IRC log for #arl on 20090921

00:00.37*** join/#arl Repo (
00:00.37*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
02:20.41*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
11:31.23*** join/#arl robotusch (
17:14.46pompygood ackis i was wantign to do that
17:18.16pompythe german one was like 4 months outa date
17:29.00*** join/#arl Awgy (
17:30.17AwgyAckis, are you around?
17:34.37AwgyDoes Ackis give out his email address?  I've been trying to contact him for a bit :)
18:20.19pompyAwgy: ab=out arl?
18:20.39pompylol ok
19:03.55asmodaiok, that on-hover flickering of the tooltip is still there. It just happens at times and not at other times.
19:24.09*** join/#arl pompy1 (
19:39.51*** join/#arl Repo (
19:39.54*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
19:48.51*** join/#arl Repo (
19:48.51*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
19:58.44Torhalasmodai: Yah. I was finally able to replicate it...thought it was fixed when I added list-item highlighting, but all that did was make it less prevalent.
19:58.52TorhalIt's on my todo list.
20:00.03*** join/#arl pompy (
20:00.03*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ
20:15.40asmodaiTorhal: yay for replication :)
20:25.38*** join/#arl pompy (
20:25.38*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ
20:38.00*** join/#arl pompy1 (
21:18.31*** join/#arl pompy (
21:18.31*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ

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