IRC log for #arl on 20090702

00:03.11*** join/#arl theorb (n=theorb@
00:58.39*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
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01:11.22*** join/#arl aesir (
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01:31.19*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:51.09*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
01:51.10*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
02:38.04TorhalZhinjio: The roof is on fire. We don't need no water...
02:44.36*** join/#arl Ackis (n=asdf@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
02:44.36*** mode/#arl [+o Ackis] by ChanServ
02:44.47TorhalThere he is, guys! GET HIM!
02:45.29Torhalnada. Just got home from work.
02:46.42Ackisany big issues you need my input on? roflz
02:49.38TorhalAckis: How high should we string pompy?
02:49.54Ackiswhat's wrong?
02:50.05TorhalNothing. Just for future reference.
02:51.25AckisI imported testenus
02:51.37AckisI see the trainers are being updated
02:51.59TorhalAye. I added about five to the localization app last night.
02:52.21TorhalAt least, I think they were trainers. No idea - pompy supplied the names.
05:29.11*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
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06:23.11*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
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07:09.12*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
07:09.12*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
08:04.42Torhalpompy, Zhinjio: New GearGauge alpha has raid/party support in the list pane. Like you care. BWAH!
08:05.43*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
08:14.11*** join/#arl Repo (
08:14.11*** mode/#arl [+v Repo] by ChanServ
08:18.07*** join/#arl theorbtwo (n=theorb@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:59.16*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
09:59.16*** mode/#arl [+v BWMerlin] by ChanServ
13:47.50*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
14:11.50*** join/#arl Repo (
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14:50.14*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
15:21.44*** join/#arl Jim-Bim (
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15:39.02TorhalJim-Bim: Yola.
15:39.40Jim-BimTorhal: Yalo.
15:39.49TorhalJim-Bim: Try beta8 of GG yet?
15:40.38Jim-Bimnot yet, I will try it out later today
16:03.09*** join/#arl Thaoky (
16:37.14CyberKiLLanyone around?
16:38.31ckknightI have never left you, child
16:42.36CyberKiLLi wanted to get schooled a little
16:42.48CyberKiLLi keep seeing pictures of custom UI's
16:42.56CyberKiLLand i dont know where do start
16:43.10CyberKiLLi want my UI to look Fresh like these others
16:43.47ckknightdo you use any addons now?
16:44.20CyberKiLLwell like econ addons
16:44.31CyberKiLLand questhelper
16:45.33ckknightmuch of the so-called "fresh" look you see is due to slick interfaces that tend to be minimalistic (imo)
16:45.51ckknightthe trick is to get as much off the screen as possible
16:47.36CyberKiLLso i guess first i need a CLass(aka recipe)
16:47.46CyberKiLLwhat do i want
16:48.07ckknighttake a screenshot of your current UI
16:48.11ckknightand I can critique it
16:48.18ckknightand provide possibilities
16:48.26CyberKiLLits default
16:48.40CyberKiLLjust have all the actionbars across and up my screen
16:48.51CyberKiLLcan you accept dcc?
16:57.26CyberKiLLi got a screen shot you still there?
17:26.55ckknightget Autobar
17:27.00ckknightthat'll take care of most of your action buttons
17:27.09ckknighti.e. the mounting ones, potions, etc.
17:27.13ckknightfor the rest, use Bartender4
17:27.26ckknightwhat screen res do you run at?
17:28.13ckknightunit frames are a big part of one's UI
17:28.20ckknightI'm going to pimp my own PitBull4 to you
17:28.30ckknightfor chat, I'd go with Chatter
17:28.49ckknightthat'd take care of most of your issues right there
17:28.56CyberKiLLlemme do those
17:29.01ckknightclean things up
17:29.20ckknightI stick two action bars at the bottom in the middle (one on top of the other)
17:29.24CyberKiLLone thing i liked about alot of ui's was the minimap in bottom center
17:29.25ckknightthen I have my unit frames above that
17:29.28ckknightand then autobar on the right
17:29.29CyberKiLLand everything built around it
17:29.32ckknightah, okay
17:29.35ckknightget Chinchilla.
17:29.40ckknight@project chinchilla
17:29.45Repockknight: Chinchilla Minimap. Game: WoW. ckknight (Manager/Author), ethancentaurai (Author), Shefki (Author), vangual (Author). Updated: 45 days ago. Tickets: 12/39
17:33.05*** join/#arl Speeddy|A| (
17:36.22CyberKiLLim only getting one at a time so i can learn how to use each one
17:37.44ckknightgood idea.
17:38.35CyberKiLLok so autobar how am i supposed to use it
17:38.44CyberKiLLi mean...
17:38.49CyberKiLLhow can i ask
17:39.38CyberKiLLok i get it
17:40.48ckknightit's lunchtime
18:04.54CyberKiLLits 2pm here but g'morning
18:05.14CyberKiLLmust be aussie
18:06.48purlextra, extra, read all about it, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
18:38.10ckknighthey Zhinjio
18:41.29*** join/#arl EthanCentaurai (n=EthanCen@
18:43.23Zhinjiosup ck
18:43.25Zhinjiohow're things?
18:43.40ckknightpretty good
18:43.44ckknightlaunched the author store
18:46.58CyberKiLLok i have all those addons
18:47.07CyberKiLLnow i just gotta figure out how to move them all
18:47.40CyberKiLLwelll not how but where
18:47.44Zhinjioooo, so I can actually spend my points now!
18:54.23CyberKiLLwhere do i put my chat box
18:54.38CyberKiLLsame place i reken
19:00.18CyberKiLLckknight ide like to thank you for your help
19:02.01CyberKiLLcan i see a screen shot on how you have yours set up?
19:02.55*** join/#arl Speeddymon (
19:02.59ckknightk, hang on a minute
19:03.02ckknightI play a paladin
19:03.18ckknightso since I do some healing, I use Clique for all my heals and buffs and such
19:03.22ckknightnone of that on my action bars
19:03.29ckknightso as a rogue you might need more action bars
19:03.38Speeddymon... no
19:03.54Speeddymoni have 3 bars for all of my abilities...
19:04.06ckknightI have two
19:04.08Speeddymonand i dont even use all of them
19:04.16Speeddymoni use like 1.5
19:04.21CyberKiLLi pvp the most
19:04.21Speeddymonbut it also depends on spec
19:04.39ckknightI dual-spec ret and holy
19:04.44Speeddymonfor combat spec i use almost 2, for mutilate spec i use 1 and a half
19:05.24Speeddymoni just have the third bar there because it appears when i hit shift so it's convenient to have a couple of buttons bound to shift + some number
19:09.29CyberKiLLok first question i have is with the bartender. i have other keys mapped to buttons but doesnt show the key mapping to those bars
19:09.42CyberKiLLbut shows my orginal number keys all numbered
19:10.08ckknightCyberKiLL: /bartender
19:10.13ckknightthere's options for that
19:11.39CyberKiLLyeah i looked though the options
19:11.44CyberKiLLi guess i dont know what im looking for
20:57.13CyberKiLLlol i still havent figured this out...
21:07.44CyberKiLLi can make the numbers go away on my main bar
21:07.51CyberKiLLbut i cant get the other keybinds to show
21:07.53CyberKiLLbut they work
21:12.04CyberKiLLah i get it
21:12.09CyberKiLLif i read then i will know lol
21:12.14CyberKiLLi have to rebind them
21:28.48CyberKiLLur unit frames is what im having problems with now
21:28.52CyberKiLLwhen i click on somone
21:29.01CyberKiLLthere frame sits in center of screen
21:29.11CyberKiLLand when i try to move it
21:29.18CyberKiLLit gets stuck on my mouse
21:29.26CyberKiLLlike i can move it but cant drop it
21:29.31ckknightclick it again
21:29.36ckknightalso: odd.
21:34.18CyberKiLLi did click it again
21:34.38CyberKiLLwill not letgo till i clear the target
21:35.58CyberKiLLso so many options with all these addons lol
21:37.44CyberKiLLonce i get this all functioning so i can play
21:37.49CyberKiLLthen ill be able to learn them all better
21:37.53CyberKiLLas i need somthing
21:38.17CyberKiLLgawd its like writing code and shit just wont compile no matter how many times you look it over
21:38.59ckknightthe trick is not to compile.
21:44.45CyberKiLLyour pre db is fucked up
21:44.50CyberKiLLlol wrong channel
22:23.24*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
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22:41.14*** part/#arl pompy (
22:50.28*** join/#arl pompy (
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23:01.17*** join/#arl Torhal (
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23:16.05*** join/#arl pompy (
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23:54.53*** join/#arl pompy (
23:54.53*** mode/#arl [+o pompy] by ChanServ

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