IRC log for #arl on 20090831

00:00.40*** join/#arl Repo (
00:00.40*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
02:01.33Ackisasmodai: I'm not sure how far I'm going to expand it to
02:22.46*** join/#arl Torhal (
02:22.46*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
02:27.41TorhalZhinjio: So I just started watching Warehouse 13, season 1, episode 8. Immediately, I'm hearing Puscifer.
02:28.04Zhinjiohow're you, man>?
02:28.12TorhalThat was one of those "Holy shit! Yes!" moments
02:28.16TorhalDoing ok, yourself?
02:28.39ZhinjioI need time off from my time off.
02:29.16TorhalI'd like more time off. That way, I'd have enough energy to do anything but build armies in Evony and watch TV shows.
02:30.02ZhinjioI don't feel like I "waste" time, necessarily....
02:30.05TorhalI take it your time off isn't exactly a vacation?
02:30.11ZhinjioI just am not getting up the motivation to do the things I want to do
02:30.15Zhinjiowhen I have time to do them
04:04.16Ackiscan someone say my name in here please? testing out my highlighting
04:05.09Ackislua> print("1")
04:05.10lua_botAckis: 1
04:05.27Ackislua> print("1")
04:05.27lua_botAckis: 1
04:05.42Ackislua> print("1")
04:05.42lua_botAckis: 1
04:05.56Ackislua> print("1")
04:05.57lua_botAckis: 1
04:07.05Ackislua> print("1")
04:07.05lua_botAckis: 1
04:07.11Ackiswhy isn't it working :(
05:14.34asmodaiAckis: booya
08:36.23*** join/#arl robotusch (
09:10.10*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
10:50.06*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
14:07.12*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
14:43.29*** join/#arl aesir (n=Aesir@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Developer/Aesir)
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16:00.25*** join/#arl pompy (
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16:15.04*** join/#arl Kaelten (
18:26.48*** join/#arl aesir1 (
18:26.54*** mode/#arl [+v aesir] by ChanServ
18:53.24ZhinjioTorhal: ping
19:53.13asmodaipongs Zhinjio instead
19:53.23asmodaiI'm in your tubes, stealing your packets
19:53.35Zhinjiojo jo jo
19:54.11asmodaisup dude?
19:55.11Zhinjionot a whole lot.
19:55.34asmodaiWhich can be nice.
20:04.55TorhalZhinjio: pong
20:05.08ZhinjioHey man
20:05.19Zhinjiois the "missing" in GG supposed to show an unsocketed gem?
20:05.22Zhinjioif not, should it?
20:07.02TorhalZhinjio: It should show empty sockets
20:07.15TorhalShould actually show the appropriate socket icon
20:07.31Zhinjioits not
20:07.47ZhinjioI have an item equipped with an unsocketed blue socket
20:07.51Zhinjiothe tooltip shows nothing
20:08.01Zhinjiowell, it shows that its missing an enchant
20:08.03Zhinjio(which it is)
20:08.12TorhalLemme look at the logic
20:08.21TorhalMight show one and skip the other
20:08.28ZhinjioI mean
20:10.19TorhalLogic looks fine.
20:10.19Zhinjiowant me to screenie this? or is there something else that will help?
20:10.19TorhalNo, I believe I figured it out.
20:10.20TorhalI changed the table key and didn't update it there.
20:10.38TorhalNo I didn't
20:11.23TorhalZhinjio: Look at GetItemStatus() in GearGauge.lua
20:11.35Zhinjiosec, in combat...
20:11.39TorhalThat's where it is. I don't see anything wrong, and it's worked before.
20:12.06TorhalThat stuff is assigned in ConstructItem(), same file.
20:12.13Zhinjioits a green item, would that matter?
20:13.22TorhalNo, because the gem isn't ever seen
20:13.30TorhalOnly the socket on the item
20:13.43Zhinjiono, I don't mean a green gem
20:13.45Zhinjioits a green item
20:14.11asmodaiAckis: btw, reason I asked about factions, cooking for example features a bunch which are faction specific. Doubt you can pick 'm up via the independent auction house either
20:14.19TorhalUnless LibItemBonus is skipping those now, which I highly doubt.
20:15.05Zhinjiook, looking now...
20:18.30Zhinjiowhat is "item" structure like?
20:18.41Zhinjionm, I'll poke around.
20:21.50TorhalIt's just a table.
20:21.58TorhalEverything about it is in ConstructItem()
20:22.03Ackisasmodai: for cooking the faction specific ones can be traded cross faction, you actually have to do a lot of them to get achievements, however for leatherworking there's a horde only quest chain which gives you recipes
20:22.07Zhinjiogonna throw some debugs in there or something.
20:22.17ZhinjioI'll let you know what I turn up.
20:23.18TorhalGood deal. I've never seen the socket stuff not work.
20:27.49ZhinjioEMPTY_SOCKET_BLUE does not show up in LibItemBonus at all
20:28.38Zhinjiosince it looks like your'e relying on LibItemBonus to set that value, and it isn't going to, it looks like its just always going to be zero
20:28.44Zhinjiowhich will always show no empty sockets
20:28.47Zhinjioat least, as far as I can tell
20:31.10Zhinjiomaybe LibItemBonus has changed ?
20:33.28asmodaiAckis: clear!
20:34.41TorhalZhinjio: It sets it via pattern magic
20:34.56Zhinjiowell, then I'm at a loss.
20:34.57TorhalZhinjio: If you look at the translation table, NONE of those values are in LibItemBonus
20:35.20ZhinjioI'm getting a couple of lib errors I'mg oing to sort out first
23:41.45*** join/#arl Torhal_ (
23:41.46*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal_] by ChanServ

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