IRC log for #android on 20081129

00:00.21*** join/#android unix_infidel (
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00:26.02anno^da_Linux is running now on the iPhone 3G
00:26.29Versedyeah I saw that.
00:27.09Verseddid anyone except me get an over the air update today?
00:27.48offby1stares blankly
00:27.56offby1that would be "no"
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00:37.35obraVersed: to what version?
00:37.59Versednot sure, I'm new to this myself.  just got it when I was going to the bank today.
00:38.36offby1poke around in the "About Phone" thingy under Settings, and see what version you've got.
00:38.40offby1I think most of us have R30.
00:39.09VersedI was checking as you asked
00:39.21offby1boy, most of us got that weeks ago
00:39.30VersedI just bought the phone tuesday
00:39.36offby1maybe you haven't had the phone on, with data, in a long time?
00:39.49Versedits been on
00:40.08Versedin anycase its done
00:40.51offby1maybe they distribute the updates alphabetically, and "Versed" comes late in the alphabet :)
00:41.08Versedwho knows
00:41.30Versedwell off, catch ya later going out for a beer and cigar
00:41.57offby1don't say that if you aren't going to send us some :-(
00:42.19offby1instead, say something like "going off to accompany my wife while she shops for slipcovers", or something that won't make us envious
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00:53.57meyou-is there an android irc client yet?
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01:05.47dream_killwhy when using the system.img form the sources i always get the process has stopped unexpectedly.please try again
01:05.54dream_killand the phone keep reboots ?
01:10.23offby1elad: ooh!  Gotta get that.
01:10.43romainguydream_kill: what does the log say?
01:11.41dream_killdmesg doesn't say anything
01:11.48dream_killwhat other log to look at?
01:11.58dream_kill2 sec
01:12.19ionstormis it just me or is the latest v1.2 firmware update slow as hell?
01:12.29ionstormeverything seems so much slower on my g1
01:12.32romainguythere's no firmware 1.2
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01:12.46dream_kill(he means the xda-devel one :P )
01:12.56off-by-andyooh. nicer than emacs/erc/screen
01:12.58ionstormmod 1.2 RC30
01:13.31*** join/#android vbabiy (
01:14.39offby1OK, I'm giving the guy money
01:16.24dream_killflashing a bootimg too so i get adb so can logcat :D
01:17.16*** part/#android Dougie187 (n=doug@
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01:25.01*** join/#android bert0 (
01:25.53bert0has anyone successfully connected a g1 to an ubuntu box?
01:28.00KNYbert0, yes
01:28.06KNYdid you follow the instructions?
01:28.25bert0I haven't been able to get mine to work.  I have tried different cables etc.
01:28.30offby1bert0: "connected" how?  I attach the USB cord to my ubuntu box every day; works fine
01:28.34offby1copy files around etc.
01:28.41offby1it's my _windows_ box that doesn't work.
01:28.59bert0I just want to copy files to it
01:29.16bert0it says that it can't mount it because there is no media
01:30.35bert0Unable to mount location.  No media in the drive.
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01:31.33dream_killromainguy : is so fast the logcat :P
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01:32.23bert0KNY are there special instructions for linux or something that I'm missing here?
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01:33.35offby1bert0: not that I know of.  I think mine worked fine the first time I tried :-|
01:34.22bert0you just plugged it in, hit mount, and it shows up as a USB drive?
01:35.01KNYbert0, no, there are special instructions
01:37.17dream_killseems the media provider causes a exeption
01:38.13dream_killgoup 0x40013e28
01:38.38Leedsbert0: stupid question - you *do* have an SD card in the phone, right?
01:38.54offby1an excellent question
01:39.26Leedsthe phone itself does not mount - but it exports the SD card as USB mass storage
01:39.29offby1I could imagine someone tearing open the box and not noticing the little SD card in there.
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01:40.16Leedspokes bert0
01:40.44bert0Leeds yes
01:40.48offby1children!  No fighting
01:41.33bert0KNY I did all that and still adb detects no devices
01:41.46KNYbert0, did you restart adb?
01:41.51KNY`adb kill-server`
01:42.07Leedsbert0: are you trying to mount or use adb?  they aren't the same thing
01:42.22bert0either way is fine by me
01:42.31KNYLeeds, if you can't see it with adb, it won't mount
01:42.39bert0KNY it still doesn't detect
01:42.46LeedsKNY: assuming you have the debug over USB option turned on...
01:43.01KNYbert0, what Ubuntu?
01:43.19bert08.04 lts
01:43.55KNYyou copy and pasted the hardy instructions, right?
01:43.58Leedsbert0: are you plugged in directly or through a hub?  can you verify that other USB devices work when plugged into the same socket? are you using the HTC cable or a different one?
01:44.10bert0I replugged it in and now adb reads HT840GZ17015offline
01:44.30bert0and it still won't mount, with the same error
01:45.02bert0My thumb drives work in this usb port
01:45.14KNYyou're getting an error?
01:45.30bert0Unable to mount location.  No media in the drive.
01:46.02Leedswhat does dmesg tell you?
01:47.07Leedsthat's unhelpful
01:47.28Leedswhat does dmesg tell you about USB devices being plugged in?
01:47.39bert0well what specifically do you want?  The last line or all 10 pages
01:48.00Leedstake a guess
01:48.25KNYlsusb ?
01:49.38bert0Bus 002 Device 010: ID 0bb4:0c02 High Tech Computer Corp.
01:49.52KNYmount -a?
01:50.44bert0I still get the same error after mount -a
01:51.51infernixbert0: disconnect the phone. wait 10 seconds. connect the phone. select mout on the phone. then paste the output of "dmesg | tail -50" in a pastebin
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01:53.14Leedsmorning loke_
01:55.53*** join/#android Ramblurr (
01:56.07dream_killwhat is the max size for system.img :P ?
01:56.31romainguy___you don't want to go over 64 MB :)
01:57.42romainguy___the eng builds can go a little higher
01:58.00romainguy___but for the retail build, we fail the build if it goes over 60 MB
01:58.49dream_killseems the crashes are from the ***provider.apk
01:59.27bert0are there any known sd cards that won't work with the g1?
01:59.56Disconnectfull sized ones
02:00.43*** join/#android whaley (
02:00.50KNYis it possible to have Spinners in a ListView? (with the Spinners having a different ListAdapter)
02:01.09bert0It should be able to read a sandisk microSDHC 4gb card right?
02:01.21romainguy___bert0: if it's formatted correctly yes
02:01.29KNYromainguy, I get an exception (give me a second, I'll get it)
02:01.53bert0it should be formatted correctly if I just got it from the store right?
02:01.58romainguy___no diea
02:02.06romainguy___try to format it in FAT32 again
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02:02.08romainguy___see if it helps
02:03.04bert0I would but I don't have a way to read it without my G1 which won't mount
02:03.13KNYromainguy, java.lang.IllegalStateException: android.widget.Spinner is not a  view that can be bounds by this SimpleAdapter
02:03.32KNY(ps, there's a bug that needs fixing :))
02:03.42romainguy___KNY: the exception is pretty explicit, SimpleAdapter doesn't know how to bind to a Spinner
02:03.45romainguy___it is certainly not a bug
02:03.51romainguy___either use SimpleAdapter's ViewBinder
02:03.54romainguy___or use your own Adapter
02:04.05KNYromainguy, I meant the typo in the message was a "bug"
02:06.18KNYromainguy___, do you mean that I can't have a Spinner in a ListView that's built from a SimpleAdapter, or a SimpleAdapter populate a Spinner?
02:06.34romainguy___a SimpleAdapter can populate a Spinner
02:06.46romainguy___and a SimpleAdapter can create Spinners, if you use a ViewBinder
02:07.16romainguy___SimpleAdapter is, as its name suggests, simple
02:07.23romainguy___it knows about ImageView and TextView by default and that's it
02:07.35romainguy___if you want something fancier, use a ViewBinder or make your own adapter
02:07.36KNYthat's what I have. I have a SimpleAdapter.ViewBinder that I was going to use to populate the spinner with the SimpleCursorAdapter, but I get the exception before that
02:08.50romainguybecause your ViewBinder is not implemented correctly
02:09.00romainguyyou have to return true
02:09.19KNYokay, I'll see what I can do
02:09.24KNYand whoa, you changed nicks
02:09.40romainguyit's a powerful spell called a KVM :p
02:10.12dream_killromainguy: the mtd partitions are defined in the kernel or stored in the nand flash ?
02:10.24romainguy___no idea
02:10.35dream_kill(the alocation for mtd partitions)
02:10.47dream_killi wanted to make system bigger
02:10.51dream_killand userdata smaller :DS
02:11.14romainguy___what are you putting on system?
02:11.23romainguy___I mean, why do you need to make it bigger?
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02:11.59dream_killuff, now system.img from sources worked
02:12.03dream_killbut NO bluetooth :(
02:13.50dream_killi love the camera :D
02:14.00dream_killcan play chess :D
02:14.10dream_kill(no image from camera)
02:15.11romainguy___<sigh> iTunes
02:15.33KNYI hate iTunes
02:15.37romainguy___I like it
02:15.46SystemWizardwhy the iTunes hate?
02:15.47romainguy___but I just exported my Library to open it on another computer
02:15.55romainguy___it's an XML file that contains 108,000 lines
02:16.19KNYSystemWizard, it's the biggest pile of crap ever, at least on Windows
02:16.20ionstormshit, the iphone got a .torrent client
02:16.41ionstormi wonder how the g1 would handle bittorrent
02:16.44SystemWizardKNY: fair enough..  on the Mac it's pretty decent..
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02:17.43KNYSystemWizard, can't watch folders, doesn't detect duplicates automatically, only mac/windows, required for iTouch use, bloated as hell, etc
02:18.40SystemWizardyea yea yea...  I suppose that's all correct.. but I've tried other ipod managers (anapod comes to mind right away) and eventually they all trashed my iPod database
02:19.59KNYright, which is another beef I have with Apple :)
02:20.10KNYwhy should I need an "iPod manager"?
02:20.16KNYsighs, too
02:21.49SystemWizardyea that's my single peeve with the the ipod
02:21.57SystemWizardI can't just copy files to it and call it good..
02:22.07SystemWizardbut if I have to deal with that, I'll use iTunes..
02:22.17bert0that's my beef with the g1
02:22.27KNYyou're a fringe case, bert0
02:22.38bert0I know it sucks
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02:22.44SystemWizardall of the other windows and mac 'managers' for the iPod will eventuall trash the iPod database
02:22.57KNYso will iTunes
02:23.02KNYjust try switching computers some time
02:23.09bert0Even winmo could mount an sd card to my ubuntu computer
02:23.18KNYor, heaven forbid, reinstall your OS
02:23.19SystemWizardi did..
02:23.29SystemWizardyou're talking about auto-sync, right?
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02:23.41KNYno, it forces you to delete your music first
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02:23.52KNYat least with the iTouch it does
02:24.12KNYI think there's some way to export it or release it or something, but that doesn't help much if your HDD dies
02:25.14SystemWizardI haven't had that problem
02:25.42KNYI now have a WinXP virtualbox image just for iTunes
02:26.05KNYbut I have to patch my linux kernel to get iTouch/iPhone & iTunes support
02:26.23KNYbut yeah, that's a quick summary of why I hate iTunes. Glad you asked?
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02:27.11SystemWizardmeh.. I've heard that before...
02:27.40SystemWizardso it's fine..
02:30.07SystemWizardbut I've never had any instance of itunes (where I turn out the option to manage the devices myself) take songs back off of an iPod or an iPod Touch..
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02:33.01KNYromainguy, I got that Spinner to work a while ago, by the way
02:33.57SystemWizardspinner?  do tell...
02:34.09*** join/#android ALoGeNoFF (
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02:40.14KNYSystemWizard, original question: is it possible to have Spinners in a ListView? (with the Spinners having a different ListAdapter)
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02:53.53sparkleionstorm: the python bt client works pretty well on the g1
03:03.18SystemWizardKNY: interesting.. never thought about it..  but I guess since I've seen a spinner it a listview it must be possible.. :)
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03:45.02IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
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05:36.18meyou-so when i hook my g1 up to my pc via usb, it shows up as a removable device with no disk inserted. how do i fix this?
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05:37.30Leedsyou insert a disk?
05:37.37Leedsor rather, an SD card
05:37.52Dammmeyou-, open the notification and tell it to mount
05:37.53Leedsor really rather, a microSD or microSDHC card :-)
05:38.42LeedsI'm not sure it shows at all unless you reply to the notification, does it?
05:39.04meyou-aww snap
05:39.17*** join/#android Adamant (
05:39.21Leedsoops, sorry, it does...
05:39.40meyou-pretty cool
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06:10.12marix_g1sup guys
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06:13.54marix_g1busy night eh
06:14.46JesusFrekequite :)
06:17.07*** join/#android teratoma (
06:17.32teratomais there an irc client for phone running android ?
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06:20.44SystemWizardnothing official yet teratoma
06:20.50SystemWizardlots under construction
06:23.30*** join/#android muthu_ (n=mobeegal@
06:23.49sparkleif you've got root and some time, irssi works great :)
06:27.11teratomahow do i get to root prompt ?
06:27.19teratomacan i ssh from root prompt ?
06:27.22wub_hmm.. what is app_thumbnails in the browser data folder? it's getting some huge files in it.
06:27.44wub_google gives little in the way of answeers
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06:28.07teratomayou really got irssi running natively on your g1 ?
06:28.10SuryeIs there anyway in the current API to access the SMS/MMS storage?
06:28.31Gary|tpIIRC no
06:29.05wub_tet: there is an ssh client in the market called connectbot
06:29.33wub_it's very good. i'm actually using it to get here :)
06:30.06teratomayeah ive gone that.  i misunderstood you.  irssi natively on g1 would be weird.
06:31.10wub_anyone know about this app_thumbnails dir?
06:32.10unix_infidelteratoma: it'd be impracticle first and foremost unless you were on wireless.
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06:32.53teratomai assume if you wanted to use irc you would be connected to internet
06:33.16Disconnectteratoma: i think he's saying that using the radio drains the battery down fast
06:33.45teratomahow do you turn off wirelss ?
06:33.54Suryearmooo: Hmm... interesting
06:33.58Suryearmooo: Thanks
06:36.11Suryearmooo: Does it treat MMS's different in this context?
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06:39.29armoooSurye: good question, but i did not have any mms's when I was exported mine so i am not sure.
06:39.48SuryeI'll give it a go then when I get on my dev machine :)
06:40.49SuryeMy ultimate goal is to get to the pictures in the MMS
06:42.37romainguy__wub_: hmm.. what is app_thumbnails in the browser data folder? it's getting some huge files in it. << it's a bug we fixed, sorry for that
06:43.00Disconnectromainguy_: does that go along with the browser cache dir bug?
06:43.08romainguy__what cache dir bug?
06:43.30Disconnectbrowser puts cache files and stale window thumbs in the /data/ partition
06:44.48romainguy__yeah that's part of it
06:51.07Disconnectdidn't originally see that app_thumb was in the browser dir. so, speaking of stale window thumbs.. :)
06:51.22Disconnectanyway. 2am. crashy time. cya all!
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07:05.47wub_romainguy_: what version is it fixed in?
07:07.40romainguy__it hasn't been released yet
07:08.14wub_ah k
07:08.48wub_does it move the entire browser cache elsewhere too? off internal memory?
07:08.56romainguy__er no
07:10.02d0netsFNdo we have any progress on apps from sd?
07:10.02wub_ok, but files in app thumbs wont accumulate forever?
07:10.14romainguy__d0netsFN: no
07:10.23romainguy__be patient the phone has been out for just a month
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07:10.55d0netsFNbut thats a necessity
07:10.59wub_indeed :)
07:12.09romainguy__d0netsFN: that doesn't make it easier to do
07:12.52d0netsFNit should put it at the top of the list though
07:13.12d0netsFNthey sure make haste to keep us from having root
07:13.22romainguy__that's very different
07:13.27romainguy__it was a huge security issue
07:13.33wub_is the primary issue that the sdcard is formatted as fat32 and not something that supports unix permissions
07:14.00romainguy__wub_: that's one issue
07:14.06romainguy__(and not using FAT32 is not an option :)
07:14.37d0netsFNyou cant have an ext3 partition on sd?
07:14.39romainguy__you're welcome to join the discussions about this on the mailing list
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07:15.00romainguy__d0netsFN: that would require the sd card to be formatted by the phone only
07:15.04romainguy__or to be reformatted
07:15.12romainguy__which can cause no end of trouble to preserve data
07:15.20wub_understood... i'm sure tons of people are bugging in this chan about it
07:15.22d0netsFN(mobile g parted)
07:15.32romainguy__anyway, go read the discussions on the mailing list :)
07:15.50romainguy__wub_: yeah, and they all make the same mistake and think it's easy
07:16.00romainguy__another issue is graceful degradation
07:16.08wub_no, i understand
07:16.24romainguy__I didn't meaning the same mistake that you do :)
07:16.42romainguy__then there are the fun issues
07:16.52romainguy__like what happens if you want to mount the SD while apps are running from it
07:16.59romainguy__or what happens if you eject the sd from the phone
07:17.01romainguy__and so on
07:17.06romainguy__I'm glad I'm not working on it :)
07:19.05wub_thanks for the info on app thumbs... trying to preserve my precious internal memory while i can
07:19.09Dammthey have people running the browser cache from it.
07:19.34Dammromainguy__, hrm, didn't think the phone could handle ext2/3?
07:19.39romainguy__it can't
07:19.42romainguy__I never said it can
07:19.55romainguy__afaik it handles yaffs and fat32
07:20.09Dammand yaffs2/yaffs is an image
07:20.16Dammnot exactly a filesystem from the utility's i've seen.
07:20.36Dammwell it is
07:20.45Dammbut not something I can convert the sd card into easily
07:21.04Dammyou create the yaffs image with the files you want, and it creates a 'file' that is the filesystem.
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07:25.52joeyjonesyay, i got the internet working stabely
07:26.44joeyjonesnow i just need flash player for android
07:31.14unix_infideljoeyjones: internet should be stable out of the box ;-P
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07:31.47joeyjonesunix_infidel: it's a port of android on an htc touch/vogue
07:34.55Dammisn't the vogue missing a few buttons?
07:35.03Dammcompared to the dream
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07:36.45joeyjonesit's quite a useable port though
07:36.59unix_infidelyea i'm actively looking forward to seeing how cross device android support will be handled in the SDK, if at all.
07:37.05joeyjonesthe virtual keyboard needs a lot of work though :p
07:37.18romainguy__unix_infidel: we want to support that
07:37.56romainguy__note that you can already change important things like the resolution
07:38.02romainguy__but more needs to be done :))
07:38.20joeyjonesthe port for the vogue doesn;t have the resolution right
07:38.31joeyjonesatleast on my handset
07:38.51sparkleext2 works fine on the sdcard
07:38.57sparkleprovided you've got support in the kernel or a module
07:38.59unix_infidelromainguy__: yea we were talking about this at AndroidDevCamp.
07:39.37unix_infidelpositing that, if developers have to go back to their codebase 8 months from now when a killer device is released that has a input model a little different from the G1 it'll drive a bunch of people cray
07:39.39sparklebut i still have a fat32 partition on there as well
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07:39.54joeyjonesit seems like the SMS messaging and email apps aren't working properly, but otherwise it;s amazing
07:42.04romainguy__unix_infidel: they probably will have to anyway when devices with higher resolutions, lower resolutions, higher densities, lower densities, etc. come out
07:42.08romainguy__not necessarily big changes
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07:42.23romainguy__and apps should still work
07:42.29romainguy__but if you want your app to be perfect... :))
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07:43.28unix_infidelromainguy__: right, which makes me think it'll be *at least* 9 months before we see the next Android phone.
07:43.49romainguy__er how do you come up with that number?
07:43.59unix_infidelmy magic hat.
07:44.13romainguy__that's a useful answer...
07:44.37unix_infidelit's a guess, it's all conjecture.  only you guys know the real answers ;-)
07:45.02IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
07:45.03romainguy__after all the guesses here over the past year, I though you guys knew better by now :))
07:45.24romainguy__ok that script is getting annoying
07:47.38unix_infidelfor instance, not having a back button on the next device would REALLY suck.
07:47.57romainguy__that's pretty much part of what an Android device needs to have
07:48.06romainguy__and if it's not a hard button, it must be at least a soft button
07:48.22unix_infidelromainguy__: knew better in terms of what you guys know and dont know or better at guessing ;-)
07:48.23romainguy__but I wouldn't expect any android device to come out without back, home and menu
07:48.41Dammsparkle, yeah now that i'm thinking back I prolly shoulda kept root on my G1
07:48.50Dammbut ... it's not my phone it's my companies
07:49.03Dammdidn't wanna root it, and then hear about it.
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07:50.01romainguy__aaaaaaaaaaaaah! another discussion about root!
07:50.05romainguy__runs away and hide
07:50.28Dammromainguy__, can you help me get root?
07:50.35Damm... you know the root path?
07:50.48romainguy__I can show you how to draw "root" with pretty effects ^^
07:51.27Dammmeh, i just want bt pan
07:51.33sparklehe could, but then he would have to kill you.
07:51.42Dammactually he couldn't
07:51.50Dammgoogle's style is just as cramped
07:52.09Dammthe Big T has the big G by the ballsack.
07:53.47Dammwe'll see how AT&T works with Google and Sprint and such
07:53.53DammI imagine it'll be quite similar.
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07:58.57dream_killromainguy .. why the camera and IM compiled from source code not working on the device
07:59.13romainguy__IM because it doesn't come with any of the plugins
07:59.16romainguy__camera, no idea
07:59.19dream_kill(they run but camera doesn't get ANY images from the real hardware)
07:59.22romainguy__missing drivers?
07:59.46dream_killusing the real kernel from the device
07:59.52dream_killso..should have all drivers!
08:00.04romainguy__except if the drivers are not built into the kernel?
08:00.09romainguy__anyway, I have no idea
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08:06.46wub_is there somewhere thst i can see what features are being added and bugs have been fixed so that i can not bug this channel with such questions?
08:07.19wub_i have a feature request and a bug but i cannot imagine i'm the only one
08:07.36romainguy__no, we're still working on moving to an external bug tracker
08:07.49romainguy__and we'll soon move all development to the git repository
08:07.55romainguy__so file away
08:08.03romainguy__we'll close your bugs if they've been fixed already
08:08.24wub_k :)
08:08.30romainguy__what are they?
08:09.18wub_feature request: ability to turn off cell radio only, leaving wifi, gps on
08:09.25joeyjonesi really wish that google and htc would release an un-branded phone
08:09.45aramirezExcuse me, is there someone here who speak spanish?
08:09.56joeyjonesaramirez: doubt it :p
08:10.17romainguy__wub_: interesting, I don't know if that's possible (not technically, but legally, regarding the obligation to let the user place emergency calls - and yes i know about the airplane mode :)
08:10.30wub_in my office at work, i get a very poor signal and i'm guessing that the phone spends a lot of time searching for the network and wasting my battery
08:10.36romainguy__yep :(
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08:11.55joeyjonesromainguy__: it looks like windows mobile allow it, so...
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08:12.13wub_so why couldnt emergency calls turn the cell radio back on?
08:12.20romainguy__joeyjones: like I said, I don't know :)
08:12.51wub_the bug is ... you know how opening the menu and typing letters will match apps?
08:12.59romainguy__you mean on Home?
08:13.22wub_well, yes, but with the menu slid open
08:13.27romainguy__yes I see
08:13.35romainguy__so what's the bug?
08:13.40wub_typing on home opens contacts and starts matching
08:14.25wub_so if you have a folder open on top of the home screen and then slide the menu open to find an app to add to the folder...
08:15.12wub_i'm typing all of this on a g1, hence the slowness ;)
08:15.12romainguy__hmm no
08:15.32romainguy__if I have a folder open and the slider opened and type, it works just fine
08:15.37romainguy__note that the focus has to be in the list of apps
08:15.54wub_let me try again real quick
08:16.55wub_could it be something that was fixed in rc30?
08:17.26wub_i got a replacement g1 tthis week and havent received the ota update yet
08:17.31romainguy__I doubt it
08:17.32wub_still on rc29
08:17.33romainguy__I wrote Home
08:17.41romainguy__and I didn't fix such a thing in rc30
08:17.48wub_it's still doing it
08:17.52romainguy__but like I said, the focus has to be inside the list of all apps
08:18.14wub_i dont see how the focus could be on anything else
08:18.29romainguy__it can be on the drawer's tab
08:18.51romainguy__it also works if the focus is nowhere
08:19.29wub_...why would i want to open contacts if the focus is on the drawer's tab and the drawer is open? ;)
08:19.42d0netsFNhey which activity is it again in anycut for gps?
08:20.00wub_can i force the focus to be in the window by scrollong it a bit?
08:20.13romainguy__wub_: just go right with the trackball?
08:20.14wub_d03boy: unlock pattern
08:20.18romainguy__or open the drawer with the touch screen
08:20.27wub_i did that
08:20.45wub_here is precisely what i am doing
08:21.32wub_keyboard is open, tap on folder to open it, tap on drawer to slide it open, type....
08:21.51romainguy__and it works ^^
08:22.28wub_oohhhh no! it looks like the focus is staying on the folder
08:22.45wub_i can see the icon highlighted orange under the drawer
08:22.57wub_want me to send you a picture?
08:23.08romainguy__probably got fixed then
08:23.13romainguy__because I can't reproduce
08:23.14joeyjonesso apparently the htc touch pro doesn;t have gps, but the htc touch/vogue does
08:23.22romainguy__at least on post rc30
08:23.34wub_i can move the trackball around and see it scroll around the folder
08:23.48wub_lemme yry something
08:24.09wub_i still have my old device that has rc30
08:24.31wub_i realize it may have been fixed after
08:28.01wub_still doing it in rc30 so hopefully it got fixed later then
08:29.23romainguy__apparently it did
08:29.26romainguy__since I cannot reproduce it
08:29.34wub_thanks for listening to all of that romain... :)
08:30.13romainguy__I'll try to filter the list of apps when the focus is on the drawer tab
08:30.22romainguy__the problem will be to do it in a non-disgusting way
08:31.02wub_is it possible to file the cell radio one as a feature request? at least someone could look into it re: the legal issue you mentioned
08:31.29romainguy__you can file any feature request you want
08:31.34romainguy__it just doesn't mean it's gonna happen :))
08:31.39wub_i cant be the only one that spends 8+ hours in a place with crappy reception
08:31.44wub_i understand
08:32.15romainguy__(some people think that filing a bug/request means it will be accepted, I'm just disclosing :)
08:32.47JesusFrekewants to make toast with android. please make it happen
08:32.59romainguy__Toast.makeText()? :)
08:33.05wub_nope, i know how development works.. ;)
08:40.10wub_ok where the heck do i request a feature? google search is coming up with all kinds of archives and other stuff.
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08:41.27xsdgor, easier to remember,
08:42.18tmztjoeyjones: raph doesn't have gps?
08:56.57joeyjonestmzt: i think it has one, but it refuses to connect
08:57.04joeyjonessince it atleast shows up
08:57.24tmztjoeyjones: what carrier/amss version is it? that would determine whether it works
08:57.40joeyjonesit's telus mobility, no idea about the amss
08:57.51tmztoh, they might disable it then
08:58.22joeyjonesthey include a custom/branded gps application
08:58.24tmztnormally you should be able to cat /dev/smd7 and get nmea, maybe after setting something with proc_comm (in the kernel)
08:58.48tmztthen they probably use the qualcomm agps over ip
08:59.19tmztthere might be information on
08:59.30joeyjonesi plan to read up on it later
08:59.49joeyjonesmy htc touch/vogue wasn;t supposed to have gps but i did a ROM update and now it works
09:00.00tmztalso telus?
09:00.11joeyjonesi wonder if it might not be enabled in the ROM
09:00.15joeyjonesnaw, bell mobility
09:00.57tmztyou build a kernel or use dzo?
09:01.05tmztso, android 0.8?
09:01.15joeyjonesif he wasn't such a failure at technology i;d tell him to flash a new ROM
09:01.37joeyjonesi flashed the new bell wm rom and run the dzo android off of it
09:02.23tmztI'm trying to find out if disabling fbcon is enough to make 1.0 work, there is a check for it in the code
09:02.42tmztthat requires building a kernel though
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09:03.00joeyjonesi really like the port though
09:03.13joeyjonesbut i keep noticing quirks as i go
09:03.17tmztwe had everything working mounting yaffs2 but after exec'ing init (android init) it just failed
09:04.11joeyjonesi actually flashed the ROM because android complained about me using an old radio
09:05.17joeyjonestmzt: i'm following rumors of the htc touch hd getting an android release
09:05.48tmztI wonder if zune7 is even coming after reading some reports from pdc
09:06.09tmzttouchflo can only go so far
09:06.32tmztwm7 with zune player
09:06.59tmztstill a ce5.5 kernel I think
09:07.24tmztwhich is good news if you want to run android, because you can launch linux with haret
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09:08.02joeyjonesi expect that if done properly android will surpass wm and the iphone within a year
09:08.38gamblerthx walt mossberg
09:08.53gamblerjoeyjones, you running android on the Touch? - how is that
09:08.59tmztit has a similar java architechure to blackberry it looks like, with the intents being like palm cmds and stacks like bb api
09:09.03joeyjonestmzt: apparently my human computer interaction teacher wants me to demo android in class one day
09:09.07joeyjonesgambler: very well
09:09.37gamblerjoeyjones, what are the nonworking bits? I hear you cant answer calls yet on the openmoko
09:09.48joeyjonesi can answer and place calls
09:09.51joeyjonessend and receive sms
09:09.56joeyjonesinternet works
09:09.57tmztopenmoko needs a mux driver
09:10.05joeyjonesemail app doesn;t seem to work
09:10.16joeyjonescmera should be sort of working now
09:10.32tmzton vogue?
09:10.39joeyjonesthe resolution if fucked for a lot of things
09:10.43joeyjonestmzt: yeah
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09:12.15tmztdo you know if dzo is android 0.8 or 1.0? I don't know where to find that
09:12.40gamblerjoeyjones, whats the boot time like?
09:12.56joeyjonesgambler: < 30 seconds
09:13.07joeyjonestmzt: if this might help: "Update(24/9/08): Updated to the newest SDK (1.0), Audio should work well now. SMS Works using the Google app. "
09:13.29tmztso he's still using emulator builds released by google?
09:13.46joeyjonesi'm not really sure what he's using
09:14.17tmztthere's some work on getting trout (g1) builds on I think vogue, but at least raphael (Touch Pro)
09:14.28tmztwhich should allow the g1 builds to work
09:14.57joeyjonesi hate though how in his port there's no way to swap between programs or easily eit apps
09:15.16tmzton which?
09:15.22joeyjonesthe back button usually exits, but it can be a bitch to exit the browser
09:15.40tmztthere must be some way to map the other buttons, red/green? dpad?
09:15.45tmztthen camera
09:16.10joeyjonesi think it's mapped in the kernel or a shell script somewhere
09:16.35tmztthe windows amss's don't have qmi, which I think is the big thing g1 android expects
09:17.01tmztthere's not much abstraction in base.git for these things
09:17.23tmztqmi being the interface to bring up/shutdown the internet connection on the phone/modem
09:17.35tmztdzo and other ports use ppp instead
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09:17.45tmztand just bring it up before starting android
09:18.32joeyjonesso qmi enables/disables the connection as it's needed by apps?
09:18.50joeyjonessounds like a battery saver :p
09:18.54tmztI think some apps won't start without detecting network some way, but I don't know how
09:18.57fnord_hmmm anyone here familiar with iptables?
09:20.21joeyjonestmzt: i'm starting to get sick of dealing with starting ppp every time i boot into android
09:20.28tmztfnord_: you can ask a question, so someone can try to answer it
09:20.35fnord_tmzt, :P
09:21.15tmztfnord_: sorry, I can bring up nat but I don't know all the firewall stuff
09:21.22fnord_Okay I know how to redirect --dport --to ip:port on a -gateway/nat- machine, but not for apps running on localhost
09:21.42fnord_As in I want to run a transparent proxy on my phone, for my phone :P
09:21.48fnord_wants privoxy
09:22.26tmztI think I just read how to do that, but it was an old HOWTO so something might have changed
09:22.37joeyjonestmzt: not likely :p
09:22.42tmztbut you can lookup transparent proxy and iptables
09:22.47fnord_I did
09:22.49tmztwell, I lost those pages anyway
09:22.57fnord_Very helpful on setting it up on a nat box
09:23.11fnord_But not so much for local
09:23.18tmztbut it was network admnistrator guide or one of the ldp howtos
09:23.42fnord_is rather familiar with iptables but is now stumped
09:24.20fnord_Though I suppose I could route all my phone's traffic over an openvpn link and map defaultroute to the other end, but the battery drains quicker when i do that
09:24.30joeyjonesany idea why even though i replace all the files in the dzo android .zip (including the data.gz and system.gz files) installed apps and icons added are still there?
09:25.01tmztPREROUTING --dport -j REDIRECT --to-port
09:25.16tmztdidn't work?
09:27.02fnord_[0:S2][root@fnord:pts/4]/var/www/html> host has address
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09:27.08fnord_[1:S2][root@fnord:pts/4]/var/www/html> host has address
09:27.15fnord_[2:S2][root@fnord:pts/4]/var/www/html> iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to
09:27.15fnord_[0:S2][root@fnord:pts/4]/var/www/html> wget -qO-|grep title
09:27.15fnord_<html><head><title>Yahoo!</title><meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX" /><style>
09:28.01tmztsomething to do with PREROUTING and localhost (loopback) I think
09:28.26tmztcan you try in INPUT or OUTPUT on -t filter?
09:29.02fnord_Tried that too
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09:35.12tmztand mangle?
09:36.54joeyjonestmzt: it looks like updating broke it :p
09:37.06tmztthe rom?
09:37.21joeyjonesdzo android
09:37.28tmztoh, good, not the rom
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09:37.51joeyjones<3 haret.exe
09:38.17tmztright, I thought you meant updating the windows image (nb) or whatever
09:38.20tmztas in flashing it
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09:38.30tmztharet is good, just pull the battery
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09:41.24fnord_I just realized the obvious
09:41.55fnord_forwarding all port 80 to a proxy running locally won't work :P~~ dur
09:41.56Leedssnow is cold and the sky is blue?
09:42.33tmztI don't know if this is the complete answer or not
09:42.49tmztbut it is based on squid connecting out from a privledged port
09:43.39tmztI think the only other way to do it is virtual interfaces or bridging of some kind, and custom ip rule's (policy routing)
09:44.15fnord_Speaking of which, anyone know how to make a virtual network to bridge to? :P
09:44.55tmztabout the same way you do openvpn I think, with tuntap
09:45.21fnord_Yeh I use p2p in openvpn.
09:45.37tmztor, brctl to create bridges, then delete the routing rules between them creating a custom routing table for each
09:45.44tmztPolicy Routing HOWTO
09:46.09fnord_Or the IOS emu
09:46.22tmztsure, you have one for arm?
09:46.51tmztI would be happy if I could telnet to routers in packet tracer
09:46.55fnord_I think it's open source. But it's very excessive. I'd probably only try to port it for the sheer insanity of it
09:47.06fnord_packet tracer == ?
09:47.18tmztthey didn't implement that and I don't want to figure out it's protocol
09:47.27tmztcisco network emulator
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09:48.07tmztyou have a link/name for that?
09:48.51tmztthe funny things is these network are very simple and could be defined in a net list, but we use a graphical tool to lay them out
09:48.55fnord_also dynagen
09:49.10fnord_ is the frontend
09:49.57tmztwow, now I need vserver or namespaces on arm linux so I can have multiple pc's
09:50.09fnord_Real emulator. For example, the faq states:  Can you provide a Cisco IOS image for a 3600 or a 7200 to me ?
09:50.09fnord_No, I am not allowed to distribute any IOS image. You will have to find one by yourself, this should not be a problem if you are a Cisco customer.
09:50.43tmztonly 7200 supported?
09:51.02tmztstudent, don't think I can get those
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09:52.03fnord_That would be hilarious to run dynagen and a couple of virtual machines on the g1
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09:55.02tmztit looks like its using mono cli
09:57.48fnord_mono cli == ?
10:00.44sparklehey fnord_
10:00.50sparklebig problem with the g1 is memory size
10:00.54sparklesecond big problem is mem bandwidth
10:01.12fnord_sparkle, for network emulation insanity?
10:01.16sparkleif you don't want to ditch the basic dalvik apps you don't have much free mem
10:01.29tmztqemu support for 2600 or similar should be doable, but I'd rather have something like packettracer
10:01.43tmztno machine emulation for that I think
10:01.47fnord_Yeah. class 8 sdcard + swap. It would run horribly, but this would only be something I'd do to see if I can do it
10:01.49sparklei bet the cisco sim would run, but you'd need paging space
10:02.00sparklehave you played with using swap on the g1?
10:02.09tmztclass 8 don't help if the dma is still disabled
10:02.10sparkleset to zero for a *major* improvement
10:02.23fnord_Nope not yet
10:02.34tmztsparkle: where do you do that?
10:02.40sparklesysctl or through /proc
10:02.57spikebikesparkle dunno
10:02.59tmztso that makes it page one page (4k) at a time?
10:03.00fnord_I'd really love to rewrite the common apps in C and somehow have them run through the vm
10:03.10sparkleright tmzt
10:03.11spikebike100MB/sec seems pretty reasonable considering the power of the PCU
10:03.20sparkleotherwise it will by default page 8 (32k) at a go
10:03.40sparkleecho 0 >/proc/sys/vm/swappiness
10:03.40sparkleecho 0 >/proc/sys/vm/page-cluster
10:03.40sparkleswapon -a
10:03.45tmztarm won't like that
10:03.48tmztI see
10:03.48fnord_Hell I'd like a native app to run through the vm. Well, not -quite- the vm, but as a normal android app. Some java wrapper maybe?
10:04.04sparkleit's not so much an arm issue as - normally paging a bunch out at once helps with hd access times
10:04.05fnord_Unfortunately every java app seems like a terrible pig
10:04.05tmztI use swap on a pxa now, with hdd cf so that might help there too
10:04.14sparklesince flash has no access time but is slow, you want to page out individually
10:04.22sparklefnord_: jni
10:04.28sparkleyou can invoke native methods
10:04.30tmztwell, surfaceflinger is all in c
10:04.42sparklethere's some demo code out there
10:04.47fnord_sparkle, but it doesn't fork out the native code and quit does it?
10:04.54tmztyou just need binder access I think, then add support to servicemanager for .so or bins
10:05.01fnord_I wouldn't want a 10 meg wrapper to run for no reason
10:05.03sparkleno, you invoke native code through entry points and it will hand back control
10:05.16sparklekind of like using rpc
10:05.23fnord_That would be really cool
10:05.30fnord_Really really cool :D
10:05.53sparklebasically you build your routines into a library
10:05.53fnord_jni+xnest :D
10:06.08tmztsure, but wouldn't ui still be in java?
10:06.13sparklehonestly i think a vnc client within the jvm would be the way to go
10:06.20sparkleit's simpler than any x server implementation
10:06.30sparkleand the vnc disconnectability is a big plus on android
10:06.36sparklewhere your app may go away at any reason
10:06.38tmztthere's already a vnc server for each application, it's just disabled in the source
10:06.41sparkleand need to recover itself when it comes back
10:06.44sparkletmzt: vnc client
10:06.58sparklethen you just run Xvnc on the g1 itself natively
10:07.04sparklethat already works fine, you can use a vnc client on another box
10:07.08fnord_X seems more responsive over network, but I've not tested vncserver without compression
10:07.42tmztI would like to see sdl with MSMFB_BLIT support, I think then it could run right on the framebuffer
10:08.00tmztbut surfaceflinger and binder access to gpu looks good too
10:08.34tmztthere's no point doing compression with shared memory I think
10:08.39fnord_And a lightweight toolkit
10:11.58sparklestill kinda big :-/
10:12.21fnord_Alarm clock is 10 megs RSS
10:12.41fnord_can you ldd the bin? is it static, or is it linked to x libs?
10:12.53sparklethat's linked
10:12.59fnord_to the x libs?
10:13.04sparkleno point in not building it shared
10:13.15sparkleonce you make the committment to using stuff outside the android libds
10:13.37fnord_Well, a static link against uclibc might be smaller
10:13.56fnord_or is it linked to bionic?
10:13.56sparklei figure i'm going to have a normal libc in memory most of the time anyway
10:14.09sparklethere is no point in not building everything shared if i want to same mem
10:14.20sparklethat and i run with paging on most of the time
10:15.35fnord_Not to mention debian :P
10:15.47fnord_A vnc client would be needed
10:16.04joeyjonestmzt: yeah, seems it no longer boots into dzo's android
10:16.23fnord_tmzt, has anyone succeeded in accessing the framebuffer natively?
10:17.00tmztbut X just stops after drawing a frame
10:17.32fnord_s/accessing/rendering something, anything/;
10:17.48fnord_s/anything/anything on the/
10:17.56tmzthi infobot
10:19.14tmztfnord_: which device are you on?
10:19.43joeyjonestmzt: it looks like it's booting now :p
10:19.53tmztoh, sorry, joeyjones
10:20.19joeyjonesit seems like some of the files it used were in the root of my sd card, so it hadn;t been properly updating
10:20.30joeyjonessinc ei only replaced the files in sd/android :p
10:20.34tmztthe .img files?
10:20.58tmztit extracts something to the card
10:21.27fnord_USER       PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMAND
10:21.27fnord_root      9586  0.0  0.8   4564   844 pts/1    S    10:20   0:00          \_ 1/busybox ash
10:21.27fnord_root      9587  0.0  0.8   3196   800 pts/1    S    10:20   0:00              \_ 2/busybox ash
10:21.27fnord_root      9588  0.0  0.2    944   268 pts/1    S    10:20   0:00                  \_ 3/busybox ash
10:21.42fnord_1 = static glibc. 2 = dynamic glibc. 3 = static uclibc :P
10:21.51fnord_That's why I'm struggling to port things to that
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10:22.04fnord_tmzt, gpone
10:23.30tmztfnord_: what's going on there? you started on ash from another?
10:24.08tmztoh, VSZ
10:24.19fnord_yeah but only due to lazyness
10:24.25fnord_I've not ported screen yet
10:24.59joeyjonestmzt: have you heard about the weirdness in the maps app when using mylocation/gps on dzo?
10:25.03tmztI use glibc since debian uses it, my 64m pxa is usable but I don't run anything like android
10:25.16fnord_glibc is a pig
10:25.18tmztjoeyjones: no
10:25.52fnord_and you can't static link while retaining resolver functionality. Unless you build your own glibc with --enable-static-nss
10:26.07joeyjonestmzt: it shows you moving around in a city in california
10:26.41tmztbut why are you static linking glibc? fnord_ ?
10:26.43sparklewtf do you want to statically link
10:26.52tmztjoeyjones: can yu get a shell?
10:26.54sparklethere is no way that does not hurt you memory wise
10:27.07tmztcat /dev/smd7
10:27.33fnord_sparkle, static glibc was so wget could resolve. Then I gave up and tossed in the glibc libs. But I thought busybox should be static, so I linked to uclibc
10:27.46joeyjonestmzt: no such file...
10:27.56tmztoh, because wget is so simple in busybox
10:28.05tmztjoeyjones: cat /proc/devices
10:28.42tmztfnord_: so you need glibc, nss, everything else
10:28.57fnord_tmzt, the static versions yeah
10:29.07tmztI mean dynamic
10:29.17tmztif you have more than one bin
10:29.27fnord_Waste of space, that :-O
10:29.28joeyjonestmzt: weird, "grep: ommand not found"
10:29.41fnord_tmzt, much better with static uclibc
10:29.46tmztjoeyjones: yeah, can you ls -lh /dev/smd1 or whatever
10:29.56fnord_PHONE ~/bin # ls -l ?/busybox
10:29.56fnord_-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     10045     1673116 Nov  6 12:06 1/busybox
10:29.56fnord_-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     10045      650508 Nov  8 01:46 2/busybox
10:29.56fnord_-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     10027      842244 Nov 26 11:44 3/busybox
10:30.19fnord_2 = dynglibc, 3 = static uclibc. I imagine dyn uclibc would be quite small
10:30.27tmztyou build busybox staticly against glibc?
10:31.54fnord_The static glibc is a copy of the original busybox download that was floating around
10:32.01tmztwhat are the three sizes then?
10:32.22fnord_1 = static glibc, 2 = dyn glibc, 3 = static uclibc :P
10:32.24fnord_all stripped
10:32.35tmztbusybox should be static uclibc since it is all in one elf
10:32.53fnord_And with uclibc, smaller size, smaller rss, and working resolver
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10:32.58tmztthen resolving works? nss? pam?
10:33.14fnord_uclibc doesn't have glibc's flaw in design
10:33.47tmztpeople are using glibc static busybox in rc30-modified images?
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10:34.00tmztfnord_: which is?
10:34.05fnord_glibc rebuilt to have static nss would probably produce a 2+meg static busybox bin
10:34.30fnord_tmzt, nss = dynamic by design. making a static nss is a pain, and most distros don't
10:34.46tmztright, but what is the flaw in glibc?
10:35.20fnord_then you'd have to add -lnss_files -lnss_dns etc to LDFLAGS for everything
10:35.54fnord_Mostly that they don't believe or support in static nss and the last time I tried the compile crashed and burned. But that was years ago, mostly they fixed it
10:35.54tmztnot build on .la or something and link against that?
10:36.20fnord_Tried to awhile back. It failed to build in a really odd way
10:36.30fnord_Maybe it works today
10:37.00tmztis glibc needed for glib? I never understood that
10:37.24fnord_glibc's needed for most everything but glib doesn't have anything to do with it
10:37.28tmztalso, there is some Gsomething in android base.git source, I don't think it's related to glib but I haven't found out what it is
10:37.44tmztthen it works with uclibc?
10:37.50fnord_tmzt, maybe
10:37.58fnord_uclibc is a small libc for embedded systems
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10:38.48tmztmaybe you can figure out this msm_fb, I'd like to have X on kaiser/vogue/raph/diam
10:38.50fnord_where's the Gsomething in the source tree?
10:39.27fnord_recommend a simple program that renders FB. And a simple SDL one
10:39.44fnord_Android on kaiser?
10:40.07tmztmaybe it was GGLSurface, it just looked strange
10:40.40tmztno, I mean Xorg/Xfbdev on kaiser, we tried this in june and it did not work
10:40.51tmztit would render a frame and part of the cursor and stop
10:41.24fnord_Ahh. What sort of OS/distro was it?
10:41.27tmztwhere is that? I mean in .cpp source
10:41.37fnord_it's java
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10:42.16tmztI'm looking in base.git
10:42.19fnord_hey now, wot's this then: ./external/opencore/android/android_surface_output.cpp
10:42.38tmztopencore is for videophone or something
10:43.38fnord_My problem that the java way of doing things confuses me and pisses me off
10:43.56romainguy__just learn it :)
10:43.58tmztthese are jni libraries called by java, I think
10:44.07fnord_I'd love to write apps for this. I can learn past the confusion but the anger would make it !fun
10:44.34romainguy__why would that make you angry?
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10:44.51tmztI guess you layout ui seperataly in some weirdly-namespaced xml
10:45.02romainguy__you don't have to but it's the preferred way
10:45.05fnord_romainguy_, Maaaybe. Or how would one implement JNI+C code?
10:45.15romainguy__fnord_: it's not supported :)
10:45.28fnord_romainguy_, Well the language syntax itself annoys me
10:45.32tmztno native code now, but apparently not for security reasons
10:46.05fnord_romainguy_, Will it be? Awhile back I asked about running native apps from within dalvik XD
10:46.19romainguy__it will
10:46.21DarkriftXi think im getting my g1 tomorrow, any tips for getting the best deal?
10:46.28fnord_romainguy_, Excellent!
10:46.37romainguy__second obsession of this channel: native code :)
10:46.39fnord_No more 10 meg rss alarm clock :>
10:46.45romainguy__you guys are monomaniacs :)
10:46.46fnord_There's reasons
10:46.51fnord_Well, sometimes yes
10:47.03fnord_DarkriftX, sell soul to tmobile for 2 years
10:47.06tmztbut what about Atom/Nano support then
10:47.10fnord_DarkriftX, or pawn shop? :P
10:47.13DarkriftXi know that part
10:47.18tmztat least Davlik will run on those
10:47.48DarkriftXim going with the cheapest faves plan and the unlim data (i dont text, so whatever comes with it)
10:47.58tmztthat's about 50?
10:48.01fnord_romainguy_, Are you allowed to give an eta (actually estimated) for rc31, and clues to what's in it? :D
10:48.06DarkriftX$65 i think they said
10:48.14DarkriftX$40 + $25
10:48.19joeyjonestmzt: lol, apparently calling is now borked
10:48.21fnord_DarkriftX, I think the im client uses sms
10:48.22romainguy__fnord_: nope
10:48.26tmztI want my prepaid minutes, 20/month data
10:48.29DarkriftXi dont im much either
10:48.30fnord_romainguy_, figured :P
10:48.34romainguy__fnord_: besides, it probably won't be called rc31
10:48.41fnord_romainguy_, oh? whyfor?
10:48.41romainguy__so no, I have nothing about rc31 :)
10:49.30tmztip is hard for tmo then? only AIM uses sms?
10:49.41fnord_there's an ip stack
10:49.43romainguy__AIM, MSN and Yahoo! use SMS
10:49.52tmztbut not GoogleTalkProvider?
10:50.02romainguy__no Gtalk doesn't cost SMS
10:50.11romainguy__besides, AIM, MSN and Yahoo! still use tcp/ip
10:50.15romainguy__they just *cost* SMS
10:50.19romainguy__it's very different
10:50.32DarkriftXcool, ill tell my wife to sign up for gmail if she wants so "message" me
10:50.40fnord_I might have to learn more java =[ I have an idea to make a detachable IM proxy and modify the client to use it
10:50.49DarkriftXim mostly getting it for the device itself, not for an im client
10:51.05romainguy__fnord_: Java is not that bad, it allows to write Android apps very quickly
10:51.13fnord_So losing signal won't sign you off, and you'll see the messages when you get signal back
10:51.18romainguy__it's not perfect, like all languages, but it's a good fit for that job
10:51.34romainguy__fnord_: on Gtalk you're not signed off when you lose signal
10:51.43romainguy__I think you're signed off after 10 or 15 minutes
10:51.45romainguy__something like that
10:51.47fnord_romainguy_, Depends on the coder I suppose. As is my SUPass app was a struggle :P
10:51.51tmztI guess games are going to need native code, then they can just be EGL if there is an input api
10:52.01romainguy__depends on the game
10:52.14romainguy__the real way to do it would be to use JNI
10:52.19romainguy__keep a Java application shell
10:52.26tmztit looks like most of android could even go to sleeop for certain games
10:52.35fnord_romainguy_, Yah but my problem is I have at least 2 each of gtalk/yahoo/aim
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10:52.38tmztthen they could use EGL like the BootupAnimation
10:53.01tmztsince it doesn't appear to need any kind of display manager to work
10:53.03fnord_And a nice server on a fast network. So for me it's a good idea to roll my own solution
10:53.03romainguy__tmzt: but you don't want to lose the activity life cycle, the ability to talk to the Java APIs, etc.
10:53.23tmztfor something like psp or ngage level games I mean
10:53.38romainguy__I've seen Quake run on the phone
10:53.41romainguy__it's a Java app
10:53.46DarkriftXlol, jake?
10:53.47romainguy__with a native component in the middle
10:53.51romainguy__Quake, the real one
10:54.00tmztit runs on symbian too, I saw today
10:54.02fnord_Heh my friend impressed me with an -old- verizon LG phone
10:54.11fnord_simcity, silent hill, prey
10:54.15romainguy__what I'm saying is you can do it without taking over everything
10:54.18romainguy__and it's still very efficient
10:54.23fnord_Graphics level looked to be at the quake1 level
10:54.26romainguy__(Quake runs at 30+ fps)
10:54.27tmztBREW has access to the gles on there
10:57.01taunohuh.. someone should update this:
10:57.26romainguy__file a bug, submit a patch :)
10:57.44fnord_romainguy_, Any chance for someday having AP mode in wlan.ko enabled, and a wifi <-> g1 tether frontend?
10:57.51romainguy__no idea
10:57.53fnord_Err, wifi <-> 3g
10:57.56romainguy__send an email to the mailing list
10:58.01romainguy__or file a feature request
10:58.03fnord_I think tmobile might not like that, but eh
10:58.07fnord_Which list?
10:58.28romainguy__android-discuss, android-developers, android-platform :)
10:58.41romainguy__they're listed on and
10:58.49tmztfnord_: you need a non-sta driver/firmware
10:59.21fnord_tmzt, I think someone tried an opensrc driver for that chip and it failed miserably
10:59.45tmztit should be shared memory with sdio interface for enumeration/commands
11:00.01fnord_I'm sure if google asked for a .ko with APmode it would be provided
11:00.02tmztbut the other acx drivers a pretty broken
11:00.22fnord_kernel module binary
11:00.29tmztthe source is in git also
11:00.41fnord_for htc dream?
11:02.15tmztI think you take the sta* directoy and put into a kernel source tree
11:02.23fnord_yeah, looking in there
11:08.05tmztdo you see a list of ioctl's?
11:09.29fnord_tmzt, That's not the driver on HTC dream
11:09.32fnord_platform/vendor/htc/dream.git is the driver
11:10.11tmztthat's the compiled version
11:10.18tmztyou see source too?
11:11.28fnord_Nope. Proprietary according to;a=blob_plain;f=README.txt;hb=HEAD
11:13.09fnord_--------------- whalCtrl_PrintHwStatus ---------------
11:13.09fnord_NumMboxErrDueToPeriodicBuiltInTestCheck = %d
11:13.09fnord_NumMboxFailures = %d
11:13.10fnord_description=TI WLAN Embedded Station Driver
11:13.35fnord_from strings /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko
11:13.46fnord_Spit out src :>
11:13.51tmztit's not GPL either
11:13.54tmztit's bsd
11:14.56fnord_the propeitary wlan.ko is based on system/wlan/ti
11:15.03fnord_Which claims to be gpl
11:15.09fnord_So does the binary
11:15.13tmztwhere is that?
11:15.41tmztI think it contains the firmware and that is what is proprietary
11:15.53fnord_g1: /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko, srctree: wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/pform/linux/src/esta_drv.c
11:16.09tmztI only see sta here
11:16.23fnord_Mebbie, but I think it would be LGPL to wrap around a closed object file
11:17.14tmzteSTA embedded STA
11:19.09fnord_PHONE ~/bin # strings /system/lib/modules/wlan.ko |egrep '\.c$'|sort -n|tr '\n' ' '
11:19.09fnord_Clsfr.c CmdMBox.c CmdQueue.c Concatenator.c Core_AdaptTx.c Ctrl.c DeConcatenator.c ElpCtrl.c EvHandler.c FwEvent.c GeneralUtil.c HwInit.c MacServices.c MeasurementSrv.c MeasurementSrvSM.c MsduList.c PowerAuthorization.c PowerMgr.c PowerMgrDbgPrint.c PowerSrv.c PowerSrvSM.c RateAdaptation.c RxXfer.c ScanCncn.c ScanCncnAppApi.c ScanCncnAppSM.c ScanCncnDrvSM.c ScanCncnOidSM.c ScanCncnRoamingContSM.c ScanCncnRoamingImmedSM.c ScanSrv.c ScanS
11:19.09fnord_rvSM.c SoftGemini.c SwitchChannel.c TNETWArb.c TNETWArbSM.c TNETWArb_buffer.c TNETWIF.c TNETW_Driver.c TNETW_Driver_Tx.c TrafficMonitor.c ackEmulDb.c ackEmulUtil.c admCtrl.c admCtrlNone.c admCtrlWep.c admCtrlWpa.c admCtrlWpa2.c apConn.c assocSM.c authSm.c broadcastKey802_1x.c broadcastKeyNone.c broadcastKeySM.c bufferPool.c configMgr.c conn.c connIbss.c connInfra.c currBss.c drivers/net/wireless/tiwlan1251/wlan.mod.c env_tst.c esta_drv.
11:19.13fnord_c eventMbox.c fourX.c fourXManager.c fsm.c healthMonitor.c ioctl_list.c ioctl_utils.c ipc_k.c keyDerive.c keyDeriveAes.c keyDeriveTkip.c keyDeriveWep.c keyParser.c keyParserExternal.c keyParserWep.c mainKeysSm.c mainSecKeysOnly.c mainSecNull.c mainSecSm.c measurementMgr.c measurementMgrSM.c measurementSrvDbgPrint.c memMngrEx.c mlmeBuilder.c mlmeParser.c mlmeSm.c mmc_tnetw1150_api.c nrfsm.c openAuthSm.c osClsfr.c osCmd.c osRgstry.c osRgs
11:19.18fnord_try_parser.c osUtil.c osapi.c osmemapi.c proc_stat.c qosMngr.c recoveryCtrl.c recoveryMgr.c regulatoryDomain.c report.c requestHandler.c roamingMngr.c rsn.c rx.c scanMngr.c scr.c select.c sharedKeyAuthSm.c shmBus.c shmDebug.c shmFwCtrl.c shmUtils.c siteHash.c siteMgr.c smeSm.c smeSmApi.c spectrumMngmntMgr.c templates.c tnetw_sdio.c trafficAdmControl.c tx.c txCtrlBlk.c txHwQueue.c txHwQueueCalc.c txResult.c txXfer.c unicastKey802_1x.c un
11:19.23fnord_icastKeyNone.c unicastKeySM.c utils.c whalCtrl.c whalDebug.c whalDefrag.c whalEndpntEnt.c whalHwAccess.c whalHwCtrl.c whalHwEeprom.c whalHwMboxCmd.c whalHwMboxCmdBit.c whalHwMboxConfig.c whalParams.c whal
11:19.26fnord_whoops. looked smaller =[
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11:19.55fnord_At the end, interesting bit: wlan.mod.c wlan.mod
11:20.11tmztthe hal is in source though, maybe enough for an ap driver
11:20.31tmztif the firmware can support it, which if it's called eSTA firmware probably not
11:20.45fnord_it depends on wtf is in wlan.mod I think
11:21.06tmztthat is the main .c file when building the kernel module
11:21.22tmztoh, wlan.mod I don't know
11:21.42fnord_.mod isn't really a commonly used extension
11:22.07tmztall that .c source are in there, maybe debugging info?
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11:22.28fnord_Yeah someone compiled -g
11:22.59fnord_oh, my mistake
11:23.05fnord_wlan.mod.c wlan.mod.c is at the end
11:23.26fnord_still, no wlan.*\.c in src so I'll assume that's it
11:24.34tmztkbuild makes it
11:25.28fnord_system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/.gitignore has wlan.mod.c
11:28.06tmztFW_RUNNING_AS_STA gives it more commands/options
11:28.55fnord_actually i think a real network link via usb would be better
11:29.14fnord_the phone is small, assuming one used a laptop having it attached via cable still isn't bad
11:29.18tmztwell, it might at least support adhoc, does that work now?
11:29.28fnord_multiple computers over 3g might be problematic
11:29.54fnord_but windows doesn't support adhoc encryption, and my psp doesn't support adhoc for inet routing
11:30.08fnord_I'm sure alot of other devices have crappy adhoc implementations too
11:30.26fnord_smartpads or whatever
11:31.25fnord_wtf is the term for those?
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11:34.19tmztit looks like the fw interface is different depending on FW_RUNNING_AS_AP|STA
11:34.53tmztwhether that means only one is compiled in to the fw, I don't know
11:34.57tmztbut STA uses a longer bitfield in certain places
11:35.43fnord_I wonder what wlan.mod.c uses
11:35.49fnord_Erm, has
11:36.27fnord_I'm assuming that if I built the driver without wlan.mod.c it wouldn't operate the wifi chipset correctly
11:36.36fnord_romainguy_, what's in wlan.mod.c :P~~
11:36.50fnord_And hmm
11:37.06fnord_There may be stuff in the radio mtd partition that controls wifi too
11:37.10tmztI still don't know what you mean by wlan.mod.c, usually mod.c is built by kbuild (the kernel build system) as part of making a .ko
11:37.18tmztyes, there is calibration data
11:37.26fnord_tmzt, oh
11:37.26tmztand region data I think
11:37.27fnord_Well then
11:37.38fnord_Nevermind that :-O
11:37.42tmztit's passed to the kernel as an ATAG structure
11:38.04tmztthere could be a .o containing firmware that is built-in to the .ko
11:38.17tmztor it could be a seperate file
11:40.15tmztit's TNEW_Driver that gets put in the kernel, I don't know what the rest is actually for
11:40.32fnord_No \.o$ in strings
11:41.57fnord_[root@n1 /opt/arm/android/system]# find -name \*.c|grep `echo \(STRINGS\)|tr ' ' '|'\$` = no match
11:42.30tmztyou wouldn't find the .o files in there
11:42.40tmztbut you can nm with an appropriate nm and try that
11:44.52taunoanyone knows if the maps thingie supports directions? (eg I give it 2 addresses and it plots the way between them automatically)
11:45.03IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
11:45.08fnord_yeah it does
11:45.39taunoI mean the API part, not the google mapps application itself
11:46.49fnord_public String routableAddress()
11:46.49fnord_Returns the position of this item in a map-routable format.
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11:48.02fnord_also a function return a bool if routing is displayed
11:48.18fnord_But that's it
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12:15.55fnord_[1:1][Kyf@winxp2:tty0]/home/Kyf/_g1_/tools% ./adb ppp
12:15.55fnord_error: adb ppp not implemented on Win32
12:19.10tmztfnord_: uh, found a script that uses wlan_loader -f /system/etc/wifi/FW1251r1c.bin -e /proc/calibration -i /data/local/tiwlan.ini
12:19.19tmztfnord_: so the fw is not in the .ko
12:21.44fnord_yet the .ko is a 'proprietary binary' ? or in the proprietary directory for convenience?
12:22.44tmztI think for licensing/fcc maybe, don't know, it seems it's just htc that did that
12:22.48jbqwhich directory is it in? I thought that it was just built as part of the kernel.
12:22.56fnord_if FW1251r1c.bin has nothing to do with APmode and wlan.ko is just convenience, we can have AP tether
12:23.24tmzt/system/lib/modules/wlan.ko on g1
12:23.38fnord_if wlan.ko has proprietary junk, source needs to be released anyway
12:24.38fnord_I'll build a new one and see if it works
12:24.39tmztwith bsd license?
12:25.01tmztthe source files have bsd headers, I don't know where the gpl came from
12:25.03jbqI think that it's just a plain kernel module whose source is in the kernel tree, but you'd have to check with the kernel team. How about asking on the android-kernel mailing list?
12:25.17tmztI guess when they build it for linux it's then considered gpl
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12:25.57jbqFWIW, notice that the same directory in git also contains the kernel binary.
12:26.01tmztjbq: ask who? what kernel team?
12:26.29fnord_tmzt, hm.. system/wlan/ti/sta_dk_4_0_4_32/pform/linux/src/esta_drv.c:MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
12:26.30jbqtmzt: oh, sorry. there's an official android-kernel mailing list for kernel discussions.
12:26.34tmztright, android build doesn't build the kernel or the module, just platform, and script to extract things for g1
12:26.38tmzto from
12:26.43tmztor from
12:26.52fnord_jbq, good point. and people have built working kernels for g1
12:27.06tmztfnord_: ok, the rest is bsd then except the kernel module/linux driver
12:27.13fnord_tmzt, weird
12:28.33fnord_tmzt, you found #defines for AP/notAP?
12:30.49jbqActually, looks like I was wrong and that the wlan.ko source tree isn't in the kernel.
12:31.15jbqsee;a=commit;h=f02fda020c9485f7fd6132d84638aef8cb6b2a6f for information about where they come from.
12:31.54fnord_Yeah it's in system/wlan
12:32.10eldenzif i want to code a client for a networking game that needs persistent connections, i would need a service to do the networking, right?
12:32.37eldenzand my app binds to the service and receives packet contents?
12:32.58jbqeldenz: if you want them to have a better chance to survive when you app is in the background, yes, your app needs to contain a started service.
12:33.09jbqYou don't need to bind it, you can also just start it.
12:34.19eldenzok, and is that applicaiton model suitable for android? i wonder why there aren't yet any apps/games that need persistent connection at the market...
12:34.31eldenzi guess it needs quite some battery?
12:34.56jbqwell, it depends on how often you transmit data, and on how often the connection gets cut.
12:35.17tmztjbq: any idea on MSMFB_BLIT?
12:35.31eldenzalright, thanks jbq
12:35.38jbqtmzt: from the name, I'd say it has to do with graphics.
12:35.41tmztjbq: as in, is it needed if data is written directly to /dev/fb0 with mmap?
12:35.51tmztjbq: right, sorry
12:36.01jbqtmzt: no idea, I'm not a graphics guy :(
12:36.01fnord_Also adb's ppp mode could work for tether. Just needs a little modification for win32, and most likely a tiny cygwin distro
12:36.50tmztfnord_: sure, you could try slirp or the qemu sources
12:37.13jbqeldenz: if you have good coverage, the battery impact of an established TCP socket that doesn't send or receive any data is reasonably small. Not small enough to be negligible, but typically not the end of the world.
12:38.22fnord_this would require iptables access as well. So for non root, maybe adb forward, a sock proxy, and something like runsocks for windows
12:39.11fnord_actuallt tetherbot does that all except for runsocks
12:42.00fnord_ ...awwwyeah
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13:29.46fnord_connected to irc via usb -> phone -> openvpn -> tmobile -> personal server
13:29.56fnord_But tcp connections keep dropping. Maybe freecap sucks
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13:32.49fnord_yep, not the irc client
13:37.24tmztcan you use ssh -L ?
13:38.19tmztI guess there is also ssh tunnelling now (with tuntap/pcap), but not in dropbear
13:38.45tmztwhile I use openssh-client on debian, I use dropbear on wrt
13:39.13fnord_Mebbie I should port openssh-client to ucblic XD
13:39.27fnord_uclibc even
13:40.07tmztit might compile, it uses openssl I think which works with uclibc
13:40.47fnord_My openvpn port uses bionic and the onboard openssl
13:40.58*** join/#android invain_ (n=invain@
13:41.05fnord_So mebbie I can get away with that...but onboard openssl is missing ciphers
13:41.15fnord_No blowfish and RSA is borked
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14:53.31eldenzhow do i get a pointer to a local service i started? :f
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14:56.01eldenzkinda the wrong channel
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16:12.03savidHow do I make a view that looks like a dialog box that blurs out the background?  I want to make this the main view of my application...
16:23.28DelvienSo i want root access.
16:26.18Delvienanyone have a link to a good guide?
16:30.38Disconnect4g microsdhc for $7
16:30.45Disconnectwhat rc are you at?
16:33.07Verseddisconnect are they any good?
16:33.46Delviendisconnect r30 *
16:33.56Disconnectthen no, you can't get root.
16:36.48Delvienwell, security i suppose, but there should be other workarounds then blocking root "hacks"
16:37.43Delviend03boy: That doesnt belong here, go somewhere else and act retarded
16:38.38d03boysorry sir
16:38.48d03boyi think i need ritalin
16:39.07Delviend03boy: No, drugs wont solve your problem :)
16:39.28d03boywill make it more fun though
16:42.16DisconnectDelvien: there is a huge semantic difference between "open" as used by the world and "open" as used by google. you just faceplanted on it. :)
16:46.05DelvienDisconnect sadly
16:47.46DelvienDisconnect isnt it released under GPL?
16:47.57*** join/#android mikey| (
16:48.22Disconnectfirst, no. (apache, which is basically a bsd licence) and second, gpl covers -distribution-. has nothing at all to do with what you can do on your hardware.
16:49.18DelvienDisconnect eek
16:50.02DelvienDisconnect Well i wont be updating to the next firmware when its released, hopefully by then they will have a jailbrake
16:50.21Disconnectyou don't have a choice. after a certain amount of time it upgrades anyway.
16:50.54DelvienDisconnect Well, whats the point then... open my a%%
16:51.58*** join/#android dysinger (
16:55.48Leedsreally?  it over-rides the "don't upgrade now" after a while
16:56.26fnord_yep, gotta rename /system/etc/
16:56.40fnord_Then install a custom recovery to be safe :>
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19:28.52*** join/#android Heooooo (
19:29.38HeoooooCan I get a linux terminal to android?
19:30.36HeoooooDo vim, bash and sed work?
19:30.56Disconnectyes. no. no. no.
19:31.28HeoooooWhat can I do with the terminal then?
19:32.41Disconnectwhatever you want.
19:33.07HeoooooDisconnect: Can I get a perl compiler?
19:33.18Disconnectno such animal. perl is interpreted.
19:33.42HeoooooDisconnect: Correct. Can I sync it with my Mac OSs and Ubuntus?
19:34.08Disconnectno. why don't you try using google for a whle?
19:35.48HeoooooDisconnect: Thank you. I will :) Just wondering between android and openmoko
19:35.48Disconnectonly one of these things can make/receive phone calls on a repeatable basis. choose wisely.
19:37.39HeoooooDisconnect: Dunno what you mean. Youtube had a video of OpenMoko with Android. Dunno whether it was real :?
19:38.34Disconnectfrom everything i've seen/heard, openmoko is totally unstable and can't handle basic tasks like making and receiving calls. and currently android requires a keyboard, so..
19:39.09HeoooooDisconnect: Thank you for your clarification!
19:40.06dcordes_Disconnect, install openmoko on the dream ;)
19:40.12dcordes_Heooooo, I mean
19:40.20Disconnectyou can't, its locked down.
19:40.26dcordes_uuh sucks.
19:40.31Disconnectmany of the retail units are arriving with rc30 these days.
19:40.46dcordes_I'd not buy such a device
19:41.13dcordes_Disconnect, how can you check for firmware revision?
19:41.14Disconnectthen you are in the wrong channel. cuz there is no provider that is going to sell a phone thats user-flashable.
19:41.43HeoooooDisconnect: You mean Android is locked down? How is Android open source then?
19:41.53Disconnectwhat does source have to do with hardware?
19:42.15Disconnectjust what I asked.
19:42.27HeoooooDisconnect: I am just questioning what the open source in Android actually mean.
19:42.40dcordes_Heooooo, you can make beautiful java apps :D
19:42.58Disconnectit means the source is available, for the most part. that has nothing to do with actual phones.
19:43.14Heooooodcordes_: Disconnect Can you recommend it as coding machine?
19:43.29Disconnecti'd get a netbook for coding on.
19:43.51dcordes_a nice indicator is the lack of the sources to the ril. the actual piece of software that makes the phone a phone
19:44.05*** join/#android nealmcb (n=neal@ubuntu/member/nealmcb)
19:44.15HeoooooDisconnect: I have two such "netbooks" but I need a phone as well.
19:45.03IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
19:45.18HeoooooCan I practise coding with Android? Can I run DrScheme and such environment?
19:45.20dcordes_Disconnect, do you know where I can get a dump of the g1 rootfs? I can only find the updates.
19:45.47Disconnectdcordes_: the full update holds the entire fs
19:46.06dcordes_Disconnect, have a url there?
19:46.23Disconnectnope. but i'd bet google does.
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19:54.44offby1"Let Me Google That For You™"
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20:12.30dcordes_offby1, that would be nice
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20:41.10Death_Synok, att's 3g network in dallas is horribly slow
20:41.24Death_Syni'm downloading the sdk so i can tether to my g1
20:41.35Death_Syni'm getting just a bit over dialup speeds
20:43.49JesusFrekeatt's 3g?
20:43.54JesusFrekevia another phone? or on the G1?
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20:49.23eldenzhow do i change orientation in emulator? F11/F12/KP_7/KP_9 are not doing anything
20:49.29eldenzis there an adb command?
20:50.00eldenz(i'm on a laptop keyboard)
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20:55.43Disconnecthome i think
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21:00.15Disconnectdunno. on my mbp its fn-7 (which is the same as kp-7)
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21:17.45RyeBryeinfobot what is google?
21:17.46infobotsomebody said google was a search engine found at
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21:23.36Randalthorinfobot what is infobot?
21:23.37infobotrandalthor, I love abuse, feed me!, or an interactive bot that can learn all sorts of information (, or updated sources at, or a robot that doesn't know it should only speak when spoken to, or on fire, or awesome.
21:24.12Randalthorhaha thats cool
21:25.21offby1oo, I have some small interest in bots
21:25.25offby1follows the link
21:26.19offby1ooh, moribund.
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21:30.14JesusFrekeinfobot who is jesusfreke
21:30.15infobotJesusFreke: what are you talking about?
21:30.19JesusFrekelol :)
21:30.22greudinis now playing: 1989 06 DISINTEGRATION - lullaby
21:30.38JesusFrekeinfobot who is Randalthor
21:30.39infobotI think you lost me on that one, JesusFreke
21:30.56JesusFrekeinfobot what is jesusfreke
21:30.57infobotJesusFreke: what are you talking about?
21:31.01JesusFrekeah well :)
21:31.05JesusFrekeI'll stop now. lol
21:31.26meyou-np: Devin the Dude - Almighty Dollar [04:09m/320kbps/44kHz]
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21:37.09RyeBryeinfobot JesusFreke is a twisted soul who tinkers with the lifeblood of the T-mobile G1 for sadistic pleasure
21:37.10infobotokay, RyeBrye
21:37.27JesusFrekeinfobot who is jesusfreke
21:37.27infobotwell, jesusfreke is a twisted soul who tinkers with the lifeblood of the T-mobile G1 for sadistic pleasure
21:37.46JesusFrekethanks :p
21:38.40RyeBryeinfobot where can I get a signed nbh upgrade image that will turn a normal G1 into an engineering device with a fully unlocked bootloader?
21:39.25JesusFrekedoes not compute? :D
21:39.26RyeBryeinfobot - you are no help :(
21:39.27infobotI think you lost me on that one, RyeBrye
21:39.48RyeBryeinfobot have you been instructed by counsel not to answer these questions?
21:40.00dcordes_RyeBrye, tried accessing the other nand partitions?
21:40.11JesusFrekepoor infobot. he takes so much abuse
21:40.46JesusFrekeyou'll make the poor thing overload his positronic brain
21:41.12RyeBryedcordes_ - no, not too much effort on that yet - the bootloader should get loaded into a part of shared memory - so I've been tinkering and trying to map / dump that memory using progressively more difficult methods
21:42.06RyeBryedcordes_ - if I can reliably dump that memory, there is a mythical phone in the wild that got accidently shipped with an unlocked bootloader that happened to land in the hands of a friendly person who will definitely dump it for us...
21:43.00JesusFrekeRye, do you have Saurik's kernel? (it's included in RC30 v1.2). It has /dev/mem and /dev/kmem
21:43.07RyeBryedcordes_ - if you can dump 1 meg of  memory starting at 0x00 (physical memory) to a file, I know a lot of people who would be interested
21:43.18JesusFrekeMight be useful. (but you would probably know better than me :))
21:43.58RyeBryeJesusFreke - no, haven't used that yet.. I did compile my own with /dev/mem and /dev/kmem - but it seemed to puke on the attempts to use dd in various ways to dump it
21:44.11JesusFrekeyeah, same here
21:44.15RyeBryeflashes his boot.img like it's going out of style
21:44.27JesusFrekeI just figured you had to use a different method to access it
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21:44.46JesusFrekeI don't really know much about it though
21:45.02RyeBryewe tried modifying the pmem stuff android uses to actually map the physical 0x00 address to something we could snag easily - but that didn't work so well
21:45.05Impossible_RyeBrye, have you had to take out insurance on your fingers now that they are famous on teh internets? ;)
21:45.29JesusFrekeinfobot has ByeBrye taken out insurance on his fingers?
21:45.43dcordes_RyeBrye, do you document these things in a public place?
21:45.51JesusFrekeI think we killed infobot
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21:45.55RyeBryedcordes_ - probably should, but we haven't recently
21:46.10dcordes_RyeBrye, any central place of discussion?
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22:04.02Droidriftgot my G1
22:04.48Droidriftdarkrift is no longer g1'less
22:05.02Disconnectwhat rc?
22:05.12Droidriftno idea
22:05.19Droidriftjust activated
22:05.31Droidriftlets try...
22:05.46romainguy__argh root obsession is striking again!
22:06.09Droidrifti bought it because of root lol
22:06.16Disconnectits not root obsession. its a desire to "let the community fix it" by working on the platform. :P
22:06.46romainguy__Disconnect: the community can use the emulator for that :)
22:07.07JesusFrekewoot. gratz dark :)
22:07.13Disconnect3 of the 4 problems we just discussed with my app (inside the sdk, not doing anything funky) worked perfectly in the emu
22:07.54romainguy__Disconnect: what problems?
22:08.06Disconnectactually only 2 i think. but still :) the scrolling cache and the load time. and scrolling cache is a flat bug in the platform that behaves differently on the emu..
22:08.24romainguy__the scrolling cache is just fine
22:08.41romainguy__as for the load time well yes... obviously timings will be different
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22:09.18Disconnect(i accept that the -real- fix is theming.. but still. scrolling the emu didn't black out the listview rows)
22:09.45droidrift2typing the r e b o o t  command worked
22:10.02romainguy__Disconnect: the scrolling cache code was developed on the emulator :)
22:10.17DisconnectDarkriftX: you can type "cat<enter>" and it won't read anything else, ever (no ^C/^D in the console)
22:10.38droidrift2my g1 smells :s
22:11.21Disconnectromainguy_: it behaves differently on the emu tho. scrolled fine, with no cache color hint
22:11.27droidrift2imma turn it off till i get home
22:11.32Cyrano_DeSo what is the issue with root obsession on an "open" platform again?
22:11.46offby1people like to control the devices that they own.
22:11.50droidrift2so i can apply jf's rc30
22:11.52offby1Daft punters.
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22:12.14romainguy__Cyrano_De: open != having root
22:12.31Cyrano_DeThat does not answer the question
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22:12.58DisconnectCyrano_De: its only open if you happen to be a hw manufacturer or have open hw from some external source. so g1 devs who want to work on the platform have to either get hired @ google or break into their devices. some pigs are more equal than others :)
22:13.26romainguy__like I said, you can use the emulator
22:13.33romainguy__it's what most of the Android team uses for development
22:13.36Disconnectromainguy_: ok. explain to me how i get pand running on the emulator.
22:14.31Cyrano_Desidestep....ignore...Got it.
22:16.25TiberiumXromainguy__: What's your "anti-root" obsession?  I've seen you here more than once decrying the quest for root access.
22:16.44romainguy__I'm not anti-root
22:17.03romainguy__it's just that this channel talks only about getting root and writing native code :)
22:17.13romainguy__I would love to see more discussions about writing actual apps
22:17.14romainguy__that's all
22:17.16benleyME TOO
22:17.24Disconnectso join #android-dev. thats what its for..
22:17.29benleythe root access thing is a huge distraction
22:17.44dcordesRyeBrye, #define MSM_SHARED_RAM_PHYS   0x01F00000
22:18.18JesusFrekeinfobot are you alive?
22:18.18infobotThe dead cannot live
22:18.50Disconnectbenley: yah but it comes solely from the fact that android is closed.
22:18.51TiberiumXDisconnect: Ahh, I didn't know about that one.
22:19.09Disconnectif it were open to developers, instead of just app writers, nobody would be freaking out about it.
22:19.20TiberiumXWell, we should differentiate between android and the G1.  Andoid is open.
22:19.20Disconnectand none of the "hangers on" wold be jumping up and down decrying it.
22:19.32benleyDisconnect: dude, it's not closed.  The G1 is kinda closed.  You have the source to android, though.
22:19.36dcordesinfobot, why do people want me to only use the google userspace on my g1?
22:19.36infobotwhy not?
22:20.04dcordesslaps infobot with board-trout
22:23.21Alien_Freaksee, I think you're confusing two aspects, getting root on the G1 opens up a whole new array of things you can do with the phone above and beyond just using the android API
22:23.35fnord_romainguy_, is it possible to load arbitrary urls with the page stripping proxy?
22:23.55romainguy__fnord_: like I said, low-level stuff are not my thing :)
22:24.08fnord_That's low level? o.o
22:24.18romainguy__for me, yes
22:24.40fnord_was going to suggest making a browser menu command to load mobile-friendly version of the current page :D
22:24.59Cyrano_DeMy G1 is sadly limited in what I can do with it compared to my N810 mainly as a result of not having root.
22:25.05fnord_will look into that feedback thinie
22:25.09romainguy__fnord_: ah ok, sorry I get what you're talking about now :)
22:25.13Disconnectawrafdkfdsjfkl. does traceview work on osx? it just bails when i run it against my trace file
22:25.20romainguy__it works
22:25.27Disconnectok. i'll see what else might be going on.
22:25.27romainguy__at least it's supposed to
22:25.39romainguy__(a large part of the Android team works on OS X fwiw)
22:25.40Cyrano_DeI was truely hoping to replace the N810 with something with a cellular radio.
22:26.35Cyrano_DeI can't even tether my N810 to the G1 and have the best of both worlds and I have to wait for Google/HTC to fix that if they will at all.
22:26.36fnord_Cyrano_De, tether it, if you have root.
22:26.42kRutOnCyrano_De: I wonder if the WiMAX version lets you have root
22:27.13fnord_Cyrano_De, with root it's possible to make the g1 an adhoc wifi -> g3 router
22:27.17Cyrano_DeI don't live in the one city on this continent where wiMax is an option.
22:27.31fnord_is looking into a solution using adb pppd
22:27.42Cyrano_DeWith root other developers might have a chance to fix the tethering issue.
22:28.19fnord_Already done but unfortunately you need to avoid the latest firmware to do so
22:28.34Disconnectfnord_: don't use adb pppd just set up pand + pppd.
22:28.48Cyrano_DeNot to mention the lack of a2dp so I can toss the crappy little usb/stereo dongle in the trash where all such things belong.
22:28.49fnord_Disconnect, it depends if one wants bluetooth or usb :>
22:29.22Disconnectyep. but the pppd config will 99.9% identical.
22:29.24Cyrano_DeWhy make a "Wireless" device at all and force a cable on your users.
22:29.33fnord_Disconnect, btw, pester me in around 3 hours to test that
22:29.48Disconnectfnord_: to test pand or dund or..?
22:29.58fnord_the pand bandwidth issue
22:34.42*** join/#android ivantis2 (
22:35.09ivantis2HAI android people
22:35.20ivantis2is android running on any other phone than the G1?
22:36.06offby1not that's in public release, as far as I know.
22:37.33ivantis2is ivantis still here?
22:37.40ivantis2oh good
22:37.42*** part/#android ivantis2 (
22:47.42*** join/#android Chewy954 (
22:47.57Chewy954anyone have a good tut to get root on rc28?
22:49.06Chewy954I followed one but it says connection refused, returned null
22:49.22Disconnectjust install jf's rc30 update
22:49.25Disconnect(NOT the goog one)
22:50.01Chewy954let me google
22:50.55Chewy954wont i need root for it? o.0
22:51.24Disconnectomg. someone who googles without asking a million questions.
22:51.26Disconnect is what you want
22:51.42Disconnectyah start with 443041 sorry. updated recovery.img
22:52.28Chewy954lol, thanks :P
22:53.38Chewy954i did that and when I telnet to the phone it doesnt repond
22:54.16Disconnectenter telnetd enter
22:54.41Chewy954i didnt do enter beforehand
22:56.28Chewy954should i update to rc29 first?
22:57.00Chewy954it connected
22:57.12Chewy954thanks =]
23:00.28Chewy954i get permission denied in the terminal emulator still :\
23:01.04Disconnectok do you understand how root works and what it does/doesn't do?
23:01.26Chewy954a bit
23:01.35Chewy954it allows full access to everything :P
23:01.40Disconnect...not really. but ok.
23:01.42Chewy954so pretty much, I can brick my phone with it.
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23:03.48Chewy954i found a tut of the same thing but broken down
23:03.51Chewy954let me try this
23:06.49*** join/#android jasta (
23:11.15DarkriftXnow has rc30+root :)
23:11.24DarkriftXis happy now :)
23:11.59Disconnectnow you can tell me if pand is slow for you :)
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23:23.41Chewy954when i telnet
23:23.44Chewy954i enter to mount
23:23.48Chewy954connection resets
23:24.51fnord_o.o that's odd
23:26.00Chewy954let me try again
23:28.17DarkriftXhow is andnav working?
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23:37.14Chewy954now i get a error while reading socket
23:37.35fnord_is it still running?
23:37.56fnord_DarkriftX, it's good, for a gps app. Not so good for finding the nearest pho restaurant :>
23:38.23DarkriftXit says its not real time.....
23:40.00*** part/#android Randalthor (
23:41.00fnord_hmm well I never drove with it...
23:41.02*** join/#android off-by-andy (
23:41.05fnord_so maybe it's not a good gps app :>
23:45.03IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
23:46.41*** join/#android Olipro (n=Olipro@uncyclopedia/Olipro)
23:49.02Dammyou know IznastY is always away... always with his public away
23:49.05Dammdamn that's annoying
23:49.10Chewy954i keep getting error while reading socket
23:49.30DammDarkriftX, when did you buy a G1?
23:52.57Disconnectdamnit. i can't get traceview to work :(
23:53.04Disconnect(work as in do anything other than crash)
23:55.12*** join/#android off-by-0 (
23:55.57DammDisconnect, that qualifies as 'work'... for the G1
23:56.18Dammeh just wait for Android 2.0
23:59.31DarkriftXyes Damm

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