IRC log for #arl on 20090713

08:17.02*** join/#arl Thaoky (i=Thaoky@
08:27.00*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
09:07.50EthanCentauraipompy: ping
12:25.32*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
15:39.14*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
17:09.14*** join/#arl Repo (
17:09.14*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
19:11.26AckisTorhal|Away: i heard u like mudkipz?
19:16.17ZhinjioG'morning Ackis
19:16.34Ackisallo Zhinjio
19:17.29Zhinjiostill wowless?
19:17.37Ackisyup lol
19:17.46Zhinjioor ... not.
19:29.36Ackispompy: ping
19:36.10Ackisthank you!
19:36.17AckisI saw the tickets and commits over the weekend
19:46.14TorhalAckis: WTF is a mudkipz?
19:46.24Ackisi dunno
19:46.35TorhalDat be scairay
19:47.13ZhinjioHey Torhal
19:55.50AckisI also have sitting around that I should finish off/get working heh never had time to debug why it wasn't loading
19:57.29nicoli_sdoes it just play the sound files?
19:57.51Ackissupposed to play the entire "speach" for the event, I just have one in there now for testing
19:59.35AckisTOOO SOON Executus!
20:01.35Ackisbasically the boss sound files I wanted something which would play them on demand for people
20:04.47nicoli_sman i think the last boss i ever got to fight in wow was the boss of gnomeragon
20:06.24TorhalIf you don't play WoW, how the hell did you get mixed up with Curse? :)
20:06.48Ackishe likes teh gay sex
20:07.15nicoli_storhal, im very knowledgable about all the internals of wow
20:07.29nicoli_sfile formats, packet formats, models, textures, etc
20:08.01TorhalI fail to see how you get all that from not playing WoW.
20:08.12Ackisbut he doesn't know how to l2p though!
20:08.26nicoli_storhal, i figured most of that out when the game was in alpha
20:08.30nicoli_sand i was working on a wow emulator
20:09.02TorhalAh. That's what I was stuck on - if you're not interested in playing, what made you interested in learning the internals.
20:09.30nicoli_sit started cuz i had made this script for this 3d modelling tool that would render out screenshots of every item
20:09.51nicoli_sso that made me get picked up by thottbot, which made me get picked up by mmodb, which got me my job here at curse
20:11.20nicoli_sthe best thing about this job is that if something did happen to my job here, i could instantly go to any of the competitiors just because of how much i know about proprietary file formats that alot of mmos use
20:12.49TorhalYah, that is nice.
20:13.32nicoli_syep :)
20:14.50Ackisyou could work for me and be my fluffer nicoli_s
20:15.15nicoli_snope, had a chance to work in porn before and i turned it down
20:15.54nicoli_sthe guy who ran the wc3 map site i used to work for started a porn business and offered me a job doing web work
20:18.19ckknightporn is an industry as any other.
20:19.02nicoli_syeah but i wasnt about to tell my mom her 16 year old son just got a job doing porn :P
20:22.05TorhalI'd be like "Sure. Send the checks to this PO box..."
20:23.54nicoli_swhats real funny is the guy was also the guy who got the original wow alpha leaked
20:53.32*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
21:53.21*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
21:53.21*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
21:59.07AckisGame Time Expires: July 16, 2009 3:31:33 AM
22:06.28nicoli_scome on ackis, one little hit wont hurt...
22:06.50Ackiswhat I miss is the challenge of playing/defeating the bosses
22:07.39nicoli_sthey have those in other games too

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