IRC log for #android on 20081204

00:00.28andyrossisn't even much a fan of GUI design canon, but this is just too clear cut a case to bother arguing with.
00:00.28foonixxandyross: That's a completely ridiculous suggestion :-)
00:06.07anno^da_Will this class 6 sdhc micro sd card run in the G1?
00:06.17jbqfoonixx: I'm not familiar enough with the whole android UI design to know what would be best, but it seems to me that there should be some kind of message that can go from your network code to your UI code that'd run in the UI thread, so that when receiving that message you'd always be able to know exactly what state your UI is in.
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00:07.32eldenzwhy did i pay ~60€ for a class2 16G? ;<
00:08.00anno^da_So the 16GB cards work in the G1?
00:08.11eldenzanno^da_, the sandisk one does
00:08.21eldenzothers probably as well
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00:09.09sparkleanno^da_: all the 16's i've seen are slow
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00:09.26anno^da_Even if they are class 6?
00:10.17sparklei've not seen any yet but, cool
00:10.47anno^da_here is one :-)
00:11.01sparkleno it's not
00:11.04sparklethat's sdhc, not microsdhc
00:11.12anno^da_ahhh damn :P
00:11.24anno^da_(I wondered about the price :) )
00:11.59eldenzah lol, the other one isn't micro as well ;>
00:12.50anno^da_yeah :-) Im sorry for that error :-)
00:14.09anno^da_ <- here is one but no class classification
00:14.27eldenzthat's the one i have
00:14.39eldenzi saw it listed as class2 somewhere
00:15.31ralfxDoes anyone know which platform I can use to test the IME? In cupcake I see only English, I though there was chinese too.
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00:15.44anno^da_Ok so I have to look for class 6 8gb cards since I cant find any class 4-6 16GB cards
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00:16.34sparkleanno^da_: i have an A-data brand one, i'm pretty happy with it
00:16.37sparkleand it was cheap
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00:17.41andyrossMy SanDisk 16G card shows about 6MB/s transfer (just doing a time dd ... of=/dev/null).
00:17.48mpardoTextView.setText("blah") isn't changing the text. Do I need to update the view or something?
00:18.20jastampardo: no, you do not.
00:18.23eldenzandyross, i just checked with hdparm, says 4.84 MB/sec buffered reads
00:18.57mpardohmmm does it matter that i'm setting the text within a timer task?
00:19.18anno^da_sparkle: it must be this one:
00:19.21eldenzi'm curious how it compares to a class6..
00:19.43eldenzwhat class is the 1GB that shipped with the G1?
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00:22.08eldenzbut anyway, while being in the phone it doesn't really matter whether it's class2 or 6 now, does it?
00:22.22eldenz*accessing it from the phone os
00:22.27luokyeah i'm wondering why it matters..this freakin phone is slloooooowwww
00:22.37anno^da_Well if we will be able to install apps on the sd card in the future it could matter
00:25.03Decavoltis there a best-practice optimal amount of free space on the G1 (the device itself, not the SD card) to keep it speedy?
00:25.45RyeBryethe only thing I've noticed that keeps my G1 speedy is rebooting it every dat
00:25.47RyeBryeerr day
00:25.58DecavoltYah, I've been doing the same.
00:26.21Decavolthell of a change from what I'm used to with my old Nokia... uptime of 6 months at a time.
00:26.48luokstarting to wish my treo 650 never kicked the bucket :(
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00:27.32DecavoltMy nokia was great, but I wouldn't go back for anything.
00:27.34pohamirsparkle: infernix, thanks for the info, got the debian userland and that iptables script up and running, only had to write a couple wrappers in sh
00:27.56pohamiri'll look into that ad-hoc thing next, prolly tomorrow
00:28.01infernixi hope to get my rc28 in a week
00:28.10pohamirlol i closed out my embarq dsl today too
00:28.17andyrossFWIW: I haven't noticed any real performance degradation over time.  No doubt there are some bad apps out there, but just running the built-in software stack and doing a decent bit of development I don't find I need to reboot to "speed up" the G1.
00:28.36pohamirinfernix: herm, mine is rc29, is that okay? lol i haven't read too much about the firmwares yet
00:28.54luokhm well i'm thinking about swapping bronze for black, so i will probably start fresh
00:28.58luokstupid bronze keyboard !
00:29.02infernixpohamir: you should install the custom rc30 before the OTA update kills you root
00:29.06DecavoltMine's not dragging ass or anything, but I can easily see myself maxing out storage. Just like a PC there has to be an optimal threshold of free space it "likes"
00:29.16andyrossAnd note that I've done a pretty fair bit of staring at performance on the phone, having never caught an app doing something dumb.  At worst, you tend to see garbage collections at odd times in the logcat.
00:29.26pohamirinfernix: where do i get that? rs or torrent?
00:29.32pohamirinfernix: does it work with tmobile?
00:29.33infernixpohamir: - read the sticky posts
00:29.55faddenDecavolt: it's not swapping, so space on the internal flash shouldn't cause a slowdown
00:30.14faddenFailures, maybe, but not just a slowdown. :-)
00:30.15Decavoltgood to know andyross
00:30.26Decavoltreally? It doesn't swap at all? Wow.
00:30.32andyrossfadden: it kinda is swapping, in the sense that it can eject disk-based mapped pages.  I've seen it stall reading in code before.
00:30.43Decavoltthat certainly changes things
00:30.44faddenandyross: paging rather than swapping
00:30.55andyrossYes yes, but with the same performance characteristics.
00:31.12faddenWe've seen some fairly pathological paging performance when things get tight, though I think we got that under control before ship.
00:31.41faddenandyross: not quite the same -- you have to flush a dirty page to disk before you can eject it from physical memory
00:31.51faddenWe never do that, so anything we want to unload can be tossed immediately.
00:32.09pohamirinfernix: lol, wish i had all this info before i did the debian userland ;>
00:32.14luokhm reboot sped things up considerably
00:32.19luokguess i've got some cleaning to do
00:32.22infernixpohamir: i was rather surprised you didnt know yet :)
00:32.31faddenluok: do you have / can you run "adb shell top" ?
00:32.55infernixpohamir: in any case, i would really suggest to rename
00:32.56pohamirheh sparkle gave me that debian userland link, and i just did that, then i got that like for the iptables & wifi, and threw that on there :D
00:33.12pohamirinfernix: where is that?
00:33.26pohamirhaven't found it in that thread yet
00:33.26infernixpohamir: read the stickies, the info is there. also might want to look at
00:33.30luokfadden: yeah once i'm at home, but i'll have to wait for it to bog down again
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00:33.57infernixpohamir: given the fact that i havent done it yet (my current is rc30) i can't help from experience
00:34.59snadgeis it going to be possible to add tethering via usb to the g1?
00:35.16pohamirdownloading them now
00:35.24jastasnadge: thats possible now, by use of a SOCKS proxy
00:35.25grey-snadge: mmm or bluetooth.
00:35.29snadgeits just annoying that the htc tytn ii, can do it via usb or bluetooth
00:35.32grey-snadge: mmm or 802.11! (:
00:35.34jastasnadge: and without root
00:35.57snadgeof course.. the tytn ii also crashes all the time, and runs winmo
00:36.15luoksounds like its up to tmobile and i don't see why they'd want to allow it i said, it's possible now with a SOCKS proxy implemented as an android app
00:36.33jastawhich does exist
00:36.34snadgehaving said that.. im currently in the back seat of an suv in los angeles somewhere, tethered to one via bluetooth.. on an laptop
00:36.36florzany hints where to find an arm sqlite3 binary in order to put it onto an RC29 G1?
00:36.51jastaflorz: pull one off the emulator
00:37.02snadgecool, i might go with the socks proxy option then for now
00:37.32jastaits a limited approach of course, but really what did you plan tod o with your EDGE/3G data connection other than browse the web and use other simple TCP protocols?
00:37.58SlackwiseHost a web server...? :P
00:38.02snadgeall i care about really is web browsing and ssh, so yeah.. you are right
00:38.06andyrossTrue (router) tethering is possible right now for rooted phones.  Requires hand configuration though, there's no management app written.
00:38.33snadgemy g1 is unlocked.. that doesnt mean the same thing as "rooted" i take it?
00:38.40jastaSlackwise: which you could not do with an EDGE or 3G connection on any carrier i've ever heard of.
00:39.00Slackwisejasta: The ":P" denotes sarcasm, unless you're just being pedantic for kicks.
00:39.09jastasnadge: the point is, a SOCKS proxy approach is not a hack.  it's just an app, running as any other on the phone.
00:39.31jastait could also be made to work neatly over wi-fi if you want it wireless, and even bluetooth once those apis come out
00:39.33andyross"unlocked" generally means you can use it on a non-T-Mobile network.  "rooted" means you have the ability to run code as root on the phone, generally because you installed one of the modified flash images before upgrading to RC30
00:39.33snadgeright.. true nat would be a bonus, but its not essential for me
00:39.59snadgelet me check what revision i have
00:40.15sparkleeldenz: the sdcard speed makes a huge difference
00:40.23sparkleespecially if you are running a unix userland off of it
00:40.43snadgei have RC28
00:40.55snadgeis that the one with the "shutdown" bug? :P
00:40.57eldenzsparkle, ;)
00:41.04Dammif you have rc28 you can install JF's rooted RC30
00:41.05andyrossGood.  When it asks you to upgrade, say no.  And go check out the instructions for reflashing.
00:41.06Dammand stay rooted
00:41.29snadgei havn't enabled a data connection on it yet.. i just use wifi for the moment
00:41.31eldenzsparkle, and what if not? then it probably makes an almost nil difference
00:41.41sparkleand heh jasta
00:42.00Decavoltsorry if I missed this in the scroll, but does it need to be rooted in order for SOCKS proxy tethering to work?
00:42.05sparkleif you don't demand anything of it, you won't notice anything from it
00:42.14andyrossNo.  SOCKS can be done in pure userspace with no root access needed.
00:42.48andyross(although the current SOCKS solutions won't run over bluetooth, you need to do port forwarding with adb or the like)
00:42.50Decavoltah, great. Thanks andyross. I'm on rc30 unrooted.
00:42.56offby1jbq: thanks
00:43.07sparkleoh i remember
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00:43.18sparklethe comment about - browsing the web and using simple stuff
00:43.19andyrossHeh, where "current" SOCKS solutions means the solutions that aren't, you know, "current" :)
00:43.26Dammawaits the way to get root back so we can get rooted for us post RC30 folks (or RC30 actually)
00:43.33sparklei've had smartphones for years and none of them blinked at tethering or proxying their connections
00:43.50Dammsparkle, well T-Mobile's awkward lately
00:43.51snadgeim not sure who to blame.. t-mobile or google
00:43.57DammI blame T-Mobile
00:44.08andyrossguesses Google just didn't get the feature finished. The bits and pieces are all there, and TMO sells other smart phones with tethering IIRC.
00:44.25sparklet-mobile sells a bunch of handsets that support tethering - though to be fair, they were probably worried about their 3g network getting overloaded
00:44.26snadgewill it be available as a free upgrade though in the future
00:44.31Dammandyross, actually they're disabling it on certain handsets
00:44.45Decavoltyeah, it has to be coming pretty soon. It's too big of a feature to just leave out
00:44.47pohamirwhat is this adb thing sparkle ?
00:44.58Dammpretty much their 3G handsets can barely do tethering, if at all...
00:44.58sparkleandroid debug bridge?
00:45.08snadgei cant wait until theres non t-mobile handsets :/
00:45.10Dammstarting to sell more handsets that lack tethering
00:45.16sparkletmo always let you take other handsets in
00:45.26sparklei usually had nokia communicators and the like
00:45.30pohamirsparkle: do i need that to image it? or can i copy the stuff over manually?
00:45.40sparkleyou don't actually need adb at any step in the process
00:45.42sparklebut it can be handy
00:46.32luokis tethering possible on rc30 ota updated g1?
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00:46.57Decavoltsounds like it is luok
00:47.05Dammonly socks
00:47.08luokah k
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00:48.57sparklehonestly, when i think about the whole fear-of-bandwidth-hogs problem
00:49.09sparklei'd be perfectly fine with them charging by the megabyte
00:49.22snadgeim going to put JF's RC30 on mine.. wheres the howto to enable tethering on that? (iptables im assuming)
00:50.08sparkledo you want to connect via 802.11 or bluetooth?
00:51.09andyrossYes.  iptables for routing and pand for the bluetooth side.  Disconnect did the work, his writeup is at:  No doubt someone's done some scripting around this already, but those instructions work.
00:51.50andyross(note the other hole is a missing DNS server -- you'll need to set one up manually on the tethered host)
00:51.59andyrosstethered client, rather
00:52.04snadgei see.. and no usb support im assuming either
00:52.43andyrossYou could run packets over an adb port forward, but you'd need to write some code for that (or wrap a pppd, about which I know nothing)
00:53.16snadgedoes the socks option work with usb? (im assuming thats what adb is)
00:53.54sparkleright - adb is just used as a convenient conduit for data
00:54.19jsharkeyandyross: there is a nice firefox setting to tunnel dns over socks
00:54.37jsharkeynetwork.proxy.socks_remote_dns in about:config
00:54.39snadgeon an unrelated note, the roads in los angeles are terrible.. using a laptop in the back of an suv is starting to make me feel sick
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00:57.27Decavoltgah, just rebooted and now I'm getting spammed with txt messages saying myFaves is unavailable. Which is great, since I don't have or use myFaves in the first place.
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00:58.46foonixxDecavolt: I saw that as well.
00:58.57anno^da_Decavolt: If you need an image without the MyFavs crap use the UK RC8 update.
00:59.06anno^da_(the modified one)
00:59.26DecavoltIt's never done that before this latest reboot. So I'm going to assume (i.e. hope) it's some network fubar that'll go away
00:59.34Decavoltbut I'll check that link for sure, thanks anno^da_
00:59.36snadgeis there a way to activate/register the phone after a reset.. without using a t-mobile sim?
00:59.39anno^da_no problem
01:00.07anno^da_snadge: you can register/activate it without a T-Mobile Sim
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01:00.27snadgei've got the lady who sold me my g1's email address in mine.. and im too scared to reset it, to put my details into it.. because when we first unboxed the phone, it kept coming up with this error that the sim was not provisioned for data or some such
01:01.04anno^da_Just do the registering process this will fail since the phone only knows T-Mobile APNs
01:01.24anno^da_After the failing you can press the menu button and get to the APN settings
01:01.37anno^da_and add your APN according to your carrier
01:02.01anno^da_After that the G1 can connect to the internet and the registering process succeeds
01:02.42anno^da_(I've done that yesterday)
01:03.00snadgei'll give that a try when i get back to australia.. which is in about a week
01:03.22snadgein the meantime, i think i'll leave RC28 on it.. i just dont want to brick the thing
01:03.37anno^da_If you need some pictures:
01:03.52jbqsnadge: just be sure to only browse sites that you trust well.
01:06.49pohamirinfernix: okay the modded rc30 is on it
01:06.57pohamiri wonder if it got rid of my iptables script
01:07.22pohamirprolly, that was the only one i didn't back up :<
01:07.35florzany idea what might be causing telnet sessions to a g1 to regularly go dead?
01:07.52pohamiri don't know but mine did that on rc29
01:08.02sparkleflorz: they just do that
01:08.06sparklethe telnetd falls over easily
01:08.07pohamiralso, after a direct reboot, i have to run telnetd twice to get it to start
01:08.11snadgehmm.. so at&t 3g doesnt work with unlocked g1?
01:08.23pohamirdiffernt freqs
01:09.01bradleyy_am I the only one who has the real RC30 (no root, boo!)
01:09.12DecavoltI do bradleyy_
01:09.37bradleyy_I think we should start a support group
01:09.41eugenemorning andy lovers
01:09.48bradleyy_I'm bradley and I have rc30
01:10.01florzhmmm, ic ... any (easy) alternatives to the telnetd that's on there
01:10.05infernixhi bradley, thanks for sharing
01:10.12pohamirtime would be better spent looking for a sploit
01:10.25sparkleflorz: sshd :)
01:10.27bradleyy_agreed, any progress?
01:10.40pohamirluwlz i am on a mod rc30 now, no need :D
01:11.01infernixwould really just be for the best to figure out how to use the HTC bootloader
01:11.14infernixand flash DREAIMG.NBH from SD
01:11.26florzsparkle: is there any easy-to-deploy binary somewhere? =:-)
01:11.30luokbradleyy_: what the heck do we need it for anyway!
01:11.47bradleyy_thought the HTC bootloader isn't available on the g1
01:11.53infernixit is
01:11.59bradleyy_I need it so I can implement a PPTP VPN
01:12.09infernixbut its different as the other htc devices
01:12.11infernixeg no USB
01:12.15bradleyy_for luok
01:12.17pohamirlol now how do i get root?
01:12.35pohamiri didn't read that far on the mod rc30 :\
01:12.38bradleyy_no usb, does it support the sd card?
01:12.46infernixpohamir: su, or with adb
01:13.04pohamirfrikken win
01:13.15infernixbest to replace su
01:13.18infernixsee sticky threads @ xda
01:13.29pohamirlul it completely disregards my root password from debian
01:14.38bradleyy_so has anyone been looking at the htc bootloader?
01:14.57bradleyy_jtag pins (I know someone has taken one apart)
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01:35.23infernixits in one of the xda threads, but not thoroughly
01:37.53snadgeit just makes me laugh that one of androids "features" is its openness
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01:38.19snadgeyet you still have to "jailbreak" it, if you want full access
01:38.39jbqsnadge: don't confuse android and the G1 - they're totally different beasts.
01:39.16snadgefair enough yeah.. but reading the information about the modded RC30, is enough to just put me off.. at least i know not to update to official RC30
01:39.40snadgei think the best strategy is to just leave it alone.. and install the socks proxy if i want to share net
01:39.48luokbut its part of the design of android for the user to not get root access?
01:39.50jbqI agree that it's unfortunate that the only android device available today isn't open enough for some good deep development and experimentation.
01:39.53luokor is that t-mobile's bidding
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01:40.18jbqluok: it's part of the design to be possible. It's an easy setting to switch.
01:40.22unix_infidelsnadge: what about RC30?
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01:40.40Decavolteven so, it's still much more open than the iPhone and many other. "open" != root
01:41.18snadgeyeah.. i dont want to put the official rc30 on it, until someone figures out a way to root it :P by which stage.. there will no doubt be an RC31
01:41.42ismarc1there should be no reason for the end-user to need root.  Developers, on the other hand, can make good use of root
01:42.19unix_infidelismarc1: right now, no.  because there isnt a killer app that relies on root.
01:42.35unix_infidelnor would you have seen a demo like RyeBrye's so soon after finding root.
01:42.36ismarc1unix_infidel: the app is designed wrong if it requires true root access
01:42.47unix_infidelismarc1: not designed incorrectly, just utilizes root functionality.
01:42.58snadgeim a linux sysadmin by trade.. and am familiar with software dev.. i just like the idea of being able to have root if i want it
01:42.59unix_infidelwhich isnt unreasonable.
01:43.10unix_infidelsnadge: what about RC30 worries you?
01:43.19ismarc1unix_infidel: for good apps, not unreasonable.  Imagine a malicious app with root capabilities
01:43.22snadgeunix_lappy: the official or the modded one?
01:43.28jbqunix_infidel: actually, there are legitimate uses, especially for debugging (accessing your own app's private files from the shell when debugging it is really necessary, and it isn't currently possible without root).
01:43.32Decavoltjust imagine the support (and malware) nightmare if root access were easy and there by default.
01:43.36Decavoltit's a horrible idea
01:44.10snadgeits something you should be able to turn on with a hack, or key sequence on bootup etc.. so devs know how to do it, if they want to.. and end users wouldn't even know its there
01:44.17unix_infideljbq: ismarc1 was making the assumption that there are no legitimate reasons for "normal" users need root.
01:44.23bradleyy_All I know is that i want a VPN app, and if I had root I could have had it by now.
01:44.25Decavoltfrom a developer perspective, absolutely there should be root access. but that should come in the form of a development kit/build and not something anyone should expect to be standard on the phone
01:44.29unix_infideljbq: for developers, obviously, debugging is a big one.
01:44.59snadgewell you should be able to dev with an end user phone.. and not need a dev kit
01:45.15unix_infidelyea, there should be an AndroidFund, where the fund subsidizes Engineering Devices for developers who win something similar to the ADC (but on a larger scale)
01:45.27jbqunix_infidel: there are plenty of legitimate use cases that can't currently be done without root, but I haven't seen any that fundamentally needs root (they just need the framework to expose the appropriate capabilities)
01:45.27snadgeit doesnt have to be an easily accessible option from a menu.. but at least documented and understood by those that need to
01:46.04Decavoltthat really depends on how deep you're developing. The same is true on any platform. I can't expect to build any and all Cocoa apps for OSX if I don't have any sort of root access or root-level debugging tools.
01:46.09bradleyy_you do realize the "normal users" analogizes to "normal users don't need a car with an opening hood"
01:46.27unix_infideljbq: heh, we are all aware that Android is undoubtedly nascent and frameworks will come out that will realize killer features fairly quickly.
01:47.22snadgeis there a site that lists the changes between 28-29 and 30?
01:47.29bradleyy_so, what you're saying is that I shold be at the mercy of whatever the high priests at google deign to give me?
01:47.55bradleyy_I want a VPN, now, and I'm locked out of a device that I purchased.
01:48.06bradleyy_not cool that I can't change the air cleaner.
01:48.07jbqsnadge: not in detail. RC29: mid-severity webkit fix. RC30: 2 major-severity webkit fixes, plus plugging the root hole.
01:48.09unix_infidelgoogle makes the will of the carriers easily accessible...if they didnt you'd never see an android device.
01:48.31unix_infidelit's as simple as that.
01:48.55bradleyy_right, but I'm still in a position where I have to wait for google to (hopefully) release some sort of VPN kit.
01:49.03snadget-mobile must have paid a hefty premium to be the first.. let them have that, its only a temporary situation
01:49.23sparkleso buy an unlocked phone that's not restricted
01:49.24jbqbradleyy_: part of the answer is "there wasn't enough time". part of it is "you bought that device from T-Mobile, and they're worried about the support costs or bandwidth costs".
01:49.34snadgei shelled out money for a g1, because i support the android project.. i knew that it was going to be crippled
01:50.18snadgei will no doubt bin it as soon as something less crap is released ;)
01:50.22DecavoltAs I've said before, it's also a version 1.0. You can't expect it to be perfect, or expect development on it to be perfect. It needs a little time to evolve.
01:50.26bradleyy_i.e.: we know you paid good money for that car, but putting on a different muffler might make you exceed the speed limit.
01:50.39NafaiAnyone have the correct URL for the update site for the Eclipse plug-in?
01:50.45ismarc1bradleyy_: you could always write a java user-space tcp/ip stack and transparent proxy
01:51.04unix_infidelanyone here using the TetherBot app and find it severly limiting for normal use cases?
01:51.23jsharkeydefine normal  ;)
01:51.31bradleyy_ismarc1: that is the funniest suggestion I've heard in a long time.
01:51.34unix_infideljsharkey: use your imagination ;-)
01:51.39Decavoltit's not about putting a different muffler on the car, it's about boring out the cylinders, adding a blower and nitrous. That's not standard, and should never be expected off of the showroom floor - i.e. stock
01:52.04bradleyy_dude, VPN is not something that is like adding a blower.
01:52.19bradleyy_VPN should have been supported out of the box
01:52.30ismarc1VPN is like moving from an AM only radio to putting in a cd player
01:52.32Decavoltno, but expecting root access - and using your car analogy - is like heavily modding on the level of adding a blower.
01:52.32bradleyy_it's been working on linux for many, many years
01:52.59bradleyy_with root access YOU CAN add a blower.
01:53.12BHSPitMonkeybradleyy_, just get an iPhone, then!
01:53.13bradleyy_without it, you can't change the radio to a cd player
01:53.13jbqok, we got your point ;-)
01:53.14Decavoltand I'm sure VPN will be supported in future builds. How many major, current linux features where there in v1.0?
01:53.15jsharkeyunix_infidel: lol, did firefox+ssh for me fine.  sure its limited, but you can make it work
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01:53.58unix_infideljsharkey: i'm guessing over SSH it's a major hog.
01:54.04unix_infideljsharkey: i'm talking about Tetherbot.
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01:54.15DecavoltI'm not saying it's unreasonable to want root for development. I'm saying it's unreasonable to expect root in a 1.0 device that's only a few months old. This thing is still an infant, give it a little time.
01:54.37tmccrary1Is it possible to access opengl via jni with android?
01:54.43jsharkeyunix_infidel: yea, i used ssh with the tunnel thing, but its limiting because you only get one tunnel :/
01:55.01bradleyy_you're saying that because radical changes could be accomplished, it isn't a good idea.
01:55.09Nafaitmccrary1: Dalvik isn't the JVM, so I doubt JNI works
01:55.17jbqtmccrary1: do you mean, from native code?
01:55.21ttuttleNafai: JNI does work.
01:55.26bradleyy_I'm saying becuase minor, useful, safe changes could be accomplished, it would be good to have it.
01:55.44jbqNafai: actually, the API between bytecode and native is JNI, even though Dalvik is indeed not a JVM.
01:55.48bradleyy_are there any pointers on JNI support?
01:55.51NafaiOh nice.
01:55.53Decavoltoh ffs. No bradleyy_ that's not at all what I'm saying. Please re-read my last.
01:56.00NafaiSorry for assuming wrong :)
01:56.03tmccrary1yes, I'm just curious if there are any gotchas in doing so
01:56.15unix_infideljsharkey: right, but most people dont want anything other than simple internet access.
01:56.20jbqtmccrary1: BTW, yes, there's a native API to OpenGL. Not supported, of course, but I think it's there.
01:56.47tmccrary1jbq: awesome, thanks for the info
01:57.08tmccrary1the reason I ask it, for our engine port, I want to keep certain components native
01:57.15tmccrary1obviously performance critical sections
01:57.40tmccrary1opengl may not need it
01:57.47tmccrary1but I want to keep my options open
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01:59.39jbqtmccrary1: at this point if you want to go the native route, you need to understand that it's a rough route in terms of development tools, and that compatibility of your code (source or binary) with future versions of Android or other devices running the same version of Android isn't guaranteed in any way.
02:00.16jbq(just setting expectations so that you can have the right risk assessment in your business decisions).
02:00.20bradleyy_Decavolt, I'm saying that primarily *because* it's an infant device, we need root access to overcome the stuff the priesthood in their most benificient and wise manner, didn't put in there
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02:00.25tmccrary1jbq: understood. I guess thats what updates are for ;)
02:00.31bradleyy_agree to disagree?
02:00.45Decavoltis it impossible for you to root the device? No.
02:01.03Decavoltis it easy? No. But it's new - expect that to come in a future update.
02:01.08bradleyy_is now: I'm on rc30, at least currently impossible
02:01.29bradleyy_BTW, prev comment was tongue-in-cheek
02:02.47tmccrary1jbq: one question, by "not being guaranteed", does that mean that native code could be disabled in the future or just that various things could change (important headers, libraries, etc) without notice or warning? or both? :)
02:03.16bradleyy_my guess is the latter
02:03.18jbqdisabled isn't going to happen, the core android relies on it a lot.
02:03.30tmccrary1ok cool
02:03.31jbqbut yes, API changes, ABI changes, different CPUs...
02:04.06tmccrary1well, since at least the G1 device isn't completely open, security restrictions for native code could come in to play
02:04.09tmccrary1thats what I was asking
02:04.22tmccrary1say, no unsigned native code or something like that
02:04.45jbqtmccrary1: the security model is based on linux processes, so there's nothing that is allowed from within the VM that wouldn't be allowed from native code.
02:04.56tmccrary1but I can deal with the other issues, that's not on google or whomever
02:07.17jbqI don't expect to see any work that'll make native code harder, or that'll attempt to disable it, or anything like that.
02:07.40jbqIt's just that the android engineering team won't go out of their way to maintain compatibility at that level.
02:08.06jbq(and that right now there's no mechanism to check compatibility of apps that use native code against different CPUs).
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02:09.01tmccrary1great. Honestly, I think using the vm is the better idea for the reasons you mentioned (simplify cross platform/arch stuff). It's just with things like physics and some graphics stuff, you can tweak more and get better performance.
02:09.01jbqat some point in the future, things might be clear enough that the android technical management could say "from this point this is supported", but this point is in a distant enough future that no date can be precisely attached to it.
02:09.21sparklei think i figured out some of the confusion here
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02:09.38sparklethe conflation of "open source" and "community development"
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02:11.13jbqsparkle: the truth is that right now Google hasn't fully switched itself to being a part of the android open-source community (I'd be blind if I pretended otherwise).
02:11.55jbqThat's only for the duration of a (relatively) short transition, though.
02:12.30sparklei work for a cellco - sometimes closely with handset engineering, and i think i have a good idea of where things are going to go
02:12.56sparkleand my head hurts so i'm goin'
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02:19.11florzby any chance ... is there any (publicly) known way for removing the simlock of the G1 (other than buying an unlock code)?
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02:19.38jbqflorz: being a good T-Mobile customer and asking them has been reported to work.
02:19.42Versedwaiting 90 days and asking tmo
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02:20.09Leeds24 hours, almost to the minute
02:20.19Versedhey Leeds
02:20.48Leedsmorning Versed
02:21.21florzjbq: does that apply to customers of T-Mobile Germany, too?
02:21.24Versedevneing sir (well on this part of the planet)
02:21.35VersedI have no idea.
02:21.55Versedwas it bought from TMO DE and are you a customer?
02:22.13jbqflorz: ah, I don't know. I presume you didn't get your device from T-Mobile Germany, so it might not be so easy in your case.
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02:22.36florzTMo DE doesn't sell them (yet), so no, it was bought in the US
02:22.58Verseddoes a .de tmo sim work in it without a unlock?
02:24.44florzit seems so, just tried with a sim card from a previously terminated contract, and it seemed to accept it, even though that doesn't give you any network access, obvisouly
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02:33.14Versedthere are default settings on the phone for the various tm networks.
02:34.06Leedsyeah, that's interesting
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02:34.39pr4bhhi, is it possible to get root in rc8? :s
02:35.03florzbut also, in general, is there anything known about the technical inner workings of the sim lock? like, which components of the hard- and software are enforcing it?
02:35.05JesusFrekenot in "official" RC8
02:35.06pr4bhthe uk version?
02:35.15Versedgoto settings, then wireless controls, then mobile networks, then Access point names, there is a T-Mobile D
02:35.19pr4bhaaah no :s
02:35.33Versedsee if it sets your data up
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02:41.14RyeBryeanyone tinkering with 2.6.27 yet?
02:49.19RyeBryeIn the default config for 2.6.27 the ondemand scaling is turned on now - but the max CPU speed seems set way the hell too low: CONFIG_MSM_CPU_FREQ_ONDEMAND_MAX=384000
02:49.32RyeBryewhat's the max speed? 500Mhz?
02:49.45Leedsis that 384 the current dialed-down speed>?
02:50.54RyeBryeI don't think it currently dials down speed at all
02:51.31unix_infidelRyeBrye: it's clocked down at the hardware level iirc.
02:51.37jbqPre-production G1s weren't really stable at speeds much higher than that.
02:51.39snadgehow do i send and alt using connectbot?
02:51.51RyeBryejbq - but aren't the production ones 528 Mhz?
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02:52.05jbqRyeBrye: no, I think they're 82-245-384.
02:52.05unix_infidelsomewhere from 528.
02:52.49RyeBryejbq - oh, they are? I thought all the marketing stuff I read said the CPU was 528 MHz
02:52.55jbqThe chip is rated for 528 only if it has appropriate cooling.
02:53.29RyeBryeAhhh... My pocket is cool
02:53.42jbqRyeBrye: I don't think that T-Mobile or HTC ever said that'd it'd be 528. They said it was a 7201A, and someone found that the max clock on the 7201A is 528 and assumed that the G1 was clocked that high.
02:53.48volnot cool enough it seems : (
02:54.02Leedsmy chin gets quite warm
02:54.23snadgehow do i switch between say ssh and browser?
02:54.30jbqLeeds: yeah, the CPU is there (along with the radio amplifiers, the power regulator...)
02:54.33unix_infidelI'd be surprised if they didnt try and squeeze the last little mHz out of the thing.
02:54.50unix_infideli think it was Dan who was in here saying after about 384 they didnt see any real pre-production benefits.
02:54.58Leedsunix_infidel: battery life is more important than CPU speed
02:55.02RyeBryeWhen did white G1's become available?
02:55.09DisconnectRyeBrye: last week iirc
02:55.18RyeBryeI should have waited :(
02:55.22RyeBryesheds a tear
02:55.29bmk789ill buy your black one ;)
02:55.33Leedsnasty ipod-ish things
02:55.49unix_infidelwhite isnt exactly pretty.
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02:55.59RyeBryebmk789 - if you got a white one, I'd swap the black one.
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02:56.36sparklei wanted purple camo
02:56.38unix_infidelwow, the google gods must've just turned on the tubes.
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02:57.18RyeBryeYeah, seriously - google influx
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02:58.10RyeBryejbq - so the cpu freq is set in the software? So I could theoretically raise my ondemand up to 528 and burn a hole in my leg?
02:58.11jsharkeyah, they will prolly ping out soon then
02:59.37jbq_RyeBrye: it's set in software. I don't know if you'd go as far as damaging the hardware, but it might become less stable. Or not. One thing is sure, it's that your battery life will take a hit.
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03:00.17TiberiumXI like the slide-out keyboard style, but that one probably does have a 3.5mm headphone jack.
03:00.32unix_infidelTiberiumX: yup, looks like stereo 3.5 there.
03:01.15Versednice, that supports at&t's and rogers 3g.
03:01.37RyeBryeWell... when I was playing with ondemand last time - it was really sluggish and it was underclocking me down to 82 Mhz while the phone was booting - so I don't know if it would ever even hit 528Mhz unless it got really excited
03:01.38TiberiumXI wonder how developers will be able to cope with different screen sizes.  That one's 320x240.
03:01.45RyeBryerecompiles his kernel
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03:02.29unix_infidelRyeBrye: did you ever hear from someone at google on whether there was a multitouch framework coming since there's hints of multitouch capable capacitive screens?
03:02.30LeedsRyeBrye: boot into performance, set to ondemand at the end of booting?
03:02.37unix_infidel(floating around)
03:03.17unix_infidelLeeds: not exactly viable, would like to see a proper profiler, that takes battery life into account, if i want to squeeze a couple quick things out of 10% battery, i could care less about speed.
03:03.23RyeBryeunix_infidel - nope, I know nothing.
03:03.41unix_infidelRyeBrye: no one really "knows" anything ;-)
03:03.43Leedsunix_infidel: so that's either ondemand or userspace-controlled
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03:04.20RyeBryeIs the wlan stuff open source now? I don't think I can trick the 2.6.25 wlan.ko to work on the 2.6.27 kernel can I?
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03:05.25DisconnectRyeBrye: afaik its not gonna be
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03:05.30G94BGuys, I just got the T-Mobile G1 and when I type in the browser a google search box is coming up when I want to write a blog entry... is there a way to override the google search box or does the browser just not recognize the editor area i'm touching?
03:05.45Leedsunix_infidel: and the next headline in my RSS reader, after the kogan thing: "UN Plans Asteroid Response Framework"
03:05.55LeedsG94B: make sure you're selecting the text box
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03:06.01RyeBryeI thought TI said they were going to opensource their drivers as part of their OHA warm fuzzies
03:06.14G94BIt's a window but when I touch it only the first line is highlighted?
03:06.19unix_infidelLeeds: you could just turn "Star Wars" the other way ;-)
03:06.27G94BI'm trying to make an entry on Blogger
03:06.43Leedsa window?
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03:06.52G94BI can fill in the title box...
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03:07.21G94Bbut the area where you type the body of the blog entry is only being selected as the first line
03:07.40G94Bwhen i press a key, the google search box pops up
03:08.06Leedsdunno then
03:08.25G94Bhmm, puts a damper on using google's blogger service
03:08.28snadgeeither that.. or our gps is just messing with us
03:08.36G94BI can make blank blog entries though
03:08.46G94Bwell, with titles
03:09.03Disconnecttry turning off optimize for this display
03:09.26G94Bhow do you toggle that?
03:10.36RyeBrye"The Android operating system means the handset can capture and play music, photos and video, surf the web, play games, navigate, and organise your life with extremely powerful applications." - Wait so those Kogan Agora people will have a video recorder?
03:10.55Disconnectno the community will fix it
03:10.57RyeBryeAnd it can "capture and play music"? Does it come with a musical lasso
03:11.19G94Bi don't see it under settings
03:11.53TiberiumXI see a lot of commented out code concerning recording video.  I think it's coming when they get it finished.
03:12.20unix_infidelTiberiumX: how do you think we found the multi-touch stuff/
03:12.44JesusFrekewow. the kogan looks nice. definitely beats the G1 in the looks department
03:12.46TiberiumXThere is commented out multitouch code?  Damn, I thought that was someone just screwing around with a driver or something.
03:12.58LeedsG94B: "Auto-fit pages"
03:13.02unix_infidelJesusFreke: it doesnt jive imho.
03:13.16JesusFrekedefine jive :D
03:13.46unix_infidelcompare WM6.5 on the HTC Touch HD or Touch Pro with Android default on those devices or the Agora Pro.
03:14.02G94Bah, ok
03:14.36unix_infidelthey clearly spend a lot of time with screenshots and demos' and making things stylistically jive rather than having decent design, whereas Android and the iPhone are all about decent user experience design.
03:14.46unix_infidelUX & Design*
03:14.51G94Bhmm, no dice, let me try restarting the browser
03:18.15RyeBryeTiberiumX - yeah, it's commented out in the driver
03:18.39RyeBryeAnd interestingly enough, another touchscreen driver was checked into the git 2.6.27 branch and it's got multitouch stuff in it as well
03:18.52RyeBrye(not for the synaptics screen, but for some Elan screen)
03:19.55unix_infidelRyeBrye: i'm guessing yours is elan?
03:20.35unix_infidelwould also guess it's impossible to tell without some voodoo.
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03:21.18RyeBryeI used the synaptics driver they had before - I assume that elan thing is for some future device?
03:24.08G94Bhmm, i can't get it to work
03:24.43G94Bit just doesn't recognize the window as a place for entering text
03:25.02unix_infidelRyeBrye: hmm, apparently their high end touch screens.
03:25.18G94Bwhat's weird is that i can only highlight the window after i highlight another text field
03:27.29RyeBryeYeah, I was looking to find that model
03:27.46Dammhere's a bad question, how low is the chance of finding DREAIMG.NBH?
03:28.07RyeBryeDepends. Do you speak Korean?
03:29.01LeedsG94B: doesn't help if you select another field then use the ball to scroll to the right one?
03:29.02RyeBryeThere are people working on cracking the bootloader for the G1 - that'd be the best bet
03:29.47Dammi thought you couldn't write the boot loader
03:29.56Dammwithout DREAIMG.NBH
03:31.18pr4bhguys, i know you do awesome job but just wondering if anyone is working on getting root on official RC8? :(
03:31.51TiberiumXWhat is DREAIMG.NBH?
03:31.56Disconnectpr4bh: no, nobody anywhere is working on it
03:32.17DammTiberiumX, basically a full ROM
03:32.25Dammone way to go back to RC19 for example
03:33.18luokeesh do you really have to type URL to set the home page in android browser?
03:33.21TiberiumXHow would you flash that?
03:33.31Dammstick it on the SD card and loadup in boot loader mode
03:33.38Dammvolume down key prolly to load it
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03:33.58G94Bno, it hops over the window
03:34.34RyeBryeDamm - the DREAIMG.NBH wouldn't necessarily be RC19. I imagine the factory has them for each RC or whatnot... an RC30 DREAIMG.NBH isn't very exciting - but yes, an < RC30 would be cool if it ever leaked
03:35.01DammRyeBrye, totally... i'm a bit suprised it hasn't
03:35.22RyeBryemaybe it has, but the person who leaked it was shot by the google choppers
03:35.34Disconnecti'm gonna lmao if the rc30 one leaks
03:36.00RyeBryethey have thousands of robots that spend their idle time reading blogs, but are ready at a moments notice to go into action
03:37.49RyeBryeIf those agora phones were cheaper, I'd buy one for my wife and for a second dev phone
03:38.06RyeBryeI wonder if they ship with a version that lets you get root on them
03:39.36RyeBryealthough 399 Australian dollars = 258.5919 U.S. dollars
03:39.45RyeBryeso I guess that's not too bad
03:40.48Dammand unfortunately a rom dump is fairly useless without the headers to make the phone trust it.
03:41.07RyeBryewhich rom dump? the one from the bootloader?
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03:44.53Dammi wonder if anyone tried mtty on the G1
03:47.14Lieutenantgot a question
03:47.26Lieutenantis there a media server app or something out?
03:47.35Lieutenantwhere i can watch movies from my comptuer on my phone?
03:47.37LeedsLieutenant: have you see five?
03:47.59offby1`Lieutenant: there's a YouTube app, but that's probably not what you meant
03:48.21JesusFrekefive is great :)
03:48.29Leedsdoesn't do video
03:48.32Lieutenanti meant watch videos/listen to music/view pics that were on my computer via wifi or edge or whatever.
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03:48.59Lieutenantlike a media server
03:49.08Leedsthat's what five is - except it isn't, yet
03:49.18JesusFrekefive is only for audio
03:49.27Lieutenanti'll check it out when it has videos support
03:49.29JesusFrekeI don't know of any plans for pictures/video
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03:49.45Leeds"This implementation targets the music application, however the system could and will be extended to support other content such as video and images."
03:49.51JesusFrekeah :)
03:50.05Lieutenanti hope they do video though. that will be badass
03:50.08JesusFrekelieutentant, in the meantime, you might try orb
03:50.16JesusFrekeI'm not positive if it does video though
03:50.21Lieutenantwasn't there a program where u can view webcam feeds n stuff?
03:50.26Lieutenantyeah i think it was orb
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03:50.58Monyi have a question too. is there any "real working" jabber client with tls support? meebo is disconnecting me all the time :/
03:50.59Lieutenantbut i dont wanna make an orb account
03:51.11Lieutenantryebrye, u still here?
03:51.32G94Bok, it looks like you have to use to create posts on blogger from a mobile device
03:51.58DammMony, for google talk? or?
03:52.11Leedsgoogle talk seems to work fine with the built-in app
03:52.12Monynot google talk
03:52.17DammMony, because there's Maverick... if they released their code it could easily go far
03:52.22Monyother jabber server :)
03:52.39Dammthe built in IM client blows
03:53.09DammRyeBrye, ... kinda referring to the old winmo 'd2s' ability with mtty
03:53.12Monyi was searching for maverick's source too, but i found out that it's not open source :/
03:53.13Lieutenanttheres only 1 transition available?
03:53.16Dammwould be interesting if you could get it.
03:53.18Lieutenantsliding, and thats it?
03:53.32DammMony, nope, not sure why since they prolly based their code on GPLv2 code
03:53.37Dammwe should sue em for their code
03:56.27Monythere is also another app with jabber support (im+) but it is not free and it does not support tls ?!
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03:57.05Lieutenantis there gonna be a black market made specifically for root apps?
03:57.56Mony"black market".. lol that sounds like there will be drugs or something :D
03:59.16Lieutenantits still a pretty slick name
03:59.27Lieutenantlike pineapple <-- that made me laugh
03:59.31Lieutenantor pwnapple, whatever it was
03:59.33JesusFrekepsst. over here. I have the wifi tethering you need
03:59.42JesusFrekelooks shady
03:59.50Monylmao :D
03:59.55Lieutenantdolla fitty. dolla fitty.
04:00.02Lieutenantknawm' sayin?
04:00.09saurikLieutenant: people are currently able to just put applications that require root into the real market (there are apparently a few in there already)
04:00.15saurikso at least for now there's no point ;P
04:00.23JesusFrekey'got tha righ
04:00.54TiberiumXYeah, but how will they deal with all the people giving them one star while asking "what's root?"
04:01.11Lieutenantyeah thats why black market will be a good idea imo.
04:01.49JesusFrekeTib, the authors will just have to take counseling for feelings of rejection
04:02.46Lieutenantyeah like that nuuneoi dude everyone hated on
04:02.52Lieutenantthe droidsans dude
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04:03.49Lieutenanti dont know how good you guys are at making games....
04:03.51offby1`The Droid abides.
04:03.57Lieutenantbut here is one i thought of just now
04:04.00Lieutenantand it might be fun
04:04.20TiberiumXAnyone know off the top of their head how the Music app's playlist screen lets you move rows around to reorder stuff?  (Before I go hunting through the source for it)
04:04.40Lieutenantum u play a song.
04:04.48Lieutenantthen u hit the little playlist lookin button in the top right corner
04:04.53Lieutenantand then u can drag them around
04:05.00Lieutenantback to my game idea:
04:05.25TiberiumXHaha, I mean what features they used to code it.  Nevermind.
04:06.18JesusFrekewhoa. I didn't know you could do that. lol
04:06.53JesusFrekeI need to implement something like that for five's playlist screen :)
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04:07.07TiberiumXI wanted something like that in my podcast app.
04:07.26TiberiumXIt's not safe to try and switch podcasts while driving. :)
04:07.31Lieutenantso u have a picture of a virtual G1 phone on your screen all futureistic looking with all these flashy lights n little visual futuristc lighting glitches. well have the phone turn and rotate n stuff and you have to follow what the virtual phone is doing, like if it tilts upwards, u tilt your phone upwards as quick as possible, then it turns around, and does all these flips n stuff and u just have to keep up. (kidna like simo
04:07.37Lieutenantdid it cut off? ^^^^^
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04:08.10TiberiumXYes.  kidna like simo, I hear.
04:08.25JesusFrekesimo's all the rage these days simon says in a way)...  what do u think? it sounds good in my mind."
04:08.39TiberiumXG1 will suck until it gets simo.
04:09.41TiberiumXSo how long you think it'll take you to code it, Lieutenant?
04:09.54Lieutenanti can't even code a "hello world"
04:10.29MonyLieutenant, i really hate java too
04:10.33JesusFrekewell you better get to work :D
04:10.34Lieutenanti was just throwin it out there... ya' know, just to be inspirational.
04:10.41Lieutenantgivin ideas out
04:12.05Leedsso I was at a 'networking event' last night for IT/digital media type people... chatting to a guy I know, one of the founders of an online company... they have an iPhone app, which is a pretty simple front-end to their web service
04:12.28Leedshe was very interested in getting an Android version
04:12.55TiberiumXGood.  More apps the better.  Unless it's a 10th tip calculator.
04:13.17Leedsmore to the point, he was interested in paying for an Android version... so I think it's time I learned some Java :-)
04:13.33JesusFrekemoney is a good motivator :)
04:14.00TiberiumXWhat sort of service is it?
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04:14.16Leedswe didn't formally discuss anything, but it's nice to think there's already a market for app development :-)
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04:15.26marixhey guys
04:15.53Disconnectwe're talking about that at work also. nobody thought it was a good idea 2nd quarter when i said "we need an actual mobile site" .. but now they want iphone/android apps (which -could- be based off that mobile site, but we didn't make one..)
04:15.58Leedsit's an online hosted helpdesk
04:16.05Lieutenantwell last night i was registering for college classes, and i saw my old 6th grade teacher there, (she's the mom of a friend of mine but the friend wasn't there) so my teacher said "hi" to me, and i was like who is this person? then after like 4 seconds of an odd silence, i recognized her and was like "ohh, its been a long time" so i had thought she knew who i was. but today i asked the girl if her mom talked to her about me,
04:16.12Lieutenanther mom talked to her about me, and she was like "yea, my mom said she saw a random kid she used to teach and said hi" so she didn't really know me. :( i feel sad.
04:16.17Lieutenantwell thats my life story.
04:16.26snadgehow do i send alt+key with connectbot?
04:16.29Lieutenanthow's ur day been so far?
04:17.03LeedsLieutenant: erm, what?
04:17.08marixnot as emo filled as yours thats for sure...
04:17.41snadgectrl is tap on trackball, esc is double tap.. alt is .. ?
04:18.09TiberiumXMy days haven't been emo enough lately either.
04:18.18snadgelogically it would be alt but its not :P
04:18.55TiberiumXHow do you send esc with connectbot?  I got stuck in insert mode in vim yesterday.
04:19.21snadgepress trackball twice
04:20.49Lieutenantwhy did google hide all these damn features?
04:20.55Lieutenantlike transitions...
04:21.21marixpart of their product growth plan
04:21.26TiberiumXWeren't finished with them?
04:21.26snadgetheres a little keyboard  demo when u first run connectbot, that i cant figure out how to bring back
04:21.37Leedspower questions?
04:21.37Lieutenantwell they seem finished to me.
04:21.46marixsame reason why the iphone doesn't have copy paste,  because they need you to buy the next version.
04:22.21Lieutenanti thought google was different :(
04:22.29infernixcrap. anyone else getting data corruption when copying stuff through USB mount?
04:22.33TiberiumXI'd point out that the same software runs on all versions of the phone, but they did try to charge me for updates to my touch.  Assholes.
04:22.56marixlieutenant,  i was just kidding,  cheer up kiddo,  that friends mom/teacher really wanted to fuck. :)
04:22.57infernixim mounting, copying 55mb files, umounting, then remounting, and when i md5sum the files the sum is different
04:23.11infernixeg corruption while copying :|
04:23.47TiberiumXThat's strange.  I don't believe I've gotten corruption on anythign I've ever copied in.
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04:23.48Lieutenantlol i know she did.
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04:24.46marixanyone watching the ultimate fighter?
04:25.14sparklethose transition effects...i was so glad when i discovered them
04:25.26TiberiumXWhat are these transition effects?
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04:25.32sparklebecause i could turn the rest of them OFF
04:25.49infernixtries a different usb cable
04:26.09sparklemake sure it's a usb 2.0 port
04:26.19sparklethat tripped me up for a while
04:26.24marixno hub business either
04:26.28Leedsaren't you using the cable which came with it?
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04:27.02TiberiumXThe thing that "DroidSans Tweak T..." is supposed to enable?
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04:27.12infernixi had an old usb cable. anyway, new usb cable, same data corruption
04:27.34infernixboard is an intel 965 so theres nothing wrong with the usb. besides, no data corruption on any of my other usb devices (or i'd have known)
04:27.45luokhave you tried the flash card in other readers
04:27.48TiberiumXHow are you unmounting/remounting?
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04:28.08infernixtype vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=007,user=infernix)
04:28.14infernixfstab entry
04:28.22infernixjust like any other usb device
04:28.29infernixtries to find usb cardreader
04:28.40TiberiumXIs your SD card maybe failing?
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04:29.20infernixit might be, 4GB class 6 i think, not the newest
04:29.41TiberiumXWell, you could see if you get corruption on the 1GB that it came with.
04:30.00Lieutenantsparkle found the transition effects?
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04:30.30JesusFrekeI've gotten corruption a few times as well
04:30.53JesusFrekemy G1's seems particularly sensitive to RF interference
04:31.12marixwhat are these transition effect you speak of
04:31.42JesusFrekeif I plug in my BT dongle into my computer near where the USB cable is (like into the same set of ports), it really screws up my usb connection to the G1
04:32.18JesusFrekeI can get an adb shell for a few seconds, then it goes back to command line and I can't connect with adb at all until I take out/put in the usb cable
04:32.53JesusFrekeand just in general, I've got a corrupted file every once in a while when copying via adb push or copying when the sdcard is mounted on my computer
04:33.34JesusFrekemake sure you're plugging directly into the computer, and use the shortest cable you have. Other than that.. just keep trying I guess
04:33.51infernixJesusFreke: ok so you just copy data to the sd with a card reader? especially recovery.img and friends?
04:33.56Dammthat's fucking weird.
04:34.02marixjesusfreke,  is there any location where i could find a change log for v1.1 and v1.2 of the modified rc30?
04:34.21marixand perhaps a roadmap for next update?
04:34.33infernixok, confirmed that sdhc card is fine
04:34.33JesusFrekewell, I didn't have a card reader at the time. It usually worked on the 2nd try
04:34.36Dammmarix, you ask JF fr more then Google does?
04:35.08JesusFrekehere are the contents of my todo list for v1.3 :)
04:35.20JesusFreke(it may not be totally up to date.. have looked at it in a few days)
04:35.24marixi don't want him to go out and make it,  but if he already has one...
04:35.28JesusFrekeadd "using test keys" in recovery image
04:35.28JesusFrekeprevent the common error in recovery image
04:35.28JesusFrekestrip binaries in xbin, add more binaries/modules
04:35.28JesusFrekemodules/binaries/scripts for BT tethering
04:35.28JesusFrekemodules/binaries/scripts for ad-hoc wifi tethering
04:35.29JesusFrekecreate a link for cp, grep, wget
04:35.31JesusFrekeadd koush's superuser app
04:35.33JesusFrekeadd a ro.modversion property
04:35.35JesusFrekefix permissions in xbin
04:35.38JesusFrekewoo. didn't kick me for spamming
04:35.53infernixwhat about using yaffs instead of vfat on the sd card?
04:36.31JesusFrekeno clue infernix :). give it a shot and let me know if it works :D
04:36.41infernixmy RC28 is on its way
04:36.45infernixi'll soon join :)
04:36.55JesusFrekeah :)
04:37.25JesusFreke**haven't looked at it in a few days (from a few comments ago)
04:38.05infernixyep, definite file corruption when copying only 55mb of data
04:38.31infernixbt is off, only thing i can think of is my wireless mouse or my Wii which is in standby
04:39.00JesusFrekeI have no idea if this will help, but try placing the phone as near to the usb port as you can and coiling the cord
04:39.01infernixwill try it on my laptop later
04:39.20JesusFrekeI figure it might be less of an RF antenna that way. *shrug*
04:39.41JesusFrekemight be even more of one.. lol
04:39.50marixthrow it in a copper mesh box
04:40.09JesusFrekeor wrap some aluminum foil around it? :D
04:40.28JesusFrekeputs an aluminum foil hat on his G1
04:41.58infernixdifferent md5sum every time i copy
04:42.23JesusFrekeno clue then. heh
04:42.30infernixnow the kicker is, is this a problem in the usb mount app on the phone
04:42.34infernixor is the hardware broken
04:42.45infernixyou said it occurs with adb too?
04:42.46TiberiumXConsistet md5sum when you run it multiple times on the same copy?
04:42.54infernixTiberiumX: different md5sum each time
04:42.56JesusFrekeyeah, it does with mine, infernix
04:43.25JesusFrekeadb push gets corrupted sometimes (probably more often even)
04:43.47infernixits a simple routine. mount android; cp 50mb.bin android/; umount android; mount android; md5sum 50mb.bin android/50mb.bin; umount android;
04:44.14infernixi suggest you test it if you want to listen to uncorrupted mp3s :)
04:44.34infernixthis might also very well explain why i have been trying for hours and hours to get my encoded video to play
04:44.43infernixit being larger it must've corrupted even more
04:44.52JesusFrekeyeah, more than likely
04:45.10JesusFrekeyou might try throwing the file on a web server with a .xxx extension, and downloading it on the G1
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04:45.34TiberiumXThere is an FTP application out now.
04:45.39TiberiumXTry that
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04:55.09mriosHi everyone, I'm trying to run my first Android app but I'm having problems trying to bind an event to a button. Here's the code of the activity, the runtime error occurs in line 48. Do you see what's happening?
04:57.28TiberiumXWhat exception does it throw?
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04:59.53mriosTiberiumX I'm trying to look for that in the debugger: The only exception I see is: "InvocationTargetException
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05:22.00TiberiumXWhy do Cursors no longer support updating the database contents?  Google keeps teasing me with cool stuff in their own applications, that they promptly ripped out for SDK 1.0.
05:27.47jbqTiberiumX: It actually created a lot of unexpected behaviors in content providers: it was far from obvious that query() was actually a read-write APIs.
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05:30.42jbqAlso, they made it annoyingly hard to implement fine-grained update-time security in content providers, because the way cursors got data was different from what content providers get.
05:31.03trippsone really annoying behavior on my G1 is when  you switch back to the browser application it reloads the current page. is this a feature or bug?
05:31.25jbqFinally, you couldn't insert in a cursor, so the API was somewhat incomplete since you couldn't even do with a cursor everything you could do with a straight provider.
05:31.40jbqtripps: let's call that an unfortunate feature ;-)
05:32.44trippsjbq, any particular reason for it? it's especially insidious as it's an expensive operation given the b/w and operating environment of the device it would seem
05:34.42jbqI don't remember. Might just have been the more logical action in the regular Android application lifecycle.
05:35.58TiberiumXI see.  So I guess there is no intention of bringing that back in the future?
05:36.15trippsjbq, any plans to modify this behavior? or at least have a configuration setting for it?
05:36.19jbqTiberiumX: definitely not. We're trying to remove it from the implementation entirely.
05:36.55jbqtripps: I don't know. I've got less and less visibility into the browser team as I've moved to another team.
05:36.57TiberiumXSo what's with the transition effects that are now enabled by "DroidSans Tweak Tools"?  Does that cause problems with some applications?
05:37.30jbqYeah, transitions aren't quite working 100%.
05:37.42trippsjbq, cool. perhaps I'll submit something on the site and see what happens.
05:38.03TiberiumXHaven't run into anything yet, but I haven't played around with it much.
05:48.38G94Bguys, all of the apps in the android store are free, is that going to change in the future?
05:48.53LeedsG94B: yes
05:49.21G94Bok, because i was wondering how developers would be motivated
05:49.29G94Bdid they give a date?
05:49.46LeedsI think you have to buy them dinner first
05:50.16marixshow em a good time and they will do anything
05:50.37G94Bwhat languages can be used to develope on android besides java?
05:51.26jbqG94B: at this point there are no other supported options. Some people have managed to run native code, but if you do that you're on your own.
05:52.10G94Bok, i was just wondering, i'm a newbie programmer with a slight interest in learning how one goes about writing software are having it sold
05:52.41G94Bso i guess i want to learn java if i'm going to write an android app :-)
05:52.44jbqAt this point you should consider the Java programming language if you're interested in Android.
05:52.54G94Bthank you
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06:01.33trippsany updates as to when the music player (which has a ton of bugs) will support streaming audio?
06:01.53jbqI thought it did
06:02.56trippsjbq, i'll check now to see, but it hasn't any time I've tried it
06:04.05jbqit should be able to stream mpeg audio.
06:04.44trippsjust says "sorry, the player does not support this type of audio file" when launching a pls from shoutcast
06:05.15jbqI don't think it can read the shoutcast stream descriptors, you might have to find a straight mpeg stream.
06:06.46trippsok. trying somafm (unless that's also the same thing).
06:07.34Leedsit will play streaming audio just fine
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06:07.52trippssame thing, "sorry, the player does not support this type of audio file"
06:08.02Leedsyeah, somafm is a pls file
06:08.04trippsLeeds, could you point me to somewhere I can test to verify?
06:08.17trippsis it pls that it doesn't support then?
06:08.25jbqtripps: yes.
06:08.39trippsthen I guess I should rephrase my question :) when will the music player support pls files ;)
06:08.56jbqliterally "when someone implements support for it".
06:08.57Leedsif you look inside a pls file you will see the URLs for the actual stream
06:09.09trippsok - I'll try that
06:09.51jbqAmusingly, someone could implement a shoutcast app that parses the descriptor and launches the media player on the actual stream. No need to modify the system.
06:10.06Leedsjbq: that sounds like a plan :-)
06:10.21Leedsall I need to do is... y'know, work out how to write anything more complex than hello world in java
06:10.55Leedswhy couldn't you have taken a hint from the app engine folks and gone for python as your only supported language? huh???
06:11.10Leedsbecause that has lead to such wide adoption of app engine...
06:11.26jbqLeeds: actually Guido advocated for Python pretty heavily as you can imagine.
06:11.33Leedswhat I need to do is stop my life interfering with my coding :-)
06:11.50Leedsoh, cool...  wonder what the chances are of getting a serious python->dalvik thing going at some point
06:11.57jbqyeah, well, the other option is for coding to consume all your life...
06:12.18unix_infideljbq: well the Jython bridge relies heavily on JNI for a lot of the non supported Python stuff. though, it'd be a total mess trying to port within the timeframe you guys had.
06:12.28Leedsthat ain't gonna happen... I live in a party town and have a slightly clingy girlfriend :-)
06:12.59jbqLeeds: you have a girlfriend? I thought you said you wanted to code! You got it all wrong... ;-)
06:13.20jbq(j/k, I met my wife on IRC after we argued about the product I was working on at the time)
06:13.24unix_infidelthinks Leeds needs to take a lesson from that CodeMonkey song.
06:13.30Leedsthis week, I have had some social thing or other on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday...
06:13.46Leedsjbq: my gf saw my photo on facebook and added me... that's how we met
06:14.14unix_infidel3rd couple I've met that found eachother through facebook...ack.
06:14.28unix_infidel(...this week)
06:14.44jbqLeeds, I assume you know the joke about the architect, the artist and the engineer, right?
06:16.00eugeneLeeds: that's cool
06:16.01Leedsheh, had heard it but not recently
06:16.16Leedseugene: you could have met her last week :-P
06:16.26trippsmeh . . . . "cannot download. the size of the item cannot be determined" when plugging in straight URL of stream
06:16.36Leedstripps: plugged into where?
06:16.47eugeneLeeds: i am sure you will come visit me again
06:16.59trippsLeeds, browser. shows music icon so it knows what app I wish to use
06:17.15trippsunless I'm supposed to be doing something else
06:17.25trippsother problem is pls shows tons of items all with diff URLs
06:17.50trippswe really just need a music player that supports streaming pls ala treo, nokia and just about every other smart phone I've ever owned
06:18.03Leedstripps: pay me to write it - I'll put it on my list :-)
06:18.23jbqYes, at this point it's weak. I think that it took quite some effort to get any audio to play at all.
06:18.52trippsjbq, no doubt. tons of bugs/"features" in it as well. sounds good though playing straight mp3s tho
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06:19.05Leedsjbq: not sure if you saw when I mentioned before - I was informally offered work developing an android app (to complement an existing iphone app) by someone I know last night
06:19.17eugeneLeeds: saw a new aussie android phone. looks like a treo but the screen looks small
06:19.52Leedsyup, saw that... one interesting point is that it does have a different resolution screen (320x240) from the G1 - I think a lot of apps will trip up on that
06:20.15trippswhat is the res of the G1?
06:20.24Leeds480x320, isn't it?
06:20.38Leedser, yes, the other way round
06:20.41jbqyes, the first device that's not a G1 will cause a bit of pain. Yup, G1 is half-VGA.
06:21.19trippscan't wait until accel based land/port swapping and soft keys! some android apps in the market use accel to swap format and it works very well methinks
06:21.38Leedsas long as it's optional - always optional
06:22.11jbqThe limiting factor when switching orientations typically isn't the actual drawing.
06:22.42trippswhat is it then?
06:22.45TiberiumXAny way to increase the jpeg quality that the home screen uses when you set a background?  Some images end up looking really crappy on there.
06:23.05jbqreading resources and doing the actual layout is typically the limiting factor.
06:23.21jbqTiberiumX: no at the moment. The quality is set too low :(
06:23.53Leedsand more to the point - I meant to poke romainguy about this - is it just me who often sees upwards of 5 second pauses while it loads that screen?
06:24.22trippsreally the web, gmail and messaging apps is where I would use it the most. quick 2-3 word responses to SMS that I have to open the keyboard, etc.
06:24.25TiberiumXYeah, I get that.
06:24.25jbqLeeds: it happens if home had been kicked out and if there's a lot of filesystem activity while loading the icons and the background.
06:24.43TiberiumXIt happens when I've been using the phone too long and crap has accumulated.
06:25.06Leedsthat is what I assumed - but I thought home would be pinned
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06:25.10TiberiumXSome applications are really bad about starting a bunch of services and never closing them.
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06:25.30TiberiumXAnd services are higher priority than any activity, including the home screen, correct?
06:25.33trippsTiberiumX, amen to that
06:25.46trippsspeaking of which when will be able to kill/close apps?
06:26.01jbqTiberiumX: yeah, that happens a lot of you leave apps in the background (home is only one of the background apps). Things end to be better when you actually exit the apps.
06:26.10unix_infidelwrites down taskmanager and IMF on tripps holiday wishlist.
06:26.21jbqI meant, when you exist the activity.
06:26.35jbq(can't exit an app on android, it's always there once it's installed)
06:27.19TiberiumXHow do you exit an activity?  You mean backing out (with the back button) vs. pressing Home?
06:27.25jbqTiberiumX: yes
06:27.30unix_infideland android kills app based on....dynamic conditions?
06:27.49Leedsso which way cleans things up more? home or back?
06:27.53jbqunix_infidel: it kills processes that way.
06:27.57jbqLeeds: back.
06:28.06TiberiumX\me closes his inactive servies during onStop().
06:28.14TiberiumXArgh, it's forward slash.
06:28.14trippsbut that isn't always the case. like I switch back and forth between processes using the back key and it leaves it where it was
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06:28.50unix_infideltripps: cleans things up, not call destroy.
06:28.58Leedsunix_infidel: there's a bunch of stuff in the docs about how process priority is calculated
06:29.02jbqtripps: it leaves an empty process behind. takes little RAM, not CPU, and speeds up relaunching the app in case it can be kept around.
06:29.19jbqthose empty processes are the first ones to leave when memory gets tight.
06:29.27illusionhey, have u guys tried to play video with the emulator?
06:30.01Leedsso the empty process is a vm with a little state?
06:30.03trippslike today I was using teedroid on the golf course, which was always active, then responded to emails and texts using the notification bar then backed up to teedroid. worked well and expected behavior IMO
06:30.04illusionive got some codes (maybe old) but it seems like doesnt work.
06:30.07unix_infidelHonestly, most people'd prefer that method though, power users will want to kill apps, most people just want to know it's doing the best it can in a relatively intelligent fashion.
06:30.13jbqLeeds: yes.
06:30.31trippsagrees with unix_infidel
06:30.47RyeBryeI reboot my phone every once in a while
06:30.58Leedsthere are times when you know you're done with something, or you can feel the system getting a little sluggish, where you want to 'reset' without rebooting
06:31.00jbqunix_infidel: what's really needed is some way to determine which apps (if any) are actually potentially misbehaving, and allow the user to make decisions based on that.
06:31.15TiberiumXGah, I'd hate having to manage programs on a phone, and I hate having to reboot.
06:31.25LeedsI'm at 191 hours since a reboot - that's quite a long time
06:31.50RyeBryeMy phone reports an uptime that goes back to january 1, 1970
06:31.52trippsI think a battery saving feature would be the screen auto-dims after 20 seconds of inactivity rather than right before it goes blank. that behavior kinda seems useless ;)
06:32.04RyeBryeRight now, it's uptime is 341214:31:58
06:32.05unix_infideljbq: Agreed. though DDMS is great, it's not a great way to "Profile" how your app behaves over long periods of time.
06:32.21LeedsRyeBrye: not uptime - the battery info panel has stats
06:32.31unix_infidelespecially visualizing the profile, which is what management folks and architects want to do.
06:32.46RyeBryeLeeds - which panel?
06:33.09LeedsRyeBrye: I'm actually not sure how to get to it conventionally, but anycut lets you create a shortcut to it
06:33.13jbqtripps: yeah, dimming earlier before locking would be sweet... the mechanism around locking and stuff is surprisingly complex, though.
06:33.30RyeBryeLeeds - my time since boot in Battery info is: "341214:33:14" - something is screwed up in my system with how it reports uptime
06:33.48RyeBryeprobably somethign to do with a strange tweak in my boot.img or something
06:33.52trippsalso strange none of the battery management apps on market do anything about G2 vs. G3 setting though they take care of everything else
06:34.29DarkriftXanyone tried those transition effect apks from xda-devs?
06:34.39TiberiumXOn the G1, is there any way to turn on audio output headphones, but keep the microphone input on the phone?  I plug in my headphones and it trys to do speaker and microphone through the port at the bottom.
06:34.42DarkriftXworth the effort?
06:34.44sparklei was so thankful i could use them to disable the effects completely
06:34.45TiberiumXYeah, really cool.
06:34.49RyeBryeDarkriftX - there are more of them? I'm just using the one on the market
06:34.55sparkleyou can turn off some of the slow slide/transition you get sometimes
06:34.58sparklei hate that :p
06:35.45RyeBryeHas anyone poked around to see if the MSM7201A has USB host - and if it's possible to enable it in the driver?
06:36.09unix_infidelRyeBrye: iirc it was pointed out it's not available out of the box, not sure what sort of hackery can be done.
06:36.18jbqYou mean, USB host?
06:38.10jbqThe 7201 can be wired that way with additional support electronics, but the G1 doesn't have that.
06:38.13RyeBryejbq - so it needs to offload the host to something?
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06:38.58jbqThe issue is primarily power management. The data pins can be wired straight through, but you need to power the data pins.
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06:39.10jbq(at least that's what I've heard, I'm not an expert).
06:39.23RyeBryejbq - right - on the other HTC devices that have USB host they have to have a funky data + power cable to enable it
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06:40.11RyeBryejbq - just out of curiosity, do you know if there are ANY kind of specs for the msm7201 that are public? Qualcomm has about 2 paragraphs of marketing information that is less than helpful
06:40.17RyeBryeat least that's all I've found
06:40.20jbqRyeBrye: I have no idea.
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06:40.58RyeBryejbq - I'm sure if you find any files on the network over there that they are ok to share... just ignore any kind of "confidential" or "proprietary" watermarks ;)
06:41.25jbqRyeBrye: sure.
06:41.39jbqHow about this?;a=summary
06:42.00DarkriftXwhat is the "light hinting" ?
06:42.10LeedsRyeBrye: did you see what I said about the battery panel?  did you reply?  bouncy IRC...
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06:43.10RyeBryeLeeds - yes - my battery panel also has the same bogus uptime. It reports accurate "time when charging" and "ON time"
06:43.26LeedsI blame JesusFreke :-P
06:43.37RyeBryeI think I've got my own boot.img on here now
06:43.39eugeneLeeds: sometimes i wonder how much time you work :D
06:43.46Leedseugene: what is this 'work' thing?
06:44.01LeedsI'm bursty
06:46.35TiberiumXDoes anyone know if any of the file managers out there support recursive delete of a directory?  (Bender doesn't)
06:46.55Leedsprobably safer if they don't...
06:47.28JesusFrekecries. "Everyone always blames me!"
06:48.03jbqJesusFreke: that's how it feels to distribute something ;-)
06:48.23LeedsJesusFreke: don't worry, I blame jbq and romainguy as well
06:49.08JesusFrekedon't worry, I'll just put in an easter egg just for you in the next update, to brick your phone
06:49.13JesusFrekegrins evilly
06:49.18jbqcries. "It's always my fault!"
06:49.35Leedsas it happens...
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06:49.41JesusFrekecries. "no it's not. It's mine!"
06:50.06JesusFrekemy fault I tell you! you can't steal my fault away from me!
06:50.09Leedseh, I've been part of the team for a couple of OSs in my time... I know
06:50.10trippsso what is the process whereby the gps decides to launch in the background for no apparent reason?
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06:52.00jbqtripps: basically, when an app decides it wants to get location. Probably some app you've installed, because I don't think that any of the built-in apps do that.
06:52.39trippsjbq, it seems to do it even after booting up, if I wait long enough. perhaps some app is in the startup sequence? any way to tell which one?
06:53.05trippsbbiab. store closing up here.
06:53.09jbermudessorry for the silly question, but does the g1 have any internal storage or just the sd slot?
06:53.21jbqjbermudes: there's a bit of internal storage.
06:53.24TiberiumXLooks like Android File Manager does.  Slowly.  And it crashes the Music app even though it wasn't playing anything from that directory.
06:54.01TiberiumXA little bit.  I could probably fill it up just with tip calculators.
06:54.10jbermudesjbq: ah, I figured, thanks
06:58.13rwhitbyjbq: is this legit?
06:58.40JesusFrekewhy wouldn't it be? :)
06:58.45grey-oh that looks nice.
06:58.50grey-more like my old e62.
06:59.25rwhitbyit's just that I haven't heard about it in the normal tech news
06:59.27grey-can't tell if that's a scroll wheel.
06:59.33grey-but I assume it is.
06:59.38rwhitbyI would have thought that perhaps the second android handset would be news?
06:59.51grey-one thing the g1 [and so far other android phones I've seen] lacks compared to the sidekick is the dpad.
06:59.55grey-which is kinda sad. :(
07:00.15grey-that phone looks really slick though.
07:00.34jbqrwhitby: Well, Android is open-source, so anyone can make a phone with it. Time will tell whether it's vaporware or not.
07:00.41rwhitbypity it's screen res is less than my Treo650 :-(
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07:00.57unix_infidelrwhitby: it's also resistive.
07:01.02rwhitbywhy can't I have a 320x320 phone with keyboard on the front :-(
07:01.20grey-rwhitby: give it time; that nokia running android certainly looked relatively highres.
07:01.27grey-maybe 640x480 or 800x600?
07:01.30unix_infidelgrey-: nokia?
07:01.32grey-large frigging things those nokia's.
07:01.33rwhitbyunix_infidel: meh - a good UI means you should never have to touch the screen anyway ...
07:01.35grey-unix_infidel: errr...
07:01.46grey-unix_infidel: someone got android running on one of the nokia linux pockettablets.
07:01.55unix_infidelgrey-: n800?
07:02.04jsharkeyrwhitby: hmm i wonder if the new homescreen really looks like that in QVGA mode (the app drawer on the right)
07:02.24unix_infidelinstalled is not functional.
07:02.27grey-albeit afaik most of those nokia's don't have a gsm/etc. radio, so not so useful.
07:02.40jbqsuper-dense screens aren't necessarily an advantage: that's more data to move around, i.e. more battery consumption and less speed.
07:02.45rwhitbyyeah, the definition of "running" on the n810 is very loose
07:03.00rwhitbyjbq: but more email I can read on the screen at a time
07:03.24grey-jbq: extra res can be handy at times.  That said, the connectbot is a kickass ssh client that thankfully properly displays [just about] and 80x24 terminal, which is really my most important gripe with most cell phone screen resolutions.
07:03.27jbqrwhitby: true, if your eyes are good enough.
07:03.33rwhitbyon the treo, the summary email screen has 12 messages with 2 lines (sender, time, subject) for each
07:03.50rwhitbythen an individual message has 13 lines of text
07:03.57unix_infideljsharkey: agreed, would like to see some best practices come out for different device and input models, and at the very least, different resolutions.
07:04.03grey-I mean... let's be honest, android's UI doesn't conserve screen real estate at all.
07:04.11jbqextra res makes sense for CJK, less for latin.
07:04.13grey-but bigger menu's = more to touch.
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07:04.37unix_infidelhopefully a proper framework for handling differerent device profiles.
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07:04.43rwhitbyand it has 42 characters of text per line in the email view
07:05.13grey-jbq: well already g1 can display unicode/cjkv just fine.  The IME is what's lacking until q1 I guess.
07:05.13rwhitbyI've yet to see any other phone with a keyboard on the front (i.e. not a slide) which can show that much text in a readable format on the screen.
07:05.21jbqfinger-based touch requires quite some large touch areas, and if the spacing between touchable and non-touchable areas is too inconsistent it looks really weird.
07:05.49jbqI meant, high-density screens make more sense for CJK markets than latin markets.
07:06.01rwhitbywould love a phone that has a colour ncurses interface ...
07:06.05grey-rwhitby: my e62 (and presumably the e71) nokia's had nonslide keyboards and were decent at displaying lotsa txt (that said symbian sucks for most other things)
07:06.25jsharkeymmmmmm ncurses  =D
07:06.30grey-jbq: true.  but higher res doesn't always mean easier to read. ;)
07:06.41rwhitbygrey-: yeah, but the keyboards on them don't rate against the treo keyboard
07:06.44unix_infidelasus is coming out with a QVGA phone with a fairly fast ARM in there.
07:06.51unix_infidelshould be interesting.
07:07.04jbqYeah. 6-pixel text at 240 dpi is challenging for most people ;-)
07:07.08grey-jbq: if the dpi goes up but the physical screen size stays the same unless you've got some larger fonts just means you're squinting more.
07:07.49grey-rwhitby: haven't used a treo; but the e61 had IMNSHO better keyboards than the g1, blackberries and samsung (i730)'s I've used.
07:07.50jbqAnyway, the Android APIs are supposed to be able to deal with screens of varying densities and pixel couns.
07:07.59grey-jbq: *nod*
07:08.12grey-I bought the g1 knowing I would replace it with a better device later.
07:08.21jbqis starting to fall asleep, will head to bed.
07:08.22grey-that said, I wasn't expecting a device like that to be out so soon, that looks sweet.
07:08.29rwhitbygrey-: note that later treos than the 650 have keyboards that are not as good
07:08.38rwhitbye.g. the Treo pro keyboard is not good at all
07:08.40grey-rwhitby: :-/
07:08.50unix_infidelgrey-: no major provider or carrier have teamed up to make later a seductive enough option to wait.
07:08.59unix_infidelearliest q3 09 is an infinity.
07:09.00grey-rwhitby: I've noticed the sidekicks have really gotten their keyboards down pat now... sk2008 has  -great- keyboard.
07:09.07grey-skII and such, not so much.
07:09.21DarkriftXxchat is being a pain in the ass
07:09.28RyeBryeonce the market lets you sell apps, I'm going to sell flashlight applications to the masses for $10 a piece and make enough to buy every android phone that comes out
07:09.31grey-unix_infidel: yeah, for me the timing was perfect to get a g1, my at&t contract ran up the week it was released pretty much.
07:09.32DarkriftXkeeps losing my ip and i cant dcc chat my bot
07:09.37grey-RyeBrye: lulz
07:09.45rwhitbygrey-: sidekick is one of those locked down US-only devices?
07:09.47grey-I haven't checked the marketplace in a week (busy with work)
07:09.58DarkriftXwell ill sell mine (yours with a new name) for $9 and make more than you!
07:09.59grey-rwhitby: sidekick is available elsewhere too iirc, but very tied to tmobile in the US these days I think.
07:10.01RyeBryeI check the market a few times a day to see what is new
07:10.15grey-rwhitby: but danger (the people who design it) lost a lot of people to android. ;)
07:10.21grey-lost is probably the wrong word.
07:10.26grey-many danger people left to found android.
07:10.28RyeBryeDarkriftX - mine will have an Apple logo on it until I get a C&D letter - so it will be worth the $10
07:10.35grey-rwhitby: very similar device, but closed. ;-/
07:10.41rwhitbyand a slider too
07:10.46grey-rwhitby: android is very much sidekick 2.0
07:10.48unix_infidelwonders when he will see a G1 with a mini apple logo on the back ;-)
07:11.08grey-rwhitby: and sharp over the years got their hardware manufacturing for the sidekick down to quite the refined product.
07:11.12DarkriftXmine will have the MS logo, apple logo and google logo on it
07:11.13DarkriftXbeat that!
07:11.16jbqandroid has lots of people from danger, palmsource, openwave, and be.
07:11.19DarkriftXwait, scratch the MS logo :S
07:11.32Leedsjbq: and one or two from google?
07:11.55grey-rwhitby: pretty much dead as a platform though.  I've got one friend left there, and since the MS buyout, it sounds like they may pushout the 3g sidekick as the last true sidekick and then who knows... there's rumours brewing of a zune-phone [but I kinda shudder to think what will come of that]
07:12.01jbqLeeds: you mean, who worked on other Google products before? Sure, quite a few in fact.
07:12.32rwhitbythe zune phone would have to be the antithesis of android, right?
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07:12.53Leedssurely the zune phone is just a winmob phone with zune.exe supplied?
07:13.26rwhitbyLeeds: it's bound to have something tied into the OS that no other licensee of winmob can get ...
07:13.26grey-rwhitby: but for example... one of the initiatives at danger (pre-ms buyout) was to remove the somewhat newos-based underpinnings and instead use netbsd.  Albeit in either case (similar to linux on android) it's ostensibly just a glorified bootloader for a jvm (dalvik in android's case, but the sidekick basically had a very similar design)
07:15.15rwhitbyah, the fine print: "The design of the Kogan Agora and Kogan Agora Pro, when dispatched, will be materially similar to the images set out on this website. Despite this, Kogan Technologies reserves the right to make non-material modifications to the design of the phones in its sole discretion."
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07:15.34grey-rwhitby: well it's early december, and they're shooting for a late january 2009 launch.
07:15.38grey-no doubt things will change a bit.
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07:16.02grey-still that's a nice formfactor.
07:16.03rwhitbyum, I would have thought for a jan 2009 launch that mass production would need to have started.
07:16.16grey-I prefer nonslide/flip/etc.
07:16.24rwhitbygrey-: you and me both
07:16.27grey-qwerty keyboards + trackballs are enough moving parts to break.
07:16.44grey-but at least they have less travel and thus lower likelihood of more force being exerted to break them.
07:16.57rwhitbydrop the trackball - to hard to move it with the thumb on a bumpy bus
07:17.08grey-I really like the trackball usage with the ui
07:17.32grey-but the touch/drag/scroll on the touchscreen I find myself using a LOT more than the trackball, which is something I never expected.
07:17.54grey-even with my samsung i730 I rarely used the touchscreen (needed a stylus basically, huge pain in the ass).  I really like the android touch ui implementation.
07:18.13grey-people complain about it not being as smooth as the iphone.
07:18.16grey-or the lack of multitouch...
07:18.31grey-but seems very smooth already and I'm sure it can/will improve.
07:18.43grey-and well there's all that stuff about the multitouch already, so who knows where that will lead. (:
07:19.15grey-I think the biggest irony, one of the reasons I bought earlier was to make sure I could maintain local root by getting a pre-RC30 device.
07:20.00grey-and yet, I really haven't had any use for local root at all so far; I'm more pleased with the g1/android basically stock than I've been with any other phone I've had, despite some annoyances, they're leagues better than shit I've used in the past.
07:20.31grey-I s'pose if it were more broken I'd be inspired to hack on it more though.
07:22.25grey-goes back to late night work of hacking on new antispam system for work.
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08:42.28anno^da_could someone tell me the right codec for the video player. I'm using Handbrake with video settings mp4 container/H264 codec and for audio AAC
08:42.46anno^da_So I'm getting a mp4 file but I cant get it playing
08:43.03anno^da_is there some special location to put it on the sd card or whats the trick about this video player
08:43.14anno^da_I'm always getting "No videos found" grr
08:44.05Leedsthat is correct
08:44.14LeedsDJTachyon: ping?
08:47.48Leedsanno^da_: try... video: no more than 320x480, h264, 24ish fps, bitrate under 1mbit or so... audio, aac, 128k... in an mp4 container
08:48.27anno^da_Hmm well I have tried that. Settings are lower than you mentioned at the moment
08:48.50anno^da_The video player just doesn't recognizes the files
08:48.56Leedsit probably shouldn't make any difference, but my video file is in /Video
08:49.05anno^da_yeah mine as well
08:49.19Leedswell, it works for me
08:49.20anno^da_are they available right after dropping them to the sdcard ?
08:49.27Leedsyou did unmount it, right?
08:49.32anno^da_yeah I did
08:49.37Leedspull the USB cable?
08:49.48anno^da_as well :)
08:50.05Leedssacrifice a goat?
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08:50.54Leedsusing the video player called "video player"?
08:51.00Leedscalling the file something.mp4?
08:51.23anno^da_Video Player by Jeff Hamilton :P
08:51.54Leedsdon't really know what to tell you then
08:52.05anno^da_is there a file manager available ?
08:52.33Leedsa couple, yeah
08:52.35anno^da_I haven't found one while quickly steppin through the market
08:52.35Leedstry bender
08:52.39anno^da_ah k
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08:54.31anno^da_hmm are you able to play the video files directly from bender ?
08:54.44Leedsnever tried... hang on
08:55.25anno^da_Let me reinstall the video player once again
08:57.06anno^da_ok after reinstalling
08:57.13anno^da_it finds the videos
08:57.31anno^da_Oh I love applications with no menue. :>
08:57.55DarkriftXi hate all of the video players :S
08:59.12LeedsI'm falling asleep at my desk
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09:03.36anno^da_DarkriftX: Thats right.
09:04.30anno^da_I'd like to see VLC or some other more usable player. (but I dont think we will get that with the Java App Framework at the moment. (as well as we wont get Firefox mobile)
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09:08.42anno^da_Oh nice lagging video with 384 kbps
09:08.48anno^da_what a mess :P
09:17.20DarkriftXthis battery seems to last forever
09:17.26DarkriftXthe meter is very unreliable
09:17.58DarkriftX99-29% was faster than 29-24%
09:18.16DarkriftXand i have wifi, gps and bt on :S
09:18.30DarkriftXi didnt have much on before
09:19.44anno^da_Who long does the battery last for you without doing much?
09:19.52anno^da_oops How long..
09:20.07taunoI'm getting like <24h with no gps, no wifi and not that much usage (no video and no web browsing, only DL'ing some apps from market and checking them out for a few minutes each)
09:20.48taunodoing a full charge cycle currently and monitoring exactly how long it lasts
09:20.53anno^da_Ok well I have to use it like a normal mobile the next days. And compare this kind of usage to my old phones.
09:22.43anno^da_grrrr is someone using handbrake here to encode the videos?
09:22.58snadgeim ircing from my g1, in bed :P
09:23.02taunoconversations with coworkers are always like: "wow.. this is the new thing they call the G1? yes? how long does the battery last? <24h? WTF dude.. don't be kidding!"
09:23.59snadgei have a car charger, and an external battery thing that apparently holds 3 full charges
09:24.03anno^da_snadge: how is the name of the irc app? :)
09:24.27snadgeim using connectbot (ssh)
09:24.33anno^da_tauno: well you wont have more with the iPhone
09:24.55taunonot much iPhone users here so people find it really strange that the phone can't handle at least a (work)week without charging.. everybody uses Nokias smartphones so they are used to long lasting batteries :/
09:25.06anno^da_So for the things the phone does the battery life is ok.
09:25.20anno^da_Well but the Nokias dont do the same things.
09:25.29anno^da_So the comparison is not really fair.
09:26.20snadgeif i use the camera, that seems to dsr
09:26.39snadgedrain it good
09:27.02taunoanno^da_, well.. it does not have touchscreen but everything else it can do just fine or better :) (web browsing, youtube, mail, video, mp3 playback, fm radio, etc etc)
09:27.22taunonokia I mean
09:27.35snadgehard to use this tiny little keyboard and laggy ssh session
09:27.39tauno..and the screen is way smaller :(
09:28.26snadgebut hey.. im in bed and ircing from my phone. novelty++
09:29.22anno^da_tauno: well the screen costs a lot of battery
09:30.45tauno(snadge, SSH on a mobile is nothing new (there's a j2me ssh app available for like ages))
09:30.50taunoanno^da_, indeed
09:31.22LeedsDarkriftX: I did a very easy battery test... unplugged my phone at 10am yesterday, didn't plug it back in...
09:32.08snadgethat explains why screen fades down quickly, and turns off
09:32.19Leedsafter a normal day (one call, some SMS, some IM, about an hour of audio playing, some games, some browsing...) it was at 10% 24 hours later
09:32.37taunoanno^da_, it's just that the G1 has less features than some Nokias but the battery lasts ~5x less.. is it really the display that takes all the juice or is there something else that can be tweaked (like in the core OS) to get it to last a little longer?
09:32.50Leedsthere is tweaking going on
09:32.54Leedswhat features are you missing?
09:33.29snadgePerhaps nokia has bigger battery
09:34.08DarkriftXim not trying to test it, i wanted to drain it and recharge it
09:34.57Mony<snadge> but hey.. im in bed and ircing from my phone. novelty++
09:35.01snadgei also heard that nokia has bad bat life, if u use internet, gps etc
09:35.12LeedsDarkriftX: trying to do a discharge/charge cycle?
09:35.18Monysnadge, i did't know there is irc client for android
09:35.29Monycould you give me a hint? :)
09:35.42snadgeim using irc via ssh
09:36.13Monyirssi or bitchx? :D
09:36.19sparklescreen :D
09:36.19taunoLeeds, I'm personally not missing anything (since I use my personal phone for only calling and a few SMS per month) but if you just compare the G1 to some Nokias feature-by-feature, the G1 lacks aGPS, FM radio, video recording, (camera) flash, "apps on SD card" etc..
09:36.52sparklealso actual productivity apps - being able to work with word/excel/ppt docs, acrobat viewer, flash
09:37.00Leeds3dot0video recording will come... apps on SD will come... other apps will come
09:37.03sparklea full featured bluetooth implementation
09:37.08Leeds3dot0FM radio is pointless
09:37.09taunosnadge, yes, Nokia has a "bad" battery life if you use wifi and gps and stuff.. but it then still beats my G1 when NOT using these features on my G1 :(
09:37.15Leeds3dot0the bluetooth is being worked on
09:37.27taunoLeeds3dot0, FM radio is pointless to YOU :)
09:37.38Leeds3dot0what is fair to say is that android/G1 is not really ready for mass market yet
09:37.57Leeds3dot0tauno: it's very almost 2009... internet radio won
09:37.59sparklethink of it as positioned not against high end WM phones and the iphone
09:38.04sparklebut low end handsets
09:38.08sparklemass market
09:38.17Leeds3dot0but it's a smartphone
09:38.46sparklethe line is getting blurred though
09:38.49taunoLeeds3dot0, I know that it's been worked on.. I'm just saying that RIGHT NOW a phone that has less features and costs more, has a 5x smaller battery.. I don't blame android,, it's just the G1 hardware (or is the OS really wasting battery?)
09:39.02sparkleand by a lot of definitions it's not much of a smartphone, more of an "internetphone"
09:39.16Leeds3dot0the OS is a lot less efficient than it could be
09:39.29Leeds3dot0hmm... wonder if anyone knows - is the kernel tickless?
09:39.46Leeds3dot0yes it's tickless?
09:40.00taunoyes, "anyone knows" (;
09:40.48Leeds3dot0anyway, there are things being worked on right now which should significantly improve battery life
09:40.54sparkleyes, it is tickless
09:41.13sparkleand while it doesn't have the native linux speed scaling turned on in the .25 release, there is a crude sliding scale
09:41.17sparkledepending on display sleep state, etc
09:41.20Leeds3dot0but the big drains are things like the screen and radios, and there isn't that much you can do about them
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09:44.00Leeds3dot0sparkle: I'd be interested in your definition of a smartphone then
09:44.42DarkriftXyes leeds
09:44.51DarkriftXwow, the chat is jumping in here tonight
09:45.28DarkriftXi was hoping it wouldnt take all night
09:45.43DarkriftXall radios on, brightness at max and playing games and its barely going down
09:45.55DarkriftXi guess thats good
09:45.58Leeds3dot0play some mp3s in the background
09:46.04anno^da_Leeds3dot0: What does significantly mean in hours? :-)
09:46.35sparklean open platform with a wide range of productivity and business applications - basically a mini laptop
09:46.45Leeds3dot0anno^da_: +25% should be relatively easy, +50% should be doable, I'd say
09:47.01sparklesomething that's useful standalone as well as on the net
09:47.11anno^da_That would be nice. It would be ok for me to get 2-3 days when doing nothing with the phone.
09:47.43anno^da_(switched of gps,bt,wlan) Just radio for incoming calls and sms
09:47.59Leeds3dot0sparkle: whereas I'd say a phone on which the OS is exposed to third-party applications - a general-purpose portable computing device in the form of a phone
09:48.01anno^da_(I know that this is NOT the normal usage scenario)
09:48.16Leeds3dot0the range of applications is irrelevent to whether the device itself is a smartphone
09:48.53sparklesymbian and WM clearly qualify
09:49.04sparklethe g1 is exposed in a rather limited fashion
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09:50.17Leedstrue... it's a bit of a hybrid - certainly a lot smarter than a device with a j2me sandbox... I'd say it's smart, on the basis that *all* the apps run on dalvik - the dialer, home, browser, etc.
09:50.28sparkleexcept that they don't
09:50.35Leedsdon't they?
09:50.46sparkleimportant apps like the browser use JNI-like hooks to pull in native code
09:51.04sparklewhich is something you can't do as an average app developer
09:51.30Leedsbut you *can* use webkit from your app
09:51.55Leedsand given that the browser is open source, there should - in theory - be nothing stopping you from using the same interfaces?
09:53.12DarkriftXhas anyone noticed that the "maps" about info calls it "Google Mobile (iPhone version)"
09:53.38DarkriftXor maybe its just a generic about
09:53.47DarkriftXbecause i see blackberry mentioned also
10:10.27anno^da_Does someone know anything about video encoding. And can tell me what I'm doing wrong when I get a big green block for the video content while playback?
10:10.36anno^da_(audio is playing fine)
10:10.51anno^da_And VLCs plays the video fine as well. (no green blocks :) )
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10:42.17waldo_what isn't playing it?  if vlc does, what's the problem?
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10:48.37anno^da_Well VLC does but VideoPlayer (app on the G1) does not. :)
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11:01.26joeyjonesany ideas for how to get my pc to registed my android phone when i lug it into the usb port?
11:01.44joeyjonesit charges but i cannot see it in ddms
11:02.39waldo_depeding on the firmware you may need to tell it to mount from the notification bar at the top of your g1
11:02.57joeyjonesi'm running android on my htv vogue
11:03.24joeyjonesand i see nothing on the notification bar
11:04.30waldo_you want to mount it ya?
11:04.35waldo_should appear on the desktop
11:04.40waldo_if you're using windows you need to install drivers I think
11:04.51joeyjonesall i want to do is take a screenshot using the sdk
11:05.28waldo_you may still need to install the drivers
11:06.07joeyjonesit doesn;t bring up the "found new hardware" dialog
11:06.22waldo_well try installing it anyway
11:06.27waldo_read the sdk installation instructions
11:07.25joeyjonessdk is installed, but windows doesn;t seem to register the device
11:07.36waldo_again, is the driver installed?
11:08.07joeyjonesreading it says that the devoce should ask for the drivers to use
11:08.41waldo_you are using windows?
11:08.43waldo_If you're developing on Windows (32-bit only), you need to install the USB driver for adb:
11:09.01waldo_just install it yourself I guess
11:09.04waldo_I don't really know for windwos
11:14.32anno^da_  <- Is the high res android available?
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11:30.12anno^da_Other Media
11:30.12anno^da_If you produce non-hypertext works, such as books, audio, or video, we ask that you make a best effort to include a spoken or written attribution in the spirit of the messages above.   <- What could that mean for a T-Shirt. Would be enough (perhaps CC information added)
11:33.19pandzillaanyone ordered a Kogan yet?
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11:43.02Phlogiwhen I get a "sim card locked" on my phone, this means I need to unlock it right?
11:44.15eugenepandzilla: thought about it but wasn't sure if it is good
11:47.23anno^da_Phlogi: right just type in the SIM card password
11:47.42Phlogianno^da_: hmm there is no field to type in anything
11:47.53Phlogiit just says: sim card locked and that emergency staff
11:48.18PhlogiI mean I read that I need to unlock the phone...but now I'm confused
11:48.37anno^da_press the menue button ;)
11:49.17Phlogidamn of course :D
11:50.28Phlogiah and now SIM network unlock PIN
11:50.44Phlogithats the one I need to get for money from a website or so right?
11:50.48anno^da_the password of your RIM
11:51.23anno^da_How does it look right now? Wait a sec
11:51.27joeyjonespandzilla: i think it;s good that they made one, but they probabyl won't sell many, and i plan to stick to htc and othe rmain manufacturers
11:51.45pandzillathinking it might be worth a shot
11:51.47anno^da_thats how it looks right
11:51.52anno^da_Step 3
11:51.58pandzillait's like 175 euros incl. shipping
11:52.44joeyjonespandzilla: if they could get on with a carrier they would make a killing
11:53.34Phlogianno^da_: thanks, there is no cheaper service? :)
11:54.33anno^da_well except  the 20$ one
11:54.57anno^da_thats the only one I know
11:55.01anno^da_they are very fast
11:55.12anno^da_3h from payment to the code (in my case)
11:55.25joeyjonespandzilla: i'm hoping that the htc touch hd will get android
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11:57.27joeyjonesi've seen rumors of it, and i already enjoy android on my htc vogue
11:57.28VJTachyonhey guys
11:57.44VJTachyonon the plane to san fran
11:58.42joeyjonesVJTachyon: what ever happened to airplane mode?
11:58.52taunoits for wussies..
11:59.16VJTachyonwell airplane mode in a moment
11:59.27VJTachyonhavent left the ground yet
11:59.50VJTachyonalright well later guys!
11:59.51pandzillajoeyjones: yeah, Android on the touch would be neat
12:00.14joeyjonespandzilla: it works decently well on the htc touch vogue
12:00.35joeyjonesi'm actually planning on basign an english assignment off of it :p
12:00.58joeyjonesuser/procedure manual: installing and using google android on the htc vogue
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12:03.33blaustart the activity in another thread?
12:03.44blaulol doh that was to something from yesterday
12:07.44joeyjonesdamn, OO.o jsut crashed on me.
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12:18.37blautryin to write to the sms databse
12:21.18blaui can make fake messages
12:21.40blaunow to back date text messages from paris hiltons phone number
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12:26.37mib_cu0z9nwht is binder ipc ? how it works ?
12:28.46blauanyone know where i can find a list of celeb phone numbers
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12:37.41blauidiots, tested my app by forwarding messages to themself
12:38.22blaunow i have to waste time checking that you arent the person sending to yourself
12:49.04blaustupid 1 star review
12:49.41taunoblau, sure, the users are idiots when your app has a bug :P
12:50.55taunoI'd say that this is a nice testcase and would be grateful that somebody actually tested this strange use case that highlighted a bug/missing feature in your app :)
12:51.53blauits not a bug
12:52.04blauits a feature
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12:53.07blauit works exactly as specified
12:53.19taunothen the spec is missing something :)
12:53.32blauwhat happens if you forward a grandcentral call back to grandcentral?
12:54.02taunoanyway.. don't call your users idiots :)
12:54.22tauno..not in public at least :P
12:54.36blau"why does it keep sending me freaking messages.. I tried it by writing to myself and now it doesnt keep sending me messages"
12:54.51*** join/#android papit-mobile (n=mirggi@
12:57.56blauand if something seems to broken in such an interesting and highly praised app, wouldnt you try to send an email to the developer to see whats wrong
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12:59.55blauall i care about is that i can now fake text messages from people
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13:21.22Dougie187anyone going to order one of those Agora phones?
13:21.54joeyjonesif my phone died tomorrow i would
13:22.19joeyjonesmainly because the phone i actually want doesn't run android yet and is ~900 bucks
13:22.26joeyjones250 < 900
13:22.47Dougie187have you heard what freq's they use?
13:22.52Dougie187and thus what carriers?
13:23.10blauagora looks awesome
13:23.19blaudoubt i can use it with tmobile here tho
13:23.41blausweet, its cameraless too
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13:24.08Dougie187is the pro camera less too?
13:24.16blauthe pro has camera
13:24.23blauThe Agora is a 3G mobile with a touchscreen, QWERTY keyboard, and microSD card slot. A "Pro" model with Wi-Fi, a 2 megapixel camera and GPS costs an extra $100.
13:24.34joeyjonesoh, i guess i couldn;t use it.
13:24.44joeyjonesmy carrier is CDMA
13:24.50Dougie187i thought it was only like 60 bucks more.
13:24.59Dougie187like 170 - 250
13:25.00Dougie187something like that
13:25.07Dougie187i guess thats 80
13:25.08Dougie187but still
13:25.32blaui just googled agora
13:25.33Dougie187its good to see more phones coming out though
13:26.13joeyjonesDougie187: i'm holding out for a carrier-supported phone from a major manufacturer
13:26.17blau299 and 399
13:26.28Dougie187im watching this video of some guy taking a sharp pocket knife to his bb storm
13:26.36Dougie187blau: thats AU$
13:26.55joeyjonesDougie187: bb storm?
13:27.07blauahh duh
13:27.09joeyjonesi don't know what that means...
13:27.14blaublackberry storm
13:27.34joeyjonesblackberry makes me lol
13:27.45Dougie187that screen can take some damage.
13:27.53blauwish i could get the kogan with gps but w/o camer
13:28.05blaualthough i rarely use gps now, its always off
13:28.09joeyjonesblau: why no camera?
13:28.22Dougie187blau: in US its $192 - $256
13:28.25blauwork related stuff
13:28.38Dougie187you work in a lab?
13:28.41blaui cant take any recording devices when i visit contractors
13:28.59joeyjonesblau: you could always remove the camera
13:28.59blauit sucks
13:29.09joeyjonesbut technically any smart phone can record audio
13:29.13Dougie187yeah i know what you mean blau
13:29.54blaubut i dont see a search button
13:30.05joeyjonessearch button?
13:30.23blaulike on the g1, next to the ampsersand by the space bar
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13:38.08blauthe phone is awesome
13:38.12blauits in the form factor i want too
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13:46.40joeyjonesi don;t see much need for a search button
13:46.54joeyjonesblau: i haven't looked at the g1 that much
13:47.20blauyou can use it for shortcuts
13:47.30blauyou hold search and press a button
13:47.35blauand its a shortcut
13:47.41joeyjonespersoanlyl i;d prefer a pull-out T9 keyboard with a larger touch screen
13:48.38joeyjonesi've gotten really used to using a touch kb and with fat fingers could never use a qwerty
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13:56.11Death_Syni wish i could have an android phone in a palm form factor
13:56.14Death_Synthat'd be the win
13:56.28blauthe agora is close
13:56.43blaugrr so close to be able to save mms's
13:56.44kslaterDeath_Syn: as in a Palm PDA? Like the T|X?
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14:02.36Death_Synkslater: yes, like the palmpda
14:03.00Death_Syni was thinking more treo formed, though
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14:05.12kslaternever used a treo
14:05.20kslaterstill use a Palm T|X though
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14:05.41kslaterEventually, I'll have everything I need on the G1 and will retire the T|X
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14:18.18marixhail all!
14:21.17blaudgAway is the best app ive ever used
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14:29.06joeyjoneswhat's that?
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14:29.31blauit lets you auto respond to texts and phone calls, or shoot a quick response to missed/declined phone calls
14:29.58kslaterjoeyjones: Palm T|X ->
14:30.12joeyjonesaahh, a palm handset.
14:31.08*** join/#android tethridge (n=tale@nat/hp/x-6dfbf22a96103667)
14:31.24joeyjonesblau: android app?
14:33.35joeyjonesnow i want to try to track it down
14:33.49joeyjonesif only the app store was available on my vogue
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14:36.00Disconnectsaurik: is your boot img a drop-in replacement for jf's? and can you elaborate (a link is fine :) ..) on the "bluetooth enhancements"?
14:36.15Miladis possible in android to implement accessing to linux terminal ?
14:36.37DisconnectMilad: its already done. install "terminal" from marketplace
14:36.39marixmilad,  their are a few terminal emulators out
14:37.35saurikDisconnect: I don't know, jf's stuff is mostly based on my init
14:37.44saurikAFAIK his stuff is == my stuff on that front
14:37.47MiladDisconnect, I don't buy G1 yet can you tell me the site of creator of it ?
14:38.03saurikoh, but I don't know if he went with the same naming in his init.rc, though
14:38.04DisconnectMilad: it comes as part of the source code (term.apk is built when you build android)
14:38.20saurikthat's something we might not be sharing
14:38.39saurikas for the bluetooth stuff, I just mean the new rfkill commit from Google that you've already seen people playing with
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14:40.14marixlooks like new version of tweak tools is out
14:41.30eldenzit's a different app (if you refer to the Lite version)
14:41.50marixyea,  you are correct...
14:42.16marixtransitions are nice
14:42.34eldenzyep, love it on 1x :)
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14:45.04marix10x makes me hate the feature :(
14:45.29marixalso isn't it backwards
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14:45.37marixwouldn't 10x mean 10x faster
14:46.36blauoh it is pretty cool
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14:53.52Dougie187good morning michaelnovakjr
14:54.03michaelnovakjrgood morning
14:54.17Dougie187hows it going?
14:54.21Dougie187you have a good thanksgiving?
14:54.27michaelnovakjrindeed, how about you?
14:54.37Dougie187yeah it was really good
14:54.46Dougie187my family came and we cooked them thanksgiving dinner
14:54.54Dougie187first time cooking thanksgiving and we fed 9 people.
14:55.11Dougie187it was pretty sweet
14:55.55Dougie187what did you guys do?
14:56.07michaelnovakjrwent to my aunt's house for dinner
14:56.14michaelnovakjrit was about 20 of us
14:56.21Dougie187sounds like fun
14:56.32michaelnovakjryea, it was nice
14:57.33Dougie187you play any new games lately?
14:57.38michaelnovakjrmirror's edge
14:57.50Dougie187you get it?
14:57.57Dougie187i've only played the demo
14:58.06michaelnovakjrits a sweet game
14:58.11Dougie187thats awesome
14:58.13Dougie187the demo was really fun
14:58.22Dougie187but it gets old after a while, as it is just a demo
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14:58.27Dougie187Jasta said Left 4 dead is awesome
14:58.35michaelnovakjrmy brother just got that game
14:58.37blauit is
14:58.42blaui love it
14:58.52Dougie187i think it would be really fun
15:00.02Dougie187it has a cool versus mode too
15:00.13michaelnovakjri tried the new call of duty over the weekend as well
15:00.55Dougie187Its pretty good.
15:00.57Disconnectdoes it run on android?
15:00.58Dougie187i don't think its amazing though
15:01.15michaelnovakjri still prefer cod4, but it was cool
15:01.19Dougie187but i have to admit, the flame thrower is really fun to play with
15:01.44Dougie187but its not a terrific game though
15:02.09Dougie187my little brother just gave me mass effect too
15:02.17Dougie187so now i have to beat that, fable 2, and gta4.
15:02.32Dougie187and my older brother loaned me the force unleased.
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15:02.56michaelnovakjrjust finished the force unleashed
15:03.13Dougie187its pretty fun on the wii
15:03.34michaelnovakjryea, i have it for the ps3
15:03.55Dougie187thats cool
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15:05.33michaelnovakjrlast night i finally got around to ordering headphones and the sdcard for my g1
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15:06.49michaelnovakjryea, i went with the 16GB card
15:06.57Dougie187who knows what the possible mime types android supports are?
15:07.22michaelnovakjri think it depends on the application
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15:08.14blaugrr cant figure out how to get to mms
15:08.23blauthe content provider data makes no sense to me
15:08.53Dougie187michaelnovakjr: you load your card up with music yet?
15:08.57blau"2","16","1226691552","1","1","","<FW>FWD:FWD:<FW>FW: Fw:<FW>FW: FW: ?*?: Fwd: <FW>FWD:FWD","106","application/vnd.wap.multipart.related","null","null","personal","132","19","null","129","129","null","null","null","2tid17327687757_1x5iez","null","null","null","null","null","null","null","128"
15:08.57Dougie187or are you using five for that now?
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15:09.29michaelnovakjrDougie187: it hasn't arrived yet, but I do have my current sdcard loaded up with music
15:09.35michaelnovakjreven though its very little :)
15:10.03michaelnovakjri ordered the stuff through amazon
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15:10.24michaelnovakjrif amazon had a physical store i probably would live there
15:10.39androidsunriseI used to work well for "geo fix -80.1111 26.2222 4392" in "telnet localhost 5554" to connect emulator app. Now I didn't get any response in logcat in linux side. My code and "geo fix ...." works well in my windows XP side. I think "geo fix" server is dead right now. How to fix this problem or clean up all the android stuff? I already removed android SDK and unzipped android SDK and changed the android place two time but the
15:11.03Dougie187michaelnovakjr: i have a friend who loves amazon's mp3 download thing.
15:11.09michaelnovakjryea, me too
15:11.10Dougie187drm free and cheap, right?
15:11.26michaelnovakjrscrew iTunes.... i get all my music through amazon mp3
15:11.32michaelnovakjrand the android app for it is nice
15:11.59eldenzmichaelnovakjr, did you order the 3.5mm adapter for your own headphones?
15:12.27eldenznice, where did you order it?
15:12.34michaelnovakjramazon :)
15:12.44*** join/#android porter1 (n=cameron@
15:13.02eldenzandroid Music app is "okay". what i don't like is 1) no browsing by genre and 2) albumart is displayed too tiny while browsing
15:13.28Leedsinteresting, by the way, that mp3 store is blocked for me because I'm outside the US... but the Android Amazon store app works perfectly
15:13.36eldenzand the fact it only recognizes *embedded* albumart, of course. folder.jpg doesn't work :f
15:14.36*** join/#android shackan (
15:14.45volandroidsunrise: adb kill-server; sleep 1; adb start-server
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15:15.07volwhich emulator and which adb to determine where things are
15:16.40michaelnovakjreldenz: the music app is ok, i don't really look at the UI when listening to music so it doesn't bother me too much that the layout is slightly lame
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15:20.34volandrooid: interesting. The instructions at say to use the geo command, but there is no geo binary in the /tools directory. I guess they wanted you to telnet to the device first?
15:20.52volin any event, have you considered going through ddms?
15:21.18*** join/#android tauno (
15:21.20blaunew ver of dgAway yay
15:22.04blauhey how does this sound for phone number comparison
15:22.13blauconvert it to a number?
15:22.18*** join/#android anno^da_ (n=anno^
15:22.32blauugh dgAway installs went down significantly
15:22.33*** join/#android Terdhex (
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15:22.42blauit was at like 80% for days
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15:23.29Disconnectblau: strip anything other than 0-9#* and compare (since pause/comma can be considered a noop) or if you're doing caller-id comparisons strip anything other than 0-9 and trim length to match the shorter entry..
15:24.23blaubasically caller id, i guess
15:26.00blaudgAways popularity is waning
15:26.08Disconnectso compare numbers only, at hte length of the shorter one. (so if i have you as 210-123-1234 x 5555 and cid says 210-123-1234 it should match "2101231234" against "2101231234")
15:26.43blauthanks disc
15:28.46*** join/#android tmarble (
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15:30.35blau0% conversion
15:30.44volthanks to you
15:30.48volyou'll notice people were talking
15:30.51voland then you talked
15:30.57voland then no one was talking
15:32.37*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
15:33.39Disconnectactually i think its quieter cuz dougie and michael found IM :)
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15:33.50Dougie187Thanks Disconnect
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15:36.00michaelnovakjryea what an invention
15:36.08michaelnovakjri can't believe what i have been missing
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15:41.32marixAre their any other transitions planned?
15:41.40blaufor what
15:41.48marixscreen transitions
15:41.53marixother than the slide one
15:42.02marixperhaps a cool fade in or something
15:42.18*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
15:42.33marixor the strait from the 80s pixel by pixel morph
15:43.02*** part/#android Dougie187 (
15:44.37blauis droid sans crap undocumented?
15:44.38*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
15:44.38marixi believe so
15:44.38marixi think thats why people were so shocked to see it working so well
15:45.13blauso if theres an update, it could conceivably force all the phones ot be stuck the way they r with no way to fix it
15:45.48gfindster_devany good apps available for trying out?
15:45.48volsans crap?
15:46.02volgfindster_dev: check the marketplace, there's a bazillion
15:46.27volI do love the bubble level app, just to show off to people that my phone DOUBLES AS A BUBBLE LEVEL
15:46.38gfindster_devi mean anyone that people recommend, since there are many
15:46.42volit's the simple things ^_^
15:46.49volUh, I use budget droid quite a bit
15:46.57anno^da_Is it normal that the Home Activity is often going down after the end of a call
15:47.09volprobably not?
15:47.21anno^da_(well not normal but a known problem :) )
15:47.30marixis supposed to be in arabic?
15:47.42gfindster_devok thanks
15:49.23Leedsmarix: thai, isn't it?
15:49.31*** join/#android VersedG1 (
15:49.49Leedsanno^da_: 'going down'?
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15:50.12marixleeds,  i dunno it displays awful wonky in firefox
15:50.42Leedsyou can't read Thai?  it's certainly not Arabic, anyway
15:51.02*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
15:51.20marixi can sure as shit eat it though
15:51.20anno^da_Leeds: well it was crashing right after the call
15:51.27anno^da_two times in a row now.
15:51.48anno^da_I had to Force Close it.
15:51.59blaunot normal dude
15:52.07LeedsI find it's often pretty slow to load (and I blame romainguy), but I've never had to force close it
15:52.30gfindster_devhow many developers in here?
15:52.33*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@
15:52.50anno^da_The only thing that gets slow sometimes is the slide out menue.
15:52.58anno^da_It is a bit laggy.
15:53.07Leedsjust one - infobot
15:53.12gfindster_devtoo many ....
15:53.17marixinfobot,  whats up?
15:53.17infobotnothing much mate, you ?
15:53.40marixinfobot,  tell me a story.
15:53.50gfindster_devyea buddy
15:53.54Leedsinfobot france
15:53.55infoboti heard france is the father of the skiff cluster, or a country in Europe, or spending huge amounts of time on see also: ~praise france
15:54.08Disconnect8gb microsd $18
15:54.10marixinfobot g1
15:54.11infobotmethinks g1 is a phone for Java Architects
15:54.24gfindster_devwhy do u say that
15:54.28Leedsinfobot: Leeds
15:54.29infobot[leeds] a bloke called Richard making bras in Hong Kong, or a bloke called Richard, or a rubbish footie team, or better than Google, or a Solaris freeware and Perl expert, or a regexp expert, or been fired from the bra company, or not my problem, or a very sociable guy, or a sexy alian, or the manual, or a whining butthead
15:55.02marixhow do you add entries?
15:55.15Leedsinfobot connectbot is a cool ssh client for android
15:55.16infobotokay, Leeds
15:55.28Leedsinfobot tell marix about help
15:55.29marixinfobot connectbot
15:55.30infoboti heard connectbot is a cool ssh client for android
15:55.41*** join/#android morrildl (n=chatzill@nat/google/x-49d8b9b6cc051c7e)
15:55.51Leedsinfobot connectbot is also available in the Android Market
15:55.51infobotokay, Leeds
15:56.00Leedsinfobot: connectbot
15:56.01infobotrumour has it, connectbot is a cool ssh client for android, or available in the Android Market
15:56.52*** join/#android bojangles (
15:57.21marixinfobot enkin
15:58.33Leedsinfobot: jbq
15:58.52jbqdoesn't exist
15:59.10*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
15:59.14Leedsinfobot jbq doesn't exist
15:59.46Leedsinfobot jbq is a figment of someone's deranged imagination
15:59.46infobotokay, Leeds
16:01.59marixinfobot leeds is not a sexy alian
16:02.00infobot...but leeds is already something else...
16:02.34*** join/#android jt436 (n=jtomlins@
16:04.26morrildlinfobot infobot doesn't exist
16:04.42morrildlinfobot: infobot
16:04.42infobotmorrildl, I love abuse, feed me!, or an interactive bot that can learn all sorts of information (, or updated sources at, or a robot that doesn't know it should only speak when spoken to, or on fire, or awesome.
16:05.02marixinfobot, forget about leeds
16:05.02infoboti didn't have anything called 'about leeds' to forget, marix
16:05.11*** join/#android tripps (
16:05.12marixinfobot forget leeds
16:05.13infoboti forgot leeds, marix
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16:05.15morrildlwas hoping for a singularity to form
16:05.20marixinfobot leeds
16:05.41PhlogiI just connected to my own setup AP (on laptop) with the g1, the connection can be established, but the browser does not find any website
16:05.46anno^da_infobot android
16:05.47infobot[android] an Open Handset Alliance Project by Google or an alleged Open Source phone software stack that's really not open., or if it's sometime actually freed, someone might port it on the neo, but the provided binaries are incompatible
16:06.08*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
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16:09.45Phlogihmm maybe its a dns issue
16:10.58DisconnectPhlogi: do you have NAT running?
16:11.02Phlogibut strange it always worked with other machines
16:11.15Leedsmarix: why did you wipe my record???
16:11.28*** join/#android tale (n=tale@nat/hp/x-e569ab440c63018d)
16:11.31PhlogiDisconnect: hmm you mean with iptables on my laptop? Apart from that my router has NAT jep...
16:11.41Leedsthat bot is not just on this channel... that record goes back for many years
16:11.45marixto see if it would work
16:11.56Leedsnot cool, dude
16:11.57Disconnectyou said the AP is on the laptop
16:12.12Phlogiyes I created it with some commands (linux machine)
16:12.14marixinfobot leeds is a bloke called Richard making bras in Hong Kong, or a bloke called Richard, or a rubbish footie team, or better than Google, or a Solaris freeware and Perl expert, or a regexp expert, or been fired from the bra company, or not my problem, or a very sociable guy, or a sexy alian, or the manual, or a whining butthead
16:12.15infobotmarix: okay
16:12.16*** join/#android Goosey (n=Goosey@
16:12.22marixall fixed!
16:12.26*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
16:12.29Leedsnot quite, but thanks anyway
16:12.45marixinfobot forget leeds
16:12.45infobotmarix: i forgot leeds
16:12.57Phlogithats how I create it:
16:12.58Leedsinfobot: ignore marix
16:12.59infobotACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, marix!"
16:12.59Disconnectmarix: gotta do "leeds is a bloke..etc" "leeds is also a bloke called".. etc etc. once for each section
16:13.14*** join/#android ionstorm (
16:13.16Leedsinfobot: botsnack
16:13.16infobotaw, gee, Leeds
16:13.28marixinfobot leeds is a bloke called Richard making bras in Hong Kong
16:13.29infobotokay, marix
16:13.46marixinfobot leeds is a bloke called Richard
16:13.47infobot...but leeds is already something else...
16:14.02Leedsinfobot leeds is also a block called Richard
16:14.02infobotLeeds: okay
16:14.05*** join/#android DannyB (
16:14.13Leedsand for the record, it responds to /msg - no need to clog the channel
16:14.16Phlogii typed in the wep key as text not hex :D
16:14.39marixyou arn't gonna smite me or anything are you?
16:15.04marixshould i fix the spelling error in alien?
16:15.16*** join/#android easwar (n=easwarh@
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16:15.42LeedsI don't have smiting powers in this channel :-)
16:18.32Phlogihmm still does not work
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16:19.12Leedsfor what it's worth, by the way, most of the things infobot says about me are true :-)
16:20.11marixhongkong bra's and all?
16:20.20Leedsthose bits are true, yes
16:20.47*** join/#android gfindster_dev (n=indiabol@
16:20.56LeedsI am in Hong Kong, and I did get fired from the bra company
16:22.13PhlogiI tried with open network now... but still no success... I can see how the phone gets the ip adress on my laptop...
16:24.51Phlogidoes the phone does IEEE 802.11g?
16:29.43*** part/#android kIDDAI (n=aubrey@poirot.aot.TU-Berlin.DE)
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16:30.21*** join/#android Decavolt (
16:38.38LeedsPhlogi: yes
16:38.55Phlogihmm why does it not work then... thats weird
16:39.10Phlogiit says its connected.. but I can't go to any website nor google maps
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16:41.40Phlogiis there a way to see the dns information of the connection?
16:42.28DecavoltSettiings -> WiFi Settings
16:43.04Phlogiand then?
16:43.18Phlogiit does not show :p
16:43.51Decavoltdo you want your IP address, or DNS info for DHCP?
16:44.04blaupeople have made some ridiculous ui's
16:44.45blaucashflow is awful
16:44.53blauthey removed the title bar
16:44.53PhlogiDecavolt: the second
16:45.10blautheres 2 pushable non buttons
16:45.17PhlogiI want to debug the connection actually
16:45.19blauthey have a section with black on dark green
16:45.31DecavoltPhlogi: have you looked at the menus at all? Settings -> Wifi Settings. Push Menu, go to Advanced. It's all right there.
16:46.15PhlogiDecavolt: yes, there I can only do some IP settings... three is no information there at all
16:47.02DecavoltNo, IP address, gateway, netmask and two DNS listings are there. What else do you want?
16:47.37PhlogiDecavolt: I want to see what dns information my phone received and uses after it has connected to a network, and that information is not available
16:48.02DecavoltPhlogi: of ypi
16:48.14PhlogiDecavolt: what?
16:48.55Decavoltif you're connecting to wifi via DHCP, you're connection will use whatever DNS servers your router is using. You can set specific DNS servers (different) in the menu I mentioned above.
16:48.56PhlogiI have no idea why the connection does not work... so I guessed its maybe a dns issue...
16:49.09PhlogiDecavolt: Yes I know
16:49.12Decavoltis this your own wifi router?
16:49.18PhlogiDecavolt: its my laptop
16:49.34Decavoltas a host for the phoen?
16:49.54Phlogiexactly. Its not the first time I'm doing this and I'm actualy familiar with it
16:50.10Phlogiso my dhcp server is configured...
16:50.45Decavoltfirst time or not, what other info are you looking for? The IP settings pane on the G1 shows you everything.
16:51.09PhlogiDecavolt: subnet mask, dns servers and so on
16:51.18DecavoltDNS servers are there.
16:51.21Phlogimaybe even mac adress of router
16:51.26PhlogiDecavolt: here not!
16:51.56PhlogiDecavolt: where exactly? That advanced thing is not to get the dns server but to set everything statically!
16:52.01Phlogias far as I understand it
16:52.14Phlogii can get inofmarion about connection when I click on the wifi
16:52.25Phlogibut says only the essid and ip adress and signal strength
16:52.54DecavoltDNS info, when using DHCP, defaults to whatever your router is set to. In other words, it's NOT filled in on the client unless you specify alternate addresses.
16:53.06Decavoltso check your router (the laptop) if you want to know what DNS servers it's using
16:53.24*** join/#android offby1` (
16:54.02Decavoltand your subnet is going to be unless you've done something insane to the network you've setup
16:54.05Phlogiit works now :D
16:54.15Phlogiit was the dns server
16:54.20Phlogion my config :)
16:54.39PhlogiDecavolt: when I could have checked that on the phone, it saved me time :p
16:54.46PhlogiDecavolt: thanks anyway
16:54.58*** join/#android dysinger (
16:55.00Phlogifine, now I have to leave :D
16:55.01blauanyone use dgAway or dgAlert on their g1?
16:55.05Decavoltreading what I wrote the first time would have saved you time as well. :P
16:55.51blaulol i just tried to call the emulator from my real phone :(
16:56.44*** join/#android jasonchen (n=jasonche@nat/google/x-d462da030d79e1d1)
16:57.22meyoublau-MikeDG: whats it do?
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16:58.22blau-MikeDGdgAlert, turns the screen on when u get a SMS and lets you set a cusotm vibration for SMS messages
16:58.51blau-MikeDGdgAway, lets you forward SMS and call alerts to a number you specifiy, or set an auto response to calls or sMS if you are in a meeting or unavailable
16:59.16blau-MikeDGit also lets you send a quick SMS reply if you decline or miss a call
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17:08.38anno^da_What is the maximum download rate with 3G (UMTS/HSDPA) that the G1 is capable of? (is it possible to get a max of 7,2 Mbit with the G1?)
17:09.09marixanno^da_  if you were sitting ontop of the tower...
17:09.22marixi'd expect speeds of 3-5
17:09.42RyeBryeanno^da_ - I hear it's pretty fast. Google switched their entire data links for their search servers to using a bank of G1's tethered over USB because it was so fast...
17:09.48anno^da_;) Well I know. I'm just interested if the device itself is capable of the maximum speed.
17:10.09anno^da_RyeBrye: ;)
17:10.26marixcreepy ass wink
17:10.26RyeBryeThere are a few speed test apps on the market
17:10.38RyeBryeI'm in an EDGE area, so I can't really help
17:11.02marixbtw,  anyone know when the KC market will go 3g?
17:11.08easwarWhere can we find out more about Android,everything short of the code?
17:14.48*** join/#android elbac (
17:16.33bguptaHey all is has anyone "jailbroken" a b30+ build yet??
17:17.02elbacAnyone notice that the G1 and the Blackberry charges have the same plug????
17:17.11elbacAnd if so, anyone done that?
17:17.24bguptaChargers work
17:17.38*** join/#android andyross (
17:17.49bguptait's a standard miniusb charge cable
17:17.55elbacawesome, thanks.
17:18.59bguptaHey I have a b30 upgrade that accidentily got started.. I want to break out of it and cancel the upgrade... I heard that their might be a way to do it.. anyone have any links?
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17:20.16NafaiIs there any way of creating new widgets yet?
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17:23.13andyrossProbably not strictly true.  The source for the existing ones is there, so you could study and emulate.  Probably can't add yourself to the registry or whatnot though.  You'd have to spawn it some other way.
17:23.30jastabgupta: i dont recommend you interrupt a firmware update
17:26.16bguptajasta: I have already yanked the battery.... It keeps trying to restart the firmware update everytime I put the battery back in. The phone loses 90% of it's coolness factor if it can't be jailbroken... chances are if I can't get this interrupted I'll switch to a jailbroken iPhone. I am willing to risk brickification to keep b29
17:26.24RyeBryebgupta - it will continue to do that
17:27.09Lenoliumbgupta: Didn't you install the sudo/su utility while you had root?
17:27.11RyeBryebgupta - you need to put the full for rc29 on your sdcard and then boot with that holding down power + home and then hit alt+L alt+S to get ti to use the SD card one - this might work
17:27.31blau-MikeDGnow that i can back up SMS, i think its time for everyone to bitch at tmobile for not being able to do it
17:27.34bguptaNo, I was busy with work... didn't get a chance to do the research on what was required
17:27.38blau-MikeDGso i can sell them my solution!
17:28.06*** part/#android easwar (n=easwarh@
17:28.06bguptaRyeBrye: Where can I get that?
17:30.50bgupta is this the procedure?
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17:31.05michaelnovakjrblau-MikeDG: i dont think they'll need to buy the solution :)
17:31.17blau-MikeDGwhy not?
17:31.22blau-MikeDGthey dont have one
17:31.26michaelnovakjri'm sure they can do it :)
17:31.58blau-MikeDGyou have too much faith buddy
17:33.57RyeBryebgupta - yes, that's the procedure, and it has the links
17:34.17RyeBryebgupta - I'm not sure if it will let you do it while your phone is trying to use the one from the /cache or not - but it's at least worth a shot
17:35.00bguptaLinks are broken.... will I be able to downgrade? IE: Could I let it jsut finish rc30 and then do the sdcard thing to downgrade?
17:35.57bguptaFound another plase with the files.
17:37.11bguptaBTW everytime I have broken out is while it is still verifying the update...
17:37.58snadgemy phone keeps prompting me to update :/
17:38.32bguptaBe careful that prompt can be tricky and come up just as you are pressing the screen to do something else
17:38.39jastais going to hack the Updater to pester me only once daily
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17:39.17jsharkeyhmm if you have root, could you just add a hosts entry so it doesnt checkin for updates?
17:40.22bguptasoemone out to build an update server that says it's at rc29... and then hack hosts table.. problem is prolly uses ssl certs for id.
17:41.32bguptasigned-kila-ota-115247-prereq.TC4-RC19_RC28.ZIP is the good one, yeah?
17:41.36jsharkeyi think the handshake process is involved, with an actual two-way discussion, which would be harder to implement
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17:46.32snadgeif i update to JF's RC30, will it stop prompting me to update?
17:48.47snadgeim indecisive about doing that or just using official one
17:50.14andyrossYou can always choose to downgrade to the official version at a later time.  Having installed it, you can never get root back.  I'd say "indecision" argues heavily for using the modded firmware. :)
17:52.15bguptaIt would probably be a decent bet, that someone somewhere will eventually figure out  how, or leak out how to get root on a b30+ device. Sadly we have no idea when that will be, so go with modded.
17:52.37blau-MikeDGdoes this ring a bell to anyone
17:52.46snadgetrue, i will do that when i get back to australian in a few days
17:53.08RyeBryebgupta - if you are on RC29 now, you can't downgrade to RC28 regardless
17:53.10blau-MikeDGis that an email address?
17:53.19RyeBryebgupta - but that one I think should work, eys
17:53.20snadgeim using my g1 to irc via ssh.. its a bit fiddly
17:53.47Decavoltit's going to be
17:54.10DecavoltI've never had fast + stable ssh connections  on my G1
17:54.12RyeBryebgupta - but if it is already seeing files in /cache and using those instead of letting you pick to use the SDcard, you might be screwed - unless you let it verify and then start flashing but then cause it to fail flashing by pulling the battery - but that's pretty dangerous
17:54.24Decavoltespecially not for continual connections like IRC
17:54.46blau-MikeDGany suggestions for looking into the inner workings of android to figure out mms stuff
17:54.53bgupta(RyeBrye: acknowledged
17:56.52*** join/#android bmandrin (
17:59.28snadgeit seems to be stable/fast
17:59.34bguptaCurious why google is being so restrictive.. In a weird way the iPhone is more open than any android device. (Not necessarily by design mind you).. I was hoping the Android would usher in a whole new era of mobile opens source hackery... I can understand why they want to make the official supported method of app dev "Java", but OTOH locking down is really uncool.
18:00.03blau-MikeDGur uncool
18:00.08Decavoltsnadge: then define "fiddly"
18:00.39snadgeits early days yet, you wait and see what competing devices will do for aqndroid
18:01.02jbqbgupta: the key here is that the G1 isn't a Google device, it's a T-Mobile device.
18:01.12snadgesmall screen and keyboard takes a little getting used to
18:01.23michaelnovakjrbgupta: how could you say the iPhone is more open?
18:01.29jastabgupta: android itself is not the problem.  the fact that traditional carriers are launching those devices is.  anyone could come along and build an uber hackable android phone if they so chose
18:01.33jastaand launch it independent of the carriers
18:01.43jastaand quite honestly in a year or so i expect we will see things like that
18:01.55andyrossbgupta: You're conflating a few different things.  The fact that the phone doesn't have root and isn't user-reflashable is a carrier restriction as much as anything.  And it's annoying.  But the use of Java is unrelated -- you can write native code just fine on the G1, albeit without an official SDK.
18:02.57snadgei really like my g1.. i wanted a smartphone that doesn't run windows.. it delivers ;)
18:03.12michaelnovakjri have an iPhone and a G1..... the G1 is better
18:03.43snadgeit hasn't crashed on me yet, my mates htc titan tytn ii, crashes almost daily
18:04.50andyrossFor some things.  For others, the iPhone kicks its butt. :(  You wouldn't choose the G1 as a media player, it just doesn't compare.  The browser is a solid #2 behind the iPhone's, but still not as good.  The open SDK is a huge win for developers, but hasn't yet translated into better apps, IMHO.
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18:05.22snadgehe has had to factory reset it due to bugs/poor performance, numerous times.. to be fair that could be caused by poorly written winmo apps
18:05.38andyrossThe G1 wins on anything text related (the iPhone has nothing like ConnectBot, and never will), and the maps integration is better done, IMHO.
18:05.56michaelnovakjrandyross: the iPhone has ssh
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18:06.15snadgei just wish google would add proper navigation support to maps, and offline maps
18:06.52an_devdoes anybody know how to configure the emulator's back key with some of the click event of my application
18:06.58andyrossBut then if you want to give powerpoint presentations and review word documents, you want to chuck both and go with a WinMo brick.  You pay your money and make your choice.  (And no, "having ssh" isn't nearly the same thing as having an 80x24 terminal emulator with a hardware keyboard)
18:07.04snadgeit blows having to manually scroll and step through the directions
18:07.08blau-MikeDGi like g1 browser better than iphone
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18:07.11blau-MikeDGit scrolls nicer
18:07.26RyeBryecopy + paste
18:07.39andyrossYeah, I fit that under "anything text related".
18:07.44blau-MikeDGcopy/paste sucks on android too
18:07.47bguptaandyross: connectbot is cool..
18:07.54RyeBryeyeah, but it will get better soon
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18:08.16michaelnovakjri wasn't comparing ssh, simply said it has it :)
18:08.21blau-MikeDGare there any plans for the "you have your finger covering the screen, so lets show you what you are pressing" feature
18:08.29bguptaandyross: My understand is if we want to install gnu tool (written in C vs. java) we need root
18:08.42bguptagnu tools that is
18:09.01snadgehas andreoid been ported to openmoko?
18:09.09blau-MikeDGi believe so
18:09.12blau-MikeDGbut no keyboard is a killer
18:09.30bguptaack... what I meant to say is "My understanding is that if we want to install gnu tools, you would need root.
18:09.32jbqbgupta: I think that any app can install and run its own executables. No need to have root for that.
18:09.33andyrossNo.  JNI works fine from userspace applications.  The trick is to write out your shared library at runtime.  The "neocore" demo in the market does that, and I have a working OpenGL rig.
18:09.55bguptaI see
18:10.19andyrossAnd installing a working shell environment can also be done without root, although it's a huge pain (not much writable space for executables on the phone).
18:10.45snadgehow does one send ALT using connectbot? (no its not alt)
18:11.16faddenAndroid on OpenMoko:
18:11.33faddenAndroid on Noka N810:
18:11.34florzhrm ... by any chance, is there possibly a known bug in the G1 RC29 that prevents it from ringing? It's not "google-activated", it puts the incoming calls into the call log, and outgoing calls work fine ...
18:11.52andyrossYou don't send alt, it's a modifier on traditional terminals.  And I don't know, but almost all apps that interpret it will respond to ESC-key as "Alt-key"
18:12.47blau-MikeDGoh no someone has a problem with my app :(
18:14.30PhlogimicroSDHC si the card to use with the g1 right?
18:14.57luoksnadge: i think left alt works as alt
18:15.20bguptaOr plain microSD if you don't need more than 2GB capacity.
18:18.19Phlogibgupta: ok thanks, I'll buy a 16GB
18:18.52blau-MikeDGgrrrr i didnt test good enough
18:18.53snadgein bitchx (irc client) you can use alt-n to switch between windows. thankfully you can also use esc, but double tap on trackball is annoying
18:18.56bguptaOK before I brick this thing.. anyone want to tell me how to inturrupt this firmware update?
18:19.27luoksnadge: irssi ftw
18:19.34blau-MikeDGcause the stupid emulator functions differently
18:20.01luokits like bitchx but without all the bugs
18:20.13blau-MikeDGand Long doesnt like strings with + in them, grrr
18:20.33volAnyone who's done native c dev on android, have you been able to link against the PNG libraries? If so, mind talking to me? We want to use native PNG libraries instead of including our own
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18:23.50andyrossvol: I haven't, but it seems like libpng is included inside -- have you tried linking to that?
18:24.23volI'll check that next. I haven't been doing this, my coworker has, he asked me to ask on here if anyone has had success :P
18:25.05bguptaOK, I may have found a loophole... seems that after rc30 installs if you keep hitting Alt-S it prevents the device from rebooting. and let's you into the real recovery console. at which point you can do the install from SD. Fingers crossed, trying to reboot after doing the sdcard update to rc29.. (From an RC30 that hadn't been rebooted yet)
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18:28.00marixim suprised we havn't seen a new rc released since 30
18:28.13marixboth 29 and 30 came out suepr quick
18:28.24marixnow nothing...
18:29.21jbqmarix: no bugs important enough to justify an incremental fix.
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18:30.40Phloginow a good question: Where do I insert the flash card on the g1? Is there an online manual for the phone?
18:31.16faddenPhlogi: the SD card?
18:31.17bguptaLittle tab to the right of the keypad..
18:31.21NafaiIs there an adapter that allows you to use headphones and a charger at the same time?
18:31.29faddenOpen keyboard, pry open door in bottom right.
18:31.41faddenGrow long fingernails or use a paperclip to eject existing card, if any.
18:32.12luokhehe long fingernail also useful for usb cover
18:32.23Phlogibgupta: thanks
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18:33.57bguptaWoot!! Back on RC29....
18:34.09bguptalophole worked
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18:34.40bguptaas long as you don't reboot you can flash back down to rc29 from rc30
18:34.40mza-did you just downgrade?
18:34.51tmzt_source for the recovery is in recovery.git, isn't it?
18:35.25bguptamza-: I was stuck in the upgrade loop... and scared it was a lost cause
18:35.39mza-i want rc29:(
18:35.45mza-im one of "those" assholes
18:35.58mza-the g1-hackers list has gotten very interesting today:)
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18:36.08bguptawhat happens if you try and do an sdcard install recovery?
18:36.15mza-i haven't tried
18:36.19mza-people say it doesnt work
18:36.54bguptayeah.. I'd want to see it for myself before.... returning my "defective" phone back to t-mobile.
18:36.59Nafaimza-: Where's this list?
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18:38.56bguptaMmm now that I am back on rc29... anyone have a link to the sudo install instructions?
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18:39.15mza-im confused
18:39.19mza-you were on official rc30
18:40.02bguptaYes.. sorta... I accidentally hit upgrade... and the phone rebooted and started to do the cached upgrade.. I imeddiately yanked the battery
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18:40.24bguptaat that point I couldn't for the life of me break out of the update.. it jsut wouldn't work
18:40.37bguptaeverytime I powered back on it started doing the update
18:41.39bguptaSo I got the for rc29 on an sdcard... tried the home key trick for recovery console, then alt-l to see logging info... turns out the upgrade was the recovery console so that was a dead end
18:42.58bguptaI tried various key combos, and got nothing... but I kept hitting alt-s while the upgrade was running and when the upgrade finished the standard recovery console came up. (Which does let you install from SDCard.)
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18:43.28bguptaI tried installeing rc29 over rc30 and so far so good... It worked.
18:43.40mza-that's cool
18:43.47bguptaI suspect the issue is once you have rebooted you are stuck
18:44.09mza-i just wanna tether my n810:(
18:44.50bguptaTHe big problem with the n810 is that some laptops have better battery life than it does. So kinda lame there
18:45.01mza-but it's tiny
18:45.12bguptaI want a mobile device to have a portable shipstone.
18:45.12mza-i have it mounted in my car
18:48.47Disconnectbgupta: if you got back to rc29 do yourself a favor and hack it now.
18:49.30bguptaDisconnect: Looking for directions now...
18:49.37bguptahave a link handy?
18:49.58Disconnectinfobot: keeping root is
18:49.59infobotokay, Disconnect
18:50.04Disconnectinfobot: tell bgupta about keeping root
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18:50.33bgupta:) thank you
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19:00.14Disconnecthmm. anyone know if that kogan phone will do us-tmob 3g? (i'm betting no of course, but..)
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19:00.23Disconnectwif needs a phone and she likes that form factor
19:05.45Disconnector has it been debunked already? :)
19:07.13blau-MikeDGdisc: i emailed them
19:07.22blau-MikeDGi love the kogan form factor
19:07.27blau-MikeDGalthough i didnt see a search button :(
19:07.29sparklebgupta: awesome!
19:07.59bguptasparkle: Tell me about it! I was really stressing out..
19:08.14sparklesounds like a very near miss
19:08.49bguptaIs the telnet hack the best way to get a root shell still?
19:08.50blau-MikeDGdoes android have a "add to contacts" thing
19:08.54blau-MikeDGafter you get a phone call?
19:09.03blau-MikeDGlike, oh you dont have a contact, would you like to add this number
19:09.25KNY_how are you folks planning on ensuring that your apps still behave decently across multiple devices?
19:09.35blau-MikeDGkny: buy them all!
19:09.42KNYacross differing screen resolutions, to be exact
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19:09.53KNYblau-MikeDG, you must make more money from your apps than I do ;)
19:10.05sparklewell, keep in mind that anything you type goes to a root console
19:10.10blau-MikeDGi made 40 bucks :P
19:10.12sparkletelnetd makes it an awful lot easier
19:10.20KNYblau-MikeDG, you're twice as rich as I am!
19:10.42blau-MikeDGi win!
19:11.04blau-MikeDGthink the kogan would fall back to edge fine? even if 3g didnt work
19:11.55blau-MikeDGkny: what apps have you worked on
19:12.07KNYblau-MikeDG, Mileage and G1 Central
19:13.35blau-MikeDGi want to replace the home screen so bad
19:13.55marixreplace it w/ what?
19:14.03blau-MikeDGsomething better!
19:14.16marixmore betteR?
19:14.25blau-MikeDGmore betterRRR
19:14.36KNYis it september 19th already?
19:14.53marixwith all those r's your statement just gained 15 horsepower!
19:16.02romainguyblau-MikeDG: you're welcome to write a new Home screen :)
19:16.11romainguythere's even sample code to show you how :)
19:16.26marixa more betterrr one?
19:16.35blau-MikeDGbut i thought you couldnt make the new screen the default one?
19:16.40blau-MikeDGor did i think wrong
19:16.55marixromainguy,  is it true that the neocore demo wasn't written in java?
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19:17.19romainguyI don't know, look at the apl
19:17.25romainguyor ask the authors
19:18.07marixi though you developed all android applications currently on the market, i guess someone lied to me...
19:18.07blau-MikeDGromain: where the sample code?
19:19.00sparklehey bgupta - sent you a pm
19:19.15Disconnectanyone wanna know where tmob g1 is probably coming next? :) the bootloader lists a bunch of TM* (TMUK etc) countries. CZ? in luck. HR? got it. SK? congrats. MK? no idea who you are, but merry christmas.
19:19.21romainguyblau-MikeDG: in the SDK, in the samples/ directory :)
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19:19.37blau-MikeDGomg you so smart!
19:19.55marixmk,  you know... mortal kombatia!
19:20.12blau-MikeDGso how do i get back the default homescreen if i select use by default for this action?
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19:20.15sparkleDisconnect: macedonia?
19:20.28romainguyblau-MikeDG: uninstall it or boot in safe mode
19:20.35romainguy(press menu during boot)
19:20.49blau-MikeDGok thanks buckaroo
19:20.55blau-MikeDGromainguy is my hero
19:21.02Disconnectwow once you "use by default" the only way to undo that is to uninstall the app? guess i shouldn't say "browser" for youtube links if i ever want to see youtube again :(
19:21.03marixpresident scorpion wrote a letter to tmobile.  all it said was " Get OVER Here!!!"  thats all it took.
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19:21.29romainguyDisconnect: you can also wipe your data :)
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19:21.40marixalways an option
19:21.44Disconnectsweet. esp since i can't back it up first.
19:22.01andyrossmarix: yes, neocore is a native application.  The .apk file contains the relevant shared library as a raw resource.
19:22.04romainguyblau-MikeDG: I also invite you to read the source code of the current Home screen; there are tons of tiny details that the Home screen needs to take care of
19:22.10jbqDisconnect: actually, you can reset that in the "manage applications" settings panel.
19:22.18romainguythanks jbq :)
19:22.21PhlogiI've got a phone with android version rc30, so I can't install any other bootloader or android right?
19:22.23Disconnectthats much better :)
19:22.29DisconnectPhlogi: yep
19:22.49PhlogiDisconnect: what disadvantages do I have?
19:22.49marixphlogi,  not yet anyway
19:22.54blau-MikeDGso are those little details, the likely reason there are no home screens in the market
19:23.15Phlogifurthermore, why do they create a free system but try to cut down the freedom of the user on the phone?
19:23.20romainguyblau-MikeDG: maybe people are just happy with the current Home screen?
19:23.39DisconnectPhlogi: basically you can't bang on the platform. or on any google apps. you can only work inside the sdk ('bang on' includes installing things other people have done in that space)
19:23.44marixphlogi we need a #androidsoapbox for that discussion
19:24.03Disconnectromainguy: i'd happily trade my entire cache partition for a home app that loaded in under 15 seconds when people ask to see my phone :/
19:24.05Phlogia p box?
19:24.09Phlogimarix: ?
19:24.23romainguyDisconnect: I still cannot reproduce your issue, but I welcome patches :)
19:24.27Phlogihmm yes ok, so basically it was tmobiles idea to not let root access to users?
19:24.38romainguyDisconnect: alternatively, you can install the Home screen from the SDL :)
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19:24.40Disconnectromainguy: its not just my issue.
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19:25.07Disconnecthmm. thats a thought. i'm hoping to get time to start rolling my own images this weekend (emu or device, haven't had time in general)
19:26.14DarkriftXplusminus_: i take it you dont need any beta testers for the us?
19:27.47DisconnectPhlogi: it was google's idea. don't let them tell you otherwise :) they can handwave about bootloader/reflash access but at the end of the day, they designed a security system that only works if the user's don't have system access.
19:27.58Disconnecter, users
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19:31.47PhlogiDisconnect: hmm yes... but it sucks... or aren't there any big things I'm missing without a "freed/hacked" phone?
19:32.39marixanyone else not realize that the shopsavvy barcode scanner needs to be held across the barcode?  i spent 30 minutes trying to swipe barcodes before i accidently turned it the right way
19:32.41Disconnectright now, autorotate and such. move web/appstore/streetview cache to /cache or sd card, install apps to sd card, bluetooth tethering (my project, although i've had to ignore it this week and its got some speed issues) etc.
19:32.54Disconnectmarix: i looked at the line it draws
19:33.34marixdisconnect,  it looked like the red laser,  same as they use in the grocery store
19:33.39marixthats what threw me off
19:33.48Disconnecti guess you could look at that line as a scanner-style swiper but i thought back to my long-vanished days in retail (when scanners used a straight line no less :) instead of the ### pattern) and ran the red line right across the barcode
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19:34.28marixanyway,  long story short,  that app works amazingly well at grabbing barcodes
19:34.50blau-MikeDGautorotate is lame
19:34.56blau-MikeDGiphone doesnt even do it everywhere
19:35.16Disconnectautorotate is a killer app for some people. i didn't bother but..
19:35.27marixblau-mikedg it does get abit annoying,  try playing amazed,  it restarts teh game if you tilt it to far
19:35.43Disconnecthahaha thats awesome
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19:36.51marixamazed could use some physics in it,  if you get the right angle you can pixel by pixel push that ball around
19:37.02volhah yeah
19:37.24blau-MikeDGi was gonna work on a game that tells up to flip or spin the phone
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19:38.26mriosHi everyone!!! Do you know how can I do a simple layout with four tabs on the top using xml . Tried to look for code in Google but neither of the ones I found worked. Thanks!
19:38.48marixit would probably work ok,  but,  like the wii,  if you figure out what the accelerometer wants you can fake it into doing whatever without all the over teh top movements
19:39.12marixlike baseball,  sure you can stand there like a douche,  but if you just rotate teh controller it works just as well
19:40.41andyrosskinda thought "standing there like a douche" was, y'know, the game. I mean, hell, why not just hack the console to record the game result and not play it at all. Or turn it off and lie to your friends to make them *think* you played? :)
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19:42.25marixandyross,  i had a bad experience with the wii, perhaps i'm biased
19:42.46andyrossdoesn't own a game console.
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19:46.58marixi bet back when irc was brand new,  that 3rd person shit was an amazing feature.
19:47.05volArgh, brain fart. I'm calling getAllProviders on my LocationManager, and I'm getting an empty list. Did the new emulator get rid of providers?
19:49.18andyrossgot used to emotes while living a life as a MUD addict in college long ago.
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19:51.08marixi have yet to beat the first level in deflektor :(
19:51.21volargh, what the hell.
19:51.59volSeriously, can anyone tell me why LocationManager.getAllProviders returns a null list, and I get an error if I try to request updates by passing LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER
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19:56.18volOk, it's because I was using a custom data directory. Hmm.
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20:01.56marixvol,  have you tried it without a custom data directory?
20:02.04luokhm i wish sms would keep retrying even after being placed in "undelivered messages"
20:02.06marixthats the hangup i ran it to a while ago
20:02.36luokmessages just sit there even when connection comes back and have to all be manually re-sent
20:03.00Dammi wish there was like an irc channel I could find for F5 Engineers and users who use the friggen bigips
20:03.23marixi need something to do for 2 hours till i can go home from work...
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20:03.27marixany suggestions>
20:03.39DisconnectDamm: i hate our bigip, does that count?
20:04.06Disconnectmarix: got root?
20:04.10sparklei hate your bigip too
20:04.12marixwell sure
20:04.28Disconnectmarix: got xp building boot.img?
20:04.37marixluok,  the network guy here is mega security crazy
20:04.40DammDisconnect, no not really... updating to 9.4.5, and finding out that 9.4.6 is about to get released
20:04.49Dammand tomcat's being psycho on here
20:05.01Disconnecti need a simple set of tests (which won't even break anything except - worst case - temporarily bluetooth) to see how fast the hciattach can be set
20:05.07marixdisconnect,  nope
20:05.41luokmarix: ah yeah helps to have completely incompetent it dept
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20:06.21marixdisconnect,  but im not totally helpless if you can give me some direction...
20:06.42volmarix: that's what I just said.
20:07.09marixvol,  oh,  dang jsut a secont too late
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20:08.42DammDisconnect, what kind of speeds are you getting?
20:08.45Dammout of curiosity
20:09.05Disconnectreports are 70-80kb .. so 115200. which, coincidentally, is whats in init.trout.rc for hciattach
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20:09.33Disconnectmarix: you need the full source tree ready to build (for simplicities sake) or .. hmm. lemme find the wiki page or whatever it was. you can unpack your old boot.img, modify it, and repack it if oyu have a linux box.
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20:10.03marixdisconnect,  im at work currently,  windows only :(
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20:10.27Disconnectprobably doable in windows but i'm not going there. :)
20:11.11marixi dont have anything on this machine outside of notepad anyway
20:11.26blau-MikeDGanyone know where in the source, the home app is?
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20:13.37marixryebrye,  i cant stop thinking about UKTOTW!
20:13.41bguptaGot it all setup:
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20:14.07bguptanice that busybox is included in the modded RC30 firmware image
20:14.19bguptatoo bad all the symlinks aren't there
20:14.26RyeBryemarix - Yeah, that is one ugly chain :)
20:14.43marixblows my mind
20:15.05blau-MikeDGis there anyway to rename home screen folders?
20:15.25Disconnecti wonder how much farther ahead android would be if they didn't spend man-years reinventing the wheel all over the place and accepted things like busybox.
20:15.30blau-MikeDGfound it
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20:17.05RyeBryemarix - my sister is in charge of the UKTOTW 'column' on my blog - she got lazy a while ago (as did I) - but I know she has a bit of a backlog of some even more hideous things
20:17.27voloh this is fucking delightful.
20:17.34volI can't use my sdcard on the emulator, AND the gps
20:17.44volno, it's one or the other
20:17.45andyrossNah, the scriptable tools on the box aren't used so much that they represent significant effort.  If you want to ding them for NIHism, bionic should be your target.  It's nice and small, but not *that* much nicer or smaller than uclibc.  And a C library isn't something you just bang out for the hell of it.  They even rewrite :)
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20:18.13jbqDisconnect: it's not wasted, that allowed us to avoid GPL code in user space.
20:18.13volwhy won't the LocationManager effing work when I specify an sdcard?!
20:18.21SembianceDid everyone see the new android phone from australia? looks nice!!
20:18.23volhow is that in any way related!?!
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20:19.21Disconnectjbq: bluez.
20:19.32jbqDisconnect: yeah, and it's a major pain.
20:19.57jbqI wish we could do without GPL and LGPL in user-space entirely.
20:19.59andyrossNot sure why GPL userspace code would be a pain, given that you're locked into the license already by the kernel...
20:20.23Disconnect"a major pain" how? tivo can manage it (with way more closed apps than android, and a mix of gpl/lgpl/bsd userspace)
20:20.30jbqandyross: IANAL
20:21.15SembianceI'm excited about android. if we can get some really killer awesome apps made for it, adoption in the world will go up a shitload
20:21.15andyrossThe point being I can understand why a proprietary vendor would decide against the GPL as a whole.  But making a distinction between the kernel and userspace for where the GPL is appropriate seems specious.
20:21.17d0netsFNdoes that new android phone in aus have a compass?
20:21.32andyrossthat new android phone in aus?
20:21.50d0netsFNyea is that fake?
20:22.01d0netsFNi saw it had a blackberry logo on it
20:22.12bguptaThe question of whether code that is linked to a gp libc, is open.. many people do ship now GPL code that uses glibc, but... It's never really been tested in court. (But if I recall it is the FSF's position that it's fine to link non GPL code against glibc.)
20:22.29*** join/#android polymar (n=polymar@
20:22.43Disconnectbgupta: glibc has nothing to do with this.
20:22.52bguptaoh sorry
20:22.56marixryebrye,  i can't wait
20:23.27Disconnectd0netsFN: bb logo?
20:24.12d0netsFNon the key on the phone
20:24.28d0netsFNlemme find a bigger pic
20:25.20bguptaDisconnect: Sorry assumed that the issues with license were because uclibc was GPL like glibc is GPL..
20:25.21d0netsFNdoesnt that look like a blackberry logo?
20:26.12Disconnectbgupta: um. glibc is lgpl. but thanks for playing.
20:26.22andyrossuclibc is LGPL, which expressly allows linkage against unfree code.
20:26.33Disconnect(and so is uclibc)
20:28.34unix_lappymarix: cant wait for what?
20:28.43bguptaSo why Android team rewrite uclibc then? It seems that jpq implied it was because of userspace licensing issues.. but clearly I completely misunderstood.
20:28.59Disconnectthere is a -ton- of gpl stuff in the external projects.
20:29.08marixunix_lappy,  the new ugly knitted thing of the week.
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20:29.29unix_lappyoh, thought it was something android related.
20:29.36unix_lappylike he hacked together a multitouch framework.
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20:30.15marixnot yet...  he's too busy building a geocaching app
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20:30.52marixcuz you know,  i read his block so i know his life story
20:30.57marixblog even
20:31.19bguptaIs anyone working on a Hotspot app? IE: TUrn your phone into a protable hotspot??
20:31.36grey-bgupta: I hope so.
20:31.37bguptaMM.. wifi hotspot that is.
20:31.55grey-bgupta: seeing how the bluetooth stack is currently super-crippled, wifi might be the way to go [and would be preferable anyway]
20:31.57marixbgupta,  should be in the next version of the modified rc30
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20:32.14marixask disconnect for more info
20:32.33grey-marix: speaking of modified rc30's... is there a good place to keep up to date on such things; trying to sift through xda-developers the first time was a pain.
20:32.40grey-webBB's = teh sux
20:32.51grey-at least give me an rss/atom feed.
20:33.00marixgrey- you're at the best place to be :-/
20:33.14voloh, absolutely wonderful! So, I'm using the sdk emulator instead of the one built from source, and it won't load my nmea tracks via ddms either!
20:33.16grey-marix: hehe, I should start logging the channel then so I can grep through scrollback.
20:33.17volthis is superb!
20:33.23volthanks, guys!
20:33.33volvents murderous rage
20:33.34marixgrey-  logs already exist
20:33.42grey-marix: ah that saves me time.
20:33.48volhas anyone else had location manager related issues like this?
20:33.50bguptadiconnect Do you have a roadmap for modded firmware features you are working on? Maybe an issue tracker?
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20:34.21marixcant remember where they are at though.
20:35.00Disconnectwoohoo, gerrit is still a fucked up POS. (lemme guess. it was tested by the same group that tested the email app?) 'reply' is broken. not just "it doesn't work" but "it causes a 500 which someone in a WEB SERVICES COMPANY like google should be getting paged for.."
20:35.51*** join/#android polymar (n=polymar@
20:36.07romainguyDisconnect: file bugs instead of swearing
20:36.10marixinfobot disconnect is alo emo
20:36.11infobot...but disconnect is already something else...
20:36.17marixinfobot disconnect is also emo
20:36.18infobotokay, marix
20:36.30jbqDisconnect: that's not an issue of testing it (we know it's broken), it's an issue of the issue being important enough to be worth fixing.
20:37.03RyeBryeI was getting an error just trying to report a bug in gerrit from the browser on the G1 hard would it be to remove the link? although i realize submissions from the outside aren't that important (it throws them away, they are lost, unrecoverable, etc..) it still seems excessive..
20:37.26RyeBryeor maybe it was on google code that I was trying to report the bug
20:37.37jbqDisconnect: feel free to remove it yourself if it bothers you so much!
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20:38.01pohamirlol infernix sparkle, okay i closed out my dsl and i am now on my g1
20:38.15pohamirbut i am ssh with irssi, for some reason the ip forwarding isn't working
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20:38.25Disconnectjbq: sure. where is the source repo and what are my checkin credentials?
20:38.25pohamircould possible be my macbook config
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20:38.33pohamiri have set up adhoc on the g1 :>
20:39.47joeoDisconnect: repo init -u git:// will get you the gerrit code
20:39.58joeoyou also need the app engine sdk from
20:41.00joeogerrit/ has some helper shell functions that get the environment running locally
20:41.02Disconnectdownloading now.
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20:42.26joeooh, sorry, I mean, not
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20:43.27luokdoh!  screen turn off during call and i try to turn it back on with call end button
20:43.30luokstupid me
20:44.43bguptaWondering how hard it would be to get android running on a Treo 800w? (Assuming the Android CDMA stack is baked)
20:44.58Disconnect ok my oneline patch (slightly more) is submitted.
20:45.23marixAnyone noticed how the g1 screen gets all prismatic in direct sunlight but black text is still readable?  thats gr8
20:46.09marixinfobot disconnect is also a real gogetter!
20:46.10infobotmarix: okay
20:46.45Disconnectmarix: stop screwing with the bot. or at least, feel free to abuse your own entries instead of mine.
20:48.59RyeBryeinfobot what is marid
20:48.59infobotRyeBrye: I think you lost me on that one
20:49.01RyeBryeinfobot what is marix
20:49.02infobotRyeBrye: what are you talking about?
20:49.06RyeBryeinfobot who is marix
20:49.07infobotRyeBrye: I think you lost me on that one
20:49.19marixim nobody :(
20:49.26RyeBryeinfobot marix is nobody :(
20:49.26infobotokay, RyeBrye
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20:51.48bguptaDisconnect: ANy thought to a package manager in a future firmware update?
20:52.06Disconnectwhy ask me?
20:52.57RyeBryebgupta - if anyone, Saurik woudl be the one to ask about that - he's the one who built Cydia for the iPhone afterall
20:54.39Disconnectfast approval of my patch. if only they'd fix android that fast :)
20:54.43bguptaDisconnect: marix said you were working on the next firmware.. Or at least that is how I read what he said: "bgupta,  should be in the next version of the modified rc30" " ask disconnect for more info"
20:55.02Disconnect..and what have we learned about marix today?
20:55.06bgupta(We were talking about wifomobile hotspot.
20:55.57RyeBryeDisconnect did the bluetooth PAN tethering stuff
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20:59.31bgupta Found it thanks..
20:59.35marixlies,  all lies!
20:59.47pohamirherm, i was right, mac client was wrong
21:02.01bguptaI now understand what marix was saying. that the buetooth tethering would be in JF's next RC30 patched firmware.. (Reading disconnect's blog is useful)
21:03.11marixsorry,  should have specified a bit more.
21:03.50bguptaNow the question is does JF have a blog, or roadmap for what is going in his future firmware releases.
21:04.58bguptawondering if porting this interests anyone:
21:05.43marixi still really hate sap,  after 3 years,  its still total shit
21:05.51Disconnectipkg is a poc. the dpkg implementation in busybox is much better and just as small
21:06.04bradleyy_if only I had a cracked rc30 rather than a stock one
21:06.55bguptawow... busybox has gotten alot more featureful since I last looked..
21:07.35bguptaor has that been in all the time?
21:08.11bguptalooks ike it was implementedback in 2001
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21:09.49Disconnecthahaha. google marked their own google earth announcement as spam
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21:10.25morrildlheh, oops
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21:10.46morrildlI'm thinking that either the Gmail team, or the Earth team, ought to learn something from that :)
21:12.20unix_lappyDisconnect: you honsetly find your self need to a shell on the G1?
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21:12.31unix_lappy(not for development, I mean casual use)
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21:13.31RyeBryeI like to su / reboot my phone frm the shell - I don't like holding the three reset buttons
21:13.43Disconnectoh. -and- phishing. there's like 20 clicks needed to get the links to work.
21:13.47anno^da_I got a question or perhaps feature request. Why isn't there a notification with the LED when you miss a call. (I can see notifications for emails and sms but no calls)
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21:14.41anno^da_(I know that it is pretty easy to implement such a notification. I was just wondering that this is missing at the moment. )
21:15.21unix_lappyRyeBrye: heh, yea, but that requires root.
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21:18.52luokis there a shortcut to reset using buttons?
21:19.08RyeBryemenu + call + power
21:19.15RyeBryehold it down for a while
21:19.21luokcool thx
21:19.26RyeBryeor tap it twice quickly
21:19.48RyeBryebut I've not had that work - so I think holding it down for a second works better
21:20.12luokalso is there any sort of guide on moving data to another phone
21:20.17luokthinking about swapping bronze for black
21:20.37luoki guess i'll just lose some minor stuff like call history
21:20.57marixyea,  most everything else in on googles servers already
21:22.34andyrossIf your phone is rooted, you should be able to clone the /data partition and keep everything.
21:22.53andyrossI guess there's some possibility that something might break due to a change of IMEI, I guess...
21:23.24luoknot rooted
21:23.28luokso its mooted
21:23.31luok(sorry that was terrible)
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21:24.49unix_lappyRyeBrye: you could use anycut iirc.
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21:26.32Phlogiis there a vpn client for the g1?
21:26.37PhlogiI mean for android
21:27.21Disconnectmarix: um. "most everything else" isn't.. the only stuff google saves: gmail. contacts. calendar. the stuff it doesn't, before you install apps even: bookmarks, sms's (sent, received). mms's (same). browser history. preferences (all of them). email (non-gmail). pop mail (oops, thats just GONE, at least imap can be serverside).
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21:27.49blau-MikeDGanyone have an idea about the best way to check contacts for a phone number?
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21:30.45unix_lappyDisconnect: that leaves a niche for you to fill. a proper backup / export tool.
21:30.46luokDisconnect: hm luckily i've only had it about a week..but this does make me wonder about long term strategy
21:30.48mreimerare prelink warnings anything to be concerned about?
21:31.21faddenmreimer: what's the warning?
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21:31.45dannodoes anyone know of an app that provides access to various tcp tools, like ping, traceroute, nslookup etc I have the terminal app installed, but only ping works, unfortunatley I already have rc30 so I can't even gain root access
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21:32.28Disconnectunix_lappy: ok. lemme just read /data/data/ ok.. well. backtrack. /data/data/com.fsck.k-9/....oops. hmm. well... i could export all the stuff google already backs up. or at least some of it. maybe..
21:32.36faddenI believe the prelinker does tend to screw up the debug info.
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21:32.52faddenI don't think it'll affect the ability of the lib to execute.
21:33.14mreimerfadden: ok, thanks
21:33.53mreimerfadden: currently in our debugging we're seeing ZipRO's inflateBuffer() get a bunch of zeroes for input, which it pukes on
21:34.41faddenmreimer: that's... weird
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21:34.57faddenZipRO does use mmap() exclusively
21:36.55unix_lappyDisconnect: access to the data google backs up and owning it are two different things.
21:37.12unix_lappyowning it and being able to use it*
21:37.36luokif its not readable how do you back it up?
21:37.55Disconnectluok: ...right. now you're getting it.
21:38.57luokso there isn't a content provider or whatever for the bookmarks and stuff?
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21:39.07jastafadden: why do you guys use mmap for that?  can't you decompress a zip file stream?
21:39.16pohamiryeah, it was the mac
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21:40.26faddenmreimer: might want to turn "debugvm" on
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21:40.49mreimerfadden: is that a property?
21:40.58Phlogihow can I delete an event from calender app?
21:41.06pohamirinfernix sparkle now what?
21:41.09romainguytry to long press it
21:41.31pohamirPhlogi: touch and hold it
21:41.35faddenjasta: ZipFileRO mmaps the source zip and allocates about 8 bytes per entry.  The idea is to minimize the heap required to access a zip file.
21:41.37pohamirromainguy: sorry :\
21:41.52Phlogipohamir: hmm and then?
21:42.03pohamirclick delete
21:42.09faddenIt's only for fully-formed zip files sitting on disk, e.g. everything coming out of an APK.
21:42.41Phlogipohamir: no menu is showing up...
21:42.55SanMehatok who needs mmap() help?
21:43.26faddenmreimer: SanMehat knows much more about this stuff than I
21:44.54*** part/#android dj1 (
21:44.54SanMehatmreimer: setup a test where 2 processess mmap() the same file, and synchronize writing different poison patterns to them (with socket IPC or something).
21:45.06SanMehatmreimer: then verify the patterns get seen from the other process
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21:45.39SanMehatmreimer: you may even want to do it with 3 processes... this will help rule out cache-aliasing issues in your kernel
21:45.51SanMehatmreimer: (i'm not familiar with the chipset you're using, so i can't really be much more help without more information)
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21:49.25heat^5s rebecca
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21:50.42Disconnectall bitching aside, google might want to look to some of the older CRL (compaq research lab / guys for tips on integrating internal and external devs. (was just discussing it in another channel) their linux on ipaq team "way back when" was excellent at that and in large part laid the groundwork for all the embedded linux that has come since (including android :) ..)
21:50.47jastasup heat
21:50.58heatsup jasta
21:51.35mreimerSanMehat: thanks. we're running on pxa320
21:53.43mreimerfadden: Is binder involved in this process of reading in assets from .apk?
21:54.01joeoDisconnect: Not to make exuses... but the big reason is that we have a big pile of unreleased code internally, and we have update to ship based on that.  We're getting that out into the open too, but it's just not done yet.
21:54.20blau-MikeDGdisc: i got a response from Kogan
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21:54.33blau-MikeDGBoth models are unlocked and should work on any network that supports
21:54.34blau-MikeDGthe following bandwidths:
21:54.34blau-MikeDGUMTS/HSDPA (850, 1900, 2100 MHz)
21:54.34blau-MikeDGGSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
21:54.36joeobut the plan is for most googlers to be just working in the open source tree
21:55.10blau-MikeDGjoeo: you should get some more people to be googlers
21:55.51blau-MikeDGwhere does most of the android stuff happen? new york?
21:55.53Disconnectjoeo: yah i just mean in general. they had a reasonable oversight that mostly just accounted for serverside resources (including 2 strongarm dev clusters - ipaqs and skiffs) and everything else was community driven. (distributions, development, most policing..)
21:56.16Disconnectblau-MikeDG: i saw that in one of the articles that was posted. but i don't remember what usa tmob freqs are :/
21:56.32joeoIt's mostly in Mountain View
21:56.49joeowith a handful in Cambridge and Seattle, and a few others elsewhere
21:57.08Disconnectits a little strange that nobody here has one. and i agree with whomever was saying it looks like a bb logo on that button..
21:57.16blau-MikeDGThe U.S. T-Mobile network predominately uses the GSM/GPRS 1900 MHz frequency-band, making it the largest 1900 MHz network in the United States. Service is available in 98 of the 100 largest markets and 268 million potential customers (POPS).
21:57.28joeoDisconnect:  that's good advice.  I'll do a little googling for them.
21:57.30Disconnectright thats gsm
21:57.51faddenmreimer: binder is the IPC mechanism.  I don't think it's involved with reading assets from APKs, but I'm not well versed with the higher-level code.
21:58.11Disconnectjoeo: you'll find a lot of free software users/devs also. george france, carl worth, etc..
21:58.28mreimerKeith Packard
21:59.22blau-MikeDGi want to own ever android phone
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22:00.23marixdid htc do any real development for the g1 or was it all google?
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22:01.13jbqA lot of companies were involved, not just Google and HTC (and, yes, HTC did a lot of work).
22:01.22khertthey probably did all the drivers
22:01.37luokdoes google provide any sort of online storage if an app wants to store its data on the internet?
22:03.00jlapennaluok: google app engine has a whole lot of stuff going on in server side stuff.
22:03.51blau-MikeDGi think this is the closest,
22:04.11blau-MikeDGbut doubt its what u looking for
22:04.50unix_lappyDisconnect: hopefully android doesnt go the way of CRL.
22:04.58unix_lappysimilar climate for failure though :-(
22:05.15blau-MikeDGwhats CRL
22:05.27bradleyy_Certificate Revocation Lists
22:05.40bradleyy_What's TLA?
22:06.34luokjlapenna: hm but do they make any claims as far as backup
22:06.41luokor reliability
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22:08.09luokah maybe once there are paid account
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22:11.56eldenzis there anything that should stop me from storing all my (network)game state information in a service?
22:12.53eldenzfeels like a hack around the lifecycle model of an activity though... :/ but i somehow don't see anything different (memorywise) if i push things around in Bundles
22:13.02bguptaHey is there a public roadmap for Android dev? I really want better Google Docs support? IE: RW access, and preferably full offline access to documents. (Using gears)
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22:13.49eldenzbgupta, isn't everything covered in the offline doc?
22:14.00anno^da_ @ bgupta
22:14.27bguptaYeah, I started typing the other stuff before adding that as a holy grail.
22:14.39jbqbgupta: that's more a question about Google-specific apps than about the core Android itself, and I'm not aware of public roadmaps for Google's apps.
22:14.41bguptaanno_da: thx
22:16.41bguptajpq: Makes sense... Well I'm sure Google knows people want offlie doc editing. I'm kinda curious if google is gonna end up doing it, or leave that as a 3rd party niche to fill in... I guess only time will tell.
22:17.13anno^da_I'm looking forward to the onscreen keyboard. Having to switch to landscape mode in order to search for a special name in the contacts is annoying me every day. (not very efficient since you just type 2 or 3 charcters)
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22:19.03snlemonsso, I've looked through forum posts and tried several different things, but I can't seem to get my G1 to connect to my wireless router. is this an alright place to ask about that or is there a better channel?
22:20.13snlemonsfyi, it's a wireless G router with SSID broadcasting and uses WPA2 personal. the device sees it with great signal, lets me enter the key, and when I tell it to connect it suddenly says it's out of range.
22:20.23Disconnectwpa2 is broken
22:20.35snlemonsin general or for the G1?
22:21.57michaelnovakjri noticed that last night
22:21.58snlemonsDisconnect: is there anything I can do to fix it without switching all my other devices to use another protocol? I've got several machines that use WPA2 to connect to that router currently.
22:22.02michaelnovakjrbut it worked for me
22:22.23anno^da_Disconnect: I'm working with WPA2 here all day.
22:22.28Disconnectuse wpa1
22:22.31Disconnectanno^da_: lucky you.
22:22.33anno^da_(UK RC8)
22:22.34michaelnovakjrsnlemons: i had the same thing happen to me, it said it was out of range but then connected a few seconds later
22:22.38snlemonsmichaelnovakjr: do you use AES, TKIP, or both?
22:22.45michaelnovakjrits wpa2
22:22.46streetersnlemons: I had that problem with an old d-link wireless router. I have a new linksys router and it works fine
22:22.51michaelnovakjri think aes
22:22.59anno^da_Disconnect: perhaps it has to do something with the different access points from different vendors.
22:23.15anno^da_I'm using WPA2 with AES
22:23.18snlemonsstreeter: mine's a Linksys wrt54g
22:23.22anno^da_and a Netgear AP
22:23.30michaelnovakjryea mine's aes and it eventually connected
22:23.31Disconnectmost APs do wpa1/wpa2 together, its rare that you can limit to just wpa2 (wiht stock firmware). but anyway i gotta bail, bbl
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22:23.42snlemonsmine's AES and TKIP, maybe I should try with just AES
22:24.27snlemonsI don't know if it's limited to 1 or 2. I'm using dd-wrt, and all it does is let me select 1 or 2. not sure if 2 means "1 and 2"
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22:26.55anno^da_What AP are you using Disconnect ?
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22:28.25snlemonsfor those who care, it appears that changing it from TKIP+AES to just AES fixed it. thanks a ton, folks.
22:29.05anno^da_nice to hear :-)
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22:43.37SanMehatmreimer: back.
22:44.54anno^da_What is the easiest way to implement an app waiting for missed calls and setting a LED notification. Is it the right way to start a service and register in this service a BroadcastReceiver waiting for the missed call? Or is there an easier way?
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22:52.11offby1probably the easiest way is to not write the app at all, and let the phone handle it :)
22:53.58anno^da_offby1: well you dont get any LED notification from the system when you missed a call ;)
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22:56.33Decavoltnot sure if it only happens when there's a voicemail waiting, but  I get LED's on misses calls. Seems like it's working to me.
22:57.13anno^da_Yeah it you got a voicemail you get the notification.
22:57.26Decavoltbut none at all with a missed call?
22:57.29anno^da_But if you "just" missed a call there is nothing.
22:58.24DecavoltI don't think that's going to be easy at all. You'd have to access the dialer, if not build a new one.
22:59.58anno^da_So the system is not sending a broadcast for incoming / missed calls?
23:00.20anno^da_Because if the system would send such a broadcast it would not be that difficult.
23:01.44Decavoltnot sure on that one
23:02.08luokwould be nice to have access to all notifications really
23:02.20anno^da_There would be two things we need to know. Is there a broadcast sent while having a missed call. And second is there a possibility to check if there are any missed calls. (to stop the notify)
23:03.30anno^da_I'm checking this now since I want that notification :D
23:03.48luoklemme know what you find
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23:05.39unix_lappyis wondering how many of the non-developers on the Android team still carry iPhones or Blackberry's ;-P
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23:17.19bbsanyone alive
23:17.47offby1nobody here but us zombie processes.
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23:36.37anno^da_Is there an overview available which broadcasts are sent by the system?
23:38.20joeomost of them are in the docs for android.content.Intent
23:38.29zhobbsis that kogan device touchscreen?
23:42.14andyrossProduct page says so:
23:42.37andyrossOnly 320x240 though, which is odd.  It's priced like a G1.
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23:42.52zhobbspriced like a G1, but no contract required
23:43.14andyrossAh, OK.  I'd just assumed.
23:43.34hubar's battery is a pain to seperate.
23:43.53andyrossNot the worst of its physical flaws, but yeah.
23:44.00hubarI had to bring it to the store and let their ppl do it.
23:45.09andyrossUh... not *that* bad on mine.  Nothing a little fingernail work couldn't solve..
23:45.09hubarAnd the (is that power) button's cap is linked with the unit with a plastic???
23:45.09andyrossYou mean the USB port cover?
23:45.19anno^da_thank you joeo
23:45.25hubarI amnot sure, it si on the bottomof the unit.
23:45.40Decavoltthat's power/data port
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23:46.05zhobbsseems like with a 320x240 screen, touchscreen or not, it'd be better to just make everything small and use the d-pad/select for most navigation
23:46.12zhobbsand rely on that instead of the touchscreen
23:46.18hubarwhatever that is, it is aweful design. :(
23:46.22Decavoltand the cover has to be attached, or you'll lose it. The only other option is not to have a cover at all, but then the port could get all full of gunk and link and who knows what else.
23:46.34Decavoltso tear it off :)
23:46.46hubarHow does iphone do it?
23:46.54zhobbsmy old phone had a usb charger with no cover...
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23:47.02andyrossAs a point of reference: I carried a A780 in my pocket for three years with no USB port cover, plugged it in every day, and never had trouble.
23:47.02luokzhobbs: treo650 worked great at roughly that res but i had to use corner of thumb
23:47.06luokspose it just requires pincers
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23:48.33DecavoltiPhone's is always open, uncovered
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23:50.09luokother htc's are also uncovered right?
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23:51.42Decavoltsome, but I don't know about all
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23:53.30d0nkeyfirst of all..
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23:53.35d0nkeyhello android
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23:54.22d0nkeysecond.. im using the g1 irc program right now.  does anyone know how to disable join/leave messages?
23:54.48offby1d0nkey: I don't think you can ... I asked the author and I think he said he's considering adding that as a feature
23:55.12DecavoltI think it's be nice to be able to shake the phone for clearing the screen.
23:55.14d0nkeythat would be nice.  sweet app though
23:55.27Decavoltlike an etch-a-sketch
23:55.48d0nkeyi dont want the chat messages cleared.. just join/leave messages
23:56.28Decavolt*nod* just made me think of shaking the screen
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23:56.52meyouhe needs to make it process mIRC color codes
23:57.04meyouso i can join #trivia on efnet on my ride home from work
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