo each episode is 2.2G
02:45.46TorhalBut since I got my 28" 1080p monitor, regular TV rips look like ass.
03:38.19*** join/#arl pompy (
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10:37.58*** join/#arl Thaoky (i=Thaoky@
13:39.47*** part/#arl Thaoky (i=Thaoky@
13:54.14*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=ethan@
16:21.03BlackNetanyone here good with macros?
16:21.26BlackNettells me unexpected symbol near '.' but i cant find it.
16:21.35BlackNetthis ----- /run dodge=function(x)return x-10 end; parry=function(y)return (y-10)*1.86+10 end;DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("You may currently stack Dodge% upto: "..string.format("%.2f"%,parry(GetParryChance())))
19:02.29BlackNetgot it
20:10.39*** join/#arl Repo (
20:10.39*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ

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