IRC log for #arl on 20090723

01:14.08*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:38.57*** join/#arl Repo (
01:38.57*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
01:47.24*** join/#arl Speeddymon (
06:57.19*** join/#arl Torhal_ (
06:57.19*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal_] by ChanServ
06:58.21*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
06:58.21*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
07:38.01*** join/#arl Torhal_ (
07:38.01*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal_] by ChanServ
07:52.25*** join/#arl Torhal- (
08:14.50*** join/#arl Torhal (
08:14.50*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
08:33.52*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
08:52.18*** join/#arl aesir1 (
08:52.27*** mode/#arl [+v aesir] by ChanServ
10:36.40*** join/#arl Torhal (
10:36.40*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal] by ChanServ
13:39.39*** join/#arl Torhal_ (
13:39.39*** mode/#arl [+o Torhal_] by ChanServ
14:54.24*** join/#arl ckknight_ (n=ckknight@
15:24.36*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
20:13.25*** join/#arl nicoli_s (n=salocin@
20:13.57nicoli_shey ackis, you do know the arl message says download at Curse of wowinterface
20:17.00Ackis@project arl
20:17.01RepoAckis: Ackis Recipe List. Game: WoW. Ackis (Manager/Author), Jim-Bim (Author), Torhal (Author), Zhinjio (Author), Elkano (Tester), AesirRising (Ticket Manager/Documenter/Translator), BWMerlin (Ticket Manager/Documenter), pompachomp (Ticket Manager/Documenter/Translator). Updated: 61 minutes ago. Tickets: 89/787
20:17.42nicoli_sChanServ- [#arl] Welcome to #arl.  1.0RC9 released.  Download it now at Curse of WowInterface.
20:19.21nicoli_sFIX IT!
20:19.37Ackisno one reads that shit anyways
20:20.02nicoli_sis someone :(
20:20.50AckisI could make it say nicoli_s likes penis
20:22.47nicoli_syes but then that would even further both the person who bothered to find a bug for yoiu :(
20:23.05nicoli_si r bug hunter, no punish me :(
20:23.36AckisI thought that's what's supposed to happen?
20:23.41AckisYou punish teh bug huntardz!
20:26.49nicoli_sso have you gone back to teh wowing yet?
20:27.30Ackisdon't miss it either tbh
20:27.42Zhinjioyou just play on an account noone knows about.
20:27.59Ackistehehe ;)
20:40.28*** part/#arl pompy (
20:46.45*** join/#arl pompy (
20:46.45*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ
22:38.36*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
22:38.37*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ

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