IRC log for #android on 20081130

00:00.10DarkriftXgoes out to eat (with his new little buddy of course), AFK
00:00.38Dammwell i can't rag on you about that anymore then I guess :(
00:08.44*** join/#android andyross (
00:11.04*** join/#android EdLin (
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00:54.09*** join/#android off-by-andy (
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01:05.51IznastYDamm: didnt realize public away was on
01:21.09*** join/#android philsw__ (
01:21.48*** join/#android dysinger (
01:27.13*** join/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
01:27.54*** join/#android Leeds (
01:36.09*** join/#android Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/Olipro)
01:42.09*** join/#android elad (
01:53.25*** join/#android mib_thctsw (i=d036044b@gateway/web/ajax/
01:54.08mib_thctswanyone heard the status of irc?
01:54.19mib_thctswmibbit is lacking
01:55.05*** join/#android bojangles (
01:55.08TiberiumXSet up a server, ssh into it with connectbot, and use a console IRC client?  I don't think anybody has an Android one out yet.
01:55.20ttuttledoes that.
01:55.39droidriftits being worked on
01:55.54droidriftjust wondering about status
02:02.24*** join/#android scarabx (
02:05.33*** join/#android VersedG1 (
02:05.45*** join/#android ALoGeNo (n=QUAKEIII@
02:06.30*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
02:06.41*** join/#android MIR100 (
02:11.03*** join/#android JuanDaugherty (
02:12.30d03boyirc client is in the works
02:12.34d03boystatus is basically non-existent
02:12.38d03boythere are a lot of issues to work out
02:12.45d03boybecause of the connection loss issues
02:14.32*** join/#android illustir (
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02:31.54*** join/#android Hiro2 (n=Hiro@unaffiliated/hiro2)
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02:47.08*** join/#android DarkriftG1 (i=d036043b@gateway/web/ajax/
02:48.30DarkriftG1i love the browser on this thing
02:49.13VersedG1chrome right
02:50.55VersedG1but i agree its nice
02:51.29DarkriftG1it seems better than on the emu
02:52.03VersedG1they did do their homework
02:52.59DarkriftG1i posted to my forum and it was not bad
02:53.04*** join/#android off-by-andy (
02:54.14VersedG1on@this irc client edge seems far more stable
02:54.35offby1which client?
02:55.01DarkriftG1im on mibbit
02:55.07VersedG1gric or whatevere its called
02:55.08d03boythats because they use a server-side connection
02:55.18d03boyoh, mibbit
02:55.31VersedG1im not on mibbit
02:55.45d03boywhat is gric
02:55.49VersedG1irc ap
02:56.31VersedG1nyt on efnet #android wrote it.
02:56.52VersedG1its beta so milage may vaty
02:57.59d03boyis there a website for it
02:59.07offby1ircbeta.apk is what I used.  Pretty nice.
02:59.26VersedG1that is it
02:59.51VersedG1he calls it girc or something like that now
03:01.22offby1I assume mibbit is klunkier than something written specifically for the Android ... but then I haven't actually tried it, so I'm talking outta my hat.
03:01.49offby1yep, that's girc
03:01.49d03boylol wow
03:01.56d03boyhe should probably hide his directories better
03:02.00offby1I wrote to the author with some suggestions, and he was very reponsive
03:02.25VersedG1he a good guy
03:02.34offby1sounded like it from the email.
03:03.03VersedG1well visit us there some time
03:03.45unix_infidelhmm, does the client parse for links and then launch BRowser?
03:06.32d03boycan you disassemble an apk somehow?
03:07.12VersedG1that i have no idea
03:07.19Disconnectits a zip afair
03:07.42*** join/#android orci (
03:08.45orcihi all, by any chance do you know if T-mobile will be sending miniusb to 3.5 adapters to those who bought their telephones before HTC starting shipping phones with them?
03:09.01Disconnectwhy don't you ask them?
03:09.43*** join/#android ignaciogggg (
03:10.33Leedsbut the answer is very likely no, I'd guess
03:11.18Disconnectdoes anyone know if apple will refund the price of osx on this laptop? i figured you all would know, cuz there is an osx port of the sdk.
03:12.27LeedsDisconnect: not fair... you know it isn't true, I know it isn't true, but in public right now, G1=Android
03:12.33VersedG1luckly mine came with it but have the one that came with my tilt
03:12.46LeedsI bought one... roll on a2dp!
03:12.47DisconnectLeeds: so? that wasn't even a g1 question. that was a tmobile question.
03:12.57Leedsit was an implied g1 question
03:14.00Disconnecter, no. not really. "does the g1 come with an adapter" is a g1 question. "will the company give me something" is a question for the company.
03:14.37d03boylet's keep arguing over this because it's really useful.
03:14.44bert0I just got a 3 way adapter today
03:14.50d03boythe answer to the question is: Ask tmobile
03:14.59bert0It's a lot smaller than I thought it would be
03:15.11Disconnectbert0: try it out, let me know how it works. mine makes the media player all epileptic and crazy. (works mostly fine in youtube app)
03:16.20orciLeeds, do you know where i can buy those adapters? the same that they ship with it?
03:16.47bert0I was using mine all day today
03:16.50Leedsorci: absolutely no idea - I bought a third-party one from a small stall in the Mongkok Computer Centre in Hong Kong :-)
03:16.57bert0works great
03:17.18Disconnectdamn. i was using charger plus mini-8 and it was going insane.
03:17.22Disconnectno charger connection, it was ok.
03:18.03orciLeeds, all right, thanks
03:18.08Disconnect(tried the bb charger, a bog-standard usb charger and a usb/fw charger. both of the latter are 'dumb' chargers, no talkback just 5v-dc .. the bb one does the handshake for fast charge. but they all behaved the same :( ..)
03:18.25bert0charger + 1/8 inhere
03:19.08bert0and it beats the heck out of waiting for a2dp :)
03:20.24*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@
03:21.00LeedsI've been using a2dp for *years* on PalmOS (where it was a third-party shareware driver) and UIQ3... I can live with a cable in the short-ish term, but it would be good to get rid of it
03:22.01Disconnectsend me stereo headphones, i'll get the music player doing a2dp.
03:22.24Leedsreally?  I've got an old spare a2dp adapter here, I'll happily send it to you
03:22.43unix_infidelLeeds: how long does the bluetooth stereo headseat last (in hours)?
03:23.08Disconnectbluez supports it, so goog won't take my patches (probably) but with root it should be possible. lemme look at how it handles feeding audio to the OS and I'll get back to you.
03:23.40*** join/#android Pangfou (
03:23.49LeedsI don't really know, other than 'many' - tends to need a charge once/twice per week, but the one I use comes with USB and mains chargers (yay!) plus I've had a few of them so I've got loads of chargers - at home, at work, etc
03:24.12LeedsDisconnect: you're in the US?  I'm quite serious, give me an address and I'll post it to you with a charging cable :-)
03:24.25unix_infidelhmm, i'd probably want one that takes AA batteries...
03:24.29d03boyin eclipse, is there a way to generate a /res/layout/whatever.xml file?
03:24.37d03boyor do I just make it manually
03:24.42Disconnectyah in basically washington dc. like i said, lemme look and see what it'll take and i'll get back to you if its something i can/will do :)
03:24.42LeedsAA would be huge
03:25.00unix_infidelerm AAA.
03:25.07unix_infidelone per side wouldnt be that bad.
03:25.22*** join/#android nyt (
03:25.32Leedsah, this isn't a *headset* - it's an adapter, a little clip-on thing which has a 3.5mm socket on it
03:26.50unix_infideloh, you're doing extUSB->3.5mm stereo->bluetooth adapter->stereo bluetooth headphones?
03:26.53Leeds is the one I have spare - because I upgraded to an R35
03:27.33Leedsno, at the moment I'm doing extUSB->3.5mm headphones... I could be doing extUSB->bluetooth dongle->bluetooth dongle->3.5mm headphones, but that would be silly
03:27.33*** join/#android waldo_ (
03:27.35Disconnectunix_infidel: ermm... no. bluetooth a2dp to adapter to stereo wired headphones
03:27.53Disconnecthence the need for a2dp support :)
03:28.05waldo_is the market down?
03:28.11unix_infidelDisconnect:'s a biggie since it doesnt come standard with 3.5MM jack.
03:28.15Leedswaldo_: about 50% from peak?
03:28.24waldo_that's kinda funny actually
03:28.33waldo_AND now it's working too
03:28.47*** join/#android Randalthor (
03:29.08Leedsto be honest, even if it did mono sound->bluetooth... I listen to a lot of spoken word (podcasts, audio books/magazines) and you don't really need 'high quality' stereo for that
03:29.21Disconnectit doesn't even do that? wow thats teh fail
03:29.22*** part/#android Pangfou (
03:29.23LeedsOBEX would be rather useful too ;-)
03:29.41andyrossNo doubt the existing bluez obex daemon would compile just fine, no?
03:29.53bert0Leeds where do you find the time for audio books?
03:29.55andyrossMaybe with some porting to bionic, I guess.
03:29.59Disconnectprobably already built, it looks like the source build handles all of bluez
03:30.01Leedsprobably, but you;d need to hook it in somewhere
03:30.14*** join/#android aufegu (n=angu@
03:30.21Leedsbert0: to be honest, it's mainly listening to the Economist audio edition and podcasts on public transport
03:30.40bert0I thought I was tho only one who listened to audio books any more hah
03:30.40andyrossHook it in for obex push, I guess.  But file browsing and transfer would work.
03:31.23Leedsbert0: audible (as bought by Amazon) sell a lot of DRMed audio-books... no android support of course
03:31.42Leedsandyross: hook it in meaning there should really be a GUI as well :-)
03:33.50andyrossActually, for OBEX specifically the "gui" is really on the PC/client side for typical use cases.  What configuration there is, is generally just authentication.  And that's already handled by pairing.
03:33.52Leedsactually, to be honest... if people are going to work on a2dp support, I'd be willing to buy and post a couple of cheapo headsets/adapters for testing
03:34.06DarkriftXwhats a good gps app to use for basic navigation?
03:34.13Gary13579JesusFreke: you around?
03:34.14Leedsandyross: ah, I was thinking between devices
03:34.20LeedsDarkriftX: erm, google maps?
03:34.40DarkriftXit doesnt seem to do navigation for me
03:34.54DarkriftXit polls for my location every 2-3 minutes and seems to always be half a mile off
03:35.00andyrossRight, that's "obex push", where you send a file directly.  That needs to be hooked into the device software stack, so the right handler gets invoked (i.e. is it a contact, or a picture, etc...)
03:35.01DarkriftXeven with gps enabled
03:35.26Leedsandyross: or a generic handler for 'please just put the object on my SD card, thanks'
03:35.41bert0Googlemaps can tell what side of my house I am on
03:35.50DarkriftXreally :s
03:36.05bert0I live in a small house too
03:36.51Gary13579JesusFreke: Ahh, well, read this when you get back. I was wondering if any of the updates you've done include recompiled code, or if it's all been simple modifications to file system etc. Wondering if it'd be possible to improve the SMS system to stop all the lag that happens when you have thousands of texts (maybe add a LIMIT 100 to the SQLite query)
03:37.08bert0dark: faulty gps radio?
03:38.04DarkriftXok, seems to be showing a decent location now
03:38.21DarkriftXwouldnt work in my car (with it held under the windshield) but it works inside my house :S
03:38.55Leedseven gives me directions with some street names in Chinese and English
03:38.55DarkriftXwhy do the zoom buttons in maps barely work
03:39.05DarkriftXeverything else works, but the zoom buttons i have to tap like 15 times
03:39.40*** join/#android erus` (n=Tom@
03:44.16*** join/#android dysinger_ (
03:45.04IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
03:46.10DarkriftXi found one video player, and it says "no videos"
03:46.21DarkriftXwtf is with that? no menu? no option to browse? no instructions?
03:46.29DarkriftXwhy do ppl waste their time writing trash
03:46.38Leedsthey've got to be in the right format - it's a pretty basic wrapper around the platform's video playing stuff
03:47.06Leedsit's better than nothing, which is what is including in the form of video players
03:48.05DarkriftXstill no xvid?
03:48.10DarkriftXisnt that mp4?
03:48.40sparklei got vlc playing
03:48.44sparkleoh god this is painful
03:48.58DarkriftXwow, vlc would be nice if it worked
03:50.23LeedsI think there is xvid - approximately, anyway - but no avi
03:51.07LeedsI found a page somewhere with a list of all the supported codecs and containers... but I haven't been able to find it again
03:51.09*** join/#android jbq_ (n=jbq@
03:52.04DisconnectGary13579: fwiw i think the sms app uses listviews, which can take a cursor and be smart. but its open source, you don't need jf's help to replace it.
03:53.37*** join/#android DavidFreeman (
03:54.55d03boyanyone know why I'm getting a "no grammar constraitns" problem in eclipse?
03:54.57d03boyfor main.xml
03:55.07d03boyi just have the <?xml version... line at the top
03:55.53d03boyhi man that is free
03:56.43DavidFreemanAnybody got a link for Android-ports-to-other-HTC-devices?  I'm just reviewing the puke from this Haret emulator thread at xda-developers and would like to quit scanning it.
03:57.43DavidFreemanI cracked the screen on my G1 and wouldn't mind just going back to the Kaiser device for now, since there seems to be no replacement screen hardware for the Dream.
03:58.05Disconnectbuy the damage insurance, then send it in in 2 weeks
03:58.06DavidFreeman(and I use ATT anyway; sick of EDGE-only.
03:58.28unix_infidelDisconnect: how much is the insurance?
03:58.44Disconnectdunno, usually somehting like $5 a month i think
03:59.15Disconnectmaybe less
03:59.17DarkriftXconnectbot if fucking awesome
03:59.26DarkriftXit looks great
03:59.29DarkriftXand functions perfectly
03:59.44DavidFreemanI don't use T-Mobile, so no insurance.
03:59.57DavidFreemanNo knowledge of ports to other HTC handsets?
04:00.30TiberiumXYeah, I wasn't expecting a full SSH client so quickly.  I assume it came from an already existing Java SSH implementation.  Anyone know what that project is?
04:00.49DarkriftXconnectbot was out before the g1 was :S
04:00.57*** join/#android duey (n=duey@
04:01.28LeedsI wonder how hard it would be to adapt connectbot as a local terminal emulator - the putty question
04:01.33TiberiumXYeah, I forget that Android was available for over a year before there was actual hardware.
04:02.30DarkriftXprobably not hard Leeds, good suggestions
04:03.27TiberiumXWhen the SDK documentation refers to waking the device up (from sleep), does that actually turn the screen on or anything or just prepare it to execute something?
04:05.11*** join/#android scarabx (
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04:05.52offby1hmm ... I downloaded an .apk file via the browser, but clicking on its name doesn't cause the app to be installed, or to run.  I examined the file's contents on my laptop, and it seems (superficially, at least) to be a proper .apk.  What might I be missing?
04:06.39TiberiumXI've had trouble installing things through the browser.  Maybe try one of the apk installer apps available in android market?
04:06.53offby1heh, that sounds like overkill, but if it works, it works.
04:07.30TiberiumXThen again, maybe my problem was with installing Opera Mini, which was built with an old SDK version until pretty recently.  It's worth trying though.
04:07.46Leedsclicking on its name where?
04:07.47jbq_The key is that the server has to report the proper MIME type.
04:08.10offby1leeds: in the list of downloaded stuff within the browser
04:08.12TiberiumXWould it even download it without a proper MIME type?
04:08.20Leedsgood, just checking :-)
04:08.32LeedsTiberiumX: the browser does seem rather reluctant to download stuff it doesn't understand
04:08.39jbq_TiberiumX: it would download if the server returned the type of something else that's suported.
04:08.41TiberiumXOr, at least, not pop up a dialog saying " I don't know what to do with this"
04:09.41jbq_Leeds: correct, the download manager doesn't download files to the SD card for which there is no registered handler.
04:09.53TiberiumXI'd sure like to be able to download any arbitrary file though.
04:09.55LeedsI wish it would
04:10.07Leedsit also seems to have some issues with redirects...
04:11.01jbq_Leeds: indeed, redirects aren't handled in the 1.0 download manager (long story). That's fixed in a later release.
04:11.06TiberiumXI think that might be the apache HTTP client. I've noticed "ClientProtocolException" on files before, so I tried them on my desktop with wget, which would indicate that it was redirected.
04:11.10offby1maybe the file is indeed malformed; apkInstaller doesn't seem to do anything with it either
04:11.30*** join/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
04:11.44Leedsjbq_: ah well, as long as it's a documented-and-fixed bug... the fix for which will make its way to me phone sooner or later, right? :-)
04:12.08Leedser, my phone
04:12.21jbq_Leeds: I don't know the specifics of getting code on phones, sorry :(
04:12.57Leedsjbq_: I understand "fixed" to mean "there's already a fix internally, but it hasn't been released yet"
04:13.12andyrossEven released to the git tree would be worthwhile
04:13.35jbq_andyross: working on it ;-)
04:13.43LeedsETA is the end of the year, I believe...
04:13.57d03boyeclipse is whining about this code: (no grammar constraints: dts or schema)
04:14.00Leedsand if it doesn't get done, the droids all get coal in their stockings
04:14.00d03boyany ideas
04:15.27*** join/#android vbabiy (
04:15.54Chewy954now i have root with rc30
04:16.33eladyou rooted rc30 from tmo?
04:16.56Chewy954no lol
04:16.58TiberiumXFine then, why don't you rub it in some more.
04:17.03eladslaps Chewy954 around a bit with a large trout
04:17.03Chewy954used the hacked fw from JesusFreke
04:17.09Chewy954slaps elad
04:17.12Chewy954stop assuming
04:17.19eladyou got my hopes up
04:17.22Chewy954TiberiumX: o.O?
04:17.45TiberiumXUpgraded to RC30 before I knew what I was missing out on.
04:17.56Chewy954i dont even know what i can do now
04:18.01Chewy954im looking through some forums
04:18.06Chewy954i can tether but i have no need for that
04:18.08TiberiumXIt sounds like you're about to get tethering.
04:18.15Chewy954unless im on the road
04:18.23Chewy954i have no need to
04:18.29andyrosswishes there was some easy way of warning new users not to upgrade...
04:18.56TiberiumXWon't be long before they all ship with RC30 anyways.
04:18.56Chewy954i looked into if there was root before I bought my g1
04:19.00Chewy954so i knew what to look for
04:19.07Chewy954i was lucky walmart had em with rc28 :P
04:19.08d03boyI am trying to download an APK to my emulator but it says an SDCARD is required.... how can I test this?
04:19.19andyrossTethering works just fine, I was playing with the pand stuff just yesterday.  Someone needs to write a configurator though.
04:19.35DarkriftXandyross: it wont be needed for much longer
04:19.37TiberiumXYou can specify an sdcard when you start the emulator through a command line option.
04:19.49DarkriftXim guessing 2 weeks from now the root hack ive seen screenshots of will be released
04:19.56TiberiumXYou can easily make one with mksdcard or something like that that comes with the emulator.
04:20.02DarkriftXhavent asked on a timeframe lately
04:20.11DarkriftXthe ppl working on it are hard to get in contact with on irc :S
04:20.35jbq_d03boy: what TiberiumX said. You're only gonna be able to download it, but not to install it, unfortunately.
04:20.42Chewy954what root hack DarkriftX?
04:20.45andyrossDarkriftX: no doubt, I'm sure.  Which will then be closed, and the circle of life will continue.  Standard advice to new users must perpetually be "don't trust google's updates", which is really sad.
04:21.08DarkriftXandyross: this one will NOT be easy to close
04:21.12*** join/#android jlapenna (
04:22.21d03boyso I cant install an apk to the emu? :(
04:22.36TiberiumXd03boy: use adb install <package>
04:22.36Leedsd03boy: adb can install an apk
04:22.55jbq_d03boy: not by downloading it with the android browser. You need to install with adb install.
04:23.00d03boyoh ok
04:23.02d03boyeven better
04:23.10Leedsjust "adb install foo.apk"
04:23.25TiberiumXHaha wouldn't be too useful if you couldn't actually run anything but the provided programs with it.
04:23.28d03boynow I have to remember how to open the adb
04:23.37jbq_This'll get fixed in the future, BTW.
04:23.44offby1aha: an answer to my app installation problem: Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED]
04:23.49offby1quoth adb
04:23.49TiberiumXJust make sure the tools directory from the SDK is in your path.
04:23.54offby1Leeds: thanks for the idea
04:24.01Leedsglad to help :-)
04:24.20Gary|tpdoesn't even have to be in the path
04:24.25Gary|tpcd ~/tools
04:24.45TiberiumXWell yeah, but it is easier if all of those programs are in your path.
04:25.27*** join/#android Dialekt (
04:26.54d03boyfound it :D
04:31.16*** join/#android ignacioggg (
04:33.32*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
04:34.55Chewy954dont know if this is allowed, anyone have a site with pre-converted movies for the g1?
04:36.08andyrossAllowed?  This is freenode, not an AOL chat room.  That said: no idea, sorry.
04:36.34Chewy954i just mean the channel :P
04:36.44Chewy954dont know if there are "rules" persay
04:36.52Chewy954yet only 2 ops, doubt they would notice even if so.
04:36.54Disconnectfreenode doesn't allow copyright violation, so having to ask indicates that probably no, its not allowed.
04:37.01*** join/#android mike4263 (
04:37.39*** join/#android d03boyEmu (
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04:38.04d03boycan I turn the emulator on its side while its running?
04:38.20Disconnectwhich coincidentally is fn-7 on some laptops (like my mbp)
04:38.27Disconnecti think home key can do it too
04:38.29jbq_pretends he didn't hear anything about copyright violations
04:38.46Disconnectoooh more google pretending :)
04:38.47d03boyoh sweet..
04:38.48*** join/#android spackest (
04:38.58d03boyEmuim chatting from an emulator. Super cool
04:39.10Disconnectcool deal
04:40.26d03boyvery interesting
04:40.30LeedsChewy954: there are plenty of legal g1-friendly videos to download
04:40.37geistoh how his achievement was so short lived
04:40.46geistsee as he crashes to the earth, never to fly again
04:40.46DarkriftXtetroid sucks
04:40.49DarkriftXit needs better controls
04:41.05DarkriftXthe trackball control bits ass
04:41.07Disconnectbonsai blast is pretty slick
04:41.13unix_infidelmetroid + tetris....hmmm.
04:41.22d03boyDarkriftX, 3 buttons... left, right, down
04:41.27d03boyoh.. rotate I guess
04:41.46DarkriftXrotate is the trackball pressed
04:41.52d03boythast dumb
04:41.54DarkriftXwhich tosses your piece all over the screen
04:41.58DarkriftXand the rotate is SLOW
04:42.01d03boythere should be onscreen keys
04:42.02Disconnectyou'll get hte hang of it
04:42.12DarkriftXi got quite far, but it was still shitty
04:42.14Disconnectpressing without scrolling gets easier. its still not good but..
04:42.28d03boyDisconnect, is that your game? :D
04:42.42unix_infidelthe trackball is the same one as the bold or the pearl just smaller and less sexy.
04:42.50DarkriftXi like it
04:42.56DarkriftXjust not for the only method of control in tetris :S
04:42.56Disconnecti just know that after some practice its possible to press without scrolling. it'll come up a lot :/
04:43.22unix_infidelyea being able to swipe left or right to control would be nice.
04:43.24d03boyeclipse is whining about this code: (no grammar constraints: dts or schema)
04:43.38Disconnectthat linearlayout needs an id
04:44.12d03boywhy, thank you kind sir
04:45.01Leedsbonsai blast is really good
04:45.20DarkriftXwow, do you really have to click "OK" on the voice dialer?
04:45.52DarkriftXi said "call home" it brings up a box "Call home on mobile" [ok][cancel]
04:46.02Disconnectactually in several nearly identical circumstances it'll use voodoo to determine whether or not it dials when you click a phone #
04:46.05DarkriftXwhich makes it 10x more useless than it should be
04:46.22DisconnectDarkriftX: thats awesome. i had real issues with my e90 calling people at random
04:46.37DarkriftXmy wizard had voice dialing
04:46.52DarkriftX"call home" "call home?" "yes" .... dialing.....
04:47.03d03boyeven the razr has that
04:47.06DarkriftXyou could say yes, ok, correct, dial, call
04:47.28DarkriftXwell, where there are flaws, there is room for someone to come along and fix it
04:47.30Disconnecte90 had no verification. click the button, say something, and it assumed 'yes'
04:47.43DarkriftXwell im sure we will get a good one soon
04:47.54Disconnecti think it asked but it took basically anything as yes
04:47.56DarkriftXand hopefully a video player that plays standard formats liek xvid
04:48.30Disconnectfew weeks ago the goog guys spent a long time arguing that you needed to rewrite the video codecs in java and do it the Android Way.
04:48.52Disconnectwhich is all well and good i guess, except for the fact that there is no freakin way it'll work :)
04:49.04jbq_Disconnect: do you have a link for that?
04:49.42Disconnectit might have been pre-infobot. but it was part of one of the earlier native code discussions. if it is indexed you'll find me talking about mplayer wrappers and openvpn guis..
04:49.55Disconnectinfobot: logs
04:49.56infobotAll conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
04:50.16Disconnectchrist. if it was indexed that'd be handy. :(
04:50.23*** join/#android ionstorm (
04:52.45jbq_No obvious match on my favorite search engine :(
04:53.20Disconnectcrap. i found the discussion in my local logs but dircproxy doesn't print dates :(
04:54.19jbq_Anyway, the truth is, there's no way with Android as it is to add codecs, and implying that it should be done on top of dalvik is just bs.
04:55.01Disconnectlooks like it was mostly <pjv!n=pjv@>
04:55.39d03boyim sure you could get 5fps
04:55.58Disconnectand jasta.
04:56.00ionstormwhere are the codecs located
04:56.06ionstormare they in java land?
04:56.10ionstormor c land
04:56.27Disconnectoh. looks like pjv is one of those 'free human beings' :)
04:56.37jbq_Disconnect: I don't know who that pjv person is, it doesn't ring a bell as a googler.
04:57.39jbq_ionstorm:;a=summary for the C side. Individual devices might be using different codecs.
04:57.46Dammmost googlers show google in their hostname
04:57.50Dammthe whole google/nat/..
04:58.09Dammi know DannyB doesn't show his googleness
04:58.12Dammbut he doesn't count
04:58.13ionstormwhats so hard about compiling a new codec?
04:58.23jbq_Those who connect from work, yeah. Some prefer to connect from a non-Google address.
04:58.39jbq_ionstorm: the hard part is to make it fit in the existing codec framework.
04:58.52Dammjbq_, it would be easier to be in #android and android-dev not showing your googleness true.
04:59.30*** join/#android bojangles (
05:00.00jbq_I don't even know how much googleness I'm showing right now...
05:00.13Dammjbq_, doesn't matter... we already know
05:00.13andyrosspoints out that the "co" part of codec isn't likely to work well at camera resolution even in native code without DSP integration.
05:01.03Disconnectjbq_: none of it: 311: jbq_ n=jbq * Jean-Baptiste Queru
05:02.30andyrossadmits he's been assembling a private list of googlevolk who speak on this channel.
05:05.34Disconnectoooh i want a copigturduckenburger.
05:08.41*** join/#android muthu_ (n=mobeegal@
05:10.22strongsauce./wi $me
05:12.15TiberiumXWow, I'm looking at how to make a screen for and manage preferences for my program right now.  This looks extremely painless.
05:18.46d03boyim having troubles figuring out droiddraw
05:19.10d03boyi drag a LinearLayout and it doesnt show up?
05:25.47Disconnectjust use the xml. as much as i hate to say that.
05:26.10Disconnectdoes android reparse init.rc?
05:27.15d03boyi cant seem to get the errors to go away in xml
05:28.30d03boytryin to use droiddraw to see what im doing wrong
05:28.42Disconnectdroiddraw is severely broken
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05:38.19TiberiumXI always forget to include a new activity in the manifest and then am surprised when it crashes.
05:38.58Dammandyross, let me know if you ever publish it.
05:41.02Dammyou know it almost would be nice to have a CIA bot crawl the whole repository's and post commits
05:41.30Dammhasn't done a repo sync in almost 2 weeks, and it's rather lackluster.
05:41.54Disconnectit'd be a ton more useful than infobot
05:42.01Disconnects/infobot/worthless poc infobot
05:42.08Disconnectdamnit. it only accepts valid regex. :)
05:42.27Dammhohum, what a crappy bot
05:42.38Dammguess mine is non valid
05:42.49Disconnects/regex/regex with /
05:43.02Dammsigh, the last /
05:43.32Damms/crappy/stupid /
05:43.37Disconnectlast statement only
05:43.51Damms/figures/lame /
05:46.04Disconnecthas no idea why its here, btu evidently goog likes it
05:46.43DammDisconnect, hard to really say.
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05:47.56DarkriftXso is the google maps app the only real navigation software for the g1?
05:48.04DammDarkriftX, only one worth mentioning
05:48.14Disconnectandnav but it never even pretended to work for me
05:48.16Dammthere's some other Andinav or some crap... but uh it crashes like shit
05:48.23Oliprountil we finish the Windows Mobile BSP anyway
05:48.27Dammyeah Disconnect hit it there.
05:48.29DarkriftXandnav looked good until i read more about it today
05:48.36DarkriftXhey Olipro, hows it going?
05:49.00OliproI was joking
05:49.15DarkriftXdidnt catch the joke
05:49.21Oliproif you built a BSP for Android, you could compile Windows Mobile for it
05:49.28DarkriftXahh :S
05:49.32DarkriftXi wouldnt want wm
05:49.39DarkriftXi finally got away from it
05:49.43Dammwow 1 commit in packages/apps/Email
05:49.45Dammthat's really sad
05:49.49Damm(from the initial commit)
05:50.00Oliproso, i haven't been following recently
05:50.02DisconnectDamm: there's fsckall for commits in most of the tree
05:50.09Oliprohas anyone found a way to jailbreak the latest Android
05:50.14Disconnect"Someday" (tm google) they'll have a public tree
05:50.16DisconnectOlipro: no
05:50.23Oliprooh well
05:50.24DammDisconnect, it's not just google, it's people commiting back
05:50.31Oliprodon't worry Disconnect
05:50.36Oliproit's not a problem to beat it
05:50.47Oliprothere's a really simple way to do the jailbreak
05:50.51OliproI won't say how just yet
05:50.57Oliprobut it will be released in time
05:51.29Disconnectand you want us to believe you have something to do with it?
05:52.34Oliprono need to be smarmy with me
05:52.41OliproI'm not some no-name smart-arse dipshit
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05:53.18joeyoh^ Olipro-named smart-arse dipshit
05:54.39DarkriftXthinks eveyrone needs a beer
05:54.49d03boyspotted cow for everyone
05:56.07DarkriftXive been craving some bud light lime all night
05:56.16Disconnectwacahghfg wtf? on purpose?
05:56.51Oliprowith lime?
05:56.57Oliprowhat are you, a woman?
05:56.58DarkriftXthats what its called
05:57.01DarkriftX"Bud Light Lime"
05:57.16DarkriftXonly females like lime?
05:57.16Disconnectits what you get if you drink corona with lime and um... refill bottles.
05:58.27offby1how can I kill an errant app?  Or should I just ignore it
05:58.42Oliproyeah, it's like cancer, ignore it and it
05:58.43Disconnectthe Android Way is reboot
05:58.46Olipro*and it'll go away
05:58.59Disconnectin reality, we need an app killer perm and app
05:59.13Disconnectbut thats an sdk change, so it'll come in 2
05:59.23Disconnect2.0 .. which is likely to be at least a year away if not more
05:59.37offby1Olipro: sounds reasonable :)
05:59.39fnordg1Disconnect: basically we need an official nod on root. Therefore it must be secure root
06:00.09Disconnectfnordg1: nah. the "die now" thing can come through dalvik
06:00.28offby1I wonder if it's just a matter of starting enough other apps that it'll get "paged out" or something :)
06:00.31fnordg1Disconnect: not for user-managed killing i'd think?\
06:00.44OliproDisconnect: are you ignoring me or something?
06:00.58OliproI just sent you a PM
06:01.02fnordg1Oh sure I guess some daemon can check the dir of an official app for a pid kill-list, but that's shitty\
06:02.19Disconnectfnordg1: we just need a "what is running" api call (which kinda exists already i think) and a "kill this thing" call
06:02.47Disconnectrealistically that should be part of the security policy already (find out what is running/installed..) but that would have shown too much forsight
06:03.00OliproDisconnect: PM again :P
06:03.06andyrossHonestly, unless the software is buggy and spinning (or powering up the radios needlessly, etc...), you don't.  If all it's hogging is memory, the system will kill it for you.
06:03.37offby1andyross: it's not causing any trouble at all, as far as I know; it's just ... you know ... I'm used to killing stuff :)
06:05.08spackestso how do I tab between fields?
06:05.34spackestmeaning, I want to be able to have a user hit tab and walk to the next field or button
06:07.17unix_infidelspackest: if you have a G1 simply moving the G1's scroll wheel in the desired direction should move to the next field.
06:07.35offby1actually, I thought of a good reason to kill the app: it's spinning, and I want to actually use it; I figure if I kill it and restart it it'll work OK for a while.
06:07.39unix_infidelseeing as the tab is a secondary soft key i wouldnt rely on it.
06:08.15d03boyNo grammar constraints (DTD or XML schema) detected for the document.
06:08.24d03boyI do not understand why I keep getting that
06:08.34fnordg1Disconnect: yeh I actually like koush's idea, despite initial bad implementation and thread takeover. Hopefully this stuff can be standardized in a secure fashion. MAYBE it might be approved for mainstream
06:08.46spackestunix_infidel: I am working in eclipse, trying to do a simple username, password, submit button, but when I launch the emulator, tab doesn't walk through the inputs
06:08.56Disconnectd03boy: did you have the ids and such again?
06:09.02d03boyyes I added them
06:09.29d03boythat's correct, isn't it?
06:09.38spackestI am using LinearLayout and EditText
06:09.38unix_infidelspackest: try the D-Pad.
06:12.34spackestand I did android:password="true" but the letters show up for a second then get changed to a dot
06:13.01spackestwill that work properly on a real phone?
06:13.02d03boyDisconnect, hrm. Rebooting eclipse fixed it.. -_-
06:13.11spackestandroid: password="true"
06:14.40d03boyif I have the xmlns:schema thing once in the program, I dont need it anymore, right?
06:14.46d03boyer, in the file
06:19.50spackestunix_infidel: thanks, the D-Pad tabs through, guess I would like to see the tab key, tab through
06:20.13offby1what's the "D-Pad"?
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06:26.55unix_infidelspackest: like i said the tab key is a secondary soft key, it's bad design to MAKE someone use it.
06:27.28donpdonpspackest: displaying the letter for a second is a feature
06:27.39Disconnectin prefs turn off 'display passwords'
06:29.15donpdonpAndroid home page -> (menu) Settings -> Security & Location -> Visible passwords (check)
06:35.45spackestahh, thanks
06:35.50d03boytries to figure out these weighst..
06:36.54spackestso is the android.webkit.CookieManager an analogue to browser cookies?
06:37.07spackestI want something not quite at the sqlite level
06:38.04spackestI am going to log a user in via a web service, get an auth token and I want a way to rememeber that the user has been authed
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06:41.00unix_infidelspackest: which web service framework are you using?
06:43.56spackestmy own :)
06:44.19spackestI return json to http requests
06:48.49tmztd03boy: xmlns: only applies to that node and it's child nodes, so if it's on the root node it will apply to the entire file
06:49.11d03boyah, that makes sense
06:53.01Lieutenanthi guys.
06:53.27d03boyhi dad
06:54.15Lieutenanti thought i tucked you into bed son, what are you doing up again?
06:55.28Lieutenantalright, with all seriousness aside, i need help so can someone please assist me?
06:55.32Lieutenantso i'm trying to use the screenshot app on the G1, but it says broken pipe and wont do it. and i read that its because i have a su password and it doesn't know how to access the shit its trying to access or whatever, can someone help me fix this?
06:57.18*** join/#android anno^da_ (n=anno^
06:58.58DarkriftXthe built in screenshot app?
06:59.01DarkriftXrequires su?
06:59.10Lieutenanti guess.
06:59.16DarkriftXsu wasnt even on the g1 before it was rooted
06:59.25Lieutenantno, someoe made a screenshot app
06:59.34Lieutenantand posted it on the market
06:59.38DarkriftXthat requires su?, delete....
06:59.55DarkriftXthis isnt windows, dont give apps full control over your device
07:00.02DarkriftXif it needs su, you dont need it
07:00.07Lieutenanti dunno, it seems legit i mean, lemme link u.
07:00.19DarkriftXthey all seem legit
07:00.28DarkriftXbut do you have the source, and have you read through it to make sure?
07:00.34TiberiumXHaha, I don't think su is on the G1 at all.  I think people just linked to sh and gave root permissions.
07:00.37JesusFrekehe posted the source :p
07:00.47Lieutenanthe posted the code n stuff
07:00.56DarkriftXthere are maybe 5 ppl id trust binaries from and most of them are in here
07:00.56JesusFreketib, v1.2 does have su
07:01.05JesusFrekev1.1 had the setuid sh
07:01.09mike4263hey JesusFreke, I'm digging my phone :)
07:01.12TiberiumXAhh, I see.
07:01.13mike4263thanks again
07:01.21JesusFrekesweet mike :D
07:01.29Lieutenantso i guess i should delete it huh?
07:01.53mike4263I still got the old one kicking around, I'll probably keep it in case I brick this one somehow lol
07:02.11JesusFrekelol :)
07:02.13DarkriftXwell... i think he might be trustworthy, but still. you never know
07:02.59Lieutenantyeah i'll wait until a long while longer, until more people comment on it or whatever.
07:03.06Lieutenantand um...
07:03.13DarkriftXthat koush guy has done a few things for android and most dont require su. this one seems like it might be legit, but until you talk to someone who has checked the source, you are still taking a risk
07:03.36DarkriftXthat right there is why most ppl think having root on android is a bad idea
07:03.38TiberiumXI just used the Amazon MP3 store program.  Pretty nice and easy.  It'd be cool if you could integrate with riaaradar or something.  I'm guessing the source isn't available for this one?
07:03.48Lieutenantyeah but on most of his apps, comments say "it killed my root access" i dunno why.
07:03.49DarkriftXmasses of people downloading apps that need root and not knowing if they are safe
07:04.10JesusFrekeluietenant, that's just because people don't realize how his earlier versions worked
07:04.47Lieutenantoh, but now it wont, correct?
07:04.51Lieutenantahh this shit is just confusing
07:05.06JesusFrekeyeah, his newest version is much more user friendly :)
07:05.21JesusFreketype su and it pops up a screen saying "do you want to allow su access to such and such app"
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07:05.45Lieutenantdid u download the screenshot app by any chance?
07:06.09JesusFrekebut I wouldn't have any problem with it
07:06.10Lieutenantur prolly like "fuck no, i dont trust that guy"
07:06.20JesusFrekeI just don't need a screenshot app :D
07:06.43JesusFrekeIf I need to take a screenshot, then I'm at my computer and can hook it up via usb and use ddms
07:06.54Gary|tpdid you read my comment?
07:07.15JesusFrekeI'm guessing no. I don't recall reading one, at least :)
07:07.33JesusFrekeI don't usually read the backlog in here
07:07.35JesusFreketoo long :p
07:08.11Lieutenanthey is there ever gonna be a way to extract a .apk file like u can do with .iso's? so everyone can see whats in a .apk themselves (to see the code used) or is this typa thing not even possible with these types of files?
07:08.26sparkleyou can see bytecode
07:08.39Gary|tp[21:36] <Gary13579> JesusFreke: Ahh, well, read this when you get back. I was wondering if any of the updates you've done include recompiled code, or if it's all been simple modifications to file system etc. Wondering if it'd be possible to improve the SMS system to stop all the lag that happens when you
07:08.41Gary|tphave thousands of texts (maybe add a LIMIT 100 to the SQLite query)
07:08.53tmzttake one of the jvm disasm's and add support for dvm codes
07:09.19Gary|tpI mean, can you actually recompile major parts of the system and add them to an update for the g1
07:09.20Lieutenantoh so it IS possible?
07:09.32JesusFrekeit just depends on the specific app gary
07:09.34sparkletruthfully though...encourage people to release their s/w with source
07:09.42JesusFrekeI'm not sure about the SMS thing. might be possible..
07:09.56tmztwhere is sms implemented?
07:09.57JesusFrekebut not really something I'm interested in looking into
07:10.00*** part/#android jeflatech (
07:10.03Lieutenantthen why do people say "hey, u didn't release the code, i dont trust you." when they can see the code themselves?
07:10.12sparkleGary|tp: sure, but only users who can process updates with your keys will be able to use them
07:10.13Gary|tpwell, I think adding a few limits would seriously speed up the texting app
07:10.27DarkriftXdamn that koush guy
07:10.35Gary|tpof course, but I'd want it to be used with JF's updates/keys
07:10.36DarkriftXdoesnt put version numbers on his site, so no way to tell if market has latest version
07:10.43Lieutenantdarkrift, why?
07:10.46Lieutenantoh gotcha.
07:11.21Gary|tpLieutenant: Because IIRC, no one knows the davlik bytecode well enough to decompile it. It's possible, as it is just java, but it'll take time for someone to convert davlik back to java
07:11.57Lieutenantoh, isee.
07:11.57tmztif they used gcc, it might already be done
07:12.02tmztgcc being gnu compiler collection, including java
07:12.29Lieutenantk i got 1 more question, is it possible to edit programs that are already on the G1? (specifically the YouTube app) because someone could make it where all the video links automatically add the string "&fmt=18" to every link to make the videos high quality. would that be possible?
07:12.52DarkriftXsuperuser works pretty good
07:12.58JesusFrekeit's spiffy
07:13.03sparkleeasier way to do that is just to shunt requests through a proxy
07:13.12DarkriftXits kinda big and ugly, but functions nicely
07:13.25sparkleandroid already supports that, looks like
07:13.25DarkriftXdoes android not support window'd apps?
07:13.32JesusFrekeonly minor thing I don't like is that it takes too long for the screen to pop up
07:13.42DarkriftXliek just a popup with the same details instead of a whole screen
07:13.42JesusFrekeafter you type su
07:13.49JesusFrekedunno dark
07:13.50DarkriftXyeah, about 4 seconds :(
07:14.02JesusFrekeYou can whitelist terminal emulator though
07:14.08JesusFrekeI'm not sure if it speeds it up though
07:14.13JesusFrekeI haven't tried yet. lol
07:14.22sparkleif you ask me, putting out canned apps that req root perms is just...messed
07:14.27DarkriftXi can deal with the speed
07:14.41DarkriftXjust hate having to use back to switch from open apps
07:14.46sparkleif you don't know how to handle root, you shouldn't be messing with it
07:14.53DarkriftXi agree sparkle
07:14.57DarkriftXits a catch22
07:14.58JesusFrekeyou can't handle the root!
07:15.31sparklethen again i've been a sysadmin for 2000 grad students
07:15.40sparkleif anyone can screw things up...
07:15.50DarkriftXi bet my wife woudl give you a run for your money
07:15.59DarkriftXshe can breath on a computer and it will crash
07:15.59sparkle"power lusers"
07:16.21umdk1d3mmm   ls rm latex   ;)
07:16.26DarkriftXquestion, does the gmail app remove messages from the server? (will kmail still get a copy when it checks?)
07:18.33DarkriftXhe should make a superuser that acts liek sudo, requires a password
07:19.46JesusFrekefnord has one
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07:23.55RyeBryeFor anyone who cares, I posted the source for that ugly multitouch proof-of-concept hack
07:24.16DarkriftXnot just ugly, FUGLY
07:24.45DarkriftXlooks for something fun to do with his g1
07:25.37DarkriftXbtw, the market search sucks donkey balls
07:29.07*** join/#android vbabiy (
07:29.20DarkriftXshit, i thought superuser was cool.... then i found it doesnt persist after reboot :(
07:29.38DarkriftXwell, it was a nice try :(
07:30.02DammDarkriftX, don't bitch... fix it
07:30.19DarkriftXwouldnt know where to start
07:30.31DarkriftXthe bitchers are what gets the fixers working
07:30.53Dammthen you have no right to bitch
07:31.04Dammthis is a Free and Open Source System, you can fix anything you want on it.
07:31.18Damm(specially if you didn't install RC30 and have RC30+root+v1.2
07:34.34Dammi'm missing my old blackberry
07:34.49Dammso much smoother then the G1... having a Blackberry Bold would be swank.
07:35.03Dammcept I get SSH free on the Android, and don't have to pay 30$ like I do with the BB SSH.
07:35.18DarkriftXDamm, don't bitch... fix it :)
07:37.50DammDarkriftX, my phone is basically a SSH and Nagios pager.
07:37.57Dammthat's all I care about.
07:38.14DarkriftXi can almost say the same for mine
07:38.25DarkriftXi want browser, ssh and other fun junk to play with
07:38.31Dammthe G1 is decent for nagios pages.
07:38.35Dammand the SSH is excellent
07:38.41DarkriftXconnectbot is the shit
07:38.45spackestso anyone else here think that the eclipse / android setup is pretty dang unstable?
07:39.02DammI wouldn't touch eclipse with a 10 foot pole.
07:39.04Dammnuf said.
07:39.05spackestmaybe it is just cause I am using an old laptop or something
07:39.17spackestDamm: how do you develop?
07:39.26Dammspackest, vi, or *twitch* textmate
07:40.02DarkriftXi guess its time for me to figure out this debian on the g1 stuff
07:40.14Dammbeen using vi since 1993?
07:40.18Dammnot gonna stop now
07:41.02d03boyI have a vertical linear layout. How can I say that I want the bottom one to be like.. 10% of the layout
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07:42.26spackestyeah, I have used vi for years, but not sure how to do all the emulator stuff outside of eclipse
07:43.42TiberiumXIsn't there supposed to be a vim plugin for Eclipse?  (I also use vim in favor of eclipse -- it's too painful not to)
07:44.16d03boythat's really neat
07:44.42*** join/#android some-other-choop (
07:44.43TiberiumXEmulator stuff works just the same.  You just use a script that came with the SDK to create your application directory tree/files and then run "ant" to build the project.
07:44.46some-other-choophello all
07:45.04IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
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07:46.28some-other-choopi just got my g1 today
07:46.38some-other-choophaven't even made a call yet and i know it's the right choice :D
07:46.41spikebikewhat release did it come with?
07:46.55some-other-choopnot sure, how can i tell
07:47.06RyeBryetype "reboot" in your keypad
07:47.21RyeBryeoh, then hit enter too
07:47.29spikebikesettings -> about phone
07:47.32TiberiumXSettings->About phone->Build number
07:47.48spikebikebuild number
07:47.52spikebikeheh, ya
07:48.54some-other-choopkila-user 1.0 tc4-rc29 115247
07:49.22spikebikecool, you can get and keep root on your phone
07:49.31TiberiumXIf you're at all interested in root access, don't let it automatically update when it asks.
07:49.34spikebikeif it offers to auto-upgrade click on later
07:49.54some-other-choopwhat i'm interested in is two things
07:50.05some-other-choop1) syncing with osx 10.4
07:50.13some-other-choop2) irc other than mibbit
07:50.18some-other-choopyeah, contacts & shit
07:50.30spikebikeimport to gmail contacts
07:50.49d03boyim workingon irc right now
07:50.52d03boybut I suck at the UI dev ha
07:50.55spikebikepersonally I use connectbot -> irssi
07:51.06DarkriftXodd, wont let me mount my g1 sd card
07:51.09DarkriftXgiving me odd errors :S
07:53.33d03boyyou cant spell privileged
07:54.01some-other-choopwow shells are gonna be rough on this keyboard
07:54.07JesusFrekeno, but he can spell privledged :D
07:54.10DarkriftXits 1am, not worried about spelling lol
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07:59.17Lieutenantthere is an irc app out, its in beta though
07:59.30d03boyit really doesnt do anything
07:59.31some-other-choopi'm willing to use beta
07:59.49Lieutenantworks fine.
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08:01.42DarkriftXheh, me too
08:03.19d03boyi cant get these weights right
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08:04.09some-other-choophaha i typo'd the server name
08:04.50DarkriftXthats not bad at all
08:05.05DarkriftXi like the drag to change channel feature (although it took soem guesswork to figure that out)
08:06.23some-other-choopodd, coldfront won't connect
08:07.03some-other-choopthere we go
08:07.28DarkriftXwhos app is this?
08:07.38d03boycheck the 'about' screen
08:08.20DarkriftXunless there are major bugs, i wouldnt call this beta :)
08:09.22d03boyit has practically no features
08:09.24d03boydoesnt work
08:09.41*** join/#android tiberiumx2 (
08:10.42tiberiumx2Pretty cool.  How long do you think it'll be until you're ready to release?
08:11.17Lieutenantlol its nyt's app.
08:11.25Lieutenantand he is gonna release it post january i think
08:11.32Lieutenanthe wants to charge for it.
08:12.08some-other-choopnot much i hope
08:12.22Lieutenantyeah beta expires in 2 weeks from the time he uploaded it
08:12.31DarkriftXno features is better then no connection :)
08:12.47*** part/#android spackest (
08:12.58Lieutenantyeah it still does what basic irc does. chat, /nick /join n shit like that
08:13.23TiberiumXIs the IRC protocol very complicated?
08:13.36d03boyextremely simple
08:13.49d03boyi can do the irc protocol portion in a matter of a couple days if someone handles the UI
08:14.18Lieutenantwell then we should make an irc app, i'll come up with the ideas for features :)
08:14.51Lieutenantoh, son of a bitch! lol
08:14.52d03boyif you want to do the UI stuff, feel free
08:15.27TiberiumXHaha.  Maybe I'll try an IRC client when I finish my current project.
08:15.39waldo_what happened to novak's im client anyway
08:16.18waldo_irc I mean
08:17.35d03boyive got this Horizontal Linear Layout with 2 buttons in it
08:17.58d03boyeach button is width=fill_parent
08:18.09TiberiumXAnd the first one pushes the second out?
08:18.16some-other-choopis this client based on xchat?
08:18.32Lieutenanti believe he made it from scratch
08:18.37TiberiumXSet them each to android:weight="1"
08:18.48TiberiumXlayout_weight, I mean
08:18.50d03boyTiberiumX, how do those weights work?
08:19.37TiberiumXNot really sure at the moment.
08:23.59*** join/#android uncategorized (
08:24.30uncategorizedanyone know of an app that allows me to download my text messages (mms messages as well)
08:26.07Lieutenantsomething is wrong lol. i hit "deny" on the SuperUser app, and i still got the # when i typed "su" in terminal emulator
08:26.59JesusFrekeheh. that's not good
08:27.08JesusFrekelemme install it and try it
08:28.25Lieutenantk this is what i did.
08:28.32Lieutenanti typed "su" then i hit "allow"
08:29.29Lieutenantthen when the # came up, i type su again, and superuser came back up and asked to allow, i hit NO. then terminal emulator said "su: permission denied" but the next line was a # instead of a $
08:30.03JesusFrekeyeah, that's normal
08:30.24JesusFrekesu won't downgrade your permissions if you already have root
08:30.41Lieutenantso if i allow it once, and deny it the second time, an app will still have access?
08:31.04JesusFrekeit depends on if the app "keeps" the access from the first time
08:31.10tmztif the app or proccess it starts already has root, it won't lose it
08:31.15Lieutenantoh okay.
08:31.48uncategorizedanyone receive an error message about pictures being too large or not compatible when sending a picture message to a cingular customer on a razor?
08:31.51tmztanother app running as the unprivladged user will need to run su and be accepted though
08:31.58uncategorizedi am selecting the "automatically resize" option
08:32.05tmztnot like sudo, which can allow repeated access from the same tty/vty
08:32.15offby1uncategorized: you're probably the only person on the planet who's ever done exactly that
08:32.20Lieutenanti've got that message "too large" but that was when iwas sending itto my sisters G1,
08:32.29Lieutenantthe picture sizes are just too big for mms period.
08:32.45spikebikeuncategorized: heh, yeah I've had failures before, usually without errors
08:32.56spikebikei.e. I send, looks like it worked, but they get a blank message
08:33.17uncategorizedyeah, they are receiving a message with an error message. :(
08:33.50Lieutenantwow, i keep getting this gay red flag alert from weatherbug on my phone saying "there are fire conditions or will be fire conditions very soon"
08:34.05Lieutenanti keep hitting "ok" but it keeps coming up, gosh this program is annoying
08:34.50Lieutenantoh wait, its a "red flag warning"
08:36.04Lieutenanti can't wait till that one guy makes that G1 garage opener app. :)
08:36.37Lieutenantbut sadly i wont be hooking my garage door to the internet :S
08:36.48Lieutenanti can't think of a more random combination.
08:37.21d03boywhat is a good button height
08:37.26d03boyim not sure because I don tactually have a phone
08:37.28spikebikenot so random when you are sitting outside a locked garage door
08:38.18Lieutenantwell i'm pretty sure you'd have a garage door opener in your car since you are going to be parking the car inside it. lol
08:38.22uncategorizedseems like many have issues:
08:40.00DarkriftXadb devices isnt showing anything. dmesg and lsusb are both showing the g1, and the sd is not mounted. is there anything else im missing?
08:40.56Lieutenantis anyone working on skins?
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08:49.39tmztDarkriftX: what does lsusb -v -v show for g1?
08:50.24DarkriftXquite a lot
08:50.29DarkriftXanything in particular i should look for?
08:51.57DarkriftXit seems to show as mass storage, even though i havent used the mount command on the g1
09:01.17Lieutenantwith the screenshot app, i get error: Screenshot.raw file not found
09:01.21Lieutenantanyone know whats wrong?
09:08.24offby1maybe you don't have root?  The intro screen says in giant letters "You have to have root access for this to work!!"
09:11.37Lieutenanti do have root
09:11.42Lieutenantwell last i remember i had root lol.
09:15.02Lieutenanti know why it didn't work
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09:15.25JesusFrekewhy's that?
09:15.29Lieutenanti had to type: mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system into terminal emulator first
09:15.49Lieutenantthats gay, the program should do that itself
09:16.18JesusFrekethat's weird
09:16.27tmztyou probably have to echo something to /sys also
09:16.43JesusFrekeit shouldn't require write access to system at all
09:16.53JesusFrekeprobably an unintentional bug
09:17.07tmztoh, sorry, thought that was DarkriftX
09:17.30tmztwhere is it saving the Screenshot.raw?
09:17.41DarkriftXi finally got adb working by unplugging and replugging the g1 in a few times
09:17.55Lieutenanti dont know about all that echo stuff, but what i do know is, before i typed that mount string, i kept getting that error, so i opened terminal emulator and typed that mount string (because that was the only option i had lol) and it worked.
09:18.10Lieutenantmaybe it WAS just a bug, lemme restart my phone so the mount string will go away.
09:18.30tmztI meant the echo to DarkriftX, to change his usb function
09:18.35d03boyi cant get this piece of crap layout right
09:19.17DarkriftXsomeone here offered to do the layout for you i think
09:19.26Lieutenantit wasn't me.
09:19.53DarkriftXi remember someone saying they would, and i vaguely remember seeing screenshots of a demo irc layout
09:20.23DarkriftXor i might be hallucinating due to lack of sleep
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09:20.38Lieutenantmaybe the screenshot u saw was from ??
09:20.41d03boyyou're hallucinating
09:20.47Lieutenantand u just combined those two moments together lol
09:20.50d03boyLieutenant, no screenshots on there :)
09:21.30Lieutenantwell that cancels that out.
09:22.34Lieutenantdarkriftx, what were u talkin about?
09:22.38Lieutenanti just restarted my phone
09:22.46Lieutenanttyped su into terminal emulator
09:22.52Lieutenantand superuser popped up
09:23.19DarkriftXi saw someone mention they were good at the design part and offered to do that for someone and i saw screenshots. they said they werent good with the code part
09:23.35DarkriftXmight have been a different irc project, but i did see screenshots of the main area, nicklist, channel tabs etc :S
09:24.10DarkriftXi need sleep, but im halfway through the debian "install"
09:24.16DarkriftXjust wish i knew why im getting an error
09:25.52Lieutenantyeah, this time i didn't have to type mount, and it worked
09:25.55Lieutenantmusta been a lil glitch
09:26.43tmztif it remounted readonly, there might be a problem/corruption, check dmesg or log*
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09:27.23tmztDarkriftX: what is the error? su?
09:27.46DarkriftXinsmod $kit/ext2.ko  gives me "not found"
09:28.04DarkriftXive tried full path, running that from the folder with the ext2.ko and anything else i could think of
09:28.20tmztwhat instructions are you using?
09:28.27DarkriftXthe original
09:28.31tmztand the not found is probably insmod, to the .ko
09:28.49tmztis it bash: not found?
09:29.00DarkriftXinsmod: module 'ext2.ko' not found
09:29.17DarkriftXthat was ran in the folder that ext2.ko is in
09:29.31tmztwhat is echo $kit ?
09:29.33DarkriftXive used full path using tab auto complete
09:29.45DarkriftX$kit = /sdcard/debian
09:30.23DarkriftXinsmod: module '/sdcard/debian/ext2.ko' not found
09:30.38tmztls -lh shows it to be there?
09:30.45DarkriftX----rw-rw-    1 1000     1000       786633 Nov 30 08:25 /sdcard/debian/ext2.ko
09:31.10Lieutenantsomeone should really find a way to make the phone louder!
09:31.46d03boyyou'd probably have to clip the sound
09:31.59tmztinsmod: can't read 'junk': No such file or directory
09:32.09tmztwhat insmod are you using?
09:32.17DarkriftXinsmod: module 'test' not found
09:32.23DarkriftXwhich is what it says to use
09:32.30tmzttry busybox test
09:32.33DarkriftXim using jf's 1.2 which comes with it
09:32.52DarkriftXinsmod: module 'test' not found
09:33.07tmztcan you run 'busybox test'
09:33.15tmzt'busybox junk'
09:33.25DarkriftXjunk: applet not found
09:33.42DarkriftXim in busybox sh
09:33.58tmzttry it in the same directory, don't use a path
09:34.04DarkriftXi have been
09:34.10DarkriftXi tried "insmod ext<tab>"
09:34.19DarkriftXwhich auto completed the filename for me and gave same error
09:34.21tmzttry busybox insmod ext2.ko
09:34.25Lieutenanthow do i know if i am using jf's 1.2?
09:34.39DarkriftXsdcard/debian # busybox insmod ext2.ko
09:34.39DarkriftXinsmod: module 'ext2.ko' not found
09:35.07DarkriftXi used adb push to put the files there, are the permissions correct?
09:35.10tmztcat ext2.ko > /dev/null
09:35.26tmztno, but I don't think root cares
09:35.27DarkriftXholy jesus
09:35.30tmztcat ext2.ko > /dev/null
09:35.35DarkriftXthx... taht was loud lol
09:35.38DarkriftXwoke me up
09:35.48DarkriftXkilled my adb shell
09:35.51tmztyou didn't do /dev/dsp I hope
09:35.58DarkriftXno, dev/null
09:36.09tmztno error?
09:36.13DarkriftXlocked up
09:36.22DarkriftXctrl c gave me prompt
09:36.33tmztdma issues? I didn't think g1 had those
09:36.43DarkriftXlestrlenmem_map__mark_inode_dirtygeneric_file_llseekmake_bad_inode__breadmark_buffer_dirty_inode__aeabi_idivmodext2_add_linksb_min_blocksizeget_seconds__kmallociget_failed_find_next_zero_bit_lekmem_cache_destroy/sdcard/debian # 1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c1;2c
09:36.49DarkriftXthats the last 3 lines of what was echoed
09:37.43tmzthow did JesusFreke compile it?
09:38.06DarkriftXnot sure, JesusFreke?
09:38.06tmztthe aeabi_idivmod thing looks bad
09:38.42DarkriftXyou mean busybox or the .ko file?
09:38.54JesusFrekesaurik did
09:39.07DarkriftXyeah, i thought he was using the one saurik had on his page
09:39.13tmzttry loading wlan.ko
09:39.38DarkriftXwhere is it?
09:39.39tmztdoesn't android have an insmod for wlan?
09:39.49tmzt/system/lib I think
09:40.13DarkriftXsystem/lib/modules # insmod wlan.ko
09:40.13DarkriftXinsmod: module 'wlan.ko' not found
09:40.28DarkriftXso its the insmod thats having the problem :S
09:40.44tmztwhat does the firewall script use?
09:40.56tmztthe "teather" one
09:41.06DarkriftXkilled the busybox sh and ran it and it worked :S
09:41.24tmztyes, or you should be able to use /system/bin/insmod
09:41.33tmztbusybox sh will use busybox applets first
09:41.44DarkriftXhis instructions say to
09:41.45tmztunless you use a path
09:41.57DarkriftXoh, that was for mknod
09:42.00DarkriftXi misread :S
09:42.10swetlandthe insmod in toolbox needs a full path
09:42.39tmztyou can use busybox mknod instead from the default shell (whatever that is)
09:42.43tmzthey, swetland
09:42.45swetland(or for the module to be in the current directory)
09:43.14tmztwho would know if MSMFB_BLIT is needed after writing to /dev/fb0 with mmap?
09:43.35d03boycan anyone explain to me how the UI weights work?
09:43.40swetlandbelieve that's the ioctl for memory to memory blits
09:43.53swetlandI believe you do need to do something to kick the screen after writing to it
09:43.59tmztwe can't get X fbdev to work on the other msm phones
09:44.08swetlandsince we don't continuously dma to the panel controller, only on demand
09:44.14tmztbut cat /dev/urandom > /dev/fb0 does work
09:45.20swetlandyou're probably going to have to modify X or modify the driver
09:45.47swetlandwe generally do page flipping by adjusting the pan
09:45.50tmztright, we are going to make a testfb program then make SDL work I think, then get an X ddx just for msm
09:45.55swetlandbut I believe there's an ioctl to just ask for a refresh
09:46.02swetlandwithout panning
09:46.20swetlandlook at the minui stuff in recovery
09:46.24tmztif we ever get offscreen pixmaps, that would be helpful
09:46.38swetlandit has some code for blasting stuff to the fb device, page flipping, etc
09:46.58tmztalot easier than deciphering base.git libs/ui
09:47.30swetlandthere's code in the surfaceflinger for that as well
09:47.38swetlandbut I think it's a bit more subtle
09:48.00swetlandyou probably will want to wire up the BLIT ioctl to do hw assisted 2d blits
09:48.15tmztwhat are the G* things, like GGLContext versus EGLContext, even in minui
09:48.21DarkriftXdebian up and running
09:48.21swetlandin particular the hw can do rotates a *lot* faster than software
09:48.22DarkriftXthats nice
09:48.27swetlandtmzt: pixelflinger
09:48.46DarkriftXloves his apt-get
09:48.47swetlandpixelflinger implements the rasterization side of a software gl system
09:49.00tmztused on emulator also?
09:49.36DarkriftXthx for the troubleshooting tmzt
09:49.37tmztthat explains the BootAnimation working on there without any gpu
09:49.37swetlandpixelflinger is also used by surfaceflinger to do combine ops the hw can't do
09:49.47swetlandfor example, the MDP on MSM7K cannot do premultiplied alpha
09:50.15kRutOni miss pixel shaders
09:50.23tmztare there any binary components involved in gpu or just pmem?
09:50.25swetlandin minui, I used it as a simple sw blit engine and to do the (cheesy) text drawing
09:50.31ttuttleswetland: good evening
09:50.46swetlandfor the gpu on 7k you need with is the hw openglES library
09:50.54swetlandwe get that from qualcomm binary-only
09:51.00swetlandheya ttuttle
09:51.17tmztI guess it only uses pmem underneath then?
09:51.26swetlandit uses hw3d
09:51.26ttuttleswetland: how's it going?
09:51.35swetlandwell. been slacking all week.
09:51.40ttuttleswetland: heh.
09:51.45tmztok, software will be enough for now, thanks
09:51.53swetlandhw3d provides access to the gpu register space and some contig memory regions the gpu needs
09:52.20swetlandwe're working on some better abstraction for hw 3d support
09:52.31tmztI'm sure gallium would like that, but I wouldn't know where to start
09:52.32swetlandand will move the msm7k stuff to that
09:52.44tmztI was impressed with the lowlevel work on ps3 though
09:52.45swetlandwhich will make it easier to support other hw 3d chipsets
09:53.00ttuttleswetland: /me is thoroughky enjoying his dogfooding experience these days.
09:53.01swetlandand easier for non-surfaceflinger stuff to use 'em as well
09:53.06ttuttle* thoroughly
09:53.38tmztis binder all that's needed to be a surfaceflinger client?
09:54.15swetlandI *think* so
09:54.26swetlandthat's more mathias territory
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09:54.59swetlandactually that's how I'd approach doing X
09:55.13swetlandmake it a client of surfaceflinger
09:55.25tmztwe should be able to get recovery.git/minui on other msm's then, maybe with some path changes as it uses mdev paths
09:55.54swetland(if you want it to coexist with android stuff)
09:56.10tmztright, but we want an upstream kernel working too, but for people who want X/chroot or vnc on their g1 with android rootfs
09:56.20swetlandyeah, certainly
09:56.54FreeSoulHi guys! i've a few questions: if i'm not wrong android runs over a linux kernel (2.6.18?). This means it can run on x86 arch too? Somewhere I read it is just for ARM but sounds senseless to me... running on top of a linux kernel also means that all drivers are provided by the kernel or I can hope android brings some drivers too?
09:57.01swetlandI suppose what you'd *really* want is a fancier X server that backed X windows by android windowmanager windows, though some apps would probably be highly confused by the policy implemented by the windowmanager
09:57.29swetlandandroid currently runs on 2.6.25 or later kernels. backporting would be a bit of a pain.
09:58.05tmztbinder might work on x86 though, I thought someone tried it but I don't remember
09:58.12swetlandthe source tree does not quite build for x86 native platforms yet, but there is work to get that in there (build system cleanup, and conditionalizing around some arm-specific bits)
09:58.25swetlandtmzt: it does, as does the adb gadget driver, ashmem, etc
09:58.48tmztnot too many usb gadgets, maybe some embedded boards
09:58.52swetlandmost of the "generic" android drivers are not arm-specific and should work on most linux devices
09:59.16swetlands/devices/supported architectures/
09:59.58tmztrecovery.git doesn't use hw3d at all? I think that's what you were saying.
10:00.09swetlandthat is true
10:00.16swetlandit doesn't even use the 2d hw blit stuff
10:00.45FreeSoulswetland: thanks! An other questions: I'd like android to run on my Benq MID S6, that runs atom Cpu. Do you think it may be possible? or at least in the future? At the moment vanilla kernel is still missing drivers and the only one avialable (as far as I know) are the one included in Midinux that comes as default OS. Thanks
10:00.46tmztDarkriftX: I don't know what the point of ext2 in a loop file on vfat sd card is?
10:01.30tmztFreeSoul: the one thing about midinux is the closed video driver
10:01.35swetlandfreesoul: just depends on somebody putting some effort into things. "it's all just software" as the hw guys love telling me ^^
10:02.03FreeSoultmzt: yes :( I have the source code but it's for 1.3
10:02.16swetlandone of our engineers got android running on eee pc and some other small x86 targets. that's the source of the x86 support we're getting merged into the tree
10:02.22tmztFreeSoul: which would be hard to adapt from a X ddx to whatever android/surfaceflinger/etc. wants
10:02.38FreeSoulswetland: yeah... how not :( It's really sad to read that hw makes are not providing (updated) drivers for everyone
10:03.49FreeSoultmzt: sorry, do you mean that even with the source of Midinux drivers it would be really hard or that would be easy? (as far as i know it's quite hard)
10:04.24tmztFreeSoul: if you have the source for paulsbo video, I just thought that was binary from what I've read about the ubuntu project for those devices
10:05.01tmztFreeSoul: I guess if there is a framebuffer driver (source), it could be modified to work with the software rendering we were talking about
10:05.59FreeSoultmzt: at ubuntu mobile they just get bored by sw license without reading it. When i bought Benq Mid S6 it comes with a DVD with full source code of all drivers, and they are done for kernel by intel and they all seems to be under GPL terms.
10:06.06tmztsorry, was just not sure what you meant by drivers only being in midunix
10:06.36tmztthat's cool
10:06.39FreeSoulooops, kernel is versions
10:06.42FreeSoulooops, kernel is versions
10:08.35FreeSoultmzt: i spent a couple fo days to make all changes i need to my benq mid.... now i've terminal in gui and so on but it's not a real os as a linux user wants. It's closed and I can't install software... midinux is not realeasing updates and so on.... I'm in contact with benq mid product manager and he is just giving hope of somewhat future realease.... how not! This is way I can't wait to run a real os on it!
10:09.21tmztFreeSoul: is it running from squashfs or something?
10:09.35tmztFreeSoul: I mean, what do you mean you can't install software?
10:12.04tmztswetland: I get it, you use the offset in the framebuffer to change the active screen?
10:12.15FreeSoultmzt: as I could discovered Midinux is derived froma Fedora (with some nasty suse 10.2 libraries) so there' yum packet manager but midinux puts some limitations: repositories it's using are not standard one, so yum can just find tons of dependcies problems and often they are conficting with the midinux installed libraries and the window manager that midinux comes with is not standard. I installed both opera and skype but they can't
10:13.55FreeSoulbenq informed me that they are gonna release (when??) an sdk for benq mid.... that is senseless up to me. It's not an iPhone! it should just run a somewhat standard linux distribution. It just need a decent window manager to handle the 800x480 screen resolution. nothing else
10:14.48tmztFreeSoul: you run as user but can sudo as root?
10:15.17FreeSoultmzt: do you really think they make me run things as user? Anything runs as root.
10:15.40FreeSoulprobably they have never seen a linux os before....
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10:19.38d03boyi simply cant imagine how eclipse is using 300MB of ram
10:19.56some-other-choopeclipse is a ramsuck
10:19.58d03boyI miss the old non-bloated version
10:21.31some-other-choopno matter what you do, avoid aptana like the plague
10:22.07some-other-choopit bloats eclipse even further
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10:23.09d03boythis piece of crap is to the point of being non-responsive
10:23.35joeyjonessome-other-choop: like add-ons in firefox? :p
10:23.35FreeSoultmzt: what can we do?
10:24.10tmztI would say take the parts you need and use them on something else (another distro), but that's a lot of work
10:24.10some-other-choopjoeyjones - yeah some firefox addons are horrible that way too
10:24.27joeyjonesi stick to under 5 add-ons for firefox :p
10:24.49tmztmy understanding of mid is it builds the os image as a whole (at least ubuntu mobile)
10:25.30d03boyis it possible that running new android programs could be causing this slowdown? do I have to end previous processes or does it do it on its own
10:25.51FreeSoultmzt: yes, this is why I hope a day I'll can put android on the mid.... problems are drivers that are not in the vanilla kernel...
10:26.06tmztwell, what drivers?
10:26.35FreeSoultmzt: video, wifi, g-sensor, scrollpad
10:27.27FreeSoulok i can leave without scrollpad :) but i need poulsbo to work and the same for wifi
10:27.33tmztbasic vesa or intel video don't work?
10:27.39tmztwhat is wifi?
10:28.56FreeSoulsure, vega works... at the wrong resolution and it mean no 3d acceleration or decent video decoding. wifi, is wireless networking... i don't remember what wireless card it has built in. Ah, there's 3G HSDPA module to support too :)
10:29.35tmzt3g might be easier, like it might be on usb host
10:29.48FreeSoultmzt: yes, i suspect yes
10:31.02some-other-choopdang i need a sync app for my g1
10:31.13tmztI don't know if ubuntu's pbo supports your, I also don't know how to try it without wiping everything out
10:31.29some-other-choopi'm running tiger, not leopard, so the iSync to google function doesn't exist
10:32.34FreeSoultmzt: the driver is the same and at ubuntu they are still missing it. Wiping the os is not a porblem, on the dvd there's an utility to make an install usb image. It's a pleasure to boot from usb :)
10:33.09tmztoh, it's not in the apt repos, even as binary? I don't understand
10:33.19tmztlike xserver-xorg-video-pbo
10:33.28d03boyalright. So I have my layout "done"
10:33.34FreeSoultmzt: i think no.. at least last time i checked :)
10:36.26d03boysleepy time
10:36.44FreeSoultmzt: you are right: xserver-xorg-video-psb
10:37.08tmztyou could chroot a debian intrepid and try that
10:37.18tmztyou need a lot of space though
10:37.33FreeSoultmzt: yep.... mid has just 2GB hdd
10:37.36tmztdoes it need a kernel module loaded?
10:37.55FreeSoultmzt: I don't know, I'm a fedora user... but i suspect yes
10:38.07tmztdoes your have one, I guess I mean
10:38.23tmztparticularly, /dev/dri0 or /dev/card/dri0 or something like that
10:38.49FreeSouli think yes I should check
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11:38.55Gary|tpI'm not wrong on that, am I?
11:39.14Gary|tpor are they doing something extremely stupid by doing sha1(size + name)
11:39.44Gary|tpI honestly can't think of any reason to do that tbh unless you don't give a shit about security and absolutely need the speed, which they don't
11:45.04IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
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12:03.08f00bar80while to run this android app i got the following error , i tried android-dev but now one answered me , any comment ?
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12:18.49f00bar80ppl any comment ?
12:20.13fnord_Code error
12:20.25fnord_The app tried to do something to nothing :P
12:21.42fnord_Gary|tp, are you serious?
12:21.55Gary|tpI don't know
12:22.06Gary|tpapparently they think that the SHA checksums are just file names/size
12:22.16Gary|tpI don't believe it but need to be sure lol
12:22.17fnord_Basically....any file in, including update script?
12:22.25fnord_Wellllllll hmm
12:22.35fnord_how is the size specified?
12:22.59fnord_It's all one string? No nullspace between them?
12:23.43Gary|tplike I said I DOUBT that's how they're checksum'd...
12:24.08fnord_Would be funny :P
12:24.39Gary|tpI mean, it's possible. they left a root shell in the background after all :P. but it'd be incredibly stupid design
12:25.17fnord_Yeah, the open console wasn't stupidity
12:26.13Gary|tpThey just forgot to remove it from debugging probably
12:26.35Gary|tpthis would require them actually thinking that designing it like this would be smart/safe
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12:30.30skbohrahi folks
12:32.20skbohraI need help
12:32.26skbohraanybody there?
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12:37.50fnord_[0:1][Kyf@winxp2:tty0]/home/Kyf/_g1_/rc30% tail -3 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
12:37.50fnord_Name: system/framework/input.jar
12:37.50fnord_SHA1-Digest: kzkNXsPTfG1UZl2eB01IelVFqOQ=
12:37.50fnord_[0:1][Kyf@winxp2:tty0]/home/Kyf/_g1_/rc30% ls -l system/framework/input.jar
12:37.50fnord_-rw-r--r-- 1 Kyf None 345 Oct 31 19:04 system/framework/input.jar
12:37.51fnord_[0:1][Kyf@winxp2:tty0]/home/Kyf/_g1_/rc30% perl -e '$file="system/framework/input.jar";$size="345"; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1);;use MIME::Base64;$size=length $file; print encode_base64(sha1("$file$size"))."\n".encode_base64(sha1("$size$file"))."\n";'
12:38.03fnord_Gary|tp, not that dumb :P
12:38.30fnord_Wait. I'm dumb too, hold on
12:40.23*** join/#android P1ro (n=Piro@gentoo/user/p1ro)
12:41.54fnord_[0:1][Kyf@winxp2:tty0]/home/Kyf/_g1_/rc30% perl -e 'binmode STDIN;($file)=<STDIN>; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1);;use MIME::Base64; print encode_base64(sha1("$file$size"))."\n".encode_base64(sha1("$file"))."\n";' < system/framework/input.jar
12:42.44*** join/#android Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/Olipro)
12:46.00Gary|tpfnord_: that should have printed two lines :P ?
12:46.21fnord_I didn't paste the second one
12:46.24Gary|tpand would $file be the name or the actual contents (I don't know perl)
12:46.32fnord_kzkNXsPTfG1UZl2eB01IelVFqOQ= there ya go
12:46.42Gary|tpthat's the one you posted before
12:47.00fnord_The second script is base64 sha1 of the actual file's contents
12:47.33fnord_So yeah, not as easy as one would think :P
12:47.54Gary|tpokay you're not making sense
12:48.00Gary|tp[06:41] <fnord_> [0:1][Kyf@winxp2:tty0]/home/Kyf/_g1_/rc30% perl -e 'binmode STDIN;($file)=<STDIN>; use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1);;use MIME::Base64; print encode_base64(sha1("$file$size"))."\n".encode_base64(sha1("$file"))."\n";' < system/framework/input.jar
12:48.04Gary|tpshould print two lines
12:48.07Gary|tpyou've only pasted one
12:48.19fnord_<fnord_> I didn't paste the second one
12:48.22Gary|tpand is $file the file name or file contents
12:48.23fnord_Indeed :P
12:48.58Gary|tpwhich one is kzkNXsPTfG1UZl2eB01IelVFqOQ=
12:49.03Gary|tp$file or $file$size?
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12:49.29fnord_$size was nothing, so they're the same
12:49.54Gary|tpokay, so I was right :P
12:50.12fnord_That was a case of me just not removing extra crud after rewriting the script :P
12:50.24Gary|tpyeah, heh
12:51.10fnord_can't get a build of perl smaller than 1.3 megs =[
12:51.41fnord_I was hoping to include microperl in a modified recovery image, to do post-install stuff, but yeh
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13:29.43LeedsI've decided I'd like to see the LED blinking when I'm doing data transfer over mounted USB... because treating my phone as a very very expensive microSD card reader seems sensible :-)
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14:23.58pluto79hi everyone, i have the g1 and i am using it with a local german sim card. i have an issue with the SMSC, getting over 50sms because there is a wrong smsc hardcoded
14:24.37pluto79my question, where can i change the SMSC ?, do i need some app from the market because i could not find it in the os
14:25.32pluto79hopefully someone can give me a hint, i am looking for this fix since one week
14:26.52pluto79and  sorry for my english
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14:30.28pluto79is it possible to change the smsc via AT commands ?
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15:13.02Dialektmaybe i should go android
15:13.06Dialektbut what's so good/bad about it?
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15:17.56budwaaanyone know where I can find docs on how to disable/enable system settings in android. Like if i wanted to turn wifi off etc/
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15:30.25savidHow do I make a view that looks like a dialog box that blurs out the background?  I want to make this the main view of my application...
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15:46.45IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
15:46.45DisconnectIznastY: seriously. turn off the away announcer. nobody gives a fuck.
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15:46.56budwaahow do I access methods from a static object like android.content.Context;
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15:47.24budwaaI want to use Context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE) to create a wifimanager object
15:48.02budwaaMaybe i need an instance of Context but it has no constructor method...
15:48.31jbqThere are context objects easily available. Activity is a Context, as well as Service. And IIRC a Context is passed as a parameter in a Receiver's onReceive().
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15:49.16budwaaSo i could do this.getSystemService from onCreate?
15:49.38budwaaI just was to write a simple app to get wifi state and display it.
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15:50.36jbqbudwaa: I believe so, yes.
15:55.18budwaajbq the app crashes when i try and access the wifiManager object.
15:55.51jbqbudwaa: sadly I don't know the details of the wifi manager (and I specifically do not know whether apps are allowed to access it).
15:56.24jbqSorry I've got to go, plenty of stuff to do...
15:56.27budwaaah, ok
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15:58.14mikey|budwaa: what exception does it throw?
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16:01.34budwaamikey|: Trying to work out an easy way to display the message...Im not yet too familiar with android, cant use the debugger yet either :D
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16:06.37infernixthere's no way to figure out the firmware version without signing into a google account, is there?
16:13.03mikey|budwaa: go to settings->apps->development->usb debugging
16:14.00mikey|then install the driver and it should show Log messages in the logcat window
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16:19.15budwaamikey|: ive been using the emulator to test.
16:20.09mikey|switch to ddms view when running the app on the emulator and look at the logcat tab
16:20.14mikey|or add it if it isnt there
16:27.28budwaamikey|: can i print to the logcaT?
16:28.24mikey|yeah, check android log class
16:28.27budwaamikey|: I think its a security issue. Dont haver permission
16:28.34budwaa11-30 16:24:19.007: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(285): Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: WifiService: Neither user 10017 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE.
16:28.48mikey|you need to add that to androidManifest.xml
16:29.22*** part/#android chomchom (n=chomchom@
16:29.26mikey|why cant i send text messages from my g1? o.o
16:29.30mikey|every message fails
16:29.55snadgethats about the only thing i can do with my g1 ;)
16:29.59Disconnectreboot it. mine goes crappy that way too periodically.
16:30.12budwaaanyone elses desktop icons dissapear sometimes?
16:30.33snadgei want to know how to register with google.. without usin ga t-mobile sim
16:31.03snadgei have someone elses email address on mine :/
16:31.11snadgethe lady who sold it to me
16:32.02snadgesomeone on here mentioned its possible
16:32.39mikey|ok, still cant send it, post reboot
16:34.14Disconnectmikey|: reword it maybe. not sure whats going on. (although if you are near a pc, hit it with logcat and see whats happening. it always bites me when i'm on the road and need to send -now-)
16:34.35mikey|just when teh food arrives :(
16:34.54Disconnectwasn't able to send one until he removed "dumb bitch" although that may have been coincidental :/
16:35.30mikey|well, mine has a url in it
16:35.36mikey|my mate wanted to see my presentation
16:36.07mikey|so i wrote go to http://some-long-address...../File.swf (match file case)
16:36.54Disconnectdunno. i know it doesn't work on occasion and then works on others. maybe try emailing :/
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16:37.15mikey|why is it some people use something like this in their code: int foo = 0x01acdd
16:37.31mikey|why hex instead of a proper int?
16:37.54Disconnectdepends on what you are doing with it.
16:38.08Disconnectbitmasks are much easier in hex, for example.
16:38.24mikey|this is from connectbot: public static final int pref_scrollback=0x7f07003c;
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16:42.11mikey|nothing logcat that says my sms didnt go through
16:45.06mikey|o.o, started a new message, still no luck :|
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16:47.06offby1I think Eclipse generates hex constants in certain places
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16:49.29mikey|does anyone have the link for t-mobile to send network settings via sms?
16:49.43mikey|i'm pretty sure i've used it before but cant it now
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16:51.29offby1stares blankly
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17:03.54savidDoes anyone know if it's possible to have a dialog as the main activity?  ie, I want the main app to just look like a normal dialog window
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17:10.34TiberiumXI don't know if you can do that, but why do you want to?  That doesn't sound like a very good UI decision.  Dialogs should look distinct from main application windows.
17:11.36SplasPoodAnyone happen to know if/how the PATH can be set for Term.apk sessions?
17:11.50SplasPoodautomatically, I mean
17:12.34ttuttlesavid: Doesn't Voice Dialer sorta do that?
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17:14.29JonnyBDoes anyone know if there has been a solution to the inability to delete mail from the trash on the pop3 email program?
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17:14.57savidttuttle, hmm.. haven't used voice dialer yet..   How do I bring up the voice dialer?
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17:21.10mastermindjonHey, everyone.
17:21.24mikey|well, t mob sent me the sms settings, works fine now :)
17:22.19mastermindjonAnyone else trying out this client via android-unleashed?
17:22.44d03boycan you be more specific
17:23.05mikey|is thinking of modding the g1 email app to ignore invalid ssl certs :|
17:23.26mikey|use TLS if available doesn't sound very secure and i dont have the software to test if it's encrypted has a post that has an embedded irc from Just wondering if anyone else is using the chat that way.
17:24.04d03boyyes. Some people use that.
17:24.10d03boydoes that answer your question?
17:25.00mastermindjonKinda. I asked that to ask if anyone has tried to tether their G1? Since I found the HowTo here.
17:25.22d03boyI have a Button with height set to "wrap_content" but when I put it in a Horizontal Linear Layout, it gets cut off because of the weight differences on the outer Vertical Linear Layout
17:25.55d03boymastermindjon, someone has successfully tethered their G1
17:26.48mastermindjonI figured ^_^ Just needing a bit of help, if anyone here has had success. I'm about halfway through doing it.
17:27.11d03boymight as well jump directly to your question instead of beating around the bush
17:27.18ttuttlesavid: it's in apps, or you can hold the green phone button for a couple seconds.
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17:29.38mastermindjonAnyone able to help with problems tethering? I'm having issues getting Eclipse to work with the ADT.
17:30.47d03boy...getting closer. Now you just need to say what kind of issues you're having...
17:31.03savidttuttle, cool, thanks
17:31.48snadgei cant even figure out how to get my g1 to tell me what day of the week it is.. eg friday, monday etc
17:32.13mastermindjoni'm using Eclipse Ganymede, and when I go into the prefs to set the directory for the Android settings, it won't accept the SDK directory.
17:32.47mastermindjonJust gives a general error that it can't find the tools it's looking for.
17:32.49offby1huh, I managed ... and I'd never used Eclipse before
17:33.01offby1not that that helps you any.
17:33.26d03boymastermindjon, whats the name of your android directory
17:33.40mastermindjonHell, I'll do whatever you did if it works. I've never used Eclipse either, just followin' the steps I had.
17:35.51mikey|what happened to android.text.util.Regex ?
17:36.46mastermindjoni can't remember the path. don't have my laptop here. if that's what you mean.
17:36.48snadgecan the g1 run skype or tomtom?
17:37.07mastermindjonI'm kinda running blind on the whole thing.
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17:38.08mastermindjonI was mostly just wondering if it was a common thing.
17:38.26snadgeor is google going to add voice directions to their navigating software
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17:44.14mastermindjonActually, I'm gonna try something else with it. How can I get to the command line input?
17:45.33infernixmastermindjon: don't need eclipse for tetherig
17:46.25mastermindjonGreat. Open for anything. What should I do?
17:46.26infernixsnadge: skype presumably though iSkoot, havent tried though. No TomTom until they port it
17:47.47infernixit rather sucks though. if you have root there are better ways
17:48.18d03boycan anyone tell me how weights work?
17:48.59Disconnectmikey|: fyi "use tls" and "use ssl" requires valid certs. no mods needed.
17:49.14infernixmikey|: there is already a fork of the g1 email app. its called K-9, is in market, #k-9 right here on freenode
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17:49.52mastermindjonThose are the instructions I had, actually. The Android SDK is where I was lead to Eclipse. Am I way off?
17:49.54KNYit's a shame K-9 can't import from Email.apk
17:50.12infernixmastermindjon: just download, unpack, then use 'adb' thats in it.
17:50.17infernixno need to use eclipse
17:50.19DisconnectKNY: that wouldn't be secure.
17:50.38KNYDisconnect, yeah I know, but from an end-user, I don't want to have to enter all my crap again ;)
17:50.51Disconnectis a big fan of "its secure if the user says it is ok" but then again, goog has shown that security is more about them than about the users.
17:51.06mastermindjonwhen I do to launch 'adb', it pops the command prompt, runs some lines faster than I can see, then it closes.
17:51.11KNYyeah, it should have a gksu-ish system
17:51.16Disconnectmastermindjon: its a commandline app
17:51.35KNY("it" being Android)
17:52.09snadgeat least google errors on the side of security, rather than the side of convenience
17:52.11DisconnectKNY: and/or temporary/revokable perms. but a reasonable security policy would make way too much sense.
17:52.30Disconnectsnadge: hahahaha.
17:52.34snadgeif you want convenient pwnage.. theres winmo for that
17:52.36mikey|Disconnect: k-9 doesnt allow it either
17:52.44mikey|connect to self signed email cert servers
17:52.51infernixmikey|: sure does
17:52.53infernixworks fine hre.
17:52.58infernixrunning courier imap self signed
17:53.10mikey|i chose use tls (always) and it says cant connected, untrusted
17:53.10mastermindjonYeah, but it closes without me having the ability to enter commands. Unless I'm doing something grossly wrong. Also likely. XD
17:53.14mikey|or something to that effect
17:53.23infernixmikey|: use the "when available". it'll do SSL
17:53.32snadgeon an unrelated note.. does anyone know where to get an asus eee pc, s101 model?
17:54.12Disconnectwoot, occasionally
17:55.02Disconnectneeds www
17:55.12Disconnectnevermind. must have been broken yesterday
17:55.13KNYDisconnect, works fine here
17:55.22snadgei've obviously been looking in the right places.. im kinda looking for a walk in store, and one that sells the s101 with linux
17:55.51snadgethey all seem to assume you want windows xp for some bizarre reason
17:56.04d03boytake winxp off..... then put lunix on
17:56.11offby1snadge: but everyone wants XP :)
17:56.22KNYsnadge, get the WinXP one and get a refund for XP, then put linux on
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17:58.25d03boyfor some reason I have a titlebar on my app. How do I ditch that mofo?
17:59.02KNYin your onCreate
17:59.17d03boythank you kind sir/maam
17:59.55snadgei thought of that kny.. but i want to contribute to the sales statistics that say that i want linux
18:00.05Disconnectthen order it online.
18:00.11snadgeand i dont want to give microsoft even the temporary pleasure of thinking they've sold a copy of windows ;)
18:00.13Disconnectdeal with "omg it will take a whole TWO DAYS"
18:00.14KNYsnadge, yeah, but it'd be better than nothing
18:00.41Disconnectorder it online, then hold your breath until it arrives.
18:01.01snadge2 days? cool.. i'll do that when im in LA
18:01.13snadgeim staying in a hotel thats all.. kinda dodgy to order it online
18:01.26Disconnect...use ssl.
18:01.41snadgeits more posting something to a hotel.. that im only going to be at for 6 days :P
18:04.12Disconnectso order it to be overnighted, and if it doesn't ship in time cancel/change the address. and hold your breath. :)
18:04.13d03boyKNY, for some reason that crashed my program. Not sure why
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18:04.44snadgeamazon or newegg didnt seem to have a linux option :/
18:05.06snadgethese companies really dont make it easy to sell something.. i suppose thats my fault for not wanting windows
18:05.39snadgei dont really get it.. i have the money burning a hole in my pocket, and they're not making it easy to part with it ;)
18:06.44KNYd03boy, what does `adb logcat` give you?
18:08.09KNY(d03boy, what I meant is what does it give you that's relevant?)
18:08.49d03boyrequestFeature() must be called before adding content
18:09.09KNYyou have to do it just after super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)
18:09.13KNYbefore you setContentView()
18:10.07d03boyworks beautifully now
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18:16.59mikey|i know the line of code that stops it from connecting to a self signed cert server when using "use ssl always", but some of the source code is missing from the git repo and the k9 client src
18:17.31mikey|some of the apache stuff and android.text.utils.regex
18:18.41Disconnectjust do it right - get it signed at (eg) and add their toplevel to the keystore
18:18.56mikey|how do i add it to the keystore?
18:19.59Disconnectlemme find the link
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18:20.56Disconnect worked for me
18:21.23Disconnectthere is a better link somewhere but that should get you started
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18:23.10mikey|i dont have the root-able version of the firmware :|
18:23.40Disconnectthen you need to figure some way of implementing your own keystore. or just give up and use ssl instead of tls.
18:24.03Disconnectthe "right answer" is the private keystore that compares the key. but..
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18:25.52mikey|might just have to fork the mail client myself
18:26.12mikey|seeing as there's no alternative atm to getting a proper signed cert
18:26.31Disconnectssl if available instaed of tls. it'll at least ensure its encrypted.
18:26.55mikey|alright, leeme try with ssl
18:27.13Disconnectdoesn't protect against MITM but .. you know.. self-signed certs aren't "secure"
18:27.23Disconnect(except they are, if they are cached and verified)
18:29.30d03boyanyone notoice this huge bug(?) eclipse has in the XML editor. If you type android:id or whatever, it wont do the completion
18:29.37d03boyunless you backspace to the beginning of the line
18:29.39Disconnectsometimes it does.
18:29.45Disconnectbut that editor is a disaster.
18:29.53d03boybecause it doesnt consider the word "android" in its check
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18:30.27Disconnectshow the preview, then go back to the text editor and start entering xml by hand. chances are good that pretty soon it'll suck down all your available ram (over 2 gigs here) and die.
18:30.41d03boyyeah. It's been doing that
18:30.49d03boyi'm extremely disappointed with how Eclipse is running lately
18:31.00d03boywhether or nots its eclipse's fault.. who knows/cares
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18:33.21weilaweiwheeee irssi + connectbot
18:33.41LunchDoes the image on a standard Button have margins? even by setting the margins to 0 I still can't get two buttons to be right next to eachother.
18:34.04d03boypadding 0 also?
18:34.37Lunchyes, padding also zero
18:37.01Luncheven setting it to fill_parent I can't get the two buttons to be next to oneanother
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18:45.10budwaaim not getting a notification of usb connection any more. Where do i mount the sd card for access by the pc?
18:45.50offby1that behavior changed on or around R30
18:45.54d03boyLunch, do you have it in a linear layout
18:46.28Lunchd03boy, right now in relative layout
18:49.17LunchI get the same results in LinearLayout, RelativeLayout and GridView
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18:49.55d03boynot sure
18:49.57d03boyim newb
18:50.17budwaaWhats the easiest way to get an app ive made onto my phone?
18:50.31Lunchbudwaa, using exclipse?
18:51.36budwaalol oops
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18:57.02d03boyalright. I have my layout working. Now what?
18:57.45d03boyhow can I do event handling
18:58.04Lieutenantdamn were u up all night?
18:58.16d03boywent to sleep at 5am and got up around 11
18:58.43Lieutenantoh lol
18:58.54Lieutenanti went to sleep at 4, woke up at 1 :(
18:58.56budwaaI want to check wifi state but i get a permission exception when using wifimanager.getwifistate. Is there another means to do this?
18:59.37TiberiumXAdd the permission that it's complaining about to your manifest?
19:00.02Disconnectbudwaa: yah that was already answered for you a couple hours ago
19:00.19d03boyI have one Activity and it has an input field that I need to catch events on
19:01.11budwaaWent for dinner :d
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19:04.22DarkriftXdoes the market have a way to see the latest stuff?
19:06.07d03boywaht's an intent for/
19:06.13d03boythat is an event?
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19:08.38mikey|DarkriftX: the date tab?
19:08.46DarkriftXi just found that lol
19:09.05DarkriftXi thought i had seen it but couldnt find it (thought it was on the main screen)
19:09.18mikey|this heater is borked :(
19:10.37budwaaIve added a permission to my AndroidManifest.xml but its giving the same error. IVe set the name to the permission given by the exception..
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19:11.34mikey|did you put the permission after </application> budwaa ?
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19:12.37budwaa<permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"></permission>
19:13.10budwaaand yes, it seems it has. Although i did it through the gui
19:13.39budwaaIs that how its supposed to be?
19:16.40mikey|seems like it, yeah
19:16.54mikey|pastebin your code, lets have a look at it :)
19:17.15budwaamaybe it should be uses-permission
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19:17.30mikey|ahh, yeah, try that
19:17.35Disconnectis findViewById expensive? cuz its taking -forever- to pick up 4 edittexts :(
19:18.02budwaabingo :D
19:18.34mikey|never been slow for me Disconnect, but then again, i havent coded much for android :p
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19:20.16Disconnectthere was other code in there. looks like my db adapter is taking forever to init. thats still annoying (2 seconds??) but more reasonable :)
19:21.30d03boywhere are the good tutorials that describe how to use an intent/activity/etc
19:22.49mikey| is quite good imo
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19:25.37Disconnectwagghhfh. its setcontentview thats sucking down 2 seconds. :(
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19:26.57budwaaIm liking android :D
19:27.59Disconnectfills.xml is just a pile of linearlayouts with a scrollview and a single relativeview
19:28.18budwaaWhat would the 3g connection come under?
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19:45.05IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
19:45.57DarkriftXis the opera browser even decent compared to the "browser" ?
19:46.21Disconnectcan someone ban IznastY? he has literally only ever said one thing. "<IznastY!> [20:05] Damm: didnt realize public away was on"
19:47.14DammDarkriftX, totally decent.
19:47.25IznastYi thought i turned shit off
19:47.26DammIznastY, can you please turn that shit off now?
19:47.40DarkriftXi read soemwhere that the opera browser was a flop because android already had a good browser
19:47.43DarkriftXso wasnt sure
19:47.53offby1Disconnect: I've just /ignored him/her/it
19:48.08IznastYim trying hold on
19:48.27DammDarkriftX, that's opinion pretty much.  It handles BBC and CNN just fine
19:48.31IznastYblah, i'll just use a reg irc client
19:48.48DammI prefer Opera Mobile to the "Webkit" Browser for sites like BBC
19:49.34Dammand the javascript support is better in Opera Mobile then in the browser.
19:49.56DammI can login to my bank and do stuff with it, where as the regular browser will randomly disconnect me
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19:52.39andyrossDamm: are you sure the BBC isn't handling Opera specially?  My experience has been almost exactly the opposite: AJAX sites fail routinely in Opera, where the G1 usually handles them fine as long as the layout doesn't break.
19:55.32Dammandyross, quite possible.
19:55.39Disconnectopera mini does a couple of things afair. it does special rendering and lots of sites handle it specially.
19:56.21Disconnectyah they use proxies for everything. its even on the feature page.
19:56.35DarkriftXwow, android browser with text size set to tiny shows webpages almost normally
19:57.21Dammandyross, however my bank is completely seperate.
19:58.01d03boyalright people. I've made my layout. Now I need to figure out what these Intent and Activity things are
19:58.08DisconnectDamm: probably the bank dislikes ip changes. with opera mini using proxies, one ip.
19:58.09d03boyhook a brotha up
19:58.38Disconnectd03boy: go through the docs and tutorials.
19:58.41DammDisconnect, for sure.
19:58.46Disconnecti think you're looking for activity lifecycle first
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19:59.38DarkriftXsounds like your irc client is getting close d03boy
19:59.41DarkriftXyou going to charge for it?
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20:00.32Disconnectanyone have info for debugging slow setcontentview? its eating up 2 seconds :(
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20:00.59DarkriftXit joined using my wifi and my 3g :S
20:01.05DarkriftXim guessing that is a bug
20:01.28DarkriftX* droidrift ( has joined #android
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20:01.42DarkriftXthose are both me, same client but it connected once using each connection :S
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20:03.02DarkriftXthere doesnt appear to be a way to exit that irc app :s
20:03.04d03boyI once saw some video tutorials but cant find them now
20:03.19DarkriftXoh lol
20:03.26DarkriftXfound it, in the menu :S
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20:09.57TiberiumXAnyone know if I can send a file:// URI to the video player application?
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20:10.25TiberiumXOr otherwise force it to play a specific file.
20:10.44Lieutenanthey has anyone seen that "gears" option in the browser? is that something similart to firefox addons? how come nobody has started creating "gears" for the browser?
20:11.34TiberiumXMaybe the API for it isn't there yet.  Seems like Google has ripped a lot of stuff out that wasn't ready at launch time.  Where are my home screen widgets?
20:12.20Lieutenantoh, i see. well google better hurry up and deliver all the features we should have.
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20:12.24Disconnectwow. no change even when I convert to a simple tableview :(
20:12.37Disconnectwhat would cause my app to spend 1.5 seconds inside setcontentview?
20:13.35Lunchhow complicated is the view?
20:14.42Disconnectnot very. :/ simplified it even further. linear < scroll < table < 6x row textview edittext /table> /scroll> <linear 2x buttons >
20:15.10TiberiumXTry loading a mostly empty view and see what happens.  Could at least then know if you should be looking at a layout problem or not.
20:15.41Disconnectyah. :/ i'm seeing with the current view
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20:16.01Disconnect(same with the debug tracing missing - unfortunately, traceview won't run on any of my boxes :( ..)
20:18.22Disconnecthmm. reducing the rows to 4 dropped it down to .75 seconds. so thats probably close enough. except i need the extra rows :/
20:19.06TiberiumXHow are you adding the rows?
20:19.15Disconnectall via xml
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20:20.55budwaais their an equivalent of for the 3g connection?
20:21.33Dammi assume so
20:21.39Dammsince i've seen an app that shuts off 3g
20:22.05budwaaoh, what app?
20:22.25budwaaIs that its function or it has some other purpose?
20:23.35mikey|wtf is web n walk? is that like web browsing with fup?
20:23.48mikey|over the t mob network
20:25.11budwaaits the name for their data package
20:25.23budwaaMight include wifi ap's too..not sure.
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20:29.07Disconnectok now i'm confused. on the device the smaller layout displays pretty quick. but there is a good solid 1.5 second delay between the end of my oncreate and the activitymanager saying "displayed activity"
20:29.33TiberiumXLoading the home screen takes a really long time after pressing the home button.  I don't recall this issue before RC30.  Anyone else share this experience?
20:29.36Disconnectdisplays quick as in it tears through the oncreate function without any major delays
20:29.45DisconnectTiberiumX: its about having apps installed.
20:29.57DisconnectTiberiumX: if you uninstall them all, it'll be moderately quick again :(
20:30.29TiberiumXThat's strange.  Preloading the icons in the pull-up application list?
20:30.34*** part/#android LanceHaig (n=lanceh@foresight/member/lhaig)
20:30.38mikey|TiberiumX: i've only had that problem when i had lots of browser windows open and i navigate back home
20:31.57TiberiumXI'll try paring down my installed applications and see what happens.
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20:34.01budwaaTiberiumX: do you get the home screen with no icons?
20:34.36jastathats because home is restarting itself.
20:34.47budwaaIS it some memory saving thing?
20:34.51mikey|i managed to crash the home process somehow
20:34.51TiberiumXAnd being really slow about it.
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20:35.04jastabudwaa: yes, the platform has killed Home to get more memory for whtaever other apps you have floating around
20:35.14mikey|or i think it stopped responding
20:35.17jastaand Home just so ahppens to startup very slowly
20:35.17budwaaI see
20:35.21mikey|but then i pressed wait, and it recovered
20:35.23TiberiumXToo bad you can't set a priority for various applications.
20:35.27jastaso one thing you can look at is why Home needs to be killed in the first place
20:35.29TiberiumXI'd rather it kill home last.
20:35.31budwaaGotta load pictures icons etc..
20:35.39jastabudwaa: you could check adb shell dumpsys activity | grep oom_adj and see if anything has a lower oom_adj than Home
20:35.43jastamaybe some busted app you installed
20:36.05budwaaill have a cleanup
20:36.08jastaalso, the browser tends to be a major memory hog, and so running it with many windows or even on certain pages will take up all the phones available memory and android will start reaping
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20:36.29mikey|i love the multi window feature of the browser <3
20:36.46jastabut in my case, i found that my home app was restarted often because my app was coded in such a way to have a lower oom_adj than Home, which was wrong :)
20:36.59mikey|adj stands for?
20:37.14jastaout of memory
20:37.21TiberiumXIn what way was it coded to cause that problem?
20:37.23romainguy__jasta: and Home just so ahppens to startup very slowly << if Home startups slowly then the device is really thrashing for some reason
20:37.27budwaaSomthing u can set in the manifest?
20:37.42budwaaso how the hell can i change the 2g only setting in android..
20:37.53jastaromainguy__: you told me once that Home startup is slow, and that can be observed pretty easily if it has to restart
20:37.59jastatakes 4-5 seconds
20:38.10budwaaIm loosing the will to live searching the API's
20:38.10jastaTiberiumX: i had a background service which lived indefinitely.
20:38.18mikey|budwaa: settings->wifi, etc, ->mobile networks
20:38.27romainguy__jasta: no, I told you it *was* slow and we did a lot of work to improve it
20:38.29budwaamikey|: yeah i mean from my app
20:38.35mikey|oh, dunno
20:38.42romainguy__on a device that's not thrashing Home can startup in less than 1 second
20:38.45jastaromainguy__: work that hasn't made it onto the G1, so why would you assume i know about that?
20:39.00romainguy__work that has made it onto the G1...
20:39.10romainguy__it was pre-1.0
20:39.12jastai beg to differ.  Home restarts slow as hell.
20:39.23romainguy__because when it's killed the device is thrashing
20:39.37jastayou can make the device kill it by just playing around in the browser.
20:39.48Disconnectromainguy: you are playing semantic games. clearly he is (correctly) comparing the earlier g1 releases with current. so no, compared to those work has NOT made it in.
20:39.50budwaayou mean whatever makes home leave mem makes it slow to be re-loaded?
20:40.02DarkriftXsomeone needs to clean the fucking market up
20:40.15romainguy__Disconnect: being the one that wrote Home I would know what work when in the build and when :)
20:40.19DarkriftXthis asshole jerome posting about friends on your phone and spamming that url needs to be assraped
20:40.23mikey|DarkriftX: it's like youtube comments...
20:40.31jastabudwaa: the browser takes up a lot of memory, which can ultimately lead android to kill running processes.  Home is probably going to be one of them.  when you leave the browser Home restarts, and will draw initially with no icons while it does
20:40.34DarkriftXsomeone needs to ddos his site, any takers?
20:40.48mikey|ddos' DarkriftX by 'mistake'
20:40.57DarkriftXromainguy: send googlebot to crawl his site on "crack" mode
20:41.06TiberiumXSo, what takes Home such a massive amount of time to start?  (Regardless of whether it has been improved from previous releases)
20:41.08Disconnectromainguy__: thought android wasn't a device? :P but in any case. by that measure, -every- piece of home is "an improvement that made it into the g1"
20:41.10romainguy__jasta: the Browser alone is not enough, on my device using the Browser is not enough to kill Home
20:41.19DarkriftXi mean, the market looks like its going to be great, but assholes have to spam it like crazy
20:41.38Disconnectromainguy__: load 3 or 4 windows, and while they are loading hit home. chances are good it'll take at least 10 seconds, if you hit it just right it'll take 30-60
20:41.54Disconnectif you get -really- lucky it'll take in excess of 120 seconds
20:42.04Disconnect(which is when I usually just lock it and wander off)
20:42.05romainguy__Disconnect: then there's something terribly wrong with your device
20:42.10jastaromainguy__: it doesn't happen always, probably because the browser doesn't have an upper bound.  more complex sites and lots of tabs does it though.
20:42.16TiberiumXI've probably had 10, but never anywhere near 120.
20:42.17budwaaIts never been that bad for me...about 5 secs at worst
20:42.29jastaand it's not exclusively the browser, other services are running on my phone, and quite possibly on budwaa.
20:42.31budwaaJust enough for me to notice
20:42.45jastawhich is why i told him to look at dumpsys activity, because it will tell him how Home will get reaped.
20:42.48romainguy__Disconnect: I did a LOT of tests abotu Home restart over a few months and the longest time I've seen Home take to restart was around 10 seconds
20:42.57romainguy__30-60 means there's something really bad going on
20:43.17budwaajasta, wheres dumpsys? Part of the adb
20:43.25jastabudwaa: adb shell dumpsys activity
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20:44.11romainguy__jasta: romainguy__: it doesn't happen always, probably because the browser doesn't have an upper bound.  more complex sites and lots of tabs does it though. << again, it depends on what else you have going on (and the browser does have an upper bound, around 27 MB)
20:44.17budwaajasta: got no idea where to find that :d
20:44.18Disconnectcan't get it now. effectively instant. i'll play with it more tomorrow in 3g (since it won't stay on wifi for more than 5-10 seconds at a time. but don't say thats a testing failure or danny will pee on you.)
20:44.21TiberiumXThere are quite a lot of services running that probably should have stopped themeslves by now on my device.
20:44.27mikey|which sensor does "Battery Info" use to get the battery temp?
20:44.35mikey|I tried activating the temp sensor, it failed
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20:45.09TiberiumXAnd I'm proud to say that the one belonging to my podcatching app that I've been testing extensively isn't among that list.
20:46.28TiberiumXDoes does every application have an upper bound? (beyond available memory, of course)
20:46.41romainguy__TiberiumX: you can't get more than 16 MB of memory
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20:46.59DisconnectRyeBrye might be able to reproduce it more frequently, he was making the same 30+ second reports i was
20:47.04mikey|who was asking about how to enable/disable 3g via their app?
20:47.10TiberiumXPer process?  e.g. does a service contribute to that total?
20:47.26mikey|download the src for settings, you'll find it somewhere in there:;a=commit;h=de2d9f5f109265873196f1615e1f3546b114aaa7
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20:47.30romainguy__TiberiumX: per VM
20:47.36romainguy__so pretty much per process
20:48.01budwaamikey|: yeah i was
20:48.14budwaamikey|: wheres that ?
20:48.19mikey|see my link
20:48.46TiberiumXOkay, so you can see if 3G is enabled.  Is there a way to see if it's actually on a 3G network?
20:48.50mikey|aye, download the src
20:48.53budwaadamn that rick click feature of putty always gets me
20:49.24mikey|TiberiumX: you mean via your app?
20:49.25budwaanice one mikey|
20:49.36mikey|no idea mate
20:57.19sparkleok, i just have to say
20:57.31sparklestreamfurious is feckin cool :D
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20:58.26JesusFreke1what is streamfurious?
20:58.39sparklelook on the market
20:58.41sparklem3u streamer
20:59.02sparkleplays in the background
20:59.07JesusFreke1ah, k. I've been using five :D
20:59.17sparklereally really nicely done
21:01.21JesusFreke1ah, just shoutcast
21:01.31JesusFreke1I prefer to listen to my own music collection :D
21:02.15TiberiumXThere was another shoucast client out there that couldn't even keep up (without having to stop and refill its buffer) on wifi.  I'll try this one out.
21:02.52TiberiumXAnd that was just a 96kbps stream.
21:03.16sparkleradio paradise 128k smooth to the quarter wave
21:03.28JesusFreke1five is pretty cool, although it's not ready for mass consumption yet
21:04.11JesusFreke1The basic premise is to let you listen to stream your home music collection, letting you listen to them like they were actually on your device
21:04.59JesusFreke1orb is similar, but you have to start a stream from their website, and there's no way to navigate within the stream once you started it
21:05.01sparkleok, now i just have to see if icecast server runs ok on the g1
21:05.07JesusFreke1(i.e. can't skip to the next song)
21:05.50JesusFreke1not to mention if it gets disconnected, you have to re-browse through the menus on the site to restart the stream. heh
21:07.38TiberiumXStreamFurious has no issues with streaming 128kbps over 3G, so that's a huge improvement.  A better selection of channels / ability to enter a URI for a stream would be nice (which I would expect, but don't see anywhere).
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21:25.14d03boywhen an activity is paused, can it still be doing stuff in the background?
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21:36.04DarkriftXwow, andnav is pretty good
21:36.19DarkriftXif only it read the compass (or if the compass worked :S)
21:36.31DarkriftXisnt there a wya to recalibrate the compass?
21:36.53benleyturn on the compass and shake the phone around in figure-8s for a bit
21:37.53DarkriftXdo you have to have a particular app open while doing this?
21:38.11d03boyI heard that it works best if you do the macarena
21:38.22DarkriftXlearns the macarena real fast
21:39.11d03boyanyone have any idea how the networking (TCP) stuff works with android
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21:39.23d03boyim not immediately seeing anything useful
21:39.31richwjonesHow low level are you talking about
21:39.49d03boyI think I just want a Tcp connection of some sort
21:40.36d03boyim assuming android has its own tcp stack instead of using the java implementation? doesnt seem to have much
21:47.30DarkriftXis there a built in method to view the direction from the compass?
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21:57.56offby1DarkriftX: ah, it's always off by about 45 degrees anyway :-|
21:58.17DarkriftXyeah, mine is not only off, but always points between north and east
21:58.21DarkriftXno matter what direction i turn it
21:58.29foobar`still no binary maps app for git base os :(
21:58.52DarkriftXnorth says east, east says east, south says northeast, west says north, north says east
21:58.56ttuttleHey, can Android listen to rtsp streams?
21:59.24DarkriftXi sat it on my lap with "orienteer" running and spun it, moved it and made it dance, but no change
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22:00.47DarkriftXi think once andnav has better labeling for its buttons, it could be a completel replacement for the maps app
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22:01.30offby1hmm, my phone just buzzed to remind me of an appointment that's set to start tomorrow.
22:01.32foobar`not just maps app, the maps framework lib doesn't work on git base
22:01.46offby1The reminder is supposed to come two hours before it starts ...
22:01.55offby1but it's 14:00 here (PST8PDT).
22:02.04offby1I fear the reminder came now because it's 22:00 GMT.
22:03.25drakedevelJust a small bug report: When accessing pages that send application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml as Content-Type (which is valid for XHTML Mobile Profile), the browser shows the source instead of rendering it.
22:04.27foobar`irc is good place for bug reports
22:04.43foobar`can pretty much be guaranteed it will be tracked/recorded
22:05.52offby1you _are_ joking, yes?
22:06.56drakedeveloffby1: I hope so
22:07.26drakedevelThis isn't my phone, the owner (sitting next to me) asked me to complain for him, I don't know where it should go
22:08.03ttuttlefiles bug.
22:08.04drakedevelxsdg: Thank you
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22:08.14drakedevelpoints at ttuttle
22:08.25ttuttlepoints back at drakedevel's foolish non-XHTML website.
22:08.31xsdgdrakedevel: also, what Content-Type?
22:08.48drakedevelxsdg: application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml
22:08.51ttuttlealso glares harshly at whoever decided the search and URL bars were the same, and that rtsp:// is not a valid beginning of a URL.
22:08.54xsdgdrakedevel: oh, I see
22:09.01ttuttledrakedevel: Patches welcome, etc...
22:10.00drakedevelcat's /usr/bin/patch to IRC
22:10.05*** part/#android sonicdevo (
22:10.20ttuttlestabs drakedevel for adding a spurious apostrophe.
22:10.48drakedevelbleeds egregious grammetrical errors
22:11.17ttuttlemops up the mess.
22:12.35ttuttlewants A2DP :(
22:12.42*** join/#android P1ro (n=Piro@gentoo/user/p1ro)
22:13.01ttuttleP1ro: Greetings.
22:13.17mikey|drakedevel: i've come across that as well
22:13.21mikey|(the bug)
22:13.28ttuttlemikey|: Did you file it?
22:13.36mikey|forgot about it
22:22.06d03boywhy do you have to use a CharSequence for a TextView
22:22.14d03boyi just want to append some text :|
22:23.21jastad03boy: a String implements CharSequence, you know
22:23.32d03boyah, that works then
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22:50.24eldenzdo i need to reboot the phone to switch microsd card?
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22:52.10TiberiumXCan't you just unmount it in preferences?
22:52.35orcihi all, is there a project gutenberg reader?
22:52.52eldenzyeah but then the phone *could* still be doing stuff i guess.. although i assume it won't hurt then
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22:55.53eldenzhm, i'm feeling stupid. do i need to partition a new microsd special?
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22:56.31eldenzthe old one shows weird things with fdisk.. and the new one is formatted as fat32, one partition. but it doesn't recognize it.
22:56.35DarkriftXsome of the factory sd cards came with bad partitioning and were onyl readable by certain things
22:56.54DarkriftXyeah, seems they formatted the "card" but not a partition
23:01.20eldenzah, it wasn't just a feeling...
23:01.27eldenzi had the usb cable still connected ;)
23:17.36DarkriftXanyone know why compare everywhere only works on electronics devices?
23:18.01DarkriftXive scanned food products, household stuff, none every have prices or anything, but any electronics i scan it shows listings
23:19.09orciDarkriftX, I'd guess that electornic devices vary less than food products, hence easier to maintain a database?
23:19.22DarkriftXis it just because its new and has a low db, or because of...... yeah, what he said
23:20.04DarkriftXid love to be able to scan my 12pk of dr pepper and find who has the best price near me lol
23:20.27DarkriftXi dont buy lots of electronics (well, more than i should, but still) but i do buy tons of dr pepper, smokes etc
23:20.33*** join/#android drakedevel (n=adrake@WEH5207-17.WEH.ANDREW.CMU.EDU)
23:20.49DarkriftXi will say its fast as hell though, the image pops up before i can even get a decent lock on the bar code
23:21.50fnord_It would be more useful with a google search. I noticed the same issue
23:22.06DarkriftXi found one with google search, and it came up with no results for anything
23:22.09xttwhich is better generally  compare everywhere or shopsavvy ?
23:22.15DarkriftXi think it was just called barcode scanner
23:22.28DarkriftXoooh, i didnt know shopsavvy was the same general app
23:23.14orciDarkriftX, what is doctor perpper? is it a malt drink?
23:23.49DarkriftXits like coke
23:23.50DarkriftXbut i like it more
23:25.08d03boyi <3 drpepper+captain
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23:28.41Lieutenantk i just got a WILD idea. first, is it possible to run some code with an app without the app actually opening ON the screen? like just have it run in the background without an interface.
23:29.35orciLieutenant, of course it is possible, such as the dialer application
23:31.25Lieutenantokay, so i was wondering/here is my idea: how about make that print screen app JUST run the capture screen code when u click it. lets say i clicked the icon in my menu of the "PrintScreen" app, it will take a pic what whatever i was doing THE INSTANT i clicked that icon. (but obviously what we would see is the icon being clicked)
23:31.53Lieutenantwould that be possible? just when u click an app, an interface doesn't come up, it just runs the code.
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23:32.07JesusFreke1yeah, I think so. You could probably even assign a shortcut key to the app
23:32.15Lieutenantyeah thats where i was going
23:32.25Lieutenantthe G1 comes with a "assign shortcut" to any app
23:32.36Lieutenantso all u gotta do is hit "Menu + P" or something to printscreen
23:33.04ImpossibleJesusFreke1: sorry to bug...any news on a rc30 1.2 kinda update for rc8?
23:33.16JesusFreke1umm.. yeah :)
23:33.21JesusFreke1out for a while now..
23:33.26Impossiblegah, soz
23:33.37Impossiblejust read all your rc30 1.2's and must have missed it
23:34.08*** join/#android nidd (
23:34.16Impossiblethanks alot
23:34.17Lieutenantk, since this idea isn't TOO wild, i'll post it on the forums (didn't wanna look like a fool on the boards haha)
23:34.19JesusFreke1np :)
23:34.27DarkriftXi notice a lot of the apps i install are supposed to work in the background, but dont seem to auto start. is this a bug with the app, or not a feature of android (im sure it is, i dont see how auto start woudlnt be implemented)
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23:35.41Lieutenantdarkrift, the smartuser app starts automatically when the phone starts.
23:35.51Impossibleim looking at upgrading my rc7 release when i get a spare hour or two tommorow =)
23:35.55DarkriftXbetter to look liek a fool in real time then on a forum where your post stays forever huh?
23:35.58DarkriftXshit, afk 3 mins
23:36.04Impossiblewill have a tinker, thanks for the nfo...gonna get to bed now
23:36.08Impossiblegood night people
23:37.01thesquibhow can you extract files from an apk?
23:37.18offby1it's just a zip file
23:37.19JesusFreke1rename it to .zip
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23:37.20offby1use unzip
23:37.29thesquibhah! Thakns
23:37.49orciapk file is not a jar file though, is it?
23:39.48thesquibhmmm... I have been trying to access files within the apk from code using getResourceAsStream but I always seem to get no data, even if the file is found.
23:40.00thesquibAnyone have ideas about that?
23:40.54JesusFreke1orci jar files *are* zip files  :)
23:41.28orciJesusFreke1, yeah, this is why asked if afk files are jar files or not
23:41.44JesusFreke1they're all the same
23:42.05JesusFreke1apks are zips.. jars are zips.. apks are jars.. jars are apks.. etc. :)
23:42.34orciJesusFreke1, apk and jar files are subsets of zip files
23:42.57orciJesusFreke1, they are not simply zipped files, they have a format in them but zip is used to compress them
23:42.58thesquibOh i see, looks like it is a bug with android
23:47.44thesquibcan you even use getResourceAsStream on files within the res folder? Or is it restricted to using R.*
23:50.19Dammorci, they are signed... but they are still zips
23:50.37Dammit's a standard zip except for the signature, and then the contents of course are so java-esque
23:51.09orciDamm, contents have to have special directory names, etc, am I right
23:51.54Dammorci, the contents have stuff like META-INF and such... however in the end, it's still a zip
23:52.05Dammyour point is heard, but it's just not that complicated.
23:53.11orciyeah, I just wanted to say that sipping a file does not make it a jar file or an apk file
23:53.39DarkriftXi need a good compass app that will let me calibrate easily
23:54.34Dammorci, nope it does not.  however you can unzip them and do what you want.
23:54.46DammDarkriftX, orienter(sp) should work
23:55.01Dammthat's what I use, standard compass using the acceleramater... as well as GPS
23:55.07Damm(gps for just geo caching crud)
23:55.16DarkriftXseemed liek a good app, but it was way off
23:55.21DarkriftXand the spinning moving trick didnt work
23:58.58xsdgJesusFreke1: also note that apks (usually) don't contain Java bytecode at all
23:59.29*** join/#android vbabiy (

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