IRC log for #arl on 20091225

01:29.01*** join/#arl nicoli_s (n=nsinkule@
08:02.12*** join/#arl Repo (
08:02.12*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
08:10.41*** join/#arl Repo (
08:10.41*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
09:39.23*** join/#arl robotusch (
09:51.55*** join/#arl robo\afk (
13:28.19*** join/#arl Arkaen (
17:12.05*** join/#arl robo\afk (
18:43.57*** join/#arl Arkaen_ (
20:10.39*** join/#arl Repo (
20:10.39*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
20:35.50asmodaiIs it me or doesn't the option to place the scan button somewhere else on the tradeskill frame seem to work?
20:37.52*** join/#arl Arkaen (
22:56.03pompyasmodai: ping
23:28.57asmodaiI was not sleeping
23:29.30pompyasmodai: yeah, first off, the scan button will not move to where u set it to, until you /rl or logoff-login again....which is obviously not how we want it, so we'll look into that
23:29.45pompyand second, if you set it to bottom left, or bottom right, the scan button is outside the frame..
23:29.49pompywhich is also odd.
23:29.57asmodaiwell, the weird thing is
23:30.13asmodaione of the addons I have installed has added a sort of QA button in the same bloody place :S
23:30.21asmodaihaven't bothered tracking down which it is
23:30.28asmodaibut I wager Wowhead Looter
23:30.47pompywhat do u have the scan button set to
23:30.49pompywhich position
23:30.54asmodaiat the moment the top right
23:31.06asmodaiSince I couldn't move it since I was silly
23:31.22pompyand theres a QA button on the topright?
23:31.42asmodaiSo you see QA and Scan super imposed over each other :)
23:31.51asmodaiAnd it looks like the QA button is trapping the click
23:31.56pompywell arl's scan button comes first ;p
23:32.29pompyu have an addon called Quick Auctions by chance?
23:32.56pompythats it more than likely
23:33.03pompyreport it to the author ;p
23:33.40pompybut none the less, the two issues i mentioned before are obviously wacked
23:33.43pompyso we need to fix that
23:34.20asmodainods, I will pester the author
23:34.23Zhinjioboop boop be doop
23:37.06ZhinjioHappy Holidays
23:40.06asmodaiYou too mate ;)
23:40.09asmodaiand I'm off to bed

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