IRC log for #arl on 20090706

02:33.54*** join/#arl Torhal (
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18:45.53Zhinjioer, afternoon, whatever.
18:46.00ZhinjioTorhal: whats the deal with the ToS?
19:33.36*** join/#arl Ackis (n=Ackis@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
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19:34.24Zhinjiothats pretty whacked.
19:35.39TorhalZhinjio: Yes
19:37.04Zhinjioso tell me how this has to do with the ToS?
19:37.36ZhinjioI mean, clearly, they seem to have their heads up their asses and what it means to participate in a gaming community that wants to play the game, first and foremost.
19:37.57Zhinjiohas Blizz reacted to that?
19:39.11TorhalNo idea. But it's against the botting portion of the ToS AFAIK
19:39.17AckisTorhal: did you see the project I didn't approve for you?
19:39.28TorhalAckis: Where? CF or WA?
19:39.34Zhinjiooh yeah, that violates,.... many parts of the ToS.
19:39.44AckisTorhal: WA I think lol
19:39.49TorhalIf you're referring to mine, I know you didn't approve it. Nor did anyone else.
19:40.27AckisI marked it as changes required :P
19:40.28Ackisand brb
19:40.31*** part/#arl Ackis (n=Ackis@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
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19:41.02Ackis~love Kaelten
19:41.03purlIf you love Kaelten so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
19:41.17Jim-Bimwb ackis
19:41.28KaeltenI hooked him up witha  znc server
19:41.37Kaeltenso he can get around the mmbit ban
19:41.50Jim-Bimackis: can you approve ?
19:42.24TorhalJim-Bim: I got it.
19:43.45Kaeltenunrelated I forced him to join a channel
19:44.15Jim-BimTorhal: GearGauge seems to not work for me :P
19:44.17TorhalAckis: I don't know what you did to my project, but it no longer exists.
19:44.30TorhalJim-Bim: How do you mean?
19:44.46Jim-Bim./gg errors and doesn't work
19:45.01TorhalLatest version?
19:46.12Jim-BimI think lins are missing
19:46.18Jim-Bimbut I installed with libs
19:46.33TorhalCan you ticket the errors?
19:46.46TorhalAckis: It doesn't exist at all. I didn't even get an e-mail about it.
19:47.42AckisTorhal: really? that's super strange
19:47.54TorhalIt's not even listed under Deleted projects
19:48.07Torhalckknight: ^^
19:48.17AckisTorhal: shouldn't be, it should be changes required
19:48.26ckknightwhat's up?
19:48.27Ackisbrb again
19:48.37TorhalAckis seems to have nuked a new project of mine.
19:48.40Jim-Bimdoes "LibDataBroker-1.1.lua" need an own folder or is it directly in libs?
19:48.42ckknightI need a link
19:48.46ckknight@project gear-gauge
19:48.48Repockknight: No project found that matches 'gear-gauge'
19:48.49TorhalIt doens't seem to exist at all and I have no e-mail.
19:48.54TorhalNo, Syllabus
19:48.54ckknight@project geargauge
19:48.58ckknight@project syllabus
19:49.01Repockknight: GearGauge. Game: WoW. Torhal (Manager/Author). Updated: 3 days ago. Tickets: 1/3
19:49.03Repockknight: Syllabus. Game: WoW. Status: Changes required. Work on Collectinator first please. :P. Torhal (Manager/Author). Updated: 34 hours ago
19:49.30TorhalBut that doens't explain why I can't find it and received no e-mail.
19:49.38Jim-Bimackis: I'm back now, too :P
19:50.02TorhalJim-Bim: It should be in its own folder. Look at embeds.xml
19:50.15ckknightTorhal: email probably got lost.
19:50.22Jim-Bimwell, it doesn't have one under GearGauge/Libs
19:50.44Jim-Bimits GearGauge\Libs\LibDataBroker-1.1.lua
19:50.47Torhalckknight: But why isn't it listed under my projects?
19:50.58TorhalJim-Bim: Weird.
19:51.04ckknightlemme check your projects
19:51.43TorhalLibs/LibQTipClick-1.1: url: git://
19:51.56TorhalThat's in my .pkgmets, so the LibQTipClick-1.1 folder should be under Libs
19:52.53Jim-BimLibQTipClick is fine, LibDataBroker-1.1.lua is missing
19:53.28TorhalThat should be in Libs
19:53.30TorhalNot its own folder
19:53.45TorhalThe only reason the others are is because .pkgmeta pulls 'em in that way
19:53.53TorhalI hard-embed LDB
19:53.56Jim-Bimbut I get "Message: ...ddOns\GearGauge\Libs\LibDBIcon-1.0\LibDBIcon-1.0.lua line 41:
19:54.15TorhalThat's because I fucked up.
19:54.33TorhalIt's trying to load LibDBIcon before LibDataBroker
19:54.39TorhalAnd apparently you have no other LDB addons
19:54.45TorhalBecause nobody else gets that error :)
19:55.09Jim-Bimyeah, I always test new addons without any other addons enabled
19:55.22TorhalFixing now.
19:56.05AckisJim-Bim: test collectinator integration? ;)
19:56.14Ackispompy: ping
19:57.01Ackisyou asked me about something being fixed last night can you relink?
19:57.52ckknightTorhal: check your projects now.
19:59.08Torhalckknight: Ok, it's now listed under "In-between projects"
19:59.15TorhalJim-Bim: Ok, grab the latest alpha
20:00.02ckknightTorhal: I approved it.
20:00.10TorhalHehe, thankye :)
20:00.54Ackisckknight: didn't you see the status I applied to it?
20:01.05ckknightyea, and I approved it with the reason "Ackis' douchiness"
20:01.25ZhinjioI was wondering what the vinegar smell was
20:01.37AckisTorhal: did you at least see the status message? :P
20:01.48Ackiskk <3
20:02.05TorhalDid you see the drama on the forums about LibQTip? :)
20:02.20Zhinjiosighs. I hate drama.
20:02.22Zhinjiowhat now
20:02.26Ackisyah people are annoyed that you merged the two?
20:02.38Zhinjioqtip and qtipclick are now one?
20:02.39TorhalElkano added a new mouse-aware API to it and now Adirelle and Tristanian are all "WTF?" and Tristanian said "May as well call it Tablet-3.0"
20:03.55TorhalIt's a rather elegant implementation, due to the fact that it's actually in the core.
20:04.07TorhalIt's more flexible than LQTC because of that.
20:05.19Zhinjioso... qtc going away?
20:05.28TorhalZhinjio: Are you sighing because they were merged or because of the "drama"?
20:05.33Zhinjioor is this drama gonna force it to branch of something?
20:05.39Zhinjiobecause of the drama.
20:05.51ZhinjioI don't care what happens to code. I'll roll with whatever happens, code-wise
20:06.07Zhinjiosoemtimes its inconvenient because I have to do work when things get changed, but whatever.
20:06.14TorhalWell, people can still use LQTC if they want, or they can migrate to the built-in API which, IMHO, is more powerful and has less overhead - no CallbackHandler involved.
20:06.37Ackishave you migrated ARL over?
20:06.57TorhalMy main concern was that the cell/whatever be accessible as it is in LQTC since I talked you and a couple of others through making Dewdrop-esque functionality
20:07.00Zhinjiodo you think that the ensuing drama will cause a branch?
20:07.15ckknightbranching can only occur when sufficient motivation exists.
20:07.33TorhalIf so I'll be the one to branch. I'll simply remove the click stuff from LQT and release a 1.1 - I'd been wanting to clean up the core anyway
20:07.37TorhalIt uses way too much CPU
20:07.38Zhinjiopeople being pissy is often sufficient motivation
20:07.54TorhalIt uses select() like a motherfucker.
20:08.47TorhalThen 1.1 will be click-API plus other changes and people can happily use 1.0 plus LQTC 1.1
20:08.59TorhalI know I just said that wrong but you get what I mean.
20:09.57ZhinjioI'll give it a little bit before I make changes to let the nonsense settle down, then do wahtever seems to be the prevailing "right" method
20:10.13TorhalAmmo was bitching about its CPU usage, and I thought he was just being a dick. Then I saw that GearGauge takes at least one second to generate a list of 300 names
20:10.49TorhalThat tells me there's way too much processing going on.
20:10.53AckisTorhal: chances are he was being a dick regardless of what he says
20:11.31Zhinjioits possible that he was being a dick *and* being right, though. I grant you that.
20:11.37ZhinjioIts pretty much a given that he's being a dick.
20:11.41aesir*cough* 2187-nolib "failed download"
20:12.20aesirAnd you combined LQT/LQTC into Tablet 3.0?  Awesome.  One step closer to the Grand Unifying Library of Everything.
20:13.07aesirScrew it, I'm going to head that project myself.  I'll just copypasta all code snippets into one BIG HONKIN FILE.
20:13.13Zhinjiosings along... "Changes come ... keep your dignity ... take the high road.... take it like a man"
20:13.48Ackis@ticket arl 673
20:13.49RepoAckis: - Add expansion information to recipes. Reported by: Ackis. Type: Defect. Updated: 11 days ago. Component: Recipe Database. Milestone: 1.0 Release. Status: Accepted. Priority: Critical. Assignee: pompachomp. Votes: 0. Comments: 3
20:13.52Ackis@ticket arl 674
20:14.05RepoAckis: - Add levelling information to recipes. Reported by: Ackis. Type: Defect. Updated: 11 days ago. Component: Recipe Database. Milestone: 1.0 Release. Status: Accepted. Priority: Critical. Assignee: pompachomp. Votes: 0. Comments: 1
20:15.40AckisJim-Bim: I asked pompy to work on some of those, if you don't have a wow account yet would you be able to knock off one profession for me?
20:15.57Jim-BimI have now
20:16.24Jim-Bimand I worked on a tool which inserts missing trainer data into arl databases
20:16.45Jim-Bimso I hope people still find more missing trainers :P
20:17.23Ackisyou did?
20:18.30Jim-BimI was to lazy to do it by hand
20:18.41aesirOh I think I know what the problem is: "/uploads/18/368/125/" was not found"
20:18.51Jim-Bimbut by the time is got in a workable state, pompy already did most of them :<
20:19.08Ackisaye pompy rocks :) there's more out there I'm sure of it
20:19.20aesirI checked, there is only one pompy.
20:19.28Ackis~lart aesir
20:19.28purlwhips out a shotgun, trudges over to aesir, and goes postal
20:20.29TorhalJim-Bim: Latest GG work for ya?
20:20.53Torhalpompy: No, we will NOT clone you.
20:21.02Ackiswhat's wrong pompy?
20:21.02Jim-BimTorhal: yeah, works great
20:21.12Torhalckknight won't give us the funds. He says it's his "hooker money" whatever the hell THAT means.
20:21.27ckknightI just thought that your mom could use it more than you.
20:21.29TorhalJim-Bim: Good deal.
20:21.59Jim-Bimpompy: please focus on the leveling and expansion information now :)
20:22.05aesirckknight, could you please put back r2187-nolib?  Or kill the person that took it away?
20:22.16Torhalaesir: It was eaten by a ravenout Grue.
20:22.26aesirOhn, no not a grue.
20:23.04aesiralright, well, cc tells me it's there.  But it's not. It's like a big GIANT MISSTERY
20:23.36Zhinjioaesir: like your inability to spell?
20:23.38Torhalaesir: It was dah DEBBIL.
20:23.53ZhinjioI'm kidding. anyway.
20:23.59aesirThis MISSTERY is adding to my MISSERY
20:24.03Ackisckknight: ever figure out why arl takes 12 years to package?
20:24.04TorhalZhinjio: ?
20:24.11ckknightAckis: been busy with other things
20:24.15aesirckknight, why is the world blue?
20:24.16TorhalAckis: It has roughly twelve MILLION lines of code?
20:24.20ckknightit's mostly due to your overuse of externals
20:24.24ZhinjioI'm just in a give people a hard time mode today. Sorry
20:24.47Ackisoveruse? :(
20:24.55ckknightdon't worry about it.
20:24.56Ackisthat's it!
20:25.00AckisLibAckis inc!
20:25.10Ackis(I'll import libfarlander)
20:25.11TorhalThe packager looks at ARL's .pkgmeta and sighs "Fuck, not this shit again..."
20:25.39Zhinjioyou'd think with how often it has to do it, it'd pre-cache everything that never changes
20:25.42AckisTorhal: we need moar externals!
20:26.01Zhinjio(which is to say, 99.9% of it)
20:26.04TorhalAckis: Bring the packager to its knees? Figuratively speaking...
20:26.05aesirI'm telling you, I'm just going to copypaste all the addons into one big file.  And call it LibGrandUnification.  All addons can share it.
20:27.01aesirAddons will hence forth consist of TOC files (that no author ever updates).  QuestHelper, ARL, Auctioneer?  About 3k mem usage a piece.  It'll be AWESOME.
20:27.17Torhalaesir: AddOnOS
20:27.33aesirYou want oUF-xperl? It's in there.  Like the sauce.
20:27.53aesirYou want Cartographster 3.0? It's in there.
20:28.12aesirBartenderoon?  *nods*
20:29.14aesirno no, you're doing it wrong.  You won't need anymore Lib.  and the ONE LIB you do need (mine) won't need stupid version info.
20:29.48AckisAce6 == Ace1, Ace2 and Ace3 in one!
20:29.49aesirAll authors can add to the repo.  Everything.  As new addons are developed, the curse packager will add it to LibGrandUnification.
20:29.53TorhalDamn it Elkano!
20:30.09Torhal...he didn't write the API docs for the new shit.
20:32.05Zhinjiodamn, my baby *loves* chocolate.
20:32.07Zhinjioits like crack
20:32.36Ackismaybe she won't like crack then/
20:37.45TorhalI was gonna code today
20:37.55TorhalThen I had to crawl under my car and remove the fuel filter.
20:37.57TorhalThen replace it
20:38.03TorhalThen have the car still not fucking work.
20:38.20TorhalAnd now I have to write the API docs for the new LibQTip shit
20:38.35TorhalI blame purl.
20:38.52aesirnah, not enough drama on the topic yet.  Don't write the docs until there is a veritable uproar.
20:55.18pompy    my guild :)
20:55.38AckisI thought you didn't like your guild pompy ?
20:56.48pompydoesnt really bother me anymore lol.
20:56.58aesirMy realm is ranked last.  Dead last.  That is SO AWESOME.
20:57.12pompyur realm?
20:57.38aesirUS realm rankings basd on progression and achievements?  Last place goes to..Wyrmrest Accord
20:57.56aesirthere are guilds on other realms with more points.
20:58.45ckknighthey Ackis, you have a commit you wanna do for arl, don't you? ;-)
20:58.56Ackispompy: have they done all the achievements for ULD25 yet/
20:59.00Ackisckknight: nope actually lol
20:59.09ckknightI made a packager change
20:59.11ckknightthat I want tested
20:59.29AckisI'll do a null commit
20:59.54pompyAckis: that count toward glory?
21:00.00pompyof the heroic ulduar raider?
21:00.01Ackispompy: aye the drake
21:00.07pompytrhey got rusted though
21:00.08ckknightk, cool
21:00.17Ackisthat's 10 man?
21:00.48pompyin uld25 they still need to work on firefight, i like the smell of saronite in the morning, and the yogg one.
21:01.45Ackisckknight: commit made
21:01.47pompythey've been attempting vexaz hard mode for a couple weeks now.
21:02.16pompyur guild get it?
21:02.28Torhalckknight: We need to post awards for "Most useless commit messages."
21:02.35TorhalI'm sure daxdax would win.
21:03.12Ackispompy: no, only hard modes my guild has done is xt pretty much and 4 towers flame leviathon
21:03.26AckisTorhal: I swear in my commit notes so I win
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22:34.37aesirWhat's really cool, is that now that r2187-nolib doesn't appear on the project files page, curse client is complete oblivious to this fact and is still looking for it.  lol hahaha you can't find it.  I smell a bug report.  "Ticket 847: Ackis Broke It"
22:45.23ckknightthat may be my bad
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23:03.16aesirckknight - that started before you asked ackis in here if he had a commit pending
23:03.28ckknightyes, I know.
23:04.11aesirI opened a ticket with curse client (mostly as an attempt to be funny and entertain the dev) but it sort of highlights a rare issue/case where CC could use some logic to handle that situation. routes to a domain camper.  Sweet.  Why did I type that domain?  I wasn't thinking clearly.

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