IRC log for #arl on 20090525

01:12.03BWMerlinthat error message happens when i auto scan
01:12.49TorhalBWMerlin: It's just a warning saying there's no translation.
01:12.59TorhalGet the latest ARL via SVN.
01:15.21BWMerlini get the latest via CC
01:15.32BWMerlinnot yet game to set up svn access
01:15.55BWMerlinbecause then its a slippery slope of me working on ARL
01:16.07pompyyou can juus ignore the error for now.
01:16.16pompythe phrases have to be added to the localization app
01:16.19pompywhen ackis gets around to it
01:16.23pompyand itll be all good
01:17.33BWMerlinI'm curious as to what Ackis plans for ARL
01:19.11AckisBWMerlin: give it 10 minutes and update on CC and it'll get rid of the errors
01:19.34Ackisas for plans for ARL? get data 100% and let it do its job? I don't forsee anything big to be added
01:20.48BWMerlini would love for arl is for it to replace recipe book and recipe radar, more or less be a one huge arse recipe database mod
01:21.34Ackisit already is a huge arse recipe mod
01:21.38BWMerlinand it seems you are moving in that direction slightly with alt tradeskills and the plan to be able to show what recipes you can get in a zone ala recipe radar
01:22.37BWMerlinthen its just a short skip and a jump for recipe pattern colouring and tooltip saying which toon already knows and which toons can learn the pattern ala recipe/professions boook
01:23.07TorhalAckis: Assimilate TSI?
01:24.26Ackisyah I need to do the zone stuff a lot better
01:26.56TorhalAckis: TradeSkillInfo.
01:27.13TorhalWhen BWMerlin said "Which alt knows it and which ones can learn it" I thought of TSI - it does that
01:30.23ZhinjioI could rid of... two other addons if we had recipe icon coloring + item tooltip info (where it drops + who can learn it)
01:30.28Ackisdon't want to copy ideas, so I avoid looking at them
01:30.40Ackisicon colouring in the AH?
01:30.46ZhinjioAH + vendors
01:31.19Ackisthat could be... ugly
01:31.56Ackistoss a ticket in for both those suggestions so I can stew over it at work and think aboot it... I'll forget about it if you don't
01:32.27Zhinjiono u
01:32.36Ackis*points at BWMerlin* :D
01:32.42ZhinjioI'll do it in a little while, or something.
01:33.10Ackisi'm going to take my pants and socks off, scratch my balls and watch tv
01:33.17pompy"MC Duder In BWL" nice korean translation ackis ;p
01:33.31ZhinjioI'm going to pretend it is a world that I didn't just hear you say that.
01:34.35TorhalZhinjio: What, that he's gonna scratch his balls, or that he actually TYPED "aboot"?
01:39.44Zhinjioperhaps both
01:41.36pompy(5/24/2009 9:33:24 PM) Ackis: i'm going to take my pants and socks off, scratch my balls and watch tv <-- just said that in #arl but it's true, afk for a while
02:00.06BWMerlini would love ARL to do recipe colouring and which toon can learn a pattern i would be able to get ride of recipe book which is kinda broked atm
02:12.58BWMerlinok one ticket created
02:22.42BWMerlintickets away
02:22.54BWMerlinwaits for Ackis
02:27.32pompyhes probably done for the night, if so, he'll see it tomorrow
03:04.20BWMerlinwhat a slacker
03:04.28BWMerlinsif the need to sleep
03:33.04Ackisimma watching tv
03:33.06Ackisgf is peeing
03:33.09Ackisso imma putering
03:33.11Ackisbut she's back
03:43.15BWMerlinsee Ackis doesnt need sleep
04:23.32ZhinjioAckis needs good lovin'
04:23.48Ackisfucing hot ehre
04:24.01Zhinjiodude, is yr hamster typing for you?
04:24.07Zhinjiono wonder your drycode always fails
04:24.25Zhinjiosup man?
04:26.15Ackisour hamsters are alll dead
04:27.35Ackisafk sleeps now
05:44.34Torhalpompy: I made the alt tradeskills menu betterer! POOPY!
05:44.39Torhalacts strangely.
05:48.32Zhinjiohey man
05:48.49pompynice lol]
05:54.28Zhinjiowhats new and exciting?
06:19.31ckknightcocaine is pretty exciting
06:31.43Torhalckknight: Yola.
06:44.22*** join/#arl Torhal (
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07:38.26TorhalAckis, aesir: I just modified my local copy of TipTac to properly skin LibQTip tooltips, then fired off the changes to Aezay. Hopefully he'll accept them.
13:44.07pompyAckis: reminder about the seasonal shit
13:44.36Ackisnot at work yet :P
13:47.55pompydamn i woke up early
13:47.56pompythats a first
13:56.28aesirI've got an input conflict someplace and the usual disable addons til you find it didn't do the trick (or I messed that up, but don't have the heart to restart WoW another hojillian times).  I need to find out what/where key modified mouse clicks go.  Is there a dev util, addon, or script that can help me find out what is intercepting - and trashing- my shift+RtClick?
14:00.22aesirI'd checked that, but I didn't find anything there. I'm believing it's a hidden frame or something that is intercepting the input.
14:00.51aesirscrew it.  I'll try disabling addons again.  I've got too many.
14:01.55aesirI was hoping there was a /script api:Something() or /something that would tell me what frame handled the input.
14:17.30pompyare you on windows?
14:17.36aesirI am.
14:18.42pompywell i found this
14:20.07pompyread that
14:20.58pompyother than that, idk
14:21.46aesirJust fuck.  I really don't want to redo my UI again. Thanks though.
14:44.38*** join/#arl AckisWork (i=8ee55c31@gateway/web/ajax/
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15:00.59AckisWorkFYI RC9 will be the last RC before official 1.0 release. :P
15:01.14AckisWorkalthough the mod is stable, data wasn't anywhere where it should be for a release
15:01.16AckisWorknow it is
15:02.48Zhinjiohow're you this morning?
15:02.59AckisWorki'm good, tired however.  Yourself?
15:03.23Zhinjiothe same.
15:03.31Zhinjiostayed up way too late playing silly games
15:03.32Zhinjioas usual
15:07.52pompyugh ive come to the conclusion that this damn fishing mount is inexistant for me at least lol
15:08.00pompyand it pisses me off some ppl got it on their like 10th cast
15:08.02pompyfuk them!!!
15:09.21pompyAckisWork: i knew that ticket was there ;p
15:10.36AckisWorkread the comments :P
15:11.44pompyhow was it invalid post id
15:11.56AckisWorkno idea I clicked link
15:11.58AckisWorkit didn't work
15:12.23pompymy comments link
15:12.33pompythats old anyway, u fixed that
15:12.41pompythat was trhe error u got for scanning inscription trainers
15:13.06AckisWorkoh i did?
15:14.38pompyjim-bim maybe
15:14.39pompy- fixed a typo in output of ScanSkillLevelData function
15:15.12pompyit was because of the stupid discrepancy of the skilllevel of those 3 inscription items
15:18.09AckisWorkso regarding seasonal, nothing needs to change
15:18.15AckisWorkI did the localization last night
15:18.18AckisWorkwhat else is there to do/
15:18.44pompyfor seasonal or in general?
15:19.18AckisWorkin general
15:19.53pompyim gonna go thru the remaining tickets in a bit ..... why are you tagging today or something?
15:21.00AckisWorkno just want to make sure I keep on top of things
15:21.24pompywell bwmelin poste teh two tickets lats night
15:22.51AckisWorkthose aren't for now though
15:31.26pompythen afaik, you're all caught up ;)
15:31.45AckisWorkkk sweet
15:31.53AckisWorkit's just the trainer tickets and more datamining stuff
15:40.17pompythat thing about the duplicate trainer data in teh acquire detection could be worked on.  i dont think it'd need trainer scanning, u can sumhow many it go thru the acquire functions of each profession and look for dups, if thats possiblw
16:07.26*** join/#arl Jim-Bim (
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16:10.59*** join/#arl pompy1 (
16:38.44*** join/#arl ckknight (n=ckknight@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/CurseStaff/CurseForge/ckknight)
17:03.41AckisWorkpompy1: ping
17:07.48Jim-BimAckis: ping
17:08.12AckisWorksup Jim-Bim
17:08.30Jim-Bimsrew you, I want something from ackis, not ackiswork
17:08.36AckisWorkoh sorry
17:09.27pompy1AckisWork: ?
17:09.31Jim-Bimno, why do we have no externals set for svn?
17:10.40AckisWorkno point
17:10.55AckisWorkpompy1: I added the duplicate trainer stuff
17:11.05AckisWorkit's a bit generic but should be easy to figure out
17:13.43pompy1kk coo
17:14.04AckisWorktest it out pls
17:15.03pompy1i will in 1.15 hours.. I MUST GET THIS FUCKING MOUNT
17:15.17AckisWorkyou can do it now actually
17:15.25*** mode/#arl [+v pompy] by ChanServ
17:15.29Jim-Bimno point?
17:15.47AckisWorkto see if it works?:P
17:15.58AckisWorkah nm,
17:16.02AckisWorkloadrecipe is local
17:19.11Jim-Bimso whats up with svn externals?
17:19.32Jim-BimI know you removed it, just don't know why you did it
17:19.41AckisWorkno need fro mthem
17:21.07Jim-Bimqtip is updated frequently, I always have to update it seperatly now :P
17:21.40Jim-BimI want em embedded
17:23.24AckisWorkif fucking nev keeps this shit up all my stuff will become CF or WoWI only
17:26.12pompywhat hapP?
17:28.30Jim-Bimwhat? :P
17:31.15AckisWorknev doesn't like me :P
17:46.46Zhinjiosvn externals aren't needed when you're using pkgmeta
17:53.37Jim-Bimneeded for the project, or for updating via svn client?
17:53.50Jim-BimI update my copy of arl via svn
17:54.00AckisWorkCC doesn't need them
17:54.01Jim-Bimand have to do lib updates seperatly
17:54.06AckisWorkand it doesn't work when you have git repo's
17:56.05ZhinjioI think the lesson there is don't update your "game" copy of ARL with svn. *grin*
17:56.24Zhinjiobut whatever floats your boat
18:00.24Jim-Bimwe can't just add svn externals?
18:01.57Jim-BimWim for examples uses pkgmeta and includes.xml
18:03.40Jim-Bimatlasloot has both,too - pkgmeta and embeds.xml
18:03.51Jim-Bimand yes, both have libs listed in their pkgmeta
18:04.15AckisWorkw/e do it if you want
18:05.46Jim-Bimarl has embeds.xml,too , I just don't know why its not used by svn
18:06.07AckisWorkembeds == easy to disembed
18:06.14AckisWorksvn:externals used by svn only
18:06.26AckisWork.pkgmeta = used by curseforge/wowace and supports hg/git as well
18:14.07*** join/#arl pompy1 (
18:16.35Jim-Bimsvn:externals are just properties of the arl folder which svn can read?
19:00.19TorhalYou people need to watch your fucking language.
19:06.04*** mode/#arl [+v pompy] by ChanServ
19:10.19pompydid u put that on ohloh
19:11.44AckisWorkwanted it to do the code analysis lol
19:14.01pompynice lol
20:12.10TorhalOk, ARL tooltips will now be completely modified by TipTac - I made some modifications to TipTac to get it to work, and submitted them to Aezay. He made modifications to that based on load order, and it will be in the next version.
20:12.26Torhal...which he's apparently releasing now.
20:13.26pompyi use tiptac
20:13.42TorhalI didn't before, but I do now.
20:13.59pompywhat did u use b4
20:14.08TorhalThat's when I noticed the gradient wasn't being applied to the ARL tip.
20:14.26TorhalIt killed the hell out of my framerates whenever a tooltip was shown, so I had to ditch it.
20:14.35TorhalTipTac is teh awesome
20:14.51pompyhe doesnt use a repo.. hes like 'i never felt the need to'
20:15.04TorhalI could have looked at TipTop to see what Seerah is doing that's so CPU-intensive, but meh
20:15.45AckisWorkTorhal: get him to use a repo :P
20:16.05Torhal...and what should I say to get this to happen?
20:16.41pompy(5/18/2009 9:21:34 PM) pompy: ur repo isn't open for tiptac?
20:16.41pompy(5/18/2009 9:23:07 PM) Aezay: Hmm? I don't use that thing
20:16.54AckisWorkhey dude, use a repo so people can disembed your mods easier, i'll do the work for you and then you just need to do this and this to update
20:16.59pompy(5/18/2009 9:23:58 PM) pompy: ah k, didn't know if tiptac was on svn or something
20:16.59pompy(5/18/2009 9:25:14 PM) Aezay: never used it, don't really see any need to
20:17.35TorhalAckisWork: You just wasted effort typing that here when you could have typed that in #wowuidev and replaced "I'll" with "Torhal will"
20:18.32AckisWorkmy god ohloh is taking forever to work with ARL
20:21.06*** join/#arl Fisker- (
20:21.08Fisker-you fail
20:21.19TorhalOh, shit
20:21.21Fisker-i hate you
20:21.24TorhalWho invited the Evil One?!?
20:21.36*** join/#arl Aezay (
20:21.38Torhalscreams, then stabs Fisker- with a pillow.
20:21.45AckisWorkhi Aezay
20:21.50AezayHey there
20:21.53TorhalAezay: Yola :)
20:21.58AckisWorkfrom torhal: "hey dude, use a repo so people can disembed your mods easier, i'll do the work for you and then you just need to do this and this to update"
20:22.53TorhalAckisWork: Wow. You did it. You actually shoved words into my keyboard.
20:23.02AckisWorkI figured you might want to be in the chan because we were saying your name in vain a few times
20:23.06AckisWorkTorhal: yup
20:23.23Aezayhmm, I've never done any of that, I dont even have an idea what it is
20:24.01TorhalVersion control FTW.
20:24.03AckisWorkTorhal will help you out :)
20:24.13AckisWorkstamps bitch on Torhal's forehead.
20:24.17TorhalNot right now...gotta drive my son about 90 miles away and drop him off
20:24.21AezayI just kinda like the way I update my addons now
20:24.32AckisWorkAezay: how do you do it right now?
20:24.40Aezayjust manually
20:25.26AckisWorkwell version control basically keeps a copy of every single version of your addon and allows you to do partial updates/etc... basically you make changes locally and then send the to the server... when you're done you tell the server to make a "tag" of it which is a release
20:25.55AezayWhat are the benefits?
20:26.26AckisWorklibrary management is a lot easier, the system automatically picks up the libraries you've specified and packages them with either a specific release or the latest version
20:26.47TorhalAlso, you can easily revert if you made a mistake, and allows multiple people to work on it if you so choose.
20:26.48AckisWorkrelationship mangement (aka x mod uses your mod)
20:27.00AckisWorkmultiple people working on it is nice but can be turned off
20:27.00TorhalCurse Reward Points.
20:27.04AckisWorkthe localization application
20:27.17AckisWorkand easy support for disembedding
20:27.24TorhalYour addons could theoretically pay for your WoW subscription
20:27.54AckisWorkanother upside is you don't have to go through the file upload things on curseforge
20:28.05AckisWorkthe downside is that there's a little bit of a learning curve (very small if you use svn IMO)
20:28.16TorhalGit isn't bad at all.
20:28.18AckisWorkand you need to learn a few more commands which are trivial
20:28.26TorhalAnd allows atomic commits
20:29.59AckisWorkalso makes it easy to work on the proejct from multiple locations
20:30.04AezayIf I were using a lot of libraries that might be useful, but I'm not, so I'm still not sure using SVN is for me
20:30.36TorhalAnywho: Back in three hours, give or take 30 minutes.
20:32.07AckisWorkit's really your call... since you've never used it, my recommendation would be to try it on one of your projects
20:38.05Aezayraiding atm, so a little slow at replying
20:38.10aesirGIT is for freaks.  SVN is infinitely easier to use, and in particular, has better tools support under every OS except (maybe) Linux.  Whether it's 'technically better' or not is much like asking whether Betamax is... was... technically better than VHS.
20:38.18AckisWorknp Aezay :)
20:38.29aesirwaits for it.
20:39.24AckisWorksvn is easier to use
20:39.35AckisWorkgit allows for a different workflow
20:39.55AezayTorhal spoke about those Curse Reward Points, I signed up for that, but still not sure I can use it, only seems to be an offer to people from the US
20:40.15Jim-Bimwhere are you from Aezay?
20:40.50AckisWorkAezay: they're going to add more down the road, I'm canadian and I won't let ckknight and Kaelten forget about non-US peeps :D
20:41.02ckknightdown with Canada!
20:41.08AezayJim-Bim, Denmark
20:41.19ckknightbtw, we have UK Amazon Gift Cards in the store now.
20:41.25AckisWorkckknight: eh? what aboot it?
20:41.41Jim-Bimany ETA on german cards ckknight?
20:41.47ckknightnot my area
20:41.50ckknightthat's the business side
20:41.57ckknightbut we haven't launched the store
20:42.05ckknightand we won't until FR and DE are done
20:42.06Jim-Bimand I kind of like the view of southpark guys about canada :P
20:42.34ckknightflapping heads?
20:43.06Jim-Bimthey are farting all the time
20:44.11ckknightthat's just Terrance and Philip
20:46.50AezayAckisWork, aren't you forced to use a preset version scheme when using svn?
20:47.30AckisWorkAezay: yes and no, the project revisions are preset, however when you tag (which is a beta/release) you set your own version for it
20:57.10AezayWhere can I read more about svn?
20:58.00AckisWorkthere's a bunch of aritcles on the CF/wowace knowledge base, are you familiar with that?
21:00.47AezayI read something about it on wowace ages ago, when I started coding addons, but it didn't make much sense to me back then
21:06.32AezayTo be honest, I don't think SVN is for me, I'm coding it all alone, and I am not using any shared libraries, but it's a neat concept if there's multiple authors
21:07.08AckisWorkbut but but... :( lol
21:07.10AckisWorkfair enough
21:08.15Aezaybut what? :p
21:10.57AckisWorkmeans it can't be disembedded, although you say you don't use any libs :P
21:13.07AezayNever really saw any benefits from me using Ace libraries, guess I jsut got into the whole addon thing a little different than everyone else or something
21:13.47AckisWork*nod* Ace isn't mandatory at all, there's a lot of good work that doesn't use them
21:15.58pompythis fucking fishing mount will NOT drop
21:16.06pompybtw <3 TipTac
21:19.42Aezaypompy, were you asking me something earlier today?
21:21.58pompyit was probably the other day about the repo lol
21:22.01pompythat u answered
21:32.52AezayI'm just curious why people care about what release method I use, how does that affect others?
21:34.09AckisWorkwe're nosey ;)
21:41.40Jim-BimAezay: I think Critlog is still missing on curse, any reasopn for that? :P
21:41.50Jim-BimI can't update it via CC...
21:42.19AezayJim-Bim, there are several addons I've only released on WoWI
21:42.36Aezayjust me being lazy
21:42.45Jim-BimI just noticed that I can update Examiner and TipTac via CC
21:42.47pompyAckisWork: We jus merged with another guild and jus found out two of them use ARL ;p
21:43.27AckisWorkI hate people
21:43.37Fisker-AckisWork is gay for me
21:47.00*** join/#arl BWMerlin (n=chatzill@
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22:41.37aesirckknight: You may want to see what's up with SatrinaBuffFrame.  Same issue as it's last update - and appears to be the same issue as with FishingBuddy (most recent example).  CC shows version update available, but fails to update.  Files not available for manual DL through curse/curseforge/wowace.
23:29.49Torhalaesir: Synchronization shit is fail.
23:30.04TorhalCurse dealie, if I remember correctly
23:31.21aesirIt's just weird. I can view the updated change log when this happens.  Just can't obtain the files.
23:33.44Stanzilla'cause the files are not approved yet
23:34.45TorhalI blame Fisker-
23:38.00pompyagrees with Torhal
23:57.05Ackisping ckknight

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