IRC log for #android on 20081206

00:03.11*** join/#android dysinger___ (n=tim@
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00:53.39blau-MikeDGdopey me, released a version of my app where the donation part was broken
00:54.02blau-MikeDGwonder how much i lost from that
00:57.11*** join/#android aufegu_ (n=angu@
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01:35.03marixits friday night and i'm in an irc chatroom
01:35.06marixgo me!!!
01:35.16*** join/#android unix_lappy (i=614133e2@gateway/web/ajax/
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01:40.42Leedsmarix: it's Saturday morning and I only got back from a party a few hours ago!
01:41.29faddenmarix: it's Friday night and I'm reading an IRC chat room from work
01:41.55faddenThat, however, is about to change. :-)
01:42.41unix_infidelheh, well you guys shouldnt brag.
01:43.07unix_infidelyou're quite possibly in the two best party towns for nerds in the world.
01:43.51*** join/#android plusminus_ (i=4421a620@gateway/web/ajax/
01:44.42*** join/#android dysinger (n=tim@
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01:44.56Leedswastrel: ping?
01:45.11*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@nat/google/x-07aaa97bef477650)
01:45.39wastrelsomething happened and i somehow disconnected from freenode
01:46.24Versedare you on the g1?
01:46.32Versedusing the ircbeta?
01:47.56*** join/#android alansj (
01:48.11Leedswastrel: did you see my ping yesterday?
01:49.27Leedsfbreaderj has had a couple of releases, and now remembers the position in books :-)
01:50.06wastreli am on irssi
01:50.11wastrelLeeds: yeah new fbreader
01:50.20*** join/#android meoblast001 (
01:50.30wastrelLeeds: i'll have to give it a try maybe i can finally put away my palm tx
01:50.41Leedsit's not perfect... but it's now usable :-)
01:51.45unix_infidelugh, sad, no doc reader or pdf reader but fb2 ;-P
01:52.52*** join/#android dysinger__ (n=tim@
01:53.05Leedsunix_infidel: I spent about 20 minutes on Thursday night, sitting in a restaurant with two young ladies, searching online for a decent pdf->web viewer
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01:56.02unix_infidelLeeds: scribd?
01:56.31Leedsthat works for "I have a URL for a pdf, I need to view it on my G1"?
01:57.04LeedsHK government had *finally* released the latest list of successful visa applications on their website, but only as a PDF
01:58.01unix_infidelah, nvm it's flash
01:58.31unix_infideltrying to get someone in the country or out ;-P
01:59.10*** join/#android offby1` (
02:02.51sparkleleeds, does this not work?
02:03.30Leedsbit when I tried it, no... it got as far as the "we are loading/converting your doc" page and stuck
02:03.36Leedsfirst place I went :-)
02:05.32Leedsanyway, I then realised that the list was just a list of successful application reference numbers, and I didn't know my number... waited until I got home, looked up my number, and it was on the list :-D
02:06.26*** join/#android mibFindster (i=3b5d58cf@gateway/web/ajax/
02:06.56Leedsbut I did find a working converter - by the looks of it, it was showing me the output from pdf2html (or possibly pdftohtml, I get them confused)
02:07.43*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
02:09.57unix_infidelLeeds: to stay in the country?
02:11.03*** join/#android unix_lappy (i=614133e2@gateway/web/ajax/
02:11.48Leedsunix_infidel: staying in HK isn't too hard as a white UK-passport-holder - UK passports get 6 months whenever you go through passport control, and the nature of HK is such that in over 3.5 years here I've never had a 6 month period without leaving and returning at least once
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02:12.27Leedsthe 'white' is because while they can officially refused to renew a tourist visa, in general they won't if you look like a respectable English speaker...
02:13.03unix_infidellol, you're still on a tourist visa?
02:13.24Leedswhat the visa will give me is a guarantee that they won't refuse to let me back in, and the right to work - without the visa being tied to a particular job, which makes me much more flexible in the work I can do
02:13.46LeedsI've had a couple of work visas, but I've also had a couple of periods - each one longer than 6 months - when I've reverted to a tourist visa
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02:19.33Leedsimmigration stuff isn't taken all that seriously... it's pretty common for people to work for a month or two - or six, or sometimes 36+ - without having a work visa... and I've met a few people who are living here by doing visa runs every few months
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02:23.06unix_infideltough to get steady work in HK?
02:23.32Leedsyes and no... been a little tough for me...
02:24.13*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@
02:25.29JesusFrekewhat's the cost of living like?
02:27.59Leedsrelatively low... property (renting or buying) isn't so cheap, although prices have fallen something like 20% this year, booze is a bit expensive, and I'm told that running a car is expensive - but very few people need to, because the public transport is excellent
02:30.09LeedsI pay about US$1450 a month for a 2-bedroom flat, but it's only 25 minutes walk from the city centre - there are cheaper places... I can get the tram to a lot of places I go regularly, for about US$0.25
02:31.32*** join/#android gfindster_dev1 (n=indiabol@
02:31.59Leedslunch varies from US$3-4 for mcdonalds or a sandwich, up to about US$20 for a nice big meal...  my mobile, on a no-minimum-term contract, is about US$20 per month for unlimited GPRS/EDGE, unlimited wifi and loads of voice - only thing which pumps it up, really, is roaming
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02:34.12Leedsetc, etc.
02:35.13LeedsI reckon my living cost, excluding rent, is around US$2000 per month - and that's living pretty well, covers smaller electronics (e.g. replacement hard drive), lots of eating and drinking out, and so on
02:39.13JesusFrekethat's pretty good
02:40.18JesusFrekethanks for the amount of detail too :)
02:40.30Leedsno worries :-)
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02:43.46Leedsoh, the one other thing I would say is that my local gf earns... well, less than a third of what I do, but she supports herself and her mum on that.  My numbers above were for an expat not trying particularly hard to live cheaply - locals live a *lot* more cheaply, by default
02:44.13*** join/#android bgupta (
02:44.14JesusFrekeah :)
02:44.45bguptaHey guys... anything interesting happening?
02:45.16Leedsjust as a silly example... I live in a 2 bedroom flat... okay, my gf is here most nights, but if I got someone into the second room it would save me a lot of money - but I like having my own place
02:46.22*** join/#android gfindster_dev1 (n=indiabol@
02:48.12*** join/#android morrildl (n=chatzill@
02:48.12*** mode/#android [+o morrildl] by ChanServ
02:49.15*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Open Source Release: | Android Market is now open for new applications: | SDK 1.0_r2 is now live:
02:49.25*** topic/#android by morrildl -> Open Source Release: | Android Market is now open for new applications: | SDK 1.0_r2 is now available:
02:49.29morrildlheh heh
02:49.56ttuttleOoh, a new release!
02:50.38unix_infidelyou guys are sadists, you wait till friday night ;-P
02:51.16JesusFrekeooo. dev phones available?
02:51.35ttuttleJesusFreke: Not AFAIK.
02:51.44ttuttleJesusFreke: Hopefully eventually.
02:52.22jbqyay, finally announced :)
02:52.36ttuttlesuspects the "Android Dev Phone 1" is a G1 just like his own.
02:52.37morrildljbq: indeed
02:52.39Leedsjbq: since I guess you know... is it an HTC Dream?
02:52.42morrildlttuttle: is right
02:52.52Leedsno Hong Kong?
02:52.58morrildlLeeds: yes, it's an HTC Dream with an unlocked bootloader
02:53.09morrildlwhich, yes, means you can flash custom system images
02:53.25ttuttlemorrildl: /me channels romainguy "NO IT'S A T-MOBILE G1! DON'T CALL IT THE DREAM!"
02:53.32ttuttleromainguy_: :P
02:53.39morrildlthis is not a G1
02:53.44morrildlit's an Android Dev Phone 1
02:53.46ttuttlemorrildl: Ah.
02:53.52morrildlderived from the HTC Dream :)
02:53.52Leedsdon't really care about that too much... do care that it's a) unlocked and b) cheaper than my G1 was
02:53.54ttuttlemorrildl: But it's not a Dream either?
02:54.00ttuttlemorrildl: The Dream is a top-secret codename!
02:54.11morrildlttuttle: not any more than HTC Apache or HTC Titan, etc.
02:54.13Leedsmorrildl: does it have the non-open stuff on it?
02:54.19ttuttlehas been yelled at for calling his Dream a Dream.
02:54.25Leedse.g. market, windows codecs, youtube?
02:54.47morrildlLeeds: the system image it ships with includes Market and the Google apps like Maps, etc.
02:54.53ttuttlemorrildl: Nice!
02:54.57Leedsdamn! :-)
02:55.06Leedsnow, who can I sell my G1 to so I can buy one of these...
02:55.20JesusFrekeis thinking the same thing
02:55.21Leedsalso, not available in HK apparently, but I'm sure I can work around that little bug
02:55.35JesusFrekeprobably won't though
02:56.02ttuttleLeeds: Er, you're not gonna be able to sell a (possibly locked, and used) G1 for more than the $399 an unlocked, developer-friendly ADP1 is going for.
02:56.03eugeneLeeds: sell me real cheap :P
02:56.11ttuttleoffers $20.
02:56.17Leedseugene: you can get one directly - Singapore is on the list :-(
02:56.30Leedsttuttle: I am if the person I'm selling to doesn't know :-P
02:56.35ttuttleLeeds: Don't be a jerk plz.
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02:56.57Leedsanyway, the street price of a G1 here is quite a lot more than US$399
02:56.58eugeneLeeds: ah, reading the page now
02:57.12ttuttleLeeds: *oh*
02:57.30LeedsI paid about US$570 for mine
02:57.36ttuttleLeeds: Ouch.
02:57.42eugenelooking for the currency convertor
02:57.43JesusFrekedoes the back actually have spiffy artwork?
02:57.46ttuttlepaid $0 plus a few bugreports.
02:57.57dsmclyes, it's a cool fractally pattern on the back cover
02:58.02ttuttleOh damn, I'm nearly willing to pay $400 for that back cover.
02:58.05JesusFrekesweet :)
02:58.16ttuttleYo, Googlers, can you get me one of those covers? :P
02:58.19Leedseugene: fancy getting me one? ;-)
02:58.22morrildlThat back cover
02:58.29morrildlLet me tell you about how much I covet that back cover
02:58.30ttuttlemorrildl: It's awesome!
02:58.34morrildlI covet it SO HARD.
02:58.38eugeneLeeds: let me check the shipping cost first :)
02:58.39jbqthe back cover looks wickedly good.
02:58.42LeedsI think I would quite like that back cover
02:58.44eugeneLeeds: so it's about $600 bugs here.
02:58.47eugenei mean bucks
02:58.56ttuttlejbq: Tell HTC all the existing back covers were stolen and we need new ones, and BTW it should be that design.
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02:58.58Leedsyou mean SG$600?
02:59.01eugeneLeeds: yes
03:00.05Leeds"We regret to inform developers that SDK 1.0_r2 does not support MFM, RLL, or Winchester hard disk drives."
03:00.09ttuttleGoogle is using BrightStar to distribute the phones!
03:00.09eugeneLeeds: eek Developer Registration Fee
03:00.11Leedseugene: including shipping?
03:00.36ttuttleThey were the same company OLPC used to distribute the Give One Get One laptops last year.
03:00.40ttuttleIt took *months* for some to arrive!
03:00.42eugeneLeeds: no. i'm trying to register via the android market site. i have to pay for my registration first..
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03:00.56ttuttlehopes it goes better for Google.
03:01.03JesusFrekeyeah, my olpc took forever too. heh
03:01.13ttuttleJesusFreke: Mine came a little after Christmas.
03:01.19ttuttleJesusFreke: It's got bad RAM now somehow :\
03:01.23JesusFrekemine was sometime in January..
03:01.28morrildlLeeds: yeah I was broken up about that
03:01.30morrildlI was like
03:01.39morrildl"How am I supposed to use this old Winchester here?"
03:01.40eugeneLeeds: heh, pay USD$25 before checking out the shipping cost is not wise.
03:01.53bguptaSO are the the dev phones going to be functionally different than a modded G1?
03:01.56Leedseugene: give me a minute, let me sign up
03:02.10bguptaOr is that unclear?
03:02.16RyeBryewait, dev phones?
03:02.19morrildlbgupta: the bootloader on the devphones does not enforce signed images
03:02.22bgupta(BTW - I'm glad they are releasing them)
03:02.22ttuttleRyeBrye: Yeah.
03:02.35ttuttleRyeBrye: $399, they're just G1s with a different (AWESOME!) back cover, and unlocked to the max.
03:02.40kherteugene, whats the url for the android market?
03:02.43morrildlWhy is no one talking about hte SDK?!
03:02.55sparklethis is more fun.
03:03.11ttuttlemorrildl: What's been updates?
03:03.15bguptamorrildl: Isn't the new SDK a regression?
03:03.15JesusFrekeSDK? pfft. we have a new dev phone to drool over :D
03:03.25morrildlttuttle: couple future-proof bugfixes
03:03.29bguptaIE: THey removed functionality?
03:03.40ttuttlemorrildl: Ah.
03:03.41morrildlbgupta: well, we made it compliant with the Java language spec
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03:04.02morrildlbut technically yes we removed the ability to access private/protected methods via Reflection, which was a bug
03:04.09RyeBrye"Unlike the bootloader on retail devices, the bootloader on the Android Dev Phone 1 does not enforce signed system images" Bah. give us a week or two and we'll fix that
03:04.20ttuttleRyeBrye: Um...
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03:04.27ttuttleRyeBrye: You've had a bit of time already.
03:04.37ttuttleRyeBrye: But lemme know when it's done.
03:04.38bguptahehe... well once one dev phone hits the street, I suspect all modded G1s will become devphones.
03:05.03morrildlbgupta: unlikely, without hooking up directly to the flash part
03:05.22ttuttleshould start a service flashing unlocked bootloaders on G1s for devs.
03:05.34ttuttle(I would, but I'm considering working for Google in the future.)
03:05.49Leedsalso, incidentally, this is the first time I've used google checkout
03:05.51morrildlttuttle: San will hunt you down and beat you if he thought you actually had what you would need to do that :)
03:06.02ttuttlemorrildl: Um, I have an unlocked phone.
03:06.11ttuttlemorrildl: I'd need to obtain some sort of JTAG or whatever-the-phone-uses interface.
03:06.18RyeBryein 5 minutes flat I could get enough information from his phone to get what I needed to do that
03:06.20ttuttlemorrildl: Once I had that, I could slurp my image and write it on others.
03:06.27ttuttlemorrildl: But that's an NDA violation.
03:06.27RyeBryeI'm almost postive it wont require jtag
03:06.30kherteugene, cool, thnx
03:06.31ttuttlemorrildl: And a jerk move.
03:06.35ttuttlemorrildl: And slimy.
03:06.41morrildlI can't remember if JTag is enabled on the production devices
03:06.42ttuttleRyeBrye: How would you do it, without running code as root?
03:06.48morrildlbut hypothetically that would work yeah
03:06.48ttuttlemorrildl: Ooh, tricky ;)
03:07.21*** join/#android __zippy (
03:07.21morrildlRyeBrye probably CAN run code as root, on a modified RC30
03:07.35bguptaIt's probably under that little sticker that says "VOID:
03:07.37ttuttlewould flash his phone back to unmodded RC30, just to make it harder :P
03:08.11RyeBryewell... I'm not so sure that would really matter in your case - since I could just fastboot it and replace it with whatever I wanted
03:08.15bguptaAnyone taken a G1 apart yet?
03:08.58RyeBryeThat's good news about the dev phones though - definitely a step in the right direction
03:09.35unix_infidelI bet that announcement pisses off a lot of developers...and makes a lot more happy.
03:09.39bguptaRyeBrye: Dev phones gives me hope.
03:10.15Leedsdoes that mean people will stop moaning that the G1 is locked down even though Android is meant to be open?
03:10.18RyeBryeYeah, the dev phone will be cool. there are a few T-mobile G1's out there that have engineering bootloaders on them by accident
03:10.19bguptamorrildl: Many of us feel that we shouldn't have to go through contortions to instlall custom firmware...
03:10.51bguptaBUt we understand why carrier partners might get sniffy about it.
03:11.04RyeBryeThe one guy who I know who has one has probably been snipered or something - because he's nowhere to be found now that we have a method to dump / reflash the bootloader easily
03:11.32morrildlbgupta: it doesn't really have much to do with carrier partners.  It's just a security thing.  We don't want evil people phishing users into putting a firmware image onto /sdcard and reflashing.
03:11.33bguptaI suspect dev phones are gonna be surprisingly popular in the dev community....
03:11.58morrildlGranted that that's kind of an unlikely sequence of events....
03:13.02bguptamorrildl... You could have a lock that you have to go through slight gyrations to get through.. IE: unlock the feature deep in settings..
03:13.23RyeBryeI think that kind of thing would happen on the hacked iPhones first
03:14.25RyeBryeThey need to have a dev phone subscription program :) for $X per year you get a new dev phone every time one comes out
03:14.27bguptaI just feel real bad for my Linux buddies who upgraded to rc30 without knowing the full deal.
03:14.31RyeBryelike jelly of the month club, only better :)
03:14.40bguptalol... sign me up please.
03:14.41Leedsshipping cost to singapore for a devphone: $119.36
03:14.49Leedsthat's quite a lot
03:14.57Leedsin fact, that's fscking ridiculous
03:14.58Acidulousis one of those who went to RC30 unknowingly
03:15.20bguptasorry acidulous. :(
03:15.33bguptaI almost did.. but I came back from the brink just in time
03:15.48RyeBryeI'm sure eventually we'll have a way to re-root RC30's to another version... it's being looked into
03:16.06AcidulousI was stuck on RC19 so long, I was overexcited when I finally got an update, and it shot straight to RC30 before I had heard about it
03:16.19morrildlRyeBrye: if you find one, please just tell us first so we can fix it for end users before it gets into the wild :)
03:16.34Leedsmaking the cost for a devphone, shipped to Singapore: $399+$119+$25... not much different from the $560 or so I paid for mine
03:16.39bguptayeah, well, it would seem likely there is an official way to do it... that is very obscured..
03:16.45*** join/#android Mony (
03:16.48RyeBryeIf the Dev Phone comes with a spec sheet for the MSM7201A - I'd buy another
03:17.02LeedsRyeBrye: software dev, not hardware, I think
03:17.07RyeBryeYeah, I know :)
03:17.18RyeBryeI have to have something to bitch about :)
03:17.25bguptaAnyone know the specs for the dev phone? IE: What 3G US freqs will it support T-Mobile or ATT?
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03:17.47morrildlbgupta: same as the G1.  i.e. global (T-Mobile) 3G freqs
03:18.03bguptaFigured as much...
03:18.04*** part/#android dsmcl (n=chatzill@
03:18.16bguptaWHat I want right now is a CDMA G1...
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03:18.37morrildlokay well
03:18.42morrildlnow I get to go home
03:18.52morrildl"My work here is finished."
03:18.54RyeBryeWait. I thought googlers lived at google?
03:18.59morrildlNo, we only eat here
03:19.06bgupta(I have SPrint and T-Mobile accounts)..
03:19.13morrildlI'm told there actually is a policy that says you can't be on-site for more than like 48 hours at once
03:19.14bguptaLOL.. have a good one..
03:19.16morrildlpersonally I have never tested it
03:19.30bguptathanks for the updates.
03:19.34RyeBryemorrildl: It'd be pretty sweet if the policy said 48 hours in a single day - to prevent against time travel and such
03:19.46morrildlRyeBrye: hahahaha, that would indeed rock
03:19.51morrildlgotta boogie
03:19.53*** part/#android morrildl (n=chatzill@
03:19.54Leedsmorrildl: have a good weekend
03:19.56Leedsoops :-)
03:20.07RyeBryeHow soon until dev phones ship?
03:20.38bguptaHey RyeBrye: Aren't the MSM7201A specs relatively public?
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03:21.11RyeBryebgupta: big block diagrams are - but nothing more than that
03:21.24Leedsanyone in the US want to start a side business shipping unlocked G1s for less than $stupid shipping cost? :-)
03:21.33RyeBryeI guess I want the data sheet too
03:21.45RyeBryeLeeds: I'd do it
03:22.02LeedsI'm sure you would...
03:22.13RyeBryeLeeds: Hmm... that does expose some kind of risk I suppose... so I'd have to have thugs in each country I shipped to to break kneecaps if I got stiffed somehow
03:22.24LeedsI can do thugging in HK!
03:22.43bguptaBusiness here in the states is a bit slow. I'm sure you could find half a dozen folks on this channel willing to start a side business.
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03:23.04DisconnectLeeds: start with thugging on some htc folks, get us the signing key. :)
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03:23.11RyeBryeYou want an unlocked G1? I could order one for you and get it shipped to me and then re-ship it to you if you want. I'd just ask that you gave me a couple hours with it to dump the important stuff off of it before I re-shipped it
03:23.15RyeBryeI'd keep all the plastic on it and stuff
03:23.15Leedsthey're over there in Taiwan
03:23.30gfindster_dev1hi all
03:23.31bguptaoh they just launched the white G1... still like the plack one..
03:23.34LeedsRyeBrye: I absolutely would if I didn't already have one...
03:23.35JesusFreke(don't listen to rye. he would steal the back cover :p)
03:23.50RyeBryeNah, my back cover is already shiny with that skin cover on it
03:23.52LeedsJesusFreke: I'd sent *my* thugs to hunt him down
03:24.17wastreli have 2 t-mobile stores within a block of my apartment
03:24.20RyeBryeI'd just ship via DHL international or something
03:24.24gfindster_dev1any good development book available  online
03:24.26RyeBryewastrel: for the dev phone
03:24.30Leedswastrel: but those of us outside the US don't
03:25.56RyeBryeBut apparently you have to pay the $25 to register as a developer before you can even order the phone
03:26.07RyeBryeand they only let you order 1 per account now to limit that aftermarket bit
03:26.19RyeBryeso it's really $399 + 25 + shipping
03:26.23Leedsah, that's bad
03:26.52RyeBryeThat limit is likely just for the launch
03:26.52bguptaRyeBrye: It may be shiny, but does it have this: (You missed it earlier)
03:27.06RyeBryeNo, it doesn't have random polygons on it :(
03:27.17Acidulousis gonna find someone to laser etch the dev cover design on his G1
03:27.27RyeBrye"Hey, I think tron raped your phone." "No, I'm just a developer. I rape my own phone"
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03:27.40Disconnectthis is me. :) this is me with random polygons. :( any questions?
03:28.48RyeBryeWhat is cool is that people who get shot down by T-mobile because of bad credit might be able to buy these from Google still
03:28.53JesusFrekedisconnect must have had a traumatic experience with random polygons as a child.
03:29.03RyeBryeThere was nothing random about them!
03:29.21RyeBryeDamn. I want that dev phone now.
03:29.35RyeBryeI also want to keep $399 in my own pocket.
03:29.40Disconnectthis is me. :) this is me watching tron. 8-)~~
03:30.20RyeBryeand this is Disconnect in his "watching tron outfit"
03:30.48Acidulousneeds to learn not to oen random links
03:30.49Disconnect...ooh, burned by a unicycle rider. i'm mortally wounded.
03:30.54wastreli would spend that $399 on a macbook pro
03:31.00unix_infidelRyeBrye: you're taking about 2 grand out of your pocket to keep a device you dont want.
03:31.16JesusFrekeyou should be :D
03:31.21RyeBryeunix_infidel: what?
03:31.25offby1`I realize I'm a little late to the party, but: Shazam is amazing
03:31.30wastrelshazam what now?
03:31.34Acidulousoffby1`: I agree
03:31.55unix_infidelRyeBrye: the G1.  the cost of the G1 + contract is about 2 grand.
03:32.00bguptaDamn how annoying.. you can't buy a google devphone using Google checkout.
03:32.27RyeBryeunix_infidel: marginal cost isn't that much - since I would be paying about the same regardless of the phone I had
03:34.00offby1`wastrel: app what listens to a song, and then identifies it.  Amazingly accurately.
03:34.09unix_infidelheh, funny business telecom contracts are.
03:34.13offby1`reasonably widespread commercial recordings only, but still.
03:34.16unix_infidelRyeBrye: funnier is i just bought a G1 yesterday ;-)
03:34.22Disconnectunix_infidel: funny like the mob
03:34.32unix_infidelthinking about paying the 10 bucks to get rid of it ;-)
03:34.33RyeBryeunix_infidel: you can return yours though if you wanted to get this dev one
03:34.57RyeBryeunix_infidel: it has a $10 restocking fee? Most states have at least a 24 hour "I changed my mind" period on phone stuff
03:35.00bguptaOh man.. gotta pay tax.. (I live in NY... not sure if it's because Brightstar or Google have office in NY).
03:35.32RyeBryebgupta:  did you have to pay the $25 to register as a dev to get to the page to buy it?
03:35.45michaelnovakjr__what's special about the dev one?
03:35.50RyeBryeunlocked bootloader
03:35.53bguptaunix_infidel: You can always resell yours in the aftermarket... Yeah you have to pay the $25
03:36.07bguptaand sim unlock from the gitgo
03:36.09RyeBryeOh, yeah, and sim unlocked
03:36.11JesusFrekesweet back cover.. :D
03:36.20RyeBryeIs the radio unlocked? :)
03:36.26JesusFrekewho cares if it's unlocked with a backcover like that :p
03:36.26michaelnovakjr__$400 is some serious dough
03:36.39SanMehatRyeBrye: yes the radio is unlocked
03:36.45JesusFrekemichaelnovakjr: same as G1 with no contract
03:36.49RyeBryeSanMehat: as in security unlocked or just sim unlocked?
03:36.50bguptaWell, for an unlocked unsibsidized phone, it's not ridiculous.
03:36.55SanMehatRyeBrye: both
03:36.56michaelnovakjr__JesusFreke: yea, i'll steal a backcover from someone :)
03:36.59SanMehatRyeBrye: you can reflash it
03:37.07sparkleJesusFreke: sounds like a come-on ;)
03:37.16RyeBryeSanMehat: you can reflash the radio with code not signed by HTC / Qualcomm? :D
03:37.17DisconnectSanMehat: is it basically just an unlocked g1?
03:37.20michaelnovakjr__eh, i write applications, that's not totally necessary for me
03:37.28Disconnect(form factor, etc)
03:37.29SanMehatRyeBrye: oh i dont know about the radio side
03:37.32RyeBryeSanMehat: because I seem to remember even ttuttle's magic phone wasn't security unlocked
03:37.41RyeBrye(the radio side of it)
03:37.43bguptaRadio is the same
03:37.44SanMehatRyeBrye: why would you want to?
03:37.52JesusFrekesparkle: if I saw a girl with a dev phone, I would certainly use that as a pickup line :D
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03:38.00bguptaT-Mobile global freqs
03:38.08SanMehatRyeBrye: actually nevermind, i don't really want to know :)
03:38.14SanMehatRyeBrye: they're sim and flash unlocked
03:38.14RyeBryeSanMehat: I honestly have no clue :)
03:38.41RyeBryeSanMehat: but with an unlocked radio, you could probably do some funky stuff like GSM sniffing
03:38.43bguptaI wonder what's the holdup on CDMA android devices
03:39.13Leedsglobal demand?
03:39.41JesusFrekeevery time I see "CDMA", I think of the kodoma from Princess Mononoke.
03:39.46bguptaWell the have the GSM device out.. and SPrint was supposed to be a partner
03:40.03sparkleJesusFreke: sounds like a come-on ;)
03:40.09SanMehatRyeBrye: like i said.. i dont want to know :)
03:40.09bguptaI whine because T-Mob has horrible coverage in my area
03:40.35bguptaand sprint is the only other carrier that has affordable data plans
03:40.47RyeBryebgupta: $4 t-zones is pretty damn affordable
03:40.50JesusFrekesparkle: was that just a come-on to my come-on? :D
03:40.59Leedsbgupta: G1/HTC partner or Android partner?
03:41.00Fnordg1bgupta: put up your own tower
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03:41.28SanMehati take it there was an announcement about the dev phones?
03:41.45SanMehatah cool
03:42.00Fnordg1the dev hones? what is this?
03:42.08RyeBryeSanMehat:  No, but you just made one! ;)
03:42.08LeedsSanMehat: nah, we're just guessing all of a sudden :-P
03:42.10JesusFrekelol :p
03:42.24JesusFrekehow many times do  I have to post the darn link? :p
03:42.37SanMehatyeah they look slick
03:42.39Leeds ?
03:42.42RyeBryeinfobot dev phones are phones that have magical powers
03:42.42infobotRyeBrye: okay
03:42.43Fnordg1cut paste in connectbox is a pain!
03:42.48bguptaBasically a G1 with custom branding that can load unsigned custom firmware, and are sim unlicked.
03:42.53JesusFrekeinfobot what are dev phones?
03:42.54infobotJesusFreke: what are you talking about?
03:43.00RyeBryeinfobot dev phones are also discussed here:
03:43.00infobotokay, RyeBrye
03:43.04bguptaFnordg1L At least it exists?
03:43.08RyeBryeinfobot what are dev phones?
03:43.09infobotRyeBrye: what are you talking about?
03:43.09Fnordg1bgupta: really?
03:43.15RyeBryeinfobot what is a dev phone
03:43.15infobotRyeBrye: what are you talking about?
03:43.26RyeBryeinfobot you don't handle whitespace very well, do you?
03:43.27Fnordg1official rootphones?
03:43.39LeedsFnordg1: yes
03:43.40bguptaofficial rootphones... yeah..
03:43.55Fnordg1official rootphones? <-- omg wut? :-O
03:44.05RyeBryemaybe you should check out this link:
03:44.09JesusFrekeha, beat ya :p
03:44.12Fnordg1official rootphones? <-- omg wut? :-O!
03:44.18bguptaYes, they really needed them if they expected people to actually work on the OS..
03:44.24Fnordg1official rootphones? <-- omg wut? :-O!?
03:44.24unix_infidelLeeds: what's funny is you could've gotten an iPhone 3G for less than your G1 in HK but you went with the G1.
03:44.38bguptaTHe supply of rc29s was limited to say the least
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03:44.53Leedsunix_infidel: no I couldn't - the Apple price for a iphone 3G is about $5600
03:44.55RyeBryeinfobot devphones have magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curain of lava
03:45.14unix_infidelLeeds: 560?
03:45.16LeedsRyeBrye: "is" not "have"
03:45.21Leedsunix_infidel: HK$5600
03:45.24bguptaWell the $25 isn't completely wasted if you plan to sell apps in the market
03:45.33Leedsor possibly "are"
03:45.37unix_infidelso yea, about the same as what you paid for the G1.
03:45.49RyeBryeinfobot devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava.
03:45.49infobotRyeBrye: okay
03:46.01RyeBryeYeah, I know - I will pay it eventually
03:46.03Fnordg1ok so recovery:sbin/recovery makes no keychecks basically?
03:46.04Leedsno, I paid about $4400 - before trade-in, which I couldn't have done with an iphone - as opposed to $5600... quite a difference
03:46.08RyeBryeI just have no apps now to put in the market
03:46.12LeedsFnordg1: yes
03:46.24Fnordg1is nice!
03:46.30bguptaFnordg1: According to a Google dev on earlier, yeah.
03:46.37RyeBryeinfobot tell RyeBrye about devphones
03:46.40unix_infideli dunno, i have a little under 2 weeks to figure out if i want to keep the G1 ;-)
03:46.51unix_infidelhonestly, being able to tether the thing is worth more than the iPhone already.
03:46.58bguptaunix_infidel: How much did you pay for it?
03:47.42unix_infidelbgupta: it was a gift.
03:47.42unix_infidelprobably retail, but they might've had a gift card they needed to get rid of, dunno.
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03:47.43bguptaOk, if you *were* to return it, how much would you get?
03:47.44unix_infidelbgupta: -10 bucks.
03:47.50unix_infidelno big deal.
03:48.04RyeBryeand no cash? Hmm... I'd think that paying money to get them to take it away versus keeping it is a pretty easy choice
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03:48.31bguptaSo why not wait 90 days, unlock it, and then sell it on the aftermarket?
03:48.34unix_infidelRyeBrye: yea, when the alternative is a windows mobile device or an iphone i'd only get marginal utility out of...
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03:49.25Leedsinfobot: devphones are also very expensive to ship outside the US
03:49.25infobotLeeds: okay
03:49.25RyeBryeI wonder how much I could turn around and sell a dev phone on eBay for if I offered international shipping
03:49.45Disconnect$699 in fake money orders
03:50.04RyeBryeand a lot of mangled-english emails
03:50.09LeedsRyeBrye: $1000
03:50.22unix_infidelRyeBrye: if you were the first, probably a pretty penny, but margins will get smaller every hour that goes by.
03:50.35Fnordg1cannot load page. is devvphone htc dream?
03:50.42JesusFrekefnord, yep
03:50.46bguptait's a g1
03:50.53JesusFrekeit's not t-mobile branded
03:50.57Leedsit's a Dream
03:50.59JesusFrekeso it's not a G1
03:51.04Fnordg1for 1k o.o lol
03:51.06bguptacorrect... but it's basically the same hardware.
03:51.14Leedsfnord: HK$1000
03:51.21bguptaI'd better even off the saem assembly line
03:51.41swetlandI believe the plastics/etc are a bit different too, but haven't seen final pictures
03:51.42Fnordg1i will stick to haxorg1
03:51.59LeedsI will stick to the G1 I already paid too much for :-P
03:52.20bguptahaxor g1
03:52.20Fnordg1hacked g1 =p
03:52.23RyeBryeinfobot: devphones is also sporting a back with a design that looks ripped from a 2004 snowboarding catalog:
03:52.23infobotthat's too long, RyeBrye
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03:52.45LeedsI guess your original stuff was close to the limit
03:52.46RyeBryeinfobot devphones is also sporting this:
03:52.46infobotRyeBrye: okay
03:52.55Leedsinfobot: devphones
03:52.55infobotsomebody said devphones was a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:
03:52.58swetlandoh nice. they did go with the nifty back
03:53.24JesusFrekevery nifty :)
03:53.31bguptaANyone know if people have come out with double size batteries with new backs?
03:53.48michaelnovakjr__i just want that back cover
03:54.02RyeBryeswetland: do they use an HTC unlocked bootloader similar to the engineering devices, or are they using a custom google one?
03:54.27RyeBryeI presume the radio can't be flashed with unsigned code, since the FCC would probably have a thing or two to say about that?
03:54.56Fnordg1bgupta: there is 2200 mah batt but not avail yet
03:55.21joeyohmmmm curtain of lava
03:55.31bguptaFnordg1: Is that gonna fit in existing battery compartment, or will it require a custom back?
03:55.44swetlandrye: it's a stock engineering bootloader
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03:55.51romainguy_ah good
03:55.55RyeBrye0.95.300 ?
03:55.55romainguy_we announced teh dev phones
03:55.57swetlandI think they might have put a robot graphic on it
03:55.59romainguy_hope you guys are happy now :))
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03:56.17Rimdar_KlallHello all! I have a question. I just got the G1 and unlocked it and have a 3G SIM card and AT&T. Will I be able to use 3G?
03:56.18RyeBryeI'm closer to happy :)
03:56.20swetlandit's going to be a slightly different version, but it's pretty much the same stuff we use on engineering devices
03:56.20Leedsromainguy_: do they come with ponies
03:56.22LeedsRimdar_Klall: nope
03:56.23romainguy_Rimdar_Klall: no
03:56.27swetlandponies cost extra
03:56.42swetlandwe think providing android compatible ponies is an excellent third party opportunity
03:56.49Fnordg1romainguy_: where can i sarifice firstorn child?
03:57.00RyeBryeGood luck finding a data sheet for a pony. The pinout is nuts
03:57.00jbqgah, stupid mac went low on battery, hibernated, and didn't come back to life for a while :(
03:57.10Fnordg1born even
03:57.27Leedsromainguy_: only comment would be... international shipping is a killer on them - and HK isn't on the list of destinations :-P
03:57.40romainguy_I knew you would be complaining!
03:57.54swetlandfnord: I believe they are only accepting cash/credit transactions. no barter
03:57.54Leeds$120 for shipping?
03:58.01joeocan you get a p.o. box in the PRC?
03:58.06RyeBryeWell... maybe now there will be more people wondering where the hell the MSM7201A is documented :)
03:58.08swetlandleeds: what?! o.o
03:58.12Leedsswetland: to Singapore
03:58.16swetlandgood lord
03:58.27eugeneswetland: good thing there is a way to avoid that fee :)
03:58.30Leedsjoeo: I'm not in the PRC, I'm in HKSAR
03:58.30michaelnovakjr__i just want one of those cool back covers :)
03:58.37bguptaRyeBrye, is the graphics driver opensource?
03:58.39eugeneLeeds: still part of PRC :)
03:58.46joeoyeah, but PRC is just across the line
03:58.48Leedseugene: ssssh, don't tell them!
03:58.51bguptaTHat's based on an ATI core, no?
03:58.54joeoat least you don't have to take a plane :-D
03:59.07Leedsjoeo: and I go monthly for shopping and massage - just a 45 minute train trip
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03:59.57Fnordg1heh an hk corp wants to hire me
04:00.16Leedsremotely, or to relocate?
04:00.16bguptaBTW - FOr any Googlers soliciting feedback.. send thanks to whomever helped make the dev phones happen...
04:00.33JesusFrekeagrees with bgupta
04:00.37RyeBryeYeah, thanks.
04:00.38eugeneLeeds: how's a hk corp culture like?
04:00.43RyeBryeNow what about a trade-in program ;)
04:00.49Leedseugene: local corp culture is terrible
04:00.58Fnordg1paid travel expenses
04:01.21Fnordg1lee howso,
04:01.27JesusFrekearg. after using the G1 a lot, when I get on my olpc now, my first instinct is to touch the screen
04:01.28Leedslong hours, very hierarchical/authoritarian, lots of politics, etc.
04:01.37LeedsJesusFreke: ditto with my EeePC
04:01.52bguptaG1's still go for a good amount on Ebay... you might almost be able to do it as an even swap... Pretty sure that until rc30 is cracked, modded G1s will retain value. (Kinda like WRT 54g v2s)
04:01.58Fnordg1Leeds: its run by a german expat
04:02.10LeedsFnordg1: wonder if I know him/them
04:02.25Fnordg1Leeds: kimble?
04:02.28unix_infidelwow, even after calibrating the battery, i'm still loosing about 10 percent per hour barely even using the thing.
04:02.34Leedsdoesn't ring a bell
04:02.58unix_infidelliterally, using maps  and checking twitter, like...twice.
04:02.59bguptaFnordg1: Any links for 220maH battery? or timelines?
04:03.32bguptaI want a device that can do a solid 8 hours of wifi sshing
04:03.47bgupta(Or cellular...)
04:03.51RyeBryecan a laptop even do that?
04:04.11bguptaWell you see.. cellphones are supposed to have better battery lives than laptops
04:04.23Leedssome low-powered ones with extended batteries can, in theory
04:04.39bguptaBut yes, there are certain EXPENSIVE sony vaio subnotebooks that claim to do 8 hours
04:04.49_chris___my compaq laptop with 2 batteries lasted 7 hours
04:04.50vininimbgupta: cellphones weren't supposed to have wifi a while back
04:05.31bguptaYeah.. my old Treo with the 3300maH Battery lasted 9 hours with all the radios on.. (No wifi though)
04:05.56romainguy_new SDK too
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04:06.42JesusFrekewow. my olpc keyboard feels quite spacious now too, after using the G1. lol
04:07.18sparklejf. which one
04:07.34JesusFrekegot it during the first give-one get-one
04:07.52sparklefor xmas i want something i can fit into my purse w/a usable kb
04:07.54bguptaI want a Foleo style device that runs android and has infinite battery life. mmm. you know, someone needs to get hopping with a BT keyboard driver..
04:08.32bguptaI'm pretty sure there are linux drivers
04:08.35JesusFrekeI don't think an olpc is purseable. :) I dunno.. maybe if you have a big purse
04:08.37bguptafor BT keyboards
04:09.00Fnordg1bgupta: there is a site offering 2k mah on preorder
04:09.15bguptafnordg1: Link please?
04:09.19sparklejust something the size of a hardback
04:10.29Fnordg1bgupta:, i dont have it with me. "extended life" g1 may work
04:11.00vininimuh.. how does I disable suspend?
04:11.26bguptafnordg1: I found the 1600maH one... still looking
04:11.49Fnordg1btw all g1 questions can be answered at
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04:12.00vininim(on freerunner =P)
04:12.03bgupta UK site
04:12.11vininimI guess screen timeout does it
04:12.35JesusFrekelol fnord :)
04:13.01JesusFrekeno, it's STFG (s=search)
04:13.06Fnordg1pretty much
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04:13.37JesusFrekeFGI works. hehe
04:13.41Fnordg1google, HTH, HAND
04:14.06offby1Let Me Google That For You™
04:14.23morrildllikes STFG
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04:15.01brockticeOh that's good(LMGTFY)
04:15.20brockticeI just thought, "So what, it's a simpler google front page."
04:15.25brockticeUntil I tried it.
04:15.41bguptaOK so far I can only find it for preorder form the UK..
04:16.12_avatardunno if this interests anyone here, but i put together a little website for my new android app:
04:16.14Fnordg1hmmm does it mention new cover?
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04:16.53brocktice_avatar, cool, I still have some old X10 modules.
04:16.59bguptaX10 is still in business??
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04:17.12Fnordg1lol x10
04:17.21brockticeUnfortunately I don't have Windows running on my server.
04:17.32_avataryup, they're still around, and their website is as horrible as ever
04:17.37brockticeX10 did not just make stupid cameras with annoying advertisements.
04:17.38Fnordg1ruined by marketing dept
04:17.50brockticeLong before that you could get the modules and controllers at radio shack.
04:17.59brockticeI use them to turn on my rope lights in the living room. :)
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04:18.04bguptaOMFG... I just checked out their website... It's worse than godaddy
04:18.06Fnordg1good product tho
04:18.25Fnordg1same marketing?
04:18.37brockticeDon't know, I never actually saw ads for the modules.
04:18.46bguptaI remember they used to advertise in Computte's Gazette and Byte back in the 80s
04:18.59Fnordg1spyonsupermodelnextdoor ads
04:19.12brockticeAh, well... only started reading in around 1985 or 6
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04:20.08Fnordg1basically tried to look as scuzzy as possible
04:20.31Fnordg1Leeds: what time is it there?
04:22.56Fnordg1hmm actually i think someone made a multitimezone clock
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04:24.41JesusFrekeyeah, there is. I can't think of what it's called though
04:25.36RyeBrye_avatar: that app is cool
04:25.41morrildl_avatar: oh dude
04:25.52_avatarRyeBrye: thanks :)
04:26.17morrildl_avatar: I totally added some Insteon devices to my xmas wish list so I can do something simlar
04:26.18bguptaFnordg1: Seems the only sites that are taking preorders for the 2200maH battery are UK based.. Or my Google is broken. ;)
04:26.28morrildlstill has a CM11A around somewhere though.
04:26.39morrildl_avatar: what is the CM15A?
04:26.42RyeBryethe CM11A is the serial one, right? I think I have that one
04:26.48RyeBryeX10 stuff is great for christmas lights
04:26.57morrildlRyeBrye: yeah
04:27.06morrildlha, christmas lights, yup
04:27.12morrildlI still have the cron jobs running
04:27.21morrildlI actually wrote a POP-style semi-English protocol server
04:27.21_avatarmorrildl: the CM15A is X10's entry level USB controller
04:27.30morrildlYou connect and tell it things like "TURN ON HOUSE A UNIT 4"
04:28.11RyeBrye_avatar: have you seen the heyu stuff?
04:28.23_avatari've been thinking about doing a CM11A implementation as well, I just need to get my hands on a controller
04:28.27_avatarRyeBrye: nope, what's that?
04:28.42morrildl_avatar: harder than that can be finding the docs for it :P
04:29.10_avatarmorrildl: ;)
04:29.26RyeBrye_avatar: looking for info... heyu was a linux interface for X10 stuff
04:29.41RyeBryeI think someone wrote proper /dev drivers for x10 stuff though so it was even easier to interface with it from linux
04:29.42_avataroh, nice
04:30.20jbqWe use x10 for android development.... we have a lamp that turns on when the build is broken, and it's controlled by x10.
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04:31.36bguptamorrildl: Was curious is there a place I can find out if someone is working on a driver? (Like an RFE board or something?) Basically I am toying with the idea of trying to get BT keyboard drivers going... (It's a reach but it should be fun)..
04:31.37_avatarRyeBrye: oh wow, awesome.
04:31.48_avatarthanks :D
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04:32.28bgupta(Not really big on the idea of duplicated effort though)
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04:33.26RyeBryejbq - you should look into the X10 alarm sirens :) Much more noticeable :)
04:33.36bguptaAnyone played with system/bluetooth yet?
04:34.09jbqRyeBrye: I'm right next to the lamp, so it's noticable enough for me... but we could look into hooking it up to a large gong (I'm sure that swetland will know what I mean)
04:34.59RyeBryebut that would be positive reinforcement though... you could have it just do it for when checkins greater than X lines of code produce a successful build
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04:35.58RyeBryeIf my entire team didn't work remotely, I'd totally do that light thing
04:36.08Fnordg1anyone decoded market's protool yet?
04:36.11RyeBryeIn order to make something that my whole team would notice, we'd probably have to have a 0.5 megaton bomb or something
04:36.37invainwe'd probably have to have a 0.5 megaton bomb or something --> what do it means?
04:36.53RyeBryeoh, a "build-is-broken" indicator
04:37.02sparklewhenever someone here broke production
04:37.07Fnordg1it means bom. big boom
04:37.13sparklethere was this giant honking rubber chicken
04:37.28sparklebroken builds are a daily thing :p
04:37.38jbqif we blew up a 500kT nuke each time the android build broke, we'd have a nuclear winter in less than a month...
04:40.21bguptaSo I read somewhere the G1 touchscreen hardware (but not software) is multitouch capable..
04:40.52morrildl_avatar: oh wow.  Well it was harder than that when I last went looking :)
04:40.57bguptaIs there anything legally preventing Android from supporting? I know Apple has a bunch of patents..
04:41.17morrildlbgupta: I'm not currently aware of anything like a driver list
04:41.34bguptagonna dig through source.. and see...
04:42.05Fnordg1synapics driver in kernel
04:42.18_chris___is there going to be a software keyboard?
04:42.31_avatarmorrildl: it actually took me forever to dig that cm11a doc up, i eventually found the link in some obscure forum post from ~8 years ago
04:42.39bguptaI know the answer to that one.. yes to software keyboard
04:42.51_avatarneedless to say i bookmarked it immediately :P
04:44.03Acidulouslol any sort of timeline on the software keyboard?
04:44.37bguptaNo idea.. but it is supposedly a planned feature...
04:45.14RyeBryeinfobot: IMF
04:45.14infobothmm... imf is the International Monetary Fund, otherwise known as "International Monetary Foulplay"
04:45.57bguptaHey does anyone know if repo works on Mac OS X?
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04:46.28bguptamm. just gonna try
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04:47.10RyeBryeinfobot: no, IMF is a feature that "...will enable support for input methods other than physical keyboards, for example soft keyboards. IMF will also enable application developers to provide IME (see below) applications based on the framework." - read about it here:
04:47.10infobotRyeBrye: okay
04:47.13RyeBryeinfobot IMF
04:47.13infobotimf is, like, a feature that "...will enable support for input methods other than physical keyboards, for example soft keyboards. IMF will also enable application developers to provide IME (see below) applications based on the framework." - read about it here:
04:47.31RyeBryeinfobot tell Acidulous about IMF
04:48.00Aciduloushahaha that's awesome
04:48.55jbqbgupta: yes, repo works on MacOSX.
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04:49.35jbqI use it with 10.4, other people use it with 10.5. I think it works with Python 2.4 and 2.5.
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04:50.12romainguy_for all questions related to Mac OS X: a large part of the Android team worked/works on Mac OS X 10.4/10.5
04:50.26jbq(you need an x86 machine to *build* android, though).
04:50.31_chris___great cause im waiting for a android phone with no keyboard
04:50.52bguptayeah no worries.. it's a hackintosh...
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05:16.37bgupta according to this "Final push to the open-source repositories" Is supposed to finish up by dec. of this year... anyone know if this is complete/on schedule?
05:17.09joeoit's not complete yet
05:17.15joeoif it's not on schedule, it's close
05:17.21joeobut I'm not completely sure
05:18.08jbqwe're working hard on it, but until it's done it's hard to be entirely sure.
05:18.38bguptacool.. Wish whomever is working on it the best of luck... It's really hard to move stuff out from behind the curtain while still meeting internal milestones for project delivery..
05:19.10jbqYou've exactly identified the source of the difficulty.
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05:20.13jbqIf we freeze regular development to do a push, we put pressure on all the rest of the roadmap.
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05:21.08romainguy_jbq: ah the joy of switching back and forth between two different tree layouts :))
05:21.38jbqIf we take a snapshot and prepare it to be pushed out (which takes a while), by the time it gets outside it's already behind.
05:21.44jbqromainguy_: I feel your pain.
05:21.59romainguy_but that's ok
05:22.02bguptaWell, it will  be really great when you guys get it done. At least you guys aren't using two different source code management systems. (I hope). :)
05:22.10joeoyeah, I have no idea where the code is anymore
05:22.11romainguy_soon we'll be going back and forth between two layouts and two different VCS :))
05:22.18joeoin the tree i mean
05:22.19romainguy_bgupta: well... :))
05:22.32bguptano!!!! say it ain't so..
05:22.32romainguy_joeo: me neither and half of my scripts don't work anymore
05:22.43romainguy_and there's some stuff I have no idea on how to build without rebuilding the entire tree
05:22.54romainguy_bgupta: it's temporary
05:22.55joeowe're switching from perforce internally to git externally
05:23.32jbqon top of that we're doing a relayout of the source tree so that it splits better into individual projects.
05:23.33joeoShawn and I started gerrit and repo about 3 months ago
05:23.39joeoso it really hasn't had much time to mature
05:25.14jbqSeveral engineers have been spending a lot of their time in the last few months (or all of their time, or even more than that) to support our transition to being an open-source project.
05:26.50bguptaDamn seriously exciting times... I am psyched, because of the dev phones, it means someone is serious about getting ext. people to get to do real work... (THe source code is one thing, but without real hardware to test it on, it's kinda lacking...
05:27.17joeowe really are serious about this
05:27.18jbqbgupta: exactly
05:27.23romainguy_that'll teach to not have faith in us :p
05:28.08RyeBrye I tippe'd 'em off :)
05:29.20bguptaGotta understand people are impatient... we have been waiting for this kind of platform for half a decade.. and hearing all the press for a good time now.
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05:29.59swetlandI was pretty entertained by the huge "whoah they actually open sourced it" reaction we got when we pushed the 1.0 sources out just before g1 launched
05:30.25RyeBryeAll the comments on that thread are positive buzz
05:30.36jbqbgupta: We totally understand. And we appreciate that you understand the magnitude of the task to switching to open-source on such a large project.
05:30.44swetlandI mean we had been saying we were going to do that for roughly a year prior, but there was an awful lot of "no way it's some elaborate trick" speculation ^^
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05:31.21joeootoh, there are a few other linux phone projects are that we're still waiting for.  So I understand the skepticism
05:31.58swetlandI wish we could have shipped the dev devices at the same time as g1 launch.  didn't quite work out that way
05:32.14romainguy_now that the source and dev devices are out I will demand one ListView patch for every complaint ^^
05:32.25romainguy_swetland: 6 weeks later isn't too bad :)
05:32.41unix_infidelswetland: heh, you at least could've told us they were coming ;-P
05:32.57romainguy_swetland (and I) gave several hints on this very channel
05:33.01romainguy_for the past few weeks
05:33.30romainguy_(and "hints" is a weak term :)
05:33.36swetlandyeah, I have been dropping the occasional not-so-subtle hint, without stepping over the line that would cause management to strangle me ^^
05:33.39RyeBryeI just need a dump of the spl part from an engineering phone :(
05:33.59swetlandI need to subscribe to that g1-hacking list.  I miss all the fun ^^
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05:34.02RyeBryeswetland:  you can just pm me - I can keep secrets
05:34.12romainguy_RyeBrye: you don't want to simply get a dev phone?
05:34.24jbqNow, let's get the latest source code out (so much work left, and I don't want the people involved to burn out *again*).
05:34.54romainguy_jbq: today my manager forbade me to burn out again for a few months :)
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05:35.12joeois way past burned out
05:35.21RyeBryeromainguy_: wife. I already dropped $$ on a phone. She wont let drop $400 on a dev one
05:35.35swetlandromain: you are not allowed to die until after we ship
05:35.43swetlandromain: this rule resets after we ship
05:35.48romainguy_swetland: that's what Mike told me :)
05:35.49joeoit's like how charcoal is burned already, but somehow it still catches fire
05:35.57unix_infidelswetland: ship?
05:36.02romainguy_joeo: it's your bones man, they can burn
05:36.15bguptaI gotta say *again*. For a 1.0 release. This was one of the best... I don't think people realize it yet, because it's a t-mobile only device... but this platform is gonna end up doing very well... For something still in it's infancy.. it's solid.. (Many here will agree).
05:36.18swetlandui: we aren't actually packing up and going home after the first phone hits the market ^^
05:36.30romainguy_bgupta: ask Disconnect :))
05:36.52jbqromainguy_ ;-)
05:36.57RyeBryeI'm fairly confident I can get the unlocked bootloader on the normal G1 - but the one guy I know who has one that got it magically has disappeared off the face of the earth
05:37.21romainguy_RyeBrye: oooh that would be cheating
05:37.51RyeBryeI'll get a gel pen and draw polygons on the back of my phone - nobody will ever know!
05:38.54swetlandjust be *really* careful when you guys start reflashing hboot
05:39.07swetlandbecause hosing that is a huge pain in the ass to recover from
05:39.22RyeBryeYeah, I can only imagine
05:39.28romainguy_swetland: with these dev devices I feel lame with the devices I'll give away next week in Europe :p
05:39.42RyeBryeromainguy_:  - true... you should give them to me instead
05:39.42geistneat, dev devices
05:39.51RyeBryeinfobot tell geist  about devphones
05:40.04jbqswetland: is hosing hboot the step such that they're hosed enough that they're not worth recovering?
05:40.08romainguy_RyeBrye: buy a ticket to Devoxx
05:40.18wastrelhose thou not thy boot
05:40.30geistnow my device doesn't feel so funny
05:40.32swetlandjbq: recovery from that has some serious quality of life consequences for the device
05:40.57RyeBryeyeah, it'd be pretty hard to recover from it on a normal phone I imagine
05:41.01SanMehatswetland: yo boss
05:41.55swetlandI'm pretty sure production devices don't have the arm9 bl recovery mode stuff (would be a big backdoor) so they'd have to take the device apart and rework it to reflash.  The hw I have that's been through that process always has looked a bit beaten up
05:41.59swetlandheya san
05:42.13swetlandwho did you bribe to get ops out here? ^^
05:42.28SanMehatswetland: you dont want to know the things i had to do..
05:42.29unix_infidelRyeBrye: heh, nice top.
05:42.32SanMehatterrible.. terrible things
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05:42.47RyeBryeswetland:  Should the 2.6.27 kernel be able to boot a G1?;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/android-msm-2.6.27
05:43.15SanMehatit should
05:43.17swetlandrye: I'd wait until the next mainline open source push
05:43.34swetlandbecause I believe there are a couple needed userspace changes that are not in the external trees yet
05:43.46swetland(but will be coming shortly)
05:43.53SanMehatack right.
05:44.07RyeBryeI like cpu freq scaling, and I like cpu max freq at 528
05:44.10swetlandstick with .25 for the moment, move to .27 when we finish the next big external drop
05:44.36swetlandrye: 528 isn't a big win in many cases (many pain points are io bound, not cpu bound) and does cost you power wise
05:44.49swetlandthe better cpu scaling is a plus though
05:44.52SanMehatRyeBrye: 528 doesn't buy you much from my experiments
05:44.58jbqswetland: can I ask you to have a look at gerrit changes 5269 and 5270? I'd like to push them before the week-end for the openmoko guys... in case they're still interested...
05:45.05RyeBryeRight, the bottleneck is memory right?
05:45.22SanMehatRyeBrye: i/o mainly
05:45.31RyeBrye;a=commit;h=c2ae3738cf027412b6be46a43b19fee161b87ce7 What uses the Elan 8232 ?
05:45.38swetlandjbq: is digit happy with these?
05:45.55swetlandrye: nothing that's shipping yet
05:46.15jbqswetland: I haven't heard back from him. They're straight copies from the internal tree, and the diffs match the original change.
05:46.25romainguy_doesn't 528 also overheats the thing?
05:46.27RyeBryeElan 8232 code also has multifingers that can be tracked in it?
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05:46.59SanMehatromainguy_: not as far as i can tell, but it doesn't really buy you any noticible difference
05:47.06romainguy_fwiw, I pestered swetland a while ago about running at 528 to improve the speed of the UI but it didn't help at all
05:47.06jbqswetland: anyway, it's obviously your decision. But if the decision is "yes" I'd prefer if it happened earlier rather than later.
05:47.08romainguy_SanMehat: I know
05:47.13romainguy_most stuff are I/O bounds
05:47.23romainguy_or in the case of the UI, we're often bound by the bus speed
05:47.29swetlandjbq: corner me on monday?  if they're the same as the internal stuff, I'm fine with it
05:47.44romainguy_I know that list flinging, which is the worst case scenario for the UI, doesn't go much faster at 528
05:47.46swetlandjust kinda in the middle of MSM8250 hacking right now ^^
05:47.48jbqOK, we'll see on Monday while digit it still in town.
05:47.59jbquh, cool!
05:48.14RyeBryeMSM8250 ?
05:48.34swetlandsome day!
05:48.39SanMehatswetland: you couldn't wait could you :)
05:48.48jbq528 helps for non-IO non-graphics dalvik stuff. But not for the rest, and it's not worth the battery life.
05:49.15RyeBryebut with ondemand, doesn't it tend to not ever get up that high anyway even if it is enabled?
05:49.15swetlandsan: I've been trying to do this ALL WEEK
05:49.27swetlandit is now nearly 10pm on friday and I can finally write some code in peace ^^
05:49.37romainguy_RyeBrye: yeah but battery life matters :))
05:50.16RyeBryeromainguy_: but with ondemand clocking it at 3xx almost all the time, and only going up to 538 or whatever very occasionally, wouldn't that help it?
05:50.21SanMehatswetland: hahaha i know.. this week was a good coding week for me
05:50.27swetlandlucky bastard
05:50.38swetlandsomeday they'll make you a manager.  you'll get yours!
05:50.48jbqI haven't coded a thing in a while month.
05:50.51geistsame here. i have to essentially resort to working at home or working on the weekend
05:51.16sparkleromain, i really noticed the bus limits when i ran an lmbench :)
05:51.49geistsomeone else just noticed how terrible the msm7k is performance wise?
05:51.50sparklefor what it is it's definitely not bad
05:52.42SanMehatswetland: no f'in way do you want to make me a manager :)
05:52.50jbqgeist: I don't find it terrible. My biggest concern is how it's in pain when doing 3D on a large screen.
05:53.15geistwell, it's only terrible in contrast to all the other much better arm11s out there
05:53.22swetlandsan: it would be the same reason rubin made me a manager: revenge
05:53.42SanMehatyou're a sick one... but I *do* understand you....
05:53.58swetlandhe'd been threatening to for years whenever I really pissed him off and he finally made good on his threats
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05:54.23SanMehatgeist: hola - how goes?
05:54.37jbqmakes a note to avoid getting Andy pissed off.
05:54.38geistpretty crappy. deep in trying to make stuff go
05:54.54swetlandgeist: you guys need to ship so these crazy people can port android to your hw
05:54.59SanMehatgeist: doh.
05:55.10geistswetland: oh you wouldn't believe how nice it'll be to run android on :)
05:55.19SanMehatgeist: :)
05:55.40swetlandyou've been taunting me forever.  the ID had better be unfrickinbelievable ^^
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05:56.13geistanyway, currently stuck in warm boot hell
05:56.30geistwarm boots are always hell for bootloader, since you have essentially an infinite number of states the hardware can be in
05:56.35swetlandwarm boot for resume or just soft reboot?
05:56.44geistsoft reboot
05:57.02geistwarm boot for resume is handled by the cpu pretty nicekly
05:57.04swetlandthat's *one* nice thing about 7201a... we don't actually have to come back through the bl
05:57.26swetland; ;
05:57.27swetlandUnpacking replacement python2.5-minimal ...
05:57.27swetlandUnpacking replacement python2.5-minimal ...Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/python-apt_0.7.3.1ubuntu4.2_i386.deb
05:57.30swetlandE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
05:57.53SanMehatgeist: back before when i was writing bioses, we always made warm boots turn into cold boots (before doing any HT initialization)
05:58.00SanMehatit was just easier to deal with
05:58.10geistyeah, but there's always something you dont catch
05:58.20geistespecialy on the PMIC
05:58.23geistwhich is a monster
05:58.27SanMehatgeist: well.. we'd make it a cold boot by forcing PCI_RST :)
05:58.40SanMehatthat has a way of whacking *everything*
05:58.44geistsadly can't reboot the hand that feeds you by whacking the pmic
05:58.54SanMehatthat *is* sad
05:59.06swetlandkicks his ubunutu box
05:59.07geistanyway, works great until you trip over something you forgot
05:59.20SanMehati don't envy you that
05:59.25geistnah, it's no biggie
05:59.34geisthad similar problems at apple on iphone
05:59.39SanMehatholy crap this channel is hugs
05:59.41geistyou just dig through the manuals until you find everything
05:59.50geistand reset the rest
06:00.24geistit's mostly just annoying because it's a pain to debug
06:00.29geistno serial at that point
06:00.39jbqgives SanMehat a few huge hugs
06:00.55geistHUGEHUG ATTACK
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06:01.35joeohey open source community: anyone feel like writing valgrind for arm so we can kill off the simulator?
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06:01.52joeobecause I spent the last two days making the build system build it on 64 bit linux
06:02.09swetlandoh gods, please let me kill the simulator
06:02.16swetlandI've been trying for two years now
06:02.22SanMehatwho still uses that?
06:02.23geistjoeo: we already did
06:02.25swetlandthat thing is the bane of my existence
06:02.25joeoI know
06:02.30joeomine too
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06:02.43swetlandsanmehat: fadden will cry if he cannot run the vm in sim under valgrind
06:02.45geistjoeo: we even sort of released it, but it hasn't made it back to the main valgrind tree yet
06:02.47joeothe browser team, fadden and marco use it
06:02.53joeoto run valgrind
06:02.57joeogeist: really?
06:02.59geistyeah really
06:03.11geistwe use it a lot, even supports armv7
06:03.13SanMehatjoeo: ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE
06:03.14swetlandwhat I really want is valgrind-like functionality in qemu
06:03.32geisti dont know the status of it precisely. we sent in some patches to valgrind, dont know if they took it
06:03.37swetlandso we don't take the performance hit of running valgrind inside the arm emu.  though that'd be nice to have too
06:03.43geistit's a big pile of changes, so they're probably chewing on it
06:04.10geisti think the sticking point is the valgrind authors require that you assign copyright to them
06:04.17geistand so that causes our lawyers to have to get involved, etc
06:04.31geistso i think we have put out a public set of patches, but it wont get integrated until we can sign off on it, etc
06:04.34geisthaha, flooded
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06:05.08geistanyway, yeah we put an intern or two on it this summer and it worked out pretty well
06:05.09swetlandgeist: what toolchain do the cool kids who want vfp and neon support use these days?
06:05.13geistintern #2 is polishing it off
06:05.19geistswetland: codesourcery
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06:05.26jbqluckily, we have some good non-bullshit lawyers.
06:05.30swetlandany particular version/build/etc
06:05.40geistwe've been using 2007q3, it seems to be stable
06:05.48geistsome of the newer 2008s had some neon issues
06:05.54geistthough cs claims they're fixed now
06:06.15geistbut i dont expect any real good neon support out of the compiler. that's asm territory
06:06.17swetlandwe're getting our ARMv7 stuff sorted out
06:06.25geistarmv7 == w1n
06:06.37geistthumb2 > *
06:06.38swetlandI want to see mathias update codeflinger for it
06:06.54geistthat's the current gotcha with our valgrind too, arm only at the moment
06:06.59swetlanddoes thumb2 support ldex and such?
06:07.00geisthaven't hacked in the thumb bits
06:07.06geistthumb2 supports everything
06:07.15geistall the cp15 stuff
06:07.24swetlandnow if only arm would get their heads out of their butts and release instruction set docs publicly
06:07.27geistall the new bits
06:07.41andyrossthumb2 look an awful lot like i386, in fact
06:07.44geistthe new docs are pretty hateful
06:07.48geistyep, exactly
06:08.19swetland15 prefix bytes ftw
06:08.26geistnow that we're essentially post instruction set making that much of a difference but cpu speed still outstripping memory, having dense .text matters more than anything else
06:08.39geistintel waited long enough that having cisc ends up eventually paying off
06:09.22geistthough i suspect that stuffing 256K or so of L2 in front of a usually cache starved arm starts making the thumb advantage go away
06:09.29andyrossMore like when you have 22 pipeline stages, an extra one or two for instruction decode doesn't seem like such a big deal.
06:09.56geistexactly. the cost of decoding x86 or thumb or thumb2 is more or less fixed, wheras the size of the cpu is going up by moores law
06:10.04geistnow it's just this tiny little corner
06:10.32jbqx86 started to pull off when intel started to design chipsets with good L2 and RAM interfaces.
06:10.42geistand anyway, thumb2 is still pretty darn easy to decode. all 32bit thumb instructions have the same first couple of bits
06:10.58geistit's easy to decide to fetch the next
06:11.23geisti forget. the 32bit instructions all fit into a previously unused piece of the 16bit thumb instruction space
06:11.40swetlandoh wacky
06:11.45swetlandqsd8250 has stacked memory
06:11.50swetlandfor some reason I thought it didn't
06:12.19jbqgeist: ewww, that could have been a description of UTF-16.
06:12.34RyeBryeany word on how fast the dev phone ship?
06:12.39geistthe only real icky thing in thumb2 is the way the emulated conditional instructions: the it isntruction lets you modify up to the next 4 instructions
06:12.54geistbasically you can specify on conditiion <foo> take the next n instructions and dont take the next m
06:13.00geistwhere n + m <= 4
06:13.25RyeBryeOh, and do dev phones have only OSS stack of software, or will they have youtube... etc. on them?
06:13.43jbqgeist: oh, wacky.
06:13.46swetlandyou know, I honestly don't know exactly what's in that build
06:13.47ttuttlegeist: wow, that's powerful
06:14.10geistttuttle: not as much as the original 32bit arm instruction set, where every instruction has a 4 bit condition field
06:14.16geistthat's *very* powerful
06:14.22andyrossexpressive instructions aren't always a win though.   They have to be worth the die area required to support them, which could be used for cache or whatnot.
06:14.43ttuttlegeist: oh, wow
06:14.46geistyeah, arm is a realy fun instruction set for hacking by hand
06:14.57geistbut meh, compilers do all the dirty work now
06:15.11jbqremembers Be's x86 compression code that made it 5x smaller (gzip typically only gets 2x).
06:15.20geistyes, i still tell stories about that jb
06:15.28joeoI was just telling someone about that yesterday too
06:15.34geistit goes down in legend. i assume no one used it at access
06:15.38swetlandthat and pierre locking himself in his office for a week to write the rotated appserver
06:15.39joeoIn the context of the systemimage being full
06:15.39RyeBryeBe was pretty nuts
06:15.52RyeBryedid some of you work on Be?
06:16.04geistjoeo, swetland, jbq, and I did
06:16.11geistand more that are probably idling
06:16.13swetlandbunch of us. I did kernel crap, scsi, usb, midi, cdr, etc
06:16.19jbqRyeBrye: the purchase page lists Google Maps, Gmail, YouTube, Google Calendar and Google Talk.
06:16.22RyeBryeCool. I ran Be OS for a while on my PowerPC mac that had dual 604 processors
06:16.27RyeBryejbq:  - cool.
06:16.29RyeBryejbq: thanks
06:16.38swetlandit is beos x86's fault that I'm here
06:16.40RyeBryejbq: and what about the market :)
06:16.41jbqI'm happy to have my name on the x86-compression patent.
06:16.49geisti have the dubious honor of having written the kernel for the haiku beos rewrite project
06:17.01jbqRyeBrye: oh, Market is also there.
06:17.05RyeBryeok, good :)
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06:17.11RyeBryewhat about tricorder?
06:17.22jbqis also here because of BeOS.
06:17.36jbq(where "here" is Google, and USA).
06:17.40joeomy career flows pretty directly from Be to here
06:17.46geisti managed to escape the pull of the mountain view singularity
06:18.00geistbut i feel the tug every day. all trees lean in towards google
06:18.27LeedsFnordg1: HK - and all of China - is GMT+8
06:18.32swetlandwe are working on technology to edit the trees back into their natural position in streetview
06:18.33RyeBryeThe Be demo showing balls bouncing between different windows that I saw in an issue of MacTech was pretty nuts to me at the time
06:18.57joeowho's going to implement that on android?
06:19.01geistoh no, you didn't see the swetland fishtank
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06:19.23jbqwas that DFP?
06:19.33RyeBryeWhat would the analog be for android? having a ball bounce between activities?
06:19.34geiston top of openblt
06:19.51jbqRyeBrye: between devices, using xmpp.
06:19.56geistcould do a fishtank on the device if you knew pretty accurately where the other fishtanks are
06:20.06RyeBryejbq:  if GPS was accurate enough, that would rule :)
06:20.13geistcould be fun. fish swims off your device onto another
06:20.16joeothe compass might be able to get the orientation right
06:20.20geistyou could paint one, or stick a note on it, or something
06:20.39RyeBryeHow accurate is the ss strength meter on the bluetooth?
06:20.40swetlandoh gods
06:20.56geistthere ya go. DFP needs to live again swetland
06:21.04geistthis time it's domain is THE WORLD
06:21.33RyeBryeThat would be funny :) if you could tag a fish with a little note and have it travel around - you could use the compass and rough location to find a peer
06:21.40swetlandwe need a new generation of SIGOPS nerds to create DFP2.0
06:21.51joeois this the one that would send it down daisy chained 10 Base 2?
06:21.57RyeBryeand fish could have a goal in mind that you give them when you create the fish
06:22.08RyeBryei.e travel from San Francisco to New York - 1 phone at a time :)
06:22.14geistdude! that would rule
06:22.16RyeBryelike travelbugs in geocaching :)
06:22.40geistmaybe it could send you postcards
06:22.42geistwhere it got to
06:22.50RyeBryeOr it could post tweets along the way :)
06:22.57geistor whatever the kids call it nowadays
06:23.00RyeBryea tweeting fish :)
06:23.34RyeBryeI wonder which would be cooler: requiring close proximity to transfer fish, or allowing it to jump up to a few miles to the next fish
06:23.45RyeBryethe jumping a few miles is probably less rapist friendly
06:24.01geistyeah, it would swim around in your tank for a whiel before jumping again
06:24.11geisti would sit there and watch it all day (instead of working)
06:24.13RyeBryeYeah, until you got somewhere close enough that it could be handed off :)
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06:24.44swetlandprotip: downloading your kernel to valid physical addresses increases your chances of a successful boot
06:24.48jbqimagines the fish jumping off all the time in the Googleplex.
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06:25.06RyeBryeI'd drive to Googleplex just to pass fish off
06:25.21geistyeah, drive by and they'd all jump in your device
06:25.24jbqswetland: doh. I'm a l33t kernal h4x0rz, have you ever heard of virtual memory?
06:26.56RyeBryeIMF should take a backburner to fish
06:27.04RyeBryejust demonstrated why he isn't a manager
06:27.38geistdont worry, swetland only has about a 2 week attention span
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06:27.45geistit's legendary
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06:27.54RyeBryethat can be medicated, I think
06:28.07RyeBryeYou can probably reduce it to 1 week
06:28.10geistnah, you need a number of swetlands in the world to get the ball rolling
06:28.19geistthen you get dborts to finish it off
06:28.26jbqgeist: the scary part is that he can do in 2 weeks what regular engineers take 6 months to do.
06:28.32geistcombined, they are unstoppable
06:28.49geistyeah, wish i was that way, but i think my brain rotted away a few years ago
06:29.02geistapple did it to me, i think
06:29.03swetlandwell I do a bit of both starting and finishing. more the former than the latter
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06:29.15RyeBryeSo how close was Apple to buying Be?
06:29.22swetlandbefore our time
06:29.31geistway before our time
06:29.33jbqRyeBrye: that was before ... what swetland said.
06:29.40RyeBryeSo they had already bought NeXT when you were there?
06:29.52geistyeah, we were in the x86 years
06:29.59geistand jbq and i made it through the beia years
06:30.03swetlandthey hired me in may or june of 98 iirc
06:30.08jbqstarted on Apr 6 '98
06:30.09geistmay 99 for me
06:30.13RyeBryeThat's when I started college - '98
06:30.27jbqswetland: you started after I did? Geee, I didn't remember that, I thought you were there before me.
06:30.36RyeBryeI was running BeOS on my mac in 97 or something - they gave out discs with the PPC version of it at MacWorld IIRC
06:30.56geistyeah, i got into beso because a mac buddy of mine had r3 cds and gave me the intel one
06:30.59geisthe didn't need it
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06:31.22RyeBryeSo no BeBoxes lying around?
06:31.26swetlandI owned a bebox, sold it to a friend when I lacked time to hack on it, but got the x86 cd when they shipped it
06:31.30geisthas 2 in his arage
06:31.30jbqgeist: funny, they weren't released together. maybe r3.1 or something.
06:31.38jbqI have 1 in storage.
06:31.48swetlandgot a 133MHz bebox in my hall closet at home, and a bemachine (dual hobbit, triple dsp)
06:31.49geistjbq: maybe it was one of the dev things? it was a little fold out thing with 2 cds in it
06:31.54geisti think i actually still have it somewhere
06:32.00jbqI think that was the 3.1 update.
06:32.05geistswetland: oh you have a hobbit. cool, we were just talking about those
06:32.11jbqmay/june 98
06:32.22jbqI have a hobbit mobo, plus a second set of (5) CPUs.
06:32.28geistwould have been about right. i screwed around with it for a while, started hacking fs drivers for it
06:32.32swetlandyeah, I put one together from bits and pieces from ming's backup cube
06:32.36jbqexact spelling h0bb1t.
06:32.36geistthen did the intern thing in may 99
06:33.05geistthe only other working one i know of cameron had put together and sold on ebay a week after he was canned
06:33.10swetlandwhere's Ming these days?  Did he end up at apple too?
06:33.19geisthe's at apple with manuel
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06:33.23jbqrealizes that the ex-be guys must be looking like old farts in this channel.
06:33.33geistwhen i was at apple he was 3 doors down
06:33.33RyeBryeWow. "um, just checked it out, they want $264 to ship to Canada..." re: the dev phone
06:33.33swetlandthat's because we *are* old farts
06:33.39RyeBryeSingapore is half price of canada?
06:33.48swetlandrye: it's a smaller country
06:33.51jbqswetland: good point.
06:33.54geistyeah, should have reported to Carousel a long time ago
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06:37.12swetlandoh wow
06:37.23swetlandthis cpu must be running at like tcxo or something
06:37.27swetlandI thought it had crashed
06:37.33swetlandit was just taking frickin' forever to decompress
06:37.41geistyay 32khz cpus
06:37.55geistwell, guess not that slow
06:38.03swetlandokay, time to understand how the hell the cpu clock control works on this beast ^^
06:38.39geistyou have to go ask the smaller, retarded, cousin to set it up for you?
06:38.58swetlandnah. cpu clock is owned by the cpu
06:39.08swetlandjust works differently than on 7k
06:39.15geistin msm7k clock owns you
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06:42.14RyeBryehas Adobe hooked google up at all with betas of the flash player, or are they just playing with themselves?
06:43.06RyeBryeor if they did, you guys couldn't talk about it?
06:43.27swetlandcan't talk about unlaunched partner projects and such
06:43.41RyeBryeOk. figured as much
06:44.06RyeBryeI'll have to work my adobe connections to see if they have a prerelease of it out there
06:44.22RyeBryepretends he has strong adobe connections, when really he just knows people who do
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06:47.52RyeBryenot my submission, but on digg right now is a link to the engadget post about the G1 dev phones:
06:49.57spikebikeinteresting, maybe that's the answer to having root
06:50.52RyeBryeyep, it is.
06:50.57RyeBryeyou missed the orgy about it earlier! :)
06:51.06RyeBryeinfobot: tell spikebike about devphones
06:51.30spikebikeyeah I *gasp* actually went out for awhile on friday night ;-)
06:52.37RyeBryeIf I knew reliably how fast the G1 dev phone would ship, I'd buy one right now - get the unlock code for my G1 - and post it on eBay tonight
06:53.19spikebikedo you have root on your phone now?
06:56.50RyeBryeMe? yeah
06:57.29RyeBryebut... buying a new toy is always buying a new toy - even if said new toy is almost identical to your old new toy except it has funky graphics on it
06:57.56bguptanight all... be back tomorrow...
06:58.06bguptaor technically later today
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07:13.11muthu_225$ shipping for dev device?
07:13.25ttuttlemuthu_: ?
07:13.41muthu_am trying to order the developer device..
07:13.41rwhitbySo that $25 + $399 + $225 total?
07:13.46ttuttlemuthu_: $399 includes free shipping, I thought.
07:13.53romainguy_in the US
07:13.57muthu_nope, 225$ shipping for india
07:14.04ttuttlemuthu_: oh
07:14.17romainguy_the shipping probably includes custom taxes
07:14.27ttuttleromainguy_: ah
07:14.33romainguy_remembers the custom taxes on his Japanese PSP :)
07:14.40ttuttlemuthu_: get a friend to forward it to you?
07:14.52muthu_ttuttle: yeah, i'll have to find someone to smuggle it for me
07:15.47ttuttleis not speaking on behalf of Google and does not encourage dodging customs taxes, etc...
07:17.22muthu_ttuttle: that's the dev device you have right?
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07:18.24muthu_nice to have the developer devices available.. google is in the right direction
07:19.03ttuttlemuthu_: it's a }1, but configured as a dev device.
07:19.07ttuttle* G1
07:19.36romainguy_it's not a G1 :)
07:19.40ttuttlemuthu_: So it's got an unlocked bootloader and radio. Also, it runs Google dogfood builds :)
07:19.42romainguy_it has the same hardware though
07:19.45sparklei still want purple/black camo :p
07:19.57ttuttleromainguy_: It says G1 on the case and the boot screen.
07:20.05ttuttleromainguy_: :P
07:20.16ttuttleromainguy_: Okay, it's an AT&T G1 :P
07:20.23romainguy_ttuttle: I'm talking about the Android Dev Device 1
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07:20.28ttuttleromainguy_: oh okay
07:20.46muthu_romainguy_: it should be close to a G1, isn't it?
07:20.49ttuttleromainguy_: I thought you were talking about mine.
07:21.04ttuttlemuthu_: It's the same thing, just with a different model name.
07:21.21muthu_yeah, thought so
07:21.23romainguy_muthu_: same hardware
07:21.29romainguy_G1 is T-Mobile's
07:21.39ttuttleromainguy_: Oh, do the Dev devices support AT&T 3G?
07:22.12romainguy_same hardware I said
07:22.18ttuttleromainguy_: oh good, then I don't need to be jealous.
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07:22.40romainguy_you didn't pay for it, you cannot be jealous :)
07:23.06ttuttleromainguy_: true
07:23.22ttuttleromainguy_: /me <3 Google.
07:23.31ttuttleromainguy_: It's a wonderful phone.
07:23.45romainguy_I wish I had a prod device ^^
07:24.06ttuttleromainguy_: :(
07:24.18romainguy_one without huge etched serial numbers ;-)
07:24.39ttuttleromainguy_: Get them to send one to Thomas Buttle, then I'll send it back to you ;-)
07:25.22swetlandButtle's bootloader version wasn't on Tuttle's invoice.  It was an honest mistake.
07:25.31ttuttleswetland: ;)
07:25.49swetlandcalls Central Services
07:26.19romainguy_and there's the new SDK too ^^
07:26.47ttuttleromainguy_: oh yeah, I need to download that.
07:26.48muthu_lot of android training is required in bangalore
07:27.02ttuttlemuthu_: what do you mean?
07:27.05swetlandwonders how long until somebody ports openmoko to the devphone ^^
07:27.12muthu_looks like android development is picking up in bangalore india
07:27.18ttuttlemuthu_: ah
07:27.19xsdgswetland: I heard that if you press the right sequence of keystrokes on the G1, you can get it to make a phone call
07:27.26xsdgswetland: is the same true of the dev phone?
07:27.36swetlandxsdg: foul lies!
07:27.45ttuttlexsdg: no, maybe in android 2.0.
07:27.55romainguy_swetland: I heard last week from an old friend of mine I didn't talk to in the past few years, he's working full time on OpenMoko stuff
07:28.01romainguy_writing yet another UI toolkit ^^
07:28.16swetlandyou can never have too many ui toolkits
07:28.34romainguy_swetland: can I start a new one for Android 2? :)
07:28.35xsdgsomeone should make a UI toolkit called "GIT"
07:28.43xsdg"Generally Integrated Toolkit"
07:28.49ttuttleswetland: android needs another few
07:29.05swetlandromain: only if it's backed by GL and designed for hw accel from day one
07:29.07romainguy_still wants to write a scenegraph/physics engine based UI toolkit
07:29.10swetlandif so, you have my blessing
07:29.11romainguy_swetland: that was implied
07:29.37RyeBryeromainguy_:  I could help you with that physics engine - depending upon when you wanted to do it
07:29.39xsdgromainguy_: only if you write the physics engine :o)
07:29.56ttuttleswetland: so how are things going?
07:29.57romainguy_well GridView almost has a physics engine inside ^^
07:30.01RyeBryeHow complicated / accurate do you want to get?
07:30.06RyeBryemajored in computational physics
07:30.15ttuttleRyeBrye: cool
07:30.27xsdgRyeBrye: well, clearly, folks are going to want to use their phones for N-body simulations
07:30.28RyeBryewhich really means nothing as far as physics simulations are concerned, but it SOUNDS like it should :)
07:30.37xsdgRyeBrye: how do you think Sky Map figures out where the stars are?
07:30.42RyeBryeI did tinker with the Open Dynamics Engine for a while
07:30.42romainguy_RyeBrye: it's to layout widgets so... :)
07:30.56RyeBryeOh, you probably can just fake it all then
07:31.21RyeBryewell... by fake it I mean you woudln't want to give widgets mass and momentum and joints or anything, right?
07:31.30romainguy_that's where you wrong :)
07:31.31RyeBryelike... no ragdoll widgets?
07:31.32romainguy_you never know :p
07:31.35xsdgRyeBrye: yes, the widgets like a toke every once in a while
07:31.48romainguy_especially when it comes to animating layouts/transitions, that could be useful
07:32.07RyeBryeare you talking 3D or just 2D plane physics?
07:32.18RyeBryeYeah, 2d is a lot simpler
07:32.23xsdgromainguy_: of course, you could have all the widgets on a mat with some friction, and then run the accelerometer 24/7
07:32.25RyeBryewell, 1 dimension simpler :)
07:32.29romainguy_RyeBrye: did you know that listview uses the coefficient of friction of leather on ice expressed in pixels per second? :)
07:32.41xsdgRyeBrye: you can actually do rotation in 2d
07:32.44RyeBryeThat's cool, I didn't look at it much
07:32.55xsdgromainguy_: haha
07:33.06romainguy_(maybe it's not leather on ice anymore, I changed that coefficient too many times to recall, but it's a real coefficient :)
07:33.28RyeBryeYeah, using a real one that closely matches the sensation you are trying to express would make sense
07:33.30xsdgromainguy_: what's the spring constant for the app drawer?
07:33.37romainguy_it doesn't use a spring
07:33.50romainguy_I did use spring equations to implement a bouncing drag and drop once though
07:34.05romainguy_(you drop an item on your desktop, it bounces a little when it falls and hits the desktop :)
07:34.10xsdgromainguy_: I should find some excuse to get you to solve the Navier-Stokes eqns
07:34.19romainguy_I hate maths
07:34.24xsdgbah, math is awesome
07:34.26RyeBryeI think I did nothing but spring equations for an entire year in college.
07:34.34RyeBryeor variations of things involving springs
07:34.35romainguy_RyeBrye: ouch :)
07:34.38xsdgromainguy_: what's better than math?
07:34.44romainguy_pretty much everything
07:35.26romainguy_including steamed fennel
07:35.28RyeBryeWEll... htat's a bit of an exaggeration - but yeah, lots of different driven oscillators and stuff
07:35.29romainguy_and it's pretty bad :)
07:35.39RyeBryesteamed fennel? nah - you have to toast it and crush it
07:35.44RyeBryethen put it on pork
07:35.49RyeBrye(well, fennel seed)
07:35.50jhamromainguy_: I think ListView is now using the coefficient of friction of cold Mexican Coke on a fake wooden desk
07:35.53romainguy_RyeBrye: I guess that's better than all the project management I did in school
07:35.55offby1xsdg: spread thinly on toast
07:36.04romainguy_jham: it could very well be the case ;-)))
07:36.15offby1.oO("maybe I'm thinking of Bovril")
07:36.22romainguy_jham: I'm gonna miss our Mexican coke dude
07:36.29romainguy_oh wait
07:36.32xsdgromainguy_: Jumex?
07:36.36romainguy_in France coke uses real sugar too :)
07:36.50RyeBryeThis is just a snippet from one of my homework assignments that I thought mildly interesting:
07:37.37romainguy_RyeBrye: you blog about your twits?
07:37.49RyeBryeromainguy_: you mean my kids?
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07:38.13RyeBryeromainguy_: or my tweets? I just have my twitter feeding my sidebar just so I don't feel obligated to update my blog that often
07:38.26romainguy_tweets, however you call the stuff from twitter
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07:38.35xsdgromainguy_: `dict twit` :o)
07:38.38romainguy_I was talking about the weekly posts with a bunch of twitter stuff inside
07:38.39RyeBryemy kids would also apply
07:38.52RyeBryeYeah, auto generated digest
07:39.16RyeBryeIt mainly gives me motivation to post at least once a week because I'd look really lame if I just had two of those posts back to back
07:39.22jhamromainguy_: It's not just the sugar, but also the glass bottle
07:39.35romainguy_jham: true true
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07:40.53offby1RyeBrye: I dimly recall learning why drums don't generally generate a musical note, and those things that _do_ generate a musical note tend to be one-dimensional (more or less).  Steel drums are still a mystery, though
07:41.53RyeBryeoffby1:  - good point. I never thought about steel drums - but I have a good contact with the head of the acoustics department - who is also the chair of the physics department... I could bug him and see his answer.
07:42.08xsdgoffby1: steel drums are... metal...
07:42.21RyeBryeRight, but the musical pitch to them
07:42.22xsdgoffby1: the head isn't something stretched over a frame
07:42.51RyeBryeyeah, but the vibrations have to propogate - and the constraints are similar in how they can move if it's circular
07:42.57xsdgRyeBrye: they tune them, likely by changing the shape and thickness of the metal
07:43.03xsdgRyeBrye: steel drums have pockets
07:43.22xsdgRyeBrye: it's not like they just cut a steel trashcan in half :o)
07:43.38AcidulousSteel drums are hammered into that shape by hand, they spend hours tuning them manually
07:44.19DarkriftXrtft0c2? read the fucking table of contents too?
07:44.30RyeBryeYes :)
07:44.37Aciduloushahaha awesome
07:44.39DarkriftXthat was a guess :S
07:44.44DarkriftXchecks the url
07:44.44RyeBryeeither that or they got it out of an RTF doc?
07:47.47JesusFrekeRye: you may find the  acoustics of the tabla are interesting too :)
07:47.47xsdgromainguy_: not allowed
07:47.47romainguy_so many duplicates in the bug tracker
07:47.47RyeBryeyou should outsource that dup finding to someone
07:47.55xsdgRyeBrye: hey; need a free job?
07:48.04JesusFrekebasically, the add mass to the drum head in such a way to align the different modes more harmonically
07:48.13romainguy_RyeBrye: I'm not looking for dups, I just monitor the new bugs, and notice they are dups :)
07:48.15RyeBryeJesusFreke: that's interesting
07:48.25JesusFrekeso you actually get a "pitched" sound, when hit correctly
07:48.47xsdgJesusFreke: can they do other things to make the sound yaw and roll also?
07:48.50offby1I summarize that page as: "Nobody really knows why steel drums sound the way they do"
07:49.03offby1slaps xsdg upside the haid
07:49.18RyeBryeromainguy_: You could create a series of menial tasks and have someone calculate the $ / dev hour each task is worth - and then find some economical way to make it cheaper to reward other people with random dev phone giveaways for slaving away at the project
07:49.21JesusFrekexsdg, no. they haven't figured out how to put ailerons on the drumhead yet..
07:49.36xsdghigh-fives JesusFreke
07:49.45RyeBryekind of like how the national park service gives out Volunteer passes for a year - but you hve to do 1000 hours or something to get one (and buying one only costs $85)
07:49.49romainguy_RyeBrye: or I could just use all that time to actually fix bugs :))
07:50.24RyeBryeromainguy_:  no. the direct approach is never the proper approach.
07:50.46romainguy_RyeBrye: my job is to fix the bugs, not to manager the bug tracker :))
07:51.21RyeBryeIf you want to beta test how a program of gifting dev hardware would influence something - I will be a guinnea pig :)
07:51.52romainguy_RyeBrye: if from now on you fix all the ListView bugs, I'll  give you my device :)
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07:52.55RyeBryeromainguy_: hmm. do what Adobe does in their bug tracker for some of their Flex stuff. Mark it as "wontfix" and give some real long winded explanation explaining why the way it exists now is because of some kind of higher understanding of the universe
07:53.32romainguy_RyeBrye: we have that too, you just haven't seen it yet :)
07:55.05RyeBryeI found a few bugs in Flex 3 beta and submitted them  when I was still new to the Flex framework - they were almost all eventually marked as "wontfix" with some long explanation - but I just figured I was the problem... but slowly over the past year or two I've found about a dozen blog posts linking to people ranting about whatever specifc bug it was I reported
07:55.23RyeBryeminor stuff... like they changed their Panel container and completely broke behavior... etc.
07:55.29RyeBryeAnyway... I felt vindicated I guess :)
07:56.08romainguy_I have a couple of friends who work on the Flex SDK :)
07:56.21romainguy_actually I'm giving a talk with one them next week
07:56.29romainguy_I'll let him know he sucks :p
07:56.36RyeBryeYes, if he worked on Panel, he probably does suck :)
07:56.47RyeBryeFlex 4 seems cool.
07:56.59romainguy_he's writing the new Animations, Effects and Transitions APIs
07:57.10romainguy_Flash Catalyst looks just awesome
07:57.21RyeBryeThey gave out a prerelease to people at MAX
07:57.29romainguy_yeah I saw
07:57.32romainguy_I had a pass but couldn't go
07:57.34RyeBryeI think I can say I've used it
07:57.53romainguy_that said I guess I coul djust ask for it
07:58.12RyeBryeYeah, they have a closed prerelease that you could easily get on with your connections to get the latest and greatest
07:58.36romainguy_it served me well in the past :))
07:58.51romainguy_I'm glad I didn't have to pay for Flex Builder
07:59.03RyeBryewell.... there are several ways of accomplishing that objective :)
07:59.39RyeBryeFlex Builder 4 adds such advanced coding stuff like... wait for it... generating getters and setters!
07:59.44romainguy_the Adobe employees discounts on the Creative Suite and Photoshop are also pretty col
07:59.59romainguy_yeah Flex Builder is nice but it lags far behind free Java IDEs
08:00.11romainguy_I haven't tried Flex support in IntelliJ yet
08:00.13RyeBryeYeah. IntelliJ is throwing its weight into the Flex stuff nicely
08:00.20RyeBryeIt does basic refactoring already
08:00.51RyeBryeIt handles the actionscript parts of it much faster than Flex Builder - plus doing a simple rename refactoring doesn't take 5 minutes
08:01.19RyeBryeIs your friend involved with the android bit?
08:02.37RyeBryeIf they are doing a closed beta of it, I'd really like to get on it - since my day job right now is doing a big flex project I really want to see it on a phone... etc. - plus I CAN keep my mouth shut about stuff if I have to :)
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08:05.02romainguy_no he works on Flex itself, not Flash
08:05.49RyeBryeTell him that people who write UI frameworks for use on VMs are posers ;)
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08:09.07mibFindsterhi channel
08:13.23unix_infidelis it possible to associate the Gmail and calendar apps with multiple gmail accounts?
08:13.27unix_infidelerm, google accounts&
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08:40.43JesusFrekebe wery wery qwiet
08:41.04JesusFrekewe're hunting wabbits!
08:41.05Impossibleare you hunting wabbits jf?
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08:47.54FreeSoulHi guys!
08:48.36FreeSoulI've a couple fo questions... does android let the user access a linux terminal?
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08:49.05FreeSouland does anybody of you know who ported Android to the Nokia N810?
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08:55.06Neverender1theres a terminal emulator in the market.
08:55.15Neverender1and yes. apparently.
08:55.36Neverender1i saw a video
08:55.40Neverender1but thats all
08:55.42Neverender1so who knows
08:58.19FreeSoulok Neverender1thanks for the info
08:58.33FreeSouland... wait, can Android run on x86 ?
08:58.55Neverender1not at the moment
09:00.08Neverender1as far as i know..
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09:03.14FreeSoulmany thanks Neverender1
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10:10.10rb2khi there
10:10.32rb2kdoes anybody know specifics on the Android Dev Phone 1 concerning shipping?
10:11.09rb2kthe price is nice, but adding VAT and import taxes tends to make it really expensive
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10:31.12Leedsrb2k: to where?
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10:33.56rb2kforgot to mention :)
10:35.42rb2kthe question is weather google is able to start shipping inside the EU or not
10:39.10Leedsthere is a list of supported countries on the info page... I don't know what the shipping would be to EU, but to Singapore it's US$120 :-(
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10:39.57rb2kI guess you can only find that out by signing up for 25 usd?
10:40.13rb2k(germany is in the list btw)
10:40.25Leedsyes, Germany is on the list, and yes, you can only find the actual shipping cost by signing up and going most of the way through ordering one
10:40.41rb2koh... ok :-/
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10:41.07rb2kkinda sucks
10:41.09theCarpenteri just got a phone
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10:41.30Leedsand immediately left!!!!
10:41.53rb2kI think he started running and didn't realize that his laptop has a power cord
10:43.03rb2kbut the shipping part really sucks... that would be a difference of 424 usd to approx 600 usd
10:43.12rb2k(adding VAT, Shipping and import taxes)
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10:45.45Leedsit does suck...
10:46.11Leedsit was pointed out that they are using the same company for fulfillment that the OLPC G1G1 programme used last year... and that's not a good thing
10:49.34Leedson the other hand, the phone is cool :-D
10:50.02rb2kI already have an iPhone which is kinda cool...
10:50.07rb2kI just dislike objective c
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10:50.40rb2k(not that I think java is particularily great... but it's ok :P)
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10:52.11rb2kI think my umts connection just crapped out on me
10:52.35rb2khm, strange
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11:53.13phyburnis there anyway to get root on RC30 yet?
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12:57.56dualFrom the Android SDK download page, I can only find there is a i386 version of the Android SDK for Linux. Where's the 64Bit version?
12:59.28pohamirthey have 64bit drivers for vista on the xda forum
12:59.58pohamirdual: and are you using a pure 64 bit linux distro or is it multilib?
13:00.14pohamiralso, buy a mac ;>
13:00.38dualUbuntu Intrepid Ibex. I guess I can run 32bit, can't I? But I just wanted to know if there was a 64bit version available
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13:01.13pohamiri would imagen the 32 bit works fine, unless there is a kernel module
13:01.36dualJust downloaded it, going to try it later today.
13:01.42invainandroid  support  32bit linux distribution officially.
13:01.48pohamirdual: the mac didn't even require a driver, i just ran the excutable
13:02.13invainYou can install  32bit android sdk in your 64bit linux distribution like fedora, ubuntu.
13:02.28dualinvain: I hoped so
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13:02.57invainof course...
13:03.08invainwhere are you from?
13:03.22dualNorway. How does that matter? :P
13:03.26invainin my case, I am living south korea. and my company is samsung.
13:03.41invainno.. THis isnot matter.
13:04.15dualI haven't got an android phone though. They don't sell any in Norway yet.
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13:09.48invainme too..
13:10.26invainbut,  developers and mania bought g1 phone in south korea.
13:11.08dualI hope Nokia comes with a relatively cheap Android phone soon, though it's not likely to happen :(
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13:13.03xuang1 phone cost how much in your contry :P
13:14.10xuanits cost ~$800 here
13:14.21invainyou can query about price in ebay website.
13:14.37invaini bought  g1 phoen $300.
13:14.49dualg1 isn't available in Norway, I'll have to buy it from the U.S. to get it.
13:15.02invainand We will mee 2nd android phone(agora)  on Jan-29 , 2009.
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13:16.44invaindual.. you can  use  skype with wifi using  tmobile roaming servier of norway.
13:16.57invainIn my case, i am suing this method in south korea.
13:17.33invainbut, I am not think  that  wifi  support in south korea.
13:17.43dualBut there aren't wifi zones available everywhere.
13:17.49invainbecause I am interested in application(*.apk) in g1 phone.
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13:22.46blau-MikeDGanyone know an easy way to search for an unformatted number with the contacts content provider?
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13:32.53Leedsthere isn't going to be a nokia android phone any time soon - they're pretty committed to symbian and maemo
13:33.22Leedsand there is no skype for android (yet?)
13:34.32blau-MikeDGi want a netbook
13:36.46LeedsI've got a couple...
13:42.27blau-MikeDGalthough im concerned that eclipse won't be fun to run on one :)
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13:45.22blau-MikeDGlol, of course i probably sholdnt be developing on a netbook
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14:22.37Dougie187whats this about?
14:23.01jbqDougie187: fully unlocked devices.
14:23.10Dougie187its pretty neat.
14:23.20Dougie187and that?
14:23.37Leedsinfobot: devphones
14:23.38infobotextra, extra, read all about it, devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:
14:24.12jbqDougie187: some people are manking progress porting Android to the N810 from source.
14:24.23Dougie187thats pretty cool.
14:29.36eugeneLeeds: word
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14:54.13invainThe device currently costs $399 (USD) (including free shipping in the US), and will be available for purchase in 18 international markets, including the US, UK, Germany, Japan, India, Canada, France, Taiwan, Spain, Australia, Singapore, Switzerland, Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Poland, and Hungary.
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15:05.07Disconnectso other than the backplate and the bootloader, is there any difference between a 'dev' g1 and a retail g1 with unlock code?
15:06.04jbqI think that it's a slightly more recent build, so it might have a few extra bugfixes, but the differences should be fairly minor.
15:06.21Disconnectis it the harbinger of updated OSS trees? :)
15:07.28jbqWell, the roadmap still says "this quarter" for the next big OSS push (and hopefully the last big one), so, in a way, yes.
15:07.51Disconnectit'll be a christmas gift :)
15:07.53jbqFor sure, for framework developers like you, the two go hand-in-hand.
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15:08.44Disconnectmight just give up on his frontend app and use mileage, focus on hacking the backend stuff (bt, vpn, blahblahblah)
15:09.24jbqThe last thing I want right now is to have to tell a contributor "sorry, your change will be so hard to merge with all the work that was done in secret that we won't accept it now, please comeback when we have a newer source available and you've spent some time re-working your change".
15:09.28Disconnecthey. you have any knowledge (or willingness to test :) ..) hciattach speeds? i think we're gonna need >115200 anyway for stereo headsets and such..
15:09.44jbqno idea about that.
15:09.55Disconnectyah that would cause a ton of trouble/lasting bad feelings
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15:15.29jbqHey SanMehat
15:15.44SanMehathey jbq sup
15:15.55jbqNot much. Excited about the dev phones.
15:16.20SanMehatyeah thats great news
15:17.04SanMehatbradleyy: ?
15:17.51bradleyysorry, using connectbot and trying to figure out how to send an alt-something
15:18.09bradleyydon't think it's possible
15:21.25SanMehatDisconnect: re
15:21.30bradleyywhich is a bummer. since i can't switch windows in my irc client
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15:22.01Disconnectbradleyy: i think you can use esc number instead of alt..
15:22.07Disconnectbut #connectbot might know
15:22.22SanMehatDisconnect: we have a new driver for the High speed UART but its not quite ready yet
15:22.39Disconnectah ok. so its not something i can fix :( but i appreciate the note :)
15:22.50SanMehatno problem :)
15:23.05SanMehatis really looking forward to working closer with the community now that the dev phones are available
15:23.33jbqme too
15:25.17SanMehatDisconnect: i believe there is some trickiness around power management that we're working on
15:25.46Disconnectif i promise not to bitch about battery life when using it can i have it to play with? :)
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15:27.51ttuttleSanMehat: morning!
15:28.01jbqI wonder how the availability of dev phones will impact the efforts to get Android on N810 and FreeRunner.
15:28.04SanMehathey man
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15:29.00Disconnectjbq: i'd say initially negatively (platform hackers will wander off to a known-working platform) but overall probably it'll be very good - more people familiar with it than otherwise.
15:29.22ttuttleSanMehat: how's it going?
15:29.35SanMehatttuttle: its going pretty decent man
15:29.52ttuttleSanMehat: cool
15:30.08jbqDisconnect: yes, I think your guess is good. It'd be good to have devices with different form factors for developers to test their apps on.
15:30.29ttuttleSanMehat: yesterday was my last day of classes -- just 3 finals left and I get to go home!
15:30.46Disconnectcan anyone lend credence to the .au phone? the pics are obviously shopped, and i've never heard from any of the devs here or on the lists..
15:31.11SanMehatttuttle: yay!
15:31.11SanMehatttuttle: come be my intern
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15:31.32SanMehatmikey|: yup
15:31.38mikey|ponders whether he should cancel his contract
15:31.52ttuttleSanMehat: mail me a laptop with VPN and I will write you code.
15:32.00mikey|still within the 14 day period
15:32.04jbqDisconnect: we've released the 1.0 source code as apache2, so anyone can use that and commercialize a phone based on it without keeping Google or anybody else in the loop.
15:32.22SanMehatttuttle: hmmm.
15:32.23Disconnectfair enough, but that doesn't make it actually feasable :)
15:32.54Disconnectmikey|: if you want the cool backplate, i would. otherwise just wait and keep root and a little birdie tells me you can upgrade from one to the other.
15:32.58ttuttleSanMehat: or, since it's OSS, just give me a list of bugreports to fix ;)
15:33.04jbqit all depends on how many engineers you have to write the missing pieces.
15:33.12mikey|Disconnect: I dont wanna be stuck in a contract
15:33.19infernixthe real question is
15:33.26infernixcan we pull the bootloader off the dev device
15:33.27mikey|i would be paying much more then if I just this device
15:33.30infernixand stick it on the retail ones
15:33.30Disconnectthen you shouldn't have signed one :) but sounds like you want to swap
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15:34.05Disconnectinfernix: probably. or at least, something equivalent can be done. but don't f it up or you'll have a -serious- bricking problem.
15:34.05mikey|the only reason i got a contract was because i needed/wanted the g1
15:34.16mikey|otherwise, i've been contract free phone wise
15:34.25Disconnectmikey|: for $400 you could buy it w/o contract anyway
15:34.30Disconnecteven before the dev devices
15:34.34SanMehatttuttle: Disconnect yeah if you blow your boot loader you're done without JTAG
15:34.50mikey|Disconnect: eh? sim free from tmob?
15:35.00ttuttlevanishes in a puff of regex.
15:35.24akuma55i need help developeing a app like gotv
15:35.40akuma55can some one help me with that
15:36.22mikey|yet no price tag or buy button :(
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15:36.39kennyyuandroid source tarball is not available?
15:36.55obrakennyyu: you should use git and repo to clone the source
15:37.06kennyyuya, but my connection to git:// seems very slow.........
15:37.42obrado you want the whole OS or just part of it?
15:38.01jbqYou can download tarballs for the individual projects. Check the snapshot link here:;a=tree and replicate for each project.
15:38.02Disconnectmikey|: walk in and ask (or call up and ask)
15:38.18kennyyuobra: i'm new to it... in fact i just want the emulator + the webkit sources
15:38.49kennyyubut not sure whether there are any inter-dependencies in between these 2 and the other projects..
15:38.55infernixDisconnect: i've got an RC30 here and an RC28 on the way. with the dev showing up i feel kind of screwed
15:39.12jbqkennyyu: depends... do you want to compile it, or just read the source?
15:39.13obrakennyyu: ok. for the emulator, you want to grab the SDK
15:39.18infernixespecially with the myfaves crap. i cant consciously sell it to someone without a t-mo subscription here in the netherlands
15:39.20obraor at least start there
15:39.21Disconnectinfernix: yah. they did make vague statements about a dev device "someday". but i agree, they pretty well fucked over the platform hackers.
15:39.36kennyyujbq: yes i'll have to compile it
15:39.46jbqkennyyu: then you need to download everything.
15:39.46Disconnectinfernix: myfaves crap? it works fine w/o all that.
15:39.51kennyyuobra: alright. then the binary SDK you mean?
15:40.00obraright. I presume you don't want to build the emulator
15:40.03kennyyujbq: hmm..
15:40.08infernixDisconnect: myfaves sends SMS to number 453. this costs major bucks when not in the US and/or not on T-Mobile
15:40.08obrabut just to use the emulator to build the browser
15:40.10Disconnecthasn't got a myfaves plan, just standard tmob family (well, standard-from-a-couple-years-ago with freebies they don't offer anymore :) ..)
15:40.26kennyyuobra: oh great,  but how can i?
15:40.43kennyyujust to pull webkit snapshot?
15:40.44obrakennyyu: the emulator is part of the binary sdk. start by grabbing that
15:40.51obrathen grab.. (hang on)
15:41.40obraand see if that's good enough for you to build with
15:41.42Disconnectinfernix: you can up the rc28 to modded uk image (no myfaves)
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15:41.59obra(I don't know the internals of the browser and don't know if you'll need other system libs)
15:42.04infernixDisconnect: which is the one i'd like to keep then eh.. so i'm still f-ed until i can break the RC30 and sell that one
15:42.28kennyyuobra: understood. i've got to try it out. thanks
15:42.39obrainfernix: does your local t-mobile not provide sim-unlocks after you've been with them for x months?
15:42.43obrakennyyu: no problem
15:42.43jbqthe browser relies on so many components that by the time you've pulled in all the dependencies you might as well have pulled everything.
15:42.55infernixobra: for phones I bought over Ebay in the US? (i'm in .nl)
15:42.57infernixi doubt it
15:43.01Disconnectobra: its not a sim unlock problem, its a "this app does Evil" problem
15:43.15obrainfernix: that would be an issue, yes
15:43.17jbq(maybe you can do without the kernel source code, though, since there's a prebuilt binary)
15:43.21Disconnect(i know, i know, its not 'secure' to let a handset owner disable apps on his own device....)
15:43.48kennyyujbq: 'by the time you've pulled in all the dependencies' <-- will it be done automatically during the make?
15:44.02jbqkennyyu: no, you need to repo sync them.
15:44.44mikey|Disconnect: rang and asked, it's not sim free
15:44.46pfftif I do a repo sync right now ... how can I tell which rc number it currently is?
15:44.47kennyyujbq: hmm, but acutlaly i've tried for 2-3 days without a success... the connection seems freezes so often
15:45.03pfftor rather what is the current rc?
15:45.11Disconnectmikey|: neither is the contract one.
15:45.14obraneeds to spend some quality time with his android app again soon.
15:45.19Disconnectits not sim unlocked, its contract free.
15:45.24pfftis there a web page showing the current rc number?
15:45.38kennyyujbq: you don't have the problem with repo on your side?
15:45.43jbqI mean, you can try downloading the tarballs, but in that case I'll still recommend getting every single one of them.
15:46.03jbqkennyyu: usually not. But Google's main office has good connectivity ;-)
15:46.10kennyyujbq: ya i understand
15:47.11kennyyujbq: hmm.. my dorm has blocked quite a few form of connections seemingly. it might help me a lot if it will be available as an http-connection.... ;)
15:47.15pfftwhat is the latest rc number, and how does one find this out?
15:47.54ttuttlepfft: perhaps?
15:48.00kennyyu(my dorm's internet sucks. even ftp-connection requires me to log-in to their vpn first...)
15:48.06pfftttuttle: thanks
15:48.22ttuttlepfft: There are other RCs, of course, that you can't see :)
15:48.25obrakennyyu: any useful internet cafe nearby? ;)
15:48.34ttuttlessh tunnel?
15:48.38ttuttlethen dynamic forwarding?
15:48.40ttuttlethen point everything to that?
15:48.55pfftttuttle: i dont see any rc number ... am i missing something?
15:49.00jbqkennyyu: could you post that on repo-discuss? git (the tool) is capable of working over http (the protocol), so somewhere in theory is should be possible to configure the server and/or repo to go over http.
15:49.05kennyyuobra: I suppose Starbucks are ;)
15:49.30obrakennyyu: that often works
15:49.46ttuttlepfft: Doesn't the filename have "-rc2" in it?
15:50.05pfftno ... i'm not talking about the sdk
15:50.14kennyyuobra: but if not i'll waste the $$ for a cup of coffee purchase :P
15:50.19pfftttuttle: i'm talking about the code that comes on current phones
15:50.23ttuttlepfft: Oh.
15:50.26ttuttlepfft: Buy one and look?
15:50.35pfftttuttle: look where?
15:50.35kennyyujbq: no problem.
15:50.37obrakennyyu: you're in hong kong, right? if you're desperate, there's great free wifi at the airport
15:50.41ttuttlepfft: Seettings > About phone
15:50.48ttuttlepfft: It should list it.
15:50.54pfftttuttle: thanks
15:51.19akuma55hello ppl
15:51.43kennyyuobra: heh, how come you know i'm in HK? the airport is far away...:) but it's okay i'll find a starbucks
15:51.57kennyyu(starbucks are everywhere now)
15:52.08akuma55im a noob that would like learn to start programming makeing apps for the android first
15:52.09mikey|"# The android.jar in this SDK release now includes several classes that were missing from the previous SDK. "
15:52.12obrakennyyu: DNS lookups are everyone's friend ;) But yeah. I travel way too much.
15:52.13kennyyuthough not as many as mcdonald's
15:52.19mikey|does that include text.util.regex?
15:52.25akuma55can anyone help me
15:52.51TiberiumXDo you know Java?  Best to start with some basic Java tutorials.
15:53.08pfftttuttle: is there any way to get setting running in the emulator?
15:53.14akuma55i play js on some of my websites
15:53.20pfftttuttle: errm ... settings
15:53.25akuma55i herd its not the same
15:53.33jbqakuma55: if you don't know java, start with some very simple java command-line programs on your computer.
15:53.36TiberiumXJS isn't the same as Java, so you'll have to start with the basics again.
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15:53.49kennyyujbq: sorry. where is the repo-discuss that you mentioned?
15:54.20pfftttuttle: when i go to settings in the emulator it says "unsupported action" ... wtf?
15:54.24kennyyuoh ya thanks
15:54.26TiberiumXWhat is the license on the artwork used in the android apps?  Can I use it (menu items and such) as needed?
15:54.34kennyyu(to jbq and obra)
15:54.50TiberiumXA lot of them aren't in android.R.drawable.
15:54.51akuma55anybody think you could show me some basics
15:55.01obrakennyyu: good luck!
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15:55.18pfftwhen i go to settings in the emulator it says "unsupported action" ... anyone know how to get that working in the emulator?
15:55.41kennyyuobra: ;)
15:55.42TiberiumXaduma55: Here is "Hello World".  You should start with that.
15:55.44jbqTiberiumX: if they're in the android source tree, you can re-use them (after copying them) in your app. If not, don't copy them, they're not free to be re-used.
15:55.58jbqpfft: SDK 1.0r1 or 1.0r2?
15:56.55pfftjbq: how can I check the ... oh its 1.0_r1
15:57.07pfftjbq: lemme guess ... r2?
15:57.23jbqpfft: yes 1.0r1 doesn't have settings. they *might* be in 1.0r2 but I'm not sure.
15:57.46jbqMaybe someone with 1.0r2 could confirm that for you... (I don't have it on my machine)
15:57.58andyrossIs there a set of release notes for r2?  What's changed?
15:58.10akuma55TiberiumX, the thing is with programming is i never get pass the hello world like i just dont know what to do next
15:58.25ttuttlepfft: oh.  if you've got the emulator, the rc is in the filename.
15:58.43obraIIRC, I built a copy of the android release and just used adb to install Settings.apk in the emulator.
15:58.55jbq"The Settings and Email applications are now included in the SDK and available in the emulator."
15:59.03Disconnecthmm. question. if "android market is an open service" then why is it only on usa tmob phones? :(
15:59.09Disconnectshouldn't the apk be installable by anyone?
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15:59.25pfftjbq: so then how could i get a look at the code for rc29?
15:59.34akuma55the apk installer dont work for me
15:59.44hyo_hey guys: is there someone that has tested the android kernel by sean mcneil for the freerunner?
16:00.00jbqpfft: the source code for individual releases of individual devices isn't necessarily available.
16:00.08obra"# We regret to inform developers that SDK 1.0_r2 does not support MFM, RLL, or Winchester hard disk drives."
16:00.13Disconnectpfft: the bad news is, its apache licensed. so there is nothing that says they should give you source to what you are running.
16:00.31jbqpfft: the android-1.0 tag in git is as close as you'll get.
16:00.47ahaberlachThe good news is, Google gives you the source to most of it anyway.  :)
16:01.00jbqHey ahaberlach
16:01.15pfftjbq: and the android-1.0 tag cooresponds to which rc number?
16:01.36Disconnectpfft: it is sorta what went out with the g1
16:01.46jbqpfft: it doesn't correspond to a specific RC, but it's close to 28 if I remember correctly.
16:01.49Disconnectit is not an rc. there is NO SOURE FOR EACH RC.
16:01.50andyrossBah.  Someone needs to fix the disk drive joke.  "Winchester" just refers to an air-floating head over a rotating platter.  Unless the SDK works only on SSD drives, that is.
16:01.50pfftDisconnect: which was rc number what?
16:02.10Disconnectpfft: keep asking until you get the answer you like. seriously, that actually works.
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16:02.15Disconnecton your parents at least
16:03.18pfftjbq: cool!  android-1.0 tag is close to rc28 ... cool finally a semi sane answer
16:03.19jbqpfft: the RCs of releases for individual devices typically live in private "deployment" branches maintained by or for the individual phone manufacturers.
16:03.41pfftjbq: thanks for the great info
16:03.56pfftjbq: are there any web pages that explain all this in more detail?
16:04.18andyrossSo the upshot is that there seem to have been no changes to the tools?  If adb/aapt/dx/apkbuilder haven't changed, I don't think I need to grab it yet.
16:05.02jbqpfft: not quite at this point. the process as it has existed so far does quite match the process as we'd like it to be in the future, so if we documented what we've done it'd have very limited value, and if we documented the way we want to work it wouldn't match the current reality.
16:05.34pfftjbq: thanks for splaining
16:05.35jbqpfft: I expect that on a 6-month timeframe theory and reality will match much better, and that there'll be more documentation about that.
16:07.48pfftjbq: why is there such a disdain of delineating a rough equivalence between svn tags, and rc numbers?  especially if some of them are pretty obvious ... like the one you mentioned?
16:07.55SanMehatah crap forgot to choosecombo
16:08.53jbqpfft: there's no exact match.
16:09.41jbqpfft: at a certain point in development, individual deployment branches don't use the exact source code as the platform (because at some point you start to really cherry-pick individual bugfixes for each precise device).
16:10.00pfftjbq: i bet someone has been doing rough matches ... i.e. when they see some new code coming in after a repo sync ... they "know" that was for rc30, for e.g.
16:10.34pfftjbq:  i see
16:10.36andyrossRC30 fixed a bug in code that AFAIK isn't in git.
16:10.39jbqlike I said, the process has been imprecise, and what you're seeing in git doesn't match closely enough to be able to compare individual RCs.
16:10.55jbqandyross: actually, that was pushed to git yesterday.
16:11.09pfftandyross: what code is not in git?  do you know?
16:11.30SanMehatholy crap jbq, you're a machine
16:11.54jbqSanMehat: lol
16:12.01andyrossI was talking about the init stuff -- the root hole that triggered RC30.  I took a quick peek and couldn't find it in the source tree, and just assumed it was G1-specific.
16:12.15jbqandyross: actually, it was all in git.
16:12.23andyrossHeh, never mind then. :)
16:12.57jbqwait, uh... where was it?
16:12.59pfftjbq: it looks like almost everything is in git
16:13.16pfftjbq: i can find code for almost everything there ...
16:13.46pfftjbq: everything from the dev drivers all the way up to the dialing apps
16:14.06jbqpfft: yes, like I said, pretty close. The Android platform contains a lot of stuff.
16:14.17jbq(those 22 million lines better do *something*)
16:14.33andyrossEverything meaningful is in git.  Some hardware code is not (there are libraries to do all the interaction with the DSPs or GPU, maybe a few other proprietary bits).
16:14.34pfftjbq: is there stuff that is not in git?  if so, how much stuff, and what is the function of that stuff?
16:14.45pfftjbq: he he
16:14.53obrapfft: opensourcing something this large is _hard_
16:15.02pfftobra: agreed
16:15.24obrapfft: a trivial example of something not in git: the gmail client.
16:15.31bgupta_awayHey anyone got a git cheatsheet? (bgupta is used to svn and hg)
16:15.37jbqpfft: the entire platform is in there. device-specific bits may or may not be (some are, some aren't). None of the google apps are in there.
16:15.53pfftobra: what? what are you talking about?
16:15.56obrabgupta: have a look at the intro to repo and git on
16:16.02bguptak thanks
16:16.04pfftobra: that was the first thing i blogged about
16:16.28obrapfft: hm? url?
16:16.49pfftjbq: Oh i see ...
16:17.11pfftobra: oh wait ... the AndroidMail client is not the gmail client?
16:17.24obrapfft: no. gmail and email are different in this case.
16:17.36pfftobra: how obvious
16:17.43pfftobra: jk
16:17.56pfftobra: what's the difference?
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16:18.12jbqYup. Email is open-source, Gmail isn't. It'd be nice to have a plugin architecture so that they could live under the same UI (possibly with other protocols) like IM does.
16:18.22pfftobra: are you talking about the HUGE gmail client that compiles to run on everything from the black berry to any other j2me device?
16:18.33obrajbq: that'd certainly be interesting.
16:18.50obrais looking forward to later this weekend when we get to spend some time unforking more of K-9
16:18.53Disconnectpfft: different clients. i'd love for that one to be useful on android, it lets you manage multiple accounts :)
16:19.00jbqandyross: the root exploit:;a=blob;f=rootdir/init.rc;h=23daa0b009479f8e564edf86b259ff322fe5a870;hb=HEAD#l159
16:19.12jbq(well, the hole)
16:19.19Disconnectjbq is a much better bot than infobot  :)
16:19.33andyrossAh, indeed.  I swear I grepped through system.  But it's right there in my tree.
16:19.44pfftDisconnect: neither have IMAP idle do they?
16:19.48obra(Undoing the giant naming switch from to com.fsck.k9)
16:20.02obrapfft: there's a batch floating around which starts to add IDLE support for Email.apk
16:20.15bguptaandyross: This is what I was looking for:
16:20.24obrapfft: jasta has been hacking on IDLE, AIUI
16:20.25Disconnectpfft: two forks of email right now - one purely for idle, one for "everything else" (k-9)
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16:20.41pfftDisconnect: I see
16:20.48pfftobra: cool thanks
16:20.51obraDisconnect: is there a URL for the IDLE support fork?
16:21.14Disconnectyes but i don't have it off the top of my head :) ask infobot or jbq
16:21.20obrais trying to get himself out of the forked email client business ;)
16:21.22pfftthe code base for the gmail client must be pretty big, just for itself
16:21.33obrainfobot: idle?
16:21.33infobotIdle is a doodie head
16:21.54jbqI try to not keep track of projects outside of the main Android tree.
16:23.08obraIf there were a way to build a custom version of Email.apk and install it locally, I'd never have forked K-9 off. I'm hoping that a reasonable solution to that issue comes along
16:23.13pfftjbq: do you think the gmail team did the AndroidMail client?
16:23.44pfftwife is calling ... gotta go ... grrr
16:23.58jbqah, wives... ;-)
16:24.17pfftjbq: mydroid/packages/apps/Email
16:24.44jbqpfft: that was done by a different team (at the time), though now Gmail and Email are maintained by different people in the same team.
16:24.53pfftjbq: thanks
16:25.27pfftjbq: so they go rid of the contractors that did Email?
16:25.35pfftjbq:  he he
16:25.50pfftjbq: they prob just move on to other projects
16:25.54Disconnectromainguy_: i think it was you i was tlaking to about alternative partitioning.. i just had a thought that allows replacing system apps -and- falling back to factory: overlay mounts.
16:25.55jbqpfft: it's so complex that I couldn't accurately describe it.
16:26.09pfftjbq: thanks for trying :-)
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16:30.00mikey|wanders why all the vars in the android src start with 'm'
16:30.51mikey|i see
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16:36.54Disconnectbtw for kernel module builders, I posted a quick howto: (requires root of course)
16:37.27Disconnectdoh. stupid drupal didn't publish it. fixed :)
16:38.17tech9inersupposes there is still no succinct how-to or applications or ?? way to fully backup all g1 data perchance?
16:38.45Disconnecttech9iner: get root. install busybox. cd /data. busybox tar cvzf /sdcard/backup.tgz .
16:39.00tech9inerDisconnect; stupid drupal ? lol.. not a fan?
16:39.10tech9inerDisconnect; mk.. fair enough mate..
16:39.21tech9inerDisconnect; rooting rc30 available yet?
16:39.25Disconnectsuccinct and how-to, but not an application :)
16:39.42tech9inerindeed & truly succinct AND appreciated Disconnect ;]]
16:39.50bguptaIs there any documentation available for the A.D.D. 1? Also, does anyone know when they are shipping?
16:40.15tech9inersaves <Disconnect> tech9iner: get root. install busybox. cd /data. busybox tar cvzf /sdcard/backup.tgz . for later ;]]
16:40.36Disconnectthere is an app that saves contacts and some other stuff but there is not (and can never be) a general "back up all app data and prefs" app. (platform could add a "give me data to be backed up" and/or "here is data from a restore" call to apps, but with the current disaster of a security policy it will never exist without application support)
16:41.03Disconnectrather, a general tool will never exist that can work without the application participating
16:41.17tech9inersecuity | disasterous ? hmmm..
16:41.59tech9inergoogle's never quite been way out ahead of security in general though aye?.. least not on their free offerings ie gmail
16:42.12Disconnecttech9iner: they reinvented the wheel a LOT. (selinux, only without selinux. with selinux even the root hole wouldn't have mattered)
16:42.34tech9ineranswers that question then disc lol
16:42.56Disconnectseriously (and all snarkiness aside) thinks this security policy was invented by a developer on a napkin and carried through by force of personality rather than technical merit.
16:43.24Disconnectbut neat stuff coming:
16:43.25SanMehatwhat security policy?
16:43.30Disconnectandroid security policy.
16:43.52SanMehatwhat the uid/gid thing?
16:43.59SanMehatwhats wrong with it?
16:44.02tech9inerDisconnect; my fleet services clients dont typically have state secrets involved so ive never sweated security more than end user abilities support anyway.. right up until i win contracts to repair Air Force One fleet.. not too worried hehe
16:44.29SanMehatyou know... forget i asked..
16:44.33DisconnectSanMehat: ..everything? :) do you really want to go down the list (and how - from the "users expect X but it can't be done" perspective or from the "here is where it is weak" perspective?)
16:44.38bguptaDisconnect: Is that video showing a Sharp Zaurus running android?
16:44.44SanMehatDisconnect: not really
16:44.44tech9inerDisconnect; lmao.. jolly good 'non snarky' line hehe
16:44.45Disconnectyes. 2 bonuses in there.
16:46.16DisconnectSanMehat: overall the biggest weakness in android right now is the insistence on reinventing the wheel for no valid reason. (the biggest ones are toolkit instead of busybox, uid/gid instead of selinux, bionic instead of uclibc)
16:46.43SanMehatif you say so
16:47.19Disconnecthow long will it take you to write a dhcpd for PAN? cuz i can add one to busybox in about 12 seconds. (and its already tested upstream)
16:47.35SanMehatwhats the uclibc license?
16:47.48Disconnectlgpl i believe. checking.
16:47.59SanMehatit would need to be BSD or one of those.
16:47.59bguptaYes it is lgpl...
16:48.19SanMehatplus i thought bionic was a lot smaller.
16:48.23Disconnect " If I use uClibc, do I have to release all my source code to the world for free? I want to create a closed source commercial application and I want to protect my intellectual property. ""No"etc
16:48.42SanMehatas for uid/gid vs selinux. That decision predates me, but i'm fine with whats in place now.
16:49.09Disconnectnote that you can even static-link, if you offer (eg platform-sdk) bins that can be relinked to newer uclibc (no need to offer source, readble or otherwise, to your app. just relinking capability)
16:49.29SanMehatDisconnect: you'd need to talk with one of the bionic guys to get some perspective on why we went that route.
16:49.57SanMehatif i remember next week i'll ask someone
16:51.01SanMehati would suggest getting the entire story before dismissing components as existing 'for no good reason'
16:51.05SanMehatbut hey its the internets!
16:51.27DisconnectSanMehat: the platform is covered in NotInventedHere..
16:51.43Disconnectbut i'd love to hear about toolkit vs busybox.
16:52.54*** join/#android comexk (
16:53.32SanMehatits your right to think its nih :)
16:54.10SanMehatbut i haven't seen any re-inventing of the wheel 'just because' in any areas that i've worked with
16:54.20SanMehattaking dog to vet.. have a nice day :)
16:54.25Disconnectso far nobody has come up with any answers other than "you weren't here" .. its a valid technical question.
16:55.51Disconnectlooking (on the device) most of /system/bin (1.8M) could be replaced with busybox - a static-uclibc build with everything is 1.7 megs. (relatively huge, but again, that includes a libc and -everything-. stripped down bionic version would certainly save space -and- give nice upstream dev and testing)
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17:05.34tech9inerhmmm.. very interesting.. mate here offered up when i was inquiring about best website to monitor for root exploit for my g1's rc30 .. and avast detected a trojan attempt upon loading site 1st time.. hmmmmmm..
17:06.05tech9inerchecks logs for wtf mate provided said site..
17:06.21RyeBryeAnyone else see that article on Digg / Forbes today that mentioned how Android was ported to a garage door opener?
17:06.31RyeBryethat guy OBVIOUSLY knows his ass from a hole in the ground
17:06.44mikey|today? that was news ages ago
17:06.55mikey|the one were he drives his bike up to his house?
17:07.00mikey|where *
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17:07.08obraRyeBrye: brad? it's
17:07.23RyeBryewell... the having an android phone send an HTTP request to a webserver that triggers a relay to OPEN a garage door opener is a LOT different from "porting android" to a garage  door opener
17:07.31obraRyeBrye: brad? it's basically the same hack he had on previous phones
17:07.49obraJust with a cleverer proximity sensor
17:07.51mikey|link to article forbes please?
17:07.55mikey|article *
17:08.02mikey|is tired
17:08.57RyeBryeIt's about how they think Google is preparing a secret OS because they strip OS info from some traffic. Then again, this guy doesn't really know what an OS is because he mentions X11 as being an OS, and later he talks about an OS running on a push-button device (android on the garage door opener)
17:09.12*** join/#android xtt (
17:09.31RyeBrye"Android has officially debuted on just one product, the T-Mobile G1 cellphone. But fans and tinkerers have already ported it to devices ranging from Nokia's (nyse: NOK - news - people ) Internet tablet to a garage door opener."
17:09.36obra"Mainstream Journalist Gets Facts Wrong About Technology! Film at 11"
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17:14.15mikey|"P2P consultation - FOI (Freedom of information Act) request"
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17:14.44mikey|some journalist wants all the responses
17:17.56KNYhaha, someone has Android running on a garage door opener? well done, uber-hacker
17:18.29makghoshhi! i have one problem while providing the android-sdk path in eclipse as given here
17:18.59makghoshcan anybody help about whats' going wrong?
17:20.27mikey|have you upgraded adt via the eclipse interface makghosh ?
17:20.43makghoshmikey|: yup!
17:20.55mikey|hmm..not sure then
17:21.21mikey|wait, are you using sdk r1? r2 is out
17:21.57makghoshthe path /opt/android-sdk-linux_x86-1.0_r1/tools/lib/res//default/values/attrs.xml is kinda wierd can never parse anything that way
17:23.05KNYis it intentional that you have two slashes? It shouldn't matter, but you never know
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17:24.41makghoshmikey|: i think you're right, because says 0.8.0 still works on r1 but eclipse updates is giving the latest build as i see
17:25.38makghoshKNY: nopes '//' was there in the parse error message, which appeared wier, i think r2 will do the job
17:26.11makghoshthanks :)
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17:56.21zhobbsis this old news?
17:56.35ahaberlachAbout 12 hours old...
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17:58.38Disconnectwe'd put it in the topic but.. meh
17:59.10Disconnectlol its not even on
17:59.16Disconnect1 news item "look there is source"
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17:59.38brockticeOrdered my dev phone.
17:59.56brockticeWife wanted a G1 but her contract wasn't up for a new device till March, so she gets mine.
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18:08.55gfindster_devhi all
18:18.39mikey|is there any way to intercept key presses when menu + combination is pressed? like menu + 1 = jump to window one, etc
18:19.09wastrel/win/win 9
18:20.03wastreli did a bad job
18:22.20zhobbsthose development phones have a zune-ish design on the back
18:22.23zhobbslooks pretty cool though
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18:24.34muthu_zhobbs: yeah, the dev phones look cool
18:24.52muthu_if only i can ship them to india for cheap!
18:25.04zhobbsmuthu_: how much they want for shipping?
18:25.12muthu_225$ to india
18:25.44zhobbsouch, that's crazy
18:26.06muthu_who do the americans get everything for free? ^-^
18:26.49muthu_canada, seems to be the high shipping cost
18:26.54muthu_japan is the lowest
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18:27.50d0netsFN225 to india?
18:28.20muthu_yep, 280 for canada
18:28.31d0netsFNpinches himself
18:28.38alexissoftyes ... the shipping prices are insane.
18:28.51d0netsFNwhy more to canada than india
18:29.16zhobbsyeah, that's to US and $280 to Canada
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18:40.17SanMehatthe shipping prices include local taxes and import duties i believe
18:40.36SanMehati think they're going to update the store to be clearer about that this weekend
18:40.58SanMehatactually i *know* the shipping prices include the import duties and local taxes for the receiving country
18:41.04d0netsFNsanmehat it better include more than that
18:41.27SanMehatd0netsFN: ?
18:41.37d0netsFNfor 280 to ship from us to canada?
18:41.48JuanDaughertywhat are the quantities shipped?
18:41.49luokhm would this thing work on any 3g network?
18:41.49SanMehatyou ever tried to import a carton of smokes to canada?
18:41.53d0netsFNi ship stuff all the time to canada and its hardly more than shipping inside the US
18:42.04d0netsFNsanmehat i go to whistler every year
18:42.08d0netsFNand we take a carton in our suitcase
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18:42.22SanMehatd0netsFN: yeah but have you ever had to *pay* the duty on it?
18:42.23SanMehati once did
18:42.32SanMehati brought 2 cartons.. and had to declare 1
18:42.32d0netsFNi dont think so
18:42.37JuanDaughertyCA-US is a special case.
18:43.11SanMehatin any event, my understanding is they're going to update the site to be clearer on the shipping costs
18:43.57d0netsFNif they want to be totally clear they should say "we are raping you on shipping cost"
18:44.02SanMehati'm not aware of each countries import duties
18:44.15d0netsFNwell if anyone wants one
18:44.24tomhmm that phone is 580 usd for me :(
18:44.27d0netsFNpm me and i will order it and charge 20$ over actual cost to ship it
18:44.38romainguy_d0netsFN: sure
18:44.45romainguy_if the customs inspect the package
18:44.47tomhthen customs will intercept it
18:44.50romainguy_you'll have to pay for the taxes
18:44.55zhobbsyou could almost have a good business plan buying them in the US and then reselling to other countries
18:44.57romainguy_well not you but the recipient
18:45.08romainguy_zhobbs: and you still need to pay for import duties
18:45.27zhobbsromainguy_: not $280 to canada
18:45.32SanMehatFYI: electronic device import duties to canada from the US which are not covered under NAFTA get raped
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18:45.57SanMehatanyways, i'm not a sales droid
18:45.59SanMehati'm an eng droid
18:46.10d0netsFNyea 280 to canada is reduculous
18:46.14d0netsFNsomeone give me a canadian zipcode
18:46.21SanMehatV3S 4N7
18:46.22d0netsFNjoins #canada
18:46.25zhobbsI've shipped a $2,000 electronic device, legally, to canada for $60
18:46.37SanMehatwas it covered under NAFTA?
18:46.46SanMehati dont know if mobile devices are.
18:46.48zhobbsnot sure
18:47.03d0netsFNi shipped an mr2 (a car) to canada for like 700
18:47.05SanMehatanyways, go talk to one of those import duties
18:47.10SanMehatd0netsFN: that doesn't mean shit.
18:47.15RyeBryeToo bad there is that 1 phone / dev account limit
18:47.17SanMehatwhen i imported my US car to canada i paid 400
18:47.29romainguy_RyeBrye: well 1 dev, 1 phone :)
18:47.35d0netsFNexactly, not why the hell is a 400$ phone almost that much
18:47.44SanMehatbecause cars are not phones
18:47.50SanMehatand the car was over 3 years old
18:47.50RyeBryeromainguy_: I have 2 hands though! ;)
18:48.12SanMehatdon't blame me if import duties are retarded
18:48.13RyeBryeromainguy_:  what if I have multiple personality disorder? 5 devs, 1 person, 1 phone? We're going to be constantly fighting over it
18:48.14RyeBryeno we wont
18:48.14SanMehati dont make the rules
18:48.24romainguy_SanMehat: I wonder how it works to sell those in other countries; the radio is approved by the FCC here so...
18:48.31SanMehatgo write to Canadian Customs
18:48.52romainguy_and $399 for a phone with that hardware and completely unlocked is a really sweet deal :))
18:48.56d0netsFNups world wide saver for 80 bucks
18:49.10romainguy_that's shipping
18:49.13romainguy_not import duties
18:49.13SanMehatthats shipping
18:49.16SanMehatnot import duties
18:49.20romainguy_you ship it for $80
18:49.22romainguy_the customs intercept it
18:49.28romainguy_and you get a nice bill in your mailbox
18:49.29SanMehatthen you get a call from a customs broker
18:49.35romainguy_knows from experience :))
18:49.39SanMehatthey call you and say 'if you want t his to go through you gotta pay another $200'
18:49.44romainguy_oh and when customs intercept it, they keep it for a while :))
18:50.00SanMehata long while
18:50.13romainguy_I paid about 90 euros on my 200 euros PSP when I imported from Japan to France for instance
18:50.16SanMehatd0netsFN: contact a customs broker. They can explain this to you.
18:51.02d0netsFNsomeone buy 10
18:51.07d0netsFNdrive to canadia
18:51.12d0netsFNand ship them from there
18:51.17RyeBryecan only buy 1 though
18:51.30d0netsFNper person
18:51.50d0netsFNgo buy 10 different visa gift cards
18:51.56d0netsFNand use different names for each order
18:52.33zhobbssounds like a lot of work
18:52.37RyeBryeGoogle knows who you are. They will hunt you down with their cloaked useragents and beat you into submission
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18:55.35SanMehatput in 399 and 80 for shipping and see what goes into it
18:56.39SanMehatvia UPS: shipping ($103) + Duty ($31) + GST ($39) + Brokerage ($56) + Disbursment ($6)
18:56.43zhobbsyeah, $200 total cost
18:57.01d0netsFNthrows his chair
18:57.03d0netsFNthis is robbery
18:57.14SanMehatyeah.. but not by us :|
18:57.30SanMehatyou can click on each ? and they'll explain what the costs are
18:58.01RyeBryeI'm sure the robbery is not googles fault
18:58.10mikey|google should do everyone a favor and ship it to their offices and then send it out using a local delivery service
18:58.11RyeBryegreedy governments
18:58.18romainguy_at least the device ships to 18 countries
18:58.22mikey|offices in places where orders have come from
18:58.27romainguy_try to buy electronics from Amazon and ship it to Europe...
18:58.27SanMehatmikey|: thats illegal, and i believe would count as smuggling
18:58.34mikey|lol, really?
18:58.35luokwould still have to go through customs i'm sure
18:58.41SanMehatat least in canada it would be for sure
18:58.48mikey|adds that to his do not try list
18:58.56romainguy_mikey|: there are also laws on how many devices with radios you can import in the US without being in trouble
18:59.13luokthe whole point is protectionism so that canadian companies can make their own g1..haha
18:59.13romainguy_(that caused delays to get the Android's team devices in :)
18:59.19zhobbsI would think a lot of companies have distribution centers in other countries, they don't pay $200 in taxes to bring a US product into their distribution center
18:59.32zhobbs(a $400 product)
18:59.50SanMehati'm not into imports / exports
18:59.51luokzhobbs: they'd probably have to manufacture it there
18:59.57luoki dunno
19:00.00SanMehati only know what i know from having had to ship crap back and forth and paid through the nose for it
19:00.05romainguy_zhobbs: remember this is a device for developers
19:00.07romainguy_small batches
19:00.12romainguy_not widespread distributions
19:00.21romainguy_it's not the same as channeling through T-Mobile
19:00.21RyeBryeis glad that we have found something else to bitch about - bitching about root / locked-down phones was getting old :)
19:00.22zhobbsromainguy_: yeah, I understand it's not worth google's effort for this product...
19:00.35romainguy_and Google does not sell phones :)
19:00.42zhobbsjust saying that for the G1 for example, they aren't paying that much in import taxes
19:01.02xsdgzhobbs: you don't really know what T-mobile is paying for the phones
19:01.26SanMehatanyways.. back to coding
19:01.49xsdgzhobbs: just because the customer doesn't see the cost enumerated doesn't mean that T-mobile isn't paying for it
19:02.47xsdgzhobbs: also, since they pretty much do this for a living, they've probably figured out ways to keep those costs down as much as possible
19:02.53d0netsFNok so if you ship like 100 of them
19:02.57d0netsFNyou still pay the same amount or twat
19:05.58luokhehe it is reduced by whatever the income taxes would be on the profits i bet
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19:08.09RyeBryeI want to see people working on proper multitouch support on these Dev devices - even if they don't "officially" have such hardware :P
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19:11.32jaypurdoes android support all my hardware cellphone capability?
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19:11.46jaypurlike my cellphone camera?
19:12.22kirberichhey, I heard international shipment of the dev phone is very expensive, can someone specify that?
19:13.47offby1ask DHL
19:14.52zhobbsjaypur: if you have a t-mobile g1 then yes
19:15.42zhobbsjaypur: otherwise simply port linux to your phone and write device drivers for all the hardware and then port the android platform to your phone
19:16.39jaypurgot it
19:16.50jaypurand how do i duall boot android and other system???
19:17.55pjvyeah, can anyone reveal the internatinal shipment prices that are listed for germany, france, netherlands,...?
19:19.09tomhfor the android phone i assume?
19:19.19pjvthe dev phone 1 yes
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19:20.06tomharound 180 euro
19:20.51pjvthanks, thats for Western-Europe?
19:21.07tomhyes, .nl, .de, .fr
19:21.21tomhi mean 180 usd
19:21.23tomhnot euro
19:21.34pjvok thats a bit better :-)
19:21.36ivantishow are all these huge companies reacting to the G1/Android? you cant introduce something "open source" to a regular user and not have them freak out
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19:23.52kirberichtomh: thanks for the numbers :)
19:24.37kirberichtomh: that's just shipping though, right? so the german customs will charge another 80 euros or so salestax
19:24.46tomhall inclusive
19:25.01kirberichwow, that's good news.
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19:25.36tomh"For Orders shipping outside the US, shipping pricing includes cost of shipping service and the applicable customs, duties, import and country specific other fees."
19:25.47d0netsFNi lold
19:26.56xsdgd0netsFN: the stone also has multi-touch
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19:28.25tomhstone is also rock solid
19:28.28tomhiphone not ;p
19:28.50kirberichtomh: So now I'm only wondering if the dev phone shipment might get cheaper once the g1 is released in germany
19:28.53luokheh i like the one with the macbook air and c64 better
19:28.59d0netsFNlol tomh
19:29.14tomhkirberich: don't bet on it though
19:29.25xsdgkirberich: I couldn't see why.  The dev phone is not related to the G1 other than being the same hardware
19:29.49kirberichI guess I'll just have to cough up the 580 bucks then ;)
19:29.56kirberichtomh: you ordered a dev phone?
19:30.02kirberich400 + 180
19:30.03ttuttlejeez, that's absurd.
19:30.11tomh580 usd
19:30.14tomhthats like 450 euro
19:30.19tomhiphone costs 525
19:30.25jbqttuttle: import taxes on electronics can be very hefty in many parts of the world.
19:30.30ttuttlewhy doeesn't google ship a few to each office abroad and then sghip them from there.
19:30.35ttuttlejbq: ah. why?
19:30.40kirberichjbq: they are 20 percent in this case
19:30.57jbqttuttle: because those countries have high taxes!
19:30.59kirberichthere's no import tax on cell phones, but you have to pay salex tax
19:31.03tomhi think you can get some import duties back if you are a company in the EU
19:31.13xsdgtomh: to quote san from earlier
19:31.14xsdg13:58:27 <@SanMehat> mikey|: thats illegal, and i believe would count as smuggling
19:31.33kirberichtomh: you may have a point there
19:31.33xsdgerr... ttuttle: ^^^
19:31.38ttuttlexsdg: yeah I know.
19:31.46kirberichoh, and it's 605 of course.
19:31.46d0netsFNhardcore, smugglin phones
19:31.48tomhat least the VAT is something we can ask back
19:31.53kirberichstill have to register for the market
19:31.55tomhwhich is 20%
19:32.13tomhso thats 450 euro - 90
19:32.17tomh360 euro
19:32.20jbqttuttle: you can't expect the money to pay for what those countries offer to their residents to come out of thin air.
19:32.20tomhnot bad?
19:32.52kirberichtomh: seems almost reasonable ;)
19:33.15tomhfor an unlocked phone pretty good
19:33.18tomhtoo bad no gps right
19:33.41kirberichwhy no gps?
19:33.47RyeBryeI'm pretty sure it has GPS
19:34.23tomhisnt listed in the features..
19:34.31RyeBryeIt would probably cost them more to remove it and set up a new production run than it would to just leave it in
19:34.39kirberichwell it's identical to the g1 I thought?
19:34.48ttuttleWhy would they remove it?
19:34.49jbqMight have been forgotten on the lis. I'll relay the information "inside" to confirm it.
19:35.27waldo_new sdk!
19:35.32waldo_but I guess that's in the topic :)
19:35.44tomhjbq: you heard from inside sources it has gps?
19:36.00RyeBryewhile you are at it - some other hardware features that aren't being used include: pedometer and a thermometer (also on that accelerometer / compass chip) - since these are "dev phones" maybe "devs" might be interested in these features they could somehow get working :)
19:36.04jbqtomh: no, but I'm passing the question to the people who'd know.
19:36.19tomhlet me know :)
19:36.20jbqI'd be very surprised and disappointed if it wasn't there.
19:36.24ttuttleOoh, a thermometer? That'd be cool.
19:36.24kirberichI would be seriously confused if the dev phone didn't have gps
19:36.35kirberichthat just wouldn't make _any_ sense at all
19:36.42ttuttleRyeBrye: What makes the pedometer different from the accelerometer.
19:37.17RyeBryettuttle: I have no clue - except that it has easy methods to get number of steps and reset number of steps? probably uses less energy to rely on it to track that crap itself than for you to poll the sensor and figure out when steps are taken in software
19:37.18offby1wants a baconometer
19:37.19SanMehatisn't a pedometer something you can make out of an accelerometer?
19:37.24RyeBryeYeah, it is
19:37.26ttuttleRyeBrye: ah
19:37.28SanMehatoffby1: mmmmm
19:37.29RyeBryeWhich is proabbly why it's not been used :)
19:37.42ttuttlewants an awesomeometer.
19:37.52jbqttuttle: pedometer can be done with a lot less precision (and therefore a lot less power) than an accelerometer.
19:37.58ttuttlejbq: ah
19:38.05luokwait there's a thermometer?
19:38.26ttuttleluok: apparently
19:38.58luokno api tho huh
19:39.04jaypurhow do i install android in my phone????
19:39.19offby1I don't know!!!!
19:39.49ivantishow do you install android?
19:39.54ivantisdoesnt it come with it?
19:40.08ivantiswhat phone? G1?
19:40.18jaypurits a n95
19:40.29ttuttlejaypur: Um, that's not supported.
19:40.33ivantisidk, i dont even have a g1
19:40.38ttuttlejaypur: Perhaps Google for it?
19:40.43jaypuryeah im looking here, no one could install
19:40.55jaypurjust some videos... but maybe it is fake
19:40.58ttuttlejaypur: Then it's likely not possible yet.
19:41.05RyeBrye;a=blob;f=drivers/i2c/chips/akm8976.c;h=8c03165bccfd7a9b4efa79648d21cb9750ed40a1;hb=aa5b407d67cd4b665955453388d2a02930ba1643#l372 see line#399 and line #413
19:41.11RyeBrye(the thermometer and the "step count" stuff)
19:41.22jaypurwhat i can understand is, n95 has a lot of aplications, so why should i change for android???
19:41.41ttuttlejaypur: Nobody said you had to.
19:41.49jaypurttuttle, i know...
19:41.56jaypurbut i wanna know why should i?
19:42.05RyeBryejaypur: "how do i install android in my phone????" then you say: "jaypur: what i can understand is, n95 has a lot of aplications, so why should i change for android???"
19:42.10jaypuri know it is open source, that is great, and in the future it will be greater
19:42.16RyeBryeHow do I install mutant killer alien brain in my child?!?
19:42.26RyeBryeWait, why woudl I want to install mutant killer alien brain in my child?!?
19:42.35ttuttleRyeBrye: First, find the JTAG interface...
19:42.56RyeBryeI might write a simple C program to see what that temp sensor reports
19:43.29ttuttleRyeBrye: I'm curious if it's placed such that it reasonably measures ambient temperature.
19:43.44RyeBryeAlso, doesn't the acceleromter just give X/Y/Z now? what's the 4th one on both the compass and the acceleromter - is that used?  RUDDER and WHEEL ?
19:44.20ttuttleRyeBrye: accelerometer gives rotation and translation in 3d = 6d total.
19:44.28RyeBryeOh, cool
19:44.58jbqRyeBrye: I suggest that you don't spend too much time on the current sensor code. The next code drop will have a lot of new code in that area.
19:45.15jbqActually, the accelerometer doesn't measure rotations, only translations.
19:45.39jbqbut there's also the 3d compass, which.
19:45.54ivantisthe cheapest plan for the G1 is $54.98 monthly>
19:46.00RyeBryejbq:  That's cool. you mean the platform code or the kernel code? I'm looking at the stuff in the 2.6.27 branch which is going to be part of the next big code drop, I presume?
19:46.20jbqRyeBrye: I'm talking about the platform code.
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19:46.55RyeBryejbq: ok, that makes sense. I'm mostly interested in seeing what is available at the sensor level in the hardware - I wont bother building up platform pieces that are already likely built
19:47.07jaypurluok, reading it....
19:47.22jbqRyeBrye: ok. I don't expect changes on the driver side.
19:48.39jaypurluok, nice text....
19:49.07luokthank google
19:49.18RyeBrye It looks like the sensor is right next to the power button - and I doubt that placement will let it get good temp readings of ambient air if it is charging
19:49.52luokwould be fun anyway
19:49.55RyeBrye shows the context of that one
19:50.09RyeBryeYeah, but I bet it would be able to tell the difference between freezing and 90 degrees F
19:50.15RyeBryewould hope at least
19:50.39Disconnecti suspect charging or running would screw it up. the battery gets -warm-
19:50.41SystemWizardnot while charging or doing something processor intensive..
19:51.00SystemWizardi can tell you from using the phone the chin gets warm during either of those activities
19:52.06SystemWizardputs his hat back over his eyes and nods back off
19:52.32offby1pours ashes in SystemWizard's mouth
19:52.45offby1it was either that, or tip his chair all the way over
19:52.50SystemWizard*gag* *wheeze*
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19:52.57offby1he's got his boots on the coffee table again.  I wish he'd not do that
19:53.06SystemWizardslaps offby1 around with a large trout
19:53.20offby1fetches some drawn butter and fingerling potatoes
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19:54.16d0netsFNany mexicans here?
19:54.40d0netsFNi want to know what cheese they use in the restaurants
19:55.01d0netsFNi googled but theres a list of 10 it could be
19:55.02luokcotija and oaxaca are popular
19:55.04d0netsFNbut nobody knows for shure
19:55.07luokthe crumbly kinds
19:55.25d0netsFNwell this is a melty kind that they put in tacos and quesadillas
19:56.09d0netsFNi think i should just find a hispanic grocery store
19:57.42ismarcd0netsFN: are you looking for like, the queso melted cheese dip stuff?
19:57.58d0netsFNwell yes that too
19:58.04d0netsFNbut the cheese they use in quesadillas
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19:59.24SystemWizardin tex-mex restaurants they use a mix of cheddar and monterey jack
19:59.27ismarc is a great queso recipe, and quesadillas just have cheddar or monteray jack
20:00.24d0netsFN!google mexican quesadilla cheese
20:00.37d0netsFNoh i forget im not on efnet
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20:02.44d0netsFN• Queso oaxaca: Also known as quesillo, this soft, mild cheese is perfect for quesadillas. It is similar in texture to string cheese, and should be pulled apart into thin strings before being put on the tortilla.
20:02.47d0netsFNi think it might be that one
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20:20.10RyeBryeinfobot: devphones
20:20.11infobot[devphones] a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:
20:22.31RyeBryettuttle: I no longer need access to your phone for anything :D
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20:23.00DisconnectRyeBrye: let him be "special" for a while longer, at least in his head. :)
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20:25.28blau-MikeDGhi guys
20:25.44blau-MikeDGanyone ever get some message syaing too many text messages were being sent?
20:25.49RyeBryeinfobot - tell blau-MikeDG  about devphones
20:26.01RyeBryehmm... must not have parsed
20:26.06Disconnectno -
20:26.10Disconnect: instead
20:26.13SystemWizardblau-MikeDG: no
20:26.18RyeBryeinfobot tell blau-MikeDG about devphones
20:26.23Disconnect...needs a :
20:26.28Disconnectinfobot: tell RyeBrye about help
20:27.21RyeBryeinfobot help sexual_healing
20:27.21blau-MikeDGomg at devphones i think!!!!
20:28.11SystemWizardinfobot: devphones
20:28.12infobotmethinks devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:
20:28.26blau-MikeDGwow cool
20:28.35blau-MikeDGcries in a corner about buying a real g1
20:28.49JesusFrekeeyes the buy button
20:28.52Disconnectthat might be fixable. unless you just want the cool paint job.
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20:29.27blau-MikeDGwhat happens when we reflash the phone
20:29.36blau-MikeDGi think i might buy it, just to have an actual seperate dev only phone
20:29.39SystemWizardit explodes
20:29.55blau-MikeDGi meant what happens to the google apps when we reflash
20:30.08SystemWizardoh.. THEY explode
20:30.13jbqDepends if they're on the new system image that you flash.
20:30.16SystemWizardor rather.. are erased.
20:30.26RyeBryepeople with rooted phones, we might be able to reflash a fully loaded bootloader onto a normal G1 if you want to live dangerously
20:30.26SystemWizardright.. what jbq said
20:30.28blau-MikeDGjbq: how do we get them on there?
20:30.48RyeBryethey are included in the dev phone when it ships
20:30.54RyeBrye(the google apps at least)
20:31.31blau-MikeDGgoes to make a list of things he wanted to change if he could reflash android onto his g1
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20:31.35RyeBryethe dev phone includes market / youtube / google maps / streetview / pornhub / gmail ... etc
20:32.00RyeBryeoh, woops. that's next release
20:32.06SystemWizardoh ok.
20:32.22jbqI'm sure we'll find a workable solution for the Google apps.
20:32.30SystemWizardthat's the one that constantly dials 900-GOOGSEX, right?
20:33.03jbqnah, 1-900-JBQ-RICH
20:33.23SystemWizardnah I was talking about pornhub
20:33.38blau-MikeDGim stumped by this one error a user reported to me :(
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20:34.00RyeBryeblau-MikeDG: are they on t-mobile officially?
20:34.00blau-MikeDGIn 1.0_r1, it was possible for developers to write technically-illegal code by using the Java Reflection APIs to access private or protected fields and methods. 1.0_r2 fixes that problem by enforcing private/protected visibility of items accessed via Reflection.  sigh...
20:34.15*** join/#android polymar_ (
20:34.26RyeBryedamn. :(
20:34.36RyeBryelikes breaking the technical law
20:34.59jbqUsers really don't like it when apps break after system updates, though.
20:37.23kirberichok, I think I'm gonna buy the dev phone now. Are we sure it has gps now? ;)
20:37.43kirberichbecause if it for some strange reason doesn't, I'm gonna jump out of a window.
20:37.44jbqI haven't heard anything back either way.
20:37.45blau-MikeDGit looks completely identical to the g1
20:37.56kirberichyeah well it should be
20:38.00blau-MikeDGwhy do you even think it wont have gps
20:38.05kirberichbut 500 bucks is a lot of money for "should"
20:38.19jbqFor all I know it should be the same hardware except for the paint job.
20:38.20kirberichI think jbq started that rumour because it's not listed in the features list ;)
20:38.31kirberich(may have been someone else)
20:38.33blau-MikeDGa keyboard isnt listed wither
20:38.41kirberichblau-MikeDG: sure it is
20:38.47jbqActually, someone asked, I just relayed the information.
20:38.52blau-MikeDGi wa sbeing facetious
20:38.52kirberichQWERTY slider keyboard
20:39.11kirberichalright, what the hell. I'm gonna click "buy" now.
20:39.31blau-MikeDGi want it too, just gotta reset my mac for development
20:40.04blau-MikeDG"saying something like a large number of sms is being downloading to continue press ok to stop hit cancel."
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20:40.53kirberich* International State & Province <- wth is that? ;)
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20:44.26Disconnectjbq: will it still send tons of sms's to the myfaves number? :(
20:45.53blau-MikeDGis there no simple way to search for a contact by their phone number?
20:46.56jbqDisconnect: you mean, the devphone?
20:47.26jbqI'd be very very surprised if it had myvaves installed, that's specific to T-Mobile US. no myfavs. does that mean no gmail, no contact sync, no maps, no..?
20:48.05jbqI have to admit that I never actually ran that system image on any of my phones.
20:48.24jbqDisconnect: those are from Google, not from T-Mobile, and I think that they're all included.
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20:48.36jbq(at least the spec sheet says that they are)
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20:49.11Disconnecthow do you keep them included tho, if you're able to reflash platform? i know they aren't getting opened.. are the apks gonna be available or something?
20:49.43luokanyone have the link for that windows developer tmobile deal?
20:50.04RyeBryeor more importantly, what it is the channel where upgrades for the official apps for the dev phones will be distributed?
20:50.08jbqDisconnect: I don't actually know, to be honest.
20:50.09JesusFrekeluok, it doesn't have anything to do with tmobile :D
20:50.13JesusFrekeinfobot devphones
20:50.14infobotwell, devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:
20:50.17Disconnectfair enough. its kinda a concern tho :)
20:50.18luokno the older one
20:50.32JesusFrekeoh, nevermind
20:50.35DisconnectJesusFreke: there is a discount/rebate for smartphones from microsoft which, for some reason, applies to the g1 also
20:50.36luokthe other deal is a better one for me
20:50.42JesusFrekesorry, I know what you're talking about now luok
20:50.43RyeBryeso when YouTube 2.0 or whatever comes out - how will those with devphones get it? Presumably it will be pushed OTA to g1 owners - but there is probably no OTA on the dev phones
20:50.51DisconnectRyeBrye: i'd hope not
20:50.55JesusFrekeI just don't have a link handy :)
20:51.08Disconnectbut straight out you lose if you reflash the platform (which is what the dev phone is for..)
20:51.09luokhaha crap i think this was it:
20:51.11AstainHellbringanyone know what freqs the devphones will work on for wcdma?
20:51.18luokpage don't exists
20:51.40jbqI'd assume that people who do development would have a computer and a USB cable and will know how to download an image and flash it.
20:51.53jbqAstainHellbring: UMTS 1700 and 2100
20:51.57JesusFrekeagrees with jpq
20:52.17AstainHellbringthats all for the devphone? thats lame
20:52.22RyeBryejbq:  but the question is where the proprietary apps will come from when they are updated - or how you can restore them if you reflash an OSS tree build and lose your youtube / gmail
20:52.29Disconnectjbq: that assumes there is some way to -get- the apps to be added to the image..
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20:52.51NafaiToo many application ideas, too little time
20:52.58RyeBryean easy first step would be to provide an nbh for download to devs who have bought the phone
20:53.06jbq_gah, stupid wifi disconnection...
20:53.14RyeBryeso then you could at least restore to default after banging around on it
20:53.25DisconnectRyeBrye: i suspect if they wanted to do that they'd have done it already..
20:53.37Disconnectwould love to see it, but..
20:53.39RyeBryeDisconnect: this one doesn't have to be signed by HTC though
20:53.46Disconnectbear in mind that the g1 is from tmobile and the "dev 1" is from google....
20:53.49RyeBryeDisconnect: this one can be just unsigned or signed by some test key
20:53.55Disconnectah i gotcha
20:54.14RyeBryeso thye can have a DEVRESTORE.NBH you could flash with the dev bootloader that can't be flashed on a G1 bootloader - but would reflash the whole dev phone back to a functional / virgin state
20:54.19RyeBryeI would hope this kind of thing would be provided
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20:54.57RyeBryeIf the media player apps were better, the $400 dev phone wouldn't be all that bad for just a media player that takes 16-gig SDHC flash cards :)
20:55.05RyeBryedon't even use the phone with it - save battery :)
20:55.46jbq_RyeBrye: as long as you have a working unlocked bootloader (and probably a correct partition table and maybe few other basic things) you should be able to recover from bad system partitions and stuff.
20:57.06RyeBryejbq_: recovering to functional state isn't the concern. It's recovering to a state with the Google proprietary apps that we have no source available for - yet come with the dev phones
20:57.26RyeBryejbq_: I know you can get it functioning... but if you don't have a full system image to restore from, it's kind of hard to recreate those proprietary apps
20:57.33jbq_RyeBrye: yes, one of the first things we need to do is to make the original image available for download.
20:57.47JesusFrekethat would be perfect :)
20:58.17RyeBryejbq_: Ok, that's all I was really wondering about
20:58.23*** join/#android rev_otto (
20:58.36jbq_I can't imagine why we wouldn't do that. After all, you guys know how to download G1 images and modify them, so let's be realistic.
20:59.14rev_ottofuriously rubs his googly phone hoping an irc client appears
20:59.42JesusFrekeyou forgot to say "genie, genie, in the phone?" :D
20:59.43Disconnectgood luck with that
20:59.44blau-MikeDGdo any of you guys send 10s of thousands of sms's a month
21:00.05JesusFrekeI sent 1 sms last month. does that count?
21:00.26rev_ottoif it were not for the fairer sex I would deign to send any
21:00.52blau-MikeDGone of my users is having a weird problem
21:00.55TiberiumXMy wife and I agreed on e-mail instead of using up our 100 text messages.
21:00.55Lenoliumrev_otto: Do a google search for "irc apk", be pleased.
21:01.29*** join/#android makghosh (n=Joy@
21:01.32TiberiumXCan you hide MP3s from the music player?  Maybe giving it an unrecognizable file extension (does it care)?
21:01.51rev_ottoWell android chat during the dev contest was pretty much a fully running irc except it was bogged down with location aware crud and their servers
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21:02.07TiberiumXI don't want a bunch of oddly named podcasts clogging up the Songs list.
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21:02.53RyeBryeblau-MikeDG: have they talked to T-mobile? sounds like a carrier issue
21:03.17RyeBryeblau-MikeDG: If I am doing support for a webbrowser, and a user is getting 500 errors on a given web page, that's not my problem...
21:04.08rev_ottotmob screwed with me so much over the g1 I ended up getting it for free
21:10.16blau-MikeDGrye: i found one other mention of a problem, im trying to get the user to send me an actual pic of the screen
21:24.52blau-MikeDGoh wow, the back of the dev phone i sdope
21:25.20rev_ottoI want the cover
21:26.21kirberichrev_otto: so there's no irc yet? that sucks quite a bit.
21:26.34RyeBryethere is an irc app in private beta
21:26.40RyeBryebut I can't remember who is doing it
21:26.54RyeBryesome student doing it for a project iirc
21:27.01RyeBryesupposedly it works though
21:27.06rev_ottoit's a pretty essential app for me
21:27.16rev_ottomore so than shop savy
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21:27.27rev_ottofinds a can of tuna cheaper 10 miles away
21:27.28kirberichrev_otto: it will be for me too
21:28.14RyeBryeThe % of G1 users in on an IRC channel wanting an IRC app probably is skewed by selection bias
21:28.42JesusFrekejust maybe :)
21:28.57rev_ottoif you had never heard of irc and somebody said, hey need a group chat that's easy
21:29.11blau-MikeDGi made an irc client that joins this channel
21:29.28RyeBryeoh, blau-MikeDG  - are you the one with the private beta thing?
21:29.42blau-MikeDGno, it was just a proof of concept
21:29.45rev_ottoI've just used telnet and irssi
21:29.47rev_ottobut eh
21:29.49blau-MikeDGyou cant actually send anything to this channel
21:29.52blau-MikeDGjust join
21:30.42RyeBryeyou coudl communicate through nick changes!
21:31.06RyeBryeyeah, that woudl get old
21:32.32what_theres_nothbleh :p
21:32.45what_theres_nothma nick length is too short
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21:34.59kirberichrev_ott: if no irc app turns up I guess it's gonna be my first program ;)
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21:38.43michaelnovakjr__i'm almost done with one
21:39.55RyeBryeah, is yours the private beta one?
21:40.02RyeBryeoh, ok
21:40.04michaelnovakjr__mine is going to be open source
21:40.13RyeBryecool. Then someone can throw on DCC and crap to it
21:40.14michaelnovakjr__and publicly available when its ready
21:40.20RyeBrye(assuming you don't already have it in there)
21:40.36michaelnovakjr__not at the moment
21:40.40michaelnovakjr__but sure, its possible :)
21:40.48RyeBryemake the phone into an auto-file-serving dcc bot :)
21:41.45RyeBryeoh, just for the sake of putting it out thre... does the dev phone come with that 3.5mm headphone adapter like the new G1's do?
21:41.53kirberichmichaelnovakjr__: what's the program gonna be called, and will we find it on the market?
21:41.56RyeBryedidn't get a 3.5mm headphone adapter with his phone :(
21:42.06kirberichRyeBrye: the site didn't say anything about an adapter
21:42.17michaelnovakjr__it'll be called Conversation, and it will be on the market when its ready
21:43.01kirberichmichaelnovakjr__: awesome
21:43.11kirberichRyeBrye: nope, specs don't mention an adapter.
21:43.15d0netsFNyea rybrye
21:43.20d0netsFNi talked to a CS rep today
21:43.23d0netsFNshe said thats false
21:43.26d0netsFNthey dont come with adapters
21:43.28d0netsFNi asked for one
21:43.33d0netsFNbut she said LIES!
21:43.42RyeBryeYeah, I thought they did?
21:43.55NafaiMy G1 that I got this week came with an adapter
21:43.55d0netsFNjust order them where i did
21:43.59d0netsFN2.50 shipped
21:44.00d0netsFNi bought 5
21:44.07RyeBryewhere did you get yours?
21:44.10d0netsFNnafai where did you get it
21:44.19NafaiOrdered from T-mobile through a local dealer
21:44.23RyeBryeI was thinking a USB + 3.5MM would be good  so I could charge it too and plug in headphones
21:44.39NafaiRyeBrye: But I would like an adapter so I could do both
21:44.45RyeBryeNafai: woudl you be willin to testtify to this on a 3-way call with a t-mobile customer service agent? ;)
21:44.52michaelnovakjr__work's been crazy... i'm working the app as much as i can
21:44.56NafaiRyeBrye: Sure :)
21:44.57d0netsFNyea i want one of those too for the car ryebrye
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21:45.09d0netsFNto have 3.5 to my aux in, and usb to my car charger
21:45.10Nafaimichaelnovakjr__: What's the app you are working on?
21:45.18michaelnovakjr__IRC app
21:45.29d0netsFNthere is one made
21:45.36d0netsFNbut hes claiming he will charge for it
21:45.39RyeBryeI was debating just looking to see if I could run the wires myself inside the phone to a 3.5mm adapter inside the phone
21:45.41d0netsFNi pasted a link to the beta apk in the forums
21:46.09d0netsFNhrmm i think its on actually
21:46.16RyeBryeor maybe a 2.5mm or something and use a plug adapter on the outside - but I don't know if I feel like dremeling my phone that much
21:46.28kirberichNafai: is this a special adapter for the g1, or for more htc phones?
21:46.31d0netsFNi would be down to do th at
21:46.35d0netsFNa hacked 3.5
21:46.43d0netsFNi bet it would be hard
21:46.50Nafaikirberich: It's branded htc, but I don't know if it is special to just the g1
21:46.50michaelnovakjr__d0netsFN: mine's going to be free and open source
21:46.51d0netsFNand would have to be in the area near the jogball
21:47.02d0netsFNgood deal michaelnovakjr_
21:47.09RyeBryeWhat is that little hole for by the usb plug? microphone?
21:47.19kirberichNafai: that's too bad, because in Germany I probably won't get a special g1 adapter for a few months ;)
21:47.34RyeBryeThere seems to be enough space at the top of the phone below the HTC logo
21:47.37d0netsFNget it from china
21:47.38RyeBryefrom the tear-apart images I saw
21:47.50d0netsFNthats where mine was from
21:47.53d0netsFNand it came with free led
21:48.00kirberichwhat? ;)
21:48.00d0netsFN2.50 shipped
21:48.07kirberichthat's cool.
21:48.10d0netsFNyou guys want a link?
21:48.23NafaiLet me upload a picture of it
21:48.34kirberichd0netsFN: sure
21:49.08RyeBryeright next to the camera I think you could put a 3.5mm adapter and run wires down alongside the edge
21:49.22RyeBryebut that might not be the best because of interference with the radio... hmmm....
21:50.24JesusFrekethere's an adapter than can do both audio and usb/charging at the same time
21:50.30JesusFrekeit's a bit bulky though
21:50.35kirberichd0netsFN: ok seems it's a standard adapter, one should be able to get it in a store even in germany
21:50.39bbsi just got a tmobile g1
21:50.44bbsunlocked it to att
21:50.48bbsi'm a software dev
21:50.51bbswhere should is tart to play
21:50.53RyeBryeJesusFreke: part of the point is to use a dremel :)
21:50.57JesusFrekelol :p
21:51.14kirberichbbs: dremel a hole into your phone to put in a headphone jack, then tell us if it worked ;)
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21:51.41JesusFrekeor use one of these :p
21:51.58JesusFrekeugh. nevermind
21:51.59kirberichbbs: but seriously, you mean like what apps are missing?
21:52.03JesusFrekethe link is insanely long.
21:52.17bbswell i mean
21:52.19d0netsFNyea kirberich you should, other htc phones use it, like the tytn/tilt
21:52.21JesusFrekeah, there's the shorterish link
21:52.22bbsi would like to start development
21:52.24RyeBryeinfobot tell JesusFreke about tinyurl
21:52.28Nafai <- the adapter I got
21:52.31JesusFrekemeh :p
21:52.39bbskirberich: should i install some rc version of andriod
21:52.45bbsshould i leave it as is
21:52.49bbsand use an emulator
21:52.51bbswhat is the process
21:52.59bbsi'll be happy to install unstable shit on my personal devices
21:53.05bbspeople don't need me that badly by phone
21:53.06RyeBryeinfobot tinyurl is a service you can use to make big URLs small
21:53.07infobotACTION runs '/exec a service you can use to make big URLs small' and laughs maniacally!
21:53.10bbsand when they do i'm at work or at school
21:53.24RyeBryeinfobot: what the hell was taht?
21:53.31kirberichbbs: you really shouldn't need to do anything with your phone, just install the emulator and start poking around, then test if the software works on the phone
21:53.35RyeBryeinfobot: tinyurl
21:53.42kirberichat least that's the feeling I'm getting, but I don't have my phone yet ;)
21:54.11RyeBryeinfobot: tinyurl
21:54.32bbskirberich: all i run is linux and os x if i have to
21:54.34bbsand freebsd
21:54.42bbsis the emulator available for this platform
21:54.42bbsand where
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21:55.16kirberichbbs: <- there you shall find everything you need.
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21:56.06bbskirberich: thx
21:56.08bbspeace out
21:56.14bbsi'll bbl with more information on what i'm doing
21:56.20bbskirberich: you mentioned apps seriously lacking
21:56.22bbsi'm all ears
21:56.25bbsi'll start with one
21:56.29RyeBryeinfobot: tell Impossible_ about devphones
21:57.15kirberichbbs: that was more of a question. We don't have an irc application yet, but michaelnovakjr__ is working on one.
21:57.29Impossible_what would stop dev roms leaking onto our devices?
21:57.32Impossible_the bootloaders?
21:57.36kirberichbut I'm sure I can tell you about loads of apps I am missing as soon as my device arrives ;)
21:58.07RyeBryeI think I load on about 50+ apps if I do a hard reset
21:58.20d0netsFNthere is an irc app
21:58.45kirberichd0netsFN: you talking about the one in private beta, or one I don't know about yet?
21:59.09d0netsFNyea its a beta
21:59.17michaelnovakjr__that sucks though doesn't it?
21:59.23kirberichah, just not so private anymore? ;)
21:59.45michaelnovakjr__i downloaded that and it was horrible
22:00.22d0netsFNits pretty nice
22:00.25d0netsFNand he adds shit every day
22:00.32d0netsFNthat apk is updated lots
22:00.40kirberichis there a decent gps logger yet?
22:00.42d0netsFNhe hangs out in my chan on efnet
22:00.55bbsmichaelnovakjr__: what are you considering programming this in
22:00.57kirberichbest would be one that can upload gps logs
22:00.58d0netsFNhes an efnet admin
22:01.01bbsporting irssi shouldn't ba problem
22:01.05bbsbut more than that
22:01.09Impossible_im worried about a irc app for my g1
22:01.11michaelnovakjr__bbs i wrote it in Java
22:01.17Impossible_i dont have enough battery as it is...
22:01.18michaelnovakjr__i've almost got it completed
22:01.29Impossible_me using it for irc will kill it ;)
22:01.32RyeBryehas his G1 plugged in pretty much 22 hours a day
22:01.39bbsmichaelnovakjr__: well then :)
22:01.42d0netsFNmichaelnovakj__ please add password functionality ok?
22:01.43RyeBryebut then again, I also work at a computer all day
22:01.50d0netsFNfor bnc's and such
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22:02.29michaelnovakjr__d0netsFN: its in there :)
22:03.09kirberichmichaelnovakjr__: if you need testers, I'm very much avaliable ;)
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22:03.21d0netsFNk thanks
22:03.28d0netsFNthis one doesnt have that
22:03.35michaelnovakjr__i'll make an announcement
22:03.35d0netsFNso it shows my phone ip
22:03.39d0netsFNi really am tempted to ddos it
22:03.44michaelnovakjr__just remember mine will be free, so don't waste money :)
22:03.56d0netsFNthats what i tell him
22:04.00d0netsFNi told him .99 max
22:04.04d0netsFNhe wants to charge like 5 bucks
22:04.09d0netsFNthat = me pirating it
22:04.28kirberichtherefore: $5 == free.
22:04.54d0netsFNif i can get my guitar tuner ported i might consider making a pro version with all stringed instruments including a piano, adding a metronome and drum machine and chords, for .99
22:05.01d0netsFNbut the guitar tuner wil be free
22:05.28Disconnectright cuz its got gpl code. of course it'll be free.
22:05.33d0netsFNbut ive been dealing with the last 2 weeks of the semester + finals
22:05.39Disconnectas will all the other instruments
22:05.49d0netsFNyea i think i will have to do the tuner free
22:05.50d0netsFNfor all
22:06.08d0netsFNthen add the chords metronome and alternate tunings for each instruments
22:06.12d0netsFNi can charge for that?
22:06.17d0netsFNcan i*
22:06.25Disconnectask a lawyer. but basically no.
22:06.45kirberichd0netsFN: it might be possible to charge for the distribution through the market
22:06.47d0netsFNi need to talk to him
22:06.55kirberichbut you will still need to make the code available for free
22:06.57obrayou can, but you have to give away the source and let other people give it away and change it
22:07.06obra(See early versions of cygwin, for example)
22:07.06michaelnovakjr__well, at any rate mine will be free and probably better :)
22:07.08kirberichand anyone could take the code and redistribute it for free on the market
22:07.12d0netsFNmaybe we can split it between everyone involved, and him
22:07.29michaelnovakjr__plus if you don't like it or want to add something, at least i give you the source code
22:07.45Disconnecttechincally you have to give it only to people who buy the app.
22:07.59kirberichDisconnect: true, but they then can give it to everyone
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22:10.19michaelnovakjr__i like the idea of open source
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22:10.39kirberichwho here doesn't? ;)
22:10.41bbscan i sync with mac os x contacts
22:10.45bbsthats my last question
22:10.48bbsand all that matters atm
22:12.58remitaylorquick question (google hasn't helped me with this so far) ... anyone know if you can listen to music (or any audio besides phone calls) with a bluetooth headset?
22:13.21JesusFrekeno, you can't
22:13.24Disconnectremitaylor: afaik no you can't
22:14.01remitaylorbummer  :/  thanks guys!  i'll buy a headset when you can  :)
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22:17.08kirberichso anyway, what are the apps you guys miss the most right now?
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22:24.05ttuttlekirberich: miss?
22:24.12ttuttlekirberich: from where?
22:24.26kirberichyeah, as in "would love to have it on my g1, but nobody wrote it yet"
22:24.44RyeBryekirberich: a good geocaching app
22:24.52RyeBryekirberich: I'd help you write one if you wanted
22:25.09ttuttlekirberich: Google-accounts linked notepad and RSS reader apps.
22:25.19luokwhat ttuttle said
22:25.30kirberichi'm not really that into geocaching. What I'd love to have in that area though is a program that tracks my gps position and puts it on a google maps thingy
22:25.35NafaiYeah, I agree with ttuttle
22:25.40kirberichttuttle: yeah that seems missable.
22:25.46ttuttlekirberich: Also a Facebook client, as the mobile website doesn't let me login and the desktop one is horribly JavaScript heavy.
22:26.09luokand a notification customizer that lets you set up different types of repeating alerts for different types of notifications
22:26.18ttuttlekirberich: Also an AIM client that doesn't require a proxy, and an IRC client.
22:26.42ttuttlekirberich: Oh, and a PDF/word/excel viewer.
22:26.43kirberich <- for the latter.
22:27.09ttuttlekirberich: And a nice ebook reader.
22:27.22Nafaittuttle: Yeah, e-book reader too
22:28.23kirberichalright, thanks for the input. I'm gonna go to sleep now
22:28.28kirberichgood night!
22:29.02RyeBryePDF viewer - I bet iText is a bit heavy for android, huh?
22:30.25ttuttleis really tired of the stream of people trying to find people to chat with by leaving their email addresses in Market comments. Can we ban that?
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22:33.07Impossible_i miss turn based sat nav... eg tomtom
22:37.54luokttuttle: hehe how the heck did it become a meme
22:38.01luokthey really just need voting buttons on peoples reviews
22:41.03blau-MikeDGi want that new dev phone
22:42.09blau-MikeDGthe market is trash as it is
22:42.24blau-MikeDGreviews need some way to review them, sort them
22:42.31blau-MikeDG325 character limit is lame
22:42.52blau-MikeDGfor market escriptions
22:43.01blau-MikeDGi might as well just ask people to text me if they are interested in my app and ill txt them 3! messages back
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22:43.26NafaiI wish there was some way I could browse the apps off of my phone
22:43.34blau-MikeDGits even worse now that there isnt an automated way to find updates
22:43.54blau-MikeDGif i update my app, now i have to use part of the 325 characters to say what was different
22:44.06blau-MikeDGive had 3 people email me asking what my app does
22:44.13blau-MikeDGi wonder how many i lost because the description sucks
22:44.24Nafaiblau-MikeDG: That is frustrating
22:44.37NafaiI admit I probably have passed up some apps because it isn't clear what they do
22:44.46NafaiIt'll be worse when there are for-pay apps in the store
22:44.47blau-MikeDGi have too
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22:45.03NafaiI won't pay for an app if I'm not certain  Iwant it
22:45.03Impossible_the update system does suck
22:45.14RyeBryeThey have a retrn period though
22:45.37ITechJunkiejasta: Hey are you around man? I have a question about compiling five-server
22:45.42blau-MikeDGi think my first paid app, will be sms backup and restore
22:46.10Nafaiblau-MikeDG: You seem pretty prolific
22:46.35ITechJunkiejasta: "./" spits out " 3: autoreconf: not found"
22:46.37blau-MikeDGi enjoy developing for android
22:46.44jastaITechJunkie: perhaps you should install autoreconf then
22:47.04blau-MikeDGcuriosity more than anything makes me want to charge for an app now
22:47.20blau-MikeDGjust to see if people turn on me, like they seem to do with any non free app now
22:47.36ITechJunkiejasta: i tried apt-get install autoreconf but it can't find the package
22:48.00ITechJunkieis it bundled with something else or am I gonna have to compile that from source?
22:48.36michaelnovakjr__blau-MikeDG: i will :)
22:48.47jastaITechJunkie: its in autoconf of course
22:48.53NafaiI need to start developing for Android
22:49.12ITechJunkiejasta: ah, thanks. I'll give that a shot
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22:50.10Nafaiblau-MikeDG: Have you found any resources other than the online docs at to be helpful?
22:50.26blau-MikeDGthe android developer groups
22:50.40blau-MikeDGif you have a problem, someone else has probably had it already, so search there
22:50.58blau-MikeDGthis and #android-dev have been valiable as well
22:51.01JesusFrekeNafai: it's useful to take a look at the  apps that are provided in the source
22:51.24blau-MikeDGapi demo from the sdk, has been rally helpful as well
22:51.27blau-MikeDGand fun
22:52.05blau-MikeDGi feel like someone could cut and paste sections from there and make almost any app in the market now, except mine, cause they are special
22:52.31michaelnovakjr__people have
22:52.39michaelnovakjr__how many notepad apps are on the market?
22:52.53michaelnovakjr__its stupid.... why put it on the market when you didn't write it :)
22:53.00NafaiAnd they probably all suck :)
22:53.17blau-MikeDGi made a notepad app too
22:53.20RyeBryeThe only part that really bugs me is that I'm used to nice tools that make object persistence easy
22:53.22blau-MikeDGi didnt put it on the market though
22:53.28RyeBryeso writing my own DB adapters feels like a major PITA
22:53.34blau-MikeDGi think all i did was change the color and fix a handful of bugs
22:53.42blau-MikeDGits now yellow :)
22:53.47blau-MikeDGand shows lines all down the page
22:54.22ttuttleblau-MikeDG: /me will settle for nothing less than a spiral binding!
22:54.57blau-MikeDGand i made a shortcut on the desktop using anycut to just start a new page, although i forgot what i put lol
22:55.12blau-MikeDGi gotta run out
22:55.15blau-MikeDGill catch you guys later
22:55.24NafaiI just wish I could use something else other than Java to do app development
22:55.35blau-MikeDGim a fan of java
22:55.50JesusFrekeI hear a but?
22:56.04blau-MikeDGbut i dont get to code at my job anymore
22:56.21blau-MikeDGthats the best but i could come up with
22:56.24blau-MikeDGi just like java
22:56.27JesusFrekeoh, ok
22:56.55JesusFrekeI guess I just imagined the but :)
22:56.59NafaiI'm finally in a job where I don't do Java, and it sucks that my fun projects are going to be Java :/
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22:57.13michaelnovakjr__what's wrong with Java on android?
22:57.15JesusFrekelol Nafai
22:57.42michaelnovakjr__i am not a java lover, but i don't see why people are bummed about java on android..... they've done a nice job with it
22:58.03JesusFrekemichael: I find the whole activity/intent thing a bit weird. But I haven't really done enough with it yet to really get to know it
22:58.14Nafaimichaelnovakjr__: I have nothing against the Java on Android part
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22:58.25NafaiJava is just not my funnest thing to code in
22:58.33michaelnovakjr__JesusFreke: i thought it was weird at first too, but its really a great system
22:58.46JesusFreke*nod*. I probably just need to spend more time with it :)
22:59.03*** part/#android bbs (n=bbs@unaffiliated/bbs)
22:59.50michaelnovakjr__downloading the android source and checking out the apps packaged in there is helpful
23:02.20d0netsFNhey is there an official link for the dev1 g1
23:02.26d0netsFNwhere is the ordering site
23:02.32JesusFrekeinfobot: devphone
23:02.40JesusFrekeinfobot: devphones
23:02.40infobotfrom memory, devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:
23:02.55JesusFrekefollow the link there, then pay $25 to sign up for android market
23:03.00JesusFrekethen there's a link to buy
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23:03.49morrildlFWIW, the "shipping charges" are no such thing: in fact they are (or at least include) customs fees
23:04.00morrildlI found this out earlier today
23:04.14morrildlso the high shipping charges for international folks are generally attributable to customs fees
23:04.28morrildlthe site does not really make this clear, and we've asked them to tweak it
23:05.09JesusFrekeYou also have to pay tax in the US. Not sure if its everywhere, but at least in Tx
23:06.10JesusFrekegot mine ordered, btw :)
23:06.40JesusFrekemorrildl, do you know if they'll be shipping soonish? Or is it gonna be a long wait?
23:06.54JesusFrekeI don't mind either way, but I would just prefer to know if I'll have to wait
23:07.39alexissofthmm ...
23:08.15ITechJunkieHey Jasta, how do i get the setup prompt to display again?
23:08.33JesusFrekeitechjunkie, run gconf-editor
23:08.33d0netsFNhey wait do these dev devices come from tmobile or what
23:08.39JesusFrekeand go to apps/five
23:08.46JesusFrekeand turn off the "setup" option
23:08.54d0netsFNi called tmo today cause my button backlights are stuck on
23:08.58d0netsFNso they are sending me a new one
23:09.01alexissoftthe dev g1 have gps like the G1 ? (this is not present on the website)
23:09.04d0netsFNcould i pay the 25$ and just get a dev one?
23:09.08ITechJunkieJesusFreke: thanks man
23:09.11JesusFrekenp :)
23:09.18JesusFrekebeen using/doing some work on five also
23:10.13ITechJunkieIs there a way to enable multipe watch folders?
23:11.59JesusFrekeYou can try to add them in the other option in gconf-editor
23:12.19JesusFrekeI'm not sure how well it works though
23:12.35JesusFrekeotherwise, just make a dummy folder and do symlinks :)
23:13.03ITechJunkieJesusFreke: yeah, creating a link sounds way easier :)
23:13.10ITechJunkieI don't wanna messup anything
23:13.53JesusFrekewell, you can alway just delete the DB and change the configuration back
23:14.15ITechJunkieMakes sense
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23:16.41mikey|is there any way to emulator low memory conditions on the emulator?
23:16.57JesusFrekemake an app that allocates a lot of memory?
23:17.31mikey|i was hoping for a more controllable way, like settings the memory to a certain amount
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23:19.15rev_ottyou could just find a way to get it to boot vista
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23:24.53d0netsFNhas anyone purched the dev g1?
23:24.59d0netsFNdoes it ship from google?
23:25.10JesusFrekeI've ordered mine
23:25.13RyeBryeI robbed a train full of them
23:25.13JesusFrekeand no clue :)
23:25.18RyeBryeand I'm burning them right now
23:25.23RyeBryeNo human should have such power
23:25.38JesusFrekecackles maniacly
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23:25.44d0netsFNjesus where do you order it
23:25.46d0netsFNis it a google site
23:25.48d0netsFNor tmo site
23:25.50d0netsFNor what
23:25.56JesusFrekeinfobot: devphones
23:25.56infobotextra, extra, read all about it, devphones is a phone with magical powers and will make all your wildest dreams come true. You can read about them here: - in order to buy one, you have to pay a $25 to be in the "developer club" and then you can get into the back room where they keep them behind a curtain of lava. very expensive to ship outside the US, or sporting this:
23:25.57RyeBryeinfobot: tell d0netsFN about devphones
23:26.00JesusFrekethat link
23:26.07d0netsFNi know that
23:26.08d0netsFNi went there
23:26.13d0netsFNim at the 25$ market fee
23:26.16rev_ottMine runs on marshmallows and rainbows and has more than one widget.
23:26.19JesusFrekeyeah, you have to do that
23:26.30JesusFrekeand then on teh next page there's the link to actually buy it
23:26.42d0netsFNright my question is
23:26.49d0netsFNthat link, where is it
23:26.58JesusFrekeit's some other company actually
23:26.59d0netsFNi mean, is it a google. link
23:27.02d0netsFNor sears
23:27.13chrisrDoes anyone know how I can sort this java problem : "Compliance level '1.4' is incompatible with target level '1.5'. A compliance level '1.5' or better is required" ?
23:27.33JesusFrekeit's like or something like that
23:27.39JesusFrekedefinitely not tmob at least
23:28.04d0netsFNok thats what i was asking
23:28.24JesusFreke(just out of curiosity, what happens when you go there?)
23:28.32JesusFrekewithout regestering for the market
23:28.51JesusFrekeprobably just get redirected..
23:28.55d0netsFNit redirects me to the 25$ market fee
23:28.56ITechJunkieit redirects you back to
23:29.04JesusFrekegotcha. figured :)
23:29.07morrildlalexissoft: yes, the devphone has GPS
23:29.20JesusFrekemorrildl, great. good to know :)
23:29.24morrildlJesusFreke: AFAIK they should ship right away, modulo business hours
23:29.25d0netsFNis it the same batter : /
23:29.34JesusFrekemorrildl, great! :)
23:29.38JesusFrekethanks :)
23:29.45d0netsFNhave you guys seen the 1600 mah batter?
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23:30.16d0netsFNinfobot: 1600 batter
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23:30.28d0netsFNfuck i give up, i cant spell battery
23:30.34JesusFrekeyou just did.
23:31.43alexissoftmorrildl: thanks
23:31.59chrisris everyone on here an android developer?
23:32.08d0netsFNi doubt it
23:32.16offby1Not I.
23:32.17d0netsFNi mean im not really a dev
23:32.19offby1I am but a slacker.
23:32.23d0netsFNbut im trying to port an app
23:32.29JesusFrekeI wasn't, until I bought the dev phone.
23:32.31RyeBryemorrildl: for those of us who might want to jump back between the OSS build and the one that ships with the phone (with the proprietary stuff like Youtube / market) - will there be a place to download a complete image of the Dev phone to restore to?
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23:33.58chrisrCould you look at this output from the ant script and tell me whats going wrong? I haven't a clue :
23:34.30chrisrdebug:      [echo] Packaging bin/HelloWorld-debug.apk, and signing it with a debug key...      [exec] Using keystore: /home/chrisr/.android/debug.keystore      [exec] null  BUILD FAILED /home/chrisr/code/android/build.xml:230: exec returned: 1
23:35.01chrisranyone any ideas?
23:35.44morrildlRyeBrye: we intend that there is, yes.  We are trying to work out with HTC where to host the actual build
23:35.57morrildlRyeBrye: but currently there isn't one
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23:36.08RyeBryemorrildl: fair enough, just double checking :)
23:36.15RyeBryemorrildl: I'll host it for you, just DCC it to me ;)
23:36.27morrildlheh :)
23:36.35blau-MikeDGim holding off on buying the devphone
23:36.43blau-MikeDGuntil i can find a build with youtube, market, etc...
23:37.35RyeBryeblau-MikeDG: it ships with those things - so like I was pestering morrildl - having a restore is at least a good start
23:38.03RyeBryeblau-MikeDG: obviously the upgrade path for that will also need to be defined somehow - since we can't exactly build YouTube 2.0 from source - they'll have to provide some way to get it out to dev phone users
23:38.18JesusFrekeor just steal it from G1 builds ;)
23:38.50blau-MikeDGrye: it ships with them, so does that mean i can pull them off my build and just drop them in?
23:38.59blau-MikeDGwhen i put my own build on?
23:39.12JesusFrekeblau: probably
23:39.23RyeBryewell... I think you can just pull the apks and resign them - but I don't know the official way of doing this
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23:39.44JesusFrekethat's what I did with some of the apps that I included in the newest modified RC8 update
23:39.46blau-MikeDGok, ill just wait till someone confirms
23:39.57blau-MikeDGsounds good though
23:40.02JesusFrekejust took them from RC30 and dumped them in the /system/app folder..
23:40.23blau-MikeDGglad to see this working out
23:40.32blau-MikeDGgo google
23:41.25blau-MikeDGi think htc just realised they could sucker me into another phone tho
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23:42.57[nine]anyone tried copying the amazon mp3 apk from a us build to a uk phone and seen if it works?
23:44.21blau-MikeDGbug or feature, even if you have vibrate for ringing turned off and and set the profile to vibrate, the phone still vibrates
23:44.24[nine]probably won't work, as the amazon account used for purchasing needs a us registered credit card, but you never know if there's been any sloppy programming with the checks.
23:44.37[nine]blau-MikeDG: feature.
23:44.47[nine]i didn't find the vibrate mode until about a week ago.
23:44.59[nine]i kept on holding power and selecting silent mode.
23:45.12[nine]then wondered why it didn't vibrate.
23:45.28blau-MikeDGgrr i dont like it
23:46.17_avatar[nine]: the US amazon mp3 apk won't let you purchase in the UK
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23:49.45dcordestmzt_, this would be a better place to discuss this
23:50.08tmzt_dcordes: sure
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23:54.06Andomicanyone tried the DriodFtp yet?
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23:56.57dcordesAndomic, what does it do?
23:58.33*** part/#android JesusFreke (
23:58.40Zer0reZoh a true dev phone option!
23:59.04Zer0reZi wish they hadn't introduced it right before the holidays
23:59.24blau-MikeDGi wish they hadnt released it 2 months after the other
23:59.25[nine]dcordes: does the name not give it away? :)
23:59.32[nine]agrees with blau-MikeDG
23:59.48Zer0reZblau-MikeDG: true
23:59.55[nine]if i'd know there was going to be a dev model, i'd have stumped up the cash rather than going on contract.

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