IRC log for #android on 20081207

00:00.24Andomicdcordes, it's an ftp client for Android
00:00.39Zer0reZi wonder if it was an agreement they had with tmobile
00:00.52dcordeswhat's wrong with /usr/bin/ftp - you have a keyboard on the g1 :(
00:01.27*** join/#android BHSPitLappy (n=BHSPitLa@unaffiliated/bhspitmonkey)
00:01.28[nine]dcordes: the non-hacked builds don't have an ftp client.
00:02.31brockticeThe number of people who've left market comments saying, "What does this FTP program do?" is astounding.
00:02.42infernixyeah, its ok
00:02.44brockticeThey should have their internet licenses revoked.
00:02.45michaelnovakjr__tmobile was sucking up all the G1 production...
00:02.47infernixno upload though, that sucks
00:02.52Zer0reZwhat's ftp?!
00:03.15infernixbut more importantly i need a browser that actually lets me download anything instead of complaining about unknown filetypes
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00:03.23offby1tried opera?
00:03.28[nine]brocktice: the marketplace comments make me cry.
00:03.32offby1and there's a new browser available on the market
00:03.47brocktice[nine], I think that's the general consensus among everyone over the age of 12.
00:03.59[nine]brocktice: not least because google haven't put a swearing filter (i'm not opposed to swearing, but idiot children shouldn't be abusive if they want to seem objective).
00:04.04pfftnine: brocktice: is there a way to see the marketplace comments on the web (without a phone)?
00:04.14brockticepfft, You don't want to.
00:04.15offby1[nine]: no different from the rest of the Internet, really
00:04.21brockticeLike YouTube comments.
00:04.23[nine]pfft: doubt it. try the emulator. see if it has the marketplace app.
00:04.32brockticeOnly they're insulting people's work.
00:04.38brockticeBecause they don't understand it.
00:04.46ismarcit's a common thing with people, anonyminity makes them revert to the 5 year old idiots they really are deep down inside
00:04.59[nine]the g1 should have come with a minimum age clause.
00:05.09[nine]and a minimum vocabulary clause.
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00:05.13offby1the $399 price wasn't enough?
00:05.20brocktice$189 with contract.
00:05.28brockticeAnd if you can get mommy or daddy to pay for it...
00:05.35dcordesinfernix, try fennec
00:05.39Zer0reZbrocktice: just what i was going to say
00:05.40ismarcthey should have a generic spell and grammar check for the marketplace comments...and if it fails, you have to rewrite it
00:05.58ismarcI saw a comment today that had no made my head hurt trying to figure out what it said
00:06.20brockticeCan they build that into the next Android build?
00:06.38RyeBryeMarketplace comments are teh S|_|C|<
00:06.40Andomiccrap i can't see the files in my ftp folder on droidftp,why could that be?
00:07.20ismarcRyeBrye: They'd be more entertaining if they used circa 1994 leet speak...but they don't even do that
00:07.47Zer0reZwhy the marketplace is the way it is
00:07.50brockticeah yes
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00:10.16Andomicanyone having issues w/ the file listing w/ the DroidFtp app?
00:10.19pffti dont see any of the market code in the git repo ...
00:10.31brockticepfft, I'm not brave enough to use FTP anymore...
00:10.43dcordesI will buy 5 developer g1 if they come with the g1 ril code
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00:11.55pffti keep seeing reference here to "ril code" ... what is that again?
00:12.10pffti think i knew at one point
00:12.17pfftnow i've forgotten
00:12.22[nine]coo, DroidFtp actually works nicely.
00:12.24Zer0reZi've never known
00:12.26[nine]shame it's not sftp.
00:12.32brocktice[nine], exactly
00:12.56dcordesradio interface layer
00:13.09DarkriftXis $20 for a 4g minisdhc about as good as i can expect to find?
00:13.16dcordesthe software that handles the communication between your android apps and the a9
00:13.27brockticeDarkriftX, I paid only a little more for 8g
00:13.29[nine]DarkriftX: try dealextreme. the card you end up with may be a fake, but it's cheap.
00:13.33dcordesthe actual piece of software that makes it operate as a phone
00:13.41dcordesis a blob :(
00:13.42[nine]DarkriftX: i bought a fake sandisk 8GB for $8.
00:14.10DarkriftXwow, mibbit servers just died lol
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00:14.40brockticeOr there was a connection issue.
00:15.21Andomicbought a 16GB for $60
00:15.33pfftdcordes: and what is "the a9"?
00:15.43dcordeslook at the qualcomm brochures
00:15.47dcordesfor msm7200
00:16.07dcordesthey have this nice diagram
00:16.43brockticeSo I wonder how long it'll be before someone has Wifi access point mode working on a dev phone.
00:17.02Zer0reZdcordes: thank you
00:17.05Zer0reZwas just googling for it :)
00:17.18brockticeEmbedded Qcamcorder eh?
00:17.20dcordesti1251 can do master mode?
00:17.37brockticeDevice can't do it?
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00:19.41dcordesbrocktice, Device?
00:20.13brockticedcordes, You said til 1251 can do master mode. I assumed 1251 was some number of the wifi chipset.
00:20.14dcordesbrocktice, let me rephrase: can the ti1251 wifi driver create master mode interfaces?
00:20.29dcordesit's the g1 wifi driver
00:20.29brockticeAh, that I don't know.
00:21.04brockticetil1251... there are only 3 hits for that on google.
00:21.05pfftdcordes: do you have a link to the brochure?
00:21.27Zer0reZpfft: he just posted it
00:21.45ionstormcan the g1 do monitor mode?
00:22.26dcordesit's for the msm7200, not msm7201a. but it's the same scheme
00:23.27DisconnectIts official. Root now means you can flash the engineering bootloader.
00:23.33DisconnectSave yourself $400. :)
00:24.27brockticeDisconnect, damn, wish I hadn't given up root on my G1.
00:24.30Disconnectdifference between dev unit and retail unit is engineering bootloader. (and the backplate). we can now flash the engineering bootloader to any retail g1.
00:24.43Disconnect(any g1 with root)
00:24.58Zer0reZhow much is a non contract G1 though
00:25.01brockticeWorked out okay because my wife wanted a G1 anyway.
00:25.05DarkriftX8g for $19
00:25.20DarkriftXseems decent, although shipping is a little high for what id expect
00:25.38brockticeThe word "crater" makes me nervous.
00:26.53ionstormwhats the biggest micro sd right now
00:27.02ionstormi cant find a 32 gig
00:27.09brockticeI think 16
00:27.14brockticeAlthough I heard 32 is in the pipeline
00:27.57ionstorm16gig for 54
00:28.56ionstorm56 + free shipping
00:29.47dcordesthat's where the fun starts 16gb rootfs with a proper bootloader
00:30.32AndomicI see there is a Skype app for droid, anyone tried it?
00:30.38volI haven't tried it
00:30.46voloutside of intl calls, what's the point? :P
00:30.58brockticeI don't think it's VoIP.
00:31.07brockticeYou can get the same thing with SkypeToGo
00:31.43dcordes... enough room for 10 java ftp clients
00:33.40Disconnectschweet. fastboot and skateboards.
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00:33.56Disconnecttmob retail gave a hacker a replacement unit w/ dev bootloader. doh.
00:34.09Disconnectand now we've all got it
00:34.40Disconnectbut its time to make dinner
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00:34.43brockticeEgads, how did that happen?
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00:40.08unix_infidelsame way someone got a dev build of snow leopard on an internal MB Air prototype.
00:40.54brockticeunix_infidel, Someone oopsed. I guess HTC in this case.
00:41.48offby1what does that mean in practice?
00:42.00offby1What will the hacker be able to do that he couldn't with a normal unit?
00:43.26infernixdcordes: on android?
00:44.19ahaberlachoffby1 : I assume it means that they'll be able to install any build they want, as opposed to just the ones signed for T-Mobile.
00:44.50ahaberlachI suspect that it is similar to
00:45.09offby1I was thinking someone would say "Now he can control us all!"
00:45.16offby1the truth is less exciting.
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00:45.25ahaberlach"One bootloader to bind them."
00:47.39unix_infidelis is possible to bind the Gmail app to another account or multiple accounts?
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00:48.28offby1people keep asking that.
00:48.38unix_infidel...and? I'm guessing no.
00:48.39offby1my hunch is "no", but it's just a hunch.
00:48.53brockticeWe now have slightly better support for Gmail in K-9.
00:49.00offby1I think the phone asked me for my google account info once, when I first turned it on; and I haven't seen any UI for changing that
00:49.20unix_infideloffby1: of course there is, it's called a factory reset.
00:49.28brockticeThe default IMAP server does not play well with non-gmail clients. We changed the default to
00:49.42offby1unix_infidel: yeah yeah :)
00:49.58Andomicwho here using the grandcentral number?
00:50.17brockticeI'm using GC.
00:50.18offby1brocktice: what's the elevator pitch for K-9?  I mean, in one sentence, what does it offer?
00:50.40unix_infideli think everyone is dying for a proper mail app.
00:50.42unix_infidelbig niche.
00:50.43brockticeoffby1, Bugfixes, unknown SSL certs, and now exchange.
00:50.51brockticeWe just posted version 0.19.
00:50.52offby1I'm on it!!
00:51.12brockticeBrand new, so be kind. I also can't claim any credit for that, it was some of the other guys on the exchange stuff.
00:51.15offby1I don't recall seeing the word "exchange" in the Market blurb.
00:51.22offby1you should make that prominent if it isn't already
00:51.33brocktice[18:29] obracongratulations, exchange support is on trunk
00:51.33brocktice[18:30] brockticeWhee!
00:51.33brocktice[18:32] obra
00:51.36brocktice[18:39] ismarcprepare for wall of bug reports
00:51.37offby1brocktice: y'all using some official MS SDK, or are you reverse-engineering?
00:51.40brockticeIt's 18:51 here for reference.
00:51.49brockticeoffby1, Don't know, ask in #k-9
00:52.00Andomichow are u liking GC brock?
00:52.04brockticeOh, and email signatures.
00:52.14brockticeAndomic, Great, wish they'd update it already.
00:52.24offby1what determines the category ("Lifestyle", "Entertainment") that an app is filed under?  Does the developer get to pick?
00:52.28brockticeunix_infidel, Of exchange support?
00:52.38unix_infidelbrocktice: sure.
00:52.39Andomicso are u starting to give ppl ur GC number instead of ur cell number?
00:52.45unix_infidelor the application...whatever.
00:52.48brockticeI haven't actually installed that APK just yet.
00:53.04brockticeunix_infidel, It's a fork of the stock Email client. Most of the changes aren't visual.
00:53.19offby1I think I'm getting an older version -- no mention of Exchange.
00:53.21brockticeAlthough Jesse did change some font sizes, which has had a very polarized reception among users.
00:53.33brockticeoffby1, Let me take a look.
00:54.02unix_infidelbrocktice: ahh, bummer.
00:54.02offby1pity Android doesn't have something like OpenID support -- I HATE typing my password into all these random apps
00:54.29ahaberlachAny reason K-9 is a fork instead of contributing back to the core email app?
00:55.00brockticeahaberlach, Long story. Short version is, we're trying.
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00:55.33ahaberlachI know that IMAP is a pain in the ass to make work on every server.  Good that there's other people interested in helping.  :)
00:55.52brockticeOH yeah, I made some fixes to IMAP prefix support.
00:56.05brockticeI think we've worked most of the subsequent problems out now.
00:56.44brockticeoffby1, When you go to add an account you can pick WebDav(Exchange) account on the second screen.
00:56.58ismarcoffby1: the Exchange support uses WebDAV and form based authentication, so outlook web access has to be enabled
00:57.05brockticeHi ismarc
00:57.22brockticeI'm glad you're here because I don't really know much about the exchange support.
00:57.28offby1I'll try it.  What the heck, it's just my work account :-|
00:57.45ismarcoffby1: that's why it was done that's what my work account had available
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00:58.17offby1it's only offering me a choice between POP3 and IMAP.  Is that because I've got a too-old version?
00:58.28brockticeYeah you need the APK from the link above.
00:58.32offby1ah, ok
00:58.42ahaberlachWow -- a whole new transport?  That's cool.  I thought it was just IMAP fixes.
00:58.42brockticeI don't think Jesse's got it in the market yet.
00:58.43*** part/#android dcordes (n=dcordes_@unaffiliated/dcordes)
01:00.29offby1*whine* "Computing Application Sizes" sure takes a long time *whine*
01:03.34Disconnectttuttle: you are significantly less special now. just fyi.
01:08.33TiberiumXYay, DroidFTP does SFTP now.
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01:14.22Disconnectengineering bootloader. its not just for breakfast anymore.
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01:18.57TiberiumXDamnit; why did I let it upgrade to RC30?
01:19.49rev_ottheh I let mine update so I wouldn't have to send for another
01:19.56rev_ottI just got a replacement two days ago
01:19.58rev_ottwith 29
01:20.19rev_ottand I just knew I couldn't brick another and look myself in the mirror
01:22.10Dammso has anyyone ordered a the G1 from the Android Market? (sim unlocked, hardware unlocked)
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01:23.18volSo, just what can you do with the engineering bootloader anyway
01:23.41rev_ottget r00t har
01:23.53*** part/#android rev_ott (
01:23.55TiberiumXI don't think I can justify $400 to for exactly the same thing I just paid $200 for not too long ago.  Google should offer me an update to fix the bootloader on my current device.
01:24.44volI thought you needed root to do this...
01:25.09DannyBwe can't
01:25.12DannyBbut don't let that stop you
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01:25.36DannyByou are free to flash the engy bootloader onto a non-engy phone if you like though
01:25.40DannyBthat's what i do
01:32.01brockticeTiberiumX, Tell me about letting it update.
01:32.14brockticeI actually reverted to stock RC29 to let it do the OTA.
01:32.19brockticeGot cold feet.
01:32.38jastaITechJunkie: you don't really.  you can only set up 1 sync source (a limitation i impose to prevent folks from thinking its piracy software)
01:32.46jastayou could edit or remove the source youve set up though.
01:33.12brockticeAwesome re: SFTP on DroidFTP.
01:33.23gamblerdamn I just bought 2 G1s for something like $500 a pop. They will be hand delivered to me in 3 days
01:33.42gamblerA bootloader update would be nice
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01:39.17P1rohey whats the price for the G1 for developers ?
01:39.24jammr$399 + $25
01:39.38P1roits avaliable right now ?
01:40.09P1roand whats the difference with it and the retail one ?
01:40.34P1roi mean the t-mobile one? and its unlocked right?
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01:42.33LenoliumP1ro: AFAIK, it is unlocked (SIM and bootloader), so you can stick any SIM into it, and have it boot any kernel you want.
01:44.47P1rowell i was thinking that the tm-g1 was with bootloader unlocked too :s
01:45.30*** join/#android rev_otto (
01:46.05unix_infidelbrocktice: cold feet?
01:46.47brockticeunix_infidel, I was afraid somewhere along the line i'd screw up and brick it.
01:46.57rev_ottoquestoin what is the status of widget development
01:47.13rev_ottoI haven't heard much talk about it
01:47.22unix_infidelbrocktice: ditto.
01:47.24steventroughtonsdamn unsupported shipping country for the  Android Dev Phone 1! :D
01:47.52rev_ottoI should purchase some in the states and ship them as engineering samples
01:48.08steventroughtonsIreland should so be supported :P
01:48.12rev_ottohelp people avoid vat
01:48.16steventroughtonsBut i've managed to have someone order one for me
01:48.19steventroughtonsso I'm happy
01:48.24brockticesteventroughtons, Too hard to ship things to islands you know.
01:48.25rev_ottothey qualify as engineering samples
01:48.30rev_ottothey aren't commercial goods
01:48.32steventroughtonsbrocktice: UK is supported ;)
01:48.39brockticeWell, it's a bigger island.
01:49.19P1robest 16G for the G1 ?
01:50.09unix_infidelexpects some decent 8 or 16GB microSD deals in coming weeks.
01:50.29steventroughtonsIt's like they listed every country in europe, just forgot us
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01:54.37snadgeis at Starbucks at LAX, on my g1 :P
01:54.51rev_ottousing hotspot connect?
01:55.37snadgeits a tmobile hotspot, $5.99 for 24 hours
01:55.53pfftUploaded:   Today (83 minutes ago)
01:56.25DarkriftXoooooh, i wish the market could send an email/sms when new stuff is added to specific categories
01:56.27DarkriftXthat would be nice
01:57.15offby1I'm already paying T-mobile many $$/month for Android ... I wish their hotspots were free
01:57.31offby1or at least they could send me a gift card every year, good for an hour or two
01:57.34unix_infideloffby1: they are.  for tmobile customers.
01:57.49unix_infidelor you could tether your G1 to your laptop.
01:58.44offby1unix_infidel: I'll check again.  Coulda swore, though, last month in an airport I pointed the phone's browser at the t-mobile signup page, and it was talkin' 'bout $5/day or something
01:58.54snadgeim going to be tmobile free when i get back to oz in about 16 hours or so :)
02:00.03snadgewith an unlocked g1, yay
02:00.13offby1unix_infidel: from their site: T-Mobile voice plan customers - get exclusive Wi-Fi pricing. Save 50% on T-Mobile HotSpot!*
02:00.23offby1"Save 50%" strongly suggests "not free" :-|
02:00.31offby1maybe it's cheap enough to be worthwhile, though; let's see.
02:00.48offby1ugh, $10/month
02:00.50pfftsnadge: oz = australia ?
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02:00.51offby1Not Worth It
02:01.08brockticepfft, what was uploaded?
02:01.20snadgewell, im going to be at LAX for another few hours, so itss worth it for me
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02:01.36pfftbrocktice: I accidentally posted the time since the last k9 upload
02:02.33snadgepfft: yes
02:02.52pfftsnadge: why are you leaving so soon? where r u at?
02:03.47rev_ottooffby, what plan do you have, mine lets me connect to hotspts
02:03.48snadgeend of round the world holiday, wanted to check in early to avoid stressing out
02:03.53pfftsnadge: oh LAX ... sorry missed that
02:04.06pfftsnadge: congrats on the new unlocked phone
02:04.50orospakr <-- holy crap!
02:04.58swetlandno way!
02:05.02snadgei like it. just wanted something that could ssh, and it does that nicely
02:05.07sparkleyes way!
02:05.17JesusFrekelol swetland
02:05.21orospakrI was just googling info on the Agora when I stumbled into it.  Awesome!
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02:05.42pfftDo the market and have anything in common?
02:05.48swetlandjf: sorry. slow day. ^^
02:06.07orospakrCan anyone confirm the shipping price for Canada?
02:06.11JesusFrekepfft: hmm. they both have market in their name.. they have that much in common :D
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02:08.10snadgeis there a guide somewhere for flashing these g1s, cos i got as far as starting a telnetd and getting a root shell, but couldn't figure out what recovery mode was
02:08.39sparklecheck on the xda dream development board
02:08.52sparklethere are some marked threads
02:09.13snadgei think im still on rc28, but it doesn't bug me to upgrade anymore
02:09.41sparklejust upgrade to a patched rc30
02:09.47sparkleand you'll be fine
02:09.54sparkleknow much about linux?
02:10.25snadgethat was what i was attempting to do, using to different sources, and it confused me more
02:11.03offby1hmm, my trackball doesn't work unless I push down on it a little while I roll it :-|
02:11.21sparkleyou need to flash the updated recovery image first
02:11.38snadgei did that part
02:11.44P1r0i can buy more that one g1 for devs on the android market ?
02:11.53LeedsP1r0: I believe not
02:12.20P1r0or register two accs with the same google checkout
02:12.22sparklethen just get an rc30 patched update
02:12.32sparkleput it on the sdcard as
02:12.38jbqAt this point it's one per developer. Please be nice and don't abuse it.
02:12.38sparkleand follow the directions
02:13.52rev_ottoand eat a well balanced breakfast
02:14.05snadgeso if i put the on the sd, it will automatically load that?
02:14.14LeedsI am just making toast
02:14.45snadgei think thats the part i havn't done
02:15.03sparkleyou have to boot into recov mode
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02:16.59snadgethats the bit i didnt know, i thought it was home+back, which seems to be reset
02:18.51ZeZuandroid sdk is all java, but sits on linux kernel ?
02:19.07snadgeim curious as to why its not prompting me to update to rc30 anymore
02:19.21jbqZeZu: actually, there's a lot of native code in user-space.
02:19.56jbqZeZu: but the only currently supported set of APIs for 3rd-party development is only accessible through the Java programming language.
02:20.43ZeZuso one can run a native app easily?
02:21.20jbqIt depend on what you call "easily". Nothing is done to explicitly prevent it, but nothing is done to help it either (no documentation, no samples, etc...).
02:21.48ZeZuok, thanks
02:21.50jbqIn a nutshell, you're on your own, and you have nobody to complain to but yourself if your application breaks in the future.
02:21.59JesusFrekezezu, even on official builds, you can copy binaries to /data/local and run them
02:22.09ZeZuI didn't know how accessible the linux subsystem is really
02:22.17JesusFrekeyou have to cross-compile the binaries, obviously
02:22.33ZeZuno native compiler ?? (j/k)
02:23.06ZeZuI'm looking at writing some emulators, and using java would be a PITA to get good performance out of
02:23.07maqrJesusFreke: hey, you're that guy that made the image i'm about to flash my phone with
02:23.10maqrJesusFreke: neat :)
02:24.44sparklezezu, with some work, extremely accessible
02:24.47ZeZuhow does the UI operate?  Its not X is it ??  / how do 3d drivers work?  have to be fb drivers ?
02:25.13sparklesaurik wrote a guide on getting a pretty full userland up on the sdcard
02:25.32sparkleand most stuff that doesn't have to hit hw directly works fine
02:25.42ZeZuI dont have a handset, i'd be looking at getting it running on omap3
02:25.51jbqZeZu: there's no generic answer to that... since it might change (though it's not likely). It's not X, and little of it is written with native code other than the low-level compositor.
02:25.56sparklemy g1 is running openafs and kerb5, put it that way :)
02:26.42ZeZuI'm interested in how i could handle hardware 3d graphics then,  most linux drivers are DRI ... which blows
02:26.52jbqZeZu: your best bet to get answers to those questions is to head over to and read through the source code.
02:27.26ZeZufigured someone in here might know and answer a lot quicker than reading through tons of headers or 50k lines of source
02:27.38sparkleit's a fundamentally different model
02:28.12ZeZuwell thanks guys
02:28.45orospakrHoly crap!
02:28.56orospakrShipping on the dev phone to Canada is $264.49.
02:29.08jbqZeZu: check around here for some relevant source code:;a=tree;f=opengl;h=d55122a1e27338315b63f28af0b3364d93058827;hb=master
02:29.16swetlandthere is apparently some insanity with customs fees
02:29.36jbqorospakr: that includes all taxes, duties, fees (and shipping itself, of course).
02:29.56orospakrWow.  I've bought stuff from the US before, but it's never been that crazy!
02:30.07orospakrIncluding "developer" hardware from both OLPC and OpenMoko.
02:31.04swetlandyeah, I don't understand why it's that expensive.  there has (obviously) been unhappiness about that and I know it's being looked into, but I'm not sure if it's something that will be easily/quickly resolved.
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02:37.01maqrcan i get a crc or md5 on the JesusFreke modified rc30?
02:37.11maqri wanna make sure i have the right zip before i screw this up somehow :p
02:38.59JesusFrekesec maqr, lemme get it for you - 68eec9a22747accc3d51076ad465505f
02:40.10maqroh, i had 1.1, that isn't right at all
02:40.17maqrJesusFreke: where do i get that one?
02:40.35maqr <-- this is the page i was reading
02:42.18maqrJesusFreke: and i can use this from my rc28 phone?
02:42.28maqrit says 'update', so maybe i need rc29 first?
02:44.44JesusFrekeyes, it will work with any version, as long as you have the modified recovery image installed
02:45.05maqrok, i can do that
02:45.14eldenzmaqr, heh, i was once reading that page as well and got the wrong one... i almost edited the wiki but then i saw the note a bit further down with a llink to the xda thread^^
02:45.33maqreldenz: maybe edit the wiki, i don't feel like i should do it :/
02:45.38DarkriftXmaqr: fixed wiki to link to 1.2
02:45.50jammrnot having root sucks :/ any progress on a fix?
02:45.53eldenzthanks jammr
02:46.03eldenzseems like public can't edit anymore now though...
02:46.26eldenzjammr, is it yours?
02:46.47jammrI don't think you mean me?
02:46.50DarkriftXgoes back to his beer and his g1
02:47.01maqrweird, my md5 for the 1.2 version says 68EEC9A22747ACCC3D51076AD465505F
02:47.05eldenzerr, sry, meant DarkriftX
02:47.17DarkriftXeldenz: i disabled that
02:47.26DarkriftXsome fuckwads were adding massive spam and deleting the whole wiki
02:47.32eldenznot asking because of that... but you could enable canonical urls :)
02:47.34DarkriftXits a quick register though
02:47.40eldenzurl rewriting
02:48.12DarkriftXhates htaccess :S
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02:48.31DarkriftXbecause i suck at it
02:48.36DarkriftXalways mess soemthing up
02:48.50eldenzi think you should find it somewhere in the doc... copy&paste job imo
02:48.55JesusFrekemaqr, that's fine
02:48.59eldenzhave never set up a mediawiki so i don't know it myself
02:49.01JesusFrekecaps/no caps doesn't matter
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02:50.46maqroh, i misread then
02:51.01DarkriftXi think that onyl works if your wiki is the root
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02:51.27morrildlhey RyeBrye, I'm looking at your twitter
02:52.01eldenzDarkriftX, nope
02:52.31DarkriftXand have root access (so you can modify httpd.conf; modifying .htaccess is not enough!)
02:52.37DarkriftXthat wont work on shared hosting
02:53.12maqris 'adb shell' not root?
02:54.02morrildloh you have got to be kidding me
02:54.18morrildlT-Mobile gave someone a warranty replacement with the unlocked bootloader?
02:54.31maqrmorrildl: ?
02:54.32brockticemorrildl, Apparently.
02:54.36brockticeI'd blame HTC.
02:54.39brockticeOr thank.
02:54.46maqris still wondering what AndroidMod is, exactly
02:54.54morrildlEh well
02:55.11morrildlSomewhat disturbing, from a QC perspective
02:55.11brockticeSo how is this going to work with the dev phones?;a=blob_plain;f=README.txt
02:55.29brockticemorrildl, And that's how they've shipped flash drives with viruses etc...
02:55.42brockticeThey != HTC
02:55.52brockticebut manufacturers in general
02:56.12swetlandbrocktice: we're working on getting flashable "official" images put together for the dev phones (mostly sorting out who hosts them and where)
02:56.24swetlandthey'll be installable over usb using the fastboot update command
02:56.26maqrswetland: do you think that will unlock the baseband too?
02:56.39swetlandwhat do you mean by "unlock the baseband"?
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02:56.56maqrswetland: let me use non-tmo sim chips in the phone to make calls?
02:57.01brockticeswetland, So it'll be possible to get the blobs somewhere.
02:57.03swetlandthe dev phones are not network/sim locked -- they'll work on any GSM/GPRS/UMTS network compatible with the radio
02:57.27maqrswetland: i read that about the dev phones, but what about a tmo g1 that you re-flash with the dev image?
02:57.38brockticemaqr, sshhh
02:57.45swetlandradio locking is handled on the radio side
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02:58.00brockticeT-mobiel will unlock them after 90 days anyway.
02:58.03swetlandtmo will give you
02:58.05ahaberlachmorrildl : Yeah, I was concerned about the QC aspects of that as well.
02:58.16brockticeMaybe sooner if they like you.
02:58.25flaushy*sigh* it takes forever till android comes to germany
02:58.47pfftflaushy: not if you get one of the unlocked phones
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02:59.08flaushythe dev ones?
02:59.15pfftflaushy: I guess
02:59.32maqrbrocktice: i know, i was just wondering if that'd be part of the dev image
02:59.50flaushyi am thinking about getting an freerunner and reflashing, i think android runs on it, at least i heard it :/
02:59.52brockticemaqr, Yes, I see the distinction now.
03:00.05brockticeflaushy, It needs an onscreen keyboard for that.
03:00.10brockticeTo be useful anyway.
03:00.31flaushywe ll see :)
03:01.05flaushydevelopeing on qemu is not that great and with t-mobile it would be cheaper to get
03:01.44pfftflaushy: is tmobile expensive in Germany?
03:02.05unix_infideltmobile is germany based.
03:02.11ahaberlachinstalls the Video Player to try to view a ripped DVD on his phone.
03:02.23brockticeswetland, It sounds from that text file like I should be able to get the blobs from an existing device, including a G1 right?
03:02.24unix_infidelvidep player does avi?
03:02.31morrildlso y'all with the bootloader -- it has fastboot and everything?
03:02.31brockticeahaberlach, Good luck, hope the file's not too big.
03:02.32swetlandbrocktice: yup
03:02.33pfftunix_infidel: so it could be expensive then :-)
03:02.42flaushypfft: yeah
03:02.51brockticeswetland, Ah, installing git now to give it a try.
03:02.52ahaberlachbrocktice : About 380mb.
03:02.54swetlandwe would have liked to just host them, but there's a bunch of legal complexities
03:02.58flaushypfft: we get the feeling they suck us dry and use us to expand on other markets
03:03.25pfftflaushy: I'd think that tmo in Germany would be kinda like At&t was here in the US about 20 years ago ... only with better technology :-)
03:03.30brockticeI'm wondering why macports needs openssh and rsync for git.
03:03.47ahaberlachHoly cow.  That's not bad at all.  HandBrake ripped this sucker right on down and the video player is handling it fine.
03:03.56offby1brocktice: well, git likes to talk over ssh
03:04.05flaushypfft: cant tell how at&t was, but tmobile or german telecom is quite expensive. compared to eg Austria
03:04.10unix_infidelahaberlach: didnt know android handled avi's quite yet.
03:04.10brockticeoffby1, Haven't used it before - that makes sense.
03:04.18brockticeahaberlach, How big is the file and how long is the movie?
03:04.18unix_infideldidnt know you could build codecs yet.
03:04.35flaushypfft: tmo offeres flatrates in usa, in austria,but in germany they charge us about 20 cents permin
03:04.38pfftflaushy: my tmo service is about 70 USD per month ... lemme see what services I guet
03:04.46pfftflaushy: err ... get
03:04.47brockticeIt just grinds to a halt when I try anything longer than a short clip.
03:04.48d0netsFNcan you play streamed mp3's yet?
03:04.51unix_infidelpfft: plus taxes no?
03:04.52d0netsFNfor jinzora?
03:04.59maqrjust to be sure i'm understanding this right, i rename the file to just "UPDATE" and put it in the root directory of the microsd card?
03:05.01pfftflaushy: Yikes!
03:05.17DarkriftXupdate is only if your computer hides the extension
03:05.18flaushypfft: prices are dropping drastically tho
03:05.21maqroh, that was not clear from the thread
03:05.25pfftflaushy: Yay!
03:05.28flaushypfft: but mobile internet was long a dream
03:05.39maqr <-- someone should update this to say
03:05.48DarkriftXit is on the wiki
03:05.49DarkriftXcopy (or adb push) to /sdcard/
03:05.53pfftflaushy: cant you get mobile internet with tmo in Germany?
03:06.05flaushypfft: atm you pay about 25 EUR per month for mobile data flatrate (capped at 5 GB)
03:06.22flaushypfft: the prices make you cry
03:06.27pfftflaushy: I thinkit costs me about 20USD per month for unlimited internet thru tmo here in the US
03:06.40flaushypfft:  it is either iphone, or no unlimited internet on tmo
03:06.48pfftflaushy: %GB is not too bad is it?
03:06.50eldenzi pay ~13€ for 1GB data
03:06.56flaushypfft: tarifs start at 50 euro/mo i think
03:06.57pfftflaushy: err. 5 GB
03:07.18pfftflaushy: seriously?
03:07.21maqrDarkriftX: is it case sensitive? it's "" all lowercase, right?
03:07.32pfftflaushy: what about a blackberry with tmo in Germany?
03:07.42flaushypfft: tmo secured 5 year exclusive rights with iphone
03:07.52brockticemaqr: don't worry too much. If it can't find it it just won't update.
03:08.02maqrbrocktice: ok, very nervous, just bought the phone a few days ago :p
03:08.03flaushypfft: i am o2 customer, tmo was always more expensive
03:08.05pfftflaushy: aww ... too bad for germany on that one iphone is the sUk
03:08.18maqrbrocktice: i really want to get into development for it, so i figure having root is pretty important, but i don't want to brick it
03:08.19brockticemaqr, Yeah, I got so nervous I reverted to stock and let it install RC30. Stupid me.
03:08.23pfftflaushy: what about blackberries?
03:08.24flaushypfft:  we get unlocked ones from abroud, cheaper ...
03:08.33maqrbrocktice: have you fixed that yet?
03:08.34flaushypfft: not really popular
03:08.40pfftflaushy: why not?
03:08.50brockticemaqr, No way to revert yet.
03:08.55maqrbrocktice: it looks like the only part you need root for is the "flash_image" command, right?
03:08.56brockticeNow I've ordered a dev phone anyway.
03:08.57eldenzflaushy, how much do the G1 cost in germany?
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03:09.16brocktice$400 for a frickin bootloader.
03:09.28maqrbrocktice: why not just wait until you can fix it?
03:09.28brockticemaqr, not sure what you mean.
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03:09.42pfftflaushy: so far i've found that the developer experience is the best on the G1 and the blackberries
03:09.44brockticemaqr, Wife wanted a G1 anyway so she gets mine as an xmas present. :)
03:09.54unix_infidelbrocktice: as opposed to an iphone?
03:09.56maqrbrocktice: well, i'm following the directions, and everything looks like it can be done with adb except for "flash_image recovery recovery.img"
03:10.03pfftflaushy: dev on the iphone is horrifffffic
03:10.05maqrbrocktice: looks like you need root for just that one command
03:10.07flaushyeldenz: available in 2009
03:10.23brockticemaqr, Ah, that I'm not sure about. You will need to be root to do it. Not sure if root over adb would work.
03:10.26DarkriftXyou can turn a normal g1 into a dev g1 now :)
03:10.32flaushypfft: push services are not really implemented int he networks
03:10.43unix_infidelDarkriftX: if you feel like risking it ;-)
03:10.44flaushypfft: 300 mb on tmo is 24 euro
03:10.50brockticeDarkriftX, Yeah if it's not up to stock RC30.
03:10.54flaushypfft: unlimited now at 40 euro
03:10.55pfftflaushy: no one uses push services much here
03:10.58morrildlhey swetland what is this about androids on skateboards anyway? my bootloader doesn't have that :)
03:11.08DarkriftXflashing a bootloader? thousands of htc users do it every day :S
03:11.15DarkriftXits new for the g1, but not for htc phones
03:11.29pfftflaushy: push is overrated until the apps are more mature for it
03:11.36jammrso soon we can have root again? :D
03:11.38flaushypfft: what do you want to do with expensive data tarifs? it stops popularity of blackberry etc
03:11.39DarkriftXmorrildl: thats supposedly whats seen on the developer bootloader
03:11.42DarkriftXive seen a picture of it
03:11.51brockticeDarkriftX, instructions for the engineering image say it requires root.
03:11.52flaushypfft: 2004 we paid like 10 cents per 10 KB
03:11.54pfftflaushy: oh ... i see
03:12.04pfftflaushy: thats nasty
03:12.06DarkriftXyes brocktice
03:12.14DarkriftXthat will be available to you in a couple weeks
03:12.18flaushypfft: always remember:EUR cents
03:12.44pfftflaushy: EUR cents???
03:12.47flaushypfft:  so take it with 1.3 (atm) to 1.5 (4 months ago)
03:12.55brockticeDarkriftX, I did see that they got the NAND image recently.
03:12.58flaushypfft: 1 Euro is 1.3 USD atm
03:13.08pfftflaushy: yes, i see
03:13.26flaushypfft: a minute with tmo is still at 19 cents
03:13.33pfftflaushy: oh i see ... yes those prices are _way_ too high
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03:14.00flaushypfft: Austria is at 4 cents i think, we hit 9 cents with discounters couple of months ago
03:14.24pfftflaushy: so maybe our dismantling of the phone companies here in the US was not such a bad idea
03:14.33flaushypfft: that explains it as well, why germany is way behind in mobile stuff
03:14.49flaushypfft: we have a good competition in the cell market
03:15.14pfftflaushy: but not with data rate charges apparently
03:15.17flaushypfft:  but they bought the UMTS licenses at a way to high price at auctions
03:15.35flaushypfft: about 8 billion euro it was i think, per license
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03:15.59pfftflaushy: so ... good competition, but high prices everywhere?
03:16.03maqrwatches this tiny yellow bar make its way across the screen
03:16.17flaushypfft: wanna move it to query?
03:16.19pfftflaushy: who did the 8 gazzillion EUR go to?
03:16.34maqrJesusFreke: btw, are you the one responsible for this very scary "system recovery utility" background image?
03:16.36flaushypfft:  germany directly
03:16.47maqrJesusFreke: you know, the one that makes it look like you bricked the phone because it doesn't have a menu of things you can press?
03:17.09flaushypfft:  but Vodafone swallowed one big player, and got tax refunds ins Billions Euro region from germany as well -.-
03:17.42pfftflaushy: thats ok .. thaks for the info
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03:18.03flaushypfft:  but as i said, german telecom sucks us dry, and expands heavily on other markets. Germany is their cash cow
03:19.04flaushypfft: uh another thing in germany: we pay like 20 cents per SMS
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03:19.28chuckWhat do you guys think of the Android Dev Phone 1? Worth it?
03:20.43maqrchuck: if it supported the att bands, it'd probably be worth it
03:20.59brockticeflaushy, No wonder my Bob card ran out so fast in M?nchen.
03:21.08jammrDarkriftX just curious, how do you know a few weeks 'til we can reflash?
03:21.17chuckmaqr, oh fuck, it doesn't support AT&T?
03:21.19brockticeIt's inevitable.
03:21.28chuckmight start crying
03:21.29DarkriftXsoem ppl are working on a method
03:21.33DarkriftXit works, but its risky right now
03:21.36maqrchuck: well, probably not the 3g one
03:21.39maqrchuck: err, the 3g part
03:21.40DarkriftXthey are perfecting it and will release it
03:21.59maqrok, i just flashed with the JesusFreke's rc30
03:22.08DarkriftXthey will not release it till its safe to avoid bricks being returned and tmo getting strict
03:22.11brockticemaqr, congrats :)
03:22.17morrildlmaqr: AT&T's 3G spectrum is non-standard for GSM, so only GSM phones built explicitly for AT&T will work, in general
03:22.23maqr"su root" sweet!
03:22.28maqrbrocktice: tyty
03:22.28brockticeBricking + returning to Tmo = ruins it for everyone
03:22.32morrildlmaqr: the device will work on AT&T's 2G (EDGE) network fine
03:22.35maqrJesusFreke: much love, excellent job
03:22.47maqrmorrildl: yeah, that's what i'd expected... they didn't officially announce that yet though, did they?
03:22.50maqr*i'd expect
03:22.53brockticeJesusFreke, did you get back root eventually?
03:23.00brockticeI remember reading you were "out of the game"
03:23.05brockticeWhich is actually when I gave up.
03:23.06morrildlmaqr: who did't announce what?
03:23.23maqrmorrildl: google didn't officially announce what the specs would be on the dev phone yet, did they?
03:23.31flaushybrocktice: roaming charges are again way to high
03:23.50JesusFrekebrock: I just bought a new phone, and sold the old one. heh
03:23.56flaushygrr g1 is in uk only avail with monthly plan for 30 pounds
03:23.58brockticeJesusFreke, Ahh
03:24.09unix_infidelflaushy: plus data?
03:24.22chuckmaqr, what about EDGE?
03:24.22morrildlmaqr: well, we did, but to view the specs you have to log in to a Market account first.  In general the specs are the same as the G1, it's the same base hardware
03:24.28maqrchuck: morrildl just said that'd work
03:24.30flaushyunix_infidel: no inclusive ... but i need one in germany ...
03:24.30chuckflaushy, 30 pounds? O_O
03:24.40chuckmaqr, oh, I overlooked that, awesome
03:24.46maqrmorrildl: ah, i haven't signed up for a market account yet... are there any differences?
03:24.49chuckmorrildl, you're sure it will work with EDGE?
03:24.55brockticemaqr, The back cover.
03:25.01maqrchuck: his reasoning makes sense, it should work
03:25.03maqrbrocktice: besides that :P
03:25.10brockticeAlso, is it a 1600 mAh battery?
03:25.16flaushychuck:  yeah,18 month plan ...
03:25.19brockticeOr are those only aftermarket?
03:25.23maqri could use a bigger battery
03:25.31brockticemaqr, we all could
03:25.54maqrwhenever i'm at my desk i just plug in the phone to charge it though
03:26.00brockticeThis charging the phone multiple times a day is like 1997 all over again.
03:26.04maqrnot too bad from a user point of view
03:26.10maqrbrocktice: yeah, but it's not like i'm not at a computer most of the day anyway
03:26.20brockticeMy Razr2 lasted several days, so I never had to go "Oh crap, my battery just died and I'm far from home."
03:26.21maqrbrocktice: at least it doesn't go through activesync-style hell every time i plug it in
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03:26.50brockticeThat has happened with the G1.
03:26.59maqrhasn't happened to me, works 100% smoothly
03:27.03unix_infidelbrocktice: yea i think i'm going to have to carry my blackberry curve with me in a spare back just in case my G1 does.
03:27.11chuck$400 seems like a lot though :<
03:27.26brockticechuck, It's the price of a device without a subsidy.
03:27.27ahaberlach-rw-r--r--  1 ahaberlach  5000  417127728 Dec  6 17:53 ROMEO_JULIET.m4v
03:27.36brocktice417 mb?
03:27.46maqri just got my phone a few days ago for $180, before i heard about the MS thing
03:27.48brockticeDid you use a Handbrake preset?
03:27.51maqri should probably call tmo about it and bitch
03:28.19brockticemaqr, Tmo is usually pretty friendly, so they might take it well.
03:28.23ahaberlach(for the folks asking about my video)
03:28.23ahaberlachIt's 2 hours running time.
03:28.37brockticeI think they put prozac in the water at tmo call centers.
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03:28.54chuckbrocktice, how open is the android? could one install a package manager onto it, for example?
03:29.03chuckis mainly thinking of the telesphoreo project
03:29.04morrildlahaberlach is gettin his romance on
03:29.22brockticechuck, My understanding is that you can flash whatever onto it.
03:29.35brockticeAt your own risk of course.
03:30.24ahaberlachmorrildl : I actually own very few DVDs.  That was the nearest one.
03:30.33morrildlheh :)
03:30.39*** join/#android VersedG1 (
03:31.00brockticeThe Android build system and tools do not support the obsolete PowerPC architecture.
03:31.05brockticePowerPC is *not* obselete.
03:31.07morrildlSo is this DVD ripping experiment just one microscopic cog in your catastrophic plan, which also involves NetFlix? ;)
03:31.53unix_infidelmorrildl: get xvid support going and we wont have to use netflix ;-)
03:31.53morrildlspreads his arms and clears space in the crowd
03:32.14ahaberlachI dunno.  I should've done this before I went to Texas last week so I'd have something to watch on the plane.
03:32.16brockticeCrap, I also don't have a case-sensitive filesystem installed, because it breaks so many poorly written apps.
03:32.31ahaberlachAlthough the little darling child of ours cried pretty much the whole time, so it wouldn't have been so useful.
03:32.32brockticemorrildl, Sorry, I just thought that was a misstatement in the andriod docs.
03:32.42morrildlbrocktice: ;)
03:32.47brockticedidn't mean to start a war
03:32.54ahaberlachQantus has on-demand for every seat, so it's a backup for the flight to Sydney next month.
03:32.58brockticeIt's many things but obselete is not exactly the right term.
03:33.14morrildlyeah, we should probably say discontinued there or something
03:33.15flaushybrocktice: in desktop area it is
03:33.25brockticeflaushy, touch?
03:33.34brockticeBut outside of the desktop I'm sure IBM would beg to differ.
03:33.51flaushybrocktice: yepe, embedded it is big :)
03:33.56morrildlha, I had forgotten that IBM still uses them
03:34.03brockticeOh, and you know, Blue Gene
03:34.05flaushythat is one of the reasons i got a late powerbook
03:34.25flaushyyeah, but supercomputing is not quite the area for mobile developers :P
03:34.41ahaberlachIs anyone making _new_ machines with PPC?
03:34.46flaushymany printers use them as well.
03:34.49morrildlahaberlach: Sydney, eh? Fun!
03:34.52brockticeahaberlach, yes, the top500 #4 and 5
03:34.53maqrok, so, now i'm root and i have the sdk... is there anything else i should be aware of before i start hacking at it?
03:35.04brockticemaqr, Don't do rm -rf /*
03:35.12flaushyahaberlach: desktop i dont think so, embedded, millions ...
03:35.15maqrbrocktice: heh
03:35.58maqrbrocktice: one thing i'm wondering about, what the hell is AndroidMod and why did I use it?
03:36.03maqrit worked fine and all, but i'm not sure i understand it
03:36.19brockticemaqr, The G1 is signed cryptographically to only take signed updates.
03:36.24brockticeHowever, it had a root hole.
03:37.00brockticeThat hole allows you to flash a new set of system images that do not require signed images from Google/Tmobile
03:37.00brockticeOnce you've flashed them you can then install customized updates that, say, retain root access.
03:37.17brocktice"signed cryptographically" is a misstatement but you get the idea.
03:37.32maqryeah, i know how signing works... but AndroidMod is what, exactly? a boot loader?
03:37.41brockticeRecovery image, I think.
03:37.42flaushyreplace it with "trusted"
03:37.59brockticeflaushy, Well, the G1 is not signed per se, it's configured to require signed images.
03:38.21flaushybrocktice: sure. i would require that if i was tmo ...
03:38.25maqrso the thing i saw when i booted with home/power? that's not supposed to be on the g1 by default?  that was the AndroidMod?
03:38.42brockticeNo that's there.
03:38.52brockticeBut it's been replaced with one that's  not as picky about what it flashes.
03:39.09maqrand how did it get fixed to do that?
03:39.19brockticeand JesusFreke et al.
03:39.30maqri'd really love to know how they made that image
03:39.36maqrthe rest of it i think i pretty much understand
03:39.42brockticeThey just re-signed the proper update.
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03:39.48brockticeWith a development key or some such.
03:40.06maqrbut did they build it from the official android source?
03:40.18brockticeNo, I think they built it from the OTA updates (official).
03:40.38brockticeOh wait. yes maybe. I should shut up because I don't think I know.
03:40.40maqrfor the AndroidMod, i mean
03:40.57maqris checking out the source with git now
03:40.58chuckwhich would be better, a new Android Dev Phone 1 device or an unlocked G1 off of ebay?
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03:41.29ahaberlachThe Android Dev Phone has the bitchin' design on the back...
03:41.33brockticemaqr, I'm trying to get repo installed on OSX to do the same.
03:41.39brockticeahaberlach, Yeah but is it a $400 design?
03:41.52ahaberlachAre the non-Dev ones SIM-unlocked?  I suppose you get that after 90 days with T-Mo, though.
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03:42.42maqrbrocktice: yeah, i just realized i need repo too :/
03:44.00chuckahaberlach, I know dude, it's awesome
03:44.09jbqmorrildl: this is for you:
03:44.14chuckahaberlach, How much are the T-Mobile ones?
03:44.20morrildljbq: hahahaha
03:44.31chuckis fine with registering with google as a developer, especially since their prices are *way way way* better than Apple's for their program ><
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03:47.47maqrwhat does the $25 actually buy you, btw? just the ability to push to the Market?
03:48.09maqrbrocktice: repo is just a shell script btw, works fine here in cygwin
03:48.28brockticemaqr, and the ability to buy a phone.
03:49.01brockticemaqr, there's a Repo script, but then it brings down the latest version of "Repo" the doc says?
03:50.11maqrbrocktice: seems to be working, i'm following the directions
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03:50.26brockticeyeah it seems to create a config directory and such
03:50.46brockticeI suppose as mistakes go, $200 is not that bad.
03:50.55brockticeBeats backing into a fixed object or something with the car.
03:51.45maqrbrocktice: i'm sure it'll be unlocked soon enough
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03:52.19brockticeIf I bricked it it would have been a $400 mistake.
03:52.32maqrit doesn't look possible to brick it
03:52.39maqri just did the update and it worked really easily
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03:53.08chuckmaqr, and the ability to get an android device without being a customer of one of the brethern in the OHA
03:53.22RyeBryemorrildl: T-Mobile gave someone a warranty replacement with the unlocked bootloader
03:53.28RyeBryesorry... I was out shopping when the stuff was going down
03:53.31maqrchuck: well, yeah, but that doesn't help :P
03:53.40maqrany idea how long until apps are going to be for sale?
03:53.50chuckmaqr, Aren't they already on sale? O_o
03:53.55brockticemaqr, I thought it's january.
03:53.55chuckwith the release of the G1 and all that
03:54.02maqrchuck: no, they're all free right now
03:54.06RyeBryemorrildl: but yes - that phone got shipped out about a month ago... but that guy has been busy / unavailable... took a while to figure out how to properly dump / reflash it
03:54.23maqrbrocktice: i'm wondering how that agreement will work for small developers... maybe i can make a really good app and encourage people to pay me $1 for it?
03:54.35brockticemaqr, Or you eat the $25.
03:54.44chuckI haven't even tried an android device yet, though, we have no real T-Mobile stores, only resellers with fun, plastic, non-working G1s >>
03:55.00brockticeKind of lame, but it's not that steep.
03:55.13brockticeThe price of greatness as my old boss would say.
03:55.20chuckbrocktice, yeah, especially when compared to $100/year for apple's program
03:55.21morrildlRyeBrye: neat :)
03:55.30brockticeWait, that's *per year*?
03:56.01chuckbrocktice, apple's is, yes
03:56.07morrildldid not know that
03:56.15brockticehighway robbery
03:56.30ismarcnot to mention the agreement they make you sign
03:56.37brockticethe android tree is not small
03:56.41ismarcbasically you can't even discuss your app ideas with anyone who hasn't signed it
03:56.52maqrcan someone with a Market login tell me if you can change your publisher name after you sign up?
03:57.00chuckdoes Google filter applications based on their content? (as in, not if they're blatant viruses and whatnot) but would they let in an email client, for example?
03:57.02brockticeismarc, And also that they have no real guidlines and they can just pull your app if they don't like it.
03:57.04chuckismarc, I think they got rid of that
03:57.12brockticechuck, There already is an email client.
03:57.19chuckbrocktice, I'm just giving an example
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03:57.36brockticeThey don't seem to.
03:57.42chuckBecause Apple will not approve of any sort of applications that duplicate applications that come with the iPhone
03:57.46ismarcthey removed some restrictions, but there's a lot in place
03:57.51ismarcI'll have to review it on Monday
03:57.57RyeBryemorrildl: That's why for the past few weeks we've been dropping hints about how we knew that there were some engineering bootloaders out in the wild :)
03:58.12brockticealright, off to bedfordshire. Night all.
03:58.19chuckismarc, yeah, I personally haven't read it since I signed one myself, my knowledge on it comes from engadget now
03:58.24RyeBryemorrildl: I can't imagine it is just 1 phone out of the 600,000 that had it - but I imagine the % is very low. So... he basically won the lottery
03:59.01maqrRyeBrye: you work for htc?
03:59.06RyeBryeme? hell no
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03:59.28chuckApple also won't approve of applications that use certain frameworks, like ones that control the proximity sensor, TV Video Out, etc.
03:59.46RyeBryeYeah, Apple are control freaks
03:59.55eladget them both
04:00.05elad<chuck> which would be better, a new Android Dev Phone 1 device or an unlocked G1 off of ebay?
04:00.12chuckTechnically, one of Google's applications shouldn't even be in the app store, as it used the proximity sensor libraries, but Apple won't take it down, as they're both corporate friends >_>
04:00.26flaushygosh ... how much hassle it is to check shipping costs of dev g1 to germany ...
04:00.27chuckelad, I'm not that rich :P
04:00.38unix_infidelwonders if the G1 has video out ;-)
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04:00.59RyeBryeunix_infidel: the MSM7201A has video out - yes - but there's not anything connected to it on the G1
04:01.10RyeBryeunix_infidel: So.. get out your soldering iron, and then spend a long time figuring out hte specs
04:01.37RyeBryethe MSM7201A is also capable of driving an external monitor - like a video projector or something - but that's also not being used on the G1
04:01.40flaushyis there a way to check shipping costs to germany without paying the fee?
04:02.00Disconnectflaushy: don't bother, just get an unlocked g1 (or local one) and flash the engineering bootloader.
04:02.14flaushyDisconnect: unlocked ones are at 400+ Euro here
04:02.20flaushyso 500+ USD
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04:02.51Disconnectit'll be at least htat much for a dev unit
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04:03.00flaushyand some are even selling from usa, meaning we have to add customs
04:03.01Disconnect425USD + 120-someting
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04:03.24unix_infideland I thought I was paying a crazy premium for my phone + data contract in the states...
04:03.26orospakrI'm wondering if the large shipping charge for me in Canada is due to GST.
04:03.41orospakrbecause that would make some amount of sense.
04:04.05maqrunix_infidel: hey, i know you, you got a g1 too? :p
04:04.26maqrbrocktice: repo worked correctly here in cygwin btw
04:04.38unix_infidelmaqr: for now...
04:04.41flaushyDisconnect: thx for the info
04:05.02RyeBrye shows what the MSM7200 can do
04:05.09maqrunix_infidel: what's wrong?
04:05.54unix_infidelRyeBrye: which would make the iPhone a perfect in car dockable device.
04:05.55RyeBryeTV-out, along with 2 MMDI - 1 for LCD and 1 for external monitor, USB on the Go... etc
04:06.29eladRye- nice
04:06.42RyeBryebut obviously we'll never make use of those capabilities on the G1
04:07.10RyeBryeWe only have 11 pins coming out of the case. so we get audio + usb
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04:07.19RyeBryeUSB on the go, perhaps, we can enable with a power + data cable
04:07.46Fnordg1what about stereo?
04:08.00RyeBryePerhaps the Qvideophone, Qcamcorder (video recorder) and some other stuff could be tapped into at some point, dunno
04:08.18gfindster_devanyone tried the R2 SDK?
04:08.39maqris it actually possible this htc dream is a usb host?
04:08.42maqror is that just rumour?
04:09.11jbq_rumor. it doesn't have the supporting hardware to do it.
04:09.23maqroh, ok
04:09.37maqri wouldn't have thought it would, with that tiny usb port
04:10.58unix_infidelwishes the screen unlock would turn off when it sees my inhome WAP.
04:11.24chuckunix_infidel, do you have a G1?
04:15.03maqrbrocktice: only problem is, i have no idea where the hell it's downloading the repository to
04:15.35RyeBryemaqr: other HTC devices have usb host if you use a special cable that provides data + power at the same time. We haven't gotten that far with the G1, but it's conceivable that it's got USB host that could work
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04:16.20maqrRyeBrye: oh, wow, that'd be awesome
04:17.00RyeBryeI know I, for one, would carry around a battery-powered USB host cable - with the battery pack in one pocket, and a full-sized Sun Type 6 keyboard connected to my phone so I could SMS at 100 WPM
04:17.16chuckRyeBrye, haha, nice
04:20.35maqrRyeBrye: i'd actually consider using it for web development if there's ever a firefox port :p
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04:21.24unix_infidelmaqr: likely a fennec port.
04:21.54unix_infidelthough i'd rather see a chrome-like greasemonkey like framework before a fennec port.
04:23.45maqrunix_infidel: anything i can firebug with :)
04:24.26chuckDoes anyone know if it would be possible to port APT to the Android and provide it through the Market? As in, is it technilogically possible, and will Google accept it?
04:24.58ahaberlachI'm not sure if the market terms allow you to sell other download management systems.
04:25.05ahaberlachBut I'm far from the last word on such things.
04:25.09jbq_chuck: that might be against the market ToS.
04:25.20jbq_but I know about as much as ahaberlach does.
04:25.26ahaberlachhigh-fives jbq.
04:25.36chuckthat's too bad =(
04:25.47chuckSo much for it being an Open Platform..
04:25.53ahaberlachWell, it's only "too bad" if it's not possible.  :)
04:26.10jbq_the openness of the platform allows you to put it on any web site you want.
04:26.26ahaberlachAlso, I would suspect that most of the stuff from apt would be native code.
04:26.31unix_infidelit is.  handango tried and it's against TOS
04:26.31chuckwonders if there will ever be a truely open phone that still looks and works good (so OpenMoko doesn't count ;-)
04:26.37DammAPT as in apt-get? (debian)?
04:26.38ahaberlachAnyway, what're you trying to do?
04:26.42chuckandyross, 'tis, apt is probably written in C or C++
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04:26.48chuck* ahaberlach
04:26.49Dammthat's more then likely not going to hit the market
04:26.59Dammas it's not java for one, and two most people who would want it... have a rooted device
04:27.08Dammso it being in the market would be useless
04:27.14jbqchuck: that's not really the phone, it's really the market ToS at play here.
04:27.24flaushychuck: yeah there will be, Freerunner might be out of question for you, but maybe other phones come up with OM
04:27.31ahaberlachwonders if he just got sucked into another "I want to be able to use a shell on my phone" discussion.
04:27.32brockticechuck, you can make it available.
04:27.38brockticeThe platform is open, just not the market.
04:28.07chuckahaberlach, there's a project called Telesphoreo ( that aims to get APT package management on "modern smartphones". Currently, it runs very well on the iPhone.
04:28.27chuckand it's completely open, you can add whatever sources you want, and most of the default sources will even host packages for you
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04:30.38jbqI'd really like to see Android evolve such that Market doesn't require any special permissions, i.e. where any application could install and uninstall packages without putting security in jeopardy.
04:30.52flaushywould like to have a good platform in the first place, that gives him fast results to code
04:31.12ahaberlachchuck : So, uh, once again -- what are you trying to do?  :)
04:31.23flaushyjbq: yepe. a good sandbox :)
04:32.15chuckahaberlach, I want an Android device, but not if it's fairly closed. The fact that it can't run any native code (and apparently doesn't even have a shell?) means that a lot of nice utilities can't even be ported to it..
04:32.22ahaberlachWell, that helps with security, and you can even do some neat tricks with the kernel to isolate CPU usage and the like.
04:32.38ahaberlachBut how is it going to keep me from eating your batteries?
04:32.41flaushyJ2ME is a joke as far as i know. IPhone with the market is too restrictive for "i just want to code to learn", price tag too heavy :(
04:32.43jbqchuck: have you tried "adb shell"? There's a shell in there.
04:33.03ahaberlachchuck : So, I think I understand what you want, but I've never understood why.
04:34.08brockticeso, where is the in the android platform repository/
04:34.15chuckflaushy, Well, it's not all that restrictive if your Jailbreak it
04:34.21brockticeI can't find it with "find . -name"
04:34.22chuckIn fact, it's not restrictive at all
04:34.44RyeBryechuck: apt on android isn't that unfeasible. Youv'e heard of Cydia for iPhone? Saurik wrote it and it's basically apt for iphone
04:35.03RyeBryechuck: but as far as an official apt replacing market, that's not really practical or wanted
04:35.06chuckRyeBrye, Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, Cydia is the front end for telesphoreo
04:35.28flaushychuck: iphones are very limited IMO. One device, one vendor (at least in germany), one architecture, one market. Jailbreak is IMO out of question. I want to keep my 2 year warranty within germany
04:35.43offby1hmm.  The Wi-Fi radio shut off when the screen blanks?
04:35.56xsdgoffby1: two minutes after the screen blanks, yes
04:35.56chuckYeah, apt doesn't replace the AppStore on the iPhone either, but its nice to get things like screen, openssh, appliations that apple doesn't want in their store, etc.
04:35.57RyeBryechuck: you can run a full debian chroot on the G1, so... you can do whatever the hell you want
04:36.03ahaberlachoffby1 : I believe it is two minutes after the scren blanks that we power down the WiFi in order to save power.
04:36.04RyeBryeIF you have a rooted one
04:36.22ahaberlachOn the assumption that your mobile network is sufficient for stuff if you're not actively using the device.
04:36.51chuckflaushy, sounds a little like Android at the moment ;-)
04:37.00ahaberlachOk, assumption is a pretty strong word.  We've done some testing.  :)
04:37.21flaushychuck: if i cant install apps without going through market,then it dies instantly for me.
04:37.23ahaberlachIf you have a rooted one, or you have a Dev on...
04:37.44ahaberlachYou can install apps from any website, if you turn on the "trust other sites" option in settings.
04:37.57maqrthis 'repo sync' is taking *forever*
04:38.04flaushychuck: and there are more android cells to come,there will always be only one iphone ...
04:38.24xsdgmaqr: have you tried `repo sync-faster`? (j/k :o)
04:38.32maqrxsdg: i haven't, but heya :)
04:38.44chuckahaberlach, so does the dev phone have less restrictions?
04:38.44brockticemaqr, Mine's been done a while
04:38.50brockticeIf only I could find the dream build stuff
04:38.50maqris formerly known as hax, in case you don't remember :p
04:38.55flaushyahaberlach: thx for the info :)
04:39.00xsdgmaqr: aah, cool
04:39.01maqrbrocktice: i don't wanna build as much as i wanna poke
04:39.03ahaberlachchuck : Flash whatever you want on it.  :)
04:39.05xsdgmaqr: how's it going?
04:39.12maqrxsdg: going good, just got my rooted g1, thanks to JesusFreke
04:39.19ahaberlachHeck, port freeBSD to it, and try to get the iPhone to run.  :)
04:39.21RyeBryechuck: the dev phone is like a playground - it has no restrictions really except I bet the radio is off limits (it's not sim locked, but you probably can't turn it into a GSM sniffer or anything)
04:39.26flaushyanyone knows how it is with freerunner flashed to android? Can I install apps from weherever?
04:39.26maqrxsdg: got my sdk working and such, gonna start writing apps
04:39.37xsdgmaqr: cool
04:39.42brockticeI got the blobs off of the Dream.
04:39.51brockticeNot some 300MB as was stated earlier. Must be some confusion.
04:40.16brockticethe git tree is 1.6 GB?!
04:40.25xsdgbrocktice: magic! *g*
04:40.40xsdgbrocktice: welcome to "Android is an operating system"
04:41.00Nafaimaqr: What kind of apps? :)
04:41.09brockticexsdg, Thanks, can you tell me where I might find the platform/vendor stuff?
04:41.18brockticeDoesn't seem to be under the "entire platform"
04:41.19maqrNafai: don't know yet, depends how much of the UI i can alter
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04:41.33xsdgbrocktice: nope.  swetland could if he were around
04:41.37maqrbrocktice: 1.6GB sounds about reasonable, i'm just gonna let it crank until it tells me it's done
04:41.40xsdgbrocktice: or someone else might remember
04:41.43brockticeAh ok I'll bug him later
04:41.53brockticeI should probably learn how to use git properly.
04:41.54maqrbrocktice: it's all going into ~/.repo for some reason though, not ~/mydroid
04:41.55brockticeThen I would know.
04:42.02brockticemaqr, That's strange.
04:42.18maqri figure it knows what it's doing, i followed the directions
04:42.29maqrit probably copies over stuff when it's done, or something
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04:45.08brockticeHm, the remote end is hanging up on me when I try to git that stuff.
04:45.37jbqbrocktice: try again. this happens sometimes.
04:45.39maqrmaybe because i'm downloading it?
04:47.05RyeBryebrocktice: what vendor platform do you want?
04:47.13RyeBryebrocktice: do you have it set to pull the G1 stuff?
04:47.15brockticeRyeBrye, htc dream
04:47.24RyeBryeI posted instructions on a wiki somehwere
04:47.34brockticeOK, I'll FGI then.
04:47.54RyeBryeI think that works - you have to basically put that manifest file there somewhere
04:48.07RyeBryethe local_manifest is necessary to get it to pull the files
04:48.08brockticeRyeBrye, excellent, thanks!
04:48.20RyeBryeymmv - but that still works for me. if you find stuff has changed since then, please update the wiki
04:48.23brockticeoh crap I forgot I need to put the whole thing on a case-sensitive disk image.
04:48.28brockticeWill do.
04:48.39RyeBryeyeah, you'll probably have to re-check it out to get it to work
04:48.46brockticesuch is life.
04:48.56brockticeOK, will try tomorrow. Now actually going to bed.
04:49.09RyeBryecase-sensitive disk image is far superior to repartitioning your drive
04:49.29RyeBryeoh, and fwiw - swetland gave me those instructions when I asked a while ago
04:51.58DarkriftXi wish google had chosen someone besides tmo
04:52.08DarkriftXthey are fucking rediculous
04:53.04DarkriftXthey fucked up my credit check, then ran my wifes and when i decided to do it under mine, they told me they would have to rerun the credit check, so we just stuck with hers, now i cant do shit on the account because they need a females voice to tell them the pin
04:53.58ahaberlachHmm.  And nobody has yet written an application to change your voice during a phone call...
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04:54.08maqrRyeBrye: the HTC drivers are closed, right?
04:54.18ahaberlachSo you can't just use the 'femaleulator' mode.
04:54.21maqrRyeBrye: as in, it's not possible to do a 100%-from-source build of the g1 and install it?
04:54.42RyeBryemaqr: yes, but a lot of them are getting opened up soon - you can see them sitting in the 2.6.27 branch
04:54.45ahaberlachThe kernel stuff is all committed into the mainline Linux kernel.
04:55.08maqrRyeBrye: is it expected that at some point we can build everything for the phone and make our own images?
04:55.11RyeBryeahaberlach: is it in 2.6.27 mainline? or are you in the merge window for 2.6.28?
04:55.28RyeBryemaqr: I already do - but the proprietary google stuff has to be copied
04:55.28ahaberlachdunno. I know that swetland is big on having stuff go into the core.
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04:55.57sparkleheh ahaberlach
04:55.59flaushyDarkriftX: thanks for confirmation that tmo is strange even outside germany
04:56.07RyeBryeahaberlach: the only reason I ask is because of timing... you have to have your crap sitting and waiting for the merge window to open - and the once the merge window closes the stuff waits for the next merge window
04:56.28Disconnectmaqr: afaik the wlan will not open but thats mostly it. the apps are a different story tho.
04:56.31RyeBryeSo if it was just recently put in place, it might not hit mainline until 2.6.29 or something
04:56.34jbqThat'd really be a question for swetland
04:56.38ahaberlachHmm.  I don't know specifics, just the generals.  :)
04:56.40Disconnectjbq don't you sleep?
04:56.40RyeBryeit' not a huge deal
04:56.50ahaberlachI'd leave it as a question for General Swetland.
04:56.50Disconnectseriously weird dude. you gotta sleep sometime..
04:56.54maqrRyeBrye: oh that's really cool
04:57.10jbqDisconnect: it's 9pm, not time to sleep!
04:57.17*** join/#android yakischloba_ (
04:57.23maqrRyeBrye: so you built everything from source besides some kernel modules, which you just copied and they worked?
04:57.43*** join/#android mattgyver83 (
04:57.46RyeBryethe only kernel module was wlan.ko - and it works if you set your magic version number to match what it wants
04:57.46Disconnectheh. but istr i saw you at ungodly oclock (eastern time, prolly 10ish?) this mroning, too..
04:57.48jbq(actually, I've been catching some ZZZs during the day)
04:57.55Disconnectah cheating. i got it. :)
04:58.05jbqDisconnect: yeah, I was up around 6:30pst
04:58.35*** join/#android offby1` (
04:58.38jbqI'm a morning person, though, so you're unlikely to see me after 10 or 11pm pacific time.
04:59.11Disconnectinfobot: dev phone
04:59.33Disconnectinfobot: stats
04:59.34infobotSince Sat Dec  6 11:29:52 2008, there have been 28 modifications, 131 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 59 commands.  I have been awake for 17h 29m 41s this session, and currently reference 115592 factoids.  I'm using about 19852 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 1704.74/94.41 child 0.03/0.01
04:59.39RyeBryeinfobot devphones
04:59.40infobothmm... devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:
04:59.45RyeBryeInfobot doesn't seem to like spaces
04:59.53RyeBryeinfobot dev\ phone
05:00.02RyeBryeinfobot dev\ phone is a dev phone
05:00.02infobotRyeBrye: okay
05:00.08RyeBryeinfobot dev\ phone
05:00.09infoboti heard dev\ phone is a dev phone
05:00.19RyeBryeok, it doesn't REALLY escape very well, does it?
05:00.20Disconnectinfobot: devphones is also if you have root
05:00.21infobotthat's too long, Disconnect
05:00.41Disconnectwell don't read the article..
05:00.42Disconnectinfobot: devphones is also
05:00.43infobotDisconnect: okay
05:01.03RyeBryeDisconnect: that's not quite true - the unsigned bit is being worked out right now - but should be ready very shortly
05:02.45RyeBryedid ttuttle  see that yet?
05:02.49RyeBryeor any googlers comment on the title?
05:03.13Disconnectnot yet :)
05:03.31xsdginfobot: owner
05:03.32infobotTimRiker is my owner
05:03.39RyeBryeinfobot: slave
05:03.51RyeBryeinfobot: a slave is also known as an intern. See also: ttuttle
05:03.52infobotokay, RyeBrye
05:05.01RyeBryettuttle: you here?
05:05.19DarkriftXi was thinking of getting an invisishield
05:05.22DarkriftXare they worth it?
05:05.41RyeBryeI paid $8 for the bestshieldsever and it works fine
05:05.44DarkriftXor is there anything else more protective that might be more bulky?
05:05.47RyeBryeor maybe it's bestskinsever
05:05.55RyeBryebut Disconnect makes money if you buy from him
05:06.10DarkriftXthere used to be a cool gel case the the wizard i wanted, but not sure how that worked
05:06.15mattgyver83Is there a way to play music via bluetooth on the g1??
05:06.25Disconnecti love my invisishield
05:06.32RyeBryemattgyver83: with a nick like that, I'm sure you can figure it out
05:06.36DarkriftXRyeBrye: im an affil of invisishields too lol
05:06.48Disconnectfull body cladding on the macbook, wif has a screen protector on her bb, and i bought the full body for the g1 but i think i'm only gonna use the screen protector
05:07.12Disconnectcouple of coworkers got various ones also, they are happy
05:07.39DarkriftXsomething like this:
05:08.40Disconnectthats pretty slick looking
05:09.35DarkriftXdoesnt seem to be as protective as the wizard ones were
05:11.53ahaberlachDarkriftX : Neat!
05:12.12DarkriftXyou should have seen the one i wanted for my wizard
05:12.19xsdgmattgyver83: A2DP isn't supported right now.  Mono should work, though, iirc
05:12.25ahaberlachIs that "Wizard" like the guys who built the metal cases for PalmPilots back in 1997?
05:12.30ahaberlachOr was that someone else?
05:12.35DarkriftXit was much more form fitting and looked softer (like those gel mousepads)
05:12.55*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
05:12.58Disconnecti suspect part of the a2dp problem is that the bt chip is run at 115200k
05:13.13Disconnecter 115200 not k :)
05:13.32ahaberlachYeah, the current release doesn't run the UART at high speed.
05:13.47RyeBryeahaberlach: I think he means Sharp Wizard - the ones that have an entire Seinfeld episode devoted to them
05:13.57offby1wow, "UART" ... there's a term I haven't heard in a while
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05:15.01ahaberlachRyeBrye : Yeah.  I think I was thinking of "Rhino" cases, anyway.  1997 (and my PalmPilot days) were a while ago.
05:15.38RyeBryeahaberlach: I would hope that everyone's PalmPilot days were a while ago :)
05:16.22*** join/#android dysinger (n=tim@
05:16.32ahaberlachHmm.  These guys should make a G1 case:
05:17.11maqrahaberlach: i was just telling somebody that
05:17.56jbqOr those guys: I have a few of their cases, like them.
05:18.12RyeBryeOr this: plus a lot of careful masking ;)
05:18.17P1rolhi, its there a way to register with android market without google checkout ???? paypal??? or anything ???
05:18.30ahaberlachI want to be enchanted by the irresistable aroma of their leather cases!
05:18.30RyeBryeP1ro: firstborn child
05:18.40P1rohuh ?
05:18.47ahaberlachBut only if your firstborn child has a Google checkout account.
05:18.56RyeBryeoh, ahaberlach has a good point
05:19.21RyeBryeinfobot: devphones
05:19.21infobotwell, devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:, or
05:19.22P1roso only with google checkout ?
05:19.23chuckP1ro, nope
05:19.36ahaberlachOk, I've spent enough time decreasing the signal/noise ratio today.  I'm outta here.
05:20.23chuckyeah it has a really nice design on the back, I like it, it's strangely zune-esque
05:21.18*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
05:21.26RyeBryeI would have preferred if that back was used for something useful - like the periodic table of the elements, or a list of dex bytecodes, or a list of upcoming lottery-winning numbers or something
05:21.37Disconnectget it etched
05:21.43DarkriftXanyone wanna change the color of thier g1? lol:
05:22.03RyeBryethat's cheaper than colorware or whatever
05:22.09JesusFrekejust a bit. lol
05:22.58*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
05:23.09orospakroh well, I just spent the $264 for the Canadian shipping.  go me.
05:24.19DarkriftXi think i found the one imma try:
05:24.36RyeBryeorospakr: You could have shipped it to me, I woudl have repackaged it to look like bars of soap and re-shipped it for only $100
05:24.58DarkriftXunder $11 shipped
05:25.10jammrDarkriftX :[
05:25.19*** join/#android goauld (
05:25.20jammrwouldn't suggest using them
05:25.21RyeBryeDarkriftX: is the one I have
05:26.57DarkriftXits a little... thin... i want something that gives it better shock absorbtion
05:27.10DarkriftXnot much, but a little
05:27.20xsdgDarkriftX: sorry to nitpick, but "absorPtion"
05:27.21DarkriftXright now i set it down sooo slowly its sad lol
05:27.30*** join/#android gfindtest (n=gfindtes@
05:27.42DarkriftXoh lol, dindt even notice i misspoelled it
05:27.44DarkriftXwell wtf
05:27.52gfindtesthi all
05:27.59RyeBryeDarkriftX: I've dropped mine plenty with that on it... It's designed like an F1 car - it blows into pieces and doesn't get hurt
05:28.03RyeBryewell... I guess F1 cars get hurt
05:28.12RyeBryebut the back will pop off and the battery sometimes pops out but the phone is fine
05:28.17gfindtestanyone tried sdk r1_02 version
05:28.41RyeBryeI'm wating for sdk r2_d2
05:30.09DarkriftXhrmmmm, $7.50 shipped from that handhelditems place with coupon :(
05:30.15DarkriftXlemme read those reviews lol
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05:33.51louzerhi all, I added a string to string.xml but the file does not have the resource id there. How do I solve this?
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05:35.37DarkriftXfor less than $9 shipped i think i can deal with a longer wait time
05:36.19xsdglouzer: can you give more details?  how are you compiling?  Can you make other changes that _are_ properly reflected when the app is run?  other changes to string.xml?
05:36.20*** part/#android louzer (
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05:36.40xsdgoh well
05:37.30*** join/#android gfindster_dev4 (n=indiabol@
05:39.40DarkriftXanyone who wants the case in the above link use this coupon: htcg1access
05:39.59*** join/#android gfindster_dev4 (n=indiabol@
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05:40.33gfindtest[1]hhhi all
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05:40.51gfindtest[1]anone here
05:40.57offby1nobody here but us zombie processes.
05:41.18gfindtest[1]cool zombies
05:43.53gfindster_dev4any one trying r2 SDK
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05:54.37Disconnectinfobot: fastboot
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05:55.03phyburnwhat are unlock codes for the G1?
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05:58.05P1roi got google checkout but my cc expired and now im only using paypal ! how can i do to get into android market???
05:59.10*** join/#android poetic_folly|G5 (n=poetic_f@
06:00.48ttuttleRyeBrye: here
06:01.06ttuttleinfobot: what is an intern?
06:01.08infobotttuttle: what are you talking about?
06:01.16RyeBryeinfobot: interrn
06:01.18ttuttleinfobot: what is a slave?
06:01.18infobotsomebody said slave was known as an intern. See also: ttuttle
06:01.38DarkriftXttuttle: did you read that article?
06:01.42RyeBryettuttle: my phone has fastboot, and a picture of a skating android :)
06:01.47ttuttleRyeBrye: nice
06:01.51RyeBryeinfobot devphones
06:01.51infobotsomebody said devphones was a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:, or ...
06:02.49xsdginfobot: xk?
06:02.49infobotit has been said that xk is 31337
06:03.00offby1wow, I didn't know browsers still blinked
06:03.00xsdgcool; it's a blootbot
06:03.57RyeBryedoes the default engineering bootloader just have the rainbow + fastboot? the skateboarding android is a nice touch
06:07.03*** join/#android dglazkov (
06:07.16unix_infidelskateboarding android/
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06:11.27flaushysee germans have to sew their androids to have something real in their hands
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06:12.38cmonexttuttle here's one pic for you:
06:12.58flaushycmonex: u are about 2 minutes late ^^
06:13.21cmonexits ok, i saw the pic before, just wanted to pick on ttuttle
06:14.37flaushyhmm another hour then i have to leave for work :/
06:15.49*** join/#android moi1234 (
06:16.05Disconnectupdated the article
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06:22.29unix_infidelwonder what RyeBrye's wife will have to say when he bricks his G1 ;-)
06:24.12flaushyyay ... i might geht a kogan before i get a g1 :)
06:24.22Disconnectassuming it exists
06:25.05unix_infidelkogan doesnt seem like much of a deal to me.
06:25.13flaushywe will see
06:25.21unix_infidelespecially once we get IMF...*ahem* romain...
06:26.07*** join/#android DrUnKnMuNkY1 (
06:34.44bguptaHello, hello... Mmmm.... dev boot loader you say? (Man you guys are busy... Don't want to know what truck this fell off.) In all seriousness... Is there any docs out yet for the Android Developer Device? And does anyone know when it will ship? And is this skateboarding Android running on a G1 functionally identical to an ADD 1 (Android Dev Device 1)?
06:35.29RyeBryebgupta: I know what truck it fell off of... T-mobile accidently shipped it out on a phone that happened to go straight to a hacker (woops)
06:35.45RyeBryeunix_infidel: My phone is now very hard to brick :)
06:35.49Disconnectthis is annoying me
06:36.01unix_infidelRyeBrye: it's now unsupported.
06:36.03Disconnecttrying to do a build of simply fastboot. its really mad.
06:36.46DarkriftXunix_infidel: do you think he cares about "supported" ?
06:36.55RyeBryeDisconnect: fastboot isn't in your sdk build? I know it's in mine and I didn't do anything to get it there
06:37.06Disconnectits seriously not. at least not in the osx sdk.
06:37.06unix_infidelDarkriftX: he cares about having to tell his wife he has to spend 450 bucks on a dev phone ;-)
06:37.16JesusFrekeit's not in the windows sdk either
06:37.27RyeBryeAndoidBuild is my disk image for my build
06:37.29DisconnectRyeBrye: thast not sdk, thats source build
06:37.35Disconnecti have it in source build. for linux.
06:37.40RyeBryeyou want me to just zip that?
06:37.45Disconnectthat would rule :)
06:38.17RyeBryejsut don't hold me to any of that "must provide code" crap for redistributing open source builds ;)
06:38.23RyeBryeget yer own code! ;)
06:38.26Disconnecthas only one osx-x86 box and its the mbp. not so great for 4+gig source trees
06:38.33Disconnectits apache. you can do whatever you want.
06:38.51Disconnect(apache is bsd. "open cuz we're nice" not "open cuz its open source")
06:39.17bguptaRyeBrye: I have a very difficult time believing that story (T-Mobile shipping it to a hacker), however, if that's the story, I will ask no further questions, and just be grateful that it's out there now.
06:39.28Disconnectbgupta: believe what you want
06:39.46bguptaJesusFreke: You running the engineering build now?
06:39.51Disconnecti don't htink anyone is worried about what you believe, actually
06:39.58bguptaor bootloader i should say?
06:39.58JesusFrekebgupta: sorta
06:40.16JesusFrekeIf I wasn't returing my phone tomorrow.. I would be running it.
06:40.26JesusFrekeordered a dev device though
06:40.35JesusFrekeand tomorrow is the last day I can return the G1
06:40.46RyeBryebgupta: it doesn't really matter what you believe - that's how it happened. It wasn't ENTIRELY an engineering build - it still checked for signatures - but we fixed that
06:40.47JesusFrekeso I've got it all back stock and stuff
06:41.28RyeBryebgupta: I'm willing to bet that since it happened once, there is a small % out there that have fastboot enabled bootloaders out there
06:41.31*** join/#android Gary|tp (
06:41.44RyeBryebasically, we won the lottery! :)
06:41.47DisconnectRyeBrye: a growing percentage :)
06:41.50JesusFrekelol :)
06:41.54bguptaWell then, congratulations!
06:41.55Disconnectnow send me that file.
06:42.00RyeBryeoh, yeah
06:42.09RyeBrye3.2 mb - just zipped up all of the bin
06:42.13Disconnectrock on :)
06:42.30RyeBryeI would have done the whole host/out but it's around 100+ megs and I don't think any of the other stuff matters much
06:42.44*** join/#android RyeBrye_ (
06:42.48Disconnectyah most of it is no worth it (dupe from bins, dupe from sdk, etc)
06:43.12RyeBryeit's sending now
06:43.17RyeBryeor waiting to send
06:43.33Disconnectthanks :)
06:43.35DammRyeBrye, what's this?
06:43.52RyeBryethat's just the bin tools from the source build for oSX
06:43.54Disconnectjust bins from the full-source build for osx.
06:44.16RyeBryeDamm - T-mobile shipped a phone with a non-neutered bootloader straight into the hands of a hacker a month or so ago
06:44.23Disconnectlottery as in tmob has a finite (and presumably small) number of units with fastboot bootloader, and they sent it to the totally wrong person
06:44.25bguptaJesusFreke: Rather than returning your device, might you just auction it off? Pre rc30 devices might start to get scarce soon?
06:45.00JesusFrekethought about it..
06:45.01unix_infidelRyeBrye: that means there are probably more people with that bootlader, he's just the first hacker to get it ;-)
06:45.07JesusFrekenot worth the hassle though :)
06:45.23RyeBryeunix_infidel: yes, that's likely the case. I wonder how many though? Hard to tell... but probably a low percentage
06:45.23JesusFrekeunless you want to make an offer? :D
06:45.31RyeBryeI'll give you $50
06:45.41RyeBryebut ONLY if you sign it
06:45.44JesusFrekeI've got $50. do I hear $100? :D
06:45.45RyeBryeand NOT with testkeys
06:46.02JesusFrekeI've $100, do I hear $450? :D
06:46.28RyeBryeJesusFreke: If you had more than 1 day left in the window, you might have an admirer on xda devs that would pay $ for it...
06:46.44RyeBryeso they could say to their friends "Hey, you know that guy who modifies the G1 firmware stuff? guess what... THIS was HIS phone"
06:46.56RyeBryewait... what am I talking about... people who read xda forums don't have friends :(
06:47.11ismarcthey have coworkers, that's close enough, right?
06:47.34DarkriftXand i onlyhave to pay him $10/wk to stay my friend
06:47.39swetlandI pay good money for those friends. it's not cheap.
06:47.57RyeBryeswetland: you can fire people if they aren't your friend. That's not fair
06:48.10RyeBryewell... I suppose you'd have to find some kind of bogus "cause"
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06:48.20DarkriftXunfriendly conduct
06:49.17RyeBryeMy next step tomorrow is to remove that T-Mobile G1 boot image and replace it with a cooler android pic
06:49.38swetlandfastboot flash splash1 foo.565   is your friend
06:49.40DarkriftXi want an animated version of my site header
06:49.46DarkriftXthe robot doing some sort of dance or something lol
06:49.49RyeBryeswetland: you are my hero :)
06:49.59RyeBryeswetland: what format?
06:50.12swetlandraw 16bpp rgb565 320x480
06:50.15RyeBryebtw: fastboot rules. Whoever wrote that deserves a pat on the back
06:50.15ismarcRyeBrye_: Just make it something simple, a couple lines of text that says "The police have been alerted"
06:50.22swetlandrye: thank you
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06:50.43RyeBryeIt's definitely one of the nicest tools I've seen for working with bootloader-type stuff
06:50.48swetlandwhat *really* rules about it is that we're asking OEMs to support it
06:51.05swetlandso if things go well, any android device intended for systems development will be compatible
06:51.13JesusFrekesweet :)
06:51.22DarkriftXthis is why i tell eveyrone its tmobile being dicks, not google :)
06:51.23swetlandbasically everyone tends to want to own the bootloader
06:51.29paulproteusIs it possible to buy the Android developer phone without agreeing to the Developer Distribution Agreement and paying $25 to become a member of the Android Marketplace?
06:51.30swetlandsince it integrates with their factory process, etc, etc
06:51.30RyeBryeFor a second there I thought you were going to say "any android device" without that other clause :)
06:51.47Disconnectok so nice
06:51.54Disconnecter.. sorry. just "nice" :)
06:52.06RyeBryepaulproteus: I'll let you buy one without that. $650 cash - meet me in a back alley
06:52.16swetlandand I'm cool with that.  I just ask that people try to support fastboot to make it easy for systems developers (us, others, whoever) to rapidly load/test images, etc
06:52.19DisconnectRyeBrye: those bins work btw :)
06:52.34Disconnectis building a new boot.img with his kernel for fun and profit. or at least for fun.
06:52.46RyeBryeDisconnect: why bother building a boot.img? just use fastboot :)
06:52.47swetlandnot everyone will, obviously.  hell, I'm sure we'll see some people do fully encrypted secure boot paths, etc
06:53.02Disconnecti fed it the wrong file. i should try it again..
06:53.19RyeBryeswetland: Yeah, that'd be annoying. You should ask that they use small keys for that though ;)
06:53.42RyeBryeswetland: "What? who told you that? NOOOOOO... on an embedded device 40 bits it TOTALLY fine. Trust me. What? No - you can't get that in writing!"
06:53.43paulproteusSECURE key storage - max key length, 32 bits
06:54.16Disconnectcool. it works much better with zImage than with vmlinuz :)
06:54.32swetlandpaul: that's pretty fancy.  I thought the 5 digit "luggage lock" model was state of the art
06:55.31RyeBryeI think that dev phone thing is really cool... because then you have a way to cordon off the crazies and let them pound away at crazyness - and whatever good comes of it can get ported back to the main stuff
06:55.52RyeBryeoh - and swetland - someone mentioned earlier about stuff from your 2.6.27 being pushed up to the mainline. Is it in the merge window for 2.6.28 ?
06:56.08RyeBryehasn't been watching the merge windows
06:56.12DisconnectRyeBrye: isn't that mostly how OSS works anyway? esp bsd-licensed
06:56.20Disconnectdamn. it booted the old kernel. annoying..
06:56.29swetlandrye: I'm way behind on the kernel stuff right now
06:56.30RyeBryeDisconnect: use fastboot to replace it :)
06:56.33paulproteusIn all seriousness, what is the relationship between me paying $25 for Android Market distribution and me wanting a Developer Device?
06:56.39swetlandthe first couple patches in our .27 tree made it in to .28
06:57.07RyeBryeThat's cool. It doesn't really MATTER when they get merged into the mainline - since I'll just be pulling from your trees anyway
06:57.08Disconnectpaulproteus: probably its just to limit it to one per dev.
06:57.25paulproteus links to , which asks me to pay $25 and sign an agreement.
06:57.38paulproteusI don't want agreements, I just want to turn my money into a phone that I can do what I want with.
06:57.44swetlandthe program is more aimed at supporting app developers than systems developers
06:57.48RyeBryeinfobot: tell paulproteus about dev phones
06:57.54swetlandbut the devices are useful for both, obviously
06:58.10RyeBryeinfobot: tell paulproteous about devphones
06:58.22paulproteusIf I stop by Building 44 can I just grab one for $399 or something? (-;
06:58.32swetlandthe agreement, as far as I understand, only governs use of the market, and doesn't impact what you can do with the hardware.  Yes, I know it's annoying.
06:58.41RyeBryeOnly if you fly yourself in with a self piloting helicopter
06:59.02ismarc"Here, have a free cookie!" "but I don't like oatmeal, can't I have chocolate chip?"
06:59.03Disconnectyaaay reboot loop.
07:00.02swetlanddisconnect: the model I suggest using for kernel development (once one has a device with a fastboot capable bootloader) is to fastboot erase boot, fastboot erase recovery -- the device will stop at the color bars on boot and wait and you can fastboot boot ... to download and boot from ram
07:00.29RyeBryeswetland: It appears you ahve usb network tethering working already?;a=blob;f=drivers/usb/function/ether.c;h=f31032e9ee0040cbb5b87d31670320526ae9cbf0;hb=9e460ab96cee54e56fd1c40732d5d99a8af418c8 ?
07:00.50swetlandyup. it's a little complicated to enable it
07:00.54Disconnectswetland: cool :)
07:01.16morrildlnote that actually using tethering may violate the terms of service with your service provider
07:01.18swetlandyou need to either modify the desktop driver to match the device vid/pid or change the device vid/pid to one the driver knows about
07:01.27morrildlthere, legal obligation fulfilled. :)
07:01.29RyeBryemorrildl: I would really only use it to tether wifi
07:01.34Disconnectmorrildl: tmob has publically stated they aren't worried about it
07:01.51morrildlI said "may" ;)
07:02.15swetlandtmo did the rate limit after cap thing, so I assume that was their solution for "omg users are hosting MMORPG servers on their phones" "problem"
07:02.18RyeBryeOk... My android-hapiness thermometer is moving up pretty high now.
07:02.31morrildldidn't realize that was a thermal thing
07:02.35RyeBryeswetland: or that big fish thing
07:02.55paulproteusswetland, Is there a limit of one Developer Device per person, as suggested by Disconnect?
07:03.07swetlandpaul: that is my understanding
07:03.15morrildlDoes Apple have an IRC channel for iPhone?
07:03.20morrildlI wonder what the vibe is on that
07:03.28RyeBryeHa ha haha ha
07:03.30morrildlpaulproteus: for now, yes
07:03.32RyeBryetalking to people?
07:03.33Disconnectswetland: hmm. i think i'm missing a step. fastboot boot kernel (original htc one) or mine both bring me back to fastboot.
07:03.36swetlandmorrildl: smug superiority? ^^
07:03.44paulproteusThat's... interesting.
07:03.45morrildlswetland: genuine curiosity
07:03.49paulproteusI guess if I break mine, I'm SOL then.
07:04.00RyeBryemorrildl: The only good iphone channel is for hacking them
07:04.06Disconnectyesterday i'd be very upset about this. today its not so bad :)
07:04.19RyeBryemorrildl: these are the same people who make you sign NDAs just to use their dev crap
07:04.26swetlanddisconnect:  fastboot boot zimage ramdisk.img
07:04.37Disconnectah. right. cuz i'm a moron. :) thanks
07:04.47swetlandor fastboot boot boot.img (if you have a fully assembled one)
07:05.08swetlandbut fastboot will happily build a boot.img on the fly, since I'm too lazy to run mkbootimg by hand first ^^
07:05.21AdamantRyeBrye: there are iPhone channels on freenode, they don't involve jailbreaking
07:05.22RyeBryeYou'd never have someone like swetland giving help on an iPhone channel - or describing his laziness on that channel
07:05.32RyeBryeprobably because swetland doesn't work for apple though
07:05.34bguptaRyeBrye: Anyone documenting the fastboot stuff in a wiki yet?
07:05.35Adamantyou're right about that
07:05.49morrildllaziness is one of the cardinal virtues of an engineer
07:05.53morrildlwho was it who said that?
07:06.00morrildlLarry Wall?
07:06.00swetlandlarry wall
07:06.08AdamantApple employees can't say shit to the public without it going through someone higher up
07:06.21RyeBryeyeah, that would be annoying
07:06.50Disconnecti think i'm gonna publish a cheatsheet before bed tonight
07:07.15swetlandwhat you guys *really* want for kernel hacking is the Y cable that breaks out UART3
07:07.25swetlandis trying to get those made available for purchase too
07:07.30RyeBryeOooh :)
07:07.36swetlandeverything takes longer than I like
07:07.48bguptaDisconnect: Thanks...
07:07.51RyeBryeare there diagrams somewhere? what pins are needed?
07:07.58RyeBryejust bought a REALLY nice soldering iron :)
07:08.03Disconnectheh sweet
07:08.17morrildlswetland, RyeBrye: yeah, publishing a pinout diagram would be a good first step :)
07:08.21Disconnectok but we're gonna need more detail :)
07:08.31swetlandI actually don't have pinouts for the funky connector handy, but I can see if I can dig one up next week
07:08.41chuckreally wants to try the G1 :'(
07:08.43RyeBryecool. That's fine. I dont' really have time to burn my fingers righ tnow
07:08.47chuckI need to find a T-Mobile store around here
07:08.54swetlandthe cables are totally sweet though (one side is USB, the other is USB<->serial adapter), and I'd like to have those available to people
07:09.09Disconnectnice. kernel loaded, wifi and phone both lit up
07:09.35RyeBryeswetland: Hmm... That's interesting - I wonder if those things would interface with the Serial0 on the locked bootloader?
07:09.48swetlandrye: I'm pretty sure it's disabled
07:09.49Adamantswetland: do you ever sleep, or do you just have a developer-type sleep pattern
07:09.49RyeBryedoesn't really care though
07:09.59bguptaswetland: You guys planning on publishing any hardware docs for the ADD1, or r we gonna have to piece it together?
07:10.15swetlandadamant: I do sleep. but yeah, I kinda free-wheel some weeks and am currently running somewhat inverted
07:10.21chuckgreat. the closest retailers are target, which definitely won't have working phones.
07:10.52Adamantswetland: fair enough, I just slept for 5 hours and ended up waking up in the middle of the night
07:11.03swetlandbgupta: schematics, etc, are htc's property and we can't really publish that.  the kernel does have rigging for just about all the hw
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07:11.49Adamanthow is Google with regards to accomodating the developer sleep stuff?
07:12.02swetlanddepends on your group, I'm sure
07:12.09Adamantso it's all local
07:12.13chuckthe hell.. it says there's one in the eden prairie mall.. I'll have to look a litter closer next time I visit there, then..
07:12.17bguptaI heard they get gourmet food in lieu of sleep...
07:12.30Disconnectdamnit. i broke bluetooth.
07:12.30swetlandoverall, at least in MV, things are pretty flexible
07:12.40RyeBryeAll good dev teams I've worked for have been extremely loose for schedules... but then again... I've never worked at a gigantic publicly traded company
07:12.43Adamantgourmet espresso brewed with Red Bull
07:12.48swetlandI work too much, so they're not picky about exactly *when* I work too much ^^
07:12.58Adamantswetland: that's all I'm looking for
07:13.06RyeBryeYeah, you get to pick which 80 hours of the week you work :)
07:13.25swetlandrye: more or less
07:13.27Disconnectwas reading jwz's netscape tales not long ago
07:13.38AdamantI understand accomodation has to be made for things like group meetings and such
07:13.40swetlandand sometimes they ship me to taiwan for a couple weeks to fight with power management issues or whatnot
07:13.40DarkriftXnot like that leaves much choice for you though
07:13.53swetlandwhich actually isn't too bad.  the htc team is great and I really enjoy working with those guys
07:14.04Adamantbut I honestly end up being more productive if I work 12 to 9 or so
07:16.01Disconnect start at 10 october
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07:16.22swetlandI try not to sleep at the office any more
07:16.37swetlandgoing home and getting a good night's (morning's) sleep in your own bed is so worth it
07:17.00paulproteusswetland, If I may ask, where's home?
07:17.05paulproteusis at Noisebridge in San Francisco right now
07:17.16paulproteusAnd let me apologize again if I'm being too annoying.
07:18.35swetlandmountain view
07:18.42ttuttleswetland: greetings
07:18.55paulproteusThat's easy enough to get home then (-:
07:18.58swetlandabout a mile or two from downtown, conveniently close to google galactic hq
07:19.07swetlandyeah, that does help
07:19.16paulproteus"Googtown," as my friend Red once said.
07:19.25RyeBryeswetland: you live a mile or two from Google headquarters?
07:19.34swetlandmile or two from downtown mv
07:19.38RyeBryeOh, ok
07:19.39swetlandabout 5 miles from the office
07:20.04swetlandI actually moved their before android was bought by google (back when I worked at danger)
07:20.15swetlandso the acquisition cut my commute in half!
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07:20.42swetlandI complain about my commute only so that I can get the death stare from the city dwellers
07:21.04morrildlswetland: I call bullshit :)
07:21.06swetland"traffic on the 101/shoreline ramp was terrible today, it took me almost 12 minutes to get to work"
07:21.22morrildlWe knew what we were getting into when we decided to live in the city :)
07:21.39morrildlI disown any of my city-dwelling colleagues who complain about the commute
07:21.58ttuttleswetland, morrildl: good morning :)
07:22.02swetlandmorrildl: nonetheless, griping about a 10 minute drive is a good way to get some grumbling from you folks with your 45-70 minute commutes
07:22.22morrildlwell it's a good way to get a beatdown I guess ;)
07:22.29morrildlttuttle: hello, and good night :)
07:22.32morrildlbedtime for me
07:22.42ttuttlemorrildl: night!
07:22.48RyeBryeI telecommute all but one or two days a month - so my commute is short
07:25.17RyeBryedoes photoshop output raw 16bpp rgb565 320x480 ?
07:25.43swetlandrye: no clue.  I usually save raw rgb888 from the gimp.  then use the commandline thing in the sources to convert to 565
07:25.58RyeBryeah, cool. I'm sure it can do raw rgb888
07:26.40RyeBryeswetland - maybe I'll write a patch for your fastboot to take more image formats for that :) (depends on how much I use it and how lazy I get)
07:26.43Disconnectnight all!
07:26.52paulproteusNight Dialekt!
07:27.02paulproteusEr, Disconnect!
07:27.41Disconnectok real quick fastboot cheat-sheet on my site
07:28.09swetlandsee also: fastboot help
07:28.16swetlandit has built in documentation! ^^
07:29.08RyeBryegrumbles about PS CS4 not having an SVG importer
07:29.42swetlanddis: url?
07:30.33swetlandnote that fastboot does not work with that recovery likes
07:30.34Disconnectok really to bed now. night all! :)
07:30.45Disconnectah ok. i'll pull that section then
07:30.46swetlandfastboot files contain raw partition images
07:31.03RyeBryeOh, so not t-mobile-style update.zips?
07:31.11swetlandyou *can* reflash the whole device that way, but it's not the same as a recovery/ota update
07:31.53RyeBryeso if you have an that just has system.img in the zip with no manifest or whatnot it will apply it?
07:31.53swetlandthe system.img, boot.img, etc that the build generates go into them
07:31.53swetlandthere's a build target to generate a suitable, but I forget what it is
07:31.55Disconnectnice. someone leave a comment to remind me to add that in the morning. but right now its bedtime and a half :)
07:32.20RyeBryeDisconnect: you finally seem happy about android :)
07:32.42Disconnecti'm finally in a position to fix some of the things that i think are broken or dumb..
07:33.02Disconnectnot all (at least until the internal/external trees get better synced) but some
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07:33.15swetlanddisconnect: should be some good news for ya there soon
07:33.41Disconnectyah i've been hearing that its on track for this quarter still (ie next couple weeks)
07:34.29Disconnectand hitachi has already done the biggest "well that was dumb" project - selinux+android :)
07:34.37Disconnectbut i'm really really gone now..
07:35.23swetlandwhat, seriously? url!
07:38.25DarkriftXwow, virus scans for linux
07:43.09RyeBryeYeah, that's strange
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07:44.21unix_infidelwell, not virus scans at all.
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07:51.18bguptaAny Mac users have any input on getting an alternate filessytem up for Android development? (MY main HDD is formatted HFS+, and kernel compiling requires a case sensitive filesystem) Thinking to format a mkfile block device as ffs.. but that seems suboptimal.. other option is to use NFS I suppose. Mmmm. final option is to break out a USB drive and reformat it. What have others done?
07:51.52michaelnovakjr__use linux :)
07:52.07michaelnovakjr__I pretty much don't use my mac for anything anymore
07:52.12JesusFrekeI run windows, so I just use an ubuntu virtual machine for android development
07:52.23JesusFrekevmware ftw
07:52.36michaelnovakjr__my lack of use on my mac is mostly due to apple annoying the hell out of me lately
07:53.18bguptaYeah well.. I could always through up a VM in fusion... just thought I'd try building on a Mac, since it is supported.
07:53.31bgupta(It's a Hackintosh if that makes you feel any better)
07:54.11michaelnovakjr__so you are running mac a on pc?
07:54.26michaelnovakjr__wow.. on a pc... not a on pc
07:54.44unix_infideldecided to buy a G1 instead of building a hackintosh.
07:55.01bguptaI generally use WIndows or Mac on the desktop and Linux/Solaris on the server... Yeah... it's a quad core Xeon, I build for playing with Xen.. but when my main PC died, I decided to try out Mac OS X.
07:55.05michaelnovakjr__thinks unix_infidel made a wise choice
07:55.23unix_infidelthough, i might regret it in a few weeks.
07:55.38unix_infidelthinks a new awesome android devices comes out january 09
07:55.49michaelnovakjr__bgupta: how's that run? is it buggy? have you tried xcode?
07:55.58bguptaAnd I dont regret it... (There's a few commercial apps I need for work that aren't really available on Linux, and don't run well in a VM.
07:56.33bguptaOnly using XCode to get macports running...
07:56.39bguptabut otherwise it's good
07:56.51bguptaOh wait main negative feedback..
07:57.16bguptaI couldn't get to PCIX videocards working... So I am limited to 2 24" monitors..
07:57.27bgupta(Was greedy and wanted a third
07:57.31michaelnovakjr__damn that must suck
07:57.44bguptaTHe other issue is that you have to be careful when doing the software updates...
07:57.46swetlandthis is the best post evar
07:57.48michaelnovakjr__only 2 24", i would have thrown it out
07:58.04swetland"i have a excalibur and have flashed android so i know that google just ripped of gentoo and disabled almost everything that would be good from a linux distro."
07:58.08swetlandour secret is out!
07:58.11JesusFrekerofl swet. I saw that earlier today and thought the same thing
07:58.12bguptaThe ones that touch the kernel in particular
07:59.09swetlandI hadn't looked at xdaforums in a while. I obviously have been missing all the fun
07:59.15bguptaSo when major updates come out you need to wait till someone gets a manual update procedure tested and working.. (Or if it's not your main machine, you can try hacking it yourself)
08:00.13michaelnovakjr__swetland: there's a lot of people like that
08:00.28michaelnovakjr__when you think you've heard it all, someone comes along and surprises you :)
08:00.34swetlandmissing the fun or posting frothy tinfoil-hat rambling stuff?
08:00.56michaelnovakjr__the rambling can get annoying, i usually enjoy the first post
08:01.16michaelnovakjr__i'd say the iPhone auto attach nude photos and send to a woman bug was the best
08:01.22michaelnovakjr__and the follow ups were even better
08:01.35swetlandthat was amusing
08:02.22swetlandwe did have a "phone sent random pictures to people" bug during development, that was more of a "keyguard insufficiently aggressive to prevent email sending from ones pants" bug
08:02.38michaelnovakjr__those are fun
08:02.56bguptaRyeBrye: You playing with fastboot yet?
08:03.05RyeBryethat's going to be my new boot spash
08:03.08RyeBryeerr splash
08:03.21RyeBrye(not the jpg version)
08:03.25JesusFrekenice rye :)
08:03.32JesusFrekelooks tasty
08:04.08JesusFrekerye, can you send me the RGB565 or whatever format it is?
08:04.21RyeBryeJesusFreke:  when I get it done, I'll post it
08:04.27JesusFrekesounds good
08:04.33RyeBryeI'm working on figuring out how to build an RGB565 :)
08:04.40JesusFreke*nod* :)
08:04.44swetlandcan you save to rgb888?
08:05.15bguptaJesusFreke: You have an image with fastboot built yet? OR do I have to get this compiling filesystem stuff sorted out to compile and play with fastboot?
08:05.37RyeBryeswetland: I thought photoshop could, but apparently not. I can save to bmp - but I am downloading graphicconverter that should do rgb888
08:06.03swetlandrecent gimp will definitely let you save as "raw" and choose non-alpha (888) format
08:06.06RyeBryeI have the tools built, so once I get an rgb888 I should be able to use the rgb25626 tool
08:06.07JesusFrekebgupta what do you mean an image?
08:06.34JesusFrekeyou mean a fastboot binary? with fastboot binary
08:06.59RyeBryebgupta: Disconnect posted the current one on his site
08:06.59JesusFrekefastboot is a binary that runs on your computer
08:07.13JesusFrekeit connects to the engineering bootloader on the phone
08:07.15swetlandwell fastboot is a bunch of things
08:07.19RyeBryebgupta: There will be another version released wiht a few more patches
08:07.19swetlandit's also the wire protocl
08:07.27swetlandand the code in the bootloader
08:07.38JesusFrekeand a cookie
08:07.43swetlandlikes to keep it simple (confusing?) by calling all the parts the same thing
08:07.46JesusFrekenames his cookie fastboot
08:07.53swetlandit is both a dessert topping and a floor wax
08:08.00RyeBryenames his shoes fastboots
08:08.03bguptagot yah... so I have to sort out this HFS+ issue
08:08.20bguptaneeded to do it anyway...
08:08.23mmitchelHFS+ issue; i set up a sparsebundle image so i didnt have to repartition.
08:08.25RyeBryeoh, bgupta - you want me to dcc you bins of the built tools?
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08:09.05bguptaNah, I need to get compiling working... might as well push through and get it done tonight..
08:09.21mmitchelhaving issues with javadoc tonight blowing up.
08:09.22bguptaIt is the weekend afterall
08:09.54bguptaRyeBrye: ImageMagick should be able to do the conversion for you..
08:10.22bguptaRyeBrye: ImageMagick is in macports
08:11.40RyeBryebgupta: I'll trade you - you figure out the command to get imagemagick to convert a BMP to an RGB888 or RGB565 I'll DCC you the bins from the source build :)
08:12.06bguptahehe.. I'll take a look..
08:12.16bguptaInstalling ImageMagick now
08:13.42bguptammitchel: How big an image you use? I'm thinking 2GB should be good?
08:14.07mmitchelit says you need 6G for everything to build... i used 8G
08:14.17swetland6G has a good amount of padding
08:14.27swetlandthe full download/checkout is ~2GB
08:14.28bguptakk, thx
08:14.31mmitchelsparse bundle; ill let the OS figure it out.
08:14.35swetlandand a full build will burn about 2GB more
08:14.47RyeBryeswetland: can you dcc it to me at RyeBrye_ ? that client has better DCC
08:14.53mmitchelim blowing up on the error 41 at javalib.jar
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08:16.44kennyyuhi i'm downloading by ``repo sync'' smoothly in a nearby Starbucks.. :)
08:17.07kennyyubut just curious if it's possible to break it in the middle (by ctrol-break) because it seems it's going to take long..
08:17.27kennyyurepo-sync is intelligent enough to sync in the middle?
08:18.09kennyyuwell i just cannot occupy the seat for so long .. :)
08:18.19sparkleBogoMIPS        : 527.15
08:18.33RyeBryeCool :)
08:18.40RyeBryesparkle: what cpu freq?
08:18.54sparklex4 multiplier, 1.32v?
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08:19.47RyeBryeI know it's pretty much apples to oranges... but my desktop CPU vCore is only 1.29 I think - kind of nuts my phone would be on 1.32
08:20.17gfindsteranyone has downloaded sdk release 2
08:21.33bguptammitchel: Is there an easy way to change the default mount point for a sparse bundle? Or did you just go with the default /Volumes/whatever?? (I used the disk utility to create it) If there is no easy way I'll just through in a symlink.
08:21.52mmitchelbgupta: just using /Volume/android..
08:22.29mmitchelits all relative; so you can symlink it if you want. no
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08:28.12bguptaRyeBrye, can you send me the link to your image again?
08:28.24bguptanvm found it
08:28.27RyeBryeyeah, I'll put up the bmg
08:28.38RyeBryeerr bmp
08:28.40kennyyuhi, repo sync  can be resumed in the middle?
08:28.52bguptaRyeBrye send me the source..
08:29.22bguptaI got ImageMagick ready to go.. looks straight forward enough
08:29.53RyeBryeok. is the uncompressed version
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08:30.05RyeBrye is the cs4 psd file
08:30.26unix_infidelheh, much better than the current ;-)
08:31.45unix_infidelwishes bloomberg would put out an app for Android.
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08:32.44RyeBryeswetland: in GIMP when you export, do you use scalar or planar output?
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08:36.32RyeBryeand... rgb2565 input output is the way it works?
08:36.52swetlandit's a filter, so  rgb2565 < foo.888 > foo.565
08:37.01RyeBryeah, ok. that explains it :)
08:37.10RyeBryeshoudl have looked at source, instead of bothering the master :)
08:37.34swetlandif I've got real work to do, I don't tend to hang out on irc
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08:43.28ismarcman, I've gone done 46 builds of the email app today trying to track down obscure issues with my exchange stuff
08:43.36ismarcI think it's time to go to bed
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08:51.24RyeBryeI built a new one with a black background
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08:52.03mypapitwoot woot
08:52.06RyeBryeI need to fix the dithering bit - but android_boot_black.rgb565
08:57.12RyeBryeOk, I fixed it - it's now dithered a bit better
08:57.19RyeBryewell.. no dithering, but it looks better
08:57.21RyeBrye(same URL)
08:57.27bguptaRyeBrye: Is that Raw or BMP?
08:57.44RyeBryebgupta: that's the rgb565 format needed to flash onto fastboot
08:57.48RyeBryeI used GIMP
08:57.53RyeBryeto spit out RAW
08:58.03bguptakk makes sense...
08:58.31RyeBryeI think I'm going to flash my contact info on that screen :)
08:58.38RyeBryeLike "Stolen from: " ;)
08:58.52RyeBryebgupta: did you flash your bootloader yet to enable fastboot?
08:59.09bguptastill working on the imagemagick research... got it out to 8 bit RGB raw.. need to make that 16 bit, and see what the default 16 bit type is..
08:59.10RyeBryeif you did, you can do fastboot flash splash1 android_boot_black.rgb565 and then fastboot reboot and you'll see it
08:59.24RyeBryeYeah, I realized I sent you an 8bit BMP
08:59.31bguptaRyeBrye: I have flashed with new bootloader
08:59.40RyeBryeyou can flash that image I sent you if you want
08:59.46RyeBryeit's at least better than the T-mobile G1 image
09:00.01bguptaok... gonna try..
09:00.11RyeBryesince I basically did nothing, I'll just hereby bequeath it as CCC "Do whatever the hell you want" license
09:00.14JesusFrekeis this for the G1 screen, or the android screen, when the phone is booting?
09:00.23RyeBryeJesusFreke:  the T-mobile G1 screen
09:00.27JesusFrekeah, cool
09:00.51bguptammm... so I just use a USB cable? Do i have to do anything funky on the phone? IE: Turn on USB debugging?
09:00.58RyeBryeJesusFreke: You should totally flash some goatse on your boot image before returning that phone :)
09:01.17RyeBryebgupta: just the USB - nope... reboot by holding down power + camera from a powered-off state
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09:01.25RyeBryethen wehn you get to the skateboard screen, hit the back button
09:01.29RyeBryeswetland: thanks for the help
09:01.57JesusFrekerofl rye :D
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09:02.10JesusFrekethat would be hilarious
09:02.20JesusFrekeespecially if they tried booting it up in the store
09:02.28RyeBryeJesusFreke: Yes, you can be like "Umm... this phone offends me"
09:02.28JesusFrekejust to make sure it was working
09:02.35swetlandI normally just hold BACK while powering up and let go of it once the bl displays "FASTBOOT"
09:03.15RyeBryeswetland - the final product is here: it's got a black background... I will put back in the other background and try that one
09:03.33RyeBryealthough maybe you can't read rgb565
09:04.12RyeBrye is up now too so you dont' have to flash your phone with it
09:04.32bguptaryebrye: what is the image variable for fastboot?
09:04.42bgupta(I know it's in this IRC log)
09:04.51RyeBryefastboot flash splash1 android_boot_black.rgb565
09:05.01RyeBryeit flashes the splash1 partition with the image data
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09:06.20bguptaneat... we really need to start documenting this somewhere.. BTW - it worked.
09:06.38RyeBryebgupta: you like :)
09:06.56RyeBryedream_kill: Some people didn't believe about your amazing luck with the phone :)
09:06.57bguptaYes.. I like... fastboot is very cool.. wondering if there is a way to list partitions
09:07.22swetlandthere is not
09:07.44geistyeah, but fastboot 2 will be so much more awesome that fastboot, right swetland?
09:07.51geistfastboot ][
09:07.59swetlandgeist: I'm happy with the first one, really
09:08.18swetlandit does what it needs to do, with as little extra crap as possible
09:08.28geistbut the extra crap is the spice of life
09:08.41geistis all about useless extra crap
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09:10.44ttuttleLieu10ant: greetings
09:10.51Lieu10antfor hdtv's, what does DLNA mean?
09:10.52RyeBryekeeps rebooting his phone
09:11.15RyeBryeIsn't it Sony's marketing bit?
09:11.15ttuttleLieu10ant: that has *nothing* to do with Android.
09:11.22ttuttleLieu10ant: Why are you asking it here?
09:11.29Lieu10antryebrye, does ur multitouch app need root?
09:11.36RyeBryeLieu10ant: yeah
09:11.54Lieu10anti was asking it here cause i thought maybe one of you had a hdtv, guess not.
09:12.06RyeBrye#mythtv it's slightly more on topic
09:12.24Lieu10antbut ryebrye, is there an apk of ur app online?
09:12.26ttuttleI don't. ##hardware is the closest I can think of.. oh, or #mythtv.
09:12.42ttuttleLieu10ant: Google is probably your best bet.
09:13.06RyeBryeLieu10ant: Yeah, I think there is an apk in that zip
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09:13.32flaushydont fall asleep on mouse -.-
09:13.34RyeBryeLieu10ant: you have to reflash with a custom kernel, and follow the busybox mknod steps to get the dev device created so the app can get the data
09:13.41Lieu10antwhoops irc force closed :(
09:14.09Lieu10antuh yeah, thats too complicated lol.
09:17.49RyeBryeLieu10ant: yeah, it's just a proof of concept now... pretty rough
09:19.28RyeBryeJesusFreke: or even slightly stranger than goatse - put a white Apple logo on there as the boot screen before you bring it back :)
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09:27.54RyeBryeok... I really need to stop rebooting my phone now :)
09:28.14RyeBryei just love seeing something other than T-Mobile G1
09:28.36bguptayeah... it's cool.. Are you changing the image each time?
09:28.43RyeBryeno, just that same one :)
09:28.50RyeBryeI will probably build a few more images tomorrow
09:29.15RyeBryegetting an imagemagick command to convert to rgb 888 raw would be good
09:29.37RyeBryeit wouldn't be too hard to make a little gui app to handle changing the boot screen
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09:31.16bguptaI had kinda stopped working on that since you were using GIMP... I will keep going.. You want the command to convert from which source format?
09:32.11bgupta(Was focusing on getting my build env. up and running
09:35.39bguptaJust curious roughly how long is it taking you to run make, and what HW are you running it on?
09:40.25alexissofthi :)
09:41.09alexissofti have a last question : is android use http or imap for gmail ?
09:41.59alexissoft(my provider in france filters imap access)
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09:43.52Monyalexissoft, please tell the name of the provider. I'm not living in France, but who knows the future :D
09:44.18bguptaThe Gmail dev prolly doesn't hang out here.. and likely wouldn't be at liberty to discuss, but I'd bet it's not IMAP.
09:44.34bgupta(Gmail is not part of the OSS stack)
09:44.43alexissoftMony: orange :)
09:45.01alexissoftbudwaa: ok thanks that's all i wanted to know
09:46.19bguptaRyeBrye: It seems the PSD you sent me is 8-bit. Does that seem to ring a bell? Can you send me a 16 bit one?
09:46.20alexissoftMony: they don't currently filter imap access, you have 10MB quota for mail, and unlimited for everything else (on the same gprs ap : they're only looking at the tcp port)
09:46.37alexissoftbut for push mail, it can be very annoying :)
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09:53.51kennyyuhi there... my repo sync connect has freezed for quite a while... if i ctrl-break it now, can i resume it somewhere in the middle?
09:53.59kennyyuoh... resume itself now...
09:54.28kennyyuit's downloaded 501mb... how many do i still need to download?
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10:03.55gfindster_dev1hi all
10:04.37gfindster_dev1anyone good at android layout
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10:06.31bguptaHey anyone seen this javac segfault when trying to make android?
10:07.06bguptakennyyu: It's gonna be somewhere between 1.6-2GB
10:08.15bguptaI am thinking almost everyone is asleep by now.. Seemed pretty busy up until 4am EST.
10:09.52kennyyubgupta: the starbucks is going to close soon so i'm preparing to shtudown my computer...
10:10.00kennyyubgupta: wanna to ask
10:10.17kennyyumy console is printing 'Checking out files: ...' something like that
10:10.40kennyyuit means that it's checking out the file from the local repo? or the remote repo?
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10:11.43eugeneany idea what's the version of kernel android is using? how about 1.0_r2?
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10:16.21bguptaeugene: The G1 uses 2.6.25 but I think the source has 2.6.27 checked in.
10:16.42bguptakennyyu: I suspect that is from the remote repo...
10:17.09bguptaeugene: Looking at source now..
10:17.26eugenebgupta: i'm curious what's 1.0r2 is using. the HEAD of common.git?
10:17.34eugeneor msm.git
10:18.07bgupta1.0r2 version, no? (vs. the Android source code).
10:18.47bguptas/version/is the version of the SDK/
10:19.12eugenebgupta: oh i really mean that does the kernel version that is included in the 1.0r2 sdk :)
10:19.26eugenesigh i type differently from what i think i would type
10:19.52bguptaI don't know, I haven't looked... I didn't realize the SDK came with a kernel...
10:20.13eugenebgupta: or maybe it doesn't. i don't know.
10:20.20eugenebgupta: downloading the sdk...
10:20.33bguptaWhat are you trying to figure out?
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10:21.04eugenebgupta: just finding out the kernel version..
10:21.23bguptaRealize there are two things you can download... 1) SDK, which is what you use to make and test Davlik apps, and 2) THe source code for the Android OS....
10:21.34eugenebgupta: nod
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10:22.11sparklewell bumping up the clock gives me maybe a 15% boost to gcc
10:22.20sparklenot bad but probably not that worth it
10:22.45bguptasparkle: gcc on what?
10:22.53bguptayour desktop?
10:23.27sparklethe g1
10:24.02bguptawhat are you building on your g1?
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10:24.32sparklewell a bunch of stuff but i was testing to see the effect of the clock bump
10:24.34jsharkeyyay im somewhere near san jose now  ^.^
10:25.06sparklestreams copy stays about the same, scale/add/triad goes up by about 20%
10:25.07sparklemakes sense
10:25.52bguptaBeen hearing that the G1 is artificially IO constrained... so that makes some sense.
10:26.32sparklenot really artificially
10:26.41sparklethe memory bus is slow so you can't take much advantage of a faster cpu
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10:27.36gfindster_dev1i am building gfindster
10:27.51bguptaeugene: Looks like the Makefile for the kernel in the source indicated that it is 2.6.25 also... DOn't know where I got the idea 2.6.27 had been integrated
10:28.32bguptaDamn gimp takes awhile to compile...
10:28.50eugenebgupta: thanks mate
10:31.43*** join/#android cybereagle (n=cybereag@unaffiliated/cybereagle)
10:39.57gfinder_mibhi to all here
10:41.20gfindster_dev1hey sparkle
10:41.39gfindster_dev1u dev?
10:41.55sparkledevelopment and hacking
10:42.01sparklekernel modules & stuff right now
10:42.11gfindster_dev1cool, u r the man
10:42.26sparklegawd i hope now :p
10:42.45gfindster_dev1i need some help in layout
10:43.14gfindster_dev1i need a two column scrolling layout for a chat client
10:43.22gfindster_dev1whats the best layout
10:45.14bguptatry #android-dev
10:45.34bguptaThat's the channel for app developers
10:45.44*** join/#android joeyjones (
10:45.49bguptaTHis is more for platform devs.
10:45.58gfindster_dev1ok, thanks
10:46.12joeyjonesheh, for my english class i'm writing a user manual on installing and basic useage of google android ont he htc vogue
10:47.14bguptasparkle: WHat TZ you in? IT's super late where I am.
10:49.47eugenesparkle: need. what are you working on?
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11:02.16sparkleeugene: just mucking with the cpu freq
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11:04.30bguptaDamn gimp and dependencies take a long time to build.. been pegging 4 cores for over an hour now. (From macports)
11:04.47eugenesparkle: ah
11:05.32bguptatired of waiting, time for bed... later nightowls
11:05.49eugenebgupta_away: zz
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11:29.30sparkleoh SWEET
11:32.58brockticesparkle, Eh?
11:33.15sparklethe android vnc viewer actually works now
11:33.23brockticeAh, cool.
11:33.33brockticeDoes it have password support now?
11:33.42sparkleand kb/mouse support
11:34.04Gary|tp:o nice
11:34.05brockticeWhat did it have before?
11:34.10brockticeNo ability to interact with the remote machine?
11:34.19sparklewell you could view, but not do anything
11:34.25brockticeah ok
11:34.31sparklei'm hitting Xvnc over loopback and running an X session on the G1
11:34.53brockticeI'll bet.
11:35.03brockticeYou got a 480x320 session running?
11:35.21brockticeMousing must be interesting.
11:35.29sparklethe trackball isn't too bad
11:35.34brockticeOh yeah
11:35.55brockticeSometimes I forget about that.
11:37.09brockticepawalls, Not while using the device.
11:37.16brockticeJust when thinking about UI issues like VNC mousing.
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13:09.23brockticeExcellent, built an image for the Dream.
13:09.28brockticeNow I just need my dev phone to arrive.
13:09.42sparklewhat's in the image?
13:09.48brockticeOh, just stock.
13:09.54brockticeBut I was happy to find not one build error.
13:09.58brockticemake -j5 and you're done.
13:10.08brockticeNow I have to figure out how to tweak it.
13:10.14sparklei was a masochist for a stress test
13:10.19sparklei built the kernel on the handset itself
13:10.30sparkleit took a solid five hours
13:10.32brockticeI saw you mention something about building on-device before.
13:10.40sparkleit's really really handy for small stuff
13:10.46brockticeI used to compile stuff on my NSLU2.
13:10.53brockticeRather than cross-compile. Similar experience.
13:11.07brockticeAny idea whether it'll be possible to get a Market APK?
13:11.15brockticeCan one just pull it from the device?
13:11.32brockticeSo, if you build a custom image, it doesn't include the market program.
13:11.45brockticeThat would be kind of nice to have though.
13:11.52sparklei can't imagine it being a problem
13:12.23brockticeI guess on a dev device or rooted device it should be easy enough to pull the apk from the filesystem.
13:13.11sparkleor just look at one of the patched rc30 builds floating around
13:13.21sparklethey're full overlays
13:13.36sparkleso it's easy enough to extract things from them
13:13.45brockticeAh ok
13:13.57sparkleor i could just turn on my phone as an afs server
13:14.07brockticeyou didn't install netatalk
13:14.11sparkleit's just been a while since i've been able to get into technology
13:14.25sparkleand thing little thing is pretty fun
13:14.40sparkleafs, not some pc appletalk crap :p
13:15.54brockticeHmm, I'm not seeing a "Market.apk"
13:15.59brocktice"Vending.apk" maybe?
13:16.45sparklethat sounds right
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13:18.41brockticeInteresting, that appears to include some youtube stuff as well
13:18.46swetlandsparkle: only five hours? wow
13:19.39brockticeswetland, Are there public docs somewhere on tweaking the build?
13:19.53brockticeI started poking around in makefiles but it would be more efficient if there were already instructions.
13:19.57sparklenow that i think about it it may have been 7-8
13:20.02sparklei fell asleep in the middle of it
13:21.18sparkleit must be a little odd, having people run in really weird directions with a fairly end-user focused handset
13:21.33swetlandnot sure what you mean by "tweaking the build"
13:21.50swetlandthere's a source tree with about 800MB of source.  you could change any number of things
13:23.07joeyjonessparkle: i'm writing a user manual on installing and basic useage of google android on the htc vogue
13:23.32brockticeswetland, Fair enough.
13:23.50brockticeIt's pretty much all done through the makefiles though, eh?
13:23.55joeyjonesa good use of an englsh assignment to write a user manual :p
13:24.07joeyjonesit sure as hell beats the one someone wrote ona  spoon
13:24.51swetlandsparkle: it'll be fun to see what people do with it all
13:25.13brockticesparkle, Vending.apk will not install on the emulator :(
13:25.19swetlandwe've been working on this for just shy of four years and of course have not stopped.  I expect to see people take it in all kinds of interesting directions
13:25.56brockticeswetland, Thanks to you guys for working on it. Palm is dying a slow, pitiful death, and I'm glad to have an alternative to WM.
13:26.04brockticeParticularly an open alternative.
13:26.19joeyjonesan in-progress version:
13:26.45sparklei work in engineering at a mobiletelco, our handset engineers have been itching at the chance to branch out
13:27.01brockticejoeyjones, Sounds like there's a decent number of people running Android on the vogue.
13:27.14brockticeIs it possible that it could run on, say, an EeePC?
13:27.28swetlandhas been done already
13:27.48brockticeswetland, How'd it work?
13:28.02swetlandthe next big push to the open source tree (should be before the end of the year) should include the x86 and eeepc stuff
13:28.10brockticeOh, excellent.
13:28.28brockticeI got a hand-me down EeePC and put ubuntu on it, but for what it is I think Android would be much nicer.
13:28.36swetlandI didn't play with it much.  seemed to work well enough.  an engineer in another group was hacking on it as a side project
13:29.08brockticeNo touch screen support, I guess, but it's designed to handle that, right?
13:29.16joeyjonesfor me the biggest advantage of android is that it's easy to navigate and use with a finger
13:29.27brockticeIs there mouse cursor support somewhere?
13:29.50Phlogijoeyjones: omg, I didn't know that windows mobile looks so ugly
13:30.00brockticejoeyjones, It's also designed for low-power devices with small screens.
13:30.06joeyjonesit may jsut be my theme :p
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13:55.52sthHey, does anyone know how much the dev g1 is in the UK?
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13:56.35offby1stares blankly
13:58.25brockticesth, Probably US$399 + exorbitant customs fees.
13:58.37jbqmost people outside the US seemed to report $550 to $650 dependng on the countries.
13:59.02lokeI'm ordering right now. I'll let you know the price for Singapore
13:59.20sthbrocktice: aww
13:59.29sthI want a G1 but don't want to be on tmobile
14:00.09lokebloody hell
14:00.12loke119 USD in shipping
14:00.47sthmmm £354 in total then
14:00.49hitmanwhat is the benefit of having a dev g1
14:00.55joeyjonesloke: i'd jsut give up now...
14:01.05sthThe bootloader is unlocked
14:01.11lokejoeyjones: why?
14:01.12sthPlus it's sim unlocked
14:01.14brockticeAs is the SIM
14:01.21joeyjonesloke: the ass-raping fees.
14:01.39brockticeloke, I suggest you call up our respective governments and ask them to open up trade a bit.
14:01.40lokeI know. But I just clicked "order" :-)
14:03.05brockticeI want a little google search button my my desktop's keyboard like on the G1.
14:03.13brockticeonly one "my" necessary tehre?
14:03.18brockticethere even, need more coffee
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14:04.31joeyjonesbrocktice: you forgot an "on"
14:04.50brocktices/my/on/ then
14:04.55brockticeDefinitely need more coffee.
14:05.35joeyjonesbrocktice: have you seen what i'm working on?
14:05.43brockticeYour Vogue manual?
14:06.14brockticeyeah I flipped through it briefly
14:06.23brockticeI don't have a vogue so it's not very compelling
14:06.29joeyjonesi'm up to 11 pages now :p
14:06.38brockticeI'm all for twofers
14:06.58brockticeEnglish assignment + manual
14:07.02joeyjonesyup :p
14:07.18joeyjoneswith plenty of screen shots :p
14:07.24joeyjonesbut they're going to dry up soon :p
14:07.25brockticeWrote a parallel data post-processing library for my lab as a final project for my MPI class.
14:07.45joeyjonesi only have 3 screen shots of android in use :p
14:07.56lokeOK, ordered
14:07.56brockticewhere's the PDF again?
14:07.58loke518 USD
14:08.02brockticeloke, Congrats
14:08.14brockticeI hope mine gets here before I leave town for the holidays.
14:09.03joeyjonesi;ve heard that the htc touch hd may get android
14:09.07brockticeWhat are you making this with?
14:09.16joeyjonesthe pdf?
14:09.20brockticeAh ok
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14:09.25brockticedidn't look like LaTeX output
14:09.43brockticeNice footnote on upgrading the ROM
14:09.45lokehave anyone heard anything of delivery times?
14:10.15brockticejoeyjones, It's not capacitive?
14:10.15joeyjonesbrocktice: i don;t want to get into explaining flashing ROMs
14:10.44brockticeThe screen I mean.
14:10.46joeyjonesstop using big words :p
14:10.54brockticeI'm not even sure that's the right word.
14:11.02joeyjonesi;ve been up for 21 hours so far :p
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14:11.12brockticeDue Monday?
14:11.21joeyjonesalong with 3 other assignments
14:11.28joeyjonesand exams on monday and tuesday
14:12.04brockticeI'm not sure about your quoting in 4.1
14:12.28brockticeNot saying it's wrong, but you quote some strings from the screenshot but not others.
14:12.31joeyjonesyeah, it got a bit crazy in that section
14:12.44brockticeAnd I don't know what the correct usage is, but that seems inconsistent.
14:13.35joeyjonesi think i'll go and quote everything
14:14.01brockticeHaven't added the android screenshots yet?
14:14.26joeyjonesbrocktice: nope
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14:14.51joeyjonesand i was only able to find 3 screen shots online, since my phone can;t take any
14:15.20joeyjonesno usb support as of yet, and the one screen shot app i found woulnd;t take one
14:16.13joeyjonesi'm going to use 3-4 of the ones from though
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14:18.19brockticejoeyjones, Ah, yeah no DDMS if you don't have the USB.
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14:18.37joeyjonesi do have the sdk though
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14:18.46brockticeWith native binaries, can one call them from the java VM?
14:18.50joeyjonesso i may make some screen shots with the emulator there
14:19.05brockticejoeyjones, Oh, that would be good. Give you more contro..
14:19.07brockticecontrol even
14:21.41joeyjonesso i jsut opened the emulator for the first time and it seems to have frozen :p
14:22.28joeyjonesnvm, got it.
14:23.05jbqThe first launch takes a long time (or a very long time if you're unlucky).
14:23.07joeyjonesit made me "turn on" the emulated phone
14:23.30joeyjonesvery long would be nice, i want a screeny of the booting screen
14:23.43joeyjonesand i forgot to install my fave screeny app
14:24.01brockticejoeyjones, Just take a screenshot on your machine.
14:24.18brockticePrintscreen in windows or apple-shift-3 on mac.
14:24.20joeyjonesi'm going to, but i want to use a specific app for it :p
14:24.36brockticeLinux I guess you can use GIMP
14:24.45joeyjonesthe emulator crashed
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14:32.51jbqbangs his head on the table
14:35.59jbqtelling people "you're wasting your time, this is going nowhere" and seeing them keep going in that direction.
14:36.20brockticeOh... yeah.
14:39.20joeyjonesbrocktice: i changed the footnote to "See for instructions on how to flash the ROM."
14:39.33brockticeThat's more useful
14:51.51jbqI hate having to review a change along the lines of "you're doing it all wrong and this'll never fly", but sometimes that's really the only possible answer :-(
14:53.57sparkle"this isn't even wrong."
14:54.39jbqyeah, I loved that quote.
14:55.07jbqNot the kind of thing that I could write in a code review, though.
15:01.07d03boyjbq, you sound kind of like my boss -- he expects me to read his mind for some reason. Never gives me a direction until its too late
15:01.25d03boythen he just does it himself
15:01.45jbqd03boy: lol. In this case it's even worse: the changes have already been done...
15:02.31jbqMany of the more experienced Android engineers will gladly discuss the design of various things if people ask.
15:03.29*** join/#android mpagano (n=mpagano@gentoo/developer/mpagano)
15:03.34jbqIt does take a bit of experience to realize that discussing the design ahead of time is often a better approach than trying to dive head first into writing code.
15:04.28jbq(the danger with the latter approach is that it takes a lot of discipline to abandon code that you've already written, no matter how wrong you know or you're told it is).
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15:12.58jbqHey SanMehat
15:13.00d03boyhello cat in MeHat
15:13.01SanMehathey dude
15:13.05SanMehatsup d03boy
15:15.09d03boyit is sunny out
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15:36.01digitalspaghettihey, does anyone know if there is a way to add a proxy to the android browser?
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15:47.47bgupta_awayjoeyjoey: HTC Vogue is CDMA. Looking at the open source code it's not clear that CDMA code is ready. How well does the thing work as a phone?
15:48.34jbqbgupta: if you look at the pending code reviews you'll see that there's some significant work being contributed to make Android CDMA-ready.
15:49.52bguptaYeah, I saw that...
15:50.27jbqsadly, such large changes are really hard to review (and therefore to approve and submit).
15:50.34Disconnectmorning all
15:50.43jbqHey Disconnect :)
15:50.53Disconnectomg its a robot run!!
15:50.58Disconnecter.. i mean.. hi!
15:51.12bguptaHey Disconect...
15:51.27Disconnectstuck the wrong kernel on his phone, so no wifi. doh.
15:51.51Disconnectand i shut down a ton of outside ports in prep for a slashdotting.. double doh.
15:52.06bguptaRyeBrye Got an alternate SplashScreen going last. night after you crashed...
15:52.10Phlogican anyone give me a linkt that describes the steps to connect my phone to my linux machine and start coding / debugging?
15:52.12*** join/#android neerhaj (n=neerhaj@
15:53.07DisconnectPhlogi: istr the sdk has those docs, but basically install the sdk, enable 'usb debugging' on the phone, and (for a test) run "adb shell" .. that should put you in a (non-root) shell on the phone.
15:53.15Disconnectbgupta: thats platform, not sdk
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15:54.01bguptabut the source one has a link to the SDK site
15:54.17PhlogiDisconnect: ok sounds easy :) I have the sdk already installed and played with the emulator once
15:55.57Disconnect"adb devices" will show you whats hooked up (emu and phone)
15:56.18eugenebgupta: i thought you went to sleep
15:56.31digitalspaghettihey, does anyone know if there is a way to add a proxy to the android browser?
15:56.39bguptaI did it
15:56.43bguptas 11am now
15:56.50bguptastill tired though
15:57.02eugenebgupta: heh. 11am ... is that central US?
15:57.29bguptaNew York City to be exact
15:57.54eugenebgupta: oh. ok. yes.
15:57.57Disconnectklowner ( made me a burning christmas tree, i think i'm gonna use that for my bootsplash :) with "if found..reward" info
15:58.43*** join/#android nealmcb (n=neal@ubuntu/member/nealmcb)
15:59.26bguptaNeed to start a Android/G1 hackery club in NYC. Sadly I only know two other geeks that have G1s in NYC. And I don't think either of them has the time or inclination to be doing any kernel stuff.. or even install custom firmware for that matter.
16:00.01Disconnect..why do you need a club? esp if there is nobody tehre
16:00.29jbqBe your own one-person club, at least everyone will agree with you!
16:00.54flaushyif not, you have serious issues and should discuss some more ;)
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16:02.43bguptaI'm sure there are people there just don't know any... basically it's fun to share... I guess usergroups are slowly but suring growing obsoselte with IRC and mailing lists and what not
16:03.17flaushyi dont think so
16:03.30flaushyface to face communication is a great thing imo
16:03.36jbqActually, with laptops being so powerful, it is now easier than ever to meet around computers.
16:03.42*** part/#android ven (
16:04.14Phlogihmm is it possible to NOT load my phone when plugged on usb?
16:04.43jbqPhlogi: what do you mean exactly?
16:04.44bguptaYes... rc29+ gives you the option..
16:04.55Phlogibgupta: where please? :)
16:05.27bguptaWhen you plug in there will be a notification.. click on it and choose mount or do not mount
16:05.39Phlogibgupta: but I want to copy files :P
16:05.58Phlogiuu phone is really slow while copying :)
16:06.15jbqWell, if you want to go low-level you can use adb push and adb pull to move files across.
16:06.40neerhaji keep getting a Fatal error while installing the USB driver on Windows. Is it a known issue ?
16:07.07jbqneerhaj: are you running a 64-bit windows?
16:07.21neerhajWindows XP SP2 32-bit
16:07.47PhlogiI think its not good for the battery if its loaded only a bit and at a random level
16:07.52jbqare you running through a USB1 hub? Apparently there are issues if the G1 isn't plugged as USB2.
16:08.08jbqPhlogi: oh, you meant charging. No, there's no such option.
16:08.24Phlogijbq: there must be such an option then :)
16:08.29bguptaI've also had issues on low power USB ports...
16:08.30jbqLiIon batteries don't care that much about being partially charged.
16:08.41Phlogijbq: you can really argue about that...
16:08.50jbqI'm not a battery expert :D
16:08.56jbq(so I won't argue)
16:08.59Phlogijbq: me neither but I once read a lot about it
16:09.06Phlogiand imho it does matter indeed
16:09.13neerhajjbq: it is on USB2 :(
16:09.34neerhaji even tried reinstalling the hub from device manager
16:09.52bguptaneerhaj: ONe think that sounds confusing.. Why did you have to install USB drivers.. they should be included with ur OS?
16:10.03jbqneerhaj: sorry, those are the only 2 points I knew could cause problems, I don't have any other idea.
16:10.46neerhajbgupta: android USB drivers for testing apps on G1
16:11.50neerhajjbq: is there any change in the drivers that come with the 1.0_r2 SDK ?
16:11.59jbqneerhaj: I don't believe so.
16:17.48Phlogion those documentation they always talk about the emulator.. but how can I do it on my phone? Do I need to add that in eclipse or seomthing?
16:18.42jbqFrom Eclipse, there shouldn't be any major difference between using the phone and the emulator (once the phone is turned on and plugged in, of course).
16:19.45Phlogijbq: and eclipse will find it? where can I see that? And where do I enter those commands?
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16:21.12jbqI'm not sure, I've never done development with Eclipse.
16:21.13Phlogiah its a unix executable of course :)
16:21.29Phlogiso adb devices list my phone :)
16:23.31Phlogithe adb push gives me read only error
16:23.51Phlogiah because I mounted usb ;)
16:24.09Phlogican anyone recommend an editor app for the phone?
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16:33.07mmitchelgrr; does anybody know the solution to a segmentation fault of javac, this is on macos 10.5..
16:35.57neerhajthe android USB driver issue is solved :)
16:36.23TiberiumXWhat was the android USB driver issue?
16:37.46bguptammitchel: I am having the same issue. :(
16:37.46*** join/#android Fredbo (
16:38.00neerhajTiberiumX: i was getting Fatal error installing usb driver on Windows XP
16:38.02bguptaWas too tired last night to work on it...
16:38.26TiberiumXHaha, good thing T-mobile got rid of their 1GB cap.  I used a little over that during this last billing period.
16:38.36bguptaWant to compare notes and see if we are seeing the same exact issue?
16:38.54neerhajin case someone else faces the same problem in future, goto C:\Windows\system32\drivers and delete androidusb.sys and rename wdf01000.sys to wdf01000.sys.old
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16:40.44TiberiumXAnd I spent all of 11 minutes talking to someone with it.
16:41.05bguptammitchel: here is my output.
16:41.31offby1TiberiumX: wait.  Are you saying that T-Mobile's phone support was _useful_?
16:41.33offby1I must have misunderstood
16:42.42lokeis it possible to use the android market application from the emulator?
16:42.48TiberiumXNot part of that 11, but they have been useful in the past.  But I'd know better than to ask them any hard questions -- I just wanted my number ported from another carrier, which I'm sure they do all the time.
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16:43.21TiberiumXIf you've got root, maybe you could pull the market package from the phone.
16:43.29brockticeloke, I tried this morning without success.
16:43.30TiberiumXBut it's not on there.
16:43.40lokeIs the market app on the developer units?
16:43.48brockticeI couldn't actually find the market app, but I found something that looked like it contained the app stuff.
16:44.01brockticeVender.apk or something like that.
16:44.40TiberiumXHey, with a name like that, maybe you could get myfaves on there too!
16:44.48brockticeIt also contained YouTube stuff.
16:45.01brockticeAll I could tell was from the pixmaps
16:45.16Phlogianyone knows if there is a vpn client developed for android?
16:46.37DisconnectPhlogi: there won't be for a long while - its not 'secure' (has to run as root)
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16:56.02nealmcbI want to take an address (text) from my desktop and send it to my android in order to create a bookmark.  I sent the text as a chat message to the android, but I can't figure out how to copy the text for pasting elsewhere (like in the "Go To Url" menu item in the browser)
16:56.37nealmcbmenu c doesn't seem to work when I scroll up to the text I pasted
16:57.20nealmcbbecause hitting "menu" causes the menu to pop up
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16:59.09nealmcbin the search dialogs menu c / menu v works fine
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17:07.03jbqWe've being invaded by DannyB's - two of them in 7 minutes... ;-)
17:08.13PhlogiDisconnect: hmm shit :S
17:08.27*** join/#android Foxdie (
17:08.45Foxdiewheeee finally got my upgrade, got a G1 :)
17:08.49Foxdieand its pre-RC30
17:10.28Foxdieanyone know how I can keep root before I upgrade to rc30?
17:10.56jbqDisconnect: do you know off-hand the size of the system, data and cache partitions? I think it's about 67.5, 64, and 77, but I'm not entirely sure and I don't have the right equipment here.
17:11.17Disconnectthat sounds about right but i can check easy enough.
17:11.30jbqThanks, I'd appreciate.
17:11.59Foxdiethanks eldenz
17:12.44Disconnectjbq: in blocks but..
17:13.15jbqperfect, thanks :)
17:14.06eldenzFoxdie, i think you need to get root, then modded recovery image, and finally the 'modified rc30 full version' 1.2
17:15.08Foxdiestep 1, get root
17:15.10Disconnectanyone know how to generate rgb888 images w/ imagemagick?
17:15.27FoxdieI've got a G1, just out of the box
17:15.56Foxdieits prompting me to install an update, I am telling it to do it later
17:16.16FoxdieI went to a blank screen, typed in "reboot" and hit enter, and sure enough it did
17:16.17andyrossFoxdie: you want to do this sooner rather than later.  The phone will only take "no" for an answer so many times.
17:16.26bguptaGuys am I missing anything:
17:16.43Foxdieokay, what must I do?
17:17.02FoxdieI'm downloading the images now, but I don't know what eldenz means by "get root"
17:17.10FoxdieI dont have a terminal / console app installed
17:17.22bguptaDisconnect: WHat is your source image format?
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17:17.45andyrossThe forum has full insructions.  But basically, download the ~64M zip file, rename it to "" and place it in the root directory of your SD card, boot your phone to recovery mode (I forget which button you hold down offhand), and flash it (again, with a keystroke that isn't in my brain at the moment)
17:18.17Disconnectpower and home
17:19.12bguptaFoxdie: Lot's of howtos here...
17:19.26Foxdiethanks guys
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17:21.38Foxdiehow can I prevent the phone from automatically installing rc8/rc30 (UK G1, its on RC7 at the moment)?
17:21.46ttuttleFoxdie: Get a developer device?
17:21.52DisconnectFoxdie: hit 'no' but eventually you're gonna accidentally hit yes.
17:21.55Disconnectso install jf's update instead
17:22.11FoxdieJF's update?
17:22.16Disconnect(don't listen to ttuttle he's just bitter that he can't brag about his bootloader anymore)
17:22.19Foxdieis that the same as ?
17:22.20ttuttleDisconnect: :P
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17:22.31Disconnectthat is exactly it yes :)
17:22.38bguptaSee the "keeping root" sections of the wiki.. one for US and one for UK..
17:22.39ttuttleshould really find a way to get the ADP1's bootloader onto the production G1's, and sell it ;-)
17:22.42Foxdiecool thanks
17:23.10FoxdieI'm a linux user and I used to own a zaurus, I'd like to keep as much access to the underlying system as I can
17:23.24Disconnectttuttle: erm. we have that already.
17:23.26Foxdiethe prospect of being able to compile some linux command line utilities would be awesome :)
17:23.31ttuttleDisconnect: Oh, even with RC30?  Really?
17:23.38bguptaFoxdie: Interesting thing... ANdroid has been ported to at least on eZaurus model
17:23.41jbqFoxdie: no need to have root for that.
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17:23.51FoxdieI know, but it helps sometimes
17:23.52Disconnectttuttle: there are little birds whispering that we can revert, so... yes.
17:24.01ttuttleDisconnect: Cool.
17:24.04Foxdiebgupta, I got rid of my C760 ages ago :(
17:24.15ttuttleDisconnect: /me would guess that some of the flashing methods probably don't check version.
17:24.18Disconnectthats old news. the new news is the bootloader dump (shoulda been a week ago but dream_kill was busy :/ ..)
17:24.37Disconnectttuttle: ok
17:24.54FoxdieI went for a HTC Universal because it had 3G, WiFi and Bluetooth built in, on the hope that the HTC-linux team would continue development on it.. they stopped before they finished work on the internal flash code
17:25.04Disconnectso..anyone? png to rgb888? (or png straight to logo.rle)
17:25.18Foxdiebut to be honest, the G1 is way sexier than a Uni :)
17:25.40Foxdieso just to confirm, the phone won't auto patch?
17:25.50Foxdieits just human error that will make it. ie. me accidentally telling it to update?
17:25.59andyrossDisconnect: you want to convert it?  ImageMagick will do that.  I think the format is "raw", and you have to specify the bit depth...
17:26.21DisconnectFoxdie: it -can- autopatch but i think (at least in the usa) the update was sent with "query forever" set
17:26.45andyrossBut nothing does the "rle" format, that's google-specific.  There's a very similar standard format usually called "sgi+" or "sgi", but it's not compatible.
17:26.52Disconnector at least, there are reports of very careful users who went for weeks (which is an unreasonable time, programatically, if query forever wasn't set)
17:26.53bguptaFoxdie, once you get the modded RC30 installed, you can install the ENgineering bootloader... which means you can always install your own unsigned firmware image, which means you can recover from an autopatch.
17:27.05Foxdieooooh :)
17:27.09andyrossUnless the autopatch itself rewrites the bootloader :)
17:27.11Disconnectandyross: cool 'raw' was what i wanted :) thanks
17:27.23FoxdieI'll put that on afterwards
17:27.35Foxdieright now I've just got a stock G1 with RC7 (UK)
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17:28.30bguptaFoxdie: Disconnect has posted instructions for going from the modded firmware to the engineering bootloader..
17:28.37brockticeDisconnect, I'm sure several of us would like to hear what those little birdies are saying.
17:29.11Disconnectand when its released, you can be sure i'll announce it.
17:29.20Disconnecti've seen it work tho :) repeatly.
17:30.09brockticeGood to know
17:30.35ttuttleloves watching the G1 get hacked, and wishes he could participate.
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17:31.18jbqttuttle: it's definitely fascinating :)
17:31.22ttuttlejbq: :)
17:31.56ttuttlejbq: The ADP1 does make it less attractive, but hacking is fun!
17:32.02jbqAs long as nobody gets hurt (uh, as long as it doesn't result in additional costs for T-Mobile), it's all good fun.
17:32.06ttuttlejbq: Yeah.
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17:32.15ttuttlejbq: /me doesn't like it when carriers get angry, as they can be nasty.
17:32.45ttuttlejbq: (Also, we should be nice to T-Mo, as they took on a huge risk carrying the G1 -- they wanted an iPhone competitor, but it could've flopped, leaving them with lots of phones nobody wants and a bad image.)
17:33.25*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=4421a620@gateway/web/ajax/
17:34.04Foxdieokay, does this procedure to install the recovery image and then the hacked rc8/rc30 image involve the use of a windows pc?
17:34.07Foxdiebecause I've only got a mac
17:34.11lokethe developer units give the same access, no?
17:34.14brockticeFoxdie, Mac should work.
17:34.18brockticeThat's how I did mine before.
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17:34.27andyrossFoxdie: no.  Anything that can write to a fat32 partition mounted from the phone will work.
17:34.52jbqWell, my concern is that careless hacking could result in higher costs for T-Mobile, which could make them and all others less willing to carry Android phones in the futures, or would make them require further restrictions on the way Android works (which in turn would take precious engineering time away from other tasks, and would probably make further hacks even more risky).
17:35.05Foxdieand whats this adb command?
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17:35.21ttuttlejbq: Yeah.  And restrictions suck, period.
17:35.36ttuttlejbq: There's a tightrope that Android needs to walk, and it's doing a good job so far.
17:35.46lokejbq: or... they could just make the phones actually useful without having to crack it. I'm pretty sure it will be, as long as you're not buying it from a US carrier
17:35.49Disconnectdfakldfjdgj all i can get imagemagick to do is add an alpha channel. :(
17:35.57jbqI hate writing additional code to make software do less... (Grrr DRM0.
17:36.05ttuttleloke: So, it needs to be impossible to do certain things, like spam 911.
17:36.29andyrossjbq: It goes both ways, though.  The need for "careless hacking" that can brick the phone is a direct result of your (or T-Mobile's, yada yada) attempt to lock it down in the first place.  Had you just shipped fastboot on the phone, no one would be warning about bricking during a bootloader reflash.
17:36.33lokettuttle: when do you mean "needs"?
17:36.35ttuttleloke: So letting random customers flash their own images will *eventually* result in some idiot flashing malicious code.
17:36.52ttuttleloke: I mean, if Android phones (even running modded android) start causing trouble, the shit hits the fan.
17:36.56lokettuttle: well, there are plentyy of phones out there that allows it, and the sky isn't falling yet
17:36.59brockticeYeah I was wondering where those needs came from as well.
17:37.14ttuttleloke: Um... most phones require the user to dial that, and won't let apps do it.
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17:37.16jbqandyross: you mean, had *they* shipped fastboot. They took a guess in what would result in the fewer costs for them, I guess.
17:37.19ttuttleloke: Also, things like tethering.
17:37.29ttuttleloke: T-Mo isn't allowing tethering, and depends on the phone manufacturers to not enable it.
17:37.37paulproteusttuttle, Yo, hi from #cslounge.
17:37.39lokettuttle: tethering? all modern Nokia phones do it
17:37.39ttuttleloke: If production phones shipped with unlocked bootloaders, people could just dodge that.
17:37.42ttuttlepaulproteus: Hey!
17:37.45Disconnectttuttle: wow you are so wrong so fast i can't even keep up.
17:37.48ttuttleDisconnect: Sorry.
17:37.52brockticeYeah I was able to tether on Tmo with my RAZR2.
17:37.55ttuttleDisconnect: I assumed T-Mo shut it off on their phones.
17:37.56paulproteusttuttle, T-Mo said it didn't care if people tether.
17:37.57brockticeOf course, it wasn't 3G.
17:38.00ttuttlepaulproteus: Whoa, really?!
17:38.02ttuttlepaulproteus: Damn.
17:38.08Disconnectlets go backwards. tethering - tmob doesn't care, thats why they have data caps. and they've said its fine. (and its fine on their other smartphones.)
17:38.13lokettuttle: how could they? unless they ban non-tmbile phones on their network, which they can't do
17:38.15ttuttleDisconnect: Awesome.
17:38.17paulproteusThey said, basically, We're not going to stop anything users try to do with their G1s.
17:38.19ttuttleloke: Yeah, true.
17:38.22ttuttlepaulproteus: Wow.
17:38.24ttuttlestands corrected.
17:38.29brockticepaulproteus, We'll see how that goes.
17:38.31ttuttlepaulproteus: What's up?
17:38.36Disconnectand there are -tons- of flashable phones out there. (especially htc)
17:38.36paulproteusIndeed we will see!
17:38.47brockticepaulproteus, were you at JHU until recently?
17:38.49paulproteusYes, *especially* HTC.
17:38.57paulproteusbrocktice, Yes... are you Brock?
17:38.57Disconnectremember. gsm allows -any- gsm phone. the security is not in the phone. the network security is in the NETWORK.
17:39.01brockticeYep yep
17:39.08paulproteusOh my God, blast from the past!
17:39.12brockticeNever did come to any more ACM meetings. Busy being a grad student.
17:39.13FoxdieHTC are very hackable :)
17:39.14ttuttlesmall world, etc.
17:39.27ttuttleFoxdie: /me has enjoyed the G1 (my only HTC phone) so far.
17:39.37FoxdieI've had a couple
17:39.48paulproteusI have a few HTC phones, but I always buy them unlocked with the i-Mate brand.
17:39.48FoxdieHTC Universal, HTC Artemis, HTC BlueAngel...
17:39.56paulproteusUniversal, Magician.
17:40.06Foxdiestill got your uni?
17:40.09lokeok, time to go to sleep. it's late
17:40.11paulproteusWe can chat in #htc-linux if you want (-:
17:40.17FoxdieI'm already in there ;)
17:40.24Foxdie(one of my idle channels)
17:40.27paulproteusYeah, thought you looked familiar (-:
17:40.29ttuttleloves the G1, but wishes the screen was more high-res and the keyboard had more substantial key travel and stuff.
17:40.30Disconnectthe only security the g1 needs to worry about is it's own - data leak and commercial apps, etc
17:41.01Foxdieokay, question, how can I get access to the G1 to flash these files?
17:41.19andyrossthinks ttuttle is asking for an N810, not a phone...
17:41.25paulproteusI feel like Google's tiny non-free parts are there solely to taunt me.
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17:41.39Foxdiepaul, nirvana
17:41.53Foxdieits something not to taunt you, but something for you to work towards
17:41.56paulproteusAt first, I thought, "Well, a useful Linux phone, but no root access.  Confound them!"  Now it's "A useful Linux phone with root, but I have to agree to the Distributor Agreement and pay $25 and become part of the Marketplace?".
17:41.56Disconnectandyross: fyi the format is 'rgb' :)
17:42.06Foxdieif you had everything right there dude you'd get bored of it pretty quickly
17:42.17Foxdieat least this way, you've got little titbits to look forward to :)
17:42.39ttuttlepaulproteus: Wanna see some of the top-secret proprietary code?
17:42.40Foxdiethats the positive spin I put on it in my head at least, hehe
17:42.42paulproteusIt makes me feel like a moron; either I compromise now in the hopes that Google is actually reasonable tomorrow, or I don't compromise and I gain nothing.
17:42.49jbqpaulproteus: there's a third option: help the OpenMoko porting effort. No Market developer agreement there, and you'll have Android with root.
17:42.49ttuttlepaulproteus: "int i;"
17:43.11ttuttlejbq: Is that porting Android to OpenMoko devices?
17:43.14paulproteusjbq, Right, except they only have GPRS.  But point taken.
17:43.36paulproteusI do have a FreeRunner, and as soon as power management works on it I'll just use it and shut up probably (while muttering quietly about GPRS data speeds).
17:43.49jbqttuttle: yes. I brought over some changes from the internal repository to git last week to help bootstrap official support for ARMv4T in Android.
17:44.01ttuttlejbq: Cool.
17:44.06ttuttlejbq: Are they decent phones?
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17:44.37paulproteusExcept GPRS-only for data, it's quite decent, if a little big.
17:44.48paulproteusIt's quite livable, except when there are software issues.
17:44.50jbqttuttle: I feel that they're a step below the G1, but $399 for a fully-unlocked device isn't that bad.
17:45.02ttuttlejbq: Yeah, like the ADP1 :)
17:45.15Foxdiebrocktice, can you tell me how I flash / do whatever with this recovery image?
17:45.23FoxdieI've got the phone plugged in by usb to my mac now
17:45.31Foxdieits mounted the SD card as a removable drive
17:45.41FoxdieI've got both and on my desktop ready to use
17:45.59brockticeFoxdie, it's on the xda developers site somewhere.
17:46.12brockticeI've done it about a month ago but I'm not enough of an expert to tell you offhand.
17:48.11jsharkeyooh there are dev devices!  =D  prolly already discussed in here last nite tho
17:48.21Foxdiecheers, looking now
17:48.23ttuttlejsharkey: There are!
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17:48.29orospakrweird, my Dev Phone 1 order seems to have disappeared entirely.
17:48.34Disconnectinfobot: devphones
17:48.34infoboti guess devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:, or
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17:48.49brockticeorospakr, disappeared where?
17:48.55brocktice*from where
17:49.01orospakrno charge on the credit card, and nothing on the tracking page.
17:49.04orospakrit was there yesterday...
17:49.12brockticeinfobot: androidmod
17:50.20brockticeorospakr, Shipping tracking? Did you already get a number?
17:50.33orospakrargh, I wish I had actually printed the confirmation page.
17:50.35jsharkeyi wonder if the dev phones omit the google-apps, and just have emulator apps
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17:52.45jbqjsharkey: the ordering page says that the google apps are there as well.
17:53.07bguptaFoxdie: You prolly want this.. (Sorry wandered off for lunch)
17:53.18ttuttleis so happy to see that people will get dev phones.
17:53.45bguptaDisconnect RGB888, is 8-bits per channel, yeah?
17:53.59jsharkeyoh awesome ^.^  if only i had an address to ship it to lul
17:54.06ttuttlejsharkey: Where are you?
17:54.08BluesLeettuttle: is there a big price diff between the dev phones and the normal ones?
17:54.12jsharkeyi have to give back my current device before dec31  :(
17:54.17jbqttuttle: yeah, it took some significant effort, so it's good to see that the effort isn't wasted.
17:54.21orospakrBluesLee, if you live anywhere else but the US, yes. :P
17:54.25ttuttlebudwaa: There's not.
17:54.27ttuttlebudwaa: whoops
17:54.30ttuttleBluesLee: There's not.
17:54.32jsharkeyttuttle: drove into bay area last nite
17:54.39ttuttleBluesLee: An unlocked G1 and an ADP1 both cost $400.
17:54.58BluesLeeorospakr: so where is the advantage?
17:55.03Disconnectttuttle: in the usa. international shipping is super rediculously high
17:55.07ttuttleDisconnect: Ah.
17:55.11Disconnectit can easily pass $600USD total
17:55.15ttuttleDisconnect: That's absurd.
17:55.22ttuttleDisconnect: /me heard it was customs fees/taxes.
17:55.23Disconnect(and actually, its $425 for the ADP1 in the usa..)
17:55.33ttuttleDisconnect: Yeah, but you're likely to use the $25 anyway.
17:55.41BluesLee+taxes+shipping to europe
17:55.45jbqttuttle: customs, taxes, fees, fees on the taxes, taxes on the customs, customs on the shipping fees... :(
17:55.49Disconnectttuttle: depends on whether you are making apps (no need for ADP1) or platform...
17:55.49ttuttlejbq: :(
17:55.53ttuttleDisconnect: True.
17:56.13ahaberlachYeah, it sounds like we need some international distributors.
17:56.17ahaberlachBut it's a start.
17:56.17orospakrI ordered it yesterday, and the whole thing came to about $800CAD (more than $600USD).  Now Brightstar doesn't know about the order id, which perhaps is just as well because I had some buyer's remorse anyway. ;)
17:56.19BluesLeein other words no real advantages
17:56.23ttuttleBluesLee: No!
17:56.28ttuttleBluesLee: You can flash your own bootloader!
17:56.32ttuttleBluesLee: (And the back cover looks AWESOME.)
17:56.39ttuttleBluesLee: s/bootloader/anything/ really.
17:56.50ttuttleBluesLee: (What I was trying to say is the bootloader is unlocked, so you can flash anything.)
17:56.58orospakrthe GSM modem is also unlocked.
17:57.01ttuttleBluesLee: The regular G1 won't let you do that easily, or perhaps at all.
17:57.01orospakruse any SIM you want.
17:57.06brockticeorospakr, Where can you check order status?
17:57.08ttuttleBluesLee: Oh yeah, that too -- no SIM lock.
17:57.14brockticeI didn't see anything like that.
17:57.17BluesLeettuttle: i guess a developer can unlock the bootloader himself
17:57.29ttuttleBluesLee: Why would you guess that?
17:57.33ttuttleBluesLee: It's not true, AFAIK.
17:57.38orospakrbrocktice, go to the Android Market, go to order a phone, and then when you're on the brightstar page, there should be a track order option at the top.
17:57.48BluesLeei read that someone ported debian lenny to the g1
17:57.52ttuttleBluesLee: I mean, it may be hackable.
17:57.55ttuttleBluesLee: Yeah, with root access.
17:58.00Disconnectdamn. wasn't there a set of utils out there for modifying the initrd?
17:58.02ttuttleBluesLee: But a stock G1, purchased now, is not hackable.
17:58.32brockticeorospakr, Ah, that wasn't taking me anywhere before but now it is. Thanks.
17:58.33bguptaBluesLee: Not easily... you need a root exploit to even attempt it.. so far you need a phone with rc29 or lower installed to exploit.. all known exploits are closed with rc30+
17:58.36Disconnectttuttle: um. i can flash anything. seriously, get past it. anyone with root can flash the engineering spl, same one on the adp1
17:58.39BluesLeei dont own a g1, why the hell it has no root access?:-)
17:58.45ttuttleDisconnect: *with root*
17:58.56ttuttleDisconnect: BluesLee does not have a G1, so cannot get root, since it will likely come with RC30, right?
17:58.59orospakrbrocktice, ah, it did something like that to me the first time I tried to navigate to it today.
17:59.13Disconnectreportedly most of them come with rc28 still. but the factory is shipping rc30. so eventually..
17:59.16brockticeorospakr, yeah it doesn't show my order either.
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17:59.24ttuttleDisconnect: The fact that RC29 and before had an exploit does not mean "the G1 is rootable".  It means "*some* G1s are rootable", and fewer as time goes on.
17:59.37brockticeI did print my order conf. It's the same thing I got in the email, basically.
17:59.38BluesLeettuttle: i have a freerunner;-)
17:59.42orospakrheh, I guess I'll wait until Monday to see what's going on, if I'm not the only one with this problem.
17:59.43Disconnectbut again, there is a way to revert. it'll get released eventually.
17:59.48ttuttleBluesLee: Nice.
17:59.55ttuttleDisconnect: Do you know it?
17:59.57brocktice"You haven't ordered anything yet"
18:00.08Disconnectttuttle: yep. seen it work.
18:00.11ttuttleDisconnect: Nice!
18:00.16BluesLeettuttle: not sure if it is so nice ... struggling here and there
18:00.21bguptattutle: I would be surprised if this is the one and only root exploit ever... however the incentive to keep finding the exploits has greatly been lowered now that dev devices are available...
18:00.28ttuttlebgupta: Yeah.
18:00.52orospakrbgupta, heh, I bet that was at least part of the reason why they decided to release dev devices. :)
18:00.55ttuttleSo, let me revise my statement.  The ADP1 is intended for development, so you won't have to perform any voodoo to get in.  The G1 is not.
18:01.07ttuttleorospakr: They just didn't want devs to have to root their phones, since ideally they won't be able to at all.
18:01.15ahaberlachOh, we always wanted to release dev devices...
18:01.38ttuttlegoes to grab lunch.
18:01.50bguptaI beleive google just needed some time to get the dev devices going.. and didn't want to steal any of t-mobile's launch thunder.
18:02.17BluesLeemaybe there are too many of those devices and nobody wants them, hehe
18:03.03BluesLeeare there any statistics how many g1's are sold?
18:04.56BluesLeeokay, what about portability
18:05.10bguptaPersonally, I think that rather than having seperate devices.. there should be an offical method to convert G1s to dev devices.. eg: A factory unlock code, that would allow phones to be updated with the eng. firmware, similar to carrier sim unlock codes.. IE: It shouldn't be restrictive, and should allow just about anyone who owns a G1 to update it, if they are technically proficient..
18:05.21BluesLeeon which devices besides the freerunner android is ported?
18:05.31Disconnectbgupta: we've got that, if they are techincally proficient enough to keep root :)
18:05.36bguptaI suspect the main reason they don't do this is fear of a slew of bricks going back to t-mobile
18:06.09bguptaDisconnect: LIke you said factory is shipping with rc30 now.. so no we don't
18:06.22bguptaWEll you and I do.
18:06.27Disconnectretail is still selling rc28 or even rc18
18:07.03ahaberlachErr, RC28 and RC19, IIRC.
18:07.10ahaberlachhopes there's no RC18s out there.
18:07.34bguptaAlright.. let me restate. We shouldn't have to rely on an exploit to do this. It should be blessed, and kept as an ability going forward.
18:07.36BluesLeedoes google provide special dev tools to access those dev phones?
18:07.48ahaberlachSame tools should work.
18:07.58DisconnectBluesLee: part of the source code build
18:08.21Disconnectat some point they will release an nbh (full system flash) for the adp1 that has all the goog utils and such too
18:08.26bguptafastboot is really cool... DIsconnect blogged about it last night
18:08.47BluesLeeup to date i only tried out the emulator and flashed once android on the freerunner, latter not ready yet
18:09.17BluesLeebgupta: how long it takes to boot the system?
18:09.33Disconnectfirst boot on the emulator takes forever, after that its fast
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18:10.05nebuntuhello all
18:10.11bguptanot so long... if you are already running... but look at what fastboot can do.. it's an easy way to flash the device from your PC...
18:10.27bguptaand look at device variables, etc.
18:10.45bguptae.g. you can update teh slash screen's using fastboot
18:10.54BluesLeebgupta: similar to dfu-util
18:11.04bguptas/teh slash/the splash/
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18:11.42bguptaI suppose. I'm not familiar enough with the openmoko stuff to say for certain.
18:11.56binarybeatshello  does anyone know what filesystems android has default support for?
18:12.35jbqbinarybeats: yaffs2, fat, and a few "system" filesystems.
18:12.58jbqwell, actually android itself doesn't care that much, that's really an issue of kernel config.
18:13.03binarybeatsI was hoping there'd be a way to avoid the 4GB file limitations of fat32
18:13.31binarybeatsmaybe format my sd cards with ext3 or similar
18:13.46bguptaIt certainly supports vfat (FAT32 and yaffs2 at the very least..
18:13.52jbqbinarybeats: with a dev device, you could recompile the kernel with support for some other filesystem for the SD card, just be sure to disable all permissions on it.
18:14.29BluesLeedoes someone know about portability to other htc phones like the htc touch hd?
18:15.00bguptaBluesLee: There is a port to the "SPrint Touch" let me find link to doc
18:15.10Foxdieum help
18:15.10ahaberlachI think the touch uses the same chipset, so the kernel stuff shouldn't be too tough.
18:15.17ahaberlachYou'll want an on-screen keyboard, though.  :)
18:15.21Disconnectbgupta: what is the method for flashing logo?
18:15.30FoxdieI tried to boot my phone into recovery mode after installing the recovery.img
18:15.38Foxdieby holding down home and power (end key)
18:15.52Foxdienow all I"ve got is a exclaimation mark with a phone
18:15.58Disconnectthats recovery mode
18:16.00BluesLeesprint touch=htc touch pro?
18:16.01Disconnecthit alt-l
18:16.21BluesLeetoo many of them out there
18:16.29Foxdieokay I did that, I see yellow text
18:16.35Foxdie"android system recovery utility using test keys"
18:16.43bguptaDisconnect: "./bin/fastboot flash splash1 android_boot_black.rgb565"
18:16.44Foxdie"can't open /cache/recovery/command"
18:16.59bgupta(splash1 being a named partition)
18:17.01Disconnectright. thats recovery mode. if you put on the sd card, you can use alt-s (iirc? alt-u?) to flash it
18:17.04Disconnectbgupta: rock
18:17.20FoxdieI did do yes
18:17.24bguptayou should update your blog post.
18:17.29Foxdiebut I haven't completed the boot.img
18:17.37Disconnectyah i will
18:17.39FoxdieI'm not sure how to do that, do I do that in recovery mode?
18:17.50Foxdieif so, how? I was using a telnet app on the phone
18:17.59DisconnectFoxdie: you don't you do it by mounting it as usb and copying the file to the sd card.
18:18.06Disconnectgo back to that keeping-root wiki page
18:18.14Foxdieit is on there
18:18.24Foxdieon the SD card I have the testkeys recovery.img
18:18.27Foxdieand the boot-nosecure.img
18:18.27BluesLeebgupta: okay, i found it
18:18.41Foxdieand the latest RC8 (RC30) cracked ver saved as on the SD card
18:18.47Foxdieoh and the busybox binary
18:18.59DisconnectFoxdie: ok then you can do the upgrade (its in teh yellow text i think its alt-s)
18:19.10Foxdieokay, yes I know I can do that at this point
18:19.16bguptaFoxdie: You prolly want to read the US keeping root doc as well it is much more thourogh if I recall.
18:19.35Foxdiebut this page; - is telling me I need to install the boot image
18:20.08Disconnectits part of the
18:20.17Foxdieok, so I can skip that step?
18:20.39*** part/#android BluesLee (
18:20.49bguptaDisconnect: Are you sure you can skip? I thought you needed to do that so you could install the update with the test keys?
18:21.01Disconnectbgupta: he's in recovery with testkeys arleady
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18:21.34Foxdiethat I am, but it seems I've got to flash_image boot /data/local/boot.img
18:21.42Disconnectdoes fastboot honor partition sizes?
18:22.11Foxdieby using a command called abd shell, I'm guessing abd shell is a dos command that connects over USB to the device
18:22.17bguptaDisconnect; My sense is that the partition sizes are baked into the loader and the android source.
18:22.23Foxdiebut I'm on a mac, so I'm not sure what I need to do next :)
18:22.40FoxdieI've done the keeping root page
18:22.49Foxdiesorry I tell a lie
18:22.50Disconnectdid you do the alt-s?
18:22.54FoxdieI've done the root thing
18:22.54alansj|awayFoxdie: you need to download the sdk and use adb from there
18:22.58alansj|awayworks in terminal on os x
18:23.03jbqLOL i never realized that there's a class called "BoringLayout" in the official Android API!
18:23.13Disconnectjbq: lol
18:23.17Foxdieahh okay, so the tool is in the SDK
18:23.25bguptaDisconnect: I haven't verified yet though...
18:23.29FoxdieDisconnect seems to think I can skip boot.img flashing though
18:23.39Foxdieand go straight to installing
18:23.48alansj|awayit might be inside the, can't remember
18:23.54alansj|awayif you aren't sure, take a look inside the zip
18:24.13Foxdieahh yes
18:24.21Foxdiethere's a boot.img in the RC8
18:24.24Disconnectits inside the zip. read that page - recovery.img (where yo are now) lets oyu flash everything else (including boo)
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18:25.09Foxdiehmm, the boot.img thats in the RC8 and the one that comes as part of the recovery mode zip differ in size
18:25.26bguptaDisconnect: The UK keeping root doc is much more sparse... I see foxdie's confusion.
18:25.51Disconnecthmm. fastboot needs a "get partition" command.
18:25.52Foxdiethe one in was modified on the 13th nov, the one in the recovery image zip was modified on the 6th nov
18:25.56bguptaoh wait
18:26.24bguptaDisconnect: Check it out:
18:26.42bguptaWE really should merge the two docs.
18:27.08Disconnectits very sparse, however its correct. "To install, download the modified UK RC8 rename the file to, put it on the sd card, and reboot the phone into recovery mode (home + power). Once the recovery mode comes up, press alt+L to turn on the text display, and alt+S to apply the update."
18:27.13Foxdieplease do, it feels as if a lot of assumptions have to be made
18:27.35Foxdiefrom my perspective as a first time G1 owner, doing this with little information is very intimidating
18:27.43bguptaI have to do stuff with the kids soon, but if no one gets around to today, I'll take a stab at updating the doc..
18:28.04Foxdieheh, family man by day, android guru by night? ;)
18:28.10DisconnectFoxdie: for now, just use the other keeping root page but the uk
18:28.17bguptaFoxdie: Look at the US instructions... they are more verbose.
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18:28.36Foxdieok :)
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18:29.38Disconnectok so i'm concerned. the 512x512 logo.rle i've got is 520k. the one on the g1 is 52k. what did i miss?
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18:29.56Disconnectif its straight rgb888 its a bitmap. so it'll be the same size no matter what content.
18:31.06alansj|awaywhat is the logo.rle you've got?
18:31.19Foxdieokay, flashing it now with alt+S
18:31.28alansj|awayrle is compressed fwiw
18:31.36jbqThe built-in logo is 320x480 565 compressed IIRC.
18:31.54Foxdiewhat logo is this? making a new bootup logo?
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18:32.17jbqThat's the G1 logo in the G1 (not the android logo with the pulsating droid).
18:32.32Disconnectok i see part of my problem. what i thoguht came from initrd actually came from a botched convert command earlier. doh.
18:32.38Foxdieooh, ready to reboot, /me cross finger
18:33.32Foxdieoh, now there's an icon of a chip with a dotted arrow
18:33.46FoxdieI'm guessing thats the flashing
18:33.56Foxdieand now its rebooted properly
18:34.07Foxdieyeah that "G1" logo is hideous
18:34.25benleyfortunately you shouldn't need to see it very often
18:34.33benley(did they use a different logo in the UK build?)
18:34.46Foxdieits just the word "G1"
18:34.50Foxdieand then the t-mobile logo below it
18:35.06Foxdienow I had an android with a pulsating logo
18:35.13andyrossAnd, IIRC, absolutely no antialiasing.  It looks like something someone would have thrown up on an Apple ][ screen.
18:35.45benleyyou're referring to this?
18:36.06Foxdiegod no
18:36.07jbqGah, maybe I should do something with my week-end instead of working :(
18:36.08Foxdieits worse than that benley
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18:36.36Foxdieokay I"ve booted up, the build number shows TC5-RC8
18:36.57benleyFoxdie: I guess I haven't seen the screen you've got then
18:37.00brockticejbq, Isn't that what weekends are for?
18:37.23jbqbrocktice: lol. I guess I have very long week-ends then ;-)
18:37.30bguptajbq: Don't blame you for "working", the G1 is shaping up to be one of the coolest hobbyist mobile platforms out there...
18:37.47Foxdieokay question
18:37.48Disconnectjbq: lol
18:37.52bguptajbq: I would have difficulty drawing the line between work and fun..
18:37.59FoxdieI've installed RC8 now and as such, can't simply type in telnetd on the G1
18:38.02Foxdiehow do I start it now?
18:38.07jbqbgupta: well that''s what's happening to me right now.
18:38.23DisconnectFoxdie: you don't. use the sdk and run 'adb shell' to be root. or install a terminal app and use 'su'
18:38.23xsdgbgupta: I can assure you that the distinction is pretty straightforward for some things jbq deals with :o)
18:39.01bguptaYeah I'd image hanging out on IRC falls squarely in the realm of  "having fun"
18:39.01Foxdie"Terminal Emulator" in the marketplace?
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18:39.16jbqxsdg: if every line I type doesn't start with "p4" or "git" it's not "work", right?
18:39.23xsdgjbq: haha
18:39.27xsdggoes to break the build
18:39.54jbqgoes to spread pushpins and loctite on xsdg's chair.
18:39.57Disconnectwow. $260 shipping to canadia.
18:40.06DisconnectFoxdie: yah
18:40.24bguptaDisconnect: You need a test RGB image to test with? RyeBrye put one together last night... I can send it to you.
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18:40.52Disconnectbgupta: that'd be sweet. make sure i have the right filesize and such. (the flash partitions are on the spl side, and i don't trust it not to overwrite something i might need)
18:41.42xsdgDisconnect: it's pretty easy to check; it's 480x320 pixels at 2 bytes per pixel
18:42.46bguptaFound where RyeBrye posted it:
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18:43.57alansjalso, you can always test it by making a boot image with initlogo.rle in it and see if that shows up on boot
18:44.29bgupta Is a JPG of it with a blue background...
18:44.37alansjI am assuming that if it works there then it would work in the bootloader
18:45.33Disconnectknows what got f'd up. 888 not 565
18:45.33xsdgI'll just point out quietly that you shouldn't really be using the stylized android font
18:46.20bguptaDisconnect.. for imagemagick to get an rgb888 file you can run: convert in.png -depth 8 rgb:outfile
18:46.40Disconnectright. but i need 565
18:46.45bguptaStill trying to figure out if iumagemagick can convert to rgb565... RyeBrye ended up using Gimp
18:46.47brockticexsdg But the logo is okay?
18:46.57xsdgbrocktice: yes, green droid is ok
18:47.03alansjyou just start with rgb888 and run it through to565
18:47.07andyrossThe rle565 format is a google special.  There's a converter in the source release somewhere
18:48.12alansjnote, correct flag is -rle, not -r
18:48.32Disconnectcool it worked.
18:48.52bguptaWhich worked? RyeBrye's image, or to565?
18:48.53Disconnecti figured out what was wrong, simple enough to fix once i stop screwing up with imagemagick
18:49.26Foxdieit works :)
18:49.27Foxdiethankyou all
18:49.33TiberiumXAny way to force the Music application to rebuild its database?  I've fixed a lot of ID3 tags, but it retains the old values.
18:50.02xsdgTiberiumX: it should pick them up again automagically
18:50.10alansjFoxdie: perhaps you would like to make the wiki instructions better
18:50.14xsdgTiberiumX: but try opening and closing the sd card door (also, is your device plugged into a computer?)
18:50.15bguptaTiberiumX: Just a guess but shouldn't switching SD Cards cause it to reindex?
18:50.45Foxdiealansj, I think bgupta said he'd do that
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18:51.18Foxdiebgupta, for your reference, I installed the recovery image but NOT the boot image, I then flashed the UK
18:51.24TiberiumXI'll try remounting the SD card, but I would have expect that to work when it remounted after I copied the new files over with my PC.
18:51.35bguptaYeah.. but for now I have to run.. If someone hasn't done it by the time I get back tonight I will take care of it..
18:51.40xsdgTiberiumX: is your device currently plugged into a computer?
18:51.42Foxdiethe UK sets up busybox, removes the certs to prevent OTA updates
18:52.25xsdgTiberiumX: did you make sure to unmount the device from your computer after changing the tags?
18:53.03TiberiumXYep.  It claimed to be syncing the files before it unmounted.
18:53.14bgupta_awayalansj: I will update the docs tonight..
18:53.51xsdgTiberiumX: maybe try rm'ing a file, make sure it goes away in the Music app, then re-add it and see if it shows up with the right metadata
18:54.14xsdgTiberiumX: if that works, file a bug.  If it doesn't work, there's likely some other issue (possibly two ID3 tags, if it's an mp3)
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18:55.29TiberiumXxsdg: Yeah, that was my next move.  I was hoping there was an easy way.  But it SHOULD pick up ID3 changes?
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18:55.43xsdgTiberiumX: I've never tried it, but it definitely should
18:58.53Disconnectok added the and splash1 stuff to the fastboot page
18:58.56Disconnectinfobot: fastboot
18:59.19Disconnectinfobot: fastboot is a reflash protocol for android devices
18:59.20infobotDisconnect: okay
18:59.49Disconnectinfobot: fastboot is also source code at
18:59.50infobotDisconnect: okay
19:00.01Disconnectinfobot: fastboot is also cheatsheet at
19:00.02infobotokay, Disconnect
19:00.23ttuttleinfobot: fastboot is also fast
19:00.24infobotokay, ttuttle
19:00.28ttuttle(it's true)
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19:12.29Disconnectinfobot: logo.rle is
19:12.29infobotokay, Disconnect
19:14.48brockticeAnyone know what Failure [-11] is from adb install?
19:15.27jsharkeydangit, first scratch on g1 screen :(
19:16.08brockticejsharkey, so it's not invincible?
19:16.15Disconnectjsharkey: (disclaimer, thats my affiliate link)
19:16.34wastrelscratch you say
19:16.45wastrelyou should have kept it in the case
19:16.51wastrelis anyone still using that case?
19:17.09brockticewastrel, I use it when I throw the phone in my gym bag
19:17.13brockticeprotects it from my keys
19:17.31brockticeOtherwise my left pocket is dedicated to my phone.
19:17.36brockticeWas before the G1 as well.
19:18.48Disconnectjsharkey: my xp (and a couple others) is that you can cover and disappear minor scratches with the screen protector. i bought (but prolly won't use) the full body cladding
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19:21.58jsharkeyoh cool thx for like
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19:24.39Disconnectjesus christ. can someone -please- unsubscribe xaviar (with a shotgun if necessary) from android-*??
19:25.10jbqThere are a few others I wouldn't mind moderating a bit.
19:25.14ttuttleDisconnect: Who's xavier?  (I'm not on the mailing lists.)
19:25.29jbqttuttle: you don't want to know. really.
19:25.33ttuttlejbq: Okay.
19:25.50jbqttuttle: he's proof that a human could fail the turing test.
19:25.56ttuttlejbq: Ah.
19:26.30JesusFrekeso, anyone wanna buy my G1 before I return it to T-mobile? last chance :D
19:26.42ttuttleJesusFreke: How much, and why are you returning it, and is it unlocked?
19:27.14JesusFreke$400, because I'm getting a dev phone, and I no, but I can easily get the unlock code.
19:27.26JesusFreke($400 incluing free shipping)
19:27.27ttuttleDisconnect: Wow, what an idiot.
19:28.14Disconnectttuttle: most recently he entered my world in an argument about whether at&t had any non-3g service, whether an iphone had a sim, and why it would need on e when it is an ipod with over 10,000 apps.
19:28.22ttuttleDisconnect: WOW.  "I Phone does not have a SIM...I thought that iphone was also an ipod and has over 10,000 apps what is the point of a sim?"
19:28.23jbqWe should rename him Xavier "PEBKAC" Mathews.
19:28.33ttuttlejbq: Can you seriously just get him banned from all Google services?
19:28.50Disconnectjbq: i'll pay. we'll ALL pay. consider it a contribution to the betterment of android. seriously.
19:29.09_LunchHow do you programatically enable/disable bluetooth?
19:29.12JesusFrekeremind me not to get on jbq's bad side :)
19:29.27ttuttleYeah, I'll throw in some money.
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19:32.39Disconnectrandom side note, continuing to read the lists, we could -easily- install apps on sd (with security support) if selinux was used instead of this hashed-up uid/gid thing. :( but NIH is often a driving force..
19:33.27jbqit's already hard enough to deal with plain linux, if we had to force every OEM to go with selinux things would be even harder on that front.
19:34.10Disconnecthow do you figure?
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19:35.28SanMehatjbq: selinux is just a bunch of super tight security policy extensions in the kernel
19:35.38Disconnectand i'm sure tmobile is just -thrilled- at the multiple huge breaches of security on this thing :) properly configured, selinux makes root a moot point. and since (so far) nobody has managed to break in via the recovery image, it'd still be safe if read/write to /dev/mtd* was banned
19:36.03SanMehatDisconnect: you have a point re: selinux, and i'm looking into it.
19:36.34Disconnectanother random topic change, just for amusement.. is there any chance at all that root certs will be included in the stock images? (jf is gonna add it to his branch, but..)
19:36.49Disconnecthey. i just had a thought. jf is no longer a hacker. now he's an android producer. sweet. he's all legit and stuff now. :)
19:36.55SanMehatIf you have specific knowledge about selinux, perhaps we should start talking about doing it together :)
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19:38.15jbqI continue to be risk-averse when it comes to merges, and 4-way merges are much harder than the 3-way merges we've got to deal with today (and history has proven that 3-way merges were a major pain to deal with).
19:38.17ahaberlachDisconnect : If a legitimate certificate authority wants to be in production devices as a root, they should initiate a conversation with
19:38.23brockticeOh man I've seen that guy before...
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19:39.26DisconnectSanMehat: i have worked with it a bit in the past, and am generally familiar with it.
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19:39.41brockticeCould he be trolling?
19:39.55Disconnectbrocktice: xaviar? no, he's just a moron.
19:40.09jbqbrocktice: I can't give him that much credit.
19:40.10Disconnect(ok he's a kid, but he's also dumb. he'll get older, but i doubt he'll get smarter.)
19:40.43SanMehatDisconnect: well do me a favor and email me your thoughts and lets get a dialog going.
19:42.16DisconnectSanMehat: my hacking time (and energy) is real variable these days but i would like to see some of the NIH stripped out, esp when it comes to security (upstream testing...) (as far as time, the long and short is 4 knee surgeries this year, one more in feb/mar, PT 3x a week until at least aug/sept)
19:42.58ahaberlachAlthough after glancing at, I'm not sure they're a sufficiently trusted authority.
19:43.15brockticeDisconnect, What'd you do, tear your acl?
19:43.31SanMehatwell i dont see how relying on unix uid/gid security and process separation thats in all unixes 'nih' in regards to security.
19:43.34Disconnectbefore i start a big mess, can someone explain, for real, why toolkit is better than busybox? esp as we start needing more daemons (dhcpd is my first hit, although there are others. cp would be nice. :) ..)
19:43.58SanMehathowever, you raised good points with selinux so i'm interested in adding that support potentially.
19:44.07SanMehati'm not interested in getting into a debate about NIH
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19:44.22SanMehati'm just interested in getting good code in and improving things.
19:44.25Disconnectbrocktice: reconstructive surgery (move the patella tendon attachment on the shin) and it got infected, etc. right now my quad isn't especially attached. so.. meh.
19:44.51SanMehatgood luck on the surgeries
19:45.08*** join/#android xavd (n=xavier@nat/google/x-0a7ddeab6b94060d)
19:45.09DisconnectSanMehat: i'm not looking for a debate. but seriously, we need stuff from busybox (unless you have the spare capacity to write and test a dhcp daemon..? :) ..) but all I've gotten is "you weren't here for the discussions"
19:45.19brockticeIs there a non-ghetto G1 accessory retailer?
19:45.37SanMehatwell for thoes ones *I* wasn't there.. it predates my involvement in the project
19:45.42Disconnectthanks for the best wishes tho :)
19:45.59jbqwhistles "GPL GPL GPL" though he wasn't here for the discussions either.
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19:46.48SanMehatwell then just email me a brain-dump about selinux. your experiences would be valuable as i dig into it.
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19:46.56SanMehatand yeah, i'll read the code.. and the docs
19:47.33Disconnectjbq: ..first, its an open source project :) second, so is the kernel, and third, its busybox. its not android/dalvik/gmail.. whats the problem? (and realistically, its almost as large a savings as bluez as soon as you get past the "ls top cat" and into "dhcpd, pppd, init"...)
19:47.43Disconnectsorry, first android is open source i mean
19:47.51SanMehatopen source != GPL
19:47.59SanMehatopen source > GPL
19:48.12SanMehatopen source[] = {"GPL", "BSD", ... };
19:48.24DisconnectSanMehat: erm. not really, since tmob has effectively closed-sourced their g1 fork.
19:48.31benleySanMehat: Invalid Syntax
19:48.34SanMehatbenley: DOH
19:48.56SanMehat^5's benley
19:48.57Disconnectisn't arguing that apache is a bad license for android - i think it is, but gpl would prevent adoption in that space, so...
19:49.53Disconnectrather, apache/bsd is a great license for android. its personally not my favorite license because of the bsd aspects :)
19:50.00SanMehatanyways, send me that email when you have time. your brain may contain a useful nugget of information which will be usefull in my studying of selinux.
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19:51.42ttuttlewants to make a custom boot screen for his G1, but can't figure out what to put on it.
19:51.46Phlogican anyone that is registred on market buy that dev phone?
19:52.05brockticettuttle, How about the Terminator? He's an android.
19:52.12ttuttlebrocktice: Meh.
19:52.35brockticeandroids[] = {"Terminator", "C-3PO", "G1", ... };
19:52.36DisconnectSanMehat: you saw the video of hitachi showing android on a zaurus with selinux right?
19:52.46brockticeDisconnect, where's taht?
19:52.48brockticethat even
19:53.34brockticeAh, I was using the wrong search terms. Thanks.
19:53.42kirberichPhlogi, yeah, as soon as you registered as a dev and payed the 25 bucks you can order one
19:53.52SanMehatsorr guys, gotta go for a bit..
19:53.55SanMehattime to walk the dog
19:53.57brockticelater SanMehat
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19:54.10TiberiumXAny API way to change the camera shutter speed (which could then be corrected for by increasing brightness/contrast)?  I see where it sends parameters to it (like jpeg-quality), but I don't see a list of available parameters.
19:54.14Phlogikirberich: damn now I feel totally fucked up :D... I mean I ordered one some weeks ago... damn !!
19:54.16brockticeIt'll be really cool when the x86 support hits the public git
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19:54.32Phlogikirberich: and now they sell it in my country... grrr..
19:54.38brockticeCan't wait to get it on my Eee
19:54.41DisconnectTiberiumX: there is still no api way to do anything with the camera :(
19:54.41Phlogithat news just came one week too late
19:54.44kirberichPhlogi, it's reasonable easy to open the normal g1 so you can use it like a dev phone
19:54.50osmosishow come a google search on mobile will frequently return a empty page??
19:54.59kirberichtook a whole day for that hack to come out, too.
19:55.09brockticeosmosis, I have that problem too.
19:55.10Disconnectok i gotta go visit a friend in the hospital, be back tonight.
19:55.12osmosisjust says...  Settings  Terms   View Google in: Mobile | Class (c)2008 Google.
19:55.13brockticeRefresh gets around it.
19:55.17Disconnectkirberich: actually it took a few weeks. timing was coincidence
19:55.18Phlogikirberich: thats true... BUT I payed the unlock fee :D and I had to order it via ebay and payed the shipping fee as well
19:55.25brockticeI also have a ton of issues with google reader on the G1.
19:55.25xsdgosmosis: how are you searching?
19:55.28brockticeFrequently errors out.
19:55.34Disconnectthe actual work was only a couple days, but dream_kill kept disappearing
19:55.36osmosisxsdg: from the search widget
19:55.44brockticeI suppose I should report these bugs, but I'm not sure whether they're on the G1 or the web services.
19:55.55Disconnecti think he had the image extracted and in hand as early as thurs even :(
19:55.57TiberiumXI'd like a choice between quick/crappy and slow-ass/higher-quality.
19:55.57kirberichDisconnect, oh yeah right
19:55.59xsdgosmosis: on the desktop? hmm.  how frequently does it happen?
19:56.17brockticexsdg, Happens to me probably 50% of searches.
19:56.19Phlogiis skype already availble for android?
19:56.24osmosisxsdg: often. id says 1 of 5. seems to be on the first search at any given time.
19:56.42osmosisxsdg: brocktice just said he gets the same bug.
19:56.58xsdgok, I'll poke some folks
19:56.58osmosisxsdg: and rightly pointed out that refresh fixes it.
19:57.06brockticeGuess I should try the emulator too
19:57.09Disconnecttmob web services are a disaster. it (no joke) inserted hardcore porn into my comics page the other week. (i kept seeing these frat-party-style dark pics of guys drinking and whatever in random sites, then suddenly WHAM. i don't think sinfest ever did -that- before...)
19:57.16xsdgosmosis, brocktice: can you privmsg me the email address that's associated with your device?
19:57.25TiberiumXosmosis: Same bug here.
19:57.39xsdgTiberiumX: can you privmsg me the email address that's associated with your device too?
19:57.39TiberiumXYeah, just another click on search fixes it.
19:57.48osmosisxsdg: TiberiumX says the same. sounds pretty common.
19:58.03xsdgosmosis: you don't have to point out what other people are saying
19:58.18osmosisoh okay, wasnt sure if you saw it
19:58.29TiberiumXWait I get that problem on my desktop searching the API docs.  I misheard you.
19:58.57xsdgTiberiumX: so, searching on
19:59.12TiberiumXFrequenty no search results until I do it again.
19:59.20TiberiumXFirefox 3.0.1
19:59.27TiberiumXOn Ubuntu <latest version>
19:59.49xsdgTiberiumX: the "I" one?
20:00.22TiberiumXnm, gutsy
20:00.34TiberiumXnm again, hardy
20:00.49brockticeWhat is it with the people that complain that google freeloads on bandwidth?
20:01.04brockticeLike you guys aren't paying tons of money for your connections....
20:01.17benleybrocktice: it's a carefully-calculated lie
20:01.21brocktice(Just testing reader on the emulator, sorry it's a little OT)
20:01.55benleyATT is the source of the most recent round of that nonsense
20:02.46brockticeDisconnect, Yeah I'm familiar with it.
20:02.53brockticeIt's just so mind-boggling.
20:03.05brockticeI guess it's not, if you consider motivations.
20:03.39brockticeI always liked the ask a ninja net neutrality thing.
20:04.33SplasPoodDisconnect: what page was it you were updating with fastboot info?
20:04.41Disconnectinfobot: fastboot
20:04.42infobotfastboot is, like, a reflash protocol for android devices, or source code at, or cheatsheet at, or fast
20:05.32xsdgosmosis, brocktice: what build are you all running?
20:05.43brockticeRC30, not hacked.
20:05.46brockticeUS T-mo.
20:05.48SplasPoodDisconnect: is the T-Mobile splash the same format as the initlogo.rle splash?
20:06.04osmosisxsdg: 116143
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20:06.28xsdgosmosis: what branch?
20:06.40xsdgosmosis: or, if you have an RC number, that'd be useful
20:06.46brocktice116143 here as well.
20:06.57Phlogican you find BioWallet in market?
20:06.57osmosisxsdg: 1.0 TC4-RC30
20:07.46SplasPoodDisconnect: ye, looks to be the same
20:08.01brockticexsdg, Just did a vanity search on the G1 and it happened again.
20:08.10Disconnectok seriously off now, ttyl!
20:08.23brockticeWent home screen -> search button -> typed name -> enter -> blank results
20:08.53xsdgbrocktice: ok
20:09.29brockticeCan't get it to happen on the emulator, though.
20:11.34xsdgbrocktice, osmosis: this only happens from the desktop widget?
20:11.45brockticeLet me try a few times from the browser directly
20:11.52brockticeBut I think it's happened there.
20:11.55osmosisxsdg: i think so
20:12.18brockticexsdg, Just happened from the browser
20:12.20brockticeUsing the search button
20:12.28brockticeoh wait scratch that
20:12.33brockticethis time it eventually loaded
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20:17.51brockticecan't get the browser search to do it.
20:17.55brockticeTried a lot of searches.
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20:21.53xsdgbrocktice: ok; thanks
20:21.54ipauldevI guess I've been out of things for a bit, but I've seen this fastboot, on the G1. Does anyone know if that works on root T-Mobile production devices?
20:22.48alansjit does
20:22.55ipauldevsweet, thanks
20:27.04Phlogican you find BioWallet in market?
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20:32.09xsdgbrocktice, osmosis: if you notice any big changes in behavior (for instance, it starts happening considerably more or less frequently, or the blank page looks different, or something), feel free to send me an email
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20:35.21ITechJunkiewhat is fastboot?
20:35.27ttuttle!infobot fastboot
20:35.36ttuttleinfobot: fastboot?
20:35.37infobotit has been said that fastboot is a reflash protocol for android devices, or source code at, or cheatsheet at, or fast
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20:56.57AstainHellbringso is there any dates for other US carriers release of android phones?
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21:10.05JesusFrekeastain: haven't heard of any yet
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21:16.32hitmanwhere does android set the PATH from at bootup?
21:20.34waldo_so if you replace the dev firmware, recovery image, and use rc30 jf version-- does it matter if you have the phone unlocked before/after?
21:20.45waldo_ie, will an unlocked phone stay unlocked all the way through?
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21:24.02hitmanPATH is set in /init.rc
21:25.04hitmanoh but when you reboot changes to init.rc are lost
21:28.17JesusFrekewaldo: yes. unlocking the phone is completely independent of the android system on the phone
21:30.36waldo_jesus thanks :)
21:31.06waldo_btw JF-- I read that you were going to make a 1.3 image that removed some unnecessary debugging files... is this true?
21:31.25waldo_ie, should I wait before doing all this stuff?
21:31.43waldo_still has r29
21:34.24JesusFrekeI will strip the binaries in xbin, to save some space
21:34.33JesusFreke(i.e. remove debugging symbols from them)
21:34.53waldo_I'll wati for that...
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21:37.05JesusFrekeit will probably be in a week or 2 waldo
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21:39.02waldo_JesusFreke: cool.. no hurry..   I'll do the new developer bootloader, modded recovery and firmware all at once.
21:39.18waldo_for the moment I can still enjoy rebooting by typing"reboot" :)
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21:49.39blau1ive decided to venture forward with allowing people to add items to their dgMoney on their phone via normal web browser!
21:49.49blau1as my first google app engine project
21:52.37unix_infidelwhen you guys tested the slide mechanism on the G1...on average, what was the count before failure / breakage?
21:53.01jbqThat's really a question for HTC.
21:53.07blau1never! i dont know if any google people could answer that though
21:53.22unix_infideljbq: I remember someone in here saying "we tested it extensively"
21:53.44unix_infidel(shot in the dark)
21:54.05jbqWe've seen some failures on one set of pre-production devices, always the same kind (the ribbon cable that connects the screen to the body would come unglued on the screen side).
21:55.31jbqAs much as I realize that it's hard to realize from outside Google, the work on the G1 (as opposed to the work on Android itself) was conceptually done by a different team that reports to a different director.
21:56.00JesusFrekeyou mean a different team in google?
21:56.11JesusFrekeor like a team from HTC/t-mob.
21:56.14JesusFrekeah, ok
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21:57.47Lenoliumjbq: I have a small favor to ask, can you turn all of the google server's fans so they spin the world backwards and turn back time (I know it works, I saw it in a movie once), and then replace dalvik with a port of V8?
21:58.36jbqThere are people who focus more primarily on the platform itself, people who focus more on the Google-specific apps, people who focus more on the back-end servers for Android, and people who focus more on individual devices and partnerships one at a time.
21:58.56JesusFrekemakes sense :)
21:59.08unix_infidelhmm, partnerships one at a time. interesting.
21:59.45jbqLenolium: do you really think that rewriting Android in ECMAscript and running it on x86 would be such a good idea?
21:59.47JesusFrekelenolium, you would actually rather write javascript apps, than java apps? lol
22:00.52bgupta_awayJesusFreke: We discovered this AM that since is much sparser than people were getting confused lost when working on the UK devices... Do you have any objections to me combining the two documents?
22:00.53Lenoliumjbq: Well, V8 would obviously have to be ported to ARM, and since it spits out machine code, it would give the current java runtime a run for it's money.
22:01.06jbqunix_infidel: that doesn't mean that that entire team works on the same partnership at the same time. But you might have someone e.g. preparing the configuration for the DevPhone whole someone else tweaks the camera driver for the G, etc...
22:01.26JesusFrekebgupta, no probs here
22:01.40LenoliumJesusFreke: Yeah, I'm less and less of a Java fan the more I write in it, it's so verbose I feel like I am studdering. Probably just because I'm a crazy lisp guy.
22:02.07JesusFrekewell, I'm not a huge fan of java. But I would rather use Java than JavaScript :)
22:02.25*** join/#android chanwitk (n=chanwitk@
22:02.42JesusFrekealthough TBH, I haven't done much "real" work with javascript either
22:02.45bguptaLenolium: So what do you think of Clojure?
22:02.47JesusFrekejust the occassional webpage script
22:02.57LenoliumJesusFreke: Eh, a proper ecmascript running outside of a browser (with real object support, including inheritance) is actually fairly nice.
22:03.07jbqOnce you start to look at multithreaded javascript you get into a world of pain...
22:03.26chanwitkmay I ask something about fastboot?
22:03.36JesusFrekego for chanwitk :)
22:03.43SanMehatgo ahead
22:03.44Lenoliumbgupta: I have not tried it yet, but were it to be ported to dalvik, I'd be very happy.
22:04.02bguptaI'll bet you would be. :)
22:04.12SanMehatchanwitk: whats the question?
22:04.22chanwitki'm turning on and the phone said serial0
22:04.39chanwitki do not know how to establish fastboot connection.
22:04.40SanMehatyou're turning it on with the back button held?
22:04.45JesusFrekeplug in usb and press the back button
22:04.47SanMehatis it plugged into USB?
22:04.47bguptahit back
22:04.49jbqI like how ECMAscript has so few types. Like, 6 or 7, and you can't add your own.
22:05.21SanMehatchanwitk: is your device a Retail T-Mobile G1? If it is then your bootloader does not support fastboot.
22:05.22chanwitki see
22:05.57chanwitkSanMehat: I patched already
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22:06.19chanwitkthanks all :-)
22:06.31JesusFrekegot it working?
22:06.43SanMehatchanwitk: i dont know what you're referring to, but if it doesnt say 'fastboot' when you're plugged into USB then the bootloader you have doesnt support fastboot :)
22:08.03chanwitkSanMehat: I see the sketchboard, and it displays serial0. I have to try hitting back like you guys suggest first.
22:08.15chanwitkam I understanding this correctly?
22:08.25JesusFrekeyeah. just plug in the usb cord, and press back
22:08.31SanMehatplug in usb
22:08.35JesusFrekethe serial0 should switch to fastboot
22:08.46SanMehatif 'serial0' does not change to 'fastboot', then your bootloader is locked.
22:09.02chanwitkthanks again JesusFreke
22:09.06chanwitki see
22:09.10JesusFrekesketchboard? you mean skateboard? :)
22:09.18bguptaJesusFreke:  Does this now make sense for UK users as well:
22:09.25chanwitkright, my bad english. lol
22:09.42JesusFrekebut yeah, that's almost definitely the right bootloader then
22:09.54chanwitki think so
22:10.01SanMehateven the production bootloaders have that
22:10.11SanMehatif you boot them and hold back you get the colorbars
22:10.14JesusFrekeproduction bootloaders don't have a skateboard
22:10.28JesusFrekethe 3 skateboarding androids at the bottom..
22:10.44SanMehati dont know what the skateboard is
22:11.03chanwitkit's 170k bootloader patch
22:11.08chanwitki think i got the correct one
22:11.14SanMehatah ok.
22:11.19SanMehatwell yer on your own then :)
22:11.39JesusFrekeyup :)
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22:12.10chanwitkso i have to go offline to try. i'm using the phone for tethering, lol
22:12.53chanwitkwill pop in to tell the result later
22:13.09chanwitksee you :-)
22:14.26SanMehatwhat does your article title mean?
22:14.43SanMehatcool :)
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22:17.18bguptaHey any0one know if the factory UK shipping version is called rc7?
22:20.47*** join/#android marix (i=451771fe@gateway/web/ajax/
22:21.38marixanyone know the physical difference between the g1 and the g1 developers edition,  other than the painted backplate?
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22:22.02orospakrmarix, developer bootloader, unlocked GSM modem.
22:22.34Dammyou can put any rom ... have root, etc
22:22.35jbqThe dev phone has a slighly different shade of black (!)
22:22.40marixorospakr,  any chance we can get that boot loader installed on a regular
22:22.54orospakrno idea.  I think someone was working on it.
22:22.57Dammmarix, clearly it's possible... it's just a question of getting there.
22:22.58jbq(and different markings, no T-Mobile logo, etc...)
22:23.13Dammjbq, that's a different logo.rle?
22:23.37Dammjbq, does it get OTA updates like the regular T-Mobile G1? or is it manual using testkeys?
22:23.41jbqMost probably. I haven't actually seen a production dev phone.
22:24.17Dammbut instead of getting T-Mobile's roms you get developer images
22:24.26marixota updates are pushed out by the carrier i believe
22:24.34*** join/#android chanwitk1 (n=chanwitk@
22:24.51chanwitk1hi again
22:25.00Dammota's are signed by the carrier, but they are downloaded from google
22:25.06jbqDamm: I think that the question of OTA updates is still an open questions. Obviously some developers (purely application developers) might prefer auto-updates, whereas others (the ones more likely to flash the phone on their own) probably want to have more control over what goes on.
22:25.22chanwitk1i got fastboot on already.
22:25.37orospakrDang, I can't find a support number/email for brightstar anywhere.  It doesn't seem to be listed on the site (my order still appears to be missing).
22:25.42Dammjbq, well put.
22:25.55chanwitk1but seems it's not working with Linux in VMware (with Windows host).
22:29.49*** part/#android chanwitk1 (n=chanwitk@
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22:35.47Phlogiwhats the name of that 3d earth app?
22:35.56tomhgoogle earth
22:36.31*** join/#android chanwitk (n=chanwitk@
22:36.58Phlogitomh: hmm can't find anything with earch
22:37.29benleyI haven't heard of google earth for android being released.
22:37.35benleydespite there being an iphone version already.
22:37.46GiantTalkingCowI find that a bit weird.
22:38.03Phlogiwhats a good editor?
22:38.14orospakrahh, found one:
22:38.24PhlogiI just saw an earth thing on this video:
22:39.36Phlogiany other cool 3d app?
22:39.59marixphlogi,  is that a g1 with a lighted trackball?
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22:40.41Phlogimarix: its the chinese phone
22:41.00orospakrPhlogi, which phone is that?
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22:41.43GiantTalkingCowI'm a bit surprised more manufacturers haven't looked to make Android phones...
22:41.57Phlogii6 something from china
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22:42.08PhlogiGiantTalkingCow: hu? There are some :)
22:42.19tomhwhich other manufacturers will come with android phones?
22:42.29tomhnow only htc and that aussie one right?
22:42.37Phloginot sure
22:42.41GiantTalkingCowNot too many at the moment, which given the appeal of the platform over WinMo is a bit of a surprise.
22:43.20GiantTalkingCowThe majority of the stuff is coming out in China, and I'm not sure it'll ever make it over here.
22:43.37chanwitkwhat's about zzzPhone?
22:43.40tomhwell thats good news in a way that the chinese pick android
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22:44.03tomhif they build 500 milion smartphones with android we will have a large userbase for the apps :>
22:44.07GiantTalkingCowFor them it is... I'd like a choice when it comes to a phone OS too, you know.
22:45.40Phlogiis there an ssh console clinet for th ephone?
22:45.46GiantTalkingCowOn the other hand, this is good news. I hate vendor lock-in.
22:45.49Phlogitomh: just be patient...
22:45.50*** join/#android teratoma (
22:46.05teratomais there a way to get tethering to work on my g1, after the last OS update ?
22:46.15Phlogiteratoma: which was the last update?
22:46.16tomhphlogi: patience didn't bring linux to the mainstream either..
22:46.35teratomaPhlogi: my phone OS updated on my g1 magically I think 8 days ago
22:47.18GiantTalkingCowWhat I'd really like to see is a port of Android to the iPhone. Not just for the "oooh neat" factor, but for the expected hilarious reaction from Apple cultists.
22:47.51chanwitkteratoma: i think you can use tetherbot thru USB
22:48.15teratomachanwitk: that's what people on the internet say.  i think they lie
22:48.54chanwitkteratoma: i've been trying it. it's working fine for browsing
22:49.24chanwitkteratoma: quite high speed, but not stable for IMs
22:49.32teratomachanwitk: wont install on my g1
22:49.57chanwitkteratoma: you have to enable something first
22:50.13Phlogiteratoma: what version please?
22:50.14chanwitkteratoma: to allow installing apps outside the market
22:50.19teratomaPhlogi: how do i find out ?
22:50.21Phlogitomh: it did but not on all sectors :p
22:50.23teratomachanwitk: i did that
22:50.36Phlogiteratoma: settings->about phone
22:50.46Phlogibuild number
22:50.55chanwitkteratoma: hmm, strange.
22:51.15Phlogitomh: anyway linux does not need be on mainstream to be better.. it doesn't just matter
22:51.52chanwitkteratoma: another way is to install it with adb.
22:52.36teratomaPhlogi: kila-user 1.0 TC4-RC30 116143 ota-rel-keys,release-keys
22:52.47tomhye true
22:53.00tomhso anyone knows if the dev phone has gps or?
22:53.26benleyI expect the dev phone is exactly the same hardware as the G1, only with an unlocked bootloader.
22:53.38marixtomh,  we havn't seen official specs but i cant see why it would be missing
22:53.52tomhwell its not listed in the store as feature
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22:54.48brockticetomh, it does have gps
22:55.00sparklePhlogi: what kind of ssh client are you looking for?
22:55.10tomhbrocktice: you mailed them or?
22:55.19brockticetomh, one of the google guys here confirmed it
22:55.29tomhok cool
22:55.30Phlogisparkle: just to get normal shell... so I can login on remote machines
22:55.35tomhi might order it then :)
22:55.41benleyPhlogi: have you tried ConnectBot?
22:55.51Phlogibenley: nope... let me check it out
22:55.51chanwitkPhlogi: i'm using ConnectBot
22:55.51brockticeSame device different bootloader
22:55.55tomhi would rather get an iphone but, i dont like the tmobile tax :/
22:55.59brockticeConnectBot is pretty good.
22:56.09benleyindeed, connectbot has gotten good
22:56.11chanwitkit's super cool
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22:56.28Phlogichanwitk: I can't find that on the market :
22:57.06chanwitkPhlogi: search for ssh
22:57.25Phlogichanwitk: just tried: no results :S
22:57.36eldenzor capital Connect (capital c)?
22:57.42Phlogialready too
22:57.45Phlogino luck...
22:57.52Phlogikinda strange...
22:57.52sparklejust browse to and download the apk
22:58.01sparklethe version there is later and fixes bugs
22:58.03Phlogiis it too new....
22:58.05tomhmm are the individual apps like mail etc available in source (java) form?
22:58.20Phlogido you find BioWallet?
22:58.21sparkleand lets you do stuff like disable the notification bar to get more room, etc
22:58.36benleyit's able to fix like 80x22 on screen.
22:58.49chanwitkanyone know some working SIP clients?
22:59.17Phlogiwould you use an svn snapshot?
23:02.08marixi thought biowallet didn't exist
23:02.20marixor rather,  was a work in progress
23:02.49Phlogiwhats the best editor?
23:02.54tomhhow do i remove widgets from the home screen?
23:02.59Phlogimarix: ah ok.. what a strange website is that then?
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23:03.08Phlogitomh: drag them to bottom
23:03.12marixtomh,  push and hold on it then drag it to the tab
23:03.25tomhok thanks
23:03.51marixphlogi,  it was part of the android app compitition
23:04.31*** join/#android feig1 (
23:05.04marixthat site is probably ages old
23:05.08Asa_AI'd like to get a phone I an put android on, but want to stay with AT&T. Where can I find information on which phones are compatible?
23:05.23tomhthe dev phone
23:06.02marixasa_A for 3g data,  no phones are currently capable on the att network
23:06.17Phlogimarix: three is no site where I can browse the apps online?
23:06.47marixasa_A for edge speed the dev phone would be your best bet
23:07.23marixasa_A or if you wanna try something silly you could buy and open moko for gsm data speeds on a totally open platorm (really not worth it till an onscreen keyboard is setup)
23:07.43marixphlogi, no way to view apps from the appstore w/ out the phone is good for reviews and vids
23:08.02Asa_Awhere can I get info on the dev phone?
23:08.18teratomaso how do i plug my g1 in to charge AND connect my g1 to my computer via the usb port at the same time
23:08.21tomhmm how is the UI responsiveness of the iphone vs g1
23:09.07Slackwiseteratoma: Is your USB port unpowered? Because I charge my G1 by plugging it into my desktop. :P
23:09.59marixteratoma,  just plug in into your computer
23:10.24teratomai take back all the mean things i said about the g1.  i got it to give my laptop internet access
23:13.38Phlogimaqr: ok
23:13.55Phlogimarix: thanks for the link
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23:14.18marixis taht all it took taratoma?
23:15.52teratomamarix: to give my laptop internet access through the g1 i followed instructions at
23:16.43marixno i mean is that all it took for you to talk back all the mean things
23:17.10teratomai wish the battery lasted a little longer
23:17.18marixbluetooth and wifi tethering should be coming to the next modified os update.
23:20.56teratomayeah now i need magical tethering from the g1 to my laptop via bluetooth
23:21.04*** join/#android hmepas_2 (
23:21.25Gary|tpbluetooth tethering is stupid
23:21.30Gary|tpdon't do it
23:21.40marixyour stupid!
23:22.05Gary|tp1) drains phone battery
23:22.14Gary|tp2) up to 50% slower than USB tethering
23:22.42marixhow do you figure it being 50% slower?
23:22.46Gary|tpon Sprints 3G I'd get 2mb/s USB tethering, 700-900 kb/s bluetooth tethering.
23:22.48DammUSB tethering = socks?
23:23.17hmepas_2when one of your home ISP goes down and you are noticing that's another backup on not working bcos of payment, and you can't use your internet banking becos web-master-idiot made bank site IE only.... Then Tethering is all you have to get internet and make the payment.
23:23.20DammGary|tp, are you doing Bluetooth PAN or Modem?
23:23.28sparkledamm: so far - though with the kernel update to 2.6.27, the new usb framework should support network card emulation over usb
23:23.37DammBluetooth modem will always be slower then BT pan.
23:23.55Dammsparkle, nice.  question is will end-users see this? or just hackers?
23:23.55teratomai will never be sad waiting for a plane again
23:24.20sparkleend users will see it once tether support makes it into the official build, most likely
23:24.23DammI know T-Mobile's tethering policy's are a joke now.
23:24.38sparklet-mobile as far as i know has no real unified tethering policy
23:24.44marixdamm,  as gfar as i know they don't have one
23:24.48Dammthey used to support it no matter what.
23:24.52marixlol yea
23:25.00Dammbut they've been disabling tethering on certain handsets
23:25.01hmepas_2guys any of you have "real tethering" tru bluetooth successfully running?
23:25.05chanwitkit's true that bluetooth PAN is slow
23:25.07Damm(namely 3g handsets)
23:25.24chanwitkhmepas_2: i'm using
23:25.29DammT-Mobile's excuse is tethering on certain 3G phones is crashing them.
23:25.30sparklehow many handsets have shipped supporting tmobile 3g so far?
23:25.37Dammsparkle, about 5-10
23:25.38sparklei'm trying to think...
23:25.56Dammmostly cheap pieces of crap that don't have bluetooth
23:26.01chanwitkBluetooth PAN is slow but far stable than Tetherbot.
23:26.05DammT-Mobile shoves a new Samsung out every month.
23:26.14maqrlooks in
23:26.22Dammor it feels that way.
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23:27.57hmepas_2chanwitk: i seems to setup everything right, but i am havein 0 recieved packets on PC. While on phone i have recieved packets and tramsmited and recieved on phone exactly equal to transmited from pc. so connection worked but one way. any idea? Bcos i am quite new to all that bluetooth stuff.
23:28.50chanwitkhmepas_2: try ifconfig down, then up again
23:28.59hmepas_2btw, guys, you having vibrating on your phone when it's booting, right?
23:29.06hmepas_2chanwitk: hmm. will do.
23:29.58Dammhmepas_2, yes it vibrates on bootup
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23:30.44sparklei wish we all did
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23:46.51hmepas_2i am asking about vibrating because of some problem i had. Sometimes my phone became really laggy and start to answer by vibrating on pressing buttons like "Menu", Home, Power, Back. It could be solved via rebooting. I am also seeing "binder" error messages in dmesg. Any one somehow noticed that problem?
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23:47.12bguptaCan someone please review my edits to "Keeping root"? I attempted to update it to include UK instructions in the same doc.
23:47.19hmepas_2sometimes it's even impossible to unlock it bcos of that, it's just vibrating on each menu button pressing and doing nothing.
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23:49.44wpkhmepas_2: I haven't seen the code, but I guess that the second vibra is for 'buzz' (as in PC 'beep' from pc speaker). That would suggest that keyboard/input buffer is full and noone cares to clean it
23:51.02sparklehmepas_2: is the handset under heavy load?
23:51.41hmepas_2wpk: any idea how it's could be sticked to the binder? that's android IPC kernel sub-system.
23:52.08hmepas_2sparkle: nope. just random situation. Once it's started even when phone was on "unlock sim" screen. so just after loading.
23:52.33wpkhmepas_2: could you connect to phone through adb shell and see if ps is showing something odd?
23:52.35hmepas_2my goal is to investigate is that hardware problem or it's probably caused by modified RC30.
23:53.17hmepas_2wpk: right now i am not having that problem didn't meet it today... dunno why.
23:54.33hmepas_2wpk: as far as i noticed nothing odd was in ipc.. like zombie treads or something.
23:54.46hmepas_2wpk: will try to have more deep look next time.
23:55.23wpkbtw, has anyone tried disassembling HTC bootloader?
23:55.55hmepas_2wpk: me is too dump for that.
23:56.23hmepas_2but i think guys who selling unlock codes should know something about that hehe =)
23:57.16wpkhmepas_2: well, I feel fucked in the ass (deeply) by Google
23:57.36hmepas_2wpk: you got already RC30 phone?
23:57.39wpkhmepas_2: have I known there would be dev phone, I'd never buy T-Mobile
23:57.42wpkhmepas_2: yp :|
23:57.49hmepas_2wpk: sorry pal.
23:58.08hmepas_2actually same here, but i was lucky enouth to get in RC19.
23:58.28wpkhmepas_2: I had RC19. But i was dumb enough to upgrade to rc30 :|
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23:58.51hmepas_2wpk: i am pretty sure however they will let ppl to switch their t-mobile to dev. The time is only question..
23:59.38hmepas_2actually russian sucky GRPS network saved my ass =) Phone just would be able to get update fast hehe

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