IRC log for #arl on 20090807

00:00.39*** join/#arl Repo (
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01:37.21*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
02:59.41Zhinjiosorry dude
02:59.50Zhinjiotrying to do too many things at once
02:59.55Zhinjioand yes, I know how I have a handler function
03:00.02Zhinjioseems to me I just make that the script
03:00.05Zhinjioper line or cell
03:00.14Zhinjioand maybe tweak argument handling a bit
03:40.52TorhalZhinjio: Actually, if you want to keep using a single handler, get rid of the "event" parameter.
03:41.35TorhalBut you're no longer confined to a single handler, and if you were using one ofr multiple OnWhatever events, you should split it.
06:06.26ZhinjioTorhal: yeah, in this case, I think I'm only handling the mouse event. oh. mousover vs. mousedown.
06:06.42Zhinjiowell, I got mega-distracted here at home.
06:06.47ZhinjioI'll try to get back to it tonight
06:07.17TorhalZhinjio: Heh
06:07.48TorhalZhinjio: Anywho - MyFunctionForWhatever(cell, arg, button)
06:56.43*** join/#arl Thaoky (i=Thaoky@
09:42.17*** join/#arl Torhal_ (
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12:03.04*** part/#arl Thaoky (i=Thaoky@
14:24.41pompyLOL what...
14:24.46pompyAntiVIR told me after installing the new Version from
14:24.46pompyIn der Datei 'E:\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\AckisRecipeList\RecipeDB\ARL-Engineer.lua'
14:24.46pompywurde ein Virus oder unerwünschtes Programm 'HEUR/HTML.Malware' [heuristic] gefunden.
14:29.20Dessaheh, antivir...
14:36.12*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
14:41.25*** join/#arl Jim-Bim (
14:41.25*** mode/#arl [+o Jim-Bim] by ChanServ is crap
14:44.04Stanzillaalways remember that
14:56.06Ackishmmm if I ban Jim-Bim I wonder if he'd work on collectinator ;)
15:06.04nicoli_sit is crap
15:06.35Dessai guess thats why he should work on it *hides*
15:17.00nicoli_sthe funniest thing on buffed's rom site is that they totally copied some stuff directly from wardb
15:19.56Stanzillabuffed steals EVERYTHING
15:37.09Jim-Bimackis: don't ban me :P
16:28.12Speeddymonsee #wowace
17:11.05AckisI marked the 3.2 release of ARL from beta -> release and we're at like 3k downloads on curse lol wicked
17:15.00nicoli_snow you owe me a dollar per download for stealing all muh bandwidths
17:17.14*** join/#arl Repo (
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17:18.21Ackisnicoli_s: <-- do you know if that's fixed?
17:19.18Ackiswell it looks like it's working for WoW but not AoC
17:36.31*** join/#arl Thaoky (
17:37.23Ackisheya Thaoky
17:37.38AckisTorhal: I took out the lib babble class requirement in ARL btw
17:39.16pompyTorhal: [2009/08/07 13:36:33-1622-x1]: GearGauge-beta9-16-g677852f\GearGauge.lua:902: attempt to call method 'InitializeList' (a nil value)
18:00.16ZhinjioHey guys
18:00.41ZhinjioI was having all kinds of weird altoholic framexml stuff going on.
18:00.48ZhinjioI suspect its probably all fixed by now
18:00.59Zhinjio(I figured it was questframe related stuff)
18:01.16Thaokyprobably, I should hopefully release the next version soon
18:01.31Ackisapparently ARL has a virus in it! EEEK
18:01.36Ackisckknight: ^
18:01.45Ackis(it doesn't, just the code is causing false positives)
18:02.04ckknightantiviruses Ackis
18:02.06ckknightall better
18:05.23Ackishow would I find the line number that these virus scanners are QQIng about?
18:10.12Torhalpompy: Yah, I need to move shit form OnInitialize to OnEnable because Blizzard broke LoD shit again. CBA to do so right now.
18:10.37Ackis~fail Torhal
18:10.38purlYou suck at everything in life, Torhal. I hate you because you fail.
18:10.45TorhalAckis: Fail Blizzard, noobtard
18:11.03Ackishow's evony going Torhal?
18:11.38TorhalShitty. I was stung by a yellowjacket the night before last, and now my left arm is puffy and an angry red...which is spreading.
18:11.46Ackissounds fun
18:11.52Ackisthat means you'll be home sick right?
18:11.59Ackisaka you can work on collectinator? ;)
18:12.04Ackis(is teasing)
18:12.19TorhalI'm off today, and I won't work on Collectinator until I get my other shit working, which I haven't felt like doing :)
18:12.30TorhalStill recovering from the shift change.
18:14.01ZhinjioTorhal... so I'm here now.
18:14.24Zhinjiolemme see what you wrote me after I blathered last night in lastlog.sec...
18:15.12Zhinjiocell, arg, button
18:15.22Zhinjiogod my head is so thick right now. I can barely think
18:17.12TorhalZhinjio: Basically, split your handler func into specific-purpose funcs and get rid of the "event" parameter, since the "event" is what calls the function.
18:17.18Zhinjiois there a way to declare the handler for the whole tooltip anymore? Or just at the line/column/cell level?
18:17.38Zhinjio*nods* ... I think I'm only dealing with mousedown at the moment
18:17.44Zhinjioin hitcrit, that is
18:18.06Zhinjiooh, I gues... mouseover hilighting? Is that default?
18:18.39TorhalAye, you can fuck with OnEnter/Leave and it's handled seamlessly
18:18.49TorhalNo need to call a highlight func anymore
18:19.18TorhalAnd there's no way to declare a handler for the whole thing anymore
18:19.40Zhinjioso for me, I think ... hmm. yeah, cell by cell for hitcrit
18:19.45Zhinjiosince I do different things in different cells
18:19.48TorhalIt's not as convenient, but it gets rid of the callback and makes it so you only set functions on what you want to.
18:20.36Zhinjiowhat is "button"
18:20.43ZhinjioI get cell and arg(s)
18:20.53Zhinjioor arg (which can be a table)
18:20.57TorhalLeftButton, RightButton, MiddleButton
18:21.18Zhinjiook, lemme take a whack at it and see what sticks to the wall.
18:21.26Zhinjioyou gonna be around today/evening?
18:21.34TorhalYah. I have the day off.
18:21.48Zhinjiosweet. I may bug you later
18:22.47TorhalUnless I go to the hospital for my arm, that is.
18:23.11Zhinjiowhat'd you do to your arm?
18:23.20Zhinjiooh dude... do you have steam?
18:23.31TorhalI was stung on the top of my forearm about an inch from my elbow, and the swelling/redness is spreading past my elbow and up toward my hand.
18:23.48Zhinjiono winblows boxen at all?
18:23.59TorhalMy GF's
18:24.08TorhalAnd it's five years old.
18:24.13Zhinjionm then
18:24.20Zhinjiolemme know when you join this century
18:24.40TorhalI ditched XP about 6 months ago :P
18:24.48TorhalMissed mah Linux.
18:24.53TorhalCygwin just didn't cut it.
18:24.59ZhinjioI hear you
18:27.56TorhalAckis: Did you get a PM, in French, on Curse from someone about ARL?
18:28.22TorhalIf not, I wonder what made them contact me...
18:30.46Ackisno don't recall a PM like that
18:31.01Ackislast PM I got was from an old friend informing me about my ex-gf's "status" :|
18:36.27pompyAckis: its the antivir thing
18:36.37pompyor not
18:36.48Zhinjioso question...
18:36.55ZhinjioI had trobule last time using a table to pass as the argument
18:37.08Zhinjiohrm. nm
18:37.16Zhinjiothere's no reason any of that wouldn't still be true.
18:37.18Ackispompy: or not?
18:37.25Zhinjioplus, reworking my arguments is just more work
18:37.41TorhalZhinjio: ?
18:37.45TorhalI'm confuzzled.
18:37.50Zhinjiohere's the deal
18:37.59TorhalEspecially since nobody seems to use #libqtip anymore but me.
18:38.00Zhinjioclicking different cells has a different effect
18:38.20Zhinjioclicking the spell school, for example, allows you to delete all data from that school
18:38.28Zhinjioclicking "hit" data, deletes that hit data
18:38.30Zhinjiocrit, etc
18:38.54Zhinjioso, I wanted to pass in an argument that indicated what, precisely to act one
18:39.14Zhinjio"school", "heal|dmg", spellname, hit|crit
18:39.17Zhinjiofor example
18:39.29Zhinjiosince it was multiple bits of data, my first thinking was to use a table.
18:40.09Zhinjiothe contents of that table get changed from the time I do the setscript call to the time when it is actually clicked
18:40.26Zhinjiomeaning, in general, that the actual table passed would just always have the "last" set of values in it
18:40.32Zhinjioand not the ones I actually wanted to act one
18:40.41Zhinjiomaking a table useless, essentially
18:40.57Zhinjioinstead, I went with something like "3~heal~spellid~h|c"
18:40.59Zhinjioin a string
18:41.26Zhinjiosince the string has no ... uh... I'm not sure the right word. instantiation? issues (used and forgotten)  ...
18:41.32Zhinjiopassed by value instead of by refernce
18:41.34Zhinjiothats what I mean
18:41.38Zhinjioits not a problem
18:41.46ZhinjioI suspect that same issue would still be a problem
18:42.00Zhinjiosince tables are automatically pass by reference
18:42.17Zhinjiothats what I thought
18:46.09TorhalIf you don't think GC will be an issue, you can use throwaway tables, but since this will all be done on mouseover for the LDB icon it probably would.
18:48.24TorhalAlternately, you could make a table of tables which grows when needed. That way you can use the table approach and simply populate what you need.
18:54.50Zhinjiois it damaging to do a setcellscript more than once on the same cell?
18:54.58ZhinjioI assume the "last" call will be the one that sticks
18:55.51Zhinjiohmm... thats another idea, yeah. That would also work
18:55.57TorhalZhinjio: You're right. So only damaging if you want it to do more than one thing
18:56.15Zhinjiojust doing a general case first, and then "resetting" it if some other conditions are true
19:13.17Zhinjiook, its working
19:13.19Zhinjiono problems
19:13.31Zhinjiothat was pretty painless
19:13.34Zhinjiojust a couple quick tweaks
19:13.43Ackisyay sister is out of surgery :D
19:13.49ZhinjioSKG is gonna be the harder one
19:13.55Zhinjioah, cool Ackis
19:18.38TorhalZhinjio: Yah, it doesn't take much :)
19:19.13TorhalThough with the stuff you did with SKG you may be right, or it may be as simple. I mean, at least you'll get rid of the explicit OnEnter/OnLeave calls for highlighting.
19:19.27TorhalZhinjio: Also: With SetLineScript(), the whole line highlights.
19:20.16Zhinjioyeah, I can see that.
19:20.56Zhinjiojust checking my tickets for hitcrit to see if there's anythign else easy to throw in before I call it good and push new version
19:21.17ZhinjioI think the hard part with SKG will be the multi-layer stuff
19:21.28Zhinjiowe'll see
19:22.40TorhalI'd think not...aside from getting rid of the "event" parameter in your handler and using SetCellScript() on everything you need to be clickable, you may have to split your handler into purpose-specific functions.
19:24.24Zhinjiowhat about delay stuff
19:24.26Zhinjiostill there?
19:25.12Zhinjionot seeing it
19:25.20Zhinjiomaybe not documented yet? Or... hmm
19:25.42Zhinjiogot it
19:26.28TorhalI tried to document everything :)
19:26.40Zhinjio*nods* ... I just overlooked it.
19:35.38ZhinjioA setting of "0" disables it, right?
19:38.11Zhinjiooh, explicit release?
19:40.51Zhinjioor does the autohide thing take care of releasing for me?
19:41.07TorhalIt takes care of it. And set it to nil to disable.
19:41.15TorhalEmpty () will do it
19:42.22Zhinjiotooltip:SetAutoHideDelay( )
19:42.25Zhinjiogood enough?
19:43.12Zhinjiook, I may have you look at this in a minute. My first attempt didn't work
19:43.15Zhinjioone moment
19:45.24Zhinjioyeah, no workie. Lemme push this version. one moment
19:46.31Zhinjior78 of hitcrit
19:51.44Zhinjioshould I maybe do that after drawing it?
19:52.44TorhalLemme look.
19:52.57ZhinjioI was doing the delay setting right after acquire
19:53.00Zhinjiobefore setscale
19:53.07Zhinjiotrying now with it after the drawTooltip call
19:53.23Zhinjionope, no differe
19:56.14ZhinjioI'm in jur libz, brakin jur codez
20:06.25TorhalSo the auto-hide isn't working at all?
20:06.47Zhinjiono matter what I change the setting to, it doesn't change the timing of the hide
20:07.09ZhinjioI made it 0 to 2 seconds, .25 increments, default .25
20:09.58ZhinjioI thought maybe if it weren't releasing the old value would still be used,
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20:10.13Zhinjiobut even after a reload with the setting at 2 seconds, it still disappears almost immediately
20:12.24TorhalZhinjio: What display are you using?
20:12.36TorhalIf DockingStation, that's the whole issue.
20:12.53Zhinjioyes indeed
20:12.57Zhinjioyou're kidding
20:12.58TorhalIt's supposed to be fixed in the next version, but he said that two months ago.
20:13.13ZhinjioI have... um. I think I have another one setup here, lemme test quick
20:13.15TorhalUse Fortress for testing.
20:13.20Zhinjiobutton bin
20:13.23TorhalOr that
20:15.21Zhinjioyup, works. thanks
20:15.37Torhalnp :)
20:16.25Zhinjioso disabling the autohidedelay makes the tooltip stick around forever?
20:16.50Zhinjionot going to even have that as an option then
20:17.13TorhalNah, just make a minimum value
20:17.22TorhalOr even 0.10
20:18.06Zhinjio.25 is plenty slow enough
20:18.14Zhinjiofast enough
20:18.15ZhinjioI mean
20:30.38Zhinjiochange it to .1
20:30.44Zhinjiobecause I'm dumb that way
20:31.36Zhinjiodon't mind me. just being dumb
20:33.09Zhinjioponders a quick "PetHitCrit" release
20:34.42Zhinjiothere might be all of 20 lines of difference in the code itself.
21:22.02TorhalI'm gonna go ahead and assume this is bad...
21:22.15TorhalI have a Powerade bottle that I filled with water and then froze.
21:22.37TorhalIf I hold onto it for too long, the cold becomes painful to my hand.
21:22.51TorhalIf I press it on my swollen red arm, I barely feel it.
22:04.10*** part/#arl Thaoky (
22:21.13*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
22:39.21Zhinjiowhat bit you?
22:48.47pompyZhinjio: (8/7/2009 2:11:37 PM) Torhal: Shitty. I was stung by a yellowjacket the night before last, and now my left arm is puffy and an angry red...which is spreading.
22:49.04Zhinjioyeah, I was too lazy to look back in my log
23:12.50Torhalpompy: [18:55] <Zeksie> Ackis Recipe List: Mind Amplification Dish 67839": is missing from the database.  (Engineering)
23:14.17pompywill look
23:16.42*** join/#arl Torhal (
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23:18.57Torhalpompy: [18:55] <Zeksie> Ackis Recipe List: Mind Amplification Dish 67839": is missing from the database.  (Engineering)
23:19.38pompyyeah i got it
23:20.04pompyi dont see the item for it on wowhead
23:20.06pompyjust teh spell
23:25.19pompyits like nitro boosts

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