IRC log for #arl on 20090528

00:01.42pompyTorhal: ddooo itt
00:02.19Torhalpompy: Heh
00:02.54TorhalAckis: I did the Ohloh stuff yesterday, BTW.
00:03.06Ackisi saw cool :D
00:03.18Ackisfor some reason Zhinjio still isn't showing up on the contributer map
00:03.30Ackisaesir has some commits to, he should do it :d
00:06.50Ackis<-- raiding ulduar
00:07.03Ackispompy: how many more trainers need updating?
00:08.14pompyan x amount lol.
00:08.20pompythey will be done soon!
00:08.36pompyima commit a bunch of the open tickets tonight
00:08.47pompyclear them out
00:11.10TorhalSo, if I type /rl in IRC, will that automatically reload you all?
00:11.25TorhalI've secretly been making commits, you see...
00:11.47pompyo really?
00:12.06pompyUnknown command.
00:26.06Ackisget lua_bot into this channel IMO
00:28.16pompyyeah , and repo needs to report arl commits in here
00:28.19pompy~lart repo
00:28.19purlchops repo in half with a free AOL CD
01:10.07*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
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01:26.10TorhalAckis: Bah. Generalizing several commits is a pain in the arse.
01:26.24*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
01:26.42TorhalWas the alt-tradeskills menu in RC8?
01:28.43BWMerlinhmm i don't remember seeing it and i went looking for it as well
01:28.48BWMerlinwill need to have another look
01:35.29TorhalAckis: Done.
01:36.46TorhalHell, I'd forgotten that I added the alt-tradeskill wiping until I backed through the commit logs just then.
01:45.09Zhinjiogood evening, guys
01:45.56Ackisevening Zhinjio
02:03.28TorhalZhinjio: Yola mang
02:05.49Zhinjiohow're you guys?
02:09.51TorhalZhinjio: Decent. You?
02:10.08Zhinjiogot a short nap, but I'm stille exhausted
02:14.32pompyckknight: "Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing or mismatched.".. trying to search on the curseforge forums
02:15.00TorhalZhinjio: :(
02:16.50ckknightpompy: I don't do the forums
02:17.23ZhinjioI know what that error is.
02:17.26Zhinjioas it happens.
02:17.31Zhinjiobut of course, I'm not in any position to fix i
02:21.15pompyhmm so i cant search then :(
02:25.54Torhalgoes insane as he looks at the code for Inventory On Par.
02:26.01Torhaldrools a little.
02:31.04pompymmm Genie has been improved a lot.  I'm happy with it.
02:41.16ZhinjioTorhal: I gotta figure its actually a pretty easy thing to do, no? I mean, the only hard part is "quantifying" gear
02:41.23Zhinjioeverything else is just records storage/display
02:41.56Zhinjio*hugs* how're you, dear?
02:42.43Zhinjiowrong window, obv.
02:42.56Ackisi'm fine Zhinjio
02:45.05Zhinjiohuggles on Ackis
02:54.45TorhalZhinjio: Yah, easy but tedious. I was going to try to rapid-prototype by loosly basing my initial framework on what he has then coding around that...but it's so fail I have to formulate it all.
02:55.39TorhalThough I will say without a doubt that what I end up with won't take up 4MB RAM.
02:55.43ZhinjioI suspected as much
02:56.16TorhalZhinjio: You try debug prints yet?
02:56.39TorhalAckis: My cat does that shit, too.
02:56.47Zhinjiohaven't even opened my editor. just got finished with dinner and now the baby is back climbing on me again
02:56.55Ackisthat was me failing at tabbing
02:56.57Zhinjioalso, there is ice cream.
02:57.02TorhalAckis: BWAH!
02:57.05TorhalZhinjio: Niiice.
03:05.41Ackis21:04] <Repo> auctionator-recipelist: TAP3AH * r2 / (3 files in 1 directory): initial release
03:11.36Ackis@describe lib-textbook
03:11.37RepoAckis: LibTextbook. Provides info about spell teaching items. Covers all recipes, mounts, mini-pets and class books. API type,itemName,teachesSpell,reqSkill,reqSkillLevel,reqSpell,...
04:06.33TorhalZhinjio: Remember how you said I couldn't possibly be 33 because of my pic?
04:11.26TorhalI uploaded one from tonight.
04:11.53pompyoldies ;p
04:12.04Zhinjioman, I miss my long hair sometimes.
04:12.06Zhinjionice pic
04:12.32TorhalMy old one was from 12 years ago, which is why I didn't look 33 :)
04:12.56pompyo damn
04:15.17Torhalpompy: ?
04:18.08pompyi have so much fucking fish on my characters
04:18.12pompyits disgusting
04:19.24Zhinjiosell them?
04:19.31Zhinjiomost fish are decent moeny
04:25.45*** join/#arl lua_bot (
04:27.06pompyyeah ive jus got so many bc of tryin to get this sea turtle
04:30.12pompyhmm i wonder what i can type in teh search in bagnon for it to highlight the fish i have
04:30.39pompyif i type 'fish' it doesn't get highlighted
04:30.50pompybut like for gems i can type 'gem' and it'll highlight them
04:31.09Zhinjioone reason I don't use bagnon anymore
04:32.17pompyno wait
04:32.26pompythat's what it's classified as
04:32.34pompyand what Zhinjio!?  bagnon is the shit
04:33.02ZhinjioI like auto-sorting from baggins
04:40.42pompymy server jus went offline and then went right back up.. damn that blizzard!
06:52.13pompyyou bes not of broke anything Torhal ;)
06:52.37TorhalI broke everything. This, you see, is my Master Plan.
06:52.56TorhalI just reorganized some shit and got rid of duplicate code.
07:00.17TorhalAnd I believe possibly fixed a bug in the process.
07:00.36TorhalSince there were a few places where a certain static popup dialog was never being closed.
07:00.45TorhalSince it's all centralized now, it'll always be closed.
08:18.39*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
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08:38.42*** part/#arl pompy (
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14:35.40*** join/#arl Jim-Bim (n=thorben_@
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14:48.27*** join/#arl AckisWork (i=8ee55fec@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/ARL/Troll/Ackis)
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16:02.53aesirAckis went to ohloh and all he got me was this stupid T-shirt.
16:08.37*** join/#arl pompy1 (
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16:24.52*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
16:31.44AckisWorkanyone here interested in working with collectinator?
16:42.23ZhinjioI still have a latent interest in it.
16:42.30ZhinjioI'm not sure there aren't already other addons doing it though
16:43.14Zhinjioglanced at one the other day, but did not look in detail
16:43.56Jim-Bimme too ackis :P
16:43.56Zhinjiolemme see if I can find that again real quick
16:44.05Jim-BimTheCollector? :P
16:44.39Jim-Bimthere are lots of addons dealing with that
16:44.59AckisWorkTheCollector = Original ARL code
16:45.04AckisWorkdon't mention it to me please :P
16:45.22Jim-BimTheCollector is currently the best
16:45.34AckisWorkbecause he copied ARL code :P
16:45.47Jim-Bimso, if you still need help for collectinator, let me know
16:45.49AckisWorkthat's why it's the best! :D
16:45.54AckisWorkI'm working on it right now
16:45.57Jim-BimI will have plenty of time this long weekend
16:46.01AckisWorkbasically I copied the new ARL over
16:46.05AckisWorkand am pruning it out now
16:46.18Jim-Bimlet me update my git
16:47.56Zhinjiohave you tried this out?
16:48.49Jim-Bimyou are my hero zhinjio for posting that to ackis face
16:49.54AckisWorkeverytime that's linked I just feel like not working on collectinator :|
16:50.23ZhinjioI'm not a big fan of duplicating effort.
16:50.36Zhinjioif its a shitty addon, say so, and there's a rationale behind working on collectinator
16:51.00AckisWorkit doesn't do what I want it to do
16:51.06Zhinjioalrighty then
16:51.08AckisWorkI want tabards, pets, mounts, titles, fun items
16:51.18AckisWorkI also want 12 million filters like we have for ARL
17:17.55ZhinjioI need a lightweight xp bar/rep bar replacement... and it must be able to support separate configuration for each bar
17:18.54Zhinjiomeaning, I want two separate bars on the screen
17:19.39AckisWorkbt4 allows for that
17:20.07Zhinjioum, I'm not going to use bt4 just for the rep/xp bar.
17:21.23pompywhat are 'loose objects' in git
17:52.58pompystuck at authenticating
17:53.00pompyof course
18:08.03pompyheh, its neither skinner or arl's fault but arl isnt being skinned with teh latest versions :( lol.
18:10.10pompy~lart Torhal|Sleep
18:10.10purlpours hot grits down the front of Torhal|Sleep's pants
18:10.27pompyself:SecureHook(ARL, "CreateFrame", function()
18:10.29pompycuz of that :P
18:11.07AckisWorkpost a ticket for skinner
18:11.14pompyi already piosted on teh forums
18:11.30pompywould he have to add an if..then though since arl with that change isnt a release yet?
18:13.37pompyis there even a way to check for the revision?
18:14.21AckisWorkhe knows what to do
18:14.53pompyim sure he does, im not doubting him :(
18:15.17AckisWorki don't know what he does :P
18:15.20AckisWorki don't use skinner
18:15.23AckisWorknever looked at the code
18:15.27pompy~lart AckisWork
18:15.27purlwallops AckisWork with a main rotation server that needs rehubbing. It won't take long
18:15.37AckisWorkgo add more trainers
18:15.42pompyIM GONNA :P
18:15.44pompy ;)
18:16.06pompyi gots the ticket page open
18:16.07pompyright now
19:02.37ZhinjioAckisWork: you only have to enter that stuff into a program once
19:02.42Zhinjiothen you can just file it away
19:03.19AckisWorkI used to keep good track
19:03.34AckisWorkbut my HD crashed and my backup got fucked up so I lost 6 months of data
19:03.34Jim-BimDo Dominos REP/XP work without the Dominos Actionbar stuff?
19:03.39AckisWorkand never kept track after that
19:03.47Jim-Bimmaybe that addon might be for you zhinjio
19:04.27ZhinjioJim-Bim: yes, they do. And I decided to jsut keep using the one I had (Xpbarnone)
19:04.28AckisWorkJim-Bim: did you load collectinator into wow?
19:06.24AckisWorkeh my ride is here, off site meetings this afternoon so I'm out of here... will be back tonight, Jim-Bim feel free to dick around w/ collectinator, I'm still patching it togehter, the databases are good up to 3.1 however
22:03.05pompyaesir: at least update arl to latest revision b4 scanning ;p
22:35.06*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
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