IRC log for #android on 20081128

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00:06.25eldenzdob1, i remember i had the same problem... and somehow figured out the working url
00:07.00phyburnis anyone using the virtual voice mail for the G1?
00:07.07eldenzbut can't remember and i don't have eclipse around
00:07.21eldenzdob1, In Step 4, try changing the remote update site URL to use http, rather than https.
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00:10.27offby1phyburn: what's that?
00:10.57phyburnits like what the iphone has
00:11.00phyburnfor voice mail
00:11.07phyburnyou dont have to call anything, its just downloaded to your phone
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00:17.08offby1sounds handy
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00:22.15bert0how do I make this thing stop saying I'm away?
00:23.17offby1whup it upside the haid, naturally
00:24.13eugenebert0: /away again
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00:26.49bert0I've been away for a long long time, it's good to be back
00:28.10eugenebert0: welcome back
00:29.23bert0Has anyone here ever known anyone with a zune?  why would M$ think its a good idea to make a zune phone?
00:30.01*** part/#android grah (
00:31.37VersedBoldThey already do.  Its called wm
00:33.51offby1I met someone who once saw a zune.
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00:34.46VersedBoldI've seen them they aren't bad but they don't thrill me either.
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00:38.17languishMy wife and I have zunes. Got 'em cheap, we're happy with 'em.
00:39.19languishMostly use the zunes to watch vcasts and tv shows while commuting
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01:05.12dob1i resolve the point of downloading the eclipse plugin, i downloaded the zip version but i have another question
01:05.40dob1a beginner question, i am playing with a tutorial, but once i have started the emulator, every time i make a change to the code
01:05.50dob1i have to re-run the emulator?
01:06.06dob1it takes a lot of time
01:06.40Leedscan't you just reload your code into the running emulator?
01:07.56dob1Leeds: just to understand, i can just re-run the code with eclipse and it will update the application on the emulator?
01:08.05LeedsI don't use eclipse
01:08.17Leedsbut you *should* be able to do that, yes
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01:09.23dob1Leeds: ok seems to work, thanks
01:09.44Leedsah, you'd just assumed you needed to restart? ;-)
01:10.24dob1Leeds: sorry i am a beginner, if every time i have to restart emulator it was very difficult to test :)
01:12.06*** join/#android jbq_ (n=jbq@
01:12.10Leedsno problem
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01:56.49giglifejust got a G1 :P
01:58.49giglifegot it for my gf she has tmobile : i did all the steps and i flashed it with update_TC4-RC30_full_xda-dev_v1.2 so thats the newest tmobile stock firmware all cracked out right
02:04.08JesusFrekegiglife: yep :)
02:06.58giglifegood :) now tiime hurry up with the apps people LOL
02:07.34giglifehere is a tip
02:07.47giglifei was getting this bs SD card error before
02:07.59giglifetelling me it could not find
02:08.08giglifei renamed it
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02:08.15giglifeand it worked
02:08.36JesusFrekedo you have "show file associations" turned off in windows?
02:08.45giglifeits not even that
02:08.46JesusFrekeerr, not associations
02:08.54giglifei checked the file
02:09.01giglifeit was named correct
02:09.18giglifeit was giving me E blah blah cant find
02:09.23JesusFrekek. just making sure :). If you have file associations turned off, and rename it to, it's actually named
02:09.23giglifei was going crazy
02:09.33giglifei renamed it
02:09.52JesusFrekeI'm almost positive it was some other factor
02:10.10JesusFrekebecause it doesn't (shouldn't?) matter whether it's or
02:10.36giglifeyea thats what i thought to but i did read that before some where on a diffrent device
02:10.55giglifethat upercase worked and i tried it because i thought of it
02:11.22eladhave any of you sold anything on ebay recently?
02:11.39JesusFrekeI guess as long as it works, huh? :)
02:11.39giglifenot in the last 3 months atleast
02:11.46giglifeyea it worked fine
02:11.49JesusFrekeyeah, not too recently. why?
02:11.56giglifejust wanted to let people know
02:12.06giglifebecause i was reading some others had that problem
02:12.11eladJesus, is it normal now for paypal to hold the funds from the seller till the buyer gets the package?
02:12.31giglifeand they tried like 1gb and then a 8gb and the 8gb worked with but no 1gb they had would work
02:13.05JesusFrekeelad: not that I know of.. but that doesn't mean much :)
02:13.26eladI haven't sold anything for awhile, and the funds are on hold in paypal.. they say it could take up to 21 days, or until the buyer gets the item
02:13.36giglifeso when i came in to that problem i just was like and bam because i dont have a 8GB laying around
02:14.57giglifeis this also unlocked can i throw my att sim in this when my gf is not using it. and i give here the 3g iphone when it gets working for tmobile :P we can swap
02:15.07JesusFrekeit might be some weird file system issue or something. *shrug*
02:15.31JesusFrekeyou should be able to use the ATT sim, but no 3G
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02:16.05JesusFrekethey use different frequencies than tmobile for 3G
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02:16.29JesusFrekeI don't really know all the details though.. I'm not knowledgable about that part of it
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02:17.48giglifeare there any bugs in this firmware
02:18.02giglifewhen does tmobile come out with r30
02:18.51JesusFrekeRC30 is out..
02:19.06giglifeahh this phone is lucky
02:19.12giglifeit was at r29 :P
02:19.28JesusFrekeyeah. there are still 19,28 and 29s out there I think
02:26.13*** join/#android mib_hinypk (i=46822d38@gateway/web/ajax/
02:26.35mib_hinypkgot an iddiot question for you
02:26.59mib_hinypkhow do i copy a file from sdcard to phone memory
02:27.12mib_hinypki have a hacked rc30
02:27.24mib_hinypkand terminal emulator
02:27.29JesusFrekecat /sdcard/file > /wherever/you/want/the/file/to/go
02:27.46mib_hinypkcat wtf
02:27.51JesusFrekebusybox cp /sdcard/file /wherever/you/want/the/file/to/go
02:28.00mib_hinypkwhere is cp when i need it
02:28.00JesusFrekeyeah, it doesn't come with a cp command by default
02:28.11JesusFrekebut busybox has tp
02:28.30JesusFrekespeaking of which..
02:28.42JesusFrekeI should create a cp link to busybox in the next version
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02:29.17giglifewould be nice
02:29.27giglifegreat job with this :P
02:29.32fariseoallright, andorid in the new christina aguilera video :)
02:30.01JesusFrekethe android name has been soiled
02:30.12JesusFrekeit will never been the same again
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02:35.54giglifesweet thanks again for the moding :P iphone and g1 all in the same week i'm so special so special so special
02:36.22fariseowhat iphone moding?
02:37.09giglifei just got a g3 iphone aswell this week
02:37.37giglifei flashed it with 2.2 with baseband 2.11.07 for maybe latter unlocking
02:37.43JesusFrekethey skipped g2 and merged it with iphone? :D
02:37.45giglifecracked ipa :P
02:38.00giglifei got it for $150
02:38.06giglifei got the G1 for $179
02:38.38unix_infidelgiglife: at wal-mart?
02:38.54giglife3g iphone bought off some one $150 cash
02:39.14giglifeg1 was added as a 2nd line to a phone as a family plan for $179 plus the tax
02:39.56giglifeall it was was $35 for a new line act so cheaper then buying the phone for $400
02:41.01DisconnectJesusFreke: got those bins integrated to the new image? i'm too lazy to do my own :) but i'll happily offer startup script patches and such once i have them figured
02:41.33giglifewhite g1 :P
02:42.53JesusFrekenah, not yet. I may do a partial release that contains the binaries and module, along with stripping everything in xbin to free up some space
02:43.28JesusFrekeit would be nice to get it more automated before included in a new version
02:44.09Disconnectfair enough
02:49.02Disconnecti'll get right on that then :)
02:50.03JesusFrekeyeah! get to work!
02:50.06JesusFrekecracks whip
02:51.12Disconnectoooooh if you want to play instead... :P
02:52.10sparkleheyhey jf
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02:59.21JesusFrekehey sparkle
03:00.00JesusFrekenote to self: microwaving a cup full of frothed milk isn't a good idea. it tends to expand
03:01.43Disconnectheh neat
03:02.04JesusFrekeuntil you have to clean up the mess :p
03:02.09VersedBoldMaking a cappacino?
03:02.17JesusFrekehot chocolate
03:02.27JesusFrekethought I would try it frothy. didn't turn out so well. lol
03:02.46JesusFrekefrothed. i.e. foamy.. lot's of trapped air
03:03.18unix_infidelew, it just heats the air inbetween the milk and curdles it :-(
03:03.22JesusFrekeI have a frothery thingy from italy. it's just a container that has a mesh that you can raise up and down, and force air into the milk
03:03.41JesusFrekeso I did that, then microwaved the result
03:03.53JesusFrekeand obviously all the trapped air expands..
03:04.12JesusFrekeand it makes a mess :)
03:04.22unix_infidelyea that's just basic physics...
03:04.44unix_infidelnever quite figured out why oatmeal bubbles out after too long in the microwave though.
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03:06.08Disconnecthmm. so do i do it right (./bluetooth/bluedroid/bluetooth.c:    if (property_set("ctl.stop", "hcid") < 0) {) or do i do it simple (mangle hcid in init.rc)?
03:06.31DisconnectJesusFreke: any objection to requiring a source change?
03:06.44JesusFrekenah. we have a number already
03:06.57JesusFrekesaurik made some changes in init and the kernel
03:06.58Disconnectok cool. i'll just add it as a new service on bt start.
03:08.32JesusFrekesounds good
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03:12.15Disconnectsomeone else is gonna have to test tho
03:14.20JesusFrekeI can test
03:16.28Disconnectcuz if i brick my phone tonight the wif is gonna divorce me :)
03:18.22unix_infidelheading somewhere else for the weekend?
03:19.06JesusFrekelol :)
03:21.33Disconnecthmm. anyone have a favorite embedded dhcp server? I'm thinking maradns but..
03:22.33Disconnectoooh from busybox. schweet.
03:23.45DisconnectJesusFreke: wanna add udhcpd to your busybox build?
03:23.49Leedshow small is dnsmasq?
03:24.04DisconnectLeeds: not as small as the already-ported udhcpd :)
03:24.06JesusFrekedisconnect, It looks like it's there already?
03:24.24JesusFreke# busybox | grep dhcp
03:24.24JesusFrekebusybox | grep dhcp
03:24.31Disconnectshould really flash your new version soon
03:28.12*** part/#android _ar (
03:34.13Disconnecthmm. so before i run out this diff.. in init.rc we run iptables to set up the NAT rules and insmod the bnep module. define the pand service, and add start/stop just before/after hcid in bluetooth.c ..
03:35.00Disconnectoh i missed udhcp service.
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03:38.51Disconnectwhere are you stuffing pand and udhcpd?
03:41.38Disconnectok i'll go with system/xbin and you can edit init.rc if thats wrong :)
03:43.10JesusFrekeyeah, that's fine
03:43.56TiberiumXI have two TextView objects in a horizontal LinearLayout, one with gravity="left" and the other gravity="right".  Doesn't do a damn thing.  Anyone know how I can have one textview aligned to the right of the screen and the other on the left?
03:45.00elad#TextViewLeft { float: left; }
03:45.01IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
03:45.15elad#TextViewRight { float: Right; }
03:46.20TiberiumXYeah, only this isn't CSS.
03:50.49sparklehas anyone dug into the logic of the low memory killer?
03:51.14Disconnecthmm. i have a dilemma. i have to make pand start udhcpd when it gets a connection, but not before.
03:51.29sparklei gather from digging that uid system has rights to set kill preference numbers per process for uids => 1000
03:52.49jastaTiberiumX: you want textAlign
03:53.12jastayou also probably want them to be width=0, weight=1
03:53.29jastathis will make them both the same size, but one will be right-aligned and the other left (by default)
03:53.37JesusFrekeDisconnect.. maybe you could modify pand to set a property and then trigger a service on that property?
03:54.06JesusFrekeI'm not familiar with the internals of pand, so I'm just shooting in the dark :)
03:54.15jastahello JesusFreke :)
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03:54.25Disconnectthat seems like a pita :) but yah. its certainly the android way.
03:54.28JesusFrekehey jasta :)
03:54.47Disconnecthmm. i wonder what udhcpd will do if it's interface isn't up.
03:55.01JesusFrekeI was just wondering that too..
03:57.27Disconnectudhcpd: is interface bnep0 up and configured?: No such device it'll bail. i could be unfriendly and have it just run every 2 seconds :)
03:59.36JesusFrekeI highly doubt this will work.. but maybe. what if you create a loopback network device named as bnep0 just to start it up, and then remove the device?
03:59.38jastawhat are you trying to do?
04:00.20JesusFrekeDisconnect is trying to get bluetooth tethering more automated
04:00.26sparklei'd think it'd get crabby when the interface is unplumbed out from underneath it
04:00.30JesusFrekedhcp server and all that
04:00.32sparklei sure would :p
04:00.35JesusFrekeyeah, I suspect it would. lol
04:01.05Dammyou know what would suck?
04:01.07JesusFrekein particular, we need to be able to run dhcpd only after pand gets a BT connection
04:01.16Dammif they released a market app that lets you do BT tethering in 1-2weeks
04:01.28DammDisconnect would be like... goddammit!
04:01.36sparklea market app wouldn't be able to do it without changes outside of the jvm
04:01.38jastaJesusFreke: oh, that's a problem that will be very tough to solve without access to the internal bluetooth apis
04:02.00JesusFrekeoh, he has  BT tethering working :)
04:02.08jastai know, that's not tough.
04:02.30JesusFrekeand we can make any changes in the relevant binaries
04:02.34JesusFrekepand, etc.
04:02.55Disconnecti think i can get pand to run /etc/bluetooth/pan/dev-up
04:03.23sparklethat'd do it
04:05.58JesusFrekeyep, that'll do the trick
04:07.35TiberiumXjasta: textAlign isn't an attribute of TextView at least (maybe it's for EditText?).  Setting layout_weight worked, but I still have to decide in advance how much relative space to give each element.
04:07.39sparkleit's be nice to figure out how to get encrypted ad hoc too though :-/
04:08.39jastaTiberiumX: i just spoke from the top of my head, not sure if that property is exactly what i thought :)
04:09.07jastaTiberiumX: however, now that i think more about your problem, all you need is width=0,weight=1 on the left-aligned widget.  leave the right-aligned one as width=wrap.
04:09.09TiberiumXAhh.  Gravity is the only one I see that handles alignment at all.
04:09.12jastathat will work as you expect
04:09.35jastain particular, the left-aligned textview will consume all available space, leaving only just enough for the right textview to use the rest (the right hanging space)
04:09.57jastaits not quite alignment, but visually it will work as you expect.
04:11.32TiberiumXjasta:  Ahh, thanks.  That does what I wanted.
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05:26.14Disconnectok i'm unclear on how init.rc works - anyone got a pointer on docs? (or time for a simple question - if i add iptables calls in after the write/write/mount section, will that execute or am i missing something?)
05:27.37JesusFrekeyeah, it's a bit weird. I *think* it's actually proprietary to android? I'm not positive
05:28.01Disconnecti just need to add the iptables calls and its set. :( or i can bundle up the patches for you that i've got already and let you deal with it :)
05:28.59Disconnectfinding lots of old docs but nothing resembling the current format
05:29.07JesusFrekeyeah, gimme a sec. lemme look at something
05:31.24Disconnecthere we go.!89AD27DFB5E249BA!428.entry
05:31.49Disconnectlooks like i can just slap the commands into boot
05:33.01JesusFrekeI think you will need an "exec" command though
05:33.21JesusFrekeand I don't think my version of init has that. I'm checking
05:34.53JesusFrekeyeah, just go ahead and use "exec iptables <whatever>"
05:35.05JesusFrekeand I'll have to implement exec support in init.
05:35.36*** join/#android shackan (
05:36.08Disconnectok :)
05:36.37*** join/#android liljohnpenguin (
05:37.58Disconnectok got a patch for you.
05:38.39Disconnectits 2 patches. system/bluetooth and system/core (stupid multiple git trees)
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05:50.12Disconnectnight all! jf, lemme know how that works out :)
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06:10.49spikebikebroken laptop is reinstalling via usb
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06:14.46liljohnpenguinlooking to get my teahtering working and its NOT, ha
06:14.59Disconnectwhats broken?
06:15.01liljohnpenguin64 bit intel windows
06:15.12liljohnpenguinhaha - prolly that!
06:15.15Disconnectwell yah thats a big problem
06:15.29Disconnectis asleep, honest. ok not quite yet but..
06:16.01liljohnpenguini saw some text on it, so no 64 bit accurate? english?
06:16.59spikebikedisconnect did you get laptop -> wifi -> g1 -> edge/3g working?
06:17.01Disconnectas far as i know the socks/usb method doesn't work in 64bit because there is no adb usb driver.
06:17.14Disconnectno i use bluetooth + PAN :)
06:17.32spikebikeseems a shocking number of things don't work with 64 bit windwos
06:17.36spikebikeah, bluetooth is even better
06:17.48liljohnpenguinahhhh - your saying I can use bluetooth to teather?  cooool
06:17.50spikebikewhat is the max bandwidth of bluetooth?
06:18.12liljohnpenguin1.21 gigawatts
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06:18.42liljohnpenguincome on, now that was funny
06:20.14Dammi really haste
06:20.23Dammit only works half the time, I wish people would stop using it.
06:20.36Disconnecti find it a lot more stable than most of the others
06:20.36spikebiketry instead ;-)
06:20.53DammDisconnect,, or
06:21.25Dammspikebike, i copied and pasted Disconnect's url exactly wanting to see it... and i'm still waiting
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06:21.39Disconnectwrong url anyway, doh
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06:23.52liljohnpenguindisconnect: can you send me a link how to teather this POS 64 bit wintel box with bluetooth
06:24.31liljohnpenguinhaha-man i am dense!
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06:26.17DammDisconnect, should be fairly easy to script that... do you need dhcp for bnep0? or no?
06:26.42Disconnectits set, in a patch i just sent jf. with dhcp to make it magic :)
06:27.33*** join/#android VersedG1 (
06:27.34Dammah nice, so he'll have BT Pan in his next revision of RC30
06:27.38Disconnectthats the theory
06:27.40Dammmakes me wish I didn't upgrade to RC30 and held back.
06:28.02spikebikedisconnect sweet
06:28.18Disconnect..toldja. (told everyone who said " i dunno what i want with root so i'm gonna upgrade".)
06:28.23liljohnpenguinno important; but if im in the car and use bluetooth, will the laptop auto see it after first setup and start using and jsut block incoming calls, or you have to set a mode on the phone
06:28.34*** join/#android P1ro (n=Piro@gentoo/user/p1ro)
06:29.00Disconnectin the new script, when you turn on bt it starts up pand - the laptop needs to initiate the connection but it should be automagic
06:29.31liljohnpenguinwow - slick if works! get r done
06:29.58liljohnpenguinthanks sir, nice meeting everyone
06:30.00Disconnecti'll let someone else hack up old-style pan/ppp
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06:32.52Disconnectnight all
06:34.04yogeshhi, while starting up system, alert is pop up "System UID's Inconsistent: UID's on the system are inconsistent, you need to wipe your data partition or your device will be unstable" ,   Can any one help..
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06:42.12Leedsyogesh: have you done anything odd?
06:43.20yogeshi just change the resolution of video in framework applications..
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06:44.09unix_infidelhas walmart released their pricing for the G1 this friday?
06:47.48d03boywalmart is selilng a g1?
06:50.25Leedsyeah, a $10-$20 or so lower than t-mob
06:52.13d03boydo you have to get a contract
06:53.35gambleranyone know for how much they are selling them for without a plan?
06:54.20TiberiumXIs there a way to view all active intent filters on your phone?
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07:13.25Leedsgambler: $400, AFAIK, plus tax... and they are locked
07:14.32eugeneLeeds: usd?
07:14.53Leedseugene: and yes, it's bastard cheap
07:15.44eugeneimagine how much profit they make over here
07:16.02eugenebut then those who bought g1 from the shops here are mad
07:16.20gamblerhow much are they in merry old england
07:16.36Leedsshould find someone in the US who can ship a few to me :-)
07:16.55Leedsgambler: I don't think they are available out of contract in the UK
07:17.23gambleryou could always hit a TMO manager over the head with a tire iron and run...
07:17.36Leedsit would have to be a *very* long iron to reach from here
07:19.10gamblerill finally have mine next week. thank buddah
07:19.33Leedshmm... which phone would buddha use?
07:20.05gamblerprobably the iphone. he is asian after all
07:20.22Leedswhy do you think the iphone is asian?
07:21.32gamblerall my asian friends have one...thats my best answer
07:21.48eugenegambler: then i must be an exception
07:22.01Leedsgambler: you are aware that eugene and I are in Asia? :-)
07:22.09gamblereugene, O RLY? hehe
07:22.28LeedsI know one Asian with an iphone, and a couple of expats
07:22.54tmztJesusFreke: how can you exec from init? won't that replace pid 1?
07:23.16gamblerim an asia too but self deceived colonialists call this country part of oceania
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07:24.03jastawhy would i get INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_MANIFEST_MALFORMED trying to install my apk?
07:24.23LeedsHKI'm going to guess your manifest is malformed and the installer failed to parse it :-)
07:24.33eugenegambler: where in au?
07:24.47jastaLeedsHK: but that makes no sense; how did it get compiled then?
07:24.50gamblerive got that error before. It usually goes away on its own
07:25.05gamblereugene, Brisbane
07:25.07gamblereugene, u?
07:25.22eugenegambler: ahh... i'm in Singapore
07:25.30eugenegambler: isn't it beer o'clock already?
07:26.30jastawhat the hell...
07:26.31gamblereugene, ...its getting to that time isnt it. :p
07:27.45LeedsHKone of the little apps I might possibly try to write would be - as suggested here a while ago - a beer o'clock app
07:28.13LeedsHK"it's 3pm where you are - but in Sydney it's beer o'clock!"
07:28.30jastagambler: it's definitely not just "going away"
07:28.55jastathe platform must have a more deficient parser than the SDK?
07:29.32LeedsHKit'll be libxml or expat or something, surely?
07:29.59jastaLeedsHK: highly unlikely, the platform does not consume real XML.  it consumes andorid's binary XML, which google designed.
07:30.03jastaso it's more likely that it's their own parser
07:30.10gamblerjasta: my approach isnt elegant. I'd try a -wipe-data
07:30.18LeedsHKhmm... okay
07:30.43jastagambler: why would that help?  if its actually a parse error, what is -wipe-data going to do to change the parser?
07:31.06gamblergood question. another good question is how has that fixed itself without my intervention
07:32.16jastaoh, i see.  it's bitching about the ":" in my taskAffinity name
07:32.21jastaW/PackageParser(   52): /data/app/vmdl44488.tmp (at Binary XML file line #16): Invalid taskAffinity name org.devtcg.five:Music in package org.devtcg.five: bad character ':'
07:32.33jastadespite, of course, the docs recommending that i use a : in exactly this way
07:32.35jastacute :)
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07:43.39eugeneok.. finally it's friday. going to install android on my n800 hee
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07:45.01IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
07:46.45LeedsHKeugene: good luck :-)
07:47.01LeedsHKjust a pity it isn't, y'know, a *phone*...
07:47.47eugeneLeedsHK: awww..
07:52.59eugeneLeedsHK: it's ok :)
07:53.10eugeneLeedsHK: i'm so tempted to buy one from ebay... but it's not cheap at all
07:53.31LeedsHKcheaper than me?
07:53.59eugeneLeedsHK: hmm... it depends which seller i bbuy from... and how much i bid. not sure..
07:54.40unix_infideli'd wager there's significantly more demand overseas than there is in the US and UK.
07:55.09unix_infideland by overseas I mean SE Asia and Europe proper.
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08:19.06eugenecrap. my n800 doesn't want to startup..
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08:56.43fnord_eugene, what errors does it display?
08:56.49fnord_adb logcat should work
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08:59.44taunothe moderators of android-discuss are still celebrating thanksgiving or what's up with that?
09:00.03romainguywhat's going on?
09:00.11romainguy(and everybody's on vacation and it's 1am here)
09:01.10LeedsHKromainguy: then why are you online??? :-)
09:01.22romainguybecause I don't celebrate thanksgiving
09:01.29romainguyand my fiancée is in LA for a few days
09:01.32romainguyso I geek around :)
09:01.56jastaromainguy: i figured out my taskaffinity problem.  apparently it was rejecting my apk because it thinks i cant put :'s in the task name
09:01.57LeedsHKah, you're an alien?
09:02.05romainguyLeedsHK: I'm French
09:02.14romainguyjasta: yeah I saw that, it doesn't surprise me much
09:02.20LeedsHKoh, I'm sorry to hear that :-P
09:02.25romainguyI almost replied about this but then thought I was wrong :)
09:02.29romainguyLeedsHK: I'm not :))
09:02.33jastaromainguy: well, i followed the documentation :)
09:02.38romainguyI know
09:02.48fnord_romainguy, maps app needs more cowbell
09:02.57romainguyagreed fnord_
09:03.04romainguywe have unfortunately a bad track record of updating our doc when the code changes :))
09:03.16LeedsHKis there a cowbell app yet?
09:03.18jastaromainguy: i've noticed.  you guys should bulk up your army of grunt interns
09:03.29romainguywe have about 0 interns right now :)
09:03.44jasta("about" 0?)
09:03.58romainguyyou never know, there might be leftover bits :)
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09:04.55jastaromainguy: so how come you didn't try to worm in on some free food today? :)
09:05.23romainguybecause shes loves to cook and left me well stocked :)
09:06.24jastai like turkey sandwiches.  thanksgiving is great :)
09:08.12romainguyjasta: at least I worked on my app today :)
09:08.44jastame too, but i do that just about every day hehe
09:09.03eugenefnord_: it was the battery problem. now it's working again
09:09.38romainguyjasta: a few hours of work to end up with now new features ^^
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09:10.53fnord_ahhh okay
09:11.15eugenefnord_: phew :)
09:12.01LeedsHKI went to the 'NY Deli' around the corner from the office for lunch - they had turkey and stuffing as food options today :-)
09:12.14fnord_eugene, it's not a phone, but there's a sip client
09:13.06eugenefnord_: nod. i can't wait to setup android in it.  but it doesn't look like there is much to do according to
09:14.22jastaromainguy: i learn a lot just idly reading android source... like for instance, i did not know about import static.
09:14.39romainguythat's a nice little feature of Java 1.5 :)
09:15.12jastaat least a few times now i've had to rub my eyes at code i read.  thinking "huh, this compiles?"
09:15.35jastabut i'm sort of new to Java though so i guess that shouldn't surprise me
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09:17.24jastaspeaking of idly reading code...
09:17.40jastathere's a concurrency bug in AccountSetupCheckSettings in the Email app :)
09:17.52romainguyI believe you :)
09:17.55fnord_argh xchat now decides not to copy urls
09:18.09romainguyJava has several interesting and weird syntax things
09:18.13romainguylike int.class
09:18.20jastathe worker thread checks agains mDestroyed (which is set in onDestroy) before it schedules any work for the handler
09:18.31jastaexcept that access to it is neither volatile nor synchronized
09:18.31romainguyor new MyClass() {{ setFoo("bar"); }}
09:18.34xsdgromainguy: heh, I learned when I got there at 10:00 that Caltrain closed at 9:00
09:20.05xsdgwow, that was surprisingly effective at killing the conversation :o)
09:20.47jastahmm, cool, eclipse exploded on me
09:21.13xsdgjasta: that's what it does best, I hear
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09:21.33jastaromainguy: what does the double brace syntax do?
09:21.49romainguyit's an anonymous initialization block
09:22.00romainguythe default constructor if you will
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09:22.15jastathats bizarre
09:22.25romainguynot really actually
09:22.35romainguyif you compare that to the static initialization blocks for instance
09:22.49romainguyif you format it properly it doesn't look as weird
09:23.00romainguyanother fun thing is that you can declare classes inside methods
09:23.04romainguylike this:
09:23.09romainguypublic Bar getBar() {
09:23.41romainguyI have to admit I never found any use for this syntax :)
09:23.48eugeneheh booted android. no touchscreen capability
09:23.57romainguyI know it's used by the implementation of iterators in lists
09:24.40Leedseugene: n800 is the one *without* the keyboard?
09:24.56eugeneLeeds: yup
09:25.17Leedsso you have no keyboard and no touchscreen?
09:25.24eugenehehe yes..
09:26.39eugeneLeeds: and a little unstable.
09:26.50Leedsthat'd be the beer, I assume?
09:26.53jastaromainguy: GNU C lets you define functions inside of functions ;)
09:27.00romainguyI know
09:27.06eugeneLeeds: but its quite neat
09:27.15romainguybut it's weird coming from Java
09:27.15jastathat i find especially odd.  the code reads like Perl :)
09:27.30romainguyand also you could ask most seasoned Java developers, most would not know it's valid :)
09:28.03jastahehe, it seems odd to me that i have not written any java outside the context of android :)
09:28.18_avatari haven't written any java outside of android either :)
09:28.56LeedsI haven't written any java in years... within or without Android
09:28.58romainguythen there's teh weird strictfp keyword
09:29.02romainguynever used it, probably never will
09:29.48jastagets back to his app
09:30.05Leedsin fact my closest connection to Java is probably having a cup of coffee with someone who worked with James Gosling, at Sun
09:36.46eugeneah there's a newer kernel with touchscreen support
09:36.58tauno<romainguy> what's going on? <- ~24h since I posted to the list (as you suggested btw :P) and the message is still not there..
09:37.10romainguypost again
09:37.56taunoan then it'll double post.. been there, done that
09:38.31taunobut le'ts try it again then :d
09:42.10romainguyhmm I like the layout of the git tree
09:42.13romainguyso much cleaner
09:42.37jastai like it too, though i cant say its cleaner than your mystery tree :)
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09:50.28taunospeaking about stuff in java 1.5 - I recenlty discovered varargs when reading the android source.. that's handy
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09:58.18joeyjonesand there goes another post to xda-developers
10:01.25eugeneyay. touchscreen seems to work now
10:01.41eugenei spoke too soon
10:03.32eugeneah.. it works. but n800 is too slow.
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10:14.16jastaromainguy: you around?
10:14.31jastai have a layout question for you
10:14.59jastahow would i accomplish a layout contained in a scrollview which forces a particular view to the bottom of either the screen if scrolling is not necessary, or in the normal flow if it is
10:15.41jastai'm adding a sort of wizard to next your way through initial set up, and if the phone is rotated landscape, the view is full and so the bar is naturally at the bottom of the screen/scrollview
10:16.01romainguythere's a feature for that
10:16.09jastabut when it is portrait, the screen is not full, but the footer should still "stick"
10:16.24romainguyif the scrollview's child is smaller than the scrollview, it will be expanded to fill the scrollview
10:16.30romainguyyou put that attribute on the scrollview
10:16.43jastaahh ok
10:17.16jastathanks :)
10:18.21jastayay :)
10:19.20jastahmm, this could be my bug, but now the footer is laid out with a small margin to the right, the exact size of the scroller when it would be shown (but is not)
10:19.48jastawhich is what i'd want if the scroller was visible/necessary, but not when it isn't
10:19.54romainguyare you using inset scrollbars?
10:20.00jastayes, outsideInset
10:20.24romainguyhere you go
10:21.35jastaoh, i guess now that i read the docs i should not do that ;)
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10:22.30romainguyjasta: :))
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10:47.59taunocan shortcut icons be changed after they are added to the home screen?
10:49.12taunoor can they be deleted? :)
10:54.00Acsiatauno: yes
10:54.23Acsialong click and drag on top of the wastebin
10:55.19taunoI mean programmatically
10:55.28taunoeg by sending an intent
10:56.40jastawell, anycut does it...
10:56.47jastacheck its source
10:57.57romainguytauno: yes they can
10:58.07romainguyit requires special permissions though
10:59.53taunoromainguy, deleted, changed or both?
11:00.13romainguyto add or remove shortcuts
11:00.32romainguyyou can also change them but it requires access to the system settings
11:00.36romainguy(and that has changed since 1.0)
11:01.31taunocan this be requested by just using uses-permission tag?
11:01.52romainguywhy do you want to do this?
11:01.56taunoany examples on this? :)
11:02.28taunoromainguy, want to display a dynamic icon to the home screen that indicates when something has changed for the specific thingie behind the shortcut
11:02.39romainguydon't do it that way
11:02.45taunowhy not?
11:02.50romainguyit's very inefficient
11:02.54romainguywe want to add this feature
11:03.17romainguyit's inefficient and, like I said, it's gonna break with a future update :)
11:03.31taunoyes but I won't do it that often.. let's say once in 30 mins or even more..
11:03.58taunoromainguy, well that's the risk that I'm willing to take :)
11:04.12romainguyI don't care about you, I care about the users :)
11:04.30taunoI see :D
11:05.09taunowell.. I promise you that if it's going to break, we'll update the software ASAP :) and we inform the user that some features may break at some point :)
11:05.40romainguystill sucks for the user :)
11:07.23taunoI guess that the feature by itself is a way bigger argument and people are better off using it right away like it is and take the risk that it might not work for a day or two at some point (but that's just my opinion)
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11:07.39romainguyno, I strongly disagree
11:07.43romainguyit is a cool and interesting feature
11:07.49romainguybut it should be done the right way before being used
11:08.07romainguyespecially since it requires to go hack Home's database
11:08.54romainguyI can't prevent you from using it but you are, once again, doing a disservice to yourself, your users and the Android team
11:08.59_avataralso, i assume unintentionally clobbering home's database would be really bad, especially for the average user
11:10.22romainguythat too ^^
11:10.27taunoromainguy, uh, relax, I won't do it then if its really that bad ;)
11:11.39taunobut it's still a feature that I really really really want to add :)
11:11.58romainguyI already said that's something we also want to add
11:12.24taunoyes and thats nice to hear
11:13.17taunoI guess it's not a priority currently? any way I can help to speed this up?
11:13.35romainguyit's gonna happen whenever I can get time to work on this
11:13.54romainguyand you can always submit patches
11:14.11romainguybut to be honest, Home being a sensitive app, code reviews won't be easy ;-))
11:14.50taunoyes, I could.. but as it seems from every conversation that we have here, I'm doing/wanting to do EVERYTHING wrong.. always :P
11:15.07romainguywell from what you tell me you just write hacks upon hacks :)
11:15.15taunoindeed :P
11:15.45romainguyjust wrote a couple of hacks :)
11:16.29taunoI'm cleaning up the code and removing hacks currently.. but some things are hacked too deep already :|
11:18.16romainguyyeah, trying to remove a hack myself
11:18.19romainguystupid animations
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11:19.24jastammmmmmmm, i just made a hamburger and let me tell you what: i did not realize quite how much i miss red meat :)
11:19.58romainguywhy do you miss red meat?
11:20.14tauno..that reminds me.. lunch time
11:20.17jastawhy do i miss it?  because it's delicious.  why do i not get it?  because my gf can't eat it.
11:20.33jastaand because she can't eat it, i rarely get to as well hehe
11:20.45romainguythat's what I suspected :)
11:20.55romainguythat's one thing I would not do I have to say
11:21.20jastawell, i don't fight it too much because i know it's not good for me...
11:21.32romainguybut it's meat :)
11:21.42jastabut every now and then a nice steak or a hamburger just tastes sooooo good :)
11:21.45taunoyeah, jasta, what's more important? :P
11:22.23jastaromainguy: my gf eats meat, basically just not pork, beef, and lamb.
11:22.38romainguyso rabbit? :)
11:22.52romainguydang, I can't open source my app with these stupid hacks inside @!#
11:23.07jastahehe, well it's not a philosophical choice.  her body lacks some enzyme which breaks down a particular protein found in some types of meat
11:23.14jastaso, she gets horribly sick if she eats it
11:23.24taunooh, that's sad :(
11:23.27romainguyreminds me of my gf
11:23.34romainguyshe gets horribly sick if she eats/drink lactose
11:23.38jastabut she can eat chicken and fish
11:23.45romainguyyet she loves cheese and have cheese all the time :))
11:25.01jastashe actually didn't used to eat chicken because she said she just didn't like it.  thankfully, i converted her on that one at least
11:25.26jastai'm pretty handy with a grill, so i whipped up a few things and now she likes chicken :)
11:27.19taunocome on guys.. stop it.. it's winter here (so no grilling outside) and there are no shops/eating places where I could buy some meat around here.. and I'm hungry.
11:27.54gamblertauno that reminds me of The Office.
11:27.56jastai was disappointed i missed my window to get a gyro actually.  thats what i really wanted, but the place closes at 3am :)
11:27.58gamblerMichael: "Who wants my man meat?" Dwight (excited): "I want your man meat Michael!!!"
11:28.38gambleri love that show
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11:29.47gamblerbtw romainguy: if your brave enough you can buy your girlfriend some beano...that will sort out those lactose issues
11:30.05jastabuy it for her for christmas.  she'll love that ;)
11:30.37romainguyfucking animations
11:32.22gambleri just got 3 head working on Fedora 10. Im semi amazed it was as painless as it was
11:32.26gamblergoodbye windows eclipse crashes
11:38.18romainguystupid drawable
11:40.23taunough.. I guess I'd have to install some Linux beast so I can build/use Android from source?
11:40.31romainguyor OS X
11:43.08taunoI'd really like to contribute to Android but I don't have time to installdebug Linux and don't want to buy an OSX licence just for that :(
11:43.17taunowhiney me again.. sry
11:43.53jastafuck its late
11:44.04romainguyand fuck these drawables too
11:45.01IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
11:45.56jastawow, thats pretty annoying
11:47.25romainguymy SuspiciousLoader class is getting scary ^^
11:49.39taunoit sounds also scary.. or.. suspicious
11:49.49romainguyit does do suspicious things
11:49.57romainguysince you love hacks, you'd appreciate that class :)
11:51.30jastaok, i just realized i probably have another 30 minutes until i can start testing this code, which means it'll be at least another hour after that before it works.  i should just cut my losses and go to bed :)
11:51.48romainguythat would be weak :)
11:52.08jastai still have family crap to do tomorrow.
11:52.29taunoI don't actually love them - I'm trying to avoid them whenever possible but they still "happen" from time to time :P
11:52.30jastahehe, now that i think about it, i forgot to find out when im supposed to be at my moms tomorrow.  oh well, hopefully its not early :)
11:52.46romainguyI have 200 slides to write tomorrow
11:52.56taunoromainguy, good luck with that
11:53.01romainguyyeah :)
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12:00.01romainguytauno: if that can make you happy I identified a few APIs tonight that I should make public :)
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12:14.21gamblerdoes anyone use the Fedora version of eclipse with android? Just wondering how you satisfied the WST (web tools) dependency.
12:14.31gamblerIt looks tighter than the version
12:18.27romainguyhmm git status doesn't respond for me either
12:18.36romainguyI wonder if the servers are under maintenance or just down
12:18.50romainguyhmm no
12:18.52romainguyrepo sync works
12:20.54taunoromain, explain yourself :)
12:21.50romainguytauno: ?
12:21.58taunowhat APIs
12:22.10romainguysome drawables/animation stuff
12:22.17romainguythings you can do from XML but not from code
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12:25.13gamblerI just found the flaw in my plan
12:25.22gamblerhas anyone build the android SDK on x86_64?
12:25.49gamblerso much for using my extra memory
12:25.59gamblerromainguy, it wont build ?
12:26.14romainguyI meant, I'm not building it on x86_64 linux
12:26.22romainguybut I know it caused trouble to other devs
12:27.02gambler:( damn
12:40.37tricgambler: i did, on amd64 sid some weeks ago
12:40.47tricworked without any problem iirc
12:41.09tricbut im only using the emu out of it, for dev im using the _r1
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12:56.41blaubuild the android sdk?
12:56.44blaudid i miss something?
12:59.29tricseems so
13:01.53blauI need a good name for an app that lets you set away from phone stuff
13:02.06blauso you can auto respond via text message to txt's or phone calls
13:02.15blauor you can forward txt messages to another phone
13:02.26taunoAwayDroid? :P
13:03.01taunoromainguy, still there?
13:03.06blaui was thinking just Away
13:03.39taunoromainguy, are there plans for releasing some UI guidelines? :)
13:04.02taunois there something more than jsut plans? :)
13:05.34blauromain: any opinion on whether the datepicker and timeicker should select all when the edittext views get focus?
13:05.49romainguytauno: yes
13:06.20romainguyblau: I can see both being useful :)
13:06.20taunoromainguy, good to know, thanks
13:08.29blauthats the one pick thing in the ui that annoys me to no end
13:09.02romainguyif that's all that annoys you... :))
13:09.46blaueverything else that annoys me is tiny
13:09.46tauno(next time the android-discuss moderators are taking a break for a few days, they should just "allow all" till they come back :) )
13:09.46blauexcept for maybe the messaging performance
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13:09.54romainguytauno: you complain a lot :)
13:10.04taunoromainguy, I do what I can do best
13:10.12romainguyyou should be friend with languish
13:10.35taunoI think we are brothers separated at birth
13:10.45tauno..or something like that
13:11.52taunospeaking of complaining - I want to anticomplain.. I really like the funky moves that the ListViews scrollbar makes.. this shouldn't be fixed :)
13:12.09romainguytoo late
13:12.17taunofixed already?
13:12.30taunoah, sad :)
13:12.38romainguyit really looked basd
13:13.28taunoother than looks - it doesn't allow you to scroll up again when viewing details of some app in Market for example (using the trackball)
13:13.35blautauno: like in the market?
13:13.48romainguytauno: yeah, known bug
13:14.29romainguywell that's gone :)
13:14.41taunobut I think I'm going to actually miss this thingie.. I mean.. it always brings a smile to my face when I try to see how small or big I can make it (the scrollbar) :)
13:14.43romainguyit still weird, but less weird
13:14.43blauuntil i resubmit the change!
13:14.56romainguyblau: but I won't approve it :)
13:15.06taunoit's like a small minigame..
13:15.21blauwhere was the bug, in the actual scrollbar stuff
13:15.27blauor the way the listview was put together?
13:15.32blaucould i easily reproduce it in my apps?
13:15.36romainguyit wasn't a bug
13:15.43tauno"it's a feature"
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13:15.57romainguybut it was working the way the code was designed to work
13:16.06romainguyit's just that Market uses ListView in a weird way
13:16.12romainguywith items of very different heights
13:16.17romainguyand that threw the scrollbar computations off
13:16.25romainguyso now in this case we do something different
13:16.35romainguyit's not pretty but much  more "normal"
13:16.36blaudo enough people actually have grandcentral invites that g1 central isnt getting horribl reviews?
13:18.30tmztdoes the sim draw the BootAnimation at all?
13:18.49romainguythe SIM?
13:19.03taunooh, great, my app got its icon back! :)
13:19.18romainguy \o/
13:20.06tmztromainguy: you do graphics but not kernel level/SurfaceFlinger? or not?
13:20.17romainguyno, I don't do low-level stuff
13:20.25romainguy(well sometimes when I really need to, but that's not my job normally)
13:20.36tmztwas any 0.8 git source released?
13:21.26tmztthis makes sense then, the only bootanimation code I can see in 1.0 uses GLES which apparently is not used on sim
13:21.48romainguyare you talking about the emulator or the simulator?
13:22.36tmztI guess emulator (qemu), I thought it was called sim because of a comment in one of the files
13:22.44romainguyit's an emulator
13:22.47romainguythere's also a simulator
13:22.52romainguyand OpenGL ES works in the emulator
13:22.57tmztwhich is compiled java for x86?
13:23.04romainguyand the boot animation shows up for me in the emulator
13:23.14taunoromainguy, whats the difference?
13:23.18romainguythe simulator doesn't emulate the CPU
13:23.24romainguyit just runs Android straight on x86
13:23.27romainguyit's a LOT faster
13:23.32romainguyworks only on Linux
13:23.42taunooh ok, that's why I haven't seen it I guess :)
13:23.53romainguyand it's discouraged to use it anyway
13:24.43blauany idea if   telephonyManager.listen(new PhoneCallListener(context), PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_CALL_STATE);  can dissapear?
13:25.32romainguyis it a documented public API?
13:25.55blauyes, but i mean like can my listener be unregistered?
13:26.01blauthe apidocs dont seen to say
13:26.11romainguynot if you don't remove it
13:27.00blauand i cant figure out how to remove it or get a list of registered listeners
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13:32.46gamblertric, cool im gonna start building it now
13:32.46romainguyblau: it's explained in the documentation
13:32.48romainguy"To unregister a listener, pass the listener object and set the events argument to LISTEN_NONE (0)."
13:34.29blauromain: im an idiot
13:34.36blaui even read that at some point
13:34.44blauand it didnt click
13:34.51blauor i asked it before and got the same answer
13:35.12blauwait... even better, i implemented it and didnt remember
13:36.41tricis it possible for an activity to switch the internet connection from lets say umts to wlan?
13:36.56blausome mornings i should be allowed to touch a computer
13:37.00romainguyan application can turn on wifi
13:37.14*** part/#android RickyNottsUK (
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13:37.54taunoromainguy, you have some idea why Phones.NUMBER_KEY returns the number in reverse? (eg basically the same as Phones.NUMBER but reversed)?
13:38.09romainguythat's used to do phone number matching
13:38.42romainguyso that it doesn't matter whether your phone number is stored/received as +1-555-123-4444 or (555) 123-4444
13:38.57romainguyif you do the matching in reverse, it's easier, faster and more accurate :)
13:39.14blauoooh you google guys are so smart
13:39.35taunoromainguy, ok, that explains it :)
13:39.48romainguyin the application I just showed a video of, I do something similar
13:39.50blaudoes android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON actually work, cause i cant seem to receive anything after turning the screen on
13:39.55blaubut i may just be doing something wrong
13:39.57romainguymy database contains a column called sort_title
13:40.02romainguyit's the same as the title column
13:40.04tricromainguy: oh ok, and when wifi turned on android will actually use it?
13:40.19romainguyexcept it's all lower case and it removes "a", "the", "an", etc. at the beginning
13:40.25romainguytric: well yes
13:40.25taunoromainguy, that was your app that you showed?
13:40.32taunoromainguy, looked nice :)
13:41.06*** join/#android dims (
13:41.55blauyou guys from the united states?
13:42.08taunoblau, nope
13:42.10romainguyI'm from France but I live in the US
13:42.24blauromain, do any shopping this morning?
13:42.33romainguywell it's 6am
13:42.37romainguyand I have yet to go to bed
13:42.39romainguyso no :)
13:42.58blauromain, but youll miss all the sales!
13:43.14taunoromainguy, feature request - make the title of the book autoscrolling when it's selected (not actually scrolling but moving from beginning to end and then resetting back to beginning for x-seconds and then start scrolling again) ;)
13:43.15romainguyI'm actually scared of tomorrow
13:43.18romainguyI live downtown SF
13:43.28romainguyI wonder if I'll even be able to open the door of my building
13:43.28eugeneblau: where are you from :)
13:43.38blauim from new jersey
13:43.43blauin the united states
13:43.47offby1blau: which exit?
13:43.49offby1slaps thigh
13:43.49romainguytauno: that's coming in the next RC update
13:43.55blaui work 105, live 127
13:44.04offby1ooh, I wasn't prepared for an actual answer :)
13:44.06taunoromainguy, ?
13:44.17eugeneblau: I live in Singapore
13:44.18romainguytauno: the next Android update adds this feature to TextView
13:44.26offby1<-- Plainfield/Westfield as of many years ago
13:44.33romainguytauno: so when this feature is public, my app will use it :)
13:44.45taunoromainguy, so.. my current custom implementation is all for nothing again :P
13:44.53blaucool, im living in north plainfield now
13:44.54taunoargh :P
13:45.54blaui ordered a crapload of dvds and blu rays from amazon
13:46.05blauand went to staples this mornign for a bunch of memory cards/sticks/flash drives
13:46.10offby1"Route 22" ... "Watchung Mountains"
13:46.21offby1"Two Guys from Harrison"
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13:51.30blauim right off rt22 basically
13:51.39blauthe soda machine just gave me 2 sodas again
13:51.42blauits my lucky day!
13:52.16*** join/#android jbq (n=jbq@
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13:54.04taunobtw.. after all this meat talk.. I ate some lamb meat for lunch (had do walk a little but in the end it payed off big time) (:
13:54.20*** join/#android Leeds (
13:54.22blaui want pizza
13:54.49aanishnhi all, has anyone tried using USB mouse with android ?
13:56.49tauno..lamb shashlik (or whatever it's called in english)
13:57.09eugeneblau: i had pizza :D
13:57.40*** join/#android loke_ (
13:57.54languishtauno "lamb kebobs"
13:58.10languishor lamb on a skewer
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13:59.11blaui love google
13:59.15blauhugs google
13:59.17tmztaanishn: bluetooth might be closer on rc29 and modified rc30
13:59.27taunolanguish, kebab's a little different but something similar, yes
14:00.00taunolet me tell you, it tasted really freat :P
14:01.57aanishntmzt, bluetooth ??
14:02.10tmztaanishn: bluetooth mouse I mean
14:02.11gamblertric, how did you get by prebuilt/
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14:06.34gambleryeesh its never easy
14:21.44blauwhen i send an sms from my emulator
14:22.03blauhow can i verify that
14:22.17offby1you're drinking soda at 9:00 am?
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14:23.37blauyeah lol
14:28.51tmztromainguy: is MSMFB_BLIT needed after writing directly to the framebuffer?
14:28.59romainguyno idea
14:29.12romainguybesides, it's not supported :))
14:29.20*** part/#android dbtid (
14:29.22tmztnot on g1
14:29.41romainguynot on Android :)
14:33.07jbqwaves at romainguy
14:33.15romainguyjbq: waking up?
14:33.17romainguyor going to bed?
14:33.23jbqwaking up
14:33.32offby1grunts at jbq, and pours coffee
14:33.41romainguyjbq: mathias and I are about to go to bed
14:33.46romainguy(separately :)
14:34.00jbqI'm wondering whether to go ski today.
14:34.25offby1decisions, decisions
14:34.27romainguyif you go I'll be very jealous
14:34.30*** join/#android mpagano (n=mpagano@gentoo/developer/mpagano)
14:34.32romainguyand I'll have to make you pay on Monday :)
14:34.37offby1I won't, as long as he doesn't tell us how nice it was
14:35.18jbqIt's unlikely to be nice. which is why I'm not sure. Boreal on 8" of artificial snow isn't that compelling.
14:38.19blaubought 4 8 gig sandisk drives today
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14:43.11offby1blau: I have one on my Amazon "wish list".
14:43.21offby1The 16 gig ones cost way more than twice as much, which is odd.
14:44.06blau12.99 each! after rebate
14:44.18offby1yikes!  where'd you get 'em?
14:44.24blauearly morning sale
14:44.54blauthey are only on sale till 10am
14:45.02offby1and 3,000 miles away.
14:45.16blauyou can make it
14:46.05*** join/#android VickiWong (
14:46.16taunosend one this way too then
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14:46.35blaugot a few 4 gig micro sdhcs
14:46.37blaufor $10
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14:50.49taunoI'm spending my $10 on this (gf is dragging me there):
14:51.45blauim trying to drag my gf to see transporter 3
14:53.19blauits possible to send txt messages hwile on a phone call right
14:53.45gambler...I didnt even know they made a transporter 2
14:54.49blautransporter 2 was worse than 1 but more enjoyable
14:55.28gamblerI havent seen anything good from that actor since LS2SB
14:55.55taunohuh.. just printed out my cinema tickets and noticed that they are putting ads there also :( damn ads everywhere
14:56.28tauno..that's a google channel, sry.. I wanted to say that I love ads :>
14:57.24blaujason statham is awesome
14:57.31blauCrank was a cinematic masterpiece
15:00.11*** join/#android Versed (
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15:00.41blaune1 use trillian for irc?
15:00.45gamblerill check it ou - i just hope it has a storyline
15:01.11gamblerso much stuff out of hollywood nowadays is just a bunch of events in sequence and random chase scenes
15:01.11blauoh, maybe you should skip it then
15:01.38gamblerwell i hope the fighting is good
15:01.39*** part/#android aanishn (n=anish@
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15:42.56DisconnectJesusFreke: i forgot a file :( redoing the zip now
15:45.01IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
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16:26.18Disconnecti guess i should get off my butt and flash JesusFreke's newer rc30
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16:55.17blaumy amazon balance is 0 :(
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17:12.31mikey|hello all, anyone know what happened to the Spare Parts app?
17:13.37blauhavent heard of it
17:14.36mikey|it was apparently an app made by the Andoid team which added extra options to the system
17:17.26Disconnectthere's aSettings that just came out
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17:28.58mikey|aSettings looks very useful
17:30.19Disconnectcooool bt pan w/ dhcp is working for me.
17:30.29blauwhy would anyone use asettings for ringmode?
17:30.40Disconnect(99% working, just need to figure out why it didn't push a gateway)
17:30.54blauand is asettings opensource?
17:31.15mikey|i got mine exchanged today cos of the squeaky screen issue
17:31.43mikey|t mob only took the phone and let me keep the battery and all accessories and they gave another box with the same accessories
17:31.48mikey|2 batteries now \o/
17:36.12Disconnectanyone familiar with repo?
17:36.38Disconnect(or git) .. i have some submitted changes. i want to make standard diffs of everything that isn't accepted upstream.
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17:37.11Disconnect(the changes in garrett plus the edits I just made)
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17:42.25blaugrrr cant send sms while on call?
17:47.00blauis there a way to send a txt message through the messaging program? or make a message show up in a conversation?
17:50.33*** join/#android DannyB (
17:50.41mikey|hmm..the email app crashed on me while downloading a 500kb .gz file
17:53.24Disconnectanyone here worked with git/repo?
17:53.48Disconnecttrying to get a udiff of all changes in my branch against the master upstream (some submitted already, some not)
17:54.44mikey|the Camera code has stuff for Video recording, but it's not implemented it seems :(
17:55.53Disconnectthe camera can barely take a picture in 5 seconds..
17:56.05blaustop motion!
17:56.35Disconnectits real -real- old school. "everyone sit still for 15 seconds while I load the tintype!"
17:56.52offby1sits still
17:57.01offby1Disconnect: yeah, tell me about it
17:57.01Disconnectdamn. you breatehd.
17:57.35offby1plus, half the time when I start the "camera" app, it's actually still running, and displaying existing pictures; I haven't figured out how to get it to go from "display existing pictures" mode to "I wanna take a picture NOW, damnit" mode.
17:57.36Disconnectif it wasn't for the holiday, google employees would be jumping up and down insisting that we stop bitching and submit patches.
17:57.52offby1do they do that?  I haven't heard that sentiment here
17:57.53*** join/#android AttractiveApe (
17:58.02ttuttlejumps up and down and insists that you stop bitching and submit patches.
17:58.06ttuttle(/me was an intern.)
17:58.08offby1ttuttle: duly noted.
17:58.11*** join/#android d0nets (
17:58.20Disconnectnot as much now that it's been repeatedly explained that its a bullshit answer :)
17:58.32ttuttleThey're working on that.
17:58.34offby1actually the one bit I'd most like to fix, I can't, because a) it's not open source; and b) it's a kernel driver, and I don't know squat about the kernel
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17:59.10ttuttleoffby1: Oh, what is it?
17:59.22Disconnectyeppers. and even if it was, c) you can't put it on actual hardware
17:59.27offby1kernel panic when I'm talking on the phone
17:59.44ttuttleNever had that happen myself.
17:59.47Disconnectoffby1: might be hw. whats logcat say?
17:59.51offby1I've nagged jbq about it, and he's forwarded my logs to kernel folks
18:00.01mikey| :o
18:00.05offby1... from whom I haven't yet heard back, but ...
18:00.20offby1presumably they'll get to it when they get to it.
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18:00.45mikey|hmm...shouldnt the g1 wake from sleep if gets a text message?
18:00.54ttuttlemikey|: probably.
18:01.00mikey|it didnt for me
18:01.15mikey|got a text at 5:44pm, woke up my phone at 5:59
18:01.22mikey|and it made the alert sound
18:01.54ttuttlemikey|: how do you know you got the text at 5:44?  maybe it got stuck in the tubes?
18:02.06Disconnectif they want to make it open (even without root) they should see about including jf's cramfs utilities images. super useful :) and it doesn't change the size (or ro-ness) of /system, so no user-visible changes needed.
18:02.07mikey|it says so on the notification bar
18:02.09offby1them tubes clog a lot, y'know
18:02.22ttuttlemikey|: hmm
18:02.23mikey|it's only a text message, not an email
18:03.09mikey|goes off to spam himself from
18:03.09Disconnectweird. mine always kicks off on time (or at least, i've never gotten a notification and seen it was late. missed a couple of notifications but that could just as easily be the super-super-weak vibration)
18:03.19ttuttledoesn't get text messages, ever.
18:03.30ttuttle(/me had AT&T shut them off, as AT&T now charges $0.20 per message.)
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18:03.35blaudisc: my app lets you set a cusotm smsm vibration
18:03.45blaucustom sms
18:03.47Disconnectcan it be stronger?
18:04.00blauno, but it can be longer, so you are much more likely to notice it
18:04.07mikey|which app?
18:04.10blaui have mine as a little jingle
18:04.22blauone of the users posted a custom string, that is really cool, long but cool
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18:04.51mikey|hmm..that alert tone is really weak and short, need a better tone for it
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18:05.22blauwith my app you can make it vibrate for a minute if you desire
18:05.24mikey|i prolly missed the alert (music on laptop), but the screen didnt turn on so i didnt notice
18:05.32mikey|blau: is it on app store?
18:05.36blaumikey, yes
18:05.41ttuttle%s/app store/market/g
18:05.49blauit lets you enable turning the screen on when you get a sms too
18:05.54mikey|yeah, market, my bad
18:06.03Disconnectwhy does dgalert want internet access?
18:06.16blaudisc: version checking, blame google for that
18:06.22blauyou are the first person to ever ask
18:06.26blauyou can have a cookie
18:06.33mikey|for stealin' your internets
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18:06.51blaui really thought people would care about the permissions
18:06.55blaubut it seems it doesnt matter
18:07.05Disconnectsome do, they just don't ask :)
18:07.10tricah, finally good or at least decent voip quality out of android/emulator
18:07.59mikey|blau: you used xml preferences for this right?
18:08.14blauwhy do you ask?
18:08.20mikey|are the options auto-commit()ed?
18:08.29mikey|to the prefs file
18:08.39blaulike the moment you click something?
18:08.55mikey|i dont recall seeing any commit code in the apps i've seen
18:09.00blauill check
18:09.19blauas soon as you change something, they commit
18:09.33mikey|ah, ok
18:10.15blaualmost got my away from phone app working %100!
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18:11.59blaumy apostrophe dissapears
18:12.06blauin a dialog box
18:12.09mikey|excellent stuff blau, the app works very nicely
18:12.14blauthanks mikey
18:12.46blauusing alertdialog.builder and .setmessage, any apostrophes seem to dissapear
18:15.18mikey|this weeks gadget show looks good, they try to get an apple fan to convert to the g1
18:16.03Disconnectwow more bad publicity for the g1. sweet.
18:16.21blaumikey: if you wind up really liking dgAlert, would you be really nice and set a short email to saying how great I am and that I would be a great asset as a software engineer to google
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18:20.13mikey|bbl, gadget show time
18:21.53blauanyone got some good uses for thumb drives
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18:25.57ivantis2i think i might be getting a G1 phone!
18:26.08ivantis2is it by AT&T right?
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18:27.42ivantis2er, T-Mobile
18:27.52blautmobile yes
18:28.03ivantis2wow, #android talked the most on 11-12
18:28.18ivantis2in my logs
18:28.45ivantis2from the last 26 days
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18:31.33ivantis2the biggest thing about android i like is its open source, and i can write applications for it :)
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18:40.40Disconnectyou can write apps for iphone, s60, palm, wm...
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18:42.02KNYivantis2, wtf, I'm not even top 10. I gotta step it up
18:42.45ivantis2did you hear that that statement said "and"? it is open source, as well as i can write apps for it. both of those are true, but on other phones not open source
18:43.00synalxmost other phones cost the developer money to write apps for
18:43.07synalxand they don't have such good simulators
18:43.36ivantis2((openSource(android)) && (iCanWriteAppsFor(android))) is true
18:43.38TiberiumXThe emulator does make development a breeze.  I really only load stuff onto the phone when I want to make sure I'm not making something too small to see on its screen.
18:43.59ivantis2i tried using the emulator for a test app i wrote, and it didnt work
18:44.04ivantis2ubuntu 8.04
18:44.12TiberiumXThe emulator didn't start?
18:44.25ivantis2the emulator started
18:44.31ivantis2but how do i load an app into it?
18:44.37TiberiumXWith adb.
18:44.45TiberiumXadb install <path to package>
18:44.59ivantis2well, too bad i threw it away
18:45.10ivantis2er, rm -r'ed it
18:46.13ivantis2KNY, im not even on there for anything. i barely ever talk here
18:46.29ivantis2im more of a #perl person
18:46.30KNYI've never noticed you before, haha
18:46.45*** join/#android SystemWizard (
18:46.46ivantis2well, ive been here 26 days keeping logs
18:46.49ivantis2as ivantis
18:47.32ivantis2add //
18:47.42ivantis2i keep logs of a couple other places
18:48.19ivantis2aw, im not in the C++ stats either
18:48.28TiberiumXIf I wanted to do something every time my phone was plugged into a charger, am I correct in thinking that I would have to register for the BOOT_COMPLETED intent and then start a service to listen for ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED?
18:51.55offby1A couple of times I've placed a call by dialing with the dialer, and the screen changes to say "Call In Progress" ... but I don't hear anything.  (Other calls work fine).  What could be wrong?
18:53.14TiberiumXHave you had anything plugged into the USB port while that happened?
18:53.19ivantis2does android yet have an IRC client?
18:53.19offby1ah, perhaps
18:53.31offby1TiberiumX: I do have the USB plugged in.  Lemme try without
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18:53.37KNYivantis, there are several in the workds
18:53.42KNYnothing released yet, afaik
18:53.45TiberiumXIf something is connected to its audio pins, it redirects to there.
18:53.58ivantis2can android run perl?
18:54.08ivantis2i wrote an IRC client in perl once
18:54.10d0nets8 gb micro sdhc cards for 17.99
18:54.12ivantis2and an irc robot
18:54.20KNYivantis, not without root it can't
18:54.46ivantis2without root?
18:54.48ivantis2how lame
18:54.50TiberiumXI saw a native hello world out there that didn't require root, so maybe you could run perl.
18:55.04ivantis2well, perl is the best
18:55.07TiberiumXNot sure how you'd go about interfacing it with the androig GUI.
18:55.15KNYTiberiumX, yeah, you can package native code in your .apks but it's not supported at all
18:55.19Disconnectanyone understand repo? I need to "start over" and gerrit my local branch up
18:55.23offby1TiberiumX: disconnecting the USB cord made only this difference: when the call ends, I hear a little beep.  Other than that, though, it's still not working :-|
18:55.30offby1it's weird, since I've made -some- calls that work fine.
18:55.34ivantis2maybe it has some good modules for android's GUI
18:55.41ivantis2similar to Tk or Qt
18:55.56KNYthe UI is Java
18:56.01KNYlearn to love it
18:56.55TiberiumXoffby1: Dunno then.  I just had the experience a few times of having been listening to music on it while charging with a Y adapter, and then aswering a call and dealing with a bit of confusion while neither of us could hear the other.
18:57.06ivantis2there are already android-app jobs on elance
18:57.08TiberiumXNever had any other audio problems.
18:57.19TiberiumXIs call volume separate from other volume controls maybe?
18:57.29offby1well, the call volume says it's at maximum
18:57.44offby1time to see if T-mobile's support sucks as badly as every other large organization's :-|
18:58.39KNYyeah, unless you can dupe the problem on the spot with their support, they won't do squat
18:58.50KNY("they" being t-mobile)
18:59.33ivantis2thats how a lot of big companies are with open source stuff
18:59.41ivantis2they get pissed if you modified it
18:59.45mikey|does the maps app not support zooming in by double tap?
18:59.59KNYivantis, what does that have to do with t-mobile's support on a stock device?
19:00.18TiberiumXMaps app seems to be generally gimped in a lot of areas...
19:00.41KNYyeah, Maps is definitely way weaker than
19:00.47ivantis2is anyone else here registered on elance?
19:01.37*** join/#android offby1` (
19:03.04benleyoffby1`: tmobile's phone support has been somewhat less terrible than other telcos in my experience
19:06.39mikey|wow, compass is cool :D
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19:14.49Disconnectjasta: you worked with repo much?
19:14.56offby1`ok, 15 minutes later, t-mobile's support says: reboot the phone :-|
19:15.01offby1`I confess that _did_ work, but ... geez
19:15.10Disconnectshoulda started there
19:15.14jastaDisconnect: not really, no
19:15.44Disconnectneeds to do something that should be simple - resubmit all the changes from a local branch
19:15.46jastaoffby1: what did you expect?  those supports dummies dont know anything
19:16.11jastaDisconnect: git commit --ammend and repo upload?
19:16.37Disconnectrepo upload won't resubmit patches just the new ones since the last upload :(
19:17.22jastaare you trying to just revise a previous submission?  this case is documented as one of the FAQ entries on using repo and git, linked to from
19:17.30jastaand they tell you to use git commit --ammend and repo upload
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19:18.24offby1jasta: I know, but I'm ever optimistic :-|
19:19.33jastaoffby1: i dont know why you would be.  those support guys are no different than plucking some random schmuck off the street and asking him to fix your G1
19:19.47offby1yeah, I know
19:19.52jastathey have no training and not technical background.
19:20.02offby1and don't speak English clearly :-|
19:20.03jastawhat help they can give is by sheer luck
19:22.00Disconnectwas reading 'using repo and git' and such, not the faq :) checking it now
19:22.22Disconnectok maybe thats cuz the faq isn't linked from the main contributing or using pages :)
19:22.27Disconnecter, :/
19:22.38jastai meant "using repo and git"
19:24.06jastathough i was wrong, look here:
19:26.01Disconnectyah its being a royal pita. i think i'm gonna pitch out the local branch and start over - faster
19:27.25Disconnectit assumes you didn't delete the changesets in garrit :/ which i won't do again, but..
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19:48.08offby1hmm, if I were lucky, the spontaneous reboots would come at just the right time to fix the missing-sound problem!
19:48.12offby1that'd be like SO cool.
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20:38.04Disconnectwow. have you licked your g1 today? (or any other capacitive ts.. they reference iphone of course)
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20:42.28offby1ooh, special gloves.
20:42.34KNYDisconnect, why wouldn't they just use their nose?
20:42.42KNY(if anything)
20:43.01*** part/#android pawan (
20:43.33offby1I want a phone that reads my facial expression, and acts accordingly.
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20:44.37KNYoffby1, well, you've got a G1 and an SDK; get to work
20:45.22*** part/#android LanceHaig (n=lanceh@foresight/member/lhaig)
20:51.49offby1but I'm laaaaazy
20:51.54offby1plus the camera's on the back.
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21:27.46ttuttlechanwitk: hi
21:28.07chanwitkhello ttuttle
21:28.39chanwitki'm looking the way to change G1 screen with logo.rle in the boot.img
21:28.45chanwitkanyone knows the trick ?
21:29.23ttuttlechanwitk: there's a program called to565 that converts a raw 8-bit RGB bitmap to the right format.
21:31.07chanwitktuttle: right, i've heard about it. someone in xda-dev said that replacing logo.rle did not work.
21:31.29Disconnectwhich piece are you trying to replace? the android or the "G1"?
21:31.57chanwitkthe black and white G1.
21:32.16Disconnectafaik that is part of the bootloader. unreachable from linux.
21:34.54fnord_logo.rle, no?
21:35.11Disconnectisn't logo.rle the color android?
21:35.27fnord_.rle doesn't contain animatiion bits afaik
21:36.03mikey|well, this is getting plain annoying now
21:36.16mikey|been trying to drain this battery for ages, wifi, bluetooth, gps
21:36.20mikey|all on
21:36.38mikey|says something good about htc but i want to drain and recharge it to 100%
21:37.09fnord_mikey|, my new battery stays at 'empty' for a long time
21:37.20fnord_i'm guessing due to training
21:37.37fnord_i hope the 2200mah extended comes out soon
21:39.02*** join/#android unix_infidel (n=blue@unaffiliated/unixinfidel/x-8383745)
21:39.27KNYis it possible to have Spinners in a ListView? (with Spinners having a different ListAdapter)
21:40.07mikey|"also will it damage the battery just to lick give it a bit of a boost so it dont die during the day"
21:40.40unix_infidelmikey|: heh, i think he means the contact points for the battery.
21:40.51unix_infidelto clear off gunk and such to increase conductivity.
21:41.17Delvienfnord what comes with the G1? 1200mah?
21:42.30fnord_something like that yeah
21:42.50fnord_ok time for work. poof
21:44.02*** join/#android chanwitk1 (n=chanwitk@
21:44.05mikey|what android package can be used to read battery info?
21:44.37Delvienkny ouch, isnt that a bit low?
21:44.52chanwitk1fnord_: logo.rle is b & w with "T-Mobile G1" word.
21:46.43KNYDelvien, yeah, it's definitely way too small
21:47.20DelvienKNY I would go for 4800mah, i know its possible... but at what cost :p
21:48.05mikey|heh, the camera app lets you focus before taking a shot
21:48.18mikey|half press it and a green dot shows up
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21:53.14unix_infidelDelvien: would you rather carry an extra 2400mah batteries or carry a massive iPhone like battery wrapper?
21:54.59synalxi carry a battery pack for my g1
21:56.15Delvienunix_infidel: id rather just have a decentsize battery in the phone and not have to worry about it
21:56.49unix_infidelDelvien: when battery technology catches up i'm sure you will ;-P
21:57.29Delvienunix_infidel: there is no money in batteries, so im sure its never going to
22:01.38DelvienI just spent the last 10 mins of my life tapping the screen to make a drum sound...
22:02.09synalxDelvien: can i have your life so i can put the time to more productive use?
22:02.21Delvienmaybe you will have better luck than i did
22:12.49mmatticeI wouldn't mind a wrapper, especially if it had a wildcharge reciever in it
22:13.16Gary|thinkpadI hate how T-Mobile is basically calling the G1 "theirs"
22:13.28Gary|thinkpadon their website, it's listed under T-Mobile phones, not HTC phones
22:13.37mmatticenobody else is selling the dream, are they?
22:13.57Gary|thinkpadit's HTCs phone
22:14.04SlackwiseHTC has always had their phones rebranded.
22:14.19Gary|thinkpadDream is the first HTC branded phone too, isn't it?
22:14.19SlackwiseAnd the phones are almost always exclusive per company.
22:14.22DelvienBut no other carrier is selling the HTC g1
22:14.32DelvienSo it technically is a T-Mobile phone
22:14.36Gary|thinkpadit's still an HTC phone, and should be listed under htc imho.
22:15.02DelvienI never heard of HTC before the G1, its not a known name, which scares people away.
22:15.23mmatticeit is a known name in the smartphone arena
22:15.24DelvienIt's marketing, nothing to get bent out of shape over
22:15.36SlackwiseAt least it has the HTC logo on it.
22:15.42SlackwiseMost HTC's I've seen don't.
22:16.48obraHTC has only recently been pushing themselves as a consumer brand
22:16.50Gary|thinkpadI call it the dream, htc dream/g1, or g1. never put t-mobile in it.
22:17.17obraIt's a fairly major marketing change for them, but they've OEM/ODMed most of the interesting smartphones in the past decade
22:17.19DelvienWhy does it matter? I call mine a Monkey
22:17.26DelvienMakes just about as much sense.
22:17.56geisttmobile probably has an exclusivity contract for a bit
22:18.06geistwhich probably means they can call itt theirs
22:18.10geistuntil it expires
22:18.32geistplus they have ahabit of renaming stuff they sell
22:18.37Delvienmy god, there is still no IRC client for android
22:18.39geistso they can own the name
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22:21.41mikey|wow, google have big plans for android: "values returned by the accelerometer in various locations in the universe. "
22:22.08DelvienWhat does that mean?
22:22.21mikey|no idea
22:22.33Delvienany VNC viewer yet?
22:22.40mikey|they also have the other planets there
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22:24.49mikey|written by jasta it seems
22:25.16Delvienmikey|: saw that but doesnt seem to be coming anytime soon :x
22:25.19spikebikeso if someone steals your phone and flees to mars it will be able to tell
22:26.20DelvienWhen can people start charging for Market apps?
22:28.33mikey|"SENSOR_TEMPERATURE", interesting
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22:31.56Gary|thinkpadpublic static final float GRAVITY_DEATH_STAR_I
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22:41.34TiberiumXSomehow I doubt my G1's accelerometer has the resolution to tell me that I'm on the death star vs. just out in space.
22:42.10mikey|lol, i would love to know what these mean
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22:45.33mikey|:( "Could not enable sensor 16"
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22:54.38romainguymikey|: TiberiumX: Lost, the TV show
22:54.49romainguythe Death Star gravity was annoying to compute :))
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22:55.27TiberiumXThe island lifts into space so you'd consider it's gravity on its own vs. including the earth's mass?
22:56.09TiberiumXWhat is sensor 16?
22:56.29mikey|light sensor
22:56.38mikey|no, it was temp sensor
22:56.51romainguyTiberiumX: look at the value, it's the numbers sequence from Lost
22:56.52mikey|arg, no it is the light sensor
22:57.17TiberiumXAhh, okay.  I didn't watch lost.
22:57.41mikey|this is crazy, why doesnt it find my textview o.o
22:57.45mikey|keeps throwing a null pointer
22:58.09TiberiumXIs it in your resources file?  Have you set that layout as your content view?
22:58.21mikey|yeah, its there, shows it
22:58.41mikey|its the default textview with an added id and no default text
22:59.11TiberiumXDid you call setContentView(R.layout.whatever)?
23:00.05mikey|i moved it to the bottom while adding my code
23:00.10mikey|and forgot about it
23:00.44TiberiumXAhh.  I've done that before.
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23:06.56romainguyAmazon sells a 1 GB Micro SD card for $0.09
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23:12.13Gary|thinkpadnot worth the shipping
23:12.29romainguyyes :)
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23:14.21Gary|thinkpadlooks like you're limited to 5
23:14.22Dammif you have a amazon yearly whatever it's free s&h
23:14.35Gary|thinkpadif you could get like 50 for price oe $10 shipping or whatever
23:14.45Gary|thinkpadI'd do that
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23:16.47dream_killanyone awake ?
23:16.59dream_killnot sure if my last messages been sent ok
23:17.15ttuttleHey, my G1's GPS is giving ridiculous readings. I'm driving to Manchester, NH and it says I'm off Cape Cod in the ocean!
23:17.52dream_killsome bugs in the res files from the source
23:17.58dream_killin IM and Phone app
23:18.21dream_killin res/values/strings.xml some strings are missing
23:18.24dream_killfor phone:
23:19.16dream_kill(delete all the other language files and try to recompile and u see the errors)
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23:23.27romainguydream_kill: these values are probably specified in another strings.xml
23:23.37romainguybecause they definitely work in English
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23:24.27dream_killyes, in different LANGUAGE
23:24.35romainguythen they're just old unused strings
23:24.47dream_killthen why compiler complain ?
23:24.58romainguybecause they are probably used in an unused layout :)
23:25.01dream_kill(delete all the other languages res files)
23:25.09dream_killand do compile :D
23:27.03dream_killseems only IM and Phone have this missing
23:27.06dream_killrest seems ok
23:30.16chanwitk1dream_kill: is that you who knows about replacing the very first G1 logo? I've heard about this from some forum.
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23:31.41chanwitk1dream_kill: could you tell me how to get the logo replaced?
23:31.51dream_killwith what :P ?
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23:33.54chanwitk1:) with a blank image
23:34.27dream_killu need to be able to flash using NBH file
23:34.48dream_killas the splash is not in the MTD area u see in the G1 :P
23:35.41chanwitk1wow, you're real :)
23:35.58chanwitk1what's NBH file ?
23:36.16dream_killupdate file used by the HBOOT :D
23:36.37dream_killHboot .95.000 needs signed files
23:36.59dream_killso making ur own not easy, unless you patch the hboot to accept unsigned files
23:37.16dream_killdon't ask how as is not done yet
23:38.54chanwitk1something about holding camera button to get into it, right?
23:38.57dream_killso u for splash screen u need a nbh file with 0006 identifiers (main splash image)
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23:39.29dream_killsize 0x4b000
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23:40.58chanwitk1i see
23:41.17chanwitk1so i think i can not do it at the moment.
23:41.24chanwitk1a lot of keywords now
23:41.24dream_killfor sure not
23:41.54dream_killif it helps you i can give u the bin from the g1 logo :D
23:42.00dream_killso u have a looking point :D
23:42.49chanwitk1cool :)
23:43.13chanwitk1i think i found somewhere mentioned about DREAMING.nbh
23:43.54dream_killthis is what the hboot looks for on the sd card
23:44.00dream_killwhen in hboot mode
23:44.24dream_killcheck the file against the first 0x100 bytes (signature) and if valid, flashes in the handset
23:44.39chanwitk1i see
23:44.53dream_killso moding the file it will not work as is signed :(
23:45.02IznastY- [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 300 min ] [ Time: 22:44:55 ] [ Pager: on ] [ Log: on ]
23:45.32dream_killwants a faster pc for compliling as his takes far to loong :P
23:47.00chanwitk1so you mean, if we're able to sign it again some how we sign, it's going to work?
23:48.04dream_killbut this time the keys are in hboot
23:48.22dream_killso first need to patch the hboot to have the new keys (or no keys check at all)
23:48.28dream_killand then flash the .nbh
23:48.34dream_killsince first part is not done yet....
23:49.06chanwitk1i see, i got the idea.
23:49.24chanwitk1same way someone's done with recovery image.
23:55.10chanwitk1dream_kill: thanks for your info. looking forward to hear from you about that soon ;-)
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